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THE roxy mill times. P?wrir -( Puublished Twttrfm. B. W. BRAJ>FO*&' - . Editor and Proprietor. Om Tsar *1.25 ate Month* ? .66 The Tfantf invitee contributions on live subjects kat doss not agree to publish mo;e than 200 words M IV subject. The right is reserved to edit SSSij1 communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Teloohone. local and km* distance. No. 112. Entered at the postoffice at Fort Mill. S. C., as mail matter of the second class. FORT MILL. a. C.. MARCH 21.1912. J sbbsbxss " Everv Democrat in this coun try who has the best interests, I not only of his party but of the people of this country at heart, must admit that it is absolutely necessary for Democracy to make no mistake and to nominate the strongest man in the party in order to carry its banner to victory next November. There is not a man whose name is mentioned as Presidential candidate ? on the Democratic ticket who would not make a good president of the United States if elected. It is also true that not every man whose name is mentioned as a candidate, can be elected. Lots of men would make good presidents but poor candidates. It, therefore, behooves the Democratic party to make no mistake and name a man as a candidate who will make both a good votegetter as well ?.s a good president. _______ In Fort Mill there are said to be some people who have expressed a doubt as to whether city council could lawfully impose a special privilege tax upon individuals, companies and corporations doing business within the town. For the information of these, it may be stated that the question of imposing such a tax was threshed out in the courts some time ago in the case of Hill vs. the city council of Abbeville, in which the decision of the court was that the city had perfect authority in the matter, even to the extent of imposing the tax upon any certain class of business, so long as there was no discrimination. In view of the recent promiscous firing of shotguns and pistols inside the incorporate! ? Jmvte- oS Fort has been requested to say to the public chat there is both a State and city law against this practice, and that those who have been doing the shooting vvill probably find themselves in court one of these days if they do not desif.t. One citizen has offered j a standing reward of $5 for each per.jon canvicted of this violation of the law. The majority of the South Carolina delegation in the House is in favor of Speaker Champ Clark for the Democratic Presidential nomination and is in high spirits over the decided progress which his campaign has made within the past few days, says a Washington special to The News and Courier. ? Sees Defeat for Bond Issue. Rock Hill Herald. One of the bills enacted by the general assembly of interest to the people in York county was one with the following caption: "To provide for an election on the issue of $75,000 in coupon bonds by York county for the purpose of erecting a courthouse and to empower the board of county commissioners to condemn land for a site for the same." The bill provides that the voters of the county shall vote on the bond issue at the next election. However, while the bill was passed with the consent of the members in the lower house, it is understood that some of the members will oppose the measure when it comes before the people. There are a large number of people in the western portion of the county who are bitterly opposed to bonding the county for a new courthouse, when the present one can be made ample to meet the needs of the county by a small addition. As for the eastern half of the 1 --'II** ?>?nn id county, pracucaiiy cw-ij man 10 against the issue and it doubtless will be defeated by a large majority when the vote is finally taken. A Gcod Example. The town council of Fort Mill has let a contract for improving the main street of that town with a bitumen binder. This is a splendid example for other small towns like Rock Hill, Chester and York to follow. As for Gaffney?well, we'll get there bye and bye.?Gaffney Ledger. The fifth district convention of the old-line Republicans was held at Rock Hill Friday, and Maj. John F. .Tones, of Blacksburg, and C. P. T. White, of Rock Hill, were named as delegates to attend the national convention. President Taft's administratior was endorsed, and resolutions were passed endorsing J. W. Tolbert as State chairman. Much Damage by High Water. \ Reports from every section of J the county tell of swolen streams < and wrecked bridges as a result < of the very heavy rainfall ^ throughout this section Thursday I night and Friday, which, accord- 1 ing to the weather bureau at * Charlotte, exceeded six inches. I This was said to have been the '< heaviest rainfall for any 18 hours 1 for 19 years. In this vicinity Catawba river and the smaller streams came near reaching the highwater ( mark of 1901, and much damage ( in the way of wrecked bridges r resulted. Sugar and Steel creek | rose rapidly all day Friday and i Friday night and Saturday morn- ( ing were up to a mark reached t but few times in the last decade, j Doby's and Barber's bridges i across Sugar creek were swept ( away, as was also three bridges ( between Fort Mill and Pineville, including the White's mill bridge, i over Steele Creek, which was (rebuilt only about three weeks ( ago. Catawba river was on a j rampage, reaching the highest < point Saturday morning about i 6 o'clock. The stream was up | about 30 feet, lacking but little ( of reaching the point of the ? memorable flood of 1901. The j approaches to the county bridge j across the river were swept away j during Friday night, according 1 i to a report that reached Fort Mill Saturday morning. The; approach to the bridge from the Fort Mill side is something like 60 feet in length, while that of the opposite side of the stream is probably not more than 30 feet. The bridge proper was said to have been uninjured by the high water. The new county bridge across the Catawba at Ivey's mill is also said to have withstood the flood without injury. The floor, of the club house, on Catawba river, of the ( local military company was six I inches under water, but the j building was uninjured except ? for the steps and a small part of 1 one of the porches being swept ' away. The plant of the Char- 1 lotte Birck company was idle t Saturday on account of the flood- i ing of the river bottomlands I from which the clay is taken to [ the plant nearby. Numerous : ? * ' ' U A K*?nr?/I^iac 1 srnau unuge? iiti wa mc ui ctnvm_o t are gone and will have to be s replaced. Estimable Chester Lady Dead. 1 Mrs. M. E. Meacham, of this ^ city, was notified by telegram Thursday morning of the death at Chester Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock of her sister, Mrs. Mar- j garet McFadden. Mrs. Meacb- s am and son, W. B. Meacham, r attended the funeral service and < burial of Mrs. McFadden at f Chester Friday. Mrs. McFadden j had been in failing health for < some time, but the end which i was due to heart failure, came ' wririra sauuWnnesjr winch au'u's t much to the shock of her death, t Mrs. McFadden, who was born t in Chester county, January 26th, J 1841, was the daughter of W. E. j. and Elizabeth W. Waters, and Was married February 18th, 1869, V 1 M.U.JJ K? tO JOlin L/. JMCr auucil, U.v nnuui she is survived, as well as by one son and three daughters. Mrs. McFadden was a lifelong member of the Baptist church, and in this, as well as in many ^ other activities, her death will { be keenly felt. s ? ? ? r Another Cotton Picker. A citizen of Manning is said to ] have invented a mechanical cot- j ton picker that will do the work < and that will be within the reach of farmers of moderate means. This picker is described as being built with the view of giving a machine that will meet the . need of the farmer, either large ] J or small. It is of simple con- ' struction, durable in every part, i easily operated, and costs a mere ; song to run. It consists of but I six parts, namely: Gasoline motor of 16 to 24 horse power, to i suit the size of the machine; a ' ' water tank for cooling the engine-may be dispensed with if . an air-cooled motor is used; fan to produce suction?a single 30 inch fan for the small machine, while for a six or eight pipe ma; chine a twin fan will be used to ! operate pipes from both sides of | the wagon; rubber hose or pipes, made of the best material, light and flexible, at the distal end of I ?u;/,u fV,o nnint or nicker \ WHICH IO HAtU 111V |'x,...v J. ; made of light gauge iron and fitted with the revolving needles that are driven by the ingoing suction, taking the lint from the i boll as clean as if hand picked; : receptacle for the cotton as it is : picked?may be either a box on top of the wagon or bags hung on hooks at the side, to be removed as fast as filled and oth! ere substituted; the wagon, with ! axles arched up so as to pass over the plants without injury. The smaller machine has a : guaranteed capacity in good cotton of two bales a day at an operating cost of less than $5. Information About Dairying. Every citizen of Eastern York who owns a cow should go to Rock Hill on Thursday, March 28, and pay a visit to the new "dairy instruction car" which the Southern Railway is now operating over its lines in South Carolina for the advancement of the dairy industry. Such a visit will prove both interesting and attractive, for this car is fitted up with a complete farm dairy I and is one of the best educational features ever introduced by by the Southern Railway. Leciures will be given from the car at 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. | All the latest models of dairy i machinery and testers, pictures > of the best dairy animals, charts , telling how to feed, how to han1 die milk and how to make larger I ?? ??> jrofits from dairy products will >e demonstrated by experts unler the direction of Dr. Morgan, lairy agent of the Southern Railway. Lectures covering every Dhase of problems concerning ;he economical production of nilk, cream and butter, will be jiven, and hours may be profitibly spent looking over the exlibits in the car. The Overdraft Evil. An overdraft becomes an overiraft only when a paying teller ;ashes a check. Between the nan who drew the check and the person who presents it for payment, there may be a dozen enlorsements. The bank's refusal ;o cash would send the check >ackwards over its course and njure the reputation of the >riginal maker with every eniorser. Every overdraft on the bank s a wholly unsecured loan. The supreme court has ruled, quoting in part: "The usage and Dractice thus attempted to do sanctioned is a usage and prae:ice to misapply the funds of the Dank, and to connive at the withirawal of the same, without any security, in favor of certain privleged persons. Such a usage ind practice is surely a manifested departure from the duty, both of the directors and the cashier, as cannot receive any countenance in a court of justice, [t could not be supported by any /ote of the directors, however formal, and therefore, whenever lone by the cashier, is at his >wn peril and upon the responsibilities of himself and his sure;ies. It is anything but well and ;ruly executing his duties as cashier." Glorious News :omes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured jad cases of eczema in my patient s with Electric Bitters. but also cured myself jy them of the same disease. I feel sur< :hey will benefit any case of eczema." rhis shows what thousands have proved. :hat Electric Bitters is a most effective :>lood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, joils and running sores. It stimulateiver, kidneys and bowels, expels poia>ns, helps digestion, builds up the EGGS FOR SALE I arn now offering eggs for 1 hatching from my 5 Famous Fields' Strain of \ Partridge Wyandottes. I do not claim to have the 1 finest chickens in the world, for j . 1 ave not seen all the Partridge 1 Wyandottes, but do say that my stock is bred pure from a strain * of birds that have not been der feated in the show room for the j 3 last six years. Eggs, >1.00 per 13. I B. C. FERGUSON, Fort Mill, S. C. *' i Try a S|>ecial Notice in The Times and | watch results. 25 words for 25c. strength. Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed by Fort Mill Drug Co., E*arks Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drug itore. Miss Leila Belk is spending: the .veek with Miss Pearl Hunter in Lancaster. Repels Attack of Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me had only two years to live." This tartling statement was made by Stillnan Green, Malachite, Col. "They old me I would die with consumption, t was up to me then to try the best ung medicine and I began to use Dr. (ing's New Discovery. It was well I lid for today I am working and !?? ieve 1 owe my life t this great throat ind lung cure that has cheated the 5rave of a:io:; - 11> f"o;o suffer with coughs, colds or other hroat and lung troubles now. Take he cure that's safest. Price 50 cents nd $1.00. Trial bottle free at Parks )rug Co.. Ardrey's Drug Store and i'ort Mill Drug Co. The best price paid for cotton >n the local market yesterday vas 10 1-2 cents. Nineteen Miles a Second vithout a jar, shock or disturbance, is he ^awful speed of our earth through ;pace. We wonder at such ease o. lature's movement, and so do thosi vho take Dr. King's New Life Pills. S'o griping, no distress, just thorough vork that brings good health and fine 'eelings. 25c at Parks Drug Co., Fort Will Drug Co. and Ardrey's Drug Store. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS. I have for sale for hatching purposes pure Wycoff 3train White Leghorn Eggs it $1 for 15. Also 50 White Leghorn hens for sale. D. A. LEE, Fort Mill, S. C. Haile's On the Corner For the Blood Try Burdock and Prickly Ash Compound 25c per bottle, Fnrt Mill Drue Co. Wit ITIIII w ?iy v w> J. R. HAILE, Mgr. 'Phone 43. TIRED RUN* PEOPLE A North Carolina Man Suggests a Remedy Greensboro, N. C.?"For a lonj time 1 was so run down and debili tated that I could hardly drag around My appetite was poor and I could no1 sleep nights. I had tried different so called tonics without benefit. I wai advised to try your cod liver am iron tonic. Vinol, and I atn so glad did. for it gave me a hearty appetite 1 soon commenced to sleep soundly and I feel strong, well and more ac live than I have for years. Every run down or debilitated person shouh just give Vinol a trial." K. Allsbroofc What Vinol did for Mr. Allsbrool it will do for every weak, run-down o debilitated person in this vicinity. Ti show our faith we will furnish th medicine free if it does not do as w claim. Come in and get a bottle oi these terms. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE i FORT MILL, S. G ,/ V . bb?a??? I\,^7 " ** ***"< ?{?; ^WAL^"?ROlfSERS( ^\^ \hfy pgaw ruc pai.-i \ I We also have a nice lini wear. Call and take a lot McElhc iiiii?iiiurn ii nun mum hi?inniiii HOYSTI HITS THE. Tiie explanation nmdeiriUi ihe? every higpediei test of our oy> ikeresnoliii ori d^e/unitrs. Sold Reliahl F.S.ROYSTI sales c NorfolkVa. Tarb( JDaltimoreMd. Mont Macon Ga. np HjOu-mu* nJi'n-n ru> nn ur? ru* n-rrn-n mj I THREE-YI ^ order fo r j THE BlbOLa A 8 SE 8 Kindly Sign the Bl< B We desire to invite attent B tain one hundred thousand ad< three years. It is practically a B subscription can be stopped at The subscription price of B tion is sent to the subscriber at I j^j of handy premiums for the sul B the general result is that the bi g 8 55 Southern Ruralist, 20 South F 5jJ Gentlemen: You are here jii{ Ruralist for three years. ON 1 55 This order is given with the u 55 by paying the subscription to 8 Name 1 8 g Postoffic 55 Date 191: 8 ^ - -J~u m tru >ru m uli tfv *ru .rv tw .rn .ru u New Sty Young . As usual, we are first to sh( Spring. We believe that the are now showing will exactl] average young man. We art you these goods, having just ment of them?Schloss Bros.' * i e i and men wno reei young. Also a nice line of Wald Walker If you are not going to buy us match your coat with a pai e of Men's and Boys' new Sp jk at our new Crossett Shoes, i iney & Cor M FER1 SPOT EVER) ' is simple; they a reaiest care an nthas to pass fh Ttlaboratories; 72iss'abou tftoyst e Dealers Everywhere t? /jiiAwn rn H vv Dffices iroN.C. Columbia S C.^ mery\Ala. Spartanburg 3C Columbus 6a. BgXXSgKBggflKggMaKRS EAR SUBSCR R SOUTHERN RUff NO BEST AGRICULTURAL PAPER I r> :nd no mone ink Form Below and Become a Rej ion to our three-year subscription p ditional subscriptions during the p trial subscription and payable at th any time by paying for the period t this paper is $1.00 for three years,; : the end of the first year. When the 3scriber to select from, providing he 11 is soon paid. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK, orsyth St, Atlanta, Ga., Dept. G-L bv authorized to enter my name as APRIL 1, 1913, I will pay One Dol nderstanding that I am at liberty tc that date. :e 2. R. F. D. No Stat r n_r> >u? n_rr r^n'ru* n-rt ?u? ut fu? vtfUtn.rfTontifv.imfhtfLiifVin.initfviru Ian oppoi IF you were offered tomorrow, requi of more than y< f have to turn it dowr * ?? niiTT />Amo nt nT1 i 11C3 inaj vvmu > v ?? It is the policy of every legitimate wa ^ money with us. j THE FIRST NATION ; T. S. KIRKPATRICK, ^ President. DCAn The Times' offer of jnCHU scription to Soutf les for | Men. >w the new goods for new Spring Styles we T hit the fancy of the tj; 5 now ready to show received a large ship - matte?ror yuuug men 4 Trousers. a suit, come in and let r of these trousers. I >ring Porosknit Under- J Silk Hosiery, Etc. I npany ILIZER f TIMEJ JM we 7r I _j I 5KaKKaaaaxaHgi JPTIONS I IALIST I THE SOUTH [ %/ l Y i gular Subscriber. 5 roposition. We hope to ob- ^ resent year to continue for ? e end of the first year. The jj he paper is taken. and the bill for the subscrip- . * : bill goes out we slip in a list ? : pays the bill promptly, and [ i f i | t a subscriber to the Southern J lar for the three-year period. [ > step the paper at any time ; i * I t ? e : I J* XKKXXKKXXKXX 3 RTLNfTY. . a good investment iring an outlay of m had, would you 1? Such opportuniy time. this bank to aid in y those who deposit fAL BANK, F0RsTLT. B. SPRATT, Cashier. a Years Sub- |TJQ rnr lern Ruralist w fllL, < ' n l5B5H5cai!5a5e55g55ggasagai ?55 1 "Fair PI (n lUMBea IC'T MJTT2M r? 2 WKTnaO III MM l< Si || Do Y j ja When you are tired of i) 3 shoes, try a pair of IRVING K est Shoe manufactured. A! : rp date lady. She will tell you Cj on and wear them every sin jj ment's discomfort. Beside 3 they're unusually stylish, fii a wc aave just received a b very latest Spring and Sumn ' ? T1 1_ 1 j)j Tans, wmte uanvas, .duck > Ljj Kids, prices range from $2. j3 lower and you will 2nd this ; jj{ comfortable than last. $ The maker's guarantee o SI I" by ours. Both assure you |] EW.Kimi 1 I "The Flace Where Q |jligg?g^^-:5S55Sgggg58a r las^sssBglfaiSasgsassasHias il Is Parks Gro< CI iiij _ 111 F\ ii \m/J ?,' & ra i g W at a & You to c Ii and look Style hook of Woolen i'. Summer wear. We've jj] season for a number o ni men and every one has ! ?j See what we can sell yc jjj made suit. Let us take jjj jo Parks Grocer E. S. PARKS, t^l _ E5^ '5H5ZSI tL What Women P j 1 'J'h ; > <?t' '> niuvh ii, .-i ry and ' v. . _ . _ When iii a weakene! condition, anemic, \ inipoverishe i and nerves i battered, t Nyal's Vegetabl D.m't I eontini illy s : ! *r rig year ir; a t? in build ?|> ill delicate organs f strain ; > an> iii tiie irn gulariti* To insure nvolar i y to the functions pe and cure any irregularities Nyal's V plish the desire i results. Investigate this remed jl from results that it will { Our personal recoinireiidatio-i goe- with i we know of, $1.00 the bottle. ? A very fin line of Rubber (! rods, ? Fountain Syringes, ett I Parks Dru? j ?1 CiiirtN* PUT UP TJTf y IN JUGS * 5 EXPRESS PREP. I CORN WHISKEY 1 Gal 2 Gal a New Corn -- $2 10 $3 60 \ Two-Year-Old Corn ... 3 00 5 0(] 5 Three-Ytar-Old Corn. . 3 25 5 25 J Old Mountain Corn 2 75 4 9C i ; Old Process Corn 3 0" 5 5( 5 Happy Valley Corn ... 2 35 4 1( 1 RYE WHISKIES j Gibson ..... 4 50 8 61 5 Li baton 3 25 5 7; je Hoover ... 2 75 4 7-: j Old Prentice (case good.-) fi Cascade ... jc I Green River (bot. in-bond). ...I }Mellw<.(-d (bot. in bond) ... Mellwuod (our >v. n bo iling) 4 25 SO* 1 Overholt ...I [3 Jefferson Club .. 3 75 6 7; !5 < )|ij Henry . 3 50 6 6< if S.:vav< M"i. itain. 3 50 6 O 3 | Rose Valley ?I !? Sherwood ilj Excelsior 2 25 I Z Hoover" Pri Stock til Gi en !;-ver -i i BRANDIES ? Apple Brandy 2 10 3 6 . Apple Prttuiy ? 00 5 1 Peacii Brand,* 1 00 7 I . S . '< ; M; i" \ h ' ar.d clearn.t a sprioji water nuuli pure grain. I full \* ; I -2.75:6 qt .75;8 .? . M.75; 12qtaiT.'A ft ^ I'riini'. Orr .i i This v. h . >y made ir?<m . : grab . 11. I n v<xi,ind it m ruanint" ' I 3 yean d. Ifuliquarti t <:>> <it?. ui I H.q . fl NO CHARGE FOR JIJi T W. H. HOOVER, 522 E. Bro o ; TC^ CAM V ? that wiil all customers * * I Vl? nnirnv.1 Tl,. l!?a Tnnin JI^BiVtERS Family Medicliil.6' S it FJ Br. King's New Discovery L I KILLS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. I I I w -I H5asg5a5E525H555Z5E5gfBl lay" I | OURFeet Get It? | il-fitting, foot-pinching K DREWS?the grand* |5 3k almost any up*to* K that you can put them H gle day without a mo- Cj !3 being comfortable, Sj , big shipment of the jjj icr styles in Patents, j3 Skin, and the newest js 25 to $3.50. Heels are K cnoann's shoes more nl if satisfaction is backed jjj Fair Play." jjj brell Co. | J uality Counts." H Sa5j2?fc5e52?e5a5Z5H5Z5aGI eery through our big Hn| s for Spring and v 0 ordered suits this O f men and young j 1ml given satisfaction, ijjn >u in a $15 Tailor; your order today. V Company, Manager. jjj ^fi?r?sg5gga5H5H5H5a5H5aln I I III,I I www???^W feed to Know tin worry associated with female vith a sluggish circulation, blood here is but one remedy to think of? s Prescription nd year out?strengthen the sys>repare yourself to withstand the s peculiar to your sex. culiar to womanhood?to correct egetable Prescription will accomly thoroughly, see do just as we say. every sale. The best proscription such as Hot Water Bottles, now in stock. f i Comp'y, _ /* OUR MOTTO- v " " * Pure Good*, Hone?t Dttl'nl AID. 3 (1st! 4 Gal 4 Qts 6 Qts 8 Qts 12$ts i $5 3T? $0 85 S2 35 S3 25 $4 25 $7 00 I 7 00 9 00 3 00 4 50 5 50 P 00 I 725 9 25 I 6 90 8 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 {7 25 I 8 00 10 00 3 25 4 60 6 00 (9 25 ) 5 75 7 35 2 50 3 50 4 50 > 6 50 ) 12 75 16 00 5 50 7 50 10 00/l3 50 5 8 25 I - ? ") 6 75 \ 5 50 7 50 ....\13 00 5 50 8 25 10 75 V200 5 50 8 25 10 75 A2 00 5 50 8 25 10 75 l\ 00 b 10 75 ... 4 50 6 50 8 50 1lM>0 4 50 6 85 11 00 12 6Jk > 10 00 13 00 4 00 5 80 7 70 10 00 V > 9 5o 12 00 4 00 5 75 7 70 10 00 ^ Ml 0 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 .... 10 00 B .... 4 (JO 5 75 7 50 10 00 B J 5o 6 85 8 50 12 00 B 25 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 B .... 4 00 5 75 7 50 1000 5 00 6 75 '.3 25 B K) Private Stork Corn. an excellent old Rood* ifh a i< |> .f ition through the entire country. 4 ill <iui. #:i 00;?, <4tx. 14.25; h "its. $T>.25; 12 qt?. $8.50 1 . ab.nta Corn. Its lony record proves its i it Hon- . t honor t prices, honest mensand a?fe<! in wisid. 4 full quarts. 13.00; 6 qU .2 s qts. 55.20; 12 <|ts. Is..'><). i;S OR PACKING. a ad Street, Richmond, Va. I nd meet the demands and re- I uirements of the most exacting H uilders is no small undertaking. I rou cannot find a Lumber yard 1 tocked with l BETTER LUMBER ' nd Building material, that will ome nearer to meeting all de- J hands than our yard. Do not | nake a purchase without first ob- 1 aining our estimates. It will be noney in your pocket. J. J. BAILES. PILLOWS FREE ail us $10 for 30-pound Feather Bed ar.d receive ; our.<l pair piliov s frtt. Fr.irht preyctd. New athera, beat tickuitr, satisfaction guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED TURNER & CORN WELL talker Dealers. Dept. A. Charietta. N. C. .Reference: Commercial National Bank.