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/ SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. ' ?? _____ _________ T. H. Merritt, who movpd from this community to Edtrmoor about one month arto, was a visitor to Fort Mill Friday. A farmer well up on hopr raising remarked Saturday that there were more shoats and piprs for sale in this township at present than he had ever known. The prices, however, are about the same as for several years. Employees of the Southern Power company at its plant west n _ ? x n ! oi tnis ciiy art* an1 n-iptum*; n pleasant evening Friday, when the annua! banquet of the company's employees will b" held in the auditorium at Charlotte. i H. N. Patterson, a well known farmer of the Barbcrsville community of Lancaster county, was married Wednesday to Miss Essie Caldwell, of Huntersville, N. C. The marriage took place at the home of the bride in Huntersville. The police officers of the town have been instructed to enforce the ordinance against the shooting of fireworks. The ordinance provides o maximum fine of $25 for shooting fireworks within 100 yards of any building inside the corporate limits. Arthur Pruitt and Miss Vashti 'Yarborough. employees of the Millfort mill, were married Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents in the vicinity of the mill. The ceremony was performed by Magistrate J. W. McElhaney. General rains in the Southern States and snow and rain in the Northern States, east of the Mississippi river and in the Southwest, ar*e expected this week by the national weather bureau a- a result of disturbances Monday covering the far Northwest and the Rio Grande valley. The Times is requested to state that there will be preaching by the pastor, Rev. F. L. Glennan, in the local Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Glennan will also preach next Sunday at Philadelphia church at 31 a. m. and at Pleasant Hill at 3:30 in the afternoon. D. 0. Potts, of the Pleasant Valley community, has probably been more successful this year in raising turkeys than any per son in this section. On Frid y Mr. Potts sold on the Charlotte market a load of his fowls and realized from the sale the sum of $85. Besides these, Mr. Potis has now at his home about 2i turkeys raised this year. Considerable interest is being manifested in the approaching meeting of the city council, to be held early in Janurv, at which it is presumed the election of a chief of police and assistant for the ensuing year will be disposed of. As yet no applications have been filed with the clerk, but it is probable that, as usual, there will be a number of applicants for the jobs before the election tflkps nlnce. For the second time within the last two months, work has had to be suspended for an entire day at mill No. 1 of the Fort Mill Mfg. company as the result of some miscreant cutting the main drive belt of the weave room. Sunday night the belt was cut, as it was some weeks ago, and all day Monday the large force of operatives was idle. In both instances the work of repairing the belt was so diffiNcult that the company found it necessary to send to Charlotte for an expert to do the work, S^hich required a difficult operation of cementing. It is understood that the company will pay a liberal reward for information to convict the person guilty of vandalism. From time to time The Enquirer is requested to publish the honor rolls ot tne puouc schools. The idea of such publication of course, is to encourage the children. This idea we consider most laudable and we are glad to do what we can. Our experience in times past, however, has been that some of the teachers have not seemed to be able to resist the pressure that tended to get a large majority of the names on the honor rolls. This is calculated to defeat the purpose for which publication of such rolls is intended and it destroys such value as there might otherwise be in the publication. We have, therefore, offered to publish honor rolls for such schools as desire to the extent of three names in each grade?Yorkville Enquirer. Care for Yonr Poultry. Colds and ruup are prevalent at this season of tne year. So look well to your flock. Segregate (he fifst one tiiat shows my symptoms ol either of tne above diseases. rihey?do not i appear contagious, out they are. j and if not looked after at once, land remedied, they will carry 'the disease through your entire st<?ck. There is n.(thing more I discouraging to a lover of fine ; .owls than to see them swept I away by disease. M iriy ills that I fowls as well as the human race lis subject to is preventable, andprevention is better than a cure. J Many sick birds are not worth I doctoring while others are. . . Enoree Pr<sbytery Would Not Act. Tne Er.oree Presbytery, com! posed of tj.e Presbyterian ehurch; "S of Spartanburg, Laurens, Greenville and Union counties, at a meeting held at the First Presbyterian church in Spartanburg Thursday to consider, the matter of removing Chicora college from Greenville to Lau j rens voted 10 retain trie college in Greenville. The vote was 16 , to nine. The discussion of ti e j matter consumed more than five i hours. The meeting was largely attended. The action Thursday speaks only for this Presbytery. Aii other in the State, except Beihel which recently acttd in the matter, must vote m the question. (Advertisement.) Fails a Fr ul P ot. When a shameful plot exists between liver and bowels to cause distress by refusing to act, take Dr. King's New Life Puis, ami end such abuse of your system. They gently compel right action of stomach, liver and bowels, and restore yuur health and all good feeling. 25c at Parks Drag Co., Tort .Mill Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drugstore. Particular Gifts | For Particular People At Ardrey's Drug Store. , I Today and tomorrow Barr's Saturday Candy, worth 40 cents, at 29 cents per pound. Finest Chocolates in handsome holiday boxes. Last Xmas the shipment lasted one day. Ariirey's Drug Stare. Are You Hungry? Come to the Crescent Cafe and be filled. Watch the Menu on the window and see if I haven't something you want. Give me your order now for Christmas Fruit Cakes. The longer you keep them the better they are. Only 25c per pound?cheap! er than you can make them at home. No drinking of intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the premises. If 1 please you, tell others. If I don't please you, tell me. THE CRESCENT CAFE, C. A. Jones, Prop'r - Fort Mill, S. C. A Word About Lumber. Our big yard contains material for all purposes. We've the , variety. Our prices are within the reach of sensible buyers. , Good Judgment invariably results in the selection of I.umVwr from our yards and sheds. Get an estimate from us on all jobs?large or small. J. J. BAILES. v>* > Si zR^FiwfRf ||| ? A UP ^ jv ^ ti-r- -? ???MM * Hi ^ 21 A ill 1 1 ftt r?f 1 KM Old Sants I Is Here, J V v nt ? 7 III p VERY year as regular as Christrm III JLLi his headquarters at this store and htf X ftt Tnvs to gladden the hearts of the little c **+ J ' it > We have so many beautiful 1 oys tha to you. You must come yourself Every little boy and girl in Fort Mill ; **t often as he or she likes and see old Sar every day and evenings from now until to bring you to see the pretty Santa Cla III And in addition to toys this big ?tore *! for the older folks?Father, mother, sisl for the old folks?for everyone there's s ? ? ? " O a if /^\ I T T (,-lV f 1 ^4* UIlCCIlclIIl Way. v_>wiiic:, 11 ^Aiiy iwi lj ttt around and about. til the convenience or ft early, we have reserved I inCbst warehouse for storage pur ft desire can have their pure] tft TJ hvpred when they wish. ftt ]? shop early, while the stock 1 J HI , ? ???, A-P WW WW :jj j^|JJg V ; n ' : rH Furn^.ure Dept., > <1 V > A ' A.f b -C : I it $ * * ' $ i $ ' '<> *+(+%+<+<. j> ; v- t ? 'i't i't* *1' x. i ; <>* V V T* . \ V v.i.C if .< :(t .4 . <5> 1- III I III ! ! ? * a'miiL 1 liili I S ?|t ^^ ,11 JU^ - ::: ijw +4* w??li < ^ *;^ " Hi ft d$' ^ "%%% % -v tit " ff\ 1.1.1. i Claus | ?91 Again. C3S5 | $44 is comes, o!cl Santa Claus makes ft? .44 4 brines with him a big sack full of ftt O 'I ' > 0 ... Hi children of foit Mill and vicinity, ft! 44 it it is impossible to mention them and see this beautiful display. ||| 44 4 -i... ...i . ...> _l .j ~ < /-> in QO 44 4 ana vicuiuy is uivucu iu m uo tta's big toy shop. It will be open ft Christmas. Ask father or mother ft ft us goods. ftt is filled to overflowing with gifts ill er, brother?for "her" and "him"? III omething here that will appeal in hi ie pleasure you'll get from looking hi . > III customers who shop uA a section of our big %'4 - . j&5jl &-f! > /S'Lrl ^ poses and all who so '' v A t bases put aside and de- ([_ ' z * For this reason we say C _J * : vl 4 t ;s are unbroken. * ' & ??f O Fort Mill, S. C. ?J i!