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?- ?w????? FOR EYERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST To the head of every family the health of Its different members is most important, and the value of an agreeable laxative that is certain in Its effect is appreciated. One of the most popular remedies In the family & medicine chest is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that Is known to druggists and physicians as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This x preparation is mild and gentle in its ^ . action on the bowels, yet positive in its effect A dose of 8yr:p Pepsin at night means relief next morning, while its tonic properties tone up and strengthen the muscles of stomach, liver and bowels eo that these organs are able in a shcrt time to again perform tbeir natural functions without i . help. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried this ? *?A? offn"tlvp simpie, lu^pt'uciic, jn vuwu.. remedy, write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Montlcello, 111., and ask for a sample bottle. Dr. Caldwell will be glad to send it without any expense to yon whatever. No Blight There. I First Editor?I see that there Is a chestnut tree blight. Second Editor?Don't worry; we are getting chestnuts by every mall. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA U* _ AND BUILD IP THE SYSTEM Take the Old b-andard UROVHtl TASTBLMHs CHILL TONIC. Ton know *h*t yon are taking. ; The fonn-ila Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing It Is simply yuinln? and Iron In a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children. fiOeeata. Perhaps the surest thing In this life la the friend you can't depend on when you really need blm. For HEADACHE?Hicks' CAPl'DIIfE Whether from Colds. Heat, Stomach or Kerirous Troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid?pleasant to take?acta Immediately. Try it. 10c., 25c., and 50 centa at drug stores. Most men have yearned to fly or to be a little fly from the first. Dyspeptics, despair notl While there's Garfield Tea, there's hope. A fellow can make a hit with a girl by telling bow much bo misses her. Eczema Cured by MILAM 0 AMae# AVIW?1| and Most Severe Cases MIL JIM ill Yield Readily ~ Factory Mgr. Am. Tob. Co. Says: *000. BONE mi SEN "I have been suffer* tomnuHtui ins very much from Eczema In my head. MBaigBaaM causins Itching of the i - __-r acalp for several years. 1 JUnATr'^n'~t I was often waked up at night scratching pM Mom u. hu my head, and was pre* vented from sleep. JH After taking foiu bot* i ties ot MILAM. I feel entirely relieved. ! (hough I am continuing to use it so as to be sure the trouble is eradicated from my system." [Signed] R. K. SHACKLEFORD. Danville. Va.. March 30, 1910. Eczema of 26 Years Standing Cured. Huntington, W. Va., July 16.1910. The Milam Medicine Co.. Danville, Va. Dear Sirs?In January 1 a s t I wrote you re* garding MILAM. You said you would cure me or refund the money. Well, you can keep it alL i My face la entirely well. I feel better than I have In years In any way. Am finishing up my 6th bottle now, and think after 26 years of Eczema am cured. With best wishes. Yours respectfully. [Signed] C. H. WILLIAMS, j Psoriasis?A Vilolent Form of Eczema. Blanche, N. C., July 10.1910. Milam Medicine Co.. Danville, Va. Gentlemen?I have been afflicted with a tor* ' turing akin disease pronounced by the physl- j Clans to be "Psoriasis," and have had it for ten Tears. No treatment of the physicians ever relieved me, and I continued to grow worse and was unable to do my work. By the advice of my physician I commenced to take Milam on March Ith last I am now far on the road to recovery, , and feel that I will be entirely cured. I am now J at work and feel no Inconvenience from it "I take great pleasure in giving this certificate and think Milam it a great medicine. Yours truly, J. W. PINCHBACK. Ask Your Druggist or Writs a Milam Medicine C?, Danville, Va> y jfre^ jjl That is what you need. K Clear the vicious poisons out of vour circulation, and these mortifying skin-complaints will disappear. And other troubles, too. _ . "I am not like the same girl" writes Miss Mamie E. Kunley of Forrest, Miss. "My complexion and skin are not the same. Your Botanic liiood Balm is the best medicine I ever used". "It is the best medicine on earth for scrofula!" declares Mr. Floyd Holliday of Cedartown, Ga. And I Mrs. W. L. Oury of Little Rock, Ark. writes: "Four bottles of your Hinnri Rnlttt nircd me completely of a blood disease which I ph> sicians pronoun d hopeless". We have hundreds of such grate- I tul letters. I We return your money if UB.BJB." I fails to help you. M Don't hesitate. If your druggist can't I supply you. write to us. Seek relief today. The Blood Balm Co. H Philadelphia and St. Louis $T Just an n D "I ask for D.D.D. I DAISY FLY KILLER tracts ALI ^Flliv Neat, clean, ornamental, conrenient. cheap. U.L *11 Madeof metal, can't spill ortlpover; will not *ollor Injure anvthtng. Guaranteed efftMJt'.ve. 15 els. each ?t d**i?r? or 8 sent prepaid forllOO. HAROLD SOMKRS. 150 DeRtlb Ave.. Brooklyn. N. i. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color MIOTIC DUDIil FT AJD MTRT Invlgoratesaml prevents thebalr from falllngofl Far Itb b/ thwfftaU, ? S*at 9n?t Vj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Ms* SI r*v B*ttt*i SaarW Buttl* IS*. S*a4 l?r elrcmlar. ? ^Rh nnflDSY TKKATNt). Give quick reUnWrOt unually remove swel, V ling and short breath In a few days and fv? entire relief la 15-46days, trial treatment fff*W FKEE. IHt.fiJUtMSBOiS, B*xA,AUaau,?a . * fflBMnONAL SUNMSGKE Lesson (Br E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department. The Moody Bible In titute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MAY 12. THE LAW OF LOVE. LEMON TEXT-Luke 6:27-88; Rom. 13: rlO. GOLDEN TEXT-'Thou ehalt love thy neighbor a* thy eelf."?Rom. 18:1#. Jesus set forth while seated upon the mountain delivering what is usually termed as the flermon on the Mount, those principles the working out of which have changed the history of mankind. Last week and the week before there, were presented principles that in their application are the very opposite to the natural desires of the human heart. In this lesson we have the summary, the conclusion of the whole matter, and next we shall study 60me of the applications of these new principles. "I Bay unto all you who hear." Not all who listened that d*ay, even among the disciples, really heard what Jesus was saying. As for illustration these truths did not grip the heart and life ?- kntflno- ADM or juaas. no 11 ns wuaj, uonus v? to hear they hear not. Jesus commands those having earB to hear but cautions them to take heed what we hear and adds that to us who do hear, shall yet more be given. (Mk. 4:24). Things It Teaches and Why. "Love your enemies" Is not alone a teaching of the Christian faith. It may be found under the old Jewish dispensation and even among heathen philosophers but In each of these Instances It does not convey the Impression nor carry with It the command It does when Jesus utters these words. The life of Jesus Is a wonderful exemplification of the truth he Is seeking to teach. In his case the words are a command and the execution of that command he promises, later, to make possible to all of his followers by the aid of the Holy Spirit. We are to pay for curses with blessings, and for Insults by prayers, and the man who so conducts his life shall be happy. "Oh," but someone exclaims, "have I not certain Inalienable rights? Does not the other fellow's liberty end where my nose begins?" Certainly we have rights but the right to sufTer for Christ's sake Is far greater than our right to defend ourselves. God will attend to our rights provided we obey his word. True those who ask may bo unworthy, but God is kind to the unworthy as well as to those who are worthy. It Is noticeable that Jesus does not tell us to give to every one who asks that particular thing that Is asked for; God does not thus answer our petitions. Ofttlmes requests come the literal granting oil which we know would be detrimental to the best Interests of the petitioner or perhaps work hardship upon those dependent j upon us. For illustration, the granting of whisky to a drinking man; giving money to a street beggar when bread Is needed by the children or ethers whom God has intrusted to our care. Many foolish and fanciful interpretations und applications have been made of these words, we are to take these words literally neither withholding nor reading into them meanings not belorging to the plain interpretation of the words. Verse 33 tells us that in carrying out thesd altruistic commands we are to be "sons" (R. V.) of the most high; surely that implies no abandonment of common sense and reason, faculties which like love, are also the gifts of a loving creator. Application Is Definite. The simple application of the Golden Rule Is however a very definite, positive and comprehensive matter, j vastly different from the negative proposition of Confucius. "As ye would, so do yc." Do you | want friends? Be friendly. Do you j want others to sell goods to you? You must buy of them. Do you wish to have others talk about you at your backs? Then you begin at once to talk about others at their backs. Ix>ve ex- j pressed merely for those who love us will scon dry up. the circle constantly growing ln'ler. That Is simply refined selfishness. See verses 32 to 1 34. It is in these opposite traits ve are to set the distinguishing marks of a Christian. We ehould recall the contrasts /e- , sua gave in this whole passage. The rich and the poor, the woes and the ! joys, the well spoken of and those of his kingdom who shall be hated. To love those who love us not. to do good to those who despitefully use us. to lend not expecting any return (no "Indian giving") is only |>ossible when one is absolutely dominated by the , ?aw of love. Who is sufficient for these things? ; Those who are in deed and in Truth citizens of this new kingdom. Paul sets not only a strong emphasis upon the teaching of Jesus, but he expressly refers to the Mosaic commandments. enumerating four of them, and adds that, if these do not include the others?"if there be any other commandment"?it can be kept when a man obeys this obligation to love his neighbor. Indeed, how can we say i wo Iovp Hod. whom we have not sppn if ne love net our brothers. whom we j bavo seen? Paul's picture of heathenism in the first chapter of Romans is a striking illustration of the lack this redeeming trait of love. Well may we pause and nrk this question. "What have 1 done today that only a Christian would do?" There is absolutely no fixed standard of morals, they are d.*pendent upon many mollifications of time, surroundings, culture, etc.. but the Christian has here an absolutely fixed standard whereby to govern bis life and actions. He is to love those who leve him not; to be kind and merciful; not in words only but in deeds vf kindness. Men of God. Men of God Ere as needed today as when Moses stood alone with God on Sinai, or Paul in the midst of the Areopagus at Athens, and discoursed of the altar tc "the unknown God." Every age mus". have Its leaders, and as the leaders are, so will the age bo. What kind of leader will you be? God's men. men anointed for service, whose hearts are in his bands as the rivers of waters, are the saviors of their age, and are in the vanguard oil heaven's worthies. I HER AILMENT A COMMON/ONE Hippy Experience of Mrs. DiQinger, Who Finally Found R elief in Cirdni,ijhe Woman's^Tonic. West Baden. Ind.?"For#about four years," says Mrs. Sarah Dllllnger, of this place, "I auffered with an ailment common to women, and I was so poorly that I could not do my work. Since taking Cardul, the woman's tonic, I am stout, and able >to work all day, hard. It la certainly a great medicine for women. I recommend It to a great many ladles. My daughter Is now taking Cardu., and It seeme to he helping her alr*>?riv although she has now taken only one bottle. Cardul la the best medicine 1 ever took. It has*done me so(much good! It saved my life, and I! can't praise it too much." Every woman would always keep Cardul handy, for use when needed, If she knew what benefit It gives, In cases where weakened vitality makes the body and brain seem tired and worn-out. A few doses of Cardul, at the right time, will often save mueh suffering by preventing a more serious sickness. To relieve pain and misery, due to womanly troubles, nothing has been found, during the 50 yeans that It has been before the public to take ths place of Cardul. Won't you try It? W. B.?Write tot LaAfi* Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medic lae Co., Chattanooga, Tens., for Special Inatractloai, and 04-page book, "Home Treatmeat for Wtmei," aeat la plain wrapper, oa regaeet. SO THOUGHTFUL OF HER. Elsie?Grace has had her picture done and given one to each member of her family. Ernest?Why, where Is she going Elsie?Going to play bridge for 8 | season. ERUPTION COVERED BODY "Three years ago this winter I had a breaking out that covered my whole body. It Itched so it seemed as if I should go crazy. It first came cut in little pimples on my back and spread till it covered my whole body and limbs down to my knees, also my arms down to my elbows. Where I ! scratched it made sores, and the ter- ' rible itching and burning kept me from sleeping. I tried several reme dies all to no purpose. Then I con eluded to try the cutlcura itemeaies. i used the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment, also the Resolvent, for about four months, and they completely cured me of eczema. I have had no return of the disease since. I never had a good night's rest after the skin eruption first broke out till I commenced using the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I had only used them a few days before I could see they were beginning to heal, and the terrible itching was gone. "Those that lived In the house at the time know how I suffered, and how the Cutlcura 8oap and Ointment cured me. I never take a bath without using the Cutlcura Soap, and I do not believe there are better remedies for any pkln disease than the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Miss Sarah Calkins, Waukegan, 111., Mar. 16, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. L, Boston. Her Chief Characteristic. Miss Green, who was giving the class a lesson In mythalogy, turned suddenly to one untidy little fellow and said: "Brownman, tell me for what virtues Diana was especially celebrated." "For takin' baths," replied Brownnan promptly. A Confession. Startled by convincing; evidence that they were the victims of serious kidney and bladder trouble, numbers of prominent people confess they have found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all medicine dealers at 25c. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Saving Steps. Gibson?But the house Is over a mile from the station, you admit. Agent?Yes, but the rooms are so small you will only have to walk the baby eight feet from her little crib.? Harper's Bazar. F.I.IXIR ninrK STOPS CHILI.S end Is the finest kind of tonic. "Your -Habek' acts like maple; I have given It to numerous people In my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria nnd fever. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and in need of a good tonic."?Rev. S. Szymanowskl, St. Stephen's Church. Perth Amboy, N. J. ICIIxIr Itahek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Kloczewski & Co.. Washington, D. C. An Exception to the Rule. "Jinks Is a man wbo has his hammer out on all occasions." "I bet there Is one occasion where he hasn't." "What's that'" "When it's time to put down the carpet." ______________ A Quarter Century Before the public. Over Five Million Free Samples given away each year. The constant and increasing sales from samples ?roves the genuine merit of Allen's Foot# lase, the antiseptic ponder to be shaken into the shoes for Tired, Aching, Swollen Tender feet. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Kov, X. V. But the foundation of the average man's self-conceit Is past llndlng out. Don't make shipwreck of your health when a course of Garfield Tea can cure you of Indigestion. No, Cordelia, the grass widow is anything but green. BACKACHE NOT A DISEASE But a Symptom, a Dan ger Sig- ? nal Which Every Woman Should Heed 1 i Baclcache is a symptom of organic j | Weakness or derangement. If you have t backache don't neglect it To get per- , manent relief you must reach the root ( of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Woodall's experience. I Morton's Gap, Kentucky.?"I suffered two years with female disorders, my jprCTapgcCTrr health wus very bad y% and I had a continual backache which was simply awful. I could Wym ^ not stand on my feet jjp| long enough to cook . i't'' a nieal'fi victuals v'VsNw^^A. % without my back nearly killing me, Wfffarf/f II and I would have Q/I Il (H II I such dragging sensa/// (11(1 /I tions I could hardly i bear it I had soreness in each side, could not stand tight clothing, and was irregular. I was completely run down. On advice I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am enjoying good health. It la now more than two yeara and I have not had an ache or pain since. I do all my own work, washing and everything, and never have backache any more. I think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all my'neightwrs. If you think my ; testimony will help others you may pub- ! lish it"?Mrs. Ollie Woodall, Morton's Gap, Kentucky. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help?011, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- | vice. Your letter will he opened, | read and answered by a woman, . and held in strict confidence. Diarrhoea, Dysentery : ?and kindred troubles I are very general in | the spring and summer | months and are fre- j auently fatal owing to ( delay in getting medi- ' cal help. Avoid danger 1 by keeping in the house at all times a bottle of ] OLD DR. BIQGERS' I Huckleberry Cordial ' It will soothe and allay the inflammation instantly. Askyourdrugglst; he knows. Serial No. 1576. Price 15a and 50c per bottle. Send for Confederate Veteran Souvenir book free. Mid. only by I Hal ti wanger-Taylor Drug Co., Atlanta,Ga. [f \ f \ We are headquarfifl ten for Eggs, Poultry, h Fruits, Potatoes and 1 ^ II I ^ Vegetables. If you IV li want a reliable firm and ( a live house, ship s us. We guarantee | highest market prices and prompt re- | turns. Quotations sent on application. ( WOODSON-CRAIG CO.,Inc. i COMMISSION MCBCBkNTS, Blctaeed. Vs. ] . Two Dollars Will Stock and Start ron In proHtablo Air^ncr BnMness: lot in? tell rou bow. WILLI! 1 I. HINOn, lit OgJr. ir?., itntj fit/, S. J. ITCHINGVJDS < If a woman's judgment is bad sbe trusts her Intuition. A pure, mild and potent laxative, Garfield Tea! All druggists. As a stimulant an ounce of censure is often worth a pound of praise. Auto Suggestion. To show how unconsciously a man'B business may be in his mind at all times, 1 took a financial operator to a fancier's to select a dog, and what kind of a dog do you think he asked for at once?" "What kind?" "A water dog. Said he had heard it was a good stock proposition." A SURE 8IGN. Mrs. flewwed ? I heard the new j cook cussing and swearing something awful in the kitchen this morning. Mr. Newwed?That's all right. She's | beginning to feel at home. What's the Use of Cooking When you don't have to? Post T oasties are skillfully and fully cooked at the factory?ready to serve direct from package with ; cream and sugar if you like. These thin bits of toasted com (sold by grocers) are crisp, delicious, satisfying and convenient. I 41The Memory Lingers*9 Made by Postum Cereal Company. Ltd. Pure Food Factoriee Battle Creek. Mich. STEVENSON AT SARANAC LAKE ce and Snow Were Abhorrent to This Great Literary Genius?Author Always an Optimist. Saranac Lake, X. Y.?Ever since Its >ccupancy by Robert Louis Steven;on, conceded to have been one of he world's greatest literary lights, a rertain yellow Cottage at Saranac >ake has been an object of great Inerest to visitors at that far-famed esort for the treatment of tubercuosis. to temcorary residents and to ownfolks. A writer in a medical mblication gives an interesting ac:ount of the manner in which the treat master of prose put Jn that Adrondack winter of 1887. Stevenson. ^ l Stevenson's Old Cottage. t will bo recalled, throughout his I ifetime never approximated a condi-1 ion which might be termed health. I \lwaya tubercular, at times he was so I lear death's door that it seemed he I 'ould not possibly live. Dut some hlng, wtiettier it was tne intense interest ho took in living or his certainty that he would be allowed to finish the work in which his heart was centered, seemed to ward off the dark in gel. "His health," says the writer, "Improved, but his exotic nature found t hard, indeed, to endure the ice and he snow and the bitter cold. "The great novelist of the outre preferred to sit by the log fire, watch he fantastic flames, and talk. "Dr. Trudeau, who visited him frepiestly, has observed that Stevenson used to rail in forcible but beautiful ind picturesque language at the cold, it the snow, at the cloudy days and he succession of them, and the lack )f color and sunshine. His idealistic md artistic temperament clung to all hat was beautiful in life as expressed n nature, in art. in form, light and tolor; In thought, in poetry, and in maglnation. He deliberately turned lis back on the cold facts of science ind life, ignored them as much as possible, and shunned the discussion if such subjects as poverty, disease, sorrow and suffering, with which we vere more or less surrounded.' "On Saturday afternoons Stevenson made it a practice to be 'at home' :o those who wished to call. Anyone might come; and many took advantsge of the opportunity. Hut he seemed to get little pleasure out of these functions. "Hut from one visit Stevenson derived only unalloyed satls'action and iellght. This was when Richard Mansfield came to the cottage. In the living room, while Stevenson sat by the leg fire, which fitfully and uncertainly lit up the room, Mansfield on a table In a corner of the room gave his marvelous and gruesome impersonation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, who has been termed 'the sick hero,' was ever an optimist, despite the most dreadful reasons for being the reverse." WOMAN IS BLOOD THROWER Sensation Caused by Act of Jilted Sweetheart of Man in Paris, France. Paris.?A small crowd which gath ered outside one of the local mairlea in Paris was first terrified and then immensely amused by an exciting in cident which took place Just as a newly-married couple were crossing the pavement to drivo away to the wedding breakfast. A woman standing near the door lifted her apron, gripped a jug, and hurled its contents at the bridegroom Here was a case of vitriol throw ing, it was thought, but to everyone's amazement It was seen that the bridegroom's face was covered with blood. He staggered nnd almost fell while everyone wondered what was the new substance that caused Buch fenrful injury. The woman who had thrown the liquid, however, solved the mystery before vengeful hands could be laid upon her. "Yea. I am his Jiltec lover." she said, "but it is only rab bit's blood. It is quite good enough for him." MUIR FINDS RARE TREES finally Locates Forest of Strang* Growth Which the Natives Call the "Monkey Puzzle." New York.?John Mulr, the nntural 1st, who has just passed his seventy fourth birthday, was hark In New Yorl after a twelve months' expedltlnr which would have taxed the energiot of men forty years hifi junior. H< started out in April, 1911. In searrl of the atiracaria tree, which he ha* Been before only in figurative captivlti in the botanical garden of civilization but which he thought might be founc native In some of the Amazon forepts The tree is a survival from an earl; geological period and is regarded b; botanists a3 one of the most interest ing In existence. After the Journey of 1.000 miles u] the Amazon. Mr. Muir found large for 4- e ? r?? MnVl or< 081H Ul UUI m ill ia lira, KUI. I, ai known to the natives as the "monke; puzzle." because of the spiny bark which makes It impossible for th< monkeys to climb them. Discovery of Little Use. An amateur chemist recently dlscov ered an explosive believed to be 1! times as powerful as dynamite, but th< secret of Its composition was lost a the time of Its discovery, togethe with the chemist and mo6t of thi glass In the town. Language of the Eyes. The eyes of men conserve as mncl as their tongues, with the advantagi that the ocular dialect needs no die tlonary, but Is understood all tin world over.?Emerson. BpS* ; - ALCOHOL 3 PER CKNT. Hjjljj i ANfcgetabte Preparation for Asi I sirailailngrtKFbodaiKJRe^ar K^ji (IngUieStoaiadBandBowElsqf Kc Promotes DigestionJChmfiiIg c ,'! 'i nessarelRestfontainsneiifer E?? !, Opiuni.Morphine nor MiamL Eft I Not Narc otic. j^t/Miksvmnnm WbcZ V., JbLSmM* - JkM/tUfsE*??0 Aattmd * W?l ?5Sh*? ' GW*'/ % fcjV5 s q Hmitnpian /Mr. l Aperfect Remedy for Graflp? ??*5 < Hon, Sour Storaach.Dlarrtai UaR E Worms jC<mvolsioiis.Fr?eri? ? ness and Loss or Sleep. Br FacS'urak Sijnaniit of ic&SP MBs, c Exact Copy of Wrapper. jmmmmmmmmmmrnm Having Fun. The brilliant wit of the bar looked at the moon-faced farm laborer and winked at his friends and whispered, "Now we'll have some fun." "Have you been married?" he began. "Ye-e-es," stammered the laborer, "once." "Whom did you marry?" "A w-w-woman. sir." "Come, my good man, of course It was a woman. Did you ever hear of any one marrying a man?" "Ye-e-es, sir; my sister did." DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Achea and Twinges Point to Hidden Kidney Trouble. Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel a sharp pain after bending over? When the kidneys seem sore and the action irregular, ^ use Doan's Kidney Pills, which have HMT ? cured thousands. Eugene Sweet, 84 Talrnan St., {Norwich, Conn., Af fla>'8: "P01* weeks r*\ i was conuntju iu k1 I my bed, so helpl \ less I could not ^<*1 turn over. Sharp pains across my "Evm V, jVSV loins caused excruPicturt yCi A\t>J elating torture and TtlUa X\A \^w j waa annoyed by Story V \\ rfrt K , . profuse passage of ^s^the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo completely after doctors had failed." "When your Hack Is Lame, Remember the Name?DOAN'S."50c all stores. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Assuming That. Brown?What reason nave you for hating Blank? Smith?Well, you see, he's a relative of mine, and? Brown?Yes, yes, I know, but what other reason??Harper's Bazar. ' Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: Is purely vegetable. ! As a cathartic, its action Is easy, mild ' and effectual. No griping, no nausea. makes a sweet breath and pretty comI plexlon. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. "One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, i see a fine picture and. If It were pos! sible, to speak a few reasonable . ; words."?Goethe. To remove nicotine from the teeth, , disinfect the mouth and purify the breath after smoking, Paxtlne Is a , , boon to all. At druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. I As soon as a woman discovers that 1 she Is unable to reform her husband ' she begins on her neighbors. i | For COLDS and c;RIP , nicks' Capcdinb is the ben remedy? relieves the aching anil frverluness?cures the i Colli anil restores normal 'ondltlons. It's | liquid?effects Immediately. 10c., 26c., and 00c. At drug stores. I On the road to success It Isn't every I ! man who knows when to change cars. . 1 Mrs. Wtnstow'a Soothing Srmp for Children teething. 6nftens the-,inm. reduces Inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic, 20c a bottle. 2 Don't kick till you know just where I the shoe pinches. Before retiring, a cup of Garfield Tea1 For good digestion and continued gooc' health. Some people wa3te a lot of time try . lng to save it. FOR THE WOMAN WH< ' * Some women complain that they p< 1 injjs, or dizziness in the head, nervousn l should not occar to the normal healthy ' ) to these pains at some time in her lift os corsets, over-taxed strength, bad air, liver, eto. A regulator and female tor , pure glycerin, and without the use of ale DR. PIERCE'S FAVO) , has proven its value in thousands of cast - s" ""N. MRS. Dona M. ] S " I thought I would I 'TjrnSftTh \ ^ono 'or rT10- ' ' AAgSMaKX \ an(l general weakn / \ me hundreds of dol / v?if. \ tioa' and ' Golden h I ab? fiw \ wa# disappointed Ir vx 1 them to any eufferii P | R I \i 1 five I took your mi v I Xiv p I and left mo V cj* -? / I " < I \'.\ * I /the good work of j e \ / Da. Pierch's \ Common Sense V t' / edition?of 1008 \ 7* " / which every wc Sent free in cloi ^ Mk& Marto. one-cent stamps e r???????????????Reduce The Feed Bil Horses and Mules do more work: ( ? Sheep and Goats ?<"ow better fleece Cattle and Hogs take on more flesh a better health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal a Tor Breeding or Nursing Stock, 1 valuable. Much letter tna Write for free Booklet containing much Baisers to THE BUREAU P Interstate Cottonseed m Main Stre Children Cry fa The Kind You Have Always Bo In use for oyer SO years, has J - and has 1 All Counterfeits, Imitations an Experiments that trifle with ai Infants and Children?Experie What is C/ Cuttoria is a harmless snbstiti goric, Drops and Soothing Sy: contains neither Opium, Morp substance. Its age is its guara and allays Feverishness. It c Colic. It relieves Teething Tr< and Flatulency. It assimilate Stomach and Bowels, giving h The Children's Panacea?The ] GENUINE CAST< Bears the Sij | The Kind You Have In Use For Ov< THE CENTAUfl COM PAN A Town I NO LAND SELLIN I We want you interested in Texas ai i': To advertise and get our new to of lots, full size (25x125), comp person). Every lot guaranteet i defects and a good building sit( out the coupon and mail today THE MADERO TOWNSITE CO., VII CUT OUT AND MAI To Tho Madoro Towns!to < Victoria Building, St* GENTLEMEN:?I want a lot In Ma on my part Mail me full partici ? OFFER, I will boost. Name Town Bsbmmhwsmhhbmhbwbimbbjbbmh W. L. D< SHOES <2.50 <3.00 <3.50 <4.00 < FOR MEN, WOMEN AND I W. L. Douglas $4.00. $4.50 & $6.00 sli Ilench Work costing $0.00 t On* pair of W. L. Douglas $2.00 or $2.i positively outwear two pair* of ot Why does W. L Douglas make am' se than any other manufacturer in the world stamps his name and price on the bottom i value, which protects the wearer against feriorshoes of other makes. BECAUSE: economical and satisfactory ; you can save W.L.Douglasshoes. BECAUSE: theyhav* fit and wear. DON'T TAKE A SUBSTIT If your dealer cannot supply W. L. Douglas shoes, \ Shoes sent everywhere delivery charges prepaid. WHY PAY RENT? I ; We will loan you money to : buy a lot and build your home YOU PAY ONLY $7.50 : (monthly on each $1,000.00 | plus 5 percent, simple interest. We also lift mortgages. Write for booklet explaining our plan THE STANDARD HOME CO. 318-319 UW 3UILDINQ, NORFOLK,VA. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief?Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never [ fail. Purely vegeta ble ? act surely ^^HHPADTTD^ ! but gently on ' pD* the liver. AgBEkf ? TTLE Stop after jJJjjtmBy E'VER dinner dis- gj PIl^S. ! tress-cure 'jF \\?, !* | i improve the complexion, brighten the eyes SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature SAVE YOUR OLD WORN CARPET We ran make yini beautiful durable rug*: anyaiae. To ' [ 8t room, or halla. We have no agent*. Catalogue free i | ORIENTAL RIG CO., Baltimore, Md. WANTED?Representatives In every town and i eounty. Husln?*>s permanent, profitable. No Invest- ; inert neee.sarv Salary guaranteed. Kef ret). New | proposition. IleKAY MKG. CO., Meuipbis, Tenn. ) THINKS AND FEELS. *riodically suffer from dull and heavy feeless, pain and hearing-down feelings whicll woman. Hot most every woman is subject due to abnormal conditions in life, such , poor or improper food, wet feet, sluggish lie mads from native medicinal roots with :ohol, called RITE PRESCRIPTION, ts, like the following: Martin, of Auburn. Nobr.. Route 1, Rot R4, saysi write you In regard to what your medicine* have ?vo used them for thirty years for female trouble eaa with the very beat result, and they have raved lars in doctors' bills. I buy the ' Favorite Preserip. fedtcal Discovery ' and take them together. I never i your remedies and take pleasure in recommending ljr lady. 1 ;im now almost fifty years old ; at fortycdlcincs, both kinds, and I passed that period very fat and healthy. I feci like a young girl. tires to write me, I will gladly leu uex inure suuun rour medicines." Grbat Family Docor Book, The People's Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-dato pages, answers hosts of delicate questions iman, single or married, ought to know, th binding to any address on receipt of 31 , to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only. I?Improve The Animals J0W8 give mere and better Milk and Butter; s; Hens lay more eggs, and all as well a-> ind tat, and develop more rapidly and keep in nd Cottonseed Hulls Mares, Cows, Sows or Ewes, it is especially n Hay, far cheaper than Corn, valuable Information to Feeders and Stock OF PUBLICITY d Crushers Association et, Dallas, Texas 111 . >r Fletcher's ught, and which has been \ borne the signature of been mode under his per* ervislon since Its Infancy, one to deceive you In this, d "Just-as-good'' are but id endanger the health of nco against Experiment. VSTORIA 4 ite for Castor Oil, Pare rups. It Is Pleasant. 16 1 hlne nor other Nareotio I ntee. It destroys "Worms I ures Diarrhoea and Wind ^ ?im? 4"V?natlnation /UUIVO) VUJ.VU V/VMW ?r 8 tho Food, regulate! tho ealthy and natural bleep* Mother's Friend* s DRIA ALWAYS gnatureM)^^^^^ \ Always Bought sr 30 Years Y.NIWYOM CITY, , Lot FREE G PROPOSITION id the neu) townsite of Madero. wn started we offer a number j limentary, (only one lot to a ? i? i 1 ?a 1 lO V C 1CVC1 Clliu iitvi 11 Will ?. Future County Seat. Fill (Small Expense Fee.) ;T0RIABLD6.,ST.L0UIS,M0. mmmm mmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmm mam aamm mmm IL THIS coupon j OOm, I Louis, Mo. \ dero, Texas, without any obligation c ilars regarding your FREE LOT State )UCLAS W. L. Douglas makes and sells more $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. *.50**5.00 BOYS Mb , ioes equal Custom ? ^ |3P?J 0 vo.vv 1*fti *???% PO Boys' shoes will rfjj l/ker makes, ' f ." II more fine shoes ; /-/ I? BECAUSE: he fi/ snd guarantee* the 7 high prices and in- yL ..,/ I they are the most 1 money by wearing e no equal for style, P$^i s TUTE FOR W. L DOUGLAS SHOES. vrite W. L. Douglas, Brockton. Mass., (or catalog* fast Color Eyelet, Vted. DR. M. C. KREITZER'S lOo. SALVE 2 So. Unexcelled in treatment of Wounds,Burns, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Ulcers, Corns, Bunions, etc. In use over 50 years. Sold bv druggists, or mailed direct. For 2c, we will mail you a sample box. W C. Power & Cot, 1536 N. 4th St., Philadelphia. Pa. ^ I/All AI#C and High Grnde K IlllAK A PiniMhlng. Mail nUUNIIU ordera given Special Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price List. LA!i!(fcAl*8 1KT STORK, CHiRLESTOS, 8. C. We secure positions for our graduates. Ifinterested write for catalogue. Address M. H. BOWEN, Msaaftr, Mauoi Bid*., Colombia, S. C. KODAKS vfmftP 1 Eastman and Ansco Alms, mailed postV Tj) paid. Mall order* given prompt attention. I is^jL Any si so roll Blm developed for 10 cents. r*?2? 1- 4 RMINH OPTICAL CO. 244 Kill* Street, Charleston, 8. C. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. No I.N?2,No3. TUCDADIOM l's"1 ln French i n triM iv w Hospitals with GREAT 81'CCEHS, CfRErt KIDNEY. BLADDER DISEASES, ril.ES. ClIROKtC ULCEUS. SKIN ERUPTIONS EITHER SEX #nr*lopR fo? 'KRK b"okiE| to DR. LK CLBRO WKD. CO.. HAYKKSTOCK RD.. HAMfHTEAD. LOffDOK. EX?. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 19-19121 Charlotte Directory A POSITION FOR YOU Wanted Men and Boys to take 30 days practical course in our machine shop to learn nutomohll? business. New and modern machinery: new cars. A position for every graduate, Catalogue tree. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. Faultless Dry Gleaning and Dyeing too The best in the South. Write for our booklet CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sent to us by mail will be SHARPENED und returned the following day and GUARANTEED to be as sharp as new onea ^ PRICE W Double edge blades 35 cents dozen. Single edge blades 20 cents dozen. WOODALL & SHEPPARD, Druggists CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA W anted Agents to sell our new book, the "TITANIC DISASTER" We pay the best commission. We furnish outfits free to agents upon the receipt ol ioc to pay part of the expense of mailing. C.H.Robia?oo A Co., 300 N.TryonSt., Charlotte,N.C CPUnSTICI VI We make a specialty dvilUllCLU of Return Tubli|ar ENGINES Boilers and Engines, Tanks and Towers, ANU " " They are partlculai iy AHII F R C adapted for Saw Mills, ? ^ * ? Oil Mills, Cotton Ginning. We also handle Saw Mills ai d Gasoline Engines. If you are contemplating the purchase of new powerplant either steam or gasoline, it will pay you to write us. J.S. SCHOFIELO'S SONS CO., Macon, 6a. Branch office: 307 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.