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t Domestic Combat S. Trowbridge Dana, grandson of the poet Longfellow, who was recently married In Cambridge with a beautiful ritual of his own composition, said the other day to a reporter: "If all couples gave to marriage the profound thought and reverence that my wife and I gave to it there would be fewer mlematings. "The average married pair, It sometimes seems to me, are like the Btnkses. " 'Pa,' said little Tommy Binks one day, 'what's a weapon?* "'A weapon, my son,' Binks answered, 'is something to fight with.' '"Then, pa,' said little Tommy, 'Is ma your weapon?'" Cost of Living Reduced. The King Fruit Preserving Powder will keep perfectly fresh all kinds of trait, apples, peaches, pears, berries, plums, tomatoes, corn, okra, cider, wine, etc. No aJr-tigbt Jars needed. Used more than 25 years from New tork to Florida. A small package puts up 50 pounds of fruit and taste is Juet aa when gathered. Saves money, time and labor. Contrasts. "Look at that careworn looking man la deep thought, and the merry dog with htm rhasins hla tall. Yet both doing the same thing." "What's that?" "Trying to see how they can make both ends meet" rery successful remedy for pelvic eatarrh is hot douches of Paxtine Antiseptic, at druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet, Co., Boston, Mass. Real Worries. "What's the trouble with the maids V "'Servants are so silly. Seems the maid who has charge of Fido, has been snubbing the maid who takes oare of the baby." i Stanley In the Arabian Nights. Morgana poured oil on the fortythieves. "They will be worth more after they are dissolved," she cried.?New Tork Sun. \ Lucky Woman. Wife?There are so very few really good men in the world. Hub?Yes; you are mighty lucky to get one. It takes a lot to live?and it requires a house on the lot. NERVOUS DESPONDENT WOMEN Find Relief in Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ?Their Own Statements So Testify. Platea, Pa.?"When I wrote to yon Ant I waa troubled with female weak gi ri ? ness and backache, and was so nervous that b would cry at HHSiNBkjp the least noise, it Mr would startle me so. ^ S^t I began to take LyjmM ^'a E. Pinkham's remedies, and I don't have any more cryV i nrfl i sound and my nerI I IT' vousness is better. 1 '' I will recommend four medicines to all suffering women." -Mr? Mary Halstead, Plate a, Pa., Box 98. Hero is the report of another genuine ease, .which still further shows that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota.?"I had inflammation which caused pain in my side, and my bock ached all the tiipe. I was so blue that I felt like crying if any one eren spoke to me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued Its use and now I am a well woman." ? Mrs. Amelia Dahl, Walcott, N. Dakota. If you want special adrlce write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tonr letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Eczema Cured by MILAM Oldest |H and Most Severe Cases Ki a?v* su id Violrl mibAiu ?>? Readily nsjjfxj Factory Mgr. Am Jf#! Tob. Co. Say.: B0OO. BONK arf S> "I have been suffer rm- ?r-fi '"if very much fron Eczema my head scalp for several years 1 ^ i I was often waked u: at night scratchinj fcid* C*.. Ik. t?* * I my head, and was pre ?K^m vented from sleep H nKlHV After taking four hot ties ot MILAM. I fee entirely relieved though I am continuing to use it so as to b( sure the trouble is eradicated from my system.' [Signed] R. H. SHACKLEFORD. Danville. Ya.. March 30. 1910. Eczema of 26 Year. Standing Cured. Huntington. W. Va., July 16. 1910 The Milam Medicine Co.. Danville, Ya. Dear Sirs?In January last I wrote you r? girding MILAM. You said you would cure mi or refund the money. Well, you can keep it all My face Is entirely well. I feel better than I havi in years in any way. Am finishing up my fltt bottle now, and think after 26 years of Eczemi am cured. With best wishes. Yours respectfully, [Signed] C. H. WILLIAMS Psoriasis?A Vilolent Form of Eczema. f Blanche. N. C., July 16.1910 Milam Medicine Co., Danville, Ya. Gentlemen- I have been afflicted with a tor turing skin disease pronounced by the physi dans to be "Psoriasis," and have had it for tei years. No treatment of the physicians ever re Saved me. and I continued to grow worse am was unable to do my work. By the advice of mj physician I commenced totake M lam on Marct 8th last. I am now far on the road to recovery and feel that I will be entirely cured- I am nou at work and feel no inconvenience from it "I take great pleasure in giving this ceniflcati and think MUtm it a great medicine. Yours truly, J. \V. PINCHBACK Ask Your Druggist or Write , Uiiam Mtfioine Co., Daovlllt, V& IEMPLETHHODES Empire Builder's Memorial Erected on Lion Preserve. Table Mountain In South Africa la Where the Structure Is Built? Beautiful View Is Obtained From 8pot?Made Road. London.?The memorial erected to Cecil Rhodes on the 6lopeu of Table Mountain is both magnificent and fitting. The site was always a favorite one wun unoaes, wuu uc??c/cu wai. I view from the eastern spurs of the mountain excelled any other prospect | in the world for beauty. He made a broad road to It and placed a seat there. From It a very fine view is obtained of Table Bay in the Atlantic to the north and of Fake Bay in the Indian Ocean to the south, as well (is ; the Cape Flats and the distant moua! tain ranges stretching for a hundred 1 miles to the east and north. Not far from this scat it was his intention at one time to build a great temple, as he called It, the object of which was twofold. He intended to make a huge enclosure for his Mors, that they might be housed with tie greatest possible freedom and amid natural and beautiful surroundings. The idea in his mind was that ttie lions, enjoying a large range of libeity and magnificently housed, would ittract people to the mountainside, where art and nature together at their best must lift them Out of themselves and inspire them with lo.'ty thoughts. Remembering that such had been Rhodes' Imaginings on the mountain tide, the memorial committee decided that the best form for the monument would be a temple dedicated to himself. The monument has been built of the granite which forms the natural base of Table Mountain and has been worked to a texture which is not so fine as to be out of scale or harmony with its 1 mountainous surroundings. In front of the monument is the statue "Physical Energy," by F. Watts, R. A., representing a man reining in his horse after some great deed and scanning tne ruiure ior mo uc*>. ichievemcnt. It was not designed by Cecil Rhodes Memorial. Watts especially for Rhodes or bis monument, but was presented as a gift to South Africa out of admiration for the genius of Cecil Rhodes. Suggestions were made to place It elsewhere. But it was Rhodes' dream to make the Cape Peninsula the center of art and beauty in South Africa. It seemed natural, therefore, that this gift of the greatest of English artists should be placed In Rhodes' monument on Table Mountain. The eight lions, four on either side of the long flight of steps leading up to the portico, are the work of the late J. M. Swan, R. A. LOSES BET; TAKE 45 ON TRIP Oklahoma Farmer'* Odd Wheat Wager With Son# and What Is to Come of It. | j Wichita, Kan.?Col. William Holdev of Amorita. Okla., his wife, his seven sons and daughters. their families and j fifteen other relatives, forty-five in Ell, will take a vacation In California at the expense of Col. Holden, who lost a bet on his prospective wheat . yield. The colonel has 23,000 bushels of wheat on his 800 acres near AmorUa. Before it was thrashed he bet with his sons that it would not go ! twenty bushels to the acre. The average was twenty-eight. The wager was a trip to California : for the whole Kolden family if the | wheat went to twenty bushels. The extra eight bushels to the acre many times more than pays for the trip. WOMEN IN 120 MILE PARADE Suffragettes Have Plan to Boom 8uf frage in 400 Automobiles In New Jersey. Newark, N. J. ? An automobile parade over a route 120 miles long I is to be held In northern New Jersey under the auspices of the advocates of woman's suffrage. It Is expected that 400 machines will be In line. The parade will start early in the morning at New Brunswick and disband after sundown in Jersey City. It will pass through Plainfield, Eliza, beth. Newark, Hackensaok, Jersey onH nthor r>lf iou At IV il >, na; vuiiv ??u vi^v* v<\?w. each town there will be brief open air meetings with addresses by women | leaders. I FINDS MONEY IN DRESSER j Widow Attends Household Goods Sale and Discovers $3,000 Under 1 Marble Top. Memphis. Tenn?Mrs. C. R Make attended the sale of household goods at the home of Mrs. Caroline Clothe, who died several days ago worth half a million. She bought an old fash. loned walnut dresser with a marble 1 top. Recently while cleaning the furnli ture she removed the top and hidden j under it was three thousand dollars In paper bills Mrs. Clothe was a widow and had lived here for years alone with pet birds and dogs. Fire Hose Floods Train. k Bridgeport. Conn. ? Every win dow on one side of the Pittsfield express w-as broken at Winipauk by J a stream of water from a fire hose 1 which was being given an underwrlt[ er's test. The deluge flodded every . car and showered the passengers with ' water and splintered glass. Dies From Hiccoughs. New York ?After Hiccoughing for : five weeks. George Wash'ngton Stew I art (colored i has Just died at the Geo I i eral hospital. / 0 * SOUTHERN LINES ' FACING SHE THE EMPLOYES OF FOURTEEN RAILROADS MAY GO OUT IN THE NEAR FUTURE. WILL BE DECIDED REAL SOON "file Representative* of The Men Will f Meet in Washington To Outline Their Course If The Demands, Which They Made, Are Refused. Washington.?Whether the conductors and trainmen of 14 Southern and Southwestern roads, including the Southern railway, Seaboard Air Line, Alabama Great Southern and Atlantic Coast Line will be called out in one of the biggest strikes in the history nrAKohlr will hp dPCid Ul IUC WJUUll J y.vvnv.j ed in the near future. A. B. Garrettson, president of the Order of Railway Conductors, R. W. Moore of Charlotte, representing the Southern railway, and J. S. Brooks of Richmond, Va., representing the Seaboard and Atlantic Coast Line, and about 20 other members of the grievance committee representing 12 other railroads, reached Washington and established headquarters at the National hotel. The representatives of the conductors and trainmen will again open negotiations with Chairman Baker, who is acting for all the railroads involved in the struggle for higher wages. "Do you expect to call a strike?" Mr. Garrettson was asked. "You had better put that question to the railroads. The only man whom I know can answer such a question is Mr. Baker." While it is believed the men will be able to reach Borne agreement with the railroads there is no doubting the fact that the committee here is in earnest and will call a strike if it can not be helped. Their demands, the railroad officials say. would mean an annnual increase on the payrolls of some thing like $3,000,000. This the railroad officials say they can not and will not stend. The committee representing the men meet this statement with the charge that they are only asking s' wages as are paid on other roads which compare with those Involved in the present struggle. Advantages For Homeaeekera. Washington, D. C.?The advantages and opportunities which the Southeastern states ofTer to industrious homeseekers will b? strikingly displayed during the next few months at fairs and expositions in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York which last year had an agereaate attendance of over two million people and at the great annual Canadian Epositlon at Toronto, running over two weeks with an average dally attendance above 100,000, by exhibits which will be made by the Southern Railway System. Exhibits will be made at more than twenty-flve fairs in the states named, each one of which has been selected with a view to its character, attendance, and probable interest in locations in the Southeast on the part of the people attending Four sets of exhibits have been prepared. Each set will be shown at from six to nine different fairs covering a wide stretch of country. A special exhibit will be sent to the Toronto exposition. The exhibits will consist of fresh fruits, cotton, tobacco, potatoes and truck crops and colored pictures showing farm and orchard scenes will be displayed. Representatives of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern system will be with each exhibit. Attractive literature giving full information about the Southeast has been sent prepared especially for these fairs and a set of fine Southern views will be distributed as souvenirs. o.. ty,a (Jn??t,orn P?n. DJ lucnc CAUIUUO VUC iuvuvuvim A??M. way will reach a large number of farmers of just the type that is wanted in the Southeast and it is going to the heavy expense involved in making the exhibits for the purpose of attracting such settlers to the country along its lines. Danish Navy Will Be Represented. Copenhagen, Denmark.?The Danish navy is to be well represented in the great fleet which is to assemble to commemorate opening of the Panama canal. The big cruiser "Valkyrien," one of the finest ships in the navy, has been chosen as the Danish representative. It is planned to send as one of her officers a prince of the royal family?either Prince Valdemar or his Bon Prince Axel, both naval officers. It is also known that Prince Gustav, | brother of the king would like to make the voyage. Grateful For Red Cross Aid. Washington.?Gratitude to the American Red Cross and other Red Cross Societies of the world for help following the earthquake which destroyed Messina and other cities and killed 76,000 persons was given strong expression by Italian delegates to the International Red Cross conference, held in Washington. Count Somalgia said: "It Ib with the greatest satisfaction that I take this occasion to express to all the societies which came to our aid, our feeling of lively gratitude for their efficacious assistance." Express Companies Must Face Trial. Washington.?The Adams and the American Express Companies, indicted, charged with violations of the interstate commerce act must face trial There is no escape through pleadings that they are not corporations or com I binations within the meaning of the law. This in effect was the decision of Justice Hazel, of Buffalo, in a decision in the case begun by the interstate commerce commission against the two companies alleging overcharges and granting unlawful concessions. Approaching the Shelf. Aunt?Don't be hasty in accepting him. my dear. I don't think much of the young men of today. Niece (26)?I know. aunt, but I can't afford to wait for a young man of tomorrow. Well Known. Church?New Jersey Is a great manufacturing state. Is it not? Gotham?Oh. yea. "What Is the chief thing made there?" "Mosquitoes." I Cause for Consternation. The inexperienced district school teacher had exhausted all other expedients for the maintenance of discipline. Going out into the school yard, she broke off a good-sized switch that was growing there and administered primitive punishment to Jimmy Kelley. There were strange expressions of horrified amazement on the faces of the children, and when school was dlsroiBBed at noon they gathered in excited groups and talked in whispers. Finally the teacher's curiosity could stand it no longer. Calling Henry Thomas to her, she demanded the cause of the discussions. "Why?why?why, teacher," he stammered, "that?that switch you licked Jimmy with?that was the tree we all set out last Arbor day."?Harper's Magazine. Saving Trouble. "Have you read the platforms of the different political parties?" "What's the use wastin' time doln' that?" "I should think yon would want to find out how to vote Intelligently." "How to vote intelligently? My grandfather found that out years ago, so what the use of my botherln' about It?" Cautious. Hobson?I understand that you patronize Snips the tailor. Does he suit you? Harduppe?Not unless I pay him something in advance. HAIR CAME OUT BY HANDFUL 68 Lewis St., Nashville, Tenn.? "About three years ago I had the malaria fever, and when I recovered my hair was falling out so that the doctor told me to cut it off. My hair came out by the handful, and I had dandruff so that I had to scratch it out every week, and my scalp itched so that I pulled my hair all down trying to scratch it. I tried and and but they failed to do any good. I At last I tried Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. "First I combed my hair out, made a parting on the side and rubbed my scalp with the Cutlcura Ointment. The next morning I washed with the Cutlcura Soap and water, and continued until the third application gave a com- : plete cure." (Signed) Miss Nellie M. Currin, Dec. 6, 1911. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Bold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." " Mixing the Names. Mayor Racharach of Atlantic City, ; at a dinner at the Marlborough-Blen- ; heim, told of a summer girl: "On the beach in the moonlight," he said, "a youth clasped a maiden passionately to his breast and murmured: " 'Do you love me. darling?' : "'Yes?ah, yes, Reginald,' she sighed. "'Reginald?' said the youth in a i startled voice. 'You mean Clarence, don't you, dear?' "Smiling sweetly, she nestled closer. 'How stupid of me! I was thinking it was the week end.' "?Exchange. , How She Managed It. "Sarah," said Mr. Jolliboy to his wife. aB he finished his breakfast, "I shall not be home to dinner tonight. My old friend Bill Peters is in town." j "Good!" said Mrs. Jolliboy. "That suits me to a T. I'm not going to be home to dinner myself. My old friend ! George Watklns telephoned roe yester: day " Both dined at home.?Harper's Weekly. Solemn Warning to Parenta. 1 A V.1. t. The season lor Dowei irouuie m mm approaching and you should at once provide your home with King's Diarrhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cholera MorbuB, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred diseases. Numerous testimonials on our flies telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Keeping Water Cold. If you are In the habit of taking a J pitcher of Iced water to your room on retiring, try this: Procure a square pasteboard box (with lid), sufficiently large to hold your pitcher, and give It two or three coats of varnish on the outside, allowing each cat to dry thoroughly. Place your pitcher of wai ter In this box on retiring, putting the i lid on tightly, and you are sure of having cold drinking water any hour of the night. Tetterlne Cures Ringworm. Wysacklne, N. C.. June 2. 19CS. Enclosed you will find II.fO for which please send me at once Tetterlne. It Is a dead shot on ringworms. W. 8. Dudley, j Tetterlne cures Eczpma. Tetter. Ring j Worm. Itching Plk-?. Hough Scaly Patehi es on the Face. Old Itching Sores, Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. Bunions. Corns. Phtlhlalns and everv form of Scalp and Fkln Olsons*. TPttfrlne 50c; Tetterine Fonp 25r. Tour rtrurrlst. or by mall from The Fhuptrlne Co., Savannah. On. With every mall ordpr for Tetterlne we , rive a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. Literal Surgery. "Did the surgeon, when consulted, write that man he was going to sew up his heart with gold wire?" j "No. he didn't write; he wired him." For Sr.VMER ITEADACIIES nicks' CAPUDINE Is the best remedy?no matter what causes them?whether from the heat, sitting In draughts, feverish condition, etc. 10c., 26c. and 60c. per bottle at medicine stores. Better a pavement made of good intentions than no pavement at all. It's a shame to spill milk, but it isn't a crying shame. BACKACHE AND ACHING JOINTS Tosether Tell of Bad Kidneyi. "Fiery Picture Much pain that " V'*'" masks as rheumutism Is due to ^yjEfcSL* KM&J weak kidneys? tiEr to their failure T^jAnt'\ to drive ofl uric \ n add thoroughly. \JL When you suf- ? joints, b a c k - ^ pufslV h id"eh have cured fc? thousands. A V#lne Ckie S. C. Verrlll. Old Town. Me., anya: "I *ai confined to bed two yeare and the doctors did not know what ailed me. My back pained Intenaely and kidney accretions were very Irregular. The doctor aald I would never walk again. After taking Doan's Kidney Pllla I rapidly Improved, until once more In good health I cannot expreaa my gratitude." Get Doan's at any Drug Store, 50c. a Box Doan's K&Hy | To let malaria de- i I velop unchecked in 1 ^ your system is not i only to "flirt with '? death," but to place '' | a burden on the , $ joy of living. Vou can prevent malaria by rejtn^ larly taking a doae of 0X1 DINE. Keep a b.4t!e In the medicine A . cheat and keep yoniaclf weJL ^ OXIDINE It told by off dr??i?li " Sg undtr the tlrict tuaranle* that H the \ first bottle doet not benefit you. re* ^ rturn Iht empty bottle to the dmgiiit r ivfco ?old il. and receive THE FULL ^ PURCHASE PRICE. ^ I A SPLENDID TONIC ^ s | S=? I No Chanoe. Officer?What's the trouble here? Mrs. Roney?There's no trouble! * Me ould man Btarted In to try and make some, but he found he could not do it! FAR BETTER THAN* qtlXIXE. Elixir Babek cures malaria where quinine falls, and It can be taken with ! Impunity by old and young. "Having suffered from Malarious Fe- i ver for several months, getting no relief from quinine and being completely broken down in health, 'Elixir Babek' effected a permanent cure."?William F. Marr. Elixir Babek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Kioczewski & Co., Washington. O. C. t Appropriate. "We call that girl 'Juarez.'" "Why?" "She's been captured six times al- { ready this season." The Cause. "Madam, I am Just out of the hospital and?" "Don't tell me any such story as that! You are the same man I gave a piece of pie to not two weeks ago." "Yes'm, dat was Just 'fore I went to de hospital." Needed Help. Charles D. Hllles, secretary of the president, says the funniest advertisement he ever saw was stuck up In front of a grocery store on a side street in Cincinnati. It reads thus: "Twins are come to me for the third time. This time a boy and a girl. I beseech my friends and patrons to support me stoutly."?Popular Magazine. To Operate Canal by Electricity. The Panama canal will be operated almost exclusively by electric power. Approximately seven per cent, of the minimum water supply will be diverted for hydro-electric development, and this will be the excess which is not required for lockages, evaporation and leakage. The hydro-electric station will be located adjacent to the north wall of the Gatum spillway and the plant will have a capacity of 6,000 kilowats. The average hydraulic head throughout the year will be nbout 75 feet. True Worth. Visitor: "I came all the way from the city to consult your lawyer Jones here, ris's a good man, isn't he?" Uncle Ehpn: "Nope; we don't consider him one, two. three, with Smith. Why Smith's been intrusted with the local agency of the Knott Knitting Needle^the dispensing of Daggett's Drugless dope, and the demonstrating j of Fasset's Fireless Cooker. That not only shows that he's got the confiof oiirh his fellows as them, but he don't have to depend on his law hardly at all to make a living."?Lippincott's Magazine. PROOF. | Higson?He'i a^pretty* high authority on appendicitis, isn't he? Digson?High! Well, I should say so. Why, he charges $700 for each operation lie Derforms. THIRTEEN YEARS Unlucky Number for Dakota Woman. The question whether the number "13" is really more unlucky than any other number has never been entirely settled. A So. Dak. woman, after thirteen years of misery from drinking coffee, found a way to break the "unlucky spell." Tea is Just aB injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the drug in coffee. She writes: "For thirteen years 1 have been a nervous wreck from drinking coffee, My liver, stomach, heart?in fact, my waole system being actually poisoned by it. "Last year I was confined to my bed for six months. Finally it dawned or me that coffee caused the trouble Then I began using Postum instead ol coffee, but with little faith, as my mind was in such a condition that ) hardly knew what to do next. TTvtrcYnp nprvniisnrs and failinf eyesight caused me to lose all courage In about two weeks after I quit coffei and began to use Postum I was abl< to read and my head felt clear. I an Improving all the time and 1 will be i strong, well woman yet. "I have fooled more than one persoi with a delicious cup of Postum. Mrs S. wanted to know where I bought m: fine coffee. I told her my grocer ha< it and when 6he found out it was Pos turn she has used it ever since, am her nerves are building up fine. "My brain is strong, my nerve stead}, my appetite good, and best o all, I enjoy such sound, pleasant sleep. Name given by Postum Co., Battl Creek, Mich. Get the little book ii , pkgs., "The Road to Wellville. i "There's a reason." Ever read the above lfltfrt A n?i ; one appeals from time to time. The \ nre genuine, true, and full at liuiua Interest. MOMnONAL SUIMfSCUOOL - Lesson IBy E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute, j Chicago.) LESSON FOR SEPT. 8 THE MISSION OF THE TWELVE. LES8QN TEXT-Matt. 9:35 to 10:15 and 10:40 to 11:1. GOLDEN TEXT?"He that recelveth you recelveth me, and he that recelveth me recelveth him that sent me."?Matt. 10:40. The first verse of our lesson Is a vivid picture of the life of our Lord. Going about from village to village, he taught, healed and preached the good tidings of his new kingdom. | Why? Not only because of his compassionate heart as revealed In the second verse of the lesson, hut also as a proof of his claims and, "that believing ye might have life through his name," John 20:30, 31. This does not. however, lessen the force of this second verse, for Jesus as the true Shepherd was Indeed "touched with a feelIng of our Infirmities." Seeing the multitude thus without a shepherd, so faint and weary as to lay down and knowing that his great work was to be carried on by others after he had "finished" It upon Calvary, he makes special provision by choosing the twelve and telling them definitely how to carry on his ministry. Jesus realized that no one man can minister to all others except as he multiplies his personality In the lives of others. So It is that he gives the church of today a powerful example of how to answer the prayer of verse 38 by his practical method suggestea 111 verse 1 of chapter 10. His vision of verse 36 is the passion of his life and he intends it to be the passion of our lives. Truly the harvest is bountiful. (the opportunity Is tremendous. All that is needed is helpers, hence our first duty is to pray and our second to accept his enduement for service. Jesus sends forth those whom he tells to pray. Disciples Restricted. Following this Introduction we find a list of the peculiarly chosen ones who are to be his vice-gerents after his passing, and from verse 5 on we find the charge he delivers to them. | There is in this charge, first, the note of limitation, verses 5 to 15; secondly, the note of warning, verses 16 to 23, and thirdly the note of comparison, verse 24 to the end of this chapter and Including 10:1. True, in this lesson we have only the first section, the limitation together with the final\ words of the charge which in reality amounts to a complete identification of his apostles with himself. Notice the grouping of the names of these disciples. First the three who formed that inner circle, Peter, James and John, and with them Andrew, who first brought Peter to Jesus (John 1:41). After these the names are in groups of two, and it was as such they were afterwards sent out, Mark 6:7. So we today are not alone, Matt. 28:20, Acta 1:8. Let us observe the restriction placed upon these disciples. They are to minister not to the Gentiles nor even the Samaritans, though Jesus did both during his life, John 4:4 and Matt. 15:22, but not so these whom he now is sending, at least not till his work is complete and Israel has had Its day i nf nnnortunltv. After Calvary this re strlctlon Is removed, as we can seo from the book of Acta. Of course this restriction Is not Incumbent upon us. We must not, however, forget that the removing of this restriction does not remove our obligation to the Jews. The duty to evangelise the Jew is still Incumbent upon the disciples of ; Christ. Another restriction Is In the message and the method. The message is to be the good news of the kingdom. They are to "herald forth" that it Is at hand. That the Messiah has come. We are told that they are not to force the acceptance of their message. That In Its proclamation they shall receive all sorta of opposition. That they must look well to their own character, they are to be as sheep omMat u-nlvps thev shall be haled before courts and potentates, but such persecution shall be a witness against their persecutors for "his sake." Yea, they shall be hated of all men and compelled to flee from one village to another, but a wonderful reward shall be theirs If they endure to the end Bearing of Disciples. What Is to be their method? First, It Is to be that of absolute dependence upon the Father. It Is true that Paul labored with his own bands, but at the same time he accepted the bounty of the churches and urged that such fruit might abound, Phil. 4:10, 15, 17. Jesus Is here teaching us the other lesson that the "laborer Is worthy of his hire." The disciple Is to heal. The ministry of hospital, nurs Ing and godly physicians is a marvelous fulfillment of this command. Observe well the ministry of medical missions. There is no greater Inspiration to the Christian church. What Is to be the bearing of these disciples? It Is to be that of dignity and selfrespect. see Luke 10:5. While It Is true the disciple Is to offer and not to force his message upon the people, yet for Israel to reject was Indeed a worse state than ' that of Sodom and Gomorrah. The overthrow and scattering of the Jewish nation Is a byword In history. As to the note of compassion, we should read all of this chapter. Remember the dignity of our work ' Remember that we go In the name ol J One who came to "shew forth the Fa ther." Remember that as we thus I "forth-tell" and shew forth our Fathei and that as we receive others and oth ers receive us we honor the Father Social service Is good, but let It b 3 done In the name of a disciple and tc , the glory of God the Father. Such j Indeed. Is the practical life of tht j called ones who follow In the stepi of him who came to minister and no ^ to be ministered unto. Knew Her Mamma j "Is your mamma at home?" asket a caller of five-year-old Nellie, j "No; but she'll be home In a mln ute," was the reply. "How do you know?" Inquired thi j j caller ? i " 'Cause she said 'bout an hour ag< e she was Just going to run over to i neighbor's for a minute," answerei Nellie 1 When In doubt as to how much yoi 7 ought to give to a good cause, thro* In another dollar. \ All men look please< Rj this choice tobacco?for ;;' quality and true, natural ISu&l) fd ,00>?,nim' Smoked in pipes by thous known to cigarette smokers as R[ V.'e take unusual pride in aMixture. It is our leading bra and every sack we make is a ch manufacturers. Every 5c sac contains one and a half ou tobacco, in every way equal to t price, and with cacW sack yot papers FREE. If vou have not smoked the ! Liggttt ij- Mytrt Tobacco Co. at Du Get a Camera wit Save the coupons. With ther ^ able presents^^2 delighted to s< ^ u.s*ratct'c? To Refroduce Riot Scenes. The recent riot at the Federal build| ing, ix)8 Angeles, will be reproduced E at the trial of those arrested by mo- II i tion picture films, and shown to the s Jury on a screen. It will be the first ! time in the history of jurisprudence t j that such evidence will have been in- li troduced. While the riot was at its height a moving-picture company, with the newest model machine, had an operator on the scene, and his films show the entire actions of those persons who are charged with having caused disturbance. ? Which? "Why did papa have appendicitis !, and have to pay the doctor a thousand fj dollars mamma?" J "it war find's will, dear." o "And was it because God was mad ' ! at papa or pleased with the doctor?"? i Life. 1 f Proof. L1 Mrs. Casey (sitting up in bed)? ? Moike, did yez put out cat' Mr. Casey?Oi did. J Mrs. Casey?Oi don't belave it! n Mr. Casey?Well, if yez think Oi'm " a liar, get up and put 'er out yerself. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Tandem. She?I don't care much for canoeing. He?Why not? She?Because you have to sit tandem all the time. TO DRIVE OCT MALARIA J AND BL'ILD I P THE SYSTEM ' Take the Old Standard OKOVKS TA8TKLKSS CHILL TONIC. V<>? kn?w what you are The formula la plainly printed on every bottle, showing It Is simply oulnlne and Iron In a tasteless form. and tho tumii ?orriu?i iuiu. ? people and children, SU cents. ? The Main Impression. "What did the minister talk about ! in his sermon this morning?" "About an hour." ? DOES TOUR REAI) ACIIE ? Try nicks' CAPl'DINE. It's liquid?pleasJ ant to take?efTrcts Immediate?pood to prevent Sick Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. V.hir winner hack if not satisfied. 10c., too. and 60c. al medicine stores. It Seemed So. "Hp's a man of parts." "Hut aren't the important ones missing?" i Modern young men court in haste i and repent at leisure. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the (turns, reduces Inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. I cannot afford to give up the sure i ground of a principle.?Plato. About the only thing father gets on his birthdav is a lemon. W. L. DC SHOE! ! *3.00 *3.50 *4.00 *4.50 FOR MEN AND WOME s Boys all wear W. L. Douglas t and$3.OO School Shoes. Best W. L. Douglas makes and sells more $3.0 shoes than any other manufacturer in they look better, fit better, and wear j nary shoes. CAUTION.?When you buy shoes be si name is stamped on the bottom. It inferior shoes. Beware of substitutes own stores in large cities and retail sh fast Color Eyelett. Write for Catalog. noowoiATu u Touch Typewriting an i allied subjects at Ki as the most complete, thorough, influential ai * demand for KING graduates Fall opening,' Writo for catalog. KING'S BUSINESS C m ! of Contentment M i when they smoke all men like the rich jS flavor of si ands of men?everywhere Kj "the makings." i Liggett & Myers Duke's 9| nd of granulated tobacco? ^ allenge to all other tobacco . k of this famous tobacco JV inccs of choice granulated he best you can buy at any i get a book of cigarette M| Duke's Mixture made by the ftk^i irham, N. C.t try it now. ntf h the Coupons n you can get all sorts of vala-articles suitable for young and acn, boys and girls. You'll bo ce what you can get free with- KfJ of cost to you. Get our new mA in log. As a special offer, we IV( ' free daring September and nly. Your name and address mm al will bring it toyou. r from Duke's Mixture may bt aswith taxsirom HORSE SHOE. J. T.. flft -EY'S NATURAL LEAF. GRAN- , ^ TWIST, coupons from FOUR 5ES (10c tin doubts coupon). PICK. JG CUT. PIEDMONT- CIGAR- Wm TES. CLIX CIGARETTES, and gyjj ner uigi or couponi ujhcu uj Premium Dept. m ST. LOUIS. MO. Always a Safe Remark. Amateur Ned Kelly (aotto voce)? ly Jove! I've forgotten my jolly ines. Goodness gracious, whatever hall I do? Professional Dan Kelly (equal to he occasion?Shoot the nearest poiceman, and beef out: "To the bush, ioys, to the bush!"?Sydney Bulletin. Not With Him. Mock?Has Skinly any conscience? < Jack?It could easily prove an alibi. -Judge. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. In this ago of research and experiment, all nature i ransacked by thesclentiflcforthecomfortand haplnessof man. Science lias Indeed made giant strides a the past century, and among the t>y no means ?ast Important -dlscoTerles in medicine is tbatof 'herupion, which has been used with greatsuceessln 'rencn Hospitals and that It Is worthy the attention f those who suffer from kidney, bladder, nerroua Iseases.chronic weaknesses, ulcers skin eruptions, lies, Ac., there Is no doubt. In fact Itseeuiserldent rum tbe big stir created amongst specialists, that "HERAPION is destined to cast IntoobllTlonall hose Questionable rem<>dles that were formerly the ole reliance of medical men. It Is of course Imposible to tell sufferers all we should like to tell them 11 'his short article, but tbose who would like to now more about this remedy that has effected so lanr?we might almost say. miraculous cures, houldsend addressed enrelope for KKKK book to )r. LeClero Med.Co.. Haverstock Koad. Hampetcad, smdon. Kng. and decide for theiuselres whether I be lew Krench lieincdy "THEHAPION11 No. I No. J r No. 3 Is what they require and hare been seeking n yaln during a life of misery, suffering, III health nd unhappiness. Theraplon Is sold by druggists or xall 11.00. t'ougera Co.. VO Beekman Bl. New York. - I j WAHTEI?BAD DSBTS10 COLLECT In all portions of the world. 25 years' experience. No collection, no charge. Agents wanted everywhere. E. R. PALMORE'S BAD DEBT AGENCY SOX 603 RICHMOND, VA. FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt'c Liver PUI* act as kindly on the child, the delicate female or Infirm old axe, as upon the vigorous man. Tuff s Pills give tone and strength to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys and filnili1rr ? DEMAND FOR OUR STUDENTS Greater than Supply 44 y'rstrainins young men './SB '.and women lor business. ". ' ; ^gl^irrtgfBgBaaliksepisg. Sborthsad. and 't, JTiss^lfi IS tnjluk. No vacation. Day isj|fegnglSrMftiyani night. Send far catsjag. S^dB Oil ~~ - Richmond, Va, g^EH f&7 KODAKS D?m&s? m lin^-SX Ka?tman and Ansoo Alms, mailed p<>?tr M'l V paid Mali orders given prompt attention. | Any size mil dim developed fur 10 cents r I'AKMO.NH OPTICAL CO. > ?^ 244 Klug Street, Charleston, 8. ^ms??a? I TD) -II ^'S P3!561" Headers buyan^'hing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, . refusing all substitutes or imitations. ' *l/Anil/O and High Grade rff- 3 rVU&IAKu Fi|iishlng. Mad IffhK# ordera given Spef?HL? cial Attention. Prires reaaooablp. UfJijService prompt. Send for Price Liwt. ** LISMuffi ALT Sioni, CIUBLUTO*, 8. fc. frwn?79Pn^RfTVPV QUICK RELIEF sqbf eyes I W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 36-19.12. J >(Tolas ' ??? 'S.00^1 t $2,00, S2.50 I ' v WJJ ,. t in tho worldJ, i 10, $3.50 and $4.00 WrSNlihvf the world because - > longer than ordi- "yfysjh. lire W. L Douglas 1 v' w'HtJta guarantees protection to you against . W. L. Douglas shoes are told in 78 oe dealers everywhere. W. L, DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. ll^LEARN vJlx Bookkeeping, Banking, Penmanship, Shorthand, ng's Business College. King s is recognized ad successful business college in N. C. Great Tuesday Sept. 3.1912. Positionsguaranteed. COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C. or Charlotte, ft. C. I