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' x :V; , < f vara* '. "? - ^'C'wni,;- -w*v' ?lfv: *' >? *' f **. 'i>- 1 . '* ; /. t TURNED BUND ALMOST FEU Mrs. Hansen Says At First Her Case Seemed Hopeless, but Sbe Finally Won Out [ Mobile, Ala.?"For neven years," ays Mn. Sigurd Hansen, of this city, "1 suffered with womanly troubles, and, at last, was operated on. ~. i I felt better for a time, but soon I bad the same trouble aB before. I had dizzy spells, and would turn blind and almost fall over. 1 had pahis in my back and side, and was not able to work. . Half the time I could not eat any breakfast, and I always felt weak and had a headache. One day, my husband got me a bottle of Cardul, and 1 tried It. I felt better, so I took some more. Mow, I am well and feel fine. My doctor says I am looking better than ever. I have a good appetite and sleep welL ' It la all dne to Cardul. I only wish every suffering woman would try It. They would soon feel as good as I do." You may be aure, when Cardul will relieve and cure such a serious case as that of Mrs. Hansen, that it will, much more quickly and certainly, help those women who have no serious symptoms, but are Just weak and alllng. Are you? Try It. Tt. n U rlif toi Ijdlr*' Advisory Df?(? Uedirlif Co., CkattHtop. Tenn.. for Nptdil Inatraottaaa, aid M-pacr book, "Home Troatant far Women," sent la plain wrapper, oa request. Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of sunshine in the soul, and Alls it with a steady and perpetual serenity.?Addison. The Remedy that revolutionize* and regenerates the victim of constipation is Garfield Tea, a herb combination. Perhaps a rolling stone gathers no moss because It isn't on the level. WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vesreta ble Compound Restored Mrs. Green's Health? Her Own Statement Covington, Mo.?"Your medicine has done mi' more good than all the doct'..?T tor's medicines. At | tr ; every monthly period jyHfirvBSflh I had to stay in bed ^9wS four days because of IfiK'S 75 rl? hemorrhages, and BH tJB my back was so weak H mpf.' I could hardly waiic. * ^ave ^en Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com/ / pound and now I can / S stay up and do my i &L ayL I think it is the best medicine on earth for women." ?Mrs. JENN'lE Green, Covington, Mo. How Mrs. CHn? Avoided Operation. Brownsville, Ind. ?"I can say that Lydii E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me more good than anything else. One doctor said I must be operated upon for a serious female trouble and that nothing could help me but an operation. "I had hemorrhages and at times could not get any medicine to stop them. I got in such a weak condition that I would have died if I had not eot relief soon. "Several women who had taken your Compound, told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the system and overcome female troubles. "I am now in great deal better health than I ever expected to be, so I think I ought to thank yon for it. "?Mrs. 0. M. Cline, S. Main St, Brownsville, Ind. Eczema Cured by MILAM Oldest llB and Most Severe Cases , MILXM | Yield Factory Mgr. Am, *000. (ONE md SE" "I have been sufferH$iB\a<X4rv3^vr-5 lng very much from Eczema in my head. HBbSS.?-"?causing itching of the Mmui-nvt to** acalp for several year*. ?n ri-.i 11?r I was often waked up ^ _ .1 'I ?l nigm scrju'iinit **? {*-. be. S^-*i J my head, and was prevented from sleep. SL After taking four botties of MILAM. I feel entirely relieved, though I am continuine to use it so as to be are the trouble la eradicated from my system." (Signed) R. 11. SilACKLEFORD. Daaville, Vs.. March 90. 1910. Eczema of 26 Years Standing Cured. Huntington. \V. Va.. July 16. 1810. The Milam Medicine Co.. Danville. Va. DearSira?In.January last I wrote you regarding MILAM. Y ou sai i you would cure pie or refund the money. Weu. you can keep it all. My face is entirely well. I f?-el better than I have byears in any way. Am finishing up my 6<h ttle now, and thir.k aft;r '_ ? years of Eccetua am cored. With best wishes. Y'ours respectfully. (Signed) C. II. WILLIAMS. ^ Psoriasis?A Vilolent Form of Eczema. Blanche. N. C.. July 16.1910. Milam Medicine Co.. Danville, Va. Gentlemen?I have been affljcted with a tortaring skin disease pronounced by the physicians to be "Psoriasis." and have had il for ten ,/ jreara. No treatment of the ph> shuns ever relieved me. and I continued to grow worse and vas unable to do my work. By the advice of my Siysician I commenced lottke Mitam on March h last. I am now far on the road to recovery, gnd feel that I will be entirely cured ! am now St work and feel no inconvenience from it. "I take great pleasure in giving this certificate gnd think Milam it a great medicine. Y'ours trulv. J. W. PINCHBACK. Ask Your Druggist or Writs 2 Milam Medicine Co., Danville, Va> En ni ii 1111 iirfh Coafh tytup. TiKesOsod. I'u ||d la Cms, JM* *7 H : v 'j* : / %: - '4, tfs . > 5i>. ' \ e * It/: v' ' Itiramriom sunmrscnool Lesson (Bv E. O. SELLERS. Director of EvenIn* Department, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 10. JESUS THE HEALER. I.K8S<>X TEXT-Mark l:?-45. GOLDEN TEXT?"Himself took Infirmities, anil bare our diseases."?Matt. 8:17. Furty-one times St. Mark makes use of what is a distinguishing word in his gospel, "straightway," or Its equivalent. "forthwith," "immediately." etc. Jesus, as was his custom, had been worshiping in the synagogue, and while there he had performed a g-eat work of healing insomuch that his fame spread throughout the Galilean country; and forthwith as they enter Peter's house there Is presented another difficult case. "Simon Peter's wife's mother being sick of a great fever" It is a noticeable fact in the life of Jesus that he had his own particular intlnate circle of friends with whom he loved to hold fellowship, tho home in Bethany, and this home belonging to Simon Peter, are illustrations. Why does God permit sickness and sorrow to come to those who are manifestly his most intimate friends? To thna. whn Inve him most? Why Peter's wife's mother bo greatly sick? Why allow I^azarus to die? These are heart-searching questions. 8urely all Buffering 1b not caused by sin directly, for many Innocent ones euffer for the sing of-the guilty; much is allowed "to manifest God's glory;" ! some suffering is to test our faith, refining us as by fire; and some must be left to God's inscrutable wisdom, for surely we can allow him to do some tblngs without explaining his acts to men. Note, however, that Jesus' compassion caused him at once to show forth a beautiful example of the sort of personal work he would have us do. What the Act Teaches. Now note that the evidence of the cure is here also for "she ministered unto them." It must have been a complete cure, else how could she go ? * Kne rvnaM A lit Ifjft ? ai uijuc auuub uv* .. w.^?? v,.v. uu?.w. This act teaches us not only the fact of the cure but also that other lesson spoken of by James In his epistle, viz., that the best method of showing 1 our faith Is by our works. God Jus' tides the believer through faith In his Son, but we are judged righteous before the world by our works. Ry her loving ministrations to those of her household, and to Jesus who was their guest, this ancient mother-in-law showed her gratitude and love for this | act of compassion on the part of God's Son. God bless the mothers-lnj law and stop our gossip. At the close of "his busy day we can In our Imaginations see the crowd ! of the city gathered about Peter's j door. "At even, when the sun did set I they brought unto him all. etc." One | of the moBt charming and wonderful things about the Scriptures is that It says so much In so few words. One ! can feel himself a part of the crowd ! gathered at the* close of that day, i eager and anxlotig to see this new healer, and urgently, eagerly, present- , Ing their loved ones that he may perform his healing ministrations ere the shades of night shut him from their sight, or perchance he begin a journey on the morrow. The record is significant in the use of the word ; "all" in verse 32. and "many" In verse 34. the plain inference Is that not all who came were healed. Many are 1 called out few chosen. God'3 call 13 to "whosoever." but man by belief or by unbelief dops the choosing: and further, even in Christ's day It Is plain that he did not banish nor heal all disease. The next morning, "a great while before day." Jesus goes apart for prayer. How much we nped God's presence and wisdom which can be obtained only by "going apart" to the place of secret communion, espe\ daily in the day of our greatest sue cess and popularity, rne oanger ui material or other success 1b to turn man's thoughts away from God. As man contemplates the prowess of his own arm or the achievements of his own brain the temptation Is to trust himself and not to trust God. Jesus knew the tests of service before Him and the need of vital contact with his father. Having gained this through this early morning watch, h? was ready to reply to Peter's unconscious test when he referred to Christ's popularity by saying that others had need of him. I,must preach to them also, for this came 1 into the world. Chief End of Christ's Ministry. The compulsion of a great mission , gave Christ no time to considei the popular acclaim, or longer to pause at Capernaum, though there were doubtless others who needed his ministrations. Healing of the body and the relief of human distress is not the chief end of Christ's ministry, fie came to establish a kingdom and must preach the good tidings, for "therefore was I sent." Social service is indeed God-like. but Jesus tel's us plainly that the soul is of more value than the body. (Matt. 6:3.X ) But everywhere he went Jesus found" opportunity for service, for in i another city there came to him a man full of leprosy, that loathsome plague of jhe east. At this point some reference should l>e made to medical missions. to the work being done to relieve suffering in your own home own. and upon the foreign field. Refer to Isaiah's prophecy that Jesus was to bear our infirmities and our diseases, and emphasize that we are to follow in his steps. Contrast the human side as shown in verse -JO with he divine side manifest in verse 11. and call attention again to Christ's personal touch in verse 41. with the result that having broken the ceremonial law with regards to leprosy Jesus dare n<> more openly enter the city but dwelt without in desert places iv. 431. Kven there, however, he could not escape the people who resorted to him from e\ery quarter Three great lessons can be emphasized: First. Jesus' busy life of going about doing good: second, that hip compassion was genuine as shown by the frequent personal touch, and third, the !e.~son of missions, especially medical missions, and in this connection the lesson of leprosy, as a type of sin. loathsome, contagious, lnI curable. Emphasize the drawing power of | Jesus. Has he drawn you to his side? Also, that it is manifestly the : duty of those who have been drawn and healed to minister unto rtbera* j aid lead them to salvation. I V WHO CAN DOUBT SWORN TESTIMONY OF HONEST CITIZENS? Some time ago I began the use ot ; your Swamp-Hoot with the most re1 markable results. For years I was almost a w,reck and was a great sufferer. The doctors who treated me made me believe that my great sufferings were due to female trouble. 1 was so bad at times 1 would faint away and had sinking spells. Finally a new doctor was called In'and he said that I had kidney trouble anil gave me medicine, of which I took several bottles. 1 obtained some relief from this, but I was getting weaker all the time; 1 could not sleep and Buffered so much pain that my husband and children had to lift me in and out of bed. After this time two friends sent me word to try Swamp-Root, which I did, and I am glad to state that the first dose gave me great relief. After taking the third dose I was helped into bed and slept half of the night. I took several bottles of SwampRoot and I feel that I owe my lire to this wonddrful remedy. The two family doctors said that I could not live three months. I would have to be helped in and out of bed ten to twenty times every night. After taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root for two days 1 was entirely free from getting up and could sleep soundly. MRS. D. E. HILEMAN, Tunnelton, W. Va. Personally appeared before me, this inn 01 sepiemuer, iau?, jirg. u. cj. Hileman, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. JOSEPH A. MILLER, Notary Public. IrtUrti Dr. Kliarr a f?. Butuln. ?. T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngbamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. FOR GOOD MEASURE. Tommy?Say. Pop. does a perscu ever get something for nothing? Papa?Sometimes, and a prison sen- 1 tence usually goes with it. After 10 Years of Suffering. Show Man Finds Relief in Tetterlne. "I have been troubled with a severe rase of Tetter for ten years. In Columbia last week a druggist recommended Tetterine. I bought a box; it gave me relief, so I bought another and am entirely well." Lew Wren. Chicago. Tetterlne cures Eczema. Tetter. Itching Piles*. Ring Worm and every form of Scalp and 8kln Disease. Tetterine 50c; Tetterlne Soap 2w;. Your druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer. The Shuptrlne Co., Savannah! Ga. With every mall order for Tetterine we give a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver P1113 free. Positively Brilliant. "Did you hear young Pounders playing on the piano just now?" "Yes. I consider him a remarkable performer." "How is that?" "He can bit more wrong keys in ; less time than any other person I ever saw." Wheat Goes Down. I)e Broker?Hear about De Curbb? De ledger?No. What'B happened to him? De Broker?Knocked flat. De Ledger?You don't say? Was he caught by the drop in wheat? De Broker?Well, yes; something like that. A barrel of flour fell on him. Belated Information. VII,art Vltirrio Hntrhv was being con . 0-. ? | gratulated at the Waldorf-Astoria in j New York on the success of his "musical mornings." "I impute my success," he said, "to the fact that 1 engage no talent that I doq't know thoroughly. In entertainment, as in matrimony, knowledge is most important." Then Mr. Bagby smiled and said: "Two ladies were talking the other day about the Chinese revolution. The younger lady said: "'Isn't it dreadful In China? A woman doesn't know her husband till she marries hint.' "The other lady, a divorcee, answered bitterly: "'I didn't know my husband till 1 married him. either.""?St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A WOMAN DOCTOR Was Quick to See That Coffee Poison Was Doing the Mischief. A lady tells of a bad case of coffee poisoning, and tells it in a way so simple and siraightforward that literary 6kil 1 could not Improve it. "I had neuralgic headaches for 12 years." she says, "and have suffered untold agony. When I first began to havn thrill l weighed 140 pounds, but they brought nie down to 110. '1 went to many doctors and they gave me only temporary relief. So I suffered on. till one day. a woman doctor advised me to drink Postum. She said 1 looked like I was coffee poisoned. ' So 1 began to drink Postum, and gained 15 pounds in the first few weeks and am still gaining, but not so fast as at first. My headaches began to leave me after 1 had used Postum about two weeks?long enough, I expect. to get the coffee poison out of ! my system. "Now that a few months have passed since 1 began to use Postum, 1 can gladly say that I never know what a neuralgic headache is like any more, and it was nothing but Postum that relieved me. "Before 1 used Postum I never went out alone; 1 would get bewilder- ! ed and would not know which way to turn. Now I go >.ione and my head is as clear as a bell. My brain and nerves are stronger than they have 1 been for years." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. "There's a reason," and it is explaini ed In the little book, "The Road to | Wellvllle." in pkgs. Ever read the above letterf A new one appear* from time to time. They are irennlne. true, nurt full of human in (treat. / Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweetening to the system. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome, strengthening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satisfaction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its excellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, his led unscrupulous dealers to offer imitations which act unsatisfactorily. Therefore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company?California Fig Syrup Co.? plainly printed or. the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. THE WINNER. 'r Z^m 1 ?|U*Shc?Speech Is silver and silence Is golden. He?But the man with the most brass gets the tin. Evidence. "What makes you think our great public men don't work as hard as they used to?" "By the photographs," replied Farmer Corntossel. "When I was a young fpller the big men in politics didn't take near as much time to git For (OLDS and GKIP Hires' Capi DI.NB Is thn best remedy? relieves the aching and feverijhneHa?purest lie Cold and re stores normal conditions. It's liquid?effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c. At drug stores. Good Advice. "I will have my pound of flesh." "Be a vegetarian instead, and tako a peck of potatoes." The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston, Mass., will send a large trial box of Paxtine Antiseptic, a delightful cleansing and geimlcidal toilet preparation, to any woman, free, upon request. I/eveliness of character Is nothing but steady love of Rood and steady Bcorn of evil? Froude. He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires and fears is *iore than a king?Milton. T>r. Pierce's Pellets, email, J'imr -coated, ea?y to take a? candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Do uot gripe. When a man does things he hasn't much time to talk about them. IMI.ES (TRED IX ? TO 14 DAYS TourrtruRiftst will reliind money If I'A/.O UlNTMI.NT fail* to <-iir? anr rase of Itctunu, Hi nd. of Protruding t'llea In B u? M days. 6'jo. An oculist can do nothing for a ntan who is blind to his own interests. Garfield Tea. taken regularly, will correct both liver and kidney disorders. Some men don't know very much, but they don't know it. Get This FREE Book HTOL. Before You Decorate AaLtmT&n It shows 20 pretty rooms in modern homes and how to pet the very latest designs for your home. We will send you FREE color plans made by expert designers for any rooms you want to decorate. Alabastfne The Beautiful Wall Tint la raore fnhionahle thm will paper or paint and nxti far lesa. It ii too rciinrd and exquisite in color to compare with any k:iid of kalaomine. f.oea further on the wa!K doer not chip. peel or rub off. lam far looser. 16 Beautiful Tints. Cornea all ready t > mix with cold water and put on. Raa"?t to pffj uac?full directions on every ^ packaje. l ull S-lb. pkf.. Whin, (let the FRF.K Kook of Hrautifu! Rooms Alabastine Company i- J J Gi.m. If t*?4, GtitW It**!-. Huh. V* ltsk (ilv Drsk 1.1f5 VUltr StrffI SUPERIOR SEEDS TESTED AKD TRUE Garden, Farm and Flower Seeds of the Highest Quality and Germination. Write for free illustrated catalogue. DISSS & BEADLES 1426 EAST MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. IF TO'j HAVf ? no appetite. Indigestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all run dov n"or losing flesh, you will find tuft's Pills fust w hat you need, rhey tone up the weak stomach and build up the flagging energies. II | A(| Wanted. Second-hand lings and BnrK nfa V ttrnc luroriir, Hit II Ml'Ml IINUU liA'i CUMI'AS \ . liichmond. Virgin a CAN CANCER RE CURED? IT CAN! The record of the Kei am Hospital is without parallel in history. having cored to stay cured permanently without the use of the knite or X-Kay over ! per cent, of the many bundre I sof sufferers from cancer which It has treated during the past fifteen Tear*. We have been endorsed by the Henate and legislature of Virginia. We Guarantee Our Curea. Phyafclana treated free. KELLAM HOSPITAL ffl?"7 W. Main Street, Richmond, Va, lis TI I "Every Picture %ji 0 Tells a Story"- \ pof DQAf " w-v a m att r?t?rvn rr WOMEN'S LEAP YEAR RIGHTS In Scotland Years Ago They Were Recognized as Real, and Well Defined by Law. Ancient, Indeed, are the prerogatives that are accorded to women In leap year. They are so old that none can tell Just how or when they originated. However, the ancient Scottish parliament gives lis a date as well as a law upon which to hang the right of worn- i ! en to take the initiative in leap year, j as convention forbids them to do in other years. In the year 1228 this body passed a law which, in its quaint old English, i expressly conferred on womankind the ; right to propose marriage In leap year. Here i3 the law, just as it was written in the parliamentary records: "Ordonit that during ve reign of her maist blessed Maiestie, ilka maiden, ladee of baltb high and lowe cstait, shale hae libertie to speak ye man she likes. Gif he refuses to tnk hir to bee his wyf, he shale bee mulct in ye sum of ane hundridty pundes. or less, as his estait may bee, except and alwais gif he can make it appeare that he is betrothit to another woman, then he shale be free." HANDS WOULD CRACK OPEN "About two months ago my hands started to crack open and bleed, the skin would scale off, and the good flesh would burn and Itch dreadfully. When my bands first started to get sore, there were small blisters like water blisters which formed. They j ' Itched dreadfully, it just seemed as though I could tear the skin all off. I would scratch them and the skin would peel off, and the flesh would he all 1 red and crack oppn and bleed. It worried me very much, as I had never had anything the matter with my skin. I was so afraid i would have to give up my employment. "My doctor' said he didn't think It would amount to anytning. out u Kepi getting worse. One day 1 saw a piece in one of the papers about a lady who had the same trouble with her hands. She had used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and was cured. I decided to try them, and my hands were all healed before I had used one cake of Cuticura Ointment. 1 am truly thankful for the good results from the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, for thanks to them I was cured, and did not have to lose a day from work. I have had no return of the skin trouble." (Signed) Mrs. Mary E. Rreig, 2522 Brown Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12. 1911. Although Cutleuia Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura." Dept. L, Roston. A Curious Mind. "You are acquainted with I)ig?forth, I believe?" "Ob, yes." "He likes to be well informed concerning matters that few people know anything about." "For instance?" "He is familiar with the achievements of all the American immortals whose names appear on the revised list." TO DRIVE ()l T MAI.ARIA AND Itl ll.D I I' THE SYSTEM Tnk? th? o.d standard liKOVKs TA>TKI.KSS OIII.1. T<>NK\ Von know what run ?rn taking. Thn formula I* plain'* printed on at<t* bottle, . ,,inin t -Ui'ntnrn d Iron In a tannin-.* form, and thr tiiov r*T riual form, Kor grown people i ..<] "Ij'.Mtvn. cent*. Among Epicures. "I'cir* it a swift town." "That's trim, but snails are very popular there." For IIKA1?U HE?Hick*' ( API OIN:C Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Trouble*. Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid? pleasant to take?arts irnniediate'y. Try It. 10c., 25o.. anil iO cents at drug store*. Always hold fast to love; we win by tenderness and conquer by forgiveness.?F. \V Robertson. Sir*. Wfnslow's gootb'.ng S.rrup for Children teething, softens the gums. reduces indamtqation, atiiays pain, currs wind colic, 20c a bottle If love is really blind how is it that love can always find a way? Garfield Tea will keep the whole system in perfect condition. Two heads are better than one?iu i cabb.'ge patch. . i IE PA1 Then Hlwivffijwlr kidneys' anc* ^ir( stoop OI ,/a // /'v^ chill, a f % m . f\ sick kid '^^ja niat^cr ^ kidney r Cured^ o ^p| Ashland, Ii ' turn < I v. as fnu nPS kit ;. 50 CENTS A BOX. HIS THOUGHT. ^ ? 4 4"? /?* /^ ~~~ TTenson?II" said he could never forget his alma mater. I wonder what he meant ? Henpeck ? His mother-in-law, I guess. Conclusive Proof. "That expression, a 'human dynamo,' fascinates me." "It Is very apt and vivid when ap plied to a man of boundless energy." "Tackbittors must be a 'human dynamo.'" "Why do you think so?" "No matter how cold the morning is. he leaps out of bed without ever stopping to think the matter over." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It t In Use For Over 30 Years. I hildren Crv for Fletcher's Castoria A Poor Guesser. Wedmore? Hcfore I married, I ,? lli'/i g\i% half tin* inrnnift iruiurti iu uiu iMi nu.i ..v ...vw..... Singleton?Anil found that it was a wise step, ell? Wedmore?Yes. only a half was the i wrong proportion?I should have made j it an eighth. When Your Eyes Need Care l>y Murine Eye Remedy. No Smart in??Feels 1 Fiue-f Act* Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, i Watery Eye* and (iranutnted Eyelid*. IIIu?trated Book In. each Package. Murine is compounded by our OmTilts not a 'Patent MedHne" ?but tised in successful Phy*lrlar*'Prer- : tire for many rear*. Now dedicated to the Public tnd .<old by Itrtltrglnn at 2&C nnd bUc per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes. 26c and 5Uc. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago A Bad Beginning. "Whenever Jiggers starts to tell anything he prefaces his remarks by saying, 'Hi lieve me.' " "That's why I never do." Use Allen's Foot-Ease The antiseptic powder to be shaken into the slmc* tor 'ired. tender, smarting, aching. swollen feet, ft makes vour feet feel e.t*y and make* walking a fjelight. Sold everywhtre, 25e. Fur free trial package, i address Allen S. Olmsted, I.c Koy, N. Y. It isn't difficult for a man to see his affinity in a woman with an obese hank account. OVI.Y (INK "IIKOMO OI'IMNF " That i, I. Mt All \ K KKOMo gl IMS K foi th?- slpnntur* ?f >; \\ i.Ki <V t.. I ??*d the \V.jnd out to Cure a ( old in One l?aj. 2V. Mary a ?irl repents af leisure be cause the didn't mar.y in i aste Do you fe ???' think you ^< '4', 'on or trade ?i tire, and lay at \ yS| your nerves ail g< fc:$a \ c3 bition to forge ahea rgBjjl. ' might as well put a < you will. Dr. Fiei hdfaff h make you a different Nvfaikf ' H to work. It will % IsFjHij / M your appetite will c / /" 'If there is any tender I I it will keep that dri sumption has almost lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a of Huffalo, N. Y., whose advice is given / great success has come from his wide ex| Don't he wheedled by a penny-grabbi tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recom Pierce's medicines are op known compos oa their wrappers. Made from roots forming drugs. World's Dispensary Mcc PUTNAM Cclor nit re Roods brighter and faster colom than any tiye any garment without ripping apart. Writs tc I i i f N TH Your Kidneys May Need of Quick A :kache is enough cause to sus are in the small of the back. )b. The back naturally ache to sit down. ney trouble may come on a ever, a strain or irregular hal Ineys can be cured in the t yhen dropsy, gravel or Bright's in s Kidney Pills have made a e, and kidney and bladder HI; ly of the users. Here are t housand others are being pub ge stamp will bring you repoi you suspect your kidneys, gc emedy. 1RS. JOHN EPPLEY, Resident of Ashland, Pa. the f a Very Severe Case. With cured ue Dangerous Features. jrc ohn Eppley, 916 Walnut St., "Som Pa., says: "I was near iin on death's door m?ny was su days with kidney the kid '&PV trouble. My'back M X was painful all the f - d time, the secre- J, ^^5/ tions from the kid^ /(/ n e y s discolored J ^ ~t J\ an<l contained a u^jg sediment, and oftcn large lumps ^ would form on the vJc/.. Y\ V kidneys and some ,time3 would burst. ^ In a terrible state and not prompt t moment's peace. 1 came as !:l':ren? ng as I ever will and live. 1 using Doan's Kidney Pills and an(1 arr tp until cured. I have had no j,ave p )f the trouble, although that to say r years ago." nent." )NEY FOSTER-MILBURN COM Reduce The Feed BillUn.ono artri Mnlna do BOrf work: Co Sheep and Goat9 better tieeoe-.: Cattle and HogB t?We.,n inure flesh am better health nnil condition w hen fed ou Cottonseed Meal an For Breeding or Nursing Stock, Ml valuable. Much better tnan Write for free Booklet containing much v Kaisers to THE BUREAU < Interstate Cottonseed 8t*i Main Street Special Offei This paper is printed from in the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO. per pound, F. 0. B. Savanna w. L. D< SHOES *2.25 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 *4001 For MEN, WOMEN and B THE ST A N D A R D OF Of \ 1.1 T FOR OVER 30 YEAR: THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. Douglas name stamped on a she antees superior quality and mor for the money than other make name and price stamped on the protects the wearer against higl and inferior shoes. Insist upon the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. no Substitute, if roar dealer cannot inpplf V ehoe*. writ* W.I.Itauglae. Brockton, M*m . for ratalo everywhere delivery charges prepaid. Past Voter Jf| Vivid Imagination. "Dufflns savs a pill looks as large to him as a golf ball." "That I ?ing the rase. I don't see how he ever manages to eat green peas." Occasionally we meet a man whose train rhnnchr reminds lis of a row of flat cars. For liver and kidney trouble?. notliinjj is unite so mild, plea sunt ami effective as Garfield Tea. Many a man lias bumped into trouble while trying to dodge his duty. FREE I want every person nlio is bilious, constipated or lias any stoutai-li or liter ailment to of my Paw-Paw rill 1 want to prove tliu tliey positively cure lu llirestuiii. Sour Stomno.->>, Slet-plessnesa and me hii infallible cure fort'onstipation. Todo thf? I am willinjr "> eirc millions of fr'-e pnokBfos. I take ail the risk. Sold by UmgfriMH for 25 cents a rial. For free package address, Prof. Munyon. 53rd & Jefferson Sis.. Philadelphia. Pa. tl ^ k jy want a reliable firm and WJKJ a live house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt returns. Quotations sent on application. WOODSON-CRAIG CO.Jnc. COMMISSION Mia C a* NTS. Blchmmd, v?. nKOMRBH iMmriBMnuii immnuBB ) You Feel This Way? el all tired out ? Do you sometimes just can't work away at your professy longer? Do you have a poor apesake at nights unable to sleep ? Are :>ne, and your stomach too ? Has amd in the w orld left you ? If so. you ttop to your misery'. Ycu can do it ir rce's Golden Medical Discovery will inaividual* It will set your lazy liver et things right i:t your stomach, and ome back. It v ill purify your blood, icy in your family toward consumption, cad destroyer away. Ii\en after conI gained a foothold in the form of a at the lungs, it will bring about a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, rce to ell who wish to write him. Hia perience and varied practice, ng dealer into taking inferior substiimended to be "just as good." Dr. ution. Their every ingredient printed without alcohol. Contain no habitlical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. FADELE otherdye. One JIV: packegecol irsall libers. Thevd ir free booklet- How to Dye, liicx h and Mix Color ERE? I Be Weak and in I ittention ; ;pect the kidneys. The .?_ Congested kidneys Swell' 'I s. It hurts to bend or raj 11 unnoticed. A cold, a ' B. 3its may start it. While >eginning, it is a serious p; disease sets in. , reputation in the cure of 5. The best proof is the 0 :wo typical testimonials. ^ lished in the newspapers. H ^ rts of cases nearer home. Igj it the best-recommended j|| WM. A. FRANKLIN, ^ W. A. Franklin Chemical Co., Rochester, N. Y. fa] of Backache and Kidney ? ; luble with Uric Poisoning. / J e vears ago." said Mr. Frank- 1 March 1, 1011, ' I found that I ffering through the failure cf EH ney to rid the system of uric |? < acid. My back Li ^ \ was lame and gjj ached if I over- j1. \& exerted at all. I (''! often felt languid Hj. w and depressed E n an<' kidney IL secretions were annoyingly irreg- I WTll'W* "Doan's Kidney ; i\ 111.7/ Pills brought me relief from the aching and ss and bv the time I had taken i& loxes I was cured. Right after- M [ made a statemer' of my cure 1 glad now that several years nt asso'l to repeat the story and rS that th<; results were perma- w PILLS PANY, BUFFALO, N. Y. -Improve The Animals W8 more and l>#?tt^r Milk and Butter; Hens *ny more *ug*. and all ah well an I (ui aud develop more rapidly and keep in d Cottonseed Hulls tren. Cow*, Sown or Ewrn. It la especially Hay. fur cheaper than Corn. aluuble iiforuiation to Feeders and Stock OF PUBLICITY Crushers Association , Dalian, Tex ad * to Printers I ik made in Savannah, Ga. by | . Savannah. Ga. Price 6 cents I h. Your patronage solicited. J 3UGLAS i *5-00 0. |k oys me- ^ SHOES W.U | ^ ^ I For BURNS and BRUISES. I Mr. W . V. Clifton. Raleigh. N. C., write?: I "I keep .1 bottle of Mexican Mint an* I Liniment in mv house continually lor gen cral use. It is the finest thing in the world H for Cuts, Burns and Bruises." < 25c. 50c. $ I a Lottie at Drug & Cen'l Stores I For 4? years we ha -, a ,rrvZAt" trained men ami Women ?y7iii a" eci'oml in >.oiith ' ? -yy?j? own building N" Vt" ut'oll<t" Writs for ? S . a r?l "L-eadirg Bus. Col. south Potomac uver."?Mis. Strnvwlltf BHEH3M Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color insures Dasimrrr asp set sr Inriguratesnnd prererit* thehairfrom falling oil H?U l?; l?r#inf??i?. ?r H#?l Dlrvrt XAN THINE CO., Richmond, Virginia PHm #1 Per Bell)* j Staple Cottle !- Sen* far r.rteUr. SEND NO MONEY Vonreboleo of premium*. con*l*tlPg of porki-t knifK. ii.iit'im lis. .1.-11 babies, sir ntlcs. watch**.4><-, for selling our j n'iscptlc ointment atlSe- nt* per box. Beautiful ( ? !K-ln. x 2lJ-in. pl.tum given wliheach bo*, bend iuuk'jnl addrev. on po.fra-d and w? will forward premium l>>? and ointment. Wlirn >.olil send n?t be ta.COforonrhdoim boxen". >11 imd mil w.ll receive the premium of jour Kdoci'-on. FREMONT DRUG COMPANY, ALTOONA, PA. / )KI,.l IIOJIA?DO ro 13X1 Arrw In Woodward * irkta. Th.- traer is an Ideal body of lund lor a > niri.l co.ijnj of mi.rkoi gardnerv laeaicdooio-w R. K. no if wnj between Woodwa rd and ^upplr. Mat Ion on the land: good location to' building ?.<?! town; It it hail lee to Woodward, about .<anioi1is?an<-? toKtSnppI*. nher land f.irsale, < orr.op. ruler to.iciU-d. Woodward Ab?tract Co., Woodward. ULla. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY.Xo.l.Nn2.Xn 3, THERAPION ES25! t.m-?r sr. . i't, i I urn i'iik inky nr.'iifkR i?:skWS.niKOMft I 'KKS. ski'. UriTflllSH KITIHCIt SEX Nn-t n'lr-M *n.*?l"f>* f.r KftKK. b?ik-t '<> III I, t'l-ra. 1 l.p.. HO I RSTiH'K Kit. H IVPSTKaD, t,OXD0V. BNO, Brown's Bronchial XrocllSS I'nwtrelled for rellevmsr1tin at Trouble*. N'o- i '.-i batuplu fire. Joux I. Bhown A OoM bowtoii lla't. TYPEWRITERS ?i?s SOLD AND RKXTKD ANYWIIKKI Write for Mai k'nin 1.1 A M F. RIO A X W K IT IN o M At' HIX E (? JI PA X V 005 East Mais STKmT, liic 11 *om> . \ a. 117 A MTrn MEN TO I.EARN RAKfO'H WA'M 1 KIJ T-vl-':n i* r i?-..t-.i. - I-ITrt.tlLD ,tio|) w.Mi v . f r. WlUi your own t< >,?. ifi. SVaam whlln k-aro.r,;. Write for fr*e eittlapif>. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richnond, Va. TlT"C* n Brant opportun ty <" men or Vf L VJ1 t LTV women ni(en'? Write for pa-ticultir-, to NOUTHWoolJ MI tj. CO., I'oiMiau:, S. Y. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 10-1912. SS DYES ye in cold water belter than any other ti ve. ^ on c - n ?. MONROt DRliG COMPANY. ?u:<K),ill. I I I