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WORLD'S RICHEST BABY IS LITTLE MISS DUKE. , ? ' I Country'* Richest Babies. James B. Duke's daughter $100,000,000 VV. K. Vanderbilt's son 60,000,000 Edward Vinson McClean 50,000,000 Jno. Nicohlas Brown 10,000,000 John Jacob Astor 3,000,000 While high-priced physicians and nurses hover near in softfooted attention, a $100,000,000 baby?probably the richest mite of humanity in all the world ? lies cooing today in the New York home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duke. It's a girl ard the little one reached the home of the tobacco king a fortnight ago. The father is fifty-seven years old and claims to be the happiest man in the country today. The mother, formerly Mrs. Nanaline Inman, of Atlanta, is some years younger, but none the less happy. The fortune of James B. Duke is conservatively estimated at $100,000,000, and it is still grow ing, for the army of smokers is increasing. If these figures are nnnrrtximatelv correct, little Miss "ft Duke is heiress to more millions than the McClean baby, the Vanderbilt baby or others whose names stand high in the list of the country's wealthiest children. Mr. Duke, with all his wealth, has desired mcst of all an heir. He has always been fond of children?even when they belonged to other people. His joy knows no bounds today, now that a longdesired event nas taken place in his own household. No child of royal blood ever came into the world amid more comfortable and luxurious surroundings than the daughter of the Dukes. The magnificent fifth avenue mansion was turned into a private hospital; no expense was spared in obtaining the best physicians arid nurses, and the baby's layette represented the outlay of a small fortune. The great wish of a millionaire's heart was to oe gratified, and no preparations were overlooked. (Advertisement.) Diives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of death in the , winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these malan? timH .should be lost in taking , the best medicine obtainable to drive ' it off. Countless thousands have found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery, j "My husband believes it has k*.pt him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place, Rawsonville, Vt.. "and for coughs, col is and erou;> we have r.evt r found its equal." Gua anteed for all bronchial affections. Price 50 cts. and Si.00. Trial bottle freest Fort Mill Drug Co.. Parks Drug Co. and ArJ-ey's Drug Store. Lexington Bank Goes to Wall. The Peoples Bank, of Leesville, Lexington county, Saturday closed its doors. Dr. E. J. Etheridge, president of the institution, was'reported missing in information received at Lex. ington Sunday night. Poor collections were said to be the cause of the bank's action. Its liabilities are given at $50,000. The capital stock of the institution is $25,000. (Advertisement.) Could Shout For Joy. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for the wonderful double benefit 1 got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of 1 ' ...UI/iU I had hnon an ' rneumansni, irum nmv.ii i .n. . >..v. ? almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle' is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at Ardrey's Drug Store Parks Drug Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co. The Presidential Vo'e. The popular vote for president in the elections of A912, shows that Wilson polled throughout the country a total of 6,156,748 votes, Roosevelt 3,928,140 and Taft 3.376.422. The Socialist vote for Debs amounted to 673,rroo "tlfU tKn Qrvoi 1 ict vnfp xtill IOO, \> Itll Hie uv/vmu*jv ? wv ww... uncounted in a number of States. In 1903 Bryan's popular vote was 6.393.1S2 and that of Taft 7,637,676. (Advertisement.) Famous Stage Benuties look with horror on Skin Eruptions. Blotches, Sores or Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one. who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheutn vanish before it. it cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. Unequaled for piles. . Only 2">c at Parks Drug Co.. An.'rev's Drug Store ant. Fort Mill Drug Co. Should be Truly Thankful. A Thanksgiving Day remem- j brance of a check for $100,000 was the happy fortune of Miss Edna Oliver, of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., a student at the Middle Tennessee Normal school, located at Murfreesboro. The present reached her Thursday from a Memphis uncle, who on the point i of being married, remembered his favorite niece with an indedendent fortune Seaboard Buys Columbia Property. Announcement was made Friday that the Seaboard Air Line Railway company had decided to buy six valuable lots in the wholesale district of Columbia at an aggregate cost of $150,000. It is not definitely known what improvements will be made by the company. Government Aid for Good Roads. " Governor Blease has received a letter from the postmaster general advising that if the people along any stretch of 50 miles of road in South Carolina will rarie $20,000, the government will appropriate $10,000, and have the road put in good condition, und? r direction of expers. Govern< r Blease is given authority to nan e the road, the condition being that it is a road on which rural mail is delivered. (Advertisement.) Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists between liver and bowels to cause distress by refusing to act, take Dr. King's New Life Fills, and end such abuse of your system. They gently compel right action of stomach, liver and bowels, and restore your health and all good feeling. 25c at Parks Drug Co., Fort Mill Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drugstore. Canned Goods For Sale. We offer for sale at retail 250 cans of choice Tomatoes, Beans, Blackberries and Peeled Pie Peaches. This is all first-class home-raised stuff, put up by Mr. C. C. Haile. Tomatoes. 3-lb. can lie' String Beans, can 11c Pie Peaches, can... _ 11c Blackberries, can Uc Special prices by the dozen. * Haile's on the Corner. "PAT." I was born in Ireland and served my apprenticeship in the Dyeing of all f grades of goods in Alexandria, Scotland. I have been in the United States 81 years, between the North and South, and I have been doing nothing but Dyeing and Cleaning since Cleveland's administration, years ago. I have been in Fort Mill for seven years. And, think of it. not even a single complaint has been heard or said about my work. I don't make my living like a mosquito bite. I believe I can take a pinetop. a bucket of molasses, a bucket of tar, one gallon of varnish and one bushel of clay, mixed well together, and working by moonlight can do better dyeing than anything that has hit Fort Mill in the last seven vears. I DYE TO LIVE. PATRICK ROGERS. A Word About Lumber. Our big yard cortains material for all purposes. We've the variet.v. Our Drices are within the reach of sensible buyers. Good Judgment invariably results in the selection of Lumber from our yards and sheds. Get an estimate from us on all jobs?large or small. J. J. BAILES. Electric I Bitters I Made A New i?3an O? Him. j "I was ringfr^m pain in mv \ stomach, head rnd hack," writes H.l T. Alston, Raleigh, 2s. C., "and 1 7 liver and kidneys did not work, right, but four bottle's of Electric Hitters made me feel like a new mar.." f PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES., ? 1 Are You Hungry? Come to the Crescent Cafe and be filled. Watch the Menu on the window , and see if I haven't something you , want. Give me your order now for < Christmas Fruit Cakes. The longer you keep them the better they are. Only 25c per pound?cheaper than you can make them at home. ] No drinking of intoxicating liquors will De anowea on me premises. If I please you, tell others.. If I don't please you, tell me. I THE CRESCENT CAFE. s C. A. Jones, Prop'r - Fort Mill, S. C. ' PRESCRIPTION d 11 For a Long Life. I f This Is the prescription for a long ' life given by an old gentleman in Con- s necticut, who is ninety-nine years old and still well and cheerful, "Live j c temperately, be slow to anger, don't j worry, take plenty of exercise In the ] fresh air, and, above all, keep cheer- ( ful." Should the system get run down? , digestive organs weak?the blood thin ' and sluggish, take Vinol, which is a j delicious combination of the medicine ?body-building properties of cods' < livers, with the useless grease elimi- j rated and tonic iron added. We regard Vinol as one of the greatest body-builders and strength-creators la the world for aged people. 1 Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Colurahus, Ga., j says: "If people only knew the good j Vinol does old people, you wculd oe unable to supply the demand; It Is the finest tonic and strength-creator 1 I ever used." < We wish every feeble old person In this vicinity would try Vinol on our agreement to return their i money if it fails to give satisfaction. W. B. ARDREY, Druggist, FORT MILL, S. C. ABSOLUT < is the best thing we have to are only of secondary import? do we solicit your patronage ? some things that you can ge I money in the bank. You ha) bank account who regretted I start one today? Many wor I count and watch it grow frorr Deposits in any amount re alike will receive the same ca attention. Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. ) j~Fjh I Comes like a th and may rob property in a I a Ilnsur Is too cheap fo I the risk for a si us write you a ] your property I "Better have it < Than need it ar I Bailes ? Over Ardrey'i 0 OTBESB CHUi 9 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants. Are Now Ready. Send 75c for... 500 Send $1.25 for 1,000 Send $3.25 for.. 3,000 Send $5.00 for 5,000 Cultivation suggestions free. Agents wanted. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlotte. N. C. FOR SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY One five-room house with large front and rear piazas, large barn and fine vater, situated on one of the best itreets in town, joins lands of D. A. Lee on west and Miss Ella Stewart on r*ast. size of lot, bne acre more or less, property of Mrs. E. K. Barber. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance in three equal annual payments at 8 v interest. Price $2,100. One 7-room house with large front and rear piazza, good barn and best veil of water in town; also one of the jest finished houses in town. Halficre lot, situated on Booth street. This s valuable property. Owner and terms tame as above. Price, $2,625. One 2J acre lot on west side of Conederate street with one four-room Iwelling and large barn. This property faces four streets. With small cost or grading, etc., can be made double ts present value. Owner and.terms ' ame as above. 270 acres fine timber in Lancaster ounty on Catawba river, near new Ivy dill bridge. Will cut about three milion feet. See it and ask for price. )wner same as above. 440 acres. 2 miles southeast of Fort VIill, near Pleasant Valley, on Sugar :reek. Ten farms in cultivation, good buildings, red sand land. Property of T. M. Hugheff. Will sell on long credit, subject to present lease. Price, per icre, $32.50. 402 acres, 7 miles Southeast of Fort Vlill, on Chariotte-Camden road. Twelve farms in cultivation/and within 3-4 of nile of two churches and one school. Property of J. L. Pettus. Easy terms. Price, per acre, $25.00. 97 acres at Pleasant Vallfey. Joins lands of Frank Therrell and others. Sood, new residence, barns, etc., worth $1,400. Owner, J. 0. Hall; price $4,500. You should get some of the profits of steady increasing values of real estate. "DO IT NOW." T. M. HUGHES, Broker, LANCASTER. S. C. _i.. . mu-jj E! i offer. Other inducements mep TTnnn this ha sis onlv I* Postpone the getting of I t along without and put the I ;e never met a person with a laving started it. Why not | king men start a bank ac- I 1 month to month, spectfully solicited, and all | reful, courteous and prompt of Fort Mill, V. R. Meacham. Cashr. re! lief in the night I you of your few hours. ance I r you to take ngle day. Let policy covering today. ind not need it id not have it:" & Link, | s Drug Store. Free Trip to ( Come and get a set of Paten or Bridgework and we ps trip fare during the next t< Save Half Your 1 Can't Slip or Drop. [ Guaranteed 15 years. Set of Teeth $5.00 Bridgework.. $3 to $5 - ^ A AA O (Jold Crown. ?ph.uv l Extracting FREE. mm ?? mm ??????: CO W F I Pi ; Is the essential featu successful bank. If not the confidence of ; it cannot secure d< without deposits it c? business. We solici ; its of the people of tl ity who wish a sa i i i_ i.. progressive ohiik win ; get accommodation of loans. \ THE FIRST NATIONAL ^ (Under supervision of the U. iSanta C ? ?? ; "I have made all my arrangen of Fort Mill at the 'Corner Store' will find Dolls, Toys, Instrument ? Trains, Animated Toys, such as Moving Snakes, Rats, Etc., and r ^ Drugets, Rugs, Pictures, Lamps, 4 Nice Rockers, Clocks, Violins, G' CLnnrl c VloWrtrC "Rp]1<5 W illCill/Cll U UVUO, xivn WU! Remember, we have a complet ^ that goes in the house, from a W ? Call and see us before you buj t Harris Furniture "First on the Sqi / BisasasasasSBBsasBsassasHiasass 81 I Ev'rything Good ii K If the market affords it you ]{j We take special delight in serv K are serving more satisfied cus Cj but our delivery wagon stands ] [j It will be to your interest to lei | Your Christmas G ft Everything in our stock is fr In our service will please you. | Parks Grocery ( H E. S. PARKS. Ma IZ5Z5 ci?:"Z"i:-.-l?r5ei5ZS5^-gg55 5 g zOfdsg Try a 25c Special Ad. in The Times Charlotte t Suction Teeth \y your round ;n days. Dental Bill. Greatest system of denistry known to science md art today. Have our teeth extracted ainless and get your eeth same day. laltimore Dental Parlor, Inc., I S. Tryon St. - Charlotte, N. C. Lady Attendant - Phone 365 | E WCEI re of every ; a bank lias the people eposits and ; innot stay in t the (lepos- * * lis coramun- ; fe, reliable, 3re they can in the way ; I e BANK, r | S. Government.) j, 21ausj : aents for the people + on Main street. You is, Air Ships, Autos, Spiders, Alligators, t r tiany useful presents. Trunks, Suit Cases, ^ uitars, Banjos, Orna 'reaths, &c." f e line of everything ashboard to a Piano. ^ lare." Z5Z5Z5a55555Hga5H5gp n Groceries f will find it here, H ing our friends. We Gj tomers than usual, H ready to serve you. n| : us supply you with g jjj rocenes. g esh and clean, and jjj 'Phone No. 116. (n Company, jjj nager. jjj jjJ . It will bring results. t f