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YOUNG WIFE f SAVED FROM if HOSPITAL I Tell* How Sick She Was And What Saved Her From An Operation. Upper Sandusky,Ohio.-"Three yean go 1 was married and went to housekeeping. I was not feeling well and . I could hardly drag myself along. I had such tired feelings, my back ached, my WB{ vflN sides ached, I had Bfl bladder trouble awfully bad, and I could not eat or sleep. I had headaches, too, and 9BKHm|9Hh became almost a ner BHEB vous wreck. My doctor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idea very wen, so, wkh;ii i uv your advertisement in a paper, I wrote to you for advice, and have done u yon told me. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. " If sick and ailing women would only know enough to take your medicine, they , would set relief."?Mrs. Benj. H. StansbEKY, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. If you have mysterious pains, irregularity, backache, extreme nervousness, Inflammation, ulceration or displacement, don't wait too long, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound now. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable testimony as the above proves the value of. this famous remedy and should give very one confidence. Wffiemoreb ft Shoe Polishes ' FINEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY BiwTB OII.T EDGE the only Indies'tho* droning U?1 positively contain* OIL. Blacks and Polishes diss' and children's boot* and shoes, shines without robbing, Sc. French Olosa." !0c STA K comolnatiun for cleaning and polishing all kinds of russet or tan shoe*. 10c. "Dandy" slse So Ot'IC'K WHITE (In liquid form with sponge) sueklyrlMM and w hi tens dirty canvas shoes BABY ELITE combination for gentlemen who lake pride In having their shoes look Al. Re*tor-* color and lrstre to all black shoes. Polish with a brash or cloth. 10 cent*. "Elite" site 26 cents. If your dealer does not keep the kind yon want, I tend as the price In stamps and ws will aend yon a tall slse package charges paid. WHITTEMORE BROS. * OO.f (O.M Albany It, Cambridge, Mast, The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers OJ Shoe Polishes tit the World. Something In It. GoverDor Beryl Carroll of Iowa has an amusing story of a state senator whose amusing appearance might possibly lead one to mistake him for a laboring man. but who is as sensitive as a woman to all unpleasant circumstances. "This man," said Governor Carroll, ^happened to be standing outside a Pes Moines undertaking establishment, conversing with a friend on political matters, when one of the employes came out or the snop ana said: "'Say, will you give us a lirt with a casket?' "The senator shuddered and replied hesitatingly: " 'Is there?Is there?anything In It?' " 'Sure,' came the hearty reply, 'there's a couple of drinks In It!*"? Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. True Till Death. His companions bent over him with pitiful earnestness, and . stared . beseechingly Into his waxen features. Again came the flutter of the eyelidst but this time his will mastered approaching death. His lips weakly struggled to execute his last command and the friends bent closer to hear the faltering whisper. "I am?gone? Yes?er?I know. Go to Milly. Tell her?er?I died with?her name on? my lips; that I?er?have loved?her ?her alone?er?always. And Bessie ?tell?er?tell Bessie the sanif thing."?London Weekly Telegraph. To Take a Different Route. "Slstern and brethren," exhorted tTncle Abraham, a recent promotion from the plow to the pulpit, "on de one side er dis here meetln* house Is a road leading to destruction, on de udder is a road gwine to hell and damnation. Which you gwine pursoo? Dar is the internal question: Which is you gwine pursee?" "Law, Brer Abraham." spoke Sister Eliza from the back pew. "1 'speck I'm er gwine home too de woods!"? Lippincott's. It would save people a lot of trouble if they could be born with their wisdom teeth already cut. A Tempting Treat? Post Toasties with cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian Corn; cooked, rolled into flakes and toasted to a golden brown. Ready to serve direct from the package. . , Delightful flavour! Thoroughly wholesome! "The Memory Lingers" i ? 4V ? Sold ky Grocera .. Foe turn Cereal Vdmp^iu. Llmhld Bailie Creek. Micb. V. J Mwional StffWSCM Lesson (Br E. O. SELLERS. Director of EvenIn* Department. The Moody Bible In- j tltute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 14. I THE USE OF THE SABBATH. I LESSON TEXT?Mark 2.2S to 3:?. , OOLDEN TEXT?"The Sabbath wu made for man and not man for the Sab- | bath."?Mark 2:27. That the Christian Sabbath Is to be a Boon and not to be a Burden Is the fist of the teaching of Jesus upon that subject. For what is the ! Sabbath set aside and to what use shall we put the time thus set aside, j are and have been through the years 1 very live questions. That God had so- J clological. physical reasons for setting aside one day in sever, as a day of reBt and recreation has led some to advocate what we know as a "Continental Sunday"?one given over to pleasure, games, sports, auto rides, drives, etc., and an over emphasis upon the fact that God meant ub not only to rest but also that he "hallowed It," has given us the Puritanical observance that Is akin to a worship of this seventh day. Which is right? Ab we study these two Incidents in the life of our Lord, the plucking of the grain and the healing of the withered hand, both of which ' occurred upon the Sabbath, we can surely And guidance as to what shall be our observance of this day. These two events, and the principles that underlie are of sufficient Importance as to be recorded in all three of the synoptic gospels. Let us look at the first. Passing through the field the hungry disciples plucked some of the ripened grain, and sifting it In their hands, they ate It to supply their hunger. Mind, there was no reaping and gathering Into barns for the profit of the owner, but simply the gathering of sufficient to relieve the needs of the moment The ancient Jew was cum: bered with a ceremonial observance that was oppressive, yet their own priests in the temple performed the necessary dally duties and were held guiltless; and the great David had once entered that holy place and taken of the shew bread from off the altar and not only ate hlmaelf but gave to those who were with him. 80 1 - .V_? it#- -# ? nf greater importance than the punctliW' oas observance of the Sabbath day. j How Jesus Spent Sabbath. Passing on, Jeeus enters the syn*-; g&gue and there found a man having a withered hand. Again the ever watchful Pharisees observed him "that they might accuse him." j Jesus, knowing their growing antagonism, their attitude of distrust, takes advantage of the helplessness of ths man to teach these Pharisees the lesson of obedience?yes for once in I scorn he rebukes them; anger and grief struggled in the heart of Jesus as he commands the sick man to stretch forth his hand, and with ths command went power so that the man stretched forth his hand restored to its full strength and usefulness, is it lawful to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill on the Sabbath? Once again Jesus takes ths law from Its outward application and , r?ve?ls the spirit, the heart motive that must apply If we are to truly lovs and serve God. Is it not sufficient that sin makeSji strange bed fellowB, as for instance, the Pharisees consorting with thei Herodians, two parties as opposite as possible and bitter in their antagonism, taking counsel how they may de-} stroy this young Galilean. The fact I was the disciples had violated no law of God, but an ordinance of man, l and it has always been that we are; more jealous of such than to really know the spirit of God's commands,1 . and thereby to govern our actions. i What irony of Jesus' toDes as he i asked them "did ve never read?" The complaint of a Puritanical Sabbath was never raised by one who has a! loving familiarity with the Word of j God?God gave us the Sabbath, It did not come by accident. The heart hungers to know him and its demand is for time to worship and to serve him. ' It is only those whose hearts are blinded by the God of this world who swing to the opposite extreme. God will surely reckon with those corporaiious huu muiviuuais wno demand. as Bhown by the social surveys of some of the steel towns, for illustration. seven days labor each week, or who In their individual lives are so engrossed in business and in pleasure as to deaden and starve their souls, which are all the time crying out for God. Jesus' anger was at the hardness, and his compassion for this hardness of the hearts of the Pharisees. I/et us avoid the wrath and be subject to the compassionate pity of God. I^ast Sunday we studied the resurrection of our l^>rd. I*et us remember that the Christian Sabbath is a weekly remindj er of that great fact. Principles Make Christians. Rules make Pharisees, principles make Christians. It is not. "thus saith the priest or the council." that is to govern our actions, for thnt method has always served to deaden our conscience, hence it Is that Jesus said, 1 desire not sacrifice but mercy. My kingdom is not to become a burden: I came to free men from the burden of ceremonial observance. 1 desire mercy, therefore, if whenever the opportunity comesforyoutoexercise the principles of true religion, to visit the sioV. to relieve the widows and the fai? erless, to relieve human need, to direct men's thoughts to me in worship. if it be Sunday or not, you oug. t to do it in glad recognition that the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister. Church members will haTe a good deal to an swer for In lending support to open shops, and extra labor upon transportation facilities on the Sabath day. Weston never walks on Sunday. Wilbur Wright will not fly upon Sunday. Not all Sunday labor Is Sabbath breaking, but let us beware we do not dull a keen conscience upon one hand, or on the other hand hinder our usefulness by conforming our acts to unnecessary standards, not demanded nor authorized by ChriBt. The president of Cornell university has said: The observance of Sunday is the eiwporal sign that man belongs not i only to time but to eternity, l^t us objteive it a3 a day i:f physical rest. Christ transformed the deformed. j A WONDtRFUL HEALING INFLUENCI IN KIONEY TROUBLES. ? A year and a half ago I was takei with a severe attack of kidney troubh that pained me to such an extent tha morphine bad to be given me. Was at tended by a doctor who pronounced 1 as stone in the bladder and prescribec Lithia Water. I took Llthla Watei | and tablets for some time and recelvet no relief from them. I stopped takinj medicines for some time and havlni some of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root li the house. I decided to try it and fen much relieved; while taking the sec ond bottle commenced to pass gravel in all at least a half dozen or mor< and have not suffered the sllghtes' since and in all have taken one bottw and a half and feel very grateful t< Swamp-Root. Yours very truly, H. W. SPINKS, Camp Hill, Ala. Personally appeared before me thli 16th of August, 1909, H. W. Spinks who subscribed the above statemeni and made oath that same Is true It substance and in fact. A. B. LEE. Notorjr Public LrtUr ! Or. Cllarr k Co. t?. ?. T. Prove What Swamo-Root Will Do For Yoi Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It wll convince anyone. You will also re celve a booklet of valuable informs tion, telling all about the kidneys anc bladder. When writing, be sure anc mention this paper. Regular flfty-ceni and one-dollar size bottles for sale al all irug stores. Supply Cleaned Up. "Coin" flshin' next summer?" asked the man who tells tall stories. "No." replied Mr. Growcher. "II you caught all the fish you said you caught last summer, there won't be any use of going fishing next summer.'1 DUTCH VIEW. First Dutch Comedian?Necessity vas der murder of convention. Second Dutch Comedian?Yaw?und Invitation Is der slncerest flattery. Flat Hunters' Geography. "Where Is Van Dieman's Land?" "The van demon's land? Gosh, it's anywhere In this country, on the first of May!" She Knew. Miss Gusher?Oh. please tell me! Do you think poets have to be born? The Poet's Wife?Yes, borne with. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA ANI> BUILI) UP THE SYSTEM Take the Oid Standard GROVE'S TASTBLHHS CHLL1, TONIC. Von know wbal you are taking iha formula t? plainly printed on every bottle bowing It la amply Quinine and Iron In a ia?tele?? form, and tbe moat effectual form, for grown people and children. SO renta The Natural Thing. Lawyer?Of what did you take cog nlzance In the saloon? WitDess?I took a drink. For COLDS and RRIP Hicks' Cart'Dis* Is the beet remedy ? re lleves the aohinfr and feverlehnesH?cures thi Cold and restores normal conditions. It'i liquid?effects Immediately. 10c., J5c., and 50c At drug: stores. The more a man expects the mort he will be surprised If he gets It. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE I?AV Take LAXATIVE HROMO Quinine Tablet! l>rug*IM* refund money If It fails to cure. AW GROVE* signature la on each box. 25c. P takes a man or originality to posi as a successful liar. To overcome constipation and resultan His, take Gartield Tea, a pure herb laxative Beginning a proper name with i small letter is a capital offense. The Wretchednesj of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by A CARTER'S LITTLE MbtK * LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable ?act surely and ^IHaPADTrtfQ gently on the JSMfafMBL ziT.-lrliver. Cure w'7X~~ Biliousness, IIVER Head" /Sr\\ Dizzi- ^ ' ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature mliiTartl I For SPRAINED ANKLE. I Chat. B. Wheeler. Maine* City, Fla., aaya: "Several dnv* ago my hor--r sprained his ? ankle and your Mexican Mustang Litii ment heljied him eery much. Please aend I nte rour circular about poultry ailments I as f intend going into thai business soon.'' I 23c. 50c. $1 a bottle at Drug AGen'l Stores WE CI?? per SET FOR TCCTI PAY V"00 0LD FALSE 1 which are of no value to you Highe prices paid for Old Gold, Silver. Platinun Diamonds and Precious Stones. Mooe sent by return mail. PHILADELPHIA SMELTING AND REFINING CO. (Established 30 year*) 8331'HESTM'TST..I'llILADELl'HI V.T, We secure positions for our graduates. Ifinterested write for catalogue. Address M. H. BOWEN, Mtntftr, M**>ei BMf, Cslaahia, S. /f\ If Anil/O *nd High Gra? RhLS RUUAKo Finishing. Ma llMtM w orders given Sp f'ik-ijL cla' Attention. Prices re.-isonabl Service prompt. Send for Price Lt? LANS AAl *S ART NTORI, IIURLESTUN, S. SAVE YOUR OLD WORN CARPE VV e ran make yoa beaut iful durable rnp?: antN?7.e. 5t r<x>an or hall*. We have no agents. Catalogue fr< ORIENTAL RUG CO., Jlnltimor*. Mc lignrggnatina ?<K HI AB Wanted. SecoDfl-hand Bags and He El A IIA l"?' Write fur prices. UK HMU> BAGCCMHJLN\. Kicbmund,Virgin W. N, U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 15-191 | WHEREIN DADDY WAS WRONG Tommy Resented Injustice Done to Saw, After He Had Proved Its Temper. ^ Mr. A?, who was planning to I build an outdoor sleeping porch at the I back of his house, had an expensive r new saw sent home from a hardware I store. He left his office early the next ' afternoon, with the intention of get? ting the porch well tinder way before J dinner; and, as he was very much in; tereated in doing the work himself, he 1 donned a pair of overalls and went at j it In good spirits. An hour or so later t J he came tramping into the house, his ? ! face dark with exasperation, and flung ) himself down in disgust. "That new saw I bought isn't worth five cents," he stormed. "Why, the thing won't cnt butter!" i His small Aon Tommy looked up in , wide-eyed surprise, t "Oh, yes, it would, daddy," he said, i earnestly; "why, Ted and I sawed a whole brick in two with it just this | morning!"?Harper's Magazine. RASH ALL OVER BABY'S BODY II Itched So He Could Not Sleep I I "On July 27. 1909, we left Boston for . a trip to England and Ireland, taking I baby with us. After being in Ireland I a few days a nasty rash came out all I over his body. We took bim to a doc^ tor who gave us medicine for him. The trouble started in the form of a I rash and was all over baby's body, head and face, at different times. It i irritated, and he would scratch it with all bis might. The consequence was ? it developed into sores, and we were afraid it would leave nasty scars on , his face. "When we reached England we took baby to another doctor, who said his condition was due to change of food and climate, and gave more medicine. ; The rash got no better, and it used to Itch and burn at night so bad that the child could not sleep. He .was completely covered with It at different times. It was at this time th%t my , mother advised us to try Cuticura ^ Soap and Ointment. After using Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment for about nine months the places disap: peared. There are not any scars, or other kind of disfigurement, and baby ! Is completely cured by the Cuticura 1 OA?n nnJ Atnlmont TT'o hovo nn fnr. lOUa p OUU \/itliuicuw. n v tmf o uv ?u? ther trouble with baby's skin. Nothing stopped the Itching, and allowed baby to sleep but Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. I Margaret Ounn, 29 Burrell St., Roxbury, Mass., March 12, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to Cutli cura," Dept. L, Boston. NO WONDER. Hicks?They tell me that all the sinJ gle foreign noblemen are very much . worried. 4 Dicks?Why so? ; Hicks?So many American millionaires have lost their fortunes lately. A Confession. ? --- II- ? IJ? -A tkft) r Startled Dy convincing eviueutc mat they were the victims of serious kidney and bladder trouble, numbers of J 9 prominent people confess they have found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all 1 medicine dealers at 25c. Burwell & ' Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. a Some Are So by Nature. A certain young man, who prided * himself on a brusqueness that he mis" took for wit. met an eminent, but touchy, sculptor at a studio supper. "So you're the chap," he said, on I being introduced, "that makes mud heads?" "Not all of them." the sculptor re? plied, quietly?Youth's Companion. | A Quarter Century Before the public. Over Five Million Free ; Samples given away each year. The conutant and increasing sales from sample* ! proves the genuine merit of Allen's FootKase, the antiseptic powder to l>e shaken \ j into the shoe* for Tired, Aching, Swollen ' Tender fept. Sample free. Address, Allen * t>. Olmsted, I.e Roy, N. Y. Very Improper. Howell?Why is It that Harvard | doesn't want to play Carlisle again'.' Powell?I believe the Cambridge boys caught the Indians doing something redhanded. A splendid and highly recommended remedy for tired, weak, inflamed eyes, and granulated eyelids, is Paxtine Antiseptic, at druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co.. Boston. Mass. Poor Fellow! "He has no control over his limbs." "You wouldn't if you had Had your leg pulled as often as he has." I For HEADACHE?Iltrk*' CAP! D'.liK Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or I Nervous Troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid?pleasant to take?acts Immediately. Try it. 10c., S5c., and 50 cents at drug atorea. The woman who suffers in silence y usually manages to make a lot 01 | noise about It. . PILES ri'RFD IN fl TO 14 DATS Tourdriittijisi will r>-iun<l money if PaZO UlNTMKNT fnfli to cure ant caw of Pching, Blind. _ or Protruding l'iles in 6m M days. illc. Better a strong prejudice than a weak conviction. ? Pure blood is essential to Good Health. ie Garfield Tea dispels impurities, cleanses the id system, and eradicates disease. ,t] | There are times when we should be * thankful for what we fail to get. T Mrs. Whislow's Soothing Svrup for Children To teething, aoftens themm, reduces Inflamma' lion, aliaya pain, cures wiad colic, 26c a bottls. L ~ It must be some satisfaction to sailts ors to know that buoys will be buoys. it" 'Plnlt Eye" la Epidemic .n the Spring. ia '^ry Murine Eye Remeutr for Reliable Relief. 2 A man isn't necessarily worthless because bis neighbor is worth more. (backache is discouraging Until You Get After The Causa Nothing more dis- j couraging than a \ constant backache, V ! Lame whpn you A awake. Pains pierce tj you when you bend or lift. It's hard to? imjilf T """ work, or to rest. /irA \ J You sleep poorly j and next day la the J \r| same old story. ^4*1 W| That backache in- Rji % j CM dicates bad kidneys(?9 li mB and calls for some^8wf.l Vl good kidney remedy. If U None so well rec- J:. i u ommendedasDoan's kI'.' /i Kidney Pills. Grate-?} | ful testimony i8fcwj ( \ convincing proof. g||y V Here s Another rirlure Typical Case? 2eli ??woryMrs. J. L. Warwick, 406 W. Mul- , berry St., Lebanon, Ohio, says: "No tongue can tell the agony I endured, i My limbs were lifeless and there were weeKD wnen i couia not put i my feet to the floor or standi alone. As a last resort I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. In six weeks I was as free from kidney trouble as though I had never had it" AT ALL DEALERS 50c. a box i DOAN'S Eye-Sigh! Restored After Being Given Up by Specialists A wonderful cure by MILAM Mr. W. E. Griggs, Secretary and Treasurer Wsstbrooks Elevator Co. and formerly Cashier Bank of Danville, says: "About ten yean asro my eyesight began to fail to aucb an extent that it became necessary for me to consult a specialist. My trouble increased until I found it necessary to consult sev- I eral others. My case was diagnosed as Atrophy of i the Optic Nerve, caused by impoverished blood supply. The progress of my trouble was slow but steady, with never any relief, until finally my physician advised nie that nothing further could be done. About this time, about two yean ago. I could not see to read, and my range of vision was so short that I could not see anything at a greater distance than fifty or seventy-five feet. I often found it difficult to recognize acquaintances when I met them, distinguishing them more by their voices than their features. In May, 1903. a friend advised me that 'if the physician's diagnosis was correct. MILAM will i cure you. because It will purify and enrich the blood, increase the flow, and build up the system; but It will take a longtime and the improvement will be slow.' "I did not believe one word of this, and con- | sented to take MILAM because I did not think it couid hurt me. and there might be a bare possl- | . lioln ,no After si* weeks' 1 UII11V 11141 II minus nmr use I began to notice a slight improvement in my sight, which has been slow but steady and with no setback. Now I can read newspapers with ordinary glasses, can distinguish large ob- j Jects two miles away, and have no difficulty now. as far as iny sight is cpncerncd. in attend- I ingto my duties as the executive officer of a corporation. "I am still careful not to tax my eyes unreasonably, because 1 realise that I am not cured; | but bope. and am more and more encouraged as I ime passes, to believe that the continued use of !ILAM will cure me. "I think it proper to state that my general h"alth and strength have also improved in the same ratio as my eyesight, and I attribute this to the use of Milam. [Signed] W. E. GRIGGS." Danville. Va.. March 23, 1910. MILAM I AT***-"**** euro no blindness except that arising from impoverished of Impure blood or depleted system. Ask Your Druggist 5 A catarrh ?M Impure blood?that is where I catarrh has its beginning. And right there is the place i to cure it. . Our purifying Botanic Blood ' Balm goes to the foundation of the trouble. It sweeps the foul catarrhal poisons entirely out of | your system. That is the only real cure. ' Remember our positive guarantee?your -money back if "B.B.B." fails to help you. Don't let yourself be handicapped with this disgusting affliction. You want a sweet breath that you are not ashamed of. You want comfortable breathing and a clean healthy system, all through. Y'our druggist has "B.B.B." waitfij ingforvou. Or if not, write to us, and we'll see that you get it. Don't put it off. eatirrh lead* to a good I deal worse as you well knew Seek relief The Blood Balm Co. Philadelphia and St. Louij I Just D D "I | ask for Faultless Dry Gleaning and Dyeing too The best in the South. Write for our booklet CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color Braovics iusdri rr a\D suar Invigorate*.? ml prevents the hair from ft! ling off f or Sile by Drvfjrleu, mr Vat DirerI by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Prlc* 91 T*r Evt'.lfi SaapU R.tll. lit. -i.o4 f?r tirrtUe, DR. M. C. KREITZER'S 10c. SALVE 25c. Unexcelled in treatment of \V ounds,Burns, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Ulcers, Corns, Bunions, etc. In use over 50 years. Sold by druggists,or mailed direct. For 2c. ue will mail you a sample box. W C <x Co., 1536 Is. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Xn.|.S? 2.So.3. THER APION Hospital* with GRIUT Kreer.H.S CI'RKS kIDSKV BLADDER DISEASES PILLS. ( HROXIC rl.rr.Rft SKIN ERrPTIoNS KITIIKK SPX S-st ,Mr.H .n.-l - for f'RKK o-ok'.t t? Dh >.E Ct.PRC WED. CO . HAVKRSTOCK RD.. R4MPSTKAD, LOXDOS. E>0. & KODAKS Kit-tmin and An*oo films, mailed postkfc'r>j9 P?"t Mail <>rd<T\ given prompt attention bwaj' Any mil film drvejopfrt for 10cent* PARSONS OPTIC A I. CO. C?" 241 Klntr Street, Charleston, 8. C. naflP^Y TREATBII. GItoQuick reJft} Unvrwl Uef, usually remove swelV liny and short breath In a few clays and entire relief In 15-46 days, trial treatment StkHB KKKK. OB.urADUttOM, Boi i, MU?U,?a. DEFIANCE STARCH ST2S I IlKIIUKW rt-.w w ? , , gn. kodaks f2k4 ,lvun,1>J >(,11 order" given kj]|||rft prompt attention Complete stock of HJlltet pboto snpplie*. Send for catalogue. rKSA W. I. VAN NKM * CO. 23 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N.C. TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt, second hand andshopwornTypewriters ; $10 and up. We sell supplies for all makes. Ours is the best equipped repair department in the South. Deal with us and save money. J. E. CRAYTON fc CO , Charlotte, N. C. safety razor blades aent to us by mail will be SHARPENED and returned the following day and GUARANTEED to be as sharp as new ones. PRICE Double edge blade* .15 cents dozen. Single edge blade* 20 cents dozen. WOODALL & SHEPPARD, Druggists CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA CrUACiri II We make a specialty dUnUriLLU of Return Tubular ENGINES9oi,ers and En9'ne?J1 " ** * They are particularly AND " " " adapted for Saw Mills, n a | | p n a OH Mills, Cotton Ginb U I L t K v ning. We also handle Saw Mills and Gasoline Engines. If you are contemplating the purchase of new Boilers and Engines, It will pay you | U> write us. J.S. SCHOFIELD'S SONS CO., Macon, 6a. Branch office: 307 W. Trade Si., Charlotte, N. C. C. D. LOiNE. Mant-ger. THE PEEVISH CHILD NEEDS TREATMENT When a child Bulks drowsily, or Is fretful, it Is usually due to some slight disorder of the digestive organs, and a mild laxative is very often all that is necessary to restore cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. In rflcoR uherp thp nsp of a eentle. * - ~ ' ? w-" ' I effective laxative stimniant Is indicated, many of the best physicians are now prescribing Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This preparation Is admittedly the perfect laxative, being mild, yet positive in its action on the bowels, and far preferable to violent cathartics and purgative waters. It is very pleasant to the taste and is an ideal ; remedy to regulate and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. Its easy, natural action makes it especially desirable in the case of children, a dose at bed-time being sure to have the desired result next morning, with no attendant unpleasantness or discomfort. Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepsin Is sold by druggists everywhere in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried this splendid remedy, write to Dr. W. | B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Monticello, 111., for a sample. He will be very glad to send a trial bottle without any expense to you whatever. AS TO REALISM. Reggy?How is this in the second | chapter of my great story: "The beautiful girl dropped her eyes?" Peggy?How pathetic! Were they glass eyes? Up and Down. Senator Davis, In an interview at Ozark, derided good humoredly the 1 aristocratic pretentions that too many j Americans, as soon as they get rich, j assume. "It's hard to be aristocratic in a i democracy like this," said Senator Davis. "We've got no criterion, no measure, and hence, as aristocrats, we never can tell where we stand. " 'Mrs. Dash is no longer in our set.' a woman once said at a tea. " 'Yes, so I understand,' said another woman. " 'Yes,' went on the first woman, with a haughty sneer; 'yes, she dropped out some time ago.' '"Is that so?' said the other. 'I was under the impression that she climbed out.'" Nothing Lost. "Mr. Chairman," said the orator, ' who had already occupied the plat- , form for twenty minutes, amid many ! interjections from the audience. "Mr. j Chairman! May I appeal on a point 1 of order? There is really so much desultory conversation going on in parts of the hall that it Is impossible for me to hear a word I am saying." Voice from the Back of the Hall? Don't be downhearted; you're not miss'ng much! the nmttnFn, ni*e4?e malaria Tulckly cured by that wonder'ul remedy Elixir Unbelt. "The result has been an absolute cur* j to me. and it affords me the greateat m r.Anmmend 'Rahek' to all c _ r.'ho are suffering: from that dreadful disease known as malaria."?Clarence Elmo Ergood. Don't suffer from chills & fever. ague or grippe when you can get prompt relief. Flllilr Bahek, SO cents, all druggists. or KlociewskI &. Co., Washington. D. C. Logical. The car labored heavily over wet and deeply scarred roads. "Have you any idea where we are?" | asked blinks. "No." said Garraway, "though the i roads suggest we are near either Wa- I tervllle or Rutland?I don't know which."?Harper's Weekly. Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: la purely vegetable. As a cathartic, its action is easy, mild and effectual. No griping, no nausea. [ makes a sweet breath and pretty complexion. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. We always feel sorry for a stuttering man who Is trying to put In a good word for himself. It 8 difficult for a man who is broke to break into society. As wr grow more sensible we refuse drug cathartics and lake instead Nature's herb l cure, Uartield Tea. The more a trust magnate wants ; the less the other fellow gets. Charlotte Directory iTpOSITION^FOR^YOU ! Wanted Men ami Boy* to take HO day* practical :?ur*? In our machine ahop to learn automobile ouklnei*. f?ew and modern machinery; new car*. A position tor erery graduate. Catalogue Jree 1 "i" k"l>"nl. < harlot te. N. C. |r_QSEas | alcohol-3 per cent IS AVefetaWe Preparation for Asiftj similating the Food and Regula ?9 ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Si I Promotes Digestion,Cheerful?j ! ness and Rest Contains neither i rtninm Mornhine nor Mineral | ? r Si Not Narcotic sou DrSAHi'Ei/rrc/rs* )|i PkK^Lia St*J *, MxStmim \ L- /fftKtlit Sa/tl J' Anitt SfU ' I S IXZZusu.. } I If* C(*nftt4 Sufr II0 MTvifjrtf Ft?v?r / k. X A if.Cij A perfect Remedy for Conslipa # ?'f lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, f *jcj Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- I ness and loss of sleep 1 M': ' Slj F? Simile Signature of ?W ' The Centaur Company. jfit NEW YORK. fai Exact Copy of Wrapper W. L. DC SHOES 2.25 *2.50 *3.00 '3.50 '400 i For MEN, WOMEN and Bi the standard of quality FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED < give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. Douglas name stamped on a sho antees superior quality and mor for the money than other make name and price stamped on the protects the wearer against higl and inferior shoes. Insist upon the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. no substitute. Tf ronr dralar <-?nno< inpplf Y tltoe*. writ* W.I.DoiicU*. "Brockton, Mm. rorratato everywhere delivery charges prepaid. Vast Color A"i Reduce The Feed BillHorses and Mules do more work; Co Sheep and Goats r?* better fleecea; Cattle and Hogs take on more fle*h am better health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal an Tor Breeding or Nursing Stock, mi valuable. Much better than Write for free Booklet containing much n , Baiters to THE BUREAU < Interstate Cottonseed 806 Main Street Colds, h # "I want to tell you wh J received from the use of Ti WlilCb iVll 5. OJivamu ?v wu ''It certainly has no 0 colds, liver and stomach t 4 Black-Draught saved my Iii 4 had measles, they went in < 4 of Thedford's Black-Draug ] and she had no more troul 5; "I shall never be with h, THEDF BLack-d ^ "You are at liberty to ? wish, and I will gladly an: 0 write me, concerning your1 f Thedford's Black-Drai 4 young and old. It is non-i 4 bad after-effects. It acts in 4 ural way, on the liver, stom [ cleansing, strengthening, ar : their work. In common us everywhere. Get a packa? 44444444444444 | ,B Rh; iment par excellence. I have used cap caused by a fall, and to my gre my duties In le*s than three weeks aft LIN?! is an excellent remedy for sprat No rubbing necessary?you can At all dealer*. Price Sloan's Book on Ilorses, Cattle. Shi Dr. EARL S. SLOA iflsroi For Infants and Children.' he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /, \ Signature /Of)! \W . .? In \f Use j For Over Thirty Years M8T0BIA >UCLAS -Improve The Animals W8 R'T* n>ore *nd better MUk end Batter; Hens '"T more eggs, end all as well ? > 1 fat, and develop more rapidly and keep in d Cottonseed Hulls ires, Cowe, Sow# or Ewet, It la especially Hay, far rheaper than Corn. aluable Information to Feeders and 8tock 3F PUBLICITY Crushers Association , Dallas, Texas *Grippe""j at wonderful benefit I have # hedford's Black-Draught," 4 s, of Clifton Mills, Ky. J equal for la grippe, bad 5 roubles. I firmly believe f ttle girl's life. When she 4 Dn her, but one good dose 4 ;htmade them break out, 4 3,e- Z out i iraugHT publish this letter if you ^ swer anybody that might ? wonderful medicine." f jght can be used freely, by 4 minora!, harmless, without 4 a perfectly safe and nat iacb, kidneys, and bowels, ? id stimulating them to do J ;e for over 70 years. Sold J ;e to-day. Price 25 cents, f ? #CCA 9 lumatic Pains ;kly relieved 's Liniment is good for pain of It penetrates, without rubbing, ;he muscular tissue right to the -relieves the congestion and gives inent as well as temporary relief, j' Here's Proof. W. Lav of Lafayette, Ala., write#:? ad rheumatism for five years. I tried rs and several different remedies but did not help me. I obtained a bottle * >an's Liniment which did me so much ?;ood that I would not do without it or anything." r Thomas L. Rtcr. of Easton, Pa., writes: "I have used Sloan's Liniment and find it first-class for rheumatic pains." * Mr. G.G. Jones of Baldwins, L.I., writes:?"I have found Sloan's Lin if for broken sinews above the knee ' at satisfaction I was able to resume ei the accident." KXVC ii\*l I 4ENT ns. bruises, sore throat, asthma, apply with a brush. , >, 230m, BOOm & SimOOm sep and Poultry sent free. Address " N, BOSTON, MASS. ||