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\ ?T\ f'. : IMMEDIATE EFFECT OF 6REAT KIDNEY REMEDYISSOON REALIZED. According: to my experience I do not consider there Is anything to equal Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root for kidney affection. Twice It relieved me when I was completely helpless. The last time I was traveling In Texas, when my kidneys became af, fected, and for ten days 1 suffered excruciating pain, accompanied with severe chills. Several years previous, kevlng been relieved of a similar attack, I naturally sought relief as before, from Swamp-Root After using four of the large size Prove Whet Swamp-Root Win Do For You 8end to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bingham- ] ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will , convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Inrorma- 1 tlon, telling all about the kidneys and 1 bladder. When writing, be sure and i mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent I and one-dollar size bottles for sale at , all drug stores. Love Matches. "Miss Marie Corelll, like all female novelists. Is a firm believer in marrying for love." The speaker, an editor of a woman's magazine, was taking tea at the Colony club In New York. She continued, a nut sandwich poised near her mouth: "I argued and wrangled about love matches with Miss Corelll one whole day In her old-fashioned Stratford home, but she rather got the better of me. at the end with an epigram: '"She who marries for love,' Miss Corelll said, 'enters heaven with her eyea shut. She who marries without love enters hell with them open.'" There is nothing heavenly about war.?or Dyspepsia. The world Is outgrowing the lint, and Garfield Tea will conquer Dyspepsia. An old toper is satisfied If he can keep his bead above water. "Pink Eye" la Epldemle In tha Spring. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief. Talk to yourself if you want an appreciative audience. Kree Color Plans for any rooms yon want to decorate You can have the pret- I tiest walla in your town, I at the least cost. Our 1 expert designers will plan the work for you i \Wh/A*rfe- I Get This Book 20 Pretty Rooms J|g?3jP8 ;DL1 ?we will Bail you a copy Free. JflKH It fU> how lo hare the beat deco- , ' rating at Iran coat is full of new , color achrtnea and abowt atxtren Sit'l" ' I of the exquisite Alabaatine tints JtUasim* 3od5T f am out for their toft, reined -1 " qualities. AlabasUne The Beautiful Wall Tint it acre In rnfue in modem homes than wall paper or paint and cowtUWIMBHiKK far leas. Alt kaltomine colon ha rah and crude beaide AlahatrineKT^^SS~Rg?| tinta AbeohiWlywnltary.eoet fur-r~3gK^^I8K thest dees Dot chip. peel or rub off. I \ Eary to u*e?)utt mix with coldl^^BJ^^\Ra|a water and put oo. Directions on k ** > each package. Full 5-lb. package. |RMBnMtti|l??K Whht J Oct Retular Tltut Sic. IV y^l Akbastinc Company S MM la*. fir* !?*, WdL|:^gg^Py lnM Qty. Ink S. >? later StrteiLag^^Jr MeHitrs, Have You Ever Used Mother's Joy?! V oot. why not ? If KDBB you can fet a thine that la better than the other It pays to uae It. Try Mother's lor Just on* tlm*. ' it i Pneonotli $ O IffS^L W\ S It fite) Never Falls "Motbersdon t fall to get a box of MOTH KK S JOT." ?flita* By THE GOOSE 6GEASE CO.. 8NCCNSS0II0. N. C. For <3 rear* we hav* -T?e*? v trained men and women fn" lain*? First bustJ n *- col ley .n Virginia, an si court in south to I^RKfi52l Ht^SSS own ** building. No |MMaJBPjLlT^WW vacations. Write for ' "LeadU* Bus. Col south Potomac ii*et."?PWlt. 'itrni|ruh( Neck Bands For Shirts Sizes 12 to 18, 5 cents each. ? Mail orders filled promptly. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE, N. C; Tuff's Pills Th? first dose often astonishes the Invalid, thing elasticity of mind, buoyancy of body, GOOD DIGESTION , regular bowels and solid flesh. Price, 25 ct <?, kodaks FII?n.,\x.v,x rKva Kvunii^ Mall or<!ers glTPD rllHPB Prompt attention. C"mplet? Rtoct of ! I Butts photo supplies, (tend for catalogue. \v. I. VAN NESS * CO. 33 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N.C. SAVE YOUR OLD WORN CARPET he can make too beautiful durable rugs: anyeiae. To ' Ot room* or hall*. We hare do agents. Catalogue free ORIENTAL RUG CO., Baltimore, Mil. 4ts Ifftnil/C ?*nd High Grade KODAKS ord era'given Spefill tiff rial Attention. Prices reasonable. LptgSertlct prompt. Send for Price List. LA?kAl*S ART STORk, CIIAKIJCSTOS, P. C. 1 ^oaTHOMPSCKt <2?EYE WATER .VMsg . .MJH1S L. THOMPbO's SONS AOO.. Troy. N. Y 'ifr > ) bottles, I was completely restored and went on my way rejoicing and praising Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. This was three years ago, and I have had no Indication of the return of the affliction. Yours very truly, M ' J. C. SMITH, JR., 108 Johnson St. Jackson, Tenn. State of Tennessee ) County of Madison ) ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of July, 1909. P. C. STOVALL, / . Notary Public I ; u Mdnational SUNMrSOIOOL Lesson ;= tBy E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) LESSCN FOR APRIL 7. EA8TERLESSON. LESSON TEXT?I Cor. 15:1-11. GOLDEN TEXT?"This Jesus did God raise up. whereof we all are witnesses."? Acts 2:32. St. Paul may not make direct reference to the virgin birth of our Lord, though he certainly knew of the prophecy that a "Virgin shall conceive." (Iss. 7-14), but what does It matter? It Is not greater miracle to be born than to rise triumphant over death. That Paul assumes the fact ?- 'Vl. T Uarallv is ctlutrm i rum iuib rcoouu. unci an/ he begins by saying, "New I make known the gospel which I preached unto you at Corinth, whereof you are saved and what you must always remember, that Christ, who came fulfilling all that was promised 111 the Scripture, died for our slnB antl rose again." Paul goes on to tell explicitly of many who Nd seen Jesus after the resurrection and, most Important of all, how he, himself, had seen the Christ. "Last of all /he was seen of ne also. Though I am least of all tae Baints In that I persecuted the church, yet I am what I am. and bis grace was not bestowed upon me in vain." Paul was not such a "bad man" from the I accepted moral standards of his time, yet he felt the truth of what Christ said, viz., that the essence of sin Is that "they believe not on me," hence Paul, once he gave his life to Jesus, "labored more abundantly;" yet he says, for fear someone would misunderstand him. "not that I did the work, but God was with me." The fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ Is the best proven fact of history. In the first place the disciples themselves did not expect Jesus to die (John 12:34), hence, of course, they never even thought of the resurrection (Mark 9:10). In the third place when on that Easter morn Mary reported the empty tomb and of having seen the Lord, the apostles thought It "idle talk" (Luke 24:11). When the women reported having actually seen him, the men, and how mnnw mm likfl to take Instruction from a woman, were unconvinced and rather doubted those who had conversed with him on the road to Emmaus. Again, when seen by the ten. Thomas would not accept the report till he had seen his hands and his feet. It would have been easy for the Jews to have disproved the story of the physical resurrection; all that would have been needed would be to have shown the body and said: "Here he Is, see these hands and these feet, the pierced side and scarred brow, this Is the body of the young prophet," Argumentu Based on Unbelief. All arguments to convince us that Jesus did not rise are based upon unbelief and the answer of countless millions throughout nearly twenty centuries has been the words of Pau: (verse 20) but "Now is Christ risen from the dead." To deny is to be lost in the fog, our preaching vain, and we have no ground of faith. See verses 12-14. To accept is to place a Arm foundation underneath our whole Christian scheme, to set the seal of authority and purity upon the life of him whom all men, Jew and Gentile alike, say was good, and opens a vista of hope for all who die in the Lord. 4 Paul goes on to show that the resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of a plan whereby all the human race who are related to Christ shall likewise be resurrected. Even as through the transgression of (?,- man sin came upon the whole human race. In like manner by the perfect life of obedience upon the part of one man we may all be made alive. Paul makes a strong contrast between the death of the believer and that of the non-believer. "If I flght with beasts at Ephesus what advantage does that have? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." Not so, however, with the Christian, hence he exhorts the Christians to be awake to righteousness and to sin not. A suggested outline for the study Of this subject would be as follows: I. The Fact. I'nprecedented. Well established. According to prophecy. Christ's crowning miracle. H. Its Significance. Proof of Christ's deity. Rom. 1:4 Type of our resurrection. Phil. 3:21. A victory over the devil. Heb. 2: 14. 15. . A fundamental basis of Christianity. IIT. Its Application. He i6 our risen, everlasting King We shall recognize our dead. ITo. taft no tri establish his king dom. Only Friends Saw Him. For the younger classes this story of the first Faster Is a mbst fascinating one, dramatic, tender, Aspiring. For the older pupils we may well discuss. How Easter would be observed. Have we fully realised that we are "risen with Christ?" Remember he showed himself only to his friends, not to Pilate nor to the Sanhedrim. Are you his friend? Have you seen the risen Lord? A description of "Holy Fire" of the Greek Christians who gathered each with Ms taper In the church at Jerusalem on Faster Sabbath, and how each passes the Are on to another or carries it sacredlyback to his home church, would be appropriate in order to illustrate the j fact that each one of us must ap? ?- >-? proprlate t nrisi m ni? usuncuiwv power, and having appropriated his life we are in duty bound to pass on this knowledge to others. Paul show- j ed his gratitude by "laboring more abundantly." It might be well for us to draw at- j tention to the fact that the communion service "shows forth his death till he come again." and baptism Is symbolic of his death and resurrection (Rom. 6:4), wherein we are to walk In newness of life, and that at his , coming again all enemies shall be | Bubject to the Christ. That these are great truths we all know, yat "even the least" may have a part in telling the glorious Easter story and that we need not dwell at the cross but pass on and behold an empty tomb and worship a risen Christ who ever Hvsth and maketh intercessions for us [NERVOUS DESPONDENT WOMEN Find Relief in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ?Their Own Statements So Testify. Platea, Pa. ?"When I wrote to yon first I was troubled with female weak|.^i, v ness an^ backache, and was so nervous would startle me so. [!*! ^ ^ jp|f I began to take LyEjPa, ?sjjj*0 dia E. Pinkham's E- 'Ha. remedies, and I don't have any more cryIw/lfftjfl I I spells- I sleep \ / lir/l I sound and my nerV !f vousnesa is better. * ' I will recommend i your medicines to all suffering women." ! ?Mrs. Mary Halstead, Platea, Pa., Box 98. I Here is the report of another genuine ' case, which still further shows that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota.?"I had inflammation which caused pain in my side, and my back ached all the time. I was so blue that I felt like crying if any one even spoke to me. I took Lydia E. i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued its use and now I am a well woman." ? Mrs. Amelia Dahl, Walcott, N. Dakota. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhatn Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. A POSITION FOR YOU Wanted Mm and Boyi to take HO days practical conr.. In our machine (bop to learn antomoblle bn.ines*. New and modern machinery: new car.. A poaltlon for every graduate. Catalogue Free. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Vo.i.No.2. V0.3. TUCD A DiAAlUaedlnF-rench I nCnArlVlW Hospitals with ORKAT 8UCCRS8. CtRRg IIDNRT. Rl.ADDRK DISRA8I8. Pll.BR. CHROMIC t'l.CKRS. SKIM gRrPTlOMS-RITHKRSRI R..4 *ddr*M niT.lar* for RKRE .??!.! I. DR. Lt CI IRC HID. CO.. HAVERSTOCB BD.. OAMPSTBAD, LOMDOM. B VO. We secure positions for our graduates. If interested write for catalogue. Addresi. M. H. BOWEN, larger, Maaeea BMg.. CeleahU, S. C. , HI8 LIMITATION. j Mrs. Praise?Your husband Is a wonderful man In many ways. Noth1 lng seems to escape him. MrB. Diggs?That's so, my dear. He 1 Beems to observe everything but Lent. i Women to Wear Mantillas In Church. Women of St. Francis De Sales ' - | catnearai wm miroauce mio i.nia country the custom of wearing in church the graceful lace headdresn of the Spanish women in place of hats. The innovation was suggested by Rev. Dr. O'Connor to the members of the Altar society and at the general communion of the society the scarfs will be worn. "The hats of today have become a monstrosity." says Rev. Dr. O'Con- ' iror, addressing the society.?Toledo correspondence Cleveland Leader. Cursory. A huntsman called on Hodge to settle for damage done by a run to hounds, and found only Mrs. Hodge at home. i "Has your husband," he inquired, i "made an examination yet?" "That he have, sir," replied Mrs. Hodge, with a courtesy. "Rather a cursory examination, I suspect." "Oh, dreadful, sir! Such langwidge i I never heerd?never!" And the good j woman held up her hands at the bare recollection.?Judge. SHE QUIT COFFEE And Much Good Came From It. It is hard to believe that cofTee will put a person in such a condition as it did a woman of Apple Creek, O. She tells her own story: "1 did not believe coffee caused my trouble, and frequently said J liked It bo well I would not quit drinking it, even if it took my life, but I was a 1 miserable sufferer from heart trouble 1 and nervous prostration for four years. "I was scarcely able to go around at all. Had no energy, and did not care for anything. Was emaciated and had 1 a constant pain around my heart until I thought I could not endure it. I felt as though I was liable to die any I time. "Frequently I hai nervous chills and the least excitement would drive sleep away, and any little noise would upset me terribly. I was gradually getting worse until finally one day, it came over me, and I asked myself what is the use of being sick all the time and buying medicine so that I can indulge myself in coffee? "So I thought I would see If I could quit drinking coffee, and got some Po6tum to help me quit. I made It strictly according to directions, and I want to .ell you that change was the greatest step in my life. It was easy to quit coffee because I had the Postum which I like better than I liked the old coffee. One by one the old troubles left, until now 1 am in splendid health, nerves steady, heart all right, and the pain all gone. Never have any more nervous chills, don't ; take any medicine, can do all my housework, and have done a great deal besides. "My sister-in-law, who visited me this summer had been an invalid for some time, much as I was. I got her to quit coffee and drink Postum. She gained five pounds in three weeks, and I never saw such a change in anyone's health " "There'B a reason " Ern rend above letter? A new one appeara from time to time. They are ffenulne, tne. nod fuj of humnr !nt?re*t. i OPTIMISM A NATURAL TRAIT Prospector Can Not Help but See Millions in Lode Which Necessity Makes Him Sell. Mark Twain once defined a mine as "a hole in the ground owned by a liar." The general humorist was for once guilty of a harsh judgment. The owner of a promising prospect, who is willing to sell it only because he lacks the capital requisite for its developmest, is not necessarily a liar. He Is only an optimist. He does not mean to deceive anybody. He believes In the value of his property and describes it as he sees it. "Is that copper lode permanent?" said the representative of an eastern syndicate to the grizzled prospector who was trying to ^ell bis claim. "Permanent?" was the reply; "well 1 should smile. If you had Niagara for a water power, and the state of Arizona for a dumping ground, and hell for a smelter, you couldn't work that ledge out In a million years." A Confession. Startled by convincing * vidence that they were the victims of serious kidney and bladder trouble, numbers of prominent people confess they have found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all medicine dealers at 25c. Burwell L Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Such It Life. Dugan?Oh my, oh my! Isn't Casey put'n on g rand airs wld his new autymobile? An' over in the ould counthry I dare say he went barefutted. Ryan?Faith, not be his own accounts. He says he had a turnout over there thot atthracted great attintion. Dugan?Av coorse; an eviction always does. fl.AIM* BABEK SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. Chas. W. Miller, of Washington, D. C.. writes of Elixir Babeki "I can heartily testify to the virtue of your preparation known as Rabek. as I consider that It was the means of my recovery from a bad case of Intermittent fever and the saving of my life." What It did for him It can do for you, If you suffer from any form of malaria. Elixir Rabek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Kloczewskl & Co., Washington, D. C, The Reason. "You mark all your compositions forte." said the friend. "Yes," replied the composer. "They wouldn't have any vogue among people who live in Rats if I had them played softly." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting?Reels Fine?Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated Book In each Package. Murine is rompounded by our Oculists?Dot s "Patent Medicine ?but used in successful Pbyslciani' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and told t^ r>rusflrs at So and SOn per Bottle. Murine JOye Hairs in J.septic Tubes, tto and Mc. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago Idle Fund. "That man has a vast fund of In'orraation." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum; 'but he can't put a dollar mark in front of it and use it for a campaign fund," Important' to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of [fASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see tbat it fn Use For Over 30 Years. Children Ciy for Fletcher's Castoria Gallant Blind Man. "Ah, you're a pretty lady." "What's that? I thought you were allnd." "In a sense only. I never see the igly women."?Journal Amusant. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the size of your shoes, you can wear a fire entailer by shaking Allen's Foot* Ease, the antiseptic powder, into them. Just the thing for Dancing Partiea and for Breaking in >"ew Shoes. Sample Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Sure Does. "The pen la- mightier than the sword." "But the typewriter put It all over the pen." The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston, Mass., will send a large trial box of Paxtine Antiseptic, a delightful cleansing and germicidal toilet preparation, to any woman, free, upon request. Discontents arise rrom our desires Dftener than from our wants.?Krummacher. For COLDS and GRIP Blcka' CAPrniNB la the best remedy?relieves the aching and feverlshnese?cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid?effects Immediately. 10c., ISc.,and50c. At drug stores. An optimist Is a man who knows that his troubles might be worse. ONLY ONE "BROMO QUININE.'' Thst Is I, A X ATI V K BROMO QUI SINK, book for the signature of B. W. ORoYK. I sed the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 2Sc. There are a few things that even a young man doesn't know. Garfield Tea, the natural remedy for Constipation, can always be relied on. Many a brave man has lost his nerve in a dentist's chair. BACKACHE A SIGNAL OF DISTRESS fPaln In the back is the kidneys' signsl of distress. If this timely warning is ignored, there is grave danger of dropsy, gravel, urio poisoning,or Bright's disease. When you hare reason to suspect your kidneys, use a special kidney modiDoan's Kidney Pills relieve weak, congested kidneys? cure backache?regelate the urine. Good proof In the following statement, i i 1 | CONVINCING IB \i TESTIMONY CL* 9^^ O- A. cr*!*.,51 "Jsvrrj/ Picture HwcockSt.Boed cm. Telle a Story ' ^jy wasconstantly racked with pain. I had a dull ache in the email of my back, my feet swelled, I had ditzir epells and the urinary paseagee were t~o frequent _ 1 was very nervous and the doctors didn't seem to understand mv case Voan's Kidney Pills brought quick relief and an ultimate cure." AT ALL DEALERS 50c. a Box DOAN'S yttr CAN CANCER BE CURED? IT CAR I The record of the Kell?-T Hospital is without parallel In history, having cur-s to star cured permanently, without the use of the knife or IE-Kay over UO per cent, of the many hundredsof sufferers from cancer which it has treated during the past fifteen veara We have been -adorsed by the Kenate and Legis ature of Virgin:*, Vve 'itiaruntee Our Cure#. Phymlcienr treated tree. KELLAM HOSPITAL 1017 W. Main Street, Richmond, Vm. I \ HOLY UNO SHEEP Shepherds Stiil Retain Their Ancient Characters. Men of This Interesting Land Carry Primitive Weapons to Protect Flocks From Raids by Bedouins and Animals. Jerusalem.?There are few more picturesque sights in the Holy Land than the shepherd and his flock of j sheep. You can never see one without the other, says a writer in Country Life in America. They live en tirely with their flocks. Their business is not only an honorable calling, but it is one of perpetual difllculty and danger. Shepherds In the east are men of war; also they are men of some initiative and practical Intelligence. They, of course, belong to the native population, which may be divided into three groups, the townspeople, or medanljeh; the peasants, or dwellers in villages, called the fellaheen, and the noma's, who live In tents and spend their lives roaming, called the Bedouins. The BhepherdB, therefore, come under the head of peasants, or fells been, but nevertheless, they are virtually a race apart. Unlike the other native tribes, they have maintained their ancient character intact. They attended to the wants of their sheep and led them from pasture to pasture among the hills and valleys long before the coming of the Children of Israel. The sheep themselves are distinctly of the Syrian breed and famed for their fat tails. Much has been made of the fact that the shepherds of Palestine lead their sheep. This custom has arisen, of course, through the abb ' ' i ? ' " Al I A Copyright, t'nderwood k CntJrrwood, N. T. Party of Shepherda. sence of roads, and the scanty nature of the pasturage found on the mountain sides. It would be Impossible to drive the flocks from place to place, 1 unless dogs were employed, and there are no sheep dogs In eastern countries. Hence the shepherd goes on In i front, the sheep following, behind, a shepherd boy as a rule bringing up the rear. This Is the shepherd's principal duty, to guide his shpep and find pasturage for them. Then another remarkable trait about these men Is that they know their sheep and can Instantly pick them out from strangers. At Bethlehem once, I witnessed a very striking demonstration of this. Three shepherds met, and their flocks, totalling some 160 sheep, were soon hopelessly mixed up together. It required but a few minutes to drive the sheep Into a fold, and In a remarkably short space of time the shepherds pointed out correctly the members of ' their respective flocks. Then the shepherds of this Interesting land are men of armB. In the southern districts of Palestine and j also in the Lebanon country they all carry firearms, and those around Jerusalem and In the neighborhood of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, and In other parts of the country carry weapons In the shape of heavy wooden clubs or slings, the latter as primitive as that used by David when he tended hla father's flocks. The guns are Invariably old-fashioned flintlock muskets or some other obsolete type of firearm With these weapons the shepherd protects his flock from wild beasts?leoDards. panthers and wolves. But his worst enemy Is not the wild animals of the country, but the roving Bedouins. The latter are always making raids and carry off sheep, with the result that even today many a good shepherd Is called upon to lay down his life for the sheep. Jail for Big Taby. Elizabeth, N. J.?"Your honor, papa slaps me all the time, and It hurts, too. I want you to 6end him to Jail." These words, spoken In a plaintive voice by little James Kelley, Jr., of 336 Magnolia avenue, to Judge Mahon In police court, brought tears to many ; eyes. Kelley is only 52 and 6 feet tall, ano his father Is 30 years older. The aged man told a different story. "Judge," he said, "1 used to think Jimmy was only mischievous, but I am beginning to be convinced that he Is incorrigible. He goes out every night and 6tays until 0 or 10 o'clock, and, for all 1 know, may be In bad com- 1 nanv Then when I try to show him the error of his ways he knocks me , down." "The case is evidently one for the Juvenile court,' said Judge Mahon to I the bad boy; "hut I'll take a chance in disposing of It myself. Six months in the workhouse." Chlorine Cracks Skin. Cleveland. O.?Chlorine, a powerful astringent placed In the Cleveland water supply, is bla ?ed for chapped lips and hands The drug draws the skin taut and the winds crack It. Progress of Medical Science. "People used to have such funny Ideas about preventing diseases," Mrs. Lapsling was saying. "If there was any measles or chicken pox In town when I was a little girl. I always had to wear a bag of Insipidity around my neck." Apparently So. Some genius has Invented a guard to be affixed to automobile wheels to prevent the splashing of pedestrians Would he rob the sport of one of its chief pleasures??Washington Post. WOULDTAKEBOOK TO TELL TROUBLES Carrirille Lady Says She Laid Awake At Night Because of Her Troubles. CarTBVlIle, Ky.?Mr>. F. E. Cossey, i of this towd, eays: "I had been afdieted for nearly six years with womanly troubles, and would suffer so much, every month! It would take a book to tell what [ have Buffered In that time. I got so I could not sleep at night, from nervousness. I had four different doctors to treat me, but they could not help. When I took Cardui, It relieved me at once. I can't praise it enough. I hardly know how to tell you what Cardui has done for me. I have taken about seven bottles, and nothing else I ever took gave me such relief. All my friends know how bad I was, and how Cardui has helped me in many different ways." Cardui is made from purely vegetable Ingredients, which act particularly on the delicate womanly system, building up health and strength where It is moat needed. During the past 50 years it has | helped thousands of ladies, afflicted j W1U1 jubi eucn irouuien aa inuoe irvui which Mrs. Cossey suffered. It It therefore a remedy that yon can feel confidence In. Ita merit it guaranteed by years of auccett. Don't experiment. Take Cardul. Begin today. It. B.?Write tot I.idln' Adrlurr Dept., rhattanoncfl Medicine Co., rkattaooora. Tenn., for Special Imlmrtlona. nnd At-pace hook, "Hnm? Treat eat for Womea," aeat la plaim wrapper, oa reaneet. HER PREFERENCE. "Well, Susan, you have been mar- j rled a year. How do you like your husband?" "Sober, aor." -- - > ? mm p% a mi 1/ "ECZEMA 11 CMtU 5U bAULT | I COULDN'T STAND IT." '1 suffered with eczema on my neck for about six months, beginning by little pimples breaking out. I kept scratching till the blood came. It kept getting worse, I couldn't sleep nights any more. It kept itching for about a month, then I went to a doctor and got 'some liquid to take. It seemed as if I was going to get better. The itching stopped for about three days, but when it started again, was even worse than before. The eczema Itched 60 badly I couldn't stand it any more. "I went to a doctor and he gave me some medicine, but didn't do any good We have been having Cuticura Remedies in the house, so I decided to try them. I had been using Cuticura 8oap, so I got me a box of Cuticura Ointment, and washed off the affected part with Cuticura Soap three times a day, and then put the Cuticura Ointment on. The first day I put it on, it relieved me of itching so I could sleep all that night. It took about a week, then I could see the scab come off. I kept the treatment up for three weeks, and ray eczema was cured. "My brother got his face burned with gun-powder, and he used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The people all j thought he would have scars, but you can't see that he ever had his face burned. It was simply awful to look at before the Cuticura Remedies tSoap and Ointment) cured it." j (Signed) Miss Elizabeth Gehrki. Forrest City, Ark., Oct. 16, 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are aold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. L, Boston. His Preference. A distinguished eye surgeon tells a good story of his hospital days. Three j other young, newly fledged oculists and himself were chatting In their quarters in the hospital when the conversation turned, as was natural In young men. upon the beauty of different colors of eyes. One championed the superior brilliancy and sparkle of the blue eye; another the depth and fire of the brown, while the third was all for the clear, cool light of the hazel. After they had exhausted their eloquence, with the usual effect of con- i firming themselves In their original opinions, the fourth young sawbones suddenly broke In: "I don't care a hang about your blue eyes, or your brown eyes, or your gray eyes! Just give me sore eyes and plenty of 'em?and I'll be happy!" Eczema Seven Years?Cured by Tetterine. "T had Erzama on my rhast for savan yean and tha tortura was almost unbaar- '< able. On<* of your salasman offarad to pay for the Tattarlna if it did not aura ma. I usad loss than thraa box** and am antlraly well." flam Klnard. Rufflo. 9 C. [ Tattarlna auras Eczams. Ttoblnjr Pflas. TVindrufr. R'na Worm and avary form of flralp and Rkln Dlsan?a, Tattarlna 50r. Tattarlna Soap 25o. Yotir dru*?lst. or bv j mall from tha manufaotu'ror. Tha Shup- j trlno Co.. Savannah. Oa. With ovary mall ordar for Tat'arlna va rlva a box of Hhuptrln^'s 10c I.lvar Pills free. When a young widow makes up her mind to marry a bachelor he may possibly escape by dying. Mm. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children tcethlntr. softens the (rums, radticaa Inflsmma lion, allays paiu,cures wind colic, ttc a boitls. * 1 - * "' ...... I rnnhlaa O ro mUffni. rt (111 II1UBI U1 UUI UUUUICD u.1 V w! u ? . fled at short range. PILES CCBED I* fl TO 14 DATS YonrdrogglM will r?tun<l moncj If PAZO Oljn*M KNT fill!" to com ?nr om?? of Itching. Bund. Bleeding or Protruding Plica In 4 to 14d*r?. We. A pretty girl never approves of men who flirt with other girls. For Constipation. Biliousness. Lleer and Kidney Troubles, take Garfield Tea. Theory alone never accomplished anything worth while. PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colors than anj dye any garment without ripping apart. Writ* ft When to Call the Doctor. When to summon the doctor is a point which has probably puzzled moat people at one time or another, but In the case of throat and intestinal troubles there should be no uncertainty, says a medical authority. The doctor should be summoned at once, for the sore throat may be diphtheria, and the intestinal symptoms may mean peritonitis, appendicitis or any one of a dozen complications of serious character. Valuable time and the golden opportunity may be wasted by waiting for symptoms that are severe enough to Justify calling the doctor. A Frequent Type. "Spoonleigh is a connoisseur of happiness." "How do you define a connoisseur of happiness?" "A person who knows how to be happy but can't." Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable. As a cathartic, Its action is easy, mild and effectual. No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty complexion. Teaches the liver to act. 8old by all medicine dealers, 25c. An Objection. "He gave you some sound advice." "That's what's he did. I would have liked It better without so much sound." TO OBITE OCT MALARIA AND BUILD UP THE SYSTEM Taka the Old Standard GROVH'9 TASTBLBM CHII.J, TONIC. Ton know wbat yon ara taking Tha formula It plainly printed on erery hottla. tbowing It It itmply yulnlna tnd Iron In a taatalaat form, and tha moat rffrrtnal form. Vor grown paopla and children. M renta ri_ Trail "Does your fiance know your age, Lotta?" "Well?partly."?Fliegende Blaetter. For ITKADACIIR?Hlcka' CAPt DINS Whether from Cold*. Stomach or Jfervotut Trouble*, Capudine will relieve yon. It's liquid?pleasant to take?arts Immediately. Try It. 10c., t5c., and 60 cents at drug stores. What ought not to be done, do not even think of doing.?EpIctetuB. To restore s normal action to Liver. Kidneys, Btomach and Bowels, take Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative. All druggists. Many a bride Is sel'possessed even when given away. [THE-(hear I k y m co \ as< ity $3^^ ui< et< Dr. Pierce's Golden This supplies pure blood?by aidini and imparting tone to the whole cir< and a great deal more, having an t kidneys, it helps to eliminate the po To enrich the blood and increase feeding the nerves on rich red blood tability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden M< a dishonest dealer to insult your in kind." The "Discovery" has 40 ye no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredient Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medic stamps to pay expense of wrapping : stamps for the French cloth-bound be hnrll] hS3??^S Tii? lllia Eodlelna Co., 'jfiWMSflsP Carri 11#, v.. Ovntlrami *7 naluo t trovibl# pronounoad by hor pt?7# '1gfl[~lrv-. *?14 rboviaatlaa and although h norar obtained rtllof. B?lnj won aoquatnte ** had boon oaed tuooeeefullp fflaglS liar oaaea, I detaralnad to pu jHTfjyM !< bottloa with tha happieet ^SESSH >' entlrelp relieved and *111 , recoaaendlnc Milan for urlo ac mllNl BPyffwpB W. L. D( SHOES 2.25 *2.50 *3.00 *3.50 *400I For MEN, WOMEN and B THE STANDARD OF QUA LIT FOR OVER 30 YEAR! THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED B've W. L. Douglas shoes a trial, ouglas name stamped on a she antees superior quality and mor for the money than other mak< name and price stamped on the protects the wearer against higl and inferior shoes. Insist upon the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes no aihstitute. If yoor cannot snpplf } hoc*, write W.I.Dooitla*. Brockton. M?m . for ratalo ercry where d?l!rrr7 charces prepaid. Past Col+* E\ Carbolafed Vase The beet dressing you can find for of Insects, abrasions, etc. The Carbolic Acid helps to prevent "Vaseline" cleanses and soothes. Especially valuable where there art Fur salt; everywhere in handy glass bottles " Vaseline.'' our various ' Vaseline" prepiratlom make op s cbegtthat sbonld b# In ever? boon'. Write for frr about tbem. Addre?? J>ept K Chesebrough Manufacturing 17 State Street (Consolidated) Reduce The Feed Bill Horses and Mules do mors work: Co Sheep and Qoats <n-ow better neere?: Cattle and Hogs take on more fle*h am better health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal an for Breeding or Nursing Stock, W' valuable. Much better than Write for free Booklet containing much t Kaisers to THE BUREAU < Interstate Cottonseed 800 Main Street Special Offei This paper is printed from in the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., per pound, F. O. B. Savanna FADELE rotherdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. Tbejrd >r free booklet?How to Pye. Bleach and Mix Color TWO WEEKS' H TREATMENT AND ! MEDICINE FREE do matter what your disease. If you suffer from Rheumatism.write. If you suffer from Kidney Trouble, write. No matter what you suffer from, write to MUNYON'S DOCTORS jglSH 03d end Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. fl NOT A PENNY TO PAY H Offer Is Good for the Next Thirty Day* po^kmeshoulderi I Joseph 0. Crittenden, Oiark, Ala., writes i I I "After fight months' illness with lame shoulder and side I tried Mustang Unl ment and was entirely cured after nsing I only one bottle. Mr teacher, Prof. A. A. I Lee, has adopted a rule that Mustang Lin- J I iraent be kept in the school room in case of J I accident." 3$ M U 25c. 50c. >1 a bottle at Drug & Cen l Stores A or. m. c. kreitzer's fl 10c SALVE 25c I has been in ase over 50 years. Should ^9 always be kept in the house ready for an7 99 emergency. Its soothing and healing quali- 9 ties make it unexcelled in the treatment of 9 SWELLINGS. FRESH WOUNDS, BOILS. 1 BURNS,CARBUNCLES,FELONS,SCALDS fl TUMORS, ULCERS, CORNS, BUNIONS, fl SORES, ETC. For sale by druggists or 9 mailed direct on receipt of price. For j 9 cents we will mail, you a sample box. 9 W. C. POWER ACQ., 1536 N.4th St .PhiiadoIphla.Pa. 1 \17amtcn men to lkakn bakbkr i VVAnilr.ll Trade In *lx to eight week* TuItlon. with set of tool*. Pk With your own tool*. |2S. Wage* while learning. Write for free catalogue; RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Vjl KODAKS r Bast m n and Ansco film*, mailed post- j r III? paid. Mail order* giren prompt attention. I Mnh Anr siie roll fllm dereloped for 10 cents. PAR8ON8 OPTICAL CO. I t**? 244 Ring Mf rpflt, Charleston, 8. C. B 1 AA Wanted. Swond-hon<l Bag* and BnrKfllaX lap. Write forptioea. RICHMOND UNHW BAGCOMl'AM 1, Hichmond.yirglnis W. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 14-1912. the blood is poor and filled with the isons from diseased kidneys or inace liver, the heart is not only starved ^poisoned as well. There are many nditions due to impure blood?such dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debil or the many scrofulous conditions, :ers, "fever sores," white swellings, All can be overcome and cured by Medical Discovery X digestion, increasing assimilation rulatory system. It's a heart tonic ilterative action on the liver and isons from the blood. ^ i the red blood corpuscles, thereby and doing away with nervous irri;dical Discovery and do not permit itelligence with the "just as good ars of cures behind it and contains s plainly printed on wrapper. :al Adviser is sent free on receipt of ind mailing only. Send 31 one-cent >ok. Address: Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. u h i i in&j nu hi h v r j I I I I k H tl S'l I IB a., Jul/ 18u> tr mrrf fiiri with vfctB lelvi* lq bo urlo At i. *jt I trMtKl h?r, ah* 1 'IT (jBI ?*ry fpoqvootljr to ! -* H t hop on It. 8ho look V ' '? pooulto. I po*on1 hop V 01*070 tat* plooouro la Id troubloo. I I IF u 1 JB m I jKfeJH JUCLAS ? at nn SHOI^ :line.iill . Be sure you get , complete medicine Iuh<,M'l'J'.Jo ^ e booklet telling all Nsw York -Improve The Animals W8 Iflve more and better Milk and Butter; Hens 'av more eggs and all as well as 1 fat, and develop more rapidly and keep In d Cottonseed Hulls ares, Cows, Bows or Ewes. It Is especially Ha.v, far cheaper than Corn. aluable Information to Feeders and Stock r?r diiri inTY Crush irs Association , Dalian, Texas MBBMnaMauniiaaamMi * to Printers k made in Savannah, Ga. by , Savannah, Ga. Price 6 cents h. Your patronage solicited, SS DYES ye in cold water better than any other dye. You caa I. MO*POE D#llO COM0ANV. Qulncy, tIL j