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i ! HRm; j I ESTABLISHED IN 189 lift WILL DISTRIBUTE ?2: DISPENSARY FUD HEARLY $100,000 IS TO BE SENT * ' TO THE VARIOUS COUNTIE8 OF THE 8TATE. r-v*7* , s & IS ON ENROLLMENT BASIS Average Will Be About 28 Cente Per Child Attending School Last Year? " Spartanburg County Leads State in Amount to Be Received. Columbia. ? ?Every county In South Carolina will receive 28 cents fdr every child enrolled in the public schools from the dispensary fund, which la to be distributed soon as a result of a measure passed at the last general assembly. The fund amount* Ing to $99,195.60 will be distributed among the various counties of the state by a committee consisting of J. E. 8wearingen, the state superintendent of education; A. W. Jones, the comptroller general, and R. H. Jennings, the state treasurer. \ There are 354,270 children enroll?ed in the schools of South Carolina last year according to the annual report of state Superintendent of Edu-a ! tion Swearlugen. The $99,195 divided i among this amount will give an aver- i age of 28 cents for each child. i Spartanburg county leads the state j in the amount to be received. There < - . are over 20,000 children enrolled. PSSli The following table shows the num- , ber of children enrolled and the amount to be received for each coun- i ty: Children. Amount Abbeville 9,198 $ 2,575.44 Aiken 10,203 2,856.84 i Anderson 16.632 4.656.96 Bamberg 4,564 1.277.92 Barnwell 7.926 2,219.28 Beaufort 4.957 1,387.98 Berkeley 5,114 1,431.92 Calhoun 4,111 1,151.08 Charleston 11,503 3.220.94 Cherokee 5,911 1,655.08 Chester 6.891 1,929.48 Chesterfield 5,176 1,449.28 Clarendon 7,724 2,162.72 Colleton 6,561 1.837.08, Darlington 8,11 2,271,08 j Dillon 5.327 1.491.30 ? ' Dorchester 4.386 1,228.08 Edgefield 7.035 1.969.80 Fairfield 7.870 2,203.60 Florence 7.927 2,219.56 Georgetown 4,764 1,333.92 Greenville 15,083 4.224.24 Greenwood 10,881 3,046.68 ' ? ' Hampton 5,936 1,622.08, Horry 6.709 1,878.52 ' Kershaw 6.796 1.622.38 i Lancaster 7,204 2,017.12 I Laurens 9,981 2,794.68 < Lee 5.370 1,503.60 ? Lexington 8,466 2,370.48 t Marlon 4.410 1,234.80 i Marlboro 6,579 1,839.60 c Newberry 8.267 2,314.76 i Oconee 7,522 2,106.16 t Orangeburg 14.51$ 4.062.80 i Pickens 6.250 1,750.00 t Rlchalnd 11,243 3,148.04 1 Saluda 5.770 1,615.60 |j Spartanburg 20,830 5,832.40 \ 1 Sum' ?r 10,074 2.820.72 1 Union 9,838 2.754.64 J, Williamsburg.. .. 9.119 2.553.32 York 12,550 3.514.00 Totals 354,370 $99,195.60 Dispensers For Aiken County. The secretary of state has been notified that the following dispensers have been chosen by the Aiken county board for one year: J. T. Southall, No. 1; R. L. Ccurtney. No. 2; J. S. Haylor. Vn 5 ail lnrafpd at Aiken: T. W. Saw-, yer, No. 4, at Salley; J. Ray Gantt, No. 5. at Wagener; Thomas L. Foreman. No. 6. at North Augusta; W. B. Bates. No. 7. at Windsor, all in Aiken To Stamp Out the Cattle Tick. A meeting of the Lexington County Live Stock Association will be held in the court house by call of the president. W. W. Barre. The association was organized only a short while ago The purpose of the asociation is o devise and operate plans for the eradication of the cattle tick. Will > ttend the Encampment. The i ?ree regiments of the National Guard oi South Carolina will attend the encampmeiii *o be held In Anniston. Ala . during the summer. A fund approximately $60,000. appropriated by the national government, will be available for encampment purposes. This announcement was made by O. W. Babb. the assistant adjutant general. The South Carolina regiments did not attend the encampment last summer because of a lack of funds. There was a large balance which will p be added to the appropriation. Was Killed by a Falling Wall. David Williams, an aged negro man. was killed at Greenwood, by being caught beneath a brick wall, which fell, while the old man was cleaning brick nearby. A number of negroes have been encaged in clearing brick from the site of the Oregon hotel and this old man was doing this kind of work. The wall, which crushed him. fell without warning, catching him k and almost striking a nephew of his. ^ who was working nearby. All the nacmaa rirtinp th*> name work * managed to got out of the way. Daughters of Confederacy Meet. The Edisto district convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. representing 14 chapters at Calhoun. Orangeburg. Bamewll. Beaufort. Charleston. Dorchester and Berkeley counties, met at St. Matthews. A splendid attendance was on hand, among them Mrs. C. E. Graham, of Greenville, president of tie state division. Mrs. J. S. Wannamaker, pres ident of thrie local chapter, introduced the Rev J. M. Steadman, who Qpened the meeting with prayer, and Dr. T. i H. Dreher delivered an address. L THE \____ 1. WILL SOON HAVE MEETING Southern College Pre as Association Formed?The Convention Will Be Held April 23 to 25. I Columbia.?The Southern College Press Association will hold its initial meeting in Columbia with the University of South Carolina, April 23, 24 and 25. The organization of this association has been going on since last fall under the direction of the Eupradian and Clariosophic Literary sosocieties of the university with Broadus Mitchell and Sara Latimer, Jr., as committee on formation. The instiutions to be represented at the first meeting are: University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. William and Mary. University of North Carolina. A. and M. of North Carolina. Clemson College, University of South Carolina and the University of Georgia. The object of the organization is to promote college journalism in | Southern institutions of learning. It is required that a college have at least a monthly and weekly publication before it can be admitted to membership. Charter membership was open only to such institution* in the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. There are 11 colleges in these five states which are eligible for charter membership, and eight of them will be represented by delegates at the first convention. Colleges and universities in other Southern states will be officially asked to join in the movement for the upbuilding of college journalism in the South at the initial gathering. It Is probable that the majority of those eligible will accept the Invitation. Jurors For Charleston County Court.. Jurors for the second week of the Court of common pleas for Charleston county were drawn Judge Frank B. Gary presiding. The jurors for the first week of the court were drawn several days ago. The venire for the Becond waak, as drawn is as follows: L. J. Messervey, G. F. Gerard, Daniel C. Bean, W. E. Bunch, J. V. Pinner. J. Fred Pieper, J. H. Hesse, M. H. Sisson. J. K. Smith, A. K. Pooser, C. H. Bendt, C. D. Tylee, Fred H. Momler, C. H. Nolte. M. P. Refo. A. C. Mustard, A. Cramer Koster, L. C. Royal!, F. L. Rivers, W. L. Nelson. J. F. Shokes, T. L. Bissell, W. H. Trescott. John H. Roper, F. C. Eastcrby, D. L. Hart, J. B. Morrison. Jr., J. - ? 1 if Hume Lucas, K. u. jonannes, j. ?u. Mazyck. John J. Kennedy, Samuel | Bcrkman, E. P. Seabrook. T. W. Mappus, E. J. Hanahan. J. H. Massaloo. Notes Being Promptly Paid. The subscription notes executed by the citizens of Saluda and community In aid of the railroad to Saluda and which have been in escrow In the Union National bank of Columbia since the contract was entered into In the summer of 1910 for the building jf the road are now due and payable, ilnce the acceptance of the road by he railroad commissioners. These lotes have been sent to the Bank >f Saluda for payment, and al eady a number have been paid. The lubscribers are willingly meeting the lot08. The bonds issued by the own of Saluda, amounting to $10,000. learing 7 per cent interest, payable innually, for which the builders slowed $11,000 under the contract, have t>een turned ove rto W. J. Montgomsry and his associates. Urge Federal Aid for Good Roads. After hearing an address by Dr. D H. Winslow of the United States office of public roads, the Southern Appalachian Good Roads Association in the final session of the spring convention. adopted resolutions urging more liberal appropriations to the federal office of public roads so that engineering assistance may be given more generally to the states in highway undertakings. The association indorsed the measure introduced in Congress looking to federal aid for the construction and maintenance of a system of national public highways under the ' post road" clause of the constitution. Mystery Surrounds Death of Negro. a nopm hv the name of Tom Green was fatally injured near Standard warehouse en Lincoln street at Columbia. There seems to be consider able mystery surrounding the affair. Held Election At Manning. The regular biennial election for mayor and aldermen of the town of Manning will be held on the second Monday. 8th of April. The present council is composed of the following, and they arc all announced in a bunch as candidates for re-election: Mayor. A. C. Rradham: aldermen, E. S. Erwin. W. P. Lcgg, S. Oliver O'Rryan. E C. Horton. S. M. Reardon. David Levi | There has been some talk of another ; candidate for mayor being in the race j but no formal announcement has been made to that effect. Run Over by Automobile and Killed. Little Lilly Mae Wright, the 8-year j old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P Wright, of Anderson, was run down and killed by an automobile driven by Henry Williamson, a negro. The child was in the act of stepping into Mrs John Tate's automobile on west Whit ner street, when the car. driven by the negro, struck her. She was pick ed up from under the rear wheels and hurried to a drug store, tybere medical attention was quickly had. An hour later she was taken to her home od Market 6treet where she died. A Promotion For Lieut. Cantey. Edward B. Cantey of Columbia, re eently passed an examination for thp rank of captain of the ordnance department of the National Guard of South Carolina and is assigned to the Second Infantry. Capt. .Cantey was a member of the Georgia militia for many years and represented that state at Sea Girt and Camp Terry in the National rifle shooting contest. He has been a member of the South Caro lina militia for four years and is one of the best rifle shots in the state H? has many piends here. LEO I TO GUI THE ACREAGE' MR. J. G. ANDERSON URGES THE ADHERENCE TO THE CURTAILMENT PLAN. CANNOT DEPEND ON OTHERS The Originator of the "Rock Hill Plan" Says That Each Man Should Confide Himself as United in System. Columbia.?Urging the importance of curtailment of cotton porduction as a means to keep the prices at a reasonable level, J. G. Anderson, originator and promoter of the Rock Hill plan of securing pledges for reduction of acreage, has written an open letter to the farmers of the South calling on them to adhere to their pledges to reduce acreage. Mr. Anderson's letter follows: "To the Cotton Growers of the South: "I feel it proper and advisable in me, as the one who should be best Informed as to probable results, to be expected under the Rock Hill plan movement for reduction of cotton acreage to sound a final warning to everyone who has signed the Rock Hill plan pledge to adhere strictly tc it not only as a matter of persona) honor, but for the sake of his own di rect gain and protection. "With equal empliasis I would urgf all, in their own interest, who have not been reached by Rock Hill plan canvassers, or who have declined to sign the pledge, to cut the acreage, and cut it deep. My opinion of the judgment of the man who will in crease his acreage this year is not flattering. "Planting time is about on through out the bell, and the Rock Hill plan work is being closed up in the several states, with an unusually late spring prevailing generally over the belt. The movement of fertilizer has got a tardy start, but has put on a mighty gajt recently. "Those who look to a late spring the noise of fertilizer reduction or to the other fellow doing the reducing? to any combination of these to protect them against low prices, are apf to be the ones to suffer. Landslide Wrecks A Train. Aiken.?In a cut 40 feet deep, through which the Southern railway trains run through Aiken, the mixed train from Charletson to Augusta was wrecked by a landslide of heavy clay loosened by the recent rains, sinking from one of the high embankments and covering the track. The tons of earth rolled from the side of the embankment as the train was pass ing. The enginer was unable to stop his train after rounding a curve and going down hill. Four freight cars following were thrown with terrific force, like the lash of a whip, across the track, practically demolished, and the track for a distance of 200 feet was torn up. No one was hurt. I Drainage Work Here Is A Lesson. Charleston.?' Your drainage work around Charleston is a wonderful ex ample of what drainage will do for a community. I wish the citizens of Chicago could see what you are doing here in the way of drainage and rcc- j lamation of lands, and I would also j like to have it exhibited at the New Orleans Congress as a model, if such a thing were possible." In such expressions as these, commendation for the work of the Charleston county sanitary drainage commission was expressed hy Mr. Kdmund T. Perkins of Chicago, first vice-president of the National Drainage Congress. Kershaw County Teachers Meet. Camden. ? The regular monthly meeting of the Kershaw County Teach ers' Association was held at the high school building. W. P. Mills, of the University of South Carolina Y. M. C. A. delivered an illustrated lecture on "Palestine." The public was permitted to attend the lecture by paying a small admission fee. While a student at Oxford university, in England, Mr. Mills spent his holidays traveling in Palestine and making a stuay 01 mai country. First Prisoner From Dutch Fork. Columbia?The Richland countj Jail received its first prisoner from the Dutch Fork section This section was taken from Lexington and annexed to Richland Bome time ago by a vote of the people, and the action was confirmed by the general assembly The prisoner was a negro boy. Thos Bookman, and he is charged with kill ing a mule belonging to A. S. Nunnna maker. Bookman claims that he did not kill the mule, but that it became entangled in some harness and fell \ into a harrow and was killed. Most Significant Meeting Ever Held Clemson College.?Every speaker at the meeting of the county superinten dents and demonstration agents ha? expressed the belief that this is on* of the most significant gatherings evei held in South Carolina. The interest and enthusiasm has grown with every session. These men are here for work and inspiration. The mention j of the 61 one-year scholarships by President Riggs created unusual inter est. With these Clemson hopes tc : dot every county in the state with . practical and successful farmers. The Largest Fine Ever Imposed. Gaffney. ? The largest single fine ever imposed by the mayor upon a defendant in the city court, was hand ed out by Mayor Butler several day? ago, when a negro named Wallace Li'tlejohn charged with selling liquoi was given his choice of 4 months on the public works or a fine of $100. The mayor has the power to impose a fine of only $100 for one offense, but Lit tlejohn stood charged with having sold on four different occasions. He was given the limit on every count. RT DRT MILL, S. C., THU] NEWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA Latest General News That Has Been Collected From Many Towns and Counties of the State. Chester.?A negro boy, aged 13 years, the son of Tom Ross, was accidentally shot and died shortly afterwards by another negro, aged 3 years, the son of isalina Jackson, on the plantation of John Lowry, three miles north or ix>wryviue. Elloree. ? The posioffice receipts from January 1, 1911, to December 31, 1911, as submitted by Postmaster Parlor are $21,569.41. These figures show a large increase over past years. If the increase continues it will not be long before Elloree will be listed among the third class postoffices. Columbia. ? At a meeting of Camp Wade Hampton chapter U. D. C.. held at the residence of Mrs. T. B. Legare, on Gervais street, plans were made in detail for the reception to be given the visiting Daughters of the Confederacy on the afternoon of the day of the unveiling of the women's monument. Washington.?Bids will be received at the treasury department until April 25 for the contsruction of the new federal building at Laurens. This building is to have a ground area of approximately 4,500 square feet, two stories and basement faced with stone and brick, and the first floor will be of fireproof construction Aiken.?C. K. Henderson, commanderr of Barnard E. Bee camp United Confederate Veterans, has issued a call to the veterans of Aiken county to attend the unveiling of the monumen to the women of the Confederacy at Columbia on April 11, and it is probable that a number of the veterans from here will go in a body to be present at the unveiling. Charleston.?Four persons received injuries of a more or less serious nature. including one broken leg. when two Atlantic Coast Line freight trains collided between Oakley and Moncks Corner. In addition to the damage to th? track, and rolling stock involved. the accident delayed passenger traffic over this trunk line of the Atlantic Coast Line for several hours. Columbia.?It was announced that the Suramerland Inn property on the Southern Railway, between Columbia and Augusta, tendered jointly by the nearby towns of Batesburg and Leesville, and valued roughly at $90,000 had been selected by the locating committee as the site for the college for women, which is to he established by the Lutherans of South Carolina. Chester.?The case of Paul Wilkes, charged with the murder of Oscar Fulce, near Adam Pressley' store, sev- < eral miles northwest of Chester last fall, resulted In a mistrial. The Jury stood nine for acquittal and three for conviction. It was one of the most sensational murder trials ever held in this county. Brilliant speeches were made by attorneys on both sides and vast crowds attended the trial. Columbia.?The secretary of state has issued a charter to the Scruggs & Bailey Company of Columbia, the capital stock being $6,000. The officers are J. F. Bailey, president, and W J. Scruggs, secretary and treasurer. A commission has been issued to the Fred W. Green Company of Greenville, having a capital Ftock of $10,000. to do a general bakery business. The petitioners are: Fred W. Green and J. J. Pendv. Columbia.?B J. Rhame. state bank examiner, said that he had not completed his answer to the letter of the governor with reference to the Lexington Savings Bank case. His reply will be sent to the governor, very prob- i ably, before (he end of the week. Attorney General Lyon was out of the city. He is expected to return soon and will very probably answer the letter of the governor concerning the same case. Columbia.?Clerk of Court Goggans. of Newberry county, asked Attorney General Lyon for his opinion as to whether the old board of registration or the new board of regi6tra tion for his county were the legal board, and to which one he would turn the registration books over to. Mr. Lyon replied to him to hold the books and let the new board, of which Blease and Dominick were the attorneys, bring their mandamus to compel him to turn the books over. Columbia.?The restriction of the primary, the abolition of the county to county campaign and the election of delegates to the national Demo- : cratic convention will be among the questions to be considered by the state Democratic convention, which is to be held in Columbia on May 15. Washington.?M. P. DeBruhl of South Carolina and one or two oFher interested persons were in Washington to see what can be done for the few remaining Catawba Indians, who reside in York County. They were in conference with several members of the South Carolina delegation Sharon.?Although the political pot is not yet seething in this county, still there is some activity and underground rumblings In political circles and each day this theme gains ascendency. Anderson.? Samuel H. Hyde, aged , 25, who will be electrocuted this sum mer for the murder of his wife, sign ed papers assigning his body to J. j C. Milford. J. N. Webb and C. C, Hor ton. Anderson county students at an Atlanta medical college. The body win De snippen 10 Auania irom y o- i lumbia. where the execution will take place. Orangeburg?A negro homicide took place in this county when Bill Stark shot his brother-in-law, Bill Davis. The wound inflicted was a mortal one. Aiken.?Herbert E. Gyles, mayor of Aiken, was attacked on Main street, by John Moseley, a well known and wealthy citizen, after some heated words had passed between the agitated men over a fine rssessed by the mayor against Mr. Moseley's chauffeur. A lively fistcufi ensued before the combatants were parted. Neiiber of the men were seriously hurt, al though faces were badly scratched. MILL RSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. THE WOOL TARIFF BILL IS PASSED * i TWENTY REPUBLICANS AID THE ( DEMOCRATS IN GETTING MEASURE THROUGH. i EFFORTS TO DEFEAT FAILED ' During the Speech-Making the Tariff ( I f.oard Came In For Some Sharp Criticism?Claud Kitchln Assails ! Smott and Warren. ( I Washington.?The Democratic wool , bill passed the House 189 to 92 with j twenty Progressive Republicans voting , for it. Representative Tucker of Col- | oradn, who opposed it in debate and , answered "present" on the roll-call j and Representative Francis of Ohio, ( who voted against it, were the only j Democrats who did not line up with ] the majority. ] Representative Payne moved to recommit the bill with instructions to < the committee to report the Republican , substitute but that was lost, 169 to 108. ] Supporters of the bill declared it < would not cut the government's reve- i nue but would have more than f50,- ] 000,000 a year to consumers because of the readjustment of rates. All at- i tempts of the Republicans to amend | the bill to increase the rates were i lost. The tariff board came in for criticism during the speech-making. Representative Kitchin charged that i Senators Smoot and Warren had dellb- i erately imposed on the tariff board to i maintain the high duty on wool. "How is it," he cried, "that sheepgrowers in Washington are able to raise wool at one-twentieth of a cent i a pound and in Wyoming, according i to the board's report, a pound costs i 13 cents?" Representative Mondell replied that i wool cost 15 cents to produce in Wyo- < ming. "And yet," returned Mr. Kitchin, < "this infallible board shaved tnai cosi price just 2 cents. The estimate dis- 1 closes the beauty of the system. I | Indictments in Everglade Cases. l Washington, D. C. ? Indictments i growing out of the Florida everglades ! investigation in the department of ag- 1 riculture, were returned by the federal 1 grand jury here against C. C. Elliott, Allanson D. Morehouse, Ray P. Teele and Frank E. Singleton. The defend- < ants are charged individually with i having approved or presented false vouchers against the government. Elliott and Morehouse have asserted that i the charges of technical violation of the law against them and their dis- i missal from the department were brought about by their opposition to everglades land promoters. ___________ i Loss of Wages Amount to $60,000,000. London.?Although toe majority of the million miners who struck work on March 1 are waiting the complete returns of the ballot being taken in the coal districts on the question whether they will resume work or not, there is yet a welcome sign at many of the pitheads that the coal tubs running on tho colliery railways. Thus far, of the 43,000 votes counted, over 25,000 have declared for resumption. The end of the strike will come none too soon, for cold weather set in again and throughout North Wales and in some of the rolleries and industrial districts of the northern counties of England the ground is covered with snow. Facina Arrest Man Kills Himself. Nashville, Tenn.?Facing arrest on a warrant charging violation of the age of consent law, a south Pittsburg special says James Pruitt, aged 20, killed litnself. Realizing that escape was cut off, Pruitt called to the officer that he would surrender. Instead, he drew a pistol and fired twice into his breast. Five Persons Injured In Wreck. Bristol, Va.?Five persons were in jured in a wreck on the Norfolk & Western Railway near Wytbevllle. Va. A double header freight train struck a big rock. Engineer Mason and Samuel Pettit are the worst injured. Gigantic Loan to the Hondurans. Washington.?The State Department has announced the terms of a proposed loan to the government of Honduras, to be financed by the Whitney Central Trust & Savings Bank, instead of by the Morgan group. The depart- 1 men officials claim that the objectionable features of the Morgan proposi- ' tion have been eliminated by the Southern bankers and they are again urging the Senate to act upon the Honduran loan convention, which has j been before the foreign relations committee for more than a year. Brief Piled By Governors. Washington.?The governors of the states as a body filed their solemn protest with the supreme court of the United States against the proposition 1 to strike down state railroad rates as 1 interfering with interstate commerce ' They respectfully called upon the 1 bench, having in "especial charge the J convenant of the union," to see that the boundaries of the states remain 1 It was the first time in the history of the nation that such a protest had honn morln Tho nrntpot fnnk fhp na UUCU I1IUUV/. * uv v?vv. vvv.. ture of a brief. 1 Powder Mills Wrecked, Two Killed. Little Falls, N. J.?The Laflin and Rand Powder Mills at Wayne, five 1 miles west of here, blew up. It is be lieved a number of lives were lost The detonation shook the district for ' miles around. Three of the buildings 1 of the plant were demolished by the explosion. Information as to the extent of the explosion was not obtain able at the company's office at Wayne , The mills are under the operation ol the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Com 1 pany, of WilmiDgton, Del. Two men ' were killed and three others Injured. > J . Tl ro IMPROVE STATE PARK 3ueation of Bond Issue of 91,000,000 to Be Submitted to the People of the State. Columbia.?The question of the is suance of 91,000,000 in bonds to carry out the plans for improving State Park, to care for the unfortunates of :he state, for all future time will be jubmitted to the voters of the state In the primary election next August. The commission, charged with the wcrk of relieving the congested conditions at the State Hospital for the Insane, have prepared elaborate plans, which will give South Carolina one 3f the best equipped institutions of its kind in the United StateB. The first constructive work by the commission was the purchase of a tract of land containing over 2,000 icres. The site is located in the rolling sand hill region about six miles north of Columbia. On these grounds It is proposed to erect the buildings needed in the immediate future to provide for the overflow from the asylum now in Columbia. It is expected that all patients will be ultimately transferred from the old asylum to State Park. Last year the commission in charge nf the work proceeded slowly and carefully in the development of the plans. J. L. Ludlow was named as consulting engineer, and H. P. Kel?ey was assigned to the work of improving the landscape. F. B. Ware was selected as architect by the commission. For the various engineering plans connected with surveying and map making the commission employed E. L. Wells, Jr., of Charleston. The services of J. H. Foster and H. C. Corbett of the United States department of agriculture were also Becured. The Destructive Pine Beetle. Repetition of the enormous losses sustained by timber owners throughout the South last year because of the destructive pine beetle may be prevented this year if timber owners will simply burn the bark of the dead and dying pines from which the needles have not yet fallen, the burning to be done before May 1, according to Dr. A. D. Hopkins, who is In charge of the forest insect investigations for the bureau of entomology. "The people of the South have an opportunity to make a final effort, which if properly directed will go far towards controlling this pest," says Dr. Hopkins. "The beetle is now passing the winter in the bark of the dead and dying pines from which the needles have not yet fallen. These trees should be cut down and the bark of the main trunks destroyed by burning before May I or the beetles will come out with the warm weather and take up their work r\t ^ofltrnrMnn South Carolina New Enterprises. The secretary of state has granted a charter to the Real Estate Holding company of Sumter with a capital stock of $50,000. The officers are It. B. Belser, president, and D. R. McCallum, secretary and treasurer. A general real estate business will be conducted. A commission has been issued to the Merchants Supply company of Columbia, with a capital stock of $10,000 to do a general wholesale commission business. The petitioners are W. L. DePass and D. K. McDuffle. The Kershaw Lumber company of Kershaw has been chartered with a capital stock of $5,000. The officers are R. M. Perry, president and treasurer, and J. E. Williams, vice presi dent and secretary. Railroad Wreck at Blackville. Extra freight train No. 278 had a rear-end collision with freight extra No. 477 at Blackville in which L. P. Helm, fireman, D. P. Coleman, of Columbia were injured. A negro Pullman porter, one Taylor of Pennsylvania, was also slightly injured. From information received from the superintendent's office here, It seems that some cars of extra No. 477 were occupying the main line about 600 or 700 yards south of the station at Blackville when extra No. 278, northbound from Savannah, ran Into them. On the rear of extra No. 477 was a deadhead Pullman and a baggage car, both of which were completely demolished and Beveral freight cars were wrecked. The front of engine No. 278 was mashJ A - >? at rinnoH eo in ana pari ui no <_ay -an ?.,Krv. Directors and Stockholders Meet. The directors and stockholders of the Greenville, Spartanburg & Anderson Railway company met at Greenville and elected officers and directors for the ensuing year, empowered the executive committee to select one of four proffered terminal sites in the city of Spartanburg and decided to hold another meeting of the directors in the near future at which time committee representing the Greer route and the Reidsvilie route would appear before them and submit data relative to the availability of either route. Program For State Bankers Meeting. The program committee of the State Rankers' Association consisting of B. F. Mauldln, chairman. John M. Kinard and Lee G. Holleman, president and secretary of the Bankers' Association. met at Anderson and adopted a tentative program for the annual convention of the association to be held in May. Two or three speakers Df national prominence were extended Invitations to address the convention but the committee decided to withhold the names until those Invited give answer to the invitations. Highway Engineer For Marion. Mr. J. Roy Pennell of Anderson county has secured the position of highway engineer of Marion county. He will enter upon the duties of his navi fo XL' HflVfl Thp i/iuue iuc it*-*v. ?v? ?^ ? Bystem of county government in Mar Ion county is somewhat different from (hat in other counties of the state. Three commissioners are appointed there by the State Senator and members of the House of Representatives, md these in turn appoint a highway engineer. The engineer has the same duties as county supervisor. MES HOBFRT L TAYLOR HAS PASSED AWAY I . THE END CAME TO THE TENNES SEE SENATOR JUST AFTER AN OPERATION. ? AN ADVGCATE OF GOOD ROADS . Known As "Fiddling Bob" Taylor? He Was a National Character? Twice Governor of Hia State?War in the House For Six Years. Washington.?Robert Love Taylor. senior United States Senator from Tennessee?"Fiddling Bob" to all the South, died here, unable to withstand the shock of an operation for gallstones. The Senator began to fall to respond to stimulants Mrs. Taylor, worn out by a day and night vigil, had gone ! to her apartments. The Senator began to sink bo rapidly that she was sent for. She was at his side when | the end came. "Fiddling Bob" Taylor, so known because he played his way into the hearts of his audiences, carrying his violin wherever he campaigned, was 61 years old. He was born at Happy Valley, in eastern Tennessee, but spent most of his life at Nashville, pracllc! ing law. He belonged to an officeholding family. His father was a Representative in Congress and Commissioner of Indian Affairs and an uncle was in the Confederate Senate. Once pension agent at Knoxvllle, thrice Govenor of Tennessee from 1887 to 1891 and 1897 to 1899, Senator Taylor forged his way to the national House of Representatives from the same congressional district that had previously sent his father to Congress and later his brother, Alfred A. Taylor, whom he subsequently defeated for Governor. Senator Taylor was a Cleveland Democrat. He had served in the Sen- i ate since January, 1907, his principal activity being in behalf of a compre- ' hensive system of good roads and the Iakes-to-the-gulf deep waterway project. His last speech in the Senate was made last July in advicacy of a Confederate monumeit bill. His last appearance in the Senate chamber : was a fortnight ago. Message From Captain Scott. Wellington, New Zealand. ? Capt. Robert F. 8cott's vessel Terra Nova, which carried the British expenditlon to the Antarctic has arrived at Akaroa, a harbor in Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, but has not brought back Captain Scott or the members or nis expedition. The commander of the Terra Nova brought instead the following brief message from Scott: "I am remaining in the Antarctic for another winter in order to continue and complete my work." Some Changes in the Senate. Washington.?Four Senators from the two new states of Arizona and New Mexico will enlarge the membership of the upper branch of Congress to 96. The new men are lawyers, are Marcus Aurellus Smith of Tucson and Henry F. Ashurst of Prescott, Ariz., Democrats, who will be sworn in at the bar of the Senate and Thomas Henton Catron of Sante Fee and Albert Bacon Fall of Three Rivers, N. M., Republicans. Safe Blowers Are at Work. Chattanooga, Tenn.?The safe in the postoflice at St. Elmo, a suburb at the foot of Lookout mountain, was blown with nitroglycerine. The thieves escaped with over $1,000, mostly in stamps. Dogs were taken to the scene but failed to take up the trail. There is no clue to the identity of the safe blowers. This is the second suburban postoflice robbed within twenty-four hours, probably by the same gang. Ohio River Very High at Cairo, III. Washington.?The Ohio river at Cairo, III., is reported higher than it I has been since the big flood of February 27, 1883. It stands at 52.5 feet " * " -A 1 Jii?.lnnr t ho noQ f and 53.o is preaicieu ummg, <.?? Uv.. 1 future. Grace Will Be Operated On. Atlanta, fia.?Eugene H. Grace probably will be operated on for the removal of the bullet which has severed his spinal cord and now lies embedded in the spinal column This decision was reached by Grace's physicians. Doctors Turner and Bailey of Newnan, Ga. Grace, has not fully decided whether he will undergo the operation. Several days ago he insisted on such a proceeding, but his im proved condition changed his opinion and he now is considering taking a chance on getting well without it. Two Bandits Still At Large. Hillsville, Va.?The cordon or the law Is tightening nbodt the two court house assassins who remain at large Empty-handed but close on the trail, the posse returned to town for a short time and thpn went off in the mountains again, confident that with every pxit guarded, it is only a matter of hours when Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards will be taken. Of the eight outlaws who shot up Carroll court house and murdered five people, they are the only ones not now in jail awaiting trial. Another Battle Expected Soon. Laredo, Tex.?A battle between the rebels and the Federals will be fought at Torreon in the near future. This I is the information conveyed In a dispatch from Montrey. According to a further report from the same source the rebels in the vicinity of Torreon number 7,000 men. while the Federals number 3,500, General Heurata commanding 2,000 soldiers and General Aubert 1,500. The Federal fore 3 in the Torreon district are said to be well supplied with arms, ammunition and artillery. \ == $1.25 PER YEAR FROM THE PALMETTO STATE Short Paragraph* of State Newt That Mat Been Gotten Together By tha Editor With Care. Orangeburg.?The Court of Common Pleas has been in session here for a week. Besides a number of cases being disposed of. in the case of Kennie Bradwell against the City of Orangeburg, a verdict of $1,000 for the plaintiff was rendered. Hampton.?The United States postoffice at this place was heated up for a few minutes when the postal clerk here found in the mail a package addressed to "C. Apherin Mission, Hell, S. C ," with an endorsement of a postal employee thereon reading "Try Hampton." Newberry?One of the largest transactions showing the fine credit of Newberry county, as well as tbe willingness of the banks to help in home enterprise, was the lending of $26,000 to the county by the Commercial bank at the very low rate of interest of 4.96 per cent per annum. Florence.?There have been no developments In the mystery of the murder of little Andrew Jackson, which occurred here nearly three weeks ago. The six negroes arrested are still held In jail and have not been given a preliminary hearing. The coroner's Jury has not met in over a week, having taken a recess until recalled by Acting Coroner C. S McClenaghan. Charleston. ? Five million postal cards have been received during the past few days by the Charleston postofflce for distribution among the offices of South Carolina upon their application to the proper officials in Washington. In the distribution of these supplies the Charleston office acts as a storage centre for the South Carolina offices. Columbia.?B. J. Rhame, the state bank examiner, reecived a letter from the governor of the state, in which it was alleged in his letter that Mr. Rhame had been derelict in his duty for not reporting the condition of the Lexington Savings bank to him (the governor) and threatened to dismiss Mr. Rhame If he does not give a satisfactory explanation. Washington.?'1'Woodrow Wilson is certain to receive the solid vote of South Carolina at the Baltimore convention," said Representative Joseph T. Johnson, of South Carolina. "It follows," said Mr. Johnson, "that the south Carolina uemocracy Deiongs 10 the progressive wing of the party and that as progressives they will support Governor Wilson's candidacy." Sharon.?Mr. Jeff D. Whltesides, a well-known farmer living between here and Hickory Grove, lost his residence by Are. The Are, although It was diecovered before it made great headway, could not be controlled on account of the high wind. Mr. Whltesides waa unable to save much of the contents and, hence, although he carried some Insurance, his loss Is quite considerable. Anderson.?Mr. J. P. Gambrell, Jr., the young lad who was accidentally shot by his young conshC~J{&I}9am" brell, near Honea Path about tlX!88~ weeks ago, died in the hospital here^-v^ from the wounds received. The young men were scufAing over a pistol when It was discharged, the ball striking ^ young Gambrell In the abdomen. An operation was performed, out tailed to ; give relief. Orangeburg.?The People's warehouse, the large cotton storeroom owned by John Cart and located to the rear of the Orangeburg manufacturing plant, was completely destroyed by fire. At the time of the Are there were 400 bales of cotton in the warehouse, the cotton belonging to Mr. Cart and customers. The cotton has been badly damaged, at least 60 per cent. The building is a total loss, with insurance amounting to $2,600. There was $20,000 insurance carried on the cotton, which will about cover the loss. Ridgeland.?The second Democratic primary for the nomination of officers for Jasper county closed amidst a burst of excitement that was absent until the last day. Winners were selected, with the exception of one officer by very small majorities, and the result was not known until a distant voting place, which polled 16 votes, reported. In the race for sheriff H. H. Porter wins over C L. Langford by a majority of 19 votes. Washington.?The President named James M. Boyd as postmaster at Branchville and Charles J. Shannon at Camden. Columbia.?The equalisation board for Richland county met in the office of B. C. DuPre, auditor. Chapin.?Marguerite Louise Henry, the 12-year-old daughter of Dr. H. L. Henry, was so seriously burned that she died. The child wag standing near an open Are when her clothing caught, and before assistance could reach her her clothes were burned from her body and fatal injuries received. Camden. ? In the second primary here J. L. BraBington defeated M. O. Huckabee for alderman in Ward 1 by 37 to 31 vote* Mr. Brasington baa been engaged in railroad work here for many years. Every member of thn now rrmnrfl fa a vntincr mart Columbia.?The governor has granted a parole to Joe! Tarltoff, who was convicted in Chesterfield county In March of 1908, on the charge of assault and battery with intpnt to kill and sentenced to three years on the public works of that county. Since assuming office the governor has extended clemency in 338 cases. Charleston.?In the presence of . members of his family, a granite shaft was unveiled on Marion Square to the memory of Qen. Wade Hampton, distinguished soldier and statesman, the modest monument being reared by the Christian chapter of the Daughten of the Confederacy. Hampton was born in Charleston. Union.?A large number of boys have joined the Union county corn club, which is being organized by Messrs. F. W. Carnell, special agent for the farm demonstration work, and Superintendent of Education T. H, Gore.