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PraAT A WOMAN CAN AND DID DO In. Heoieiue, of McMinmrille, Tells How She Succeeded ii Spite of Nuy DiscoarafeaieBts. McMlnnvIlle, TeSn.?Mrs. Lucy Hennessee. of this place, says, "I suffered, about six years, more or less, with womanly troubles. My head hurt so terribly that I could get no My husband bad no faith in it, but I commenced using Cardui, according to directions, and now he is thoroughly convinced that Cardui is doing me more good than all the doctors. Before I had used all of one bottle of that wonderful medicine. I had commenced to improve. Now, I feel like a different woman. The misery la all gone, and I have M good appetite and feel greatly imavorv roanoot |/l V?CU 1U Ctvi/ 1 vopvvi. It will certainly benefit others, as i It has me. and I am glad to know that such a remedy is within the reach of every suffering woman." If you suffer from any form of womanly weakness or irregularity, try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It helps nature to perform a cure in a natural, easy way The ingredients used In Cardui are mild herbs, wLich have a gentle, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. It builds up the strength, improves the appetite, tones up the nervous system, and helps to make pale, 6al- i low cheeks fresh and rosy. If you are a woman, try it. ?t. B/?Wrltf toi l.adlro* Adrlaory Ohattanoora Mrdlrlnr Co.. Chattaaaasr*. Ttio.. for Spoolnt faatrne?!oaa. and A4-pare hook. -Iton?o Troatmrat for Wo warm," arnt la plala nrapper, oa reqarat. His Only Complaint. Senator Beveridge. at a luncheon in New York, was talking about the child labor problem. "Children are so plucky and so cheerful." he said, "we don't realize how horribly overworked they are till It's too late?till their bodies and minds are stunted irretrievably. "I was once talking to a tiny errand boy at the height of the Christmas it. i.i_- i snopping season, tie was #ui mui, > knew, 17 hours a day. As he walked sturdily along with a mountain of parcels piled on bis thin, narrow shoulders. I said to him: "'Do you like your Job?' "'Yes, sir,' he said; 'I like It fine. Only?' "Here he grinned up at me gayly from beneath his load. " 'Only I'm afraid I'm doing an automobile truck out of a Job." Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable. As a cathartic, its action is easy, mild and effectual. No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty complexion. Teaches the liver to act. 8old by all medicine dealers, 25c. ? Small Encouragement. Kate?They say a woman is as old j as she looks. Maud?Never mind, dear; we all know you are only twenty-six. For IIKADACIIF?Hick*1 ( API Diyrs W aethrr from Cold*. He?t. Stomach or Nerrou* Trouble*. Capudlne will relieve you. Il'? liquid? plea-ant to take?.act* immediately. Try It- 10c.. 25c., aud M ccut* at drug tOt M Same Thing. "I hear that firm's going under." "Ye*, they're going up." If jrou are poorer than your relations It Is easy for you to dodge thein. A* a cnrrectlre for indigestion and a regulator of toe srsieru, remedy can excel In purity and efficiency tiartield Tea. Hut It takes a woman to keep a secret the doesn't know. "Pink Eye" la Epidemic In the Spring. Try Uurtne Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief. ?? Pad luck Is often but another name for poor management. Write For This Free Book?Shows 20 Beautiful Modern y-r-rr* Rooms? te^s how you can vjf get the very latest ejects on your walls. Contains a sample of the Color Plans our pm*$artists will furnish ^you, FREE, for any rooms you wish to decorate. Akbasiin? The Beautiful Wall Tint in 16 exquisite tints. More artistic than wall paper or paint at a fraction of the cost. Kalsomine colors are harsh and common beside the aoft-hued water color tint* of Alatastine. Absolutely sanitary? easiest and quickest to use, goes furthest and will not chip, peel, Dawn'; i**i ? rirrrt to n Eur 4lNkl:nn? :n rrrr> f<ul 1 lb rkj.. Alab.istine ( M WiiWif (M Ar<34 *?>*, *?*. ^ j/yS&A V? Url a;?. ftru ?. IIS ?itrf SJrert g;||%] DON'T FAIL j WRITE FOR THE FKEE SOOK mmmmmmmmmmmm hohmbi FINE STEEL ENGRAVING Suitable for Framing Size SxiyA in ROBERT E. LEE Hero of Civil War Thii offer open only for short time. O:: receipt of Ji oo will send engraving prepaid WRITE NOW' STAH3AR0 ENGRAVING CO.. Asheviile. N. C. Neck Bands For Shirts Sires 12 to 18, 5 cents each. Mail orders lilled promptly. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNORY, CHARLOTTE, H. J Jf\ If nm VC "n,! HiKh Grade j IV U II Alio ri"i?t? Mali iHrftaf "?w w orderb jtiven S)w FUnIV Dial AtKiilioo. T'* reanmiAI>i? . LHbSSv*wtW? proa>)'t. Send for J*rn-*- Li-t UUIIll 1KT STPtt. flMBU.M<IV, 5. i. El iMOHikl/n). TMU* I.t'-C. It* ES M I* < *. ?!< *7 &??4i ?u. Ul * L immat10nal SfiNMTSaiOOL Lesson (By K. O. SELLERS. Director of Even* lng Department. The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 24. ' FEASTING AND FASTiNG. LESSON TEXT?Mark 2:13-22. GOLDEN TEXT?"I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."?Mark 2:17. Levi Matthew, who calls himself by the opprobrious title of "the publican," represents that class of grafting patriots who through ail ages haVe exemplified the seven cardinal points of a politician, viz., "the two loaves and five fishes." Men who will weep over sentimental patriotism and serve the oppressor for profit. Better still, however, Matthew is a type of conversion in that he left all and followed Jesus. No weeping, but rather great rejoicing for he made a feast; no record of great conviction, though he had enough to act at once upon Jesus Invitation. It was a brief, sudden call, but what vast results were involved. First a demonstration upon his part, secondly a demonstration upon the part of Jesus, and lastly a record of the life of the Master that has been termed the most important book ever written. Chronologically this lesson follows that of last Sunday. In Luke's account we are told of the feast Matthew prepared that he might entertain Jesus. Some believe that JesuB began his work by trying to win the Jews through teaching in their synagogues and tbat, receiving him or not. he turns to those outside of the circle of the scribes and the Pharisees. Be that as it may, we know they murmured greatly that this rabbi should consort with publicans and with sinners. They would not receive hire and would keep others from him also. Came to Call Sinners. Jesus hears of their complaint and his reply is a flne bit of irony and sarcasm. "They that are whole have no need of a physician but they that are sick. You 6elf righteous Pharisees. why do you complain if you are all right and these be all wrong, why then not let me minister to those that need me?" At the same time Jesus utters one of his greatest and most comforting sayings, "I came not to call the righteous but sinners." Jesus cannot save the self-complaccent righteous but can and will save those who will not lift up even so much as their eyes but cry "Lord, sav^ me a sinner." Jesus chooses one of their own social outcasts to write the only distinctly Hebrew account of his life; one who had been faithful as a business man to be a leader and historian; one willing to renounce all, say farewell to ambition and follow him. Following this, the disciples of John ho Ramist and of the Pharisees are fasting and they observe that the disciples of Jesus are not so engaged. They came to Jesus with the question and his reply Is a perfectly logical one, "Why Rhculd they fast, am I not with them?" "I>o you fast at your weddings w hlle the bridegroom Is present?" The day Is to come, however, when he Is to be taken away, then there shall be times for fasting. Jesus has feasted with "many publicanslicans;" when the bridegroom returns he will sit down with many publicans and sinners In glory whom ho has associated with in order that he might save them. Are we following his example? If so. let us be sure we do it from the same motive. The disciples of John did the right thing to bring their perplexities to Jesus. He answers their question as we have seen and we are now in the day he mentions when there is a place for fasting. Jesus teaches us in his reference to the wine bottles (leather sacks which could bear but one stretching process due to fermentation of the wine), that we are to be new creatures in him and must leave the old life and habits. We are not to make patchwork of this new Go??\?! or/j t ho nlf! law */Vl <?V His Work That of Physician. There are two difficulties thus presented in this lesson; first, that Jesus should hold fellowship with those properly not of his circle or Booial standing for he was a rabbi or teacher, and, secondly, that he did not nor did his disciples observe fasting. Jesus admits the character of the company he kept, but ills reply was, "I came for this purpose to call not the righteous but the unrighteous." His work was to be that of a Physician. He assumes that his authority is not of man but of Mod. and that this ministry is to bring joy. Jesus had emptied himself that he might come and when he was to leave there it would be time enough for his disciples to fast. Jesus was not merely one who came to teach a system of ethics a little higher than the prophets. Jesus Is more than a good man or even a holy man; he is the Great Physician, able to heal both body and soul, a Saviour. There Is a place and a great one. for godly consecrated physicians among the sick and a greater place for those who shall point the lost to the Saviour. Before these lost ones can be saved, however, they must realize they are lost, for we cannot save those who will not acknowledge thetnsehes as being lost. When we acknowledge we are sinners he will save us (I Tim. 1:15). Turn a deaf ear to his call and there is no more hope (Luke 13:31 It has been suggested that the parnhle of the prodigal son and the elder brother was tittered at this feast in Levi's house; probably not, we do not know, but how truly it applies. The prodigal representing those lost publicans and sinners, and the seltish eider brother the self-righteous Pharisees. This lesson divides itself into three natural divisions: The rail of Levi, v. 13 14. The feast a' Levi's house, v. 15-17. The question of fasting, v. 18-22. Fatigue and Alcohol. The workman seeks to deaden his fatigue by alcohol, tobscco. exciting amusements and excesses of various kinds. The momentary relief which he therefore obtains is purchased at the expense of an increasing susceptibility to fatigue, resulting Booner or later in complete depletion of his vital energies and in the contraction of tuberculosis or other fatal disGutenberg, Jefferson--Res!stauc? tc y runts Is obedience to God. AXIDNEY^^DYAQYERTiSEMENlji BROUGHT GREAT HAPPINESS. I I take pleasure In stating that ] have used Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, that I was greatly benefited by the I ! same and have used it in my family. j ' I had a son, when quite young he stir[ fered from bladder or kidney affliction. ! I called in my physician, he attended 1 bim, but did him no good. Almost by accident I noticed an advertisement about the curative properties of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. I procured a ! bottle and gave it to him according to I directions. It cured him of what we ' thought was almost Impossible and j the same with others or my family. I have such strong faith in SwampRoot that I have never done without It in my family since the wonderful . cure of my 6on as well as myself. 1 | recommend it to all who Buffer rrom kidney or bladder troubles and I am led to believe that it is one of the best medicines for the purpose for which it is used, that has ever been discovered.This is my experience from the use of Swamp-Root. Wishing the promoters of this wonderful medicine a large sale to the suffering public, I am, Yours respectfully, W. H. MAFEE. College Park, Ga. Witness, E. O. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. Uttnr In TV. Kllaer A f*. Msffkaatat, N. Y. Prove Whst Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghami ton, N, Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at til drug stores. THE ONE GIRL FOR HIM. The Girl (who has been suffering from sore throat)?The doctor told me that I must never talk for more than two minutes at a time. The Jlan?How delightful! Darling, will you mafry me? Astonished Husband. De Wolfe Hopper tells a good story about the domestic unhappiness of another actor. The hero of the joke was a man who had married because the woman had much money, although no beauty. Naturally, after the wedding ceremony and the acquisition of the bride's financial resources, the husband was never very attentive to her. Another member of the company in which the coupie were appearing was. however, far more appreciative of the t! lady'3 charms, and proceeded to make g love to her in an ardent but stealthy manner. The grand finale came one & evening when the actor discovered the other man kissing his wife. The fond lover stood petrified with fear, i and expected to be shot down the next moment. . r Those Paroled Ones. No. ft".S40 (just paroled)?Wrv, Tur- 1 " - W/\f'c rlnln* in ft' ' ? "No, unless yon aon i. ONI.Y OVE "BROMO QIIVF VF.'' rh?t l? I,AXAT 1VB BUOMO yf:i.VISg i.i>ok fnf F>i? siirr?'iiro .if K. \V. liKOVh. I vvl lb* World >ver tu <.'urr ? Cold in on? liar. Some men give a dollar with one band and grab two with the other. A Drop of Bioo Or a little water from the human syi thoroughly tested by the chief chemi Pierce'a Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y tory of impoverished hlood?nervous or some kidney trouble. Such examii made without cost and is only a small work of the staff of physicians and surg the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierre givir medical advice oossible without cosl who wish to write and make a full st symptoms. An imitation of natures restoring waste of tissue and impover the blood and nervous force is used take an alterative and glyceric extracl without the use of alcohol, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Which makes the stomach strong, pre stores the lost appetite, makes assimi purifies and enriches the hlood. It i and restorative nerve tonic. It mak and cool in judgment. Get what you BMBBBamBMaaaasaiBai Special Qffet This paper is printed from ir the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO. per pound, F. O. B. Savanni lit", un <11 r j >- <i . i.wt D ?>/ .. ... ? biz?" His Old I'al ? Hullo, Chicken! 11 Shake. Wot's now In d' biz? Nothln* . 11 much. Here's a feller invented a vault door dat's year ahead of d' times! ? No. C7.K40?Gee. dat's bad! i The Pal?An' Skinny Moss has in- j P j vented a jimmy dat's five years ahead ? 1 of d* new door! 7 . s TO DRIVE OCT MAI.ARTA A NIJ III ILO I I' THE SYSTEM Tnke 'he Old HUndard GIIOVKS TASTKI.KS, Villi.I, TONIC. Vti'i know what you are taking, i Tbn foruni.a i? ' lalnlr prinntl on crrry tw.ttlp, stic ning i! it> simp t um'pori d Iron hi a taorl<*?? { f.iru!. and >* effectual form Kur grown I people a d chilli -1. ccnta. t Love laughs at locksmith*. but It * i sometimes cries over spilled milk. PII.ES (TltED IN o to 14 DAYS t YourdrugiriKl will rciund money If I'AZU OINTMENT to cu'e our ran1 of Itching, il'.lnd, 1 > BlandingnrPnrtnullnyrl'ntnf 11*IHir, ?<0c. ^ No, Alonzo. a girl Isn't necessarily f an angel because she Is a high flyer. ' Mrs. tYfnslovc's Rocthlntr Srrup for Children teething, toiftraw the gums, rcd-tcc* lnfi.imi.iaUor., al.a) ? pain, cure* wind coli", a bo'.tla. j Some people love to toll the truth? when they think it will hurt. Every one is liable to a bilious attack. B? forearmed with n package of Garfield Tea. f * r Many a man can't afford to drees 1 well because his wife does. ITCH. ITCH relieved in SO minutes b) . TVoolford s Sanltar." 'mtion. At Druggists. 1 A sermon ts either based on a text or a pretext. 0 FREE; jaarc nil iiinuioi" run "v * forCon'tipnlion. To.',) this I am wi'limr !' trice million-* of free pack* ages. 1 t;i'" r.ll the riek. KoM by driitrffi?t for 35 rents a ial. For free package nibire?s, Prof. Munion. 03rd & Jefferson Sit.. Philadelohia. Pa. rOR OLD WO YOUNG Tutt's l.ivcrPitlr actus kindly on the child the delicate female or inijrm old age, as upon the vigorous nun. Tuft's Pills five tone anil strength to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys and bicddcr. naaa Rl Aft Wanted. S. rjnd-har.J ISags and ilnrii*J? Wr-It r prn . lilt IIMli.NII fcj> M %M \j/ it All CL'MFAN i . llictiaiond, Virgin.? CAN CAKGER E.E Co'SCD? IT CAN! i Tberemnlof'be Ketlem lloi.pitn. 1? wlthort parallel 1 In bitiorr. having cur?d stay eored permanently. | wdhont the n-e oi ihe knife or X-liar oyer Ml per j I rent, of th? ma- r f i'iidre-l*!)*'sufferers from rani-er i i which It has trch'.-d ?tic past tlfle.-n rears. We have hern r.dorred l?r *he r*-nate and legislature of Virginia. W e (luarantee Our Cures. Phjaloisna treated free. KELLAM HOSPITAL 1317 W. Main Street, Richmond, Ifa When shown positive and i remedy had cured many cases sensible woman conclude that benefit her if suffering with th Here are five letters from sc the efficiency of Lydia E. Pink! LETTER FRO^ Elliston, Va.?"I feel it in.v duty to great medicine. I wa? a sufferer fron fined in bed over one third of my time housework and had fainting spells so 1 alone for fire minute* at a time. " Now I owe mv health to Lydia E. F Blood Purifier. Whenever I see a suffe these medicines have done for me and them."?Mrs. Rcbekt BLaXKKXSHiP, El LETTER FROM New Orleans, La.?"I was passing 1 fore I took Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, ba get up in the morning feeling tired out "Since I have been taking your Con right. Your medicines are worth the Bloudkau, 1541 Polvmnia St., New Orl LETTER PRO} Wauchula, Fla.?" Some time ago I toms. headache, backache, bearing-dow: by female troubles. "1 got two bottles of Lydia E Plnl package of Sanative Wash and that was "I am satisfied that if I had done not taken your remedies, I would have in time with the right medicine and ( either. I feel that vou are a friend U your remedies than nave a doctor." ? chula, Florida. LETTER FROM W W V, ?" i nm crlad to table Compound has done wonders for i " I have told dozens of people about she hears a girl complaining with cran pound." ?Mrs. Mart A. Uockerberrt, ANOTHER LETTER Newport News,Va.?"About five year and bloating' every month that I would "A friend told me to take Lydia E. 1 I soon found relief. The medicine str doctor approved of my taking it. "I will be glad if my testimony v from female weakness.''?Mrs.W.J. Bl News, Va. Why don't you try tf HAD THE HABIT. He (nervously)?What will your faher say when I tell him we're enaged? She?He'll be delighted, dear. He lwayB Is. Clever Youth. "Do yon know." ho said, "that every ime I look at you I have thoughts of evenge?" "Why?" she gasped. "Because," he answered, "revenge is weet." Then she told him she thought tomorrow would be a good time to see a pa. A Quarter Century Before the public. Over Five Million Free i ample* (riven away each year. I lie eon- j tant and increasing sales from samples rove* the genuine merit of Allen's Foot? , la?e. the antiseptic powder to be shaken ito the shoes for Tired, Aching. Swollen ender feet. Sample free. Address, Allen i. Olinsted, la? Roy, N. V. 'Twixt Satan and the Sea. Doctor?You are In pretty bad lad shape. You must stop going to hose cheap restaurants. Patient?But, doctor, I lie prices at he other places make me still sicker. A Household Remedy Yhich works from outside. Chestol Thest Ointment). Will relieve quickly roup, coughs, colds, pneumonia and ill affections of chest and throat. 25c. iverywhere. Its Nature. "Does anybody ever win at a tea Ight?" "Of course not. It is a drawn bat.le." A lung 11 fe and a merry one may be extorted by those who use (iarfleld Tea, the latural herb regulator. For sale ai all drug tores. A Diplomat. "Don't ask a girl for a kiss tin ess?" "I nlcss you want one?" 7 ^ reliable proof that a certain of female ills, wouldn't any the same remedy would also e same trouble r mthern women which prove ham's Vegetable Compound. I VIRGINIA. express mv thanks to you and your i female troubles and had been confer ten months. I could not do my that my husband could not leave me ink ham's Vegetable Compound and ring woman I want to tell her what I will always speak a good word for Lliston, Montgomery Co., Va. LOUISIANA through the Change of Life and beble Compound I was troubled with ckaclie and irregularities. I would ; and not fit to do anything, ipound and Blood Purifier I feel all ir weight in gold." ? Mrs. Uastox tans, La. >1 FLORIDA. wrote to you giving you my sympn, and discomfort in walking, caused tham'a Vegetable Compound and a all I used to make me a well woman, like a good many women, and had been a great sufferer. But I started rot well. It did not cost verv much ? all women and I would rather use Mrs. Mattik Hodnot, Box 406, WauEST VIRGINIA. say that Lydia R Pinkham's Vegemy mother, daughter and myself, it and my daughter says that when ips. she tells her to take your Com, 712 N. 3rd St, Martinsburg, W. Va. FROM VIRGINIA. s ago I wns troubled with such pains 1 have to go to bed. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and engthened me in every way and my rill help some one who is suffering ArTOJf, 1029 Hampton Ave., Newport - - .... Us reliable remeay r Mothers, Have You Ever Used Mother's Joy? Is a Pnewnia "Mutberadontfoil to get l?>* of MUTHKlfS JOY." HaiufjelLiH tr THE GOOSE 68EISE CO. CREENSBORO N. C. | For Cows' Caked Udder. , I Mr*. Julia Letter, Columbua, Ca., write# I I: u" "I trird jnur Mustang Liniment on i I cow that s.ififrini; from Cakrd Udder H and in a few dajra *!ie w? in good tbape aj again. It'f a good liniment." | 25c. 50c. SI a bottle at Drug A Cea'I Store* I Ds. M. C. KREITZER'S toe SALVE 25c has been in use over 50 years. Should always be kept in the house roadv for any emergency. Its soothing and healing qualities make it unexcelled in the treatment of SWELLINGS, FRESH WOUNDS, BOILS. BURNS,CARBUNCLES FELONS,SCALDS TUMORS, ULCERS, CORNS, BUNIONS, SORES, ETC. For sale by druggists or mailed direct on receipt of price. For 2 cents we will mail, you a sample box. W. C. POWER 4 CO.. 153S N. 4th St. .Philadelphia.Pa. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color ROUTE* Disnil T7 lilt sn RT InTigoratPxnnd prerents thrhali'from fallicgoff f%r *alr by f>rat gists, or Krai IMrort kf XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Prlfa 91 Prr Dottlai Saapl# Pottle low far rtrfalar. & a KODAKS ''PhWM0 Kistm-in and An*r<> Alms, p<>?Vrljji JH pmd Mini order* g rrn pr<>tn,.l mention. I Bfcrrh 1 nT si*o r.ill <J.-% for lurrnu FF^ I'AKSONS OI'TIt At. CO. 241 King Street, Cliurleaton, S. C. 2.UUO A Kli hUM) IN BKItTIK I". v. c. near Wlidwr; *. cnlt.; 5jJ.UOO,OOti ft. luiu tier. ?*? mill.. ?lf. k. glnnert. 7 r dtrrlllng. 14 'j w.rehmi.'.. wharf. etc. tVIII ?HI all or tlmtwr <m!r. KPRI'II.L. S!1, f'tiiragn i d stem when 'm teU* die 0 l\^) exhaustion tr ^>^7 mtions are fX 1 r Medical Discovery >motes the flow of digestive juice*, relation perfect, invigorate* the liver and * the great blood-maker, flesh-builder es men strong in body, active in mind ask for! r* to Printers lk made in Savannah, Ga. by , Savannah, Ga. Price 6 cents ih. Your patronage solicited. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmtmmmmmmm b i NO OBJECTIONS FROM TONY 1 "Lovable Little Chap" Probably Would Not Have Minded a Succession of Tunnels. Flelng Sunday evening, and the rat es having taken place that afternoon, the trains were packed. In one comiwrtnient a little boy hnd been standing all the way. but before the journey had proceeded much further Mrs. Jones kindly took him on her knee. "Were you very frightened, dear, as we passed through the tunnel?" the gentle lady affked. "\*nt mnrh reDlied the little boy. shyly. "But I thought you trembled a little as I kissed you," remarked Mrs. Jones, who was not even middle-aged yet. "And what's your name?" "Tony," came the answer. "Then you're a very lovable little chap! And how old are you?" "Twenty-five, ma'am." And Tony Spurs, the lightweight l jockey, slid to the floor to the accompaniment of a piercing scream.?Answers. PHYSICIAN SAID ECZEMA CAME FROM TEETHING "When my little girl was about eight months old, she was taken with a very irritating breaking out, which came on her face, neck and back. When 6he j first came down with it, it came in little watery-like festers under her eyes, and on her chin, then after a few days it would dry down in scaly, white scabs. In the daytime she was quite worrysome and would dig and scratch her face nearly all the time. "I consulted our physician and found 6he was suffering from eczema, which he said cam* from her teething, i used the ointment he gave me and without any relief at all. Then I wrote for a book on Cuticura. and pur- ~ chased some Cuticurr. Soap and Ointment at the drug store. I did as I found directions in the Cuticura Booklet, and when she wac one year old. she was entirely cured. Now she is three years and four months, and she has never been troubled with eczema since she was cured by the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. (Signed) Mrs. Freeman Cravcr. 311 Lewis St.. Syracuse. N. Y.. May 6. 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. L, Boston. What Is in a Name? A Chicago man who hardly knew ore tune from another made the mistake of taking a knowing woman to a concert at Orchestra Mali. The selections were apparently unfamiliar to him. but when the "Wedding March" of Mendelssohn was being played he began to evince some Interest. "That sounds familiar," he said. "\ am not strong on those classical j things, but that's a good one. What Is it?" "That," gravely replied the woman, "is the'Maiden's Pra>er." " | 'Twixt Satan and the Sea. Doctor?You are In pretty bad shape. You must stop going to those cheap restaurants. Patient?But. doctor, the prices at j the other places would make me still I sicker. ' When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting?Feels Fine?Acta yulckly. Try it for Red. Weak, 1 Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated Book In each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculists?not a ' Patent Medicine"?but used In successful Physicians' Practice for msny year*. Now dedlested to the Public and sold by Druggist* at 26c and 60c per Bottle. Murine Kje Haire in Aseptic Tubes, 26c and 6Uc. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The young man who ntarrles an heiress may not have to wait fifty years In order to celebrate his golden wedding. For (OLR* and GRIP Hlrlcs' CartniKB In the be-t remedy ?relleres the aching and feTerUhneas?puree the Cold and restore* normal condition*. It'a liquid?effects immediately. 10c., tic., and 50c. At drug store*. ?? Some men try to avoid paying as they go because they don't expect to come bnck. A very successful remedy for pelvic catarrh Is hot douches of Paxtine Antiseptic, at druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet, Co , Boston, Mass. Some women are passing fair?and some others cannot pass. T>r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 10 tears ago. They regulate and invigorate tuomacn. liver and bowels. Sugarcoated tiny granules. A woman seldom eats ir there Is anything else for her to do. When the Millennium conies (iarfield T?-a tod Holy ( hurdi will not I** longer needed. I "sua lly a man is a poor Judge of his own importance. Pleasant,0 Beneficia Gentle and Effectiv Ji 1 rfA * ~Ti" CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP in tfie Circle, on everi^ Pacfta?e of tlio Gon DO NOT LET ANY DE/ DECEIVE YOU 1 syrup of figs and elixir of senna ha universal satisfaction for more than thir fast. and its wonderful success has scrupulous manufacturers of imitations inferior preparations under similar na! costing the dealer lesst therefore. when Note tee M Name of the Gomp iM?iinn.'ir:ii?.v<aiii?i? printed straight across.near the bottom the circle.near the top of every pacmg genuine regular price 50c per bottle < only. for sale by all leading prugc SYRUP or pcs and elixir of senn) some and effective remedy for and biliousness due to c0nsttpa1 effects n is necessary to buy 1 which is manuf/j California F putnam Color more good* bright e? ?nd faster cotcra 'ban any rf fc'e any garment without nppirg apart. Write for [WW i ? - I IJ tBU?: < ^ | ^Lc^HOL-3 peR cE NT l? A\e$efable Preparation for Assimilating the Food andRegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of f ai Promotes Digestion,Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither l;> Opium.Morphine nor Mineral si Not Narcotic < N Prtrpt sou ikSAMunmam ]|I s?*j 3] jtlx S?0na ^ i . i ffukrUt MKi ([* Ai? SttJ ' ,v' ts UrLn . \ H'trm Sttd ||J i Ciir/ml Smyar j* C ( *fmkrjrftn ffm ar ' i ?c Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa- i >U lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhea, I i Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- I ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP \ s:j< ? * Fac Simile Signature of ?tV ?' The Centalr Company, ? NEW VORK. l)*t nnnpMMnriaH d N^Oujrnnteod t;ml^-r- the handJn4' I Exact Copy of Wrapper. BGHiKNHHSHHHBHHI W. L. DC SHOES *2,25 *2.50 *3.00 *3.50 *400 S For MEN, WOMEN and B< THE STANDARDOJ 0 JA LITY FOR OVER 30 TfcAtta THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED S give W. L. Douglas shoes a trial. Douglas name stamped on a sho< antees superior quality and mon for the money than other make: name and price stamped on the I protects the wearer against high and inferior shoes. Insist upon the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. no substitute. If your dealer <-*nnot iiipplr TV (horn, write W.I.DookIjm, Brofktnn, Mm*, for eatalotr ererjwUere delirery cb.irwea prepaid, t'att Color ?u HE ALT Don't drug yourself symptoms of poor I run down systems. Rebuild A Genuine Reconsti J "_Af ? nrwi a hnIf h MOO. BONE Jw JXT* a!'|? ,?r8tanj11 ,UP und/r ' ?ri Mile, \ a. "I took five I. li. Williams, Danvill ?5S.-.; r?J~Milam, and after 2S yea liams, Huntington, W. *? **?? u.. hu Dm-^V. Buy C Bottles tor 1 ~i??^ MOW" "For Every Little \ F Family Ailment" \/j3 "Vaseline" is the purest, simplest, safesi known. Physicians everywhere rccorr softening and healing qualities. Nothing no good as "Vaseline" for all afTrri noratrhes. sores. rtr. Taken Internally. relieves For sale every* here in attractive Kit** bottl? Aictft no tuhttUutr for "I'auUne Our free 'V??ellne" Booklet telle von many w "Vaseline"may be useful to you. Wrlto for you Chesebrough Manufacturing 17 State Street (Consolidated) Reduce The Feed BillHorset: and Mules '? more work; Cc Sheep and Goats grow better lewn; Cattle and Hogs take on more fle hand belter health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal ani For Breeding or Nursing Stock, >'? va'nable. Mtti'h better than 1 Write for free Booklet containing much 7/ Kaisers to THE BUREAU ( Interstate Cottonseed i BOB Slam Htrcet. freslui,S '" s a rwxm co. jHByj&l nine. > | jf HMll Ifcy&VvxmA I Li i IIH C-. Wrmrtry ai>.i-M i111iIM tv vta-q'm^-czstmfottil j.5 ;m tt tea.j heIHt. of alcoholm ! 1 ^ 9| mes and |jttsru'u<"/xrn~.nw, fcflllilifl buying ?? "? " - ? ? "fsmijiji m im mpww,wa^tcwus. |i; 1<jB i. and in li ** "it*'*! pj' e.of the one size h1nutu?.e ?ic!xk? il5ts. ?f packacfk is the most plea5ayt. whole. "stomach troubles, headaches ton. and to get its beneficial "he original and only genuine, ctured b? the ic Syrup Co. fadele; jierdye. one !0c lackagf colors all fibers thevdyi tree booklet?hew to dye, blenchj>nd mu colon. ASTORIA I For Infants and Children. j he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /. \ j Signature /Xf I * (w i ?< y1 u o q 1 For Over Thirty Years USTOMJL >UCLAS : *5.00 M Sk-i 9YS lM Ihoes bffe, & f ^ p LB^Don^Wfle) n wilt, Ttl 1 " " VfllU Ala for ills that are but tlood, depleted and Don't patch up? Tour Health with LAM native Tonic & Blood Renovator ottlesof Milam I have gained )(*."? leston, VV.Va. "I had not taken the S I days when I saw a decided imorpve- I lige?tior.."?Rev. R. I.. M< N'alr, Char- J m is a grand medicine. I ha\e taken J feelstrongerand better, more activcand I ny work."?Rev. H. D. (iuerrant, Dan- i bottles of Milam and gained 10 lbs."? I< e, Va. "Am finishing my 6th bottle of I rs of Eczema, am cured."?C. II. Wil- E {5.00 of your drvggtai and get | BACH IF NOT BENEFITED 6 | line r colds and coughs. r > !-/ to<Uy. itUSfij ? _ yS^voxpcTo"*' m Company New York jp_? -Improve The lnjm?s I . WS (rive roorf and letter Mil I f Hons ley more eirpi., an I"* *"'1 '-utter; . ^ fat, nod develop more rapbfl ,iI1 a "ell a* ' Jly ami keep in d Cottonseed Hullc ire?, Cows, Smv? or Ewea, it? Hay, far cheaper rhan Corn. .1" especially tillable Information to Keeiler-i . _ \ and Stock 5 F PUBLICITY \ Cruabera Association Dallas. Texas ^ We are headquar- ^ 5 rp I^uitt, Potatoes and * V IV ll I want a reliable firm and v a live house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt returns. Quotations sent on application. WOODSON-CRAIG CO.,Inc. COMMISSION M t R C n A M I. k I c n , t . sin. F?>r 4! yearn %ve bar* * .moyii ^ trsliieil inei ami women fe*! f - Firatbual. n leg i. Virginia, fc.iiffl'-i^i-n!Vi'"^ a i meowl in noiitli <'t ow n t? building. No - . .**' vacations. Write for W&J&iiOOOi\^z7& -fd6 c 1 ;'io.Mie A. I H&|3w| QtrJLai6~t I _ y raft II* f .r J "l^adjn? But. Co!, ioul'i Potomac nvct. *?Pfcj. &*tr*fcer TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED ANYWHERE Qfl9 Write for llarralii List. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANf Bin E a*i Maiw stbest, RicnnoMD, V*. n/IWTrn men to lkakn harhek bh W AW 1 fcD Tfalein si, ,o r.ght weak. Tn- B Ition w>u net or tools. li. With jroor owi Wage* while learning. Write for free rata logue. flH RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. A POSITION FOR YOU B u intnl Men and b?ft take *i d.irs practical lour-.- in ,, .r Dnrbin* altup to learn a'H' aoMla V bosiio'Sk. New und mode-n machinery: new car*. fl A I-- * n I<?r ovrri irr;?i?u?i"-. i-imn nn-. ? < harlot to Auto Mi(N>lt Charlotte, X. C# |M ft a K0D4KS r,,Mspp?iV,x 1 0 "Matl orders clrrn JEj k(L' /> prompt H'lention Corn Ie?? itoclc of m V photo *?ip;?l!? ?. Hcrvl 1 i>r caUlOftie. M| W. I. V\N \K*S St CO. ? ^ 23 >. Try on street, Charlotte. N.C. Wj THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. No.l.V.a.Sn.J. B THERAPIOfi lioNpitaU with B i,M'* r >i < r>CI" t * KtliNKV HI AKinth hlRKAMB, ' PII.F.S. CHRONIC CWCflS. KKf\ miPMnNH EITHER hex i i tr> n #n? h?i?" ' e PRKK "? db. i K wed. tc in' r.ksrorr. nt?.. ha*r*tkad#uisi?o*,*\a. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 12-1SM2. SS DYES t in cold water better t ban anvothrr dye Ycmcaii MONGOL DKIM? COMPANY, Quiicy, III.