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TESTIMONY OF FIVE WOMEN 'Ftaff? That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comjhmnd Is Reliable. JUedrille, Ore.?"I can truly recom men) Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ^Compound to all women who are passing f~through tbe Change of Life, as It made kMIBIBMB me a well woman after H goffering three years." * ? Mrs. &Ia*y Bogabt, the Change^'f^Elfe I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy spells and backache. I was not fit for KV-; JjjfM anything until I took LyEK JTgjil dia E. Pinkham's VegeKm "W$fl table Compound which proved worth its weight P3H94 in gold tome. "-Mrs. Gas iTmii?T ** ?V- ??i1 Hton mlondeau, liwl x"l>lymnia St, New Orleans. Mishawaka,Ind.-" Women passing through the Change of Life can take Ihing better than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am recommenoingitto all my friends because of what it has done for me. "-Mrs. Chas. Bauer, 623 EL Marion St, Miahawaka, Ind. A'r-on Station, Ky.-"For months I suffered from troubles in consequence of my age and thought I could not live. Lyaia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me wfll and I want other suffering women to know about it. Mrs. Emma Bailey, Alton Station, Ky. Dehem. No. Dak. ? "1 was passing through Change of Life and felt very bad. l could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health and I would not be without it"?Mrs. F. M. Thorn, Deisem, No. Dak. - - - 1 Backache SBX Instantly Sloan's Liniment is a great remedy for backache. It penetrates and relieves the pain instantly?no rubbing necessary?just lay it on lightly. Here's Proof. "I had my back hurt in the Boer War and in San mncisco two year* aro I I] *a> hit by a street car in the tame place. . 1 tried all kinda of dope without sucC-u. Two weeks ago 1 aaw your ltnl lent in a drug store and got a bottle to lev. 1'be first application caused instant relief, and now except for a little stiff. mm, 1 am almost we!*." FLETCH-.K NORMAN. Wliittier, Calif. SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rncuuiauMii, uc ui sore throat and sprains. Miss E. Rim of Brooklyn, N.Y., writes: "Sloan's Liniment is the best ' for rheumatism. I have used six bottles of it and it is grand. " Sold by all Dealers. Price, 25c., 50c., and $ 1.00. Sloan's on A A V?_?r Horses. Hogs and I'oultry *ent 'ree* PnneiimitfiAn VtlllOUBIipilUPI Chaokad and In Early Stages, Cured by MILAM the great Reconstructive tonic and blood renovater We do not set forth MILAM as a curt for consumptiqh, but it has proven so beneficial to such patients that we believe, and are supported in our belief by a practicing physician, that MILAM will arrest incipient tuberculosis or consumption in its early stages. We know that it gTeatly benefit* even those in the advanced stages. Road the following Scrofulltic Consumption City of Danville, State of Virginia?To-wit: Nl, Edmund B. Meade, Notary Public in anil lor th? City or U.-jjviue, btate ot \ irginia, do hereby certify that Abram Word, of Danville, Va., to me well known, did appear before me, and being duly sworn, d?poseth and says as follows: "Foe ten years prior to August, 1909, I waa under the care of a regular physician, last spring this doctor told me he could do me no good, and 1 tried another for tour months without receiving any benefit from him. In August, 1909, I began taking Milam, and ant now able to do tny work without difficulty, my appetite is good, and 1 can eat and digest any food. My trouble was said to be Scrofulitic Consumption, and I was wasted away to a shadow. 1 was so weak that I could hardly walk when I commenced on MILAM. I regard MILAM as a truly valuable remedy in all cases of blood trouble, whether eruptive, or proceeding from a lack of full, free circulation. I have recommended MILAM to about twenty of my friands, and so far as I have a teen or heard from them, they all speak in the highest terms of it, p.pd are recommending it to their friends. It was particularly beneficial tome in aiding digestion and building up an appetite." (Signed) ABRAM WORD. Inwitneaato the above. I beve hereunto set my hand and the seal ot my office, this card day Of March, A. D.. 1810. EDMUND B. MEADS. (SEAL i Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. It. 1914. 2 Aak your druggist or write for booklet Milam Medicine Co., Inc. Danviik, v?. GET WILLET'S SEED CATALOG ' Leaders Id Cotton Planting Seed; Forage Heeds j~ row prat, Sojr beans, VelTet beana, Praunto, 8o.vhama. ("huf**. Artichokes, Corn. Millets. tVILLETT SEED CO.. AUGUSTA. GA. VBHBHBfiflHSinHi1N PALU ?Lt li/BiiiEVlviKfil K759 T?* weak MHHIra*gMUMa'tn'|r eyes TAKE A DOSE OF piso's - JP> the best medicine *Tor COUCH! g) colds intmational SUNMTSOIOOi Lesson Aj Rer. Willi My Brans. D. D_ Director Bible Ctoors* Muoay una Usutato, Cticsjo. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 18. MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. LESSON TEXT-Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-30 MEMORY VERSES -Luke 3:S. 8 or 16. GOLDEN TEXT?Repent ye: for the , kingdom &.* heaven Is at hand.?Matt. 3:2. The story of John the Baptist'? ministry. opening as it does with a piophetic reference, connects the Old and the New Testaments, showing the New to be the fulfillment of the Old. Thus we say: The Old is In the New contained, the New Is in the Old ex- i plained: the Old is in the New concealed. the New is in the Old revealed, j Christ is the theme and unifier of both Testaments. If he had not been coming. the Old would not have been written; if he had not come, the New would not have been written. What a strange impression this fiery preacher of the wilderness. John, must have made upon his hearers! His dress, as his message, bore the marks of the wild. Strange, is it not, that such a one should be chosen to pre pare the way for the Messiah? we might have chosen a different Instrument?a well dressed, polished, eloquent. silver-tongued orator. We might have despised such a man as John. But God uses the weak things of the world to confound the mighty; the foolish, to silence the wise; a worm, to thrash a mountain, that no flesh she'd glory in his eight. How rugged, fearless, searching, was the message of this solitary man! Just such a prophet is needed to be in the midst of so much kid glove preaching today. The Baptist's message had its basis In the word of God?"The word of God came unto John in the wilderness." That is where every pulpit message ought to come from. The business of the preacher and teacher of Christ is not to invent a gospel, but to proclaim one already provided. The Bible is the final critic of the message. John's ministry was preparatory; it looked forward to the coming of something better. Just as John himself gave way to Christ, so his message of repentance made room for faith in Christ. John baptized with water unto repentance. The Baptists's ministry went no farther than that. Jesus Christ turned the water of John's baptism into steam by the fire of the Holy Ghost. John prepared; Jesus re- ! generated. The necessity for repentance cannot i be overlooked In this lesson. In a ' sense. It is the first step Into the Kingdom. Both John and Jesus began their 1 ministry with a call to repentance. Repentance Is clearly defined In this lesson as a turning from a life of sin to a life of righteousness. There are three elements In repentance: First. | the intellect Is Involved?It Is a change of niiud or viewpoint: second, j the emotions are Involved?It means to have a care regarding^ the thing in question, so we find the words "sigh." "grief" substituted for repentance; ' third, the will plays a prominent part I in repentance, for thefe is included In the word the Idea of an after-thought. ; resulting in a change in one's course [ of action. Re|>entance is not only a heart broken for sin. but also from sin. ' 1 We must forsake what we would have God remit. No amount of knowledge that a thing Is wrong, and no amount , of weeping over that wrong, constli tutes repentance, unless in addition to i this there Is a definite turning away | from the thing that causes the sorrow. That this is John's meaning of rei nonmnco ta clear from his exhortation to those who asked him the meaning of his call to repentance?exact no more than that which Is appointed 1 you: do violence to no man. neither . accuse any falsely: bring forth, therefore. fruits worthy of repentance. A . little toy was once asked the moaning of repentance. He replied: "It means : being sorry enough for a thing so as 1 not to do i? again." Fine pedigree, a magnificent ances: try. good social and religious standing, did not. In the mind of the Raptist, exempt his hearers from the necessity of repentance. That which Is L^rn of the flesh?no matter how flue. oult'i.-'d and educated it may be?is still flesh. A man must be born again, he must receive a new nature before be can enter into the Kingdom. If a man Is born but once, he dies twice?physically and spiritually: If born twice? once of the flesh, and once of the spirit ?he dies but once, physically, the sec ond death has no power over him John preached the wrath to come. Evidently he believed in future pun Ishment. Me did not oeneve mat toe desire to escape future punishment was sufficient or the best reason why men should receive Jestia Christ. And it may be that no man really becomes a Christ Inn who scoks to be one only that he may escape the results of his sin. We are saved that we may glorify God in the life that now Is as well as to be delivered from the wrath to come. He who does not serve Christ here will not dwell with him In heaven The fact of wrath and future punishment is not an invention of modern theology. Christ believed in it and taught It when he referred to the "worm that dleth not. and the fire that is not quenched." and pictured the ungodly being cast Into "everlasting fire." We should havp to blot out a large part of the Rible if we were to blot out all the Scriptures which teach future retribution for sin When we consider the fearful atrocities i erpetrated upon the sons of men. the frightful iniquities practiced upon helpless women and children, and then see the rase and luxury and splendor In which the perpetrators of these crimes live, we would be very sorry to be assured that th?re Is no future retribution fur the perpetrators of such deeds. Give the justice of heaven the same degree of common sense consideration that you give to the Justice of earth, and somewhere in the other world you must place a penitentiary. John's preaching drew the crowds, and so will the preaching and teaching of the Gospel today, when proclaimed by men as consecrated to their mission as John the Baptizar was to i his. The crowd have not tired of the Gospel, hut only of the average preach er of the Gospel. The messenger, and not the message, is at fault. The hearts of men with all their needs, as well as the Gospel of Christ with ail Its power, is the same today as when Christ walked upon the earth. John was a hold preacher, and a study ol tils life show> us that he died becautu of his bold rthuke of Herod's sin, . > ' t ' v -' ' / . Will IliMKiMmB - t WAKE UP! Shake off that tired feeling due to sluggish liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Cleanse and purify your system with the greatest of tonics, OXIDINE ?a bottle proves. The Specific for Malaria. Chilli and Fever, and a reliable remedy for all diseases due to disorders of liver, bowels, stomach and kidneys. 50c. At Your Dm g gist b Tub bibbbks nmro co.( Waco. Texas. I urrrumrr a c a it i tdc I TTiinuvi s* ( Pad Hoffman, Warerly, Ala., write* i "I think Mexican Mustang Liniment one of the greatest medicine* 1 erer uw, and always keep a bottle or to in ray stables. I have nerer known a sin pie instance where it failed to aire satisfaction and I have been sellingandusing it for 10 years." 25c. BOe. f 1 a bottle at Drue A Gaa'l Storao EXPLAINED. rwi -/? ?? w J "There! That refutes the comic paper joke that messengers don't run"? "Yes, I believe there Is a dog fight up the street." klltrl/aman UWUU I?IUI r\?Miv(M A Yankee entered a hotel in the Highlands when he overheard a party jf gentleman speaking about shooting. "Gentlemen." he said. "I guess I have seen some good shooting in my time. I have seen a fly killed on a flagpole at 300 yards." An Irishman, who was one of the party, said: "Bogorra. it's purty good, but I believe I've seen better. When I was in the army the major used to I roll an empty beer barrel down the hill i and every time the bunghole turned up we put a bullet in. Any man who couldn't do it was dismissed. I was in that corpn for fifteen years and nevI er saw a man dismissed." Air Laws. Wilbur Wright, at a tea 'n Dayton, said with a laugh: "Already there are air laws, strin gent as road laws. Without them we should soon be seeing advertisements like this: "'Two dollars reward will be paid by Mrs. John Doe for information lead I ing to the identification of the aviator ; on a Wright roadster who. while flyinfi over my iiouse yesterday afternoon dropped a can of oil down my chim i n?y and completely ruined a plum pud ding I was cooking."" Effete Briton. Booth Tarkington, the America! playwright and novelist, is a very earlj riser, and, when the English play I 'right and novelist, Arnold Bennett vis. -?d him at his charming resident In Inn. napolis, Mr. Tarkington said ! the fir3t v vening at dinner: "1 l>elie\ In the simple life. I ge up with the Uin. Will you take a ten mile walk w h me at six o'clock to j morrow morn, g?" "Thank you, Mr. Tarkington," th< Englishman an. vered, 'but I don' walk in my slee ." A TROL ILE MAKER Coffee Poison B teds Variety of Ills A California oman who didn' \now for twenty years what kept he ill, writes to tell how she won back he health by quitting coffee: "1 am 54 years old," she says, "havi used cofTee all my life, and for 21 years suffered from Indigestion am ' * * ? ? ? ? ? Kn?/1 An OnH i insomnia. j_?ue was a uumvu . drag to me all the time, anil abou once a year my ailments got such hob upon me that I was regularly 'sick ii bed" fo^ several weeks each time. "I was reluctant to conclude tha coffee was the cause of my trouble, bu 1 am thankful that I found out th truth. "Then I determined to use Postur exclusively?for a week at first?for doubted my ability to do without col fee for any length of time. I mad the Postum carefully, as directed, an before the week expired had my rt ward in a perceptible Increase 1 strength and spirits. "Seeing the good that my short ei perlment had accomplished, I resolve to continue the use of Postum, cuttin out the coffee entirely. This 1 did fo nine months, finding, daily, increase cause for gratification at my steadil improving health. My indigestion grac ualiy left me, my sleep returned, gained 26 pounds in weight, my colo ; changed from sallow to a fresh, ros . hue and life became a blessing. "Then I thought I would try coffe | again, and did so for a few Weeks. Th i punishment for deserting my goo friend, Postum, was a return of my ol troubles. "That taught me wisdom, and 1 ar now and shall be all my life hereafte i using Postum exclusively and enjo] i ing the benefits it brings me." Nam I given by Postum Co., Battle Creel i Mich. i ' There's % reason." and it is explaii [ ed in the little book, "The Road t "Wellville," in pkgs. K\er rend the above Irllrrf A Br one appear* front tlnir to tlnn*. The re crnuloe, true, nail full of bumn lat?re*t, ? I "SUFFEWTWENWraiRS FIHALLY FOUND RELIEF Having suffered for twenty-ore years with a pain ih my side, I final y have found relief in Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root. The physicians called it "Mother's Pain" and injections of nor. phlnc were my only reiief for short periods of time. I became so sick that I had to undergo a surgical operation in New Orleans, which beneiited me for two years. When the same pain came one day I was so sick that 1 gave up bopeo of living. A friend advised me to iry your Swamp-Root and I at once commenced using it The first bottle did me so much good that I purchased two more bottles. I am now on my second bottle and am feelI ing like a new woman. I passed a gravel stone as large as a big red lean and several small ones. I have not had the least feeling of pain since , taking your Swamp-Root and I feel it ) my duty to recommend this great medI lcine to all suffering humanity. Gratefully yours, MRS. JOSEPH CONSTANCE, Avoyelles Par. Marksville, La. Personally appeared before me, this day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph Constance, who subscribed the above j statement and made oath that the j same is true In substance and in fact. ] WM. MC.RROW, Notary Public. Lrtt'r U Br. KU-.r A fo. Bl.rti-tiw. X. T. Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For Yoa Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable inrorma V telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles lor sale at all drug stores. CRY OF TKt INJURED. BKJUB /' H : r The Bulldog?I tell you, Mutt, dere ought to he a law passed prohibitin' tramns from wearln' oants over der? ! wooden legs! Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of I CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for I Infants and children, and see that It i In TTse For Over 30 Years. 1 Children Orv for Fletcher's Castoria Bostcnese. j Ilokus?So that Roston girl said I ; was'nt worth my salt, eh? Pokus?Well, she did remark that J you were in Inverse ratio to our chlori lde of sodium.?Puck. TO DRIVE OCT MALARIA AND ill' 11.D I I* THE SYSTEM T.iko the Old Standard OKOVK'S TASTKLBHS | C1111 I. Ti'SK. You know what yon >r? taking. ! The formula i* o'ainlr prini<-d on eTrry bottle, j thowing It I* ""imply (Quinine and Iron In a taateleaa I form, ami the utoat efieotual lent lor grown people and ehtldren. Mi tenia. I^et love make you strong, pure, re, vere. Let it prevent your' sacrificing the least portion of your soul's life.-Carmen Sylva. For HEAPACIIE?Hirka' CAPI DIWE Whether from Colds, Heat, fjtomaeta or ! Nervous Troubles. Capinllne will relieve you. I | It*n li<|iii<l ? pleasant to take?acta imme?ll! atejv. Try It. 10c., ?*>? ., ainl 00 cent# at drug a'.orvs. I Let us then he what we are. and thus keep ourselves loyal to truth.? 11 W. Ixjngfcllow. I . ~ Constipation causes nnnv serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Doctor Pierce"; Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative, ' | three for cathartic. Most people look at trouble through ) a ntisercscope. PILES ( l"REI> IN a TO 1 ? I?AVS I Yonrdri vrtli r-iund money If I'S/.O III NT. i Ml NT t-jilf. io cijrr nrr of I'ofi i'<, blind, j or Protruding I'ilat io 8 to M day*. Otic. 5 Anyway, a spinster can pretend that she would rather be her own boss. IMuttemorek F/ Sho e Polishes 1 FINEST QUALITY LARGE6T VARIETY 1 fill T EI>GF th? only *b?? Jwijlni 1 ! r< oll^ Bi; iiud l"oll?bei a lad is' *.. ! i-blmrrr' ?*?','J. " "5? 'sr\,i;Veiu!vnB"^n'f"'rclPb:TnK 3ii'l Mllibirut all t k o'rirK N\ Vl ITK"(^r.qliid foriuwuh *??( ] \ qfiftlllc . leui.V ai.d n lutein. dirty cau*?>?liuM ? VvItVI.I ITK conrblnatii>n 'orKont>men w^e &IU&K?S gSs ?32 LI bU~ f,.nr Sir d.^'nut ke<^ V* kinjlVn -ant , irnd us ;n<-price in .. i.-vfs anJ tv? wl . send yo 1 lu.'. pat'RUBi* otMingPL puia. r* WHITTEWIORE BROS. & CO., f? 40.2d Albany St., cambridge. Mm*. . The Old.-<l Hud L'T'irxl Nanyjaetvren oj Shoe Polishes in t,tc H or.cL ? i Constipation a Vanishes Forever s Prompt Relief?Permanent Cur? J CARTER'S LITTIE t LIVER PILLS never JflBk I ; fail. Purely vegeta- je&fti? ? j ble ? act surely ^BgSl Q^JfTRS I but gently on TUTTl F r the liver. l\/FR y Stop after JgglRmr a'*,1!, dinner dis- 3P? e tress-cure indigestion, . c improve the complemon, brighten tne eyes J SMALL PII.L. SMALL DOSL, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature *" Restores Gray Hair to Natural Colo 0 j KU0VK8 Di.tDSlTF A*P ACTtl' I Invifuratcnttud prevent* Uiebairfroiu fnllingol l? 1 r?r tab b, DreytJ.i.. mr S??l Km. 4 1 XANTHINECO.,Richmond, VlrglnU tat* (1 l'tr JUUU i lw,l< 3..U. tu. U*4 Ut ??? THE MODERN KITCHEN MANY INVENTIONS AND LABOR SAVING DEVICES IN USE. Large Kitchen Is Not by Any Means the Most Ideal?Poor Economy to Stint in the Matter of Furniture. In sotr.e respects our Ideas of home [ making are not very different from ' those cherished by our ancestors We build bouses today after those design ed a century ago and consider our I selves lucky Indeed, if we possess fur niture that has been handed down from generation to generation 1 The kitchen is a notable exception ; Housekeepers of a hundreds years ago I would surely marvel to see the mod eru kitchen with its many Inventions and labor-saving devices. When planning for an up-to-date kitchen it Is well to consider It first from an architectural point of view i although the majority of home-makers will have little to say In tills matter The ideal location for a kitchen. In : the country, is on the north, with win- i i dows on the east and west. This ai lows the sun's rays to enter In during part of the day without giving undue | heat in summer. The sun is the great j est purifier and destroyer 01 germs : and its entrance into the kitchen for even a short time, will do much toward improving the sanitary conditions. For the sake of ventilation windows should be placed on at least two sides so that a cross draft can blow awny all odors. There should be as little wood work as possible in the kitchen. Bince wood 1 Is a harboring place for insect;, and , germs. Where it must be used, it I . Pf.iffil A Convenient Kitchen. should be of hardwood or pine painted and \arniabed, the varnish destroying those qualities in paint that are detrimental to health. The size of a kitchen should be care fully considered. A large kitchen Is not by any means the most ideal. Oilcloth is to be recommended as a kitchen floor covering. The heavy ini laid linoleum is more durable, but. of , course, costs more The furniture required for the kitch! en will depend largely on the architectural "make-up." It will be poor j economy to stint ones self in the mat: ter of kitchen furniture It is a sbort; sighted policy not to buy good makes of stoves, refrigerators and the like. The kitchen table should be a stolid piece of furniture on castors, placed in a good light and as far from the stove as possible. There is a variety of kitchen tables on the market, many of them with handy little drawers and j various devices for minimizing labor. There should be at least one comfortable chair In the kitchen, something low without arms that will be J found useful and comfortable for shell| ing pitas, etc. A stool will also prove a great help to those housewives who weary with much standing Washing dishes Is a lighter task when seated on a high stool and the back Is spared many an ache A twenty-four inch stool can he purchased for less ! than a dollar and will be found an excellent investment. It sometimes happens that a house> Is built with little regard for pantry icom Where this is the case the ! kitchen cabinet enould come to the rescue These cleverly designed pieces of furniture not only relieve i he congestion, but add to the attrac| tiveness of the kitchen in no smalt I measure. When the furnishings have all been purchased, it will required a considerable amount of thought to place them so as to save unnecessary steps, ar.% to make the kitchen as comfortable and convenient as it is possible. Unsalted Butter. The woman who entei tains need not dee pa if if she cannot buy unsalted butter for her dainty sandwiches. The very nicest butter in the world Is made by whipping cream which is too ' warm to whip and Just a iirtie sour. I 1 once heard of n lady who would make her butter in the morning, shutting it ' tight In a fruit Jar with a big lionntv rnso trout) from tho florlht. | that her guests might think ot rosea when thev ate the buttered slices. Meatless Mincemeat. One peck green tomatoes, chopped :1ne: drain juice and throw away. Pour on three pints of hot wafer and rook five minutes. Drain off all juice Do this three times. Add two and one-half pounds medium brovin sugar, two pounds seeded raisins, one-half i pound rbopped suet, one teacupfui of | elder vinegar, two level teaspoonfui I each of ground cloves, allspice and i nutmeg, one tablespoonful of salt I i Dustless Dusters. k A great deal < an be saved by mak | iPg vottr own dusiless dust rloths by k 'he following recipe: One-third outff oil of pariffln mixed with one pint ^ of coal oil. Wash a piece of black cheesecloth in this and you will havr t dust'.ess dust cloth harmless to any furniture. The above quantity makes three yards. To Lacquer Brass. t Gum shellac dissolved in al-ohoi mekrs r thin tarnidi which i? applied with a small orush. Ten rents' worth of shrilar is enough. also enough a'.co 1 hoi to make it tl in. This will la'-quei a brass bod. can be done in less thai n hour, and will conte out as pretty us if sent to the factory to be done 4nd is cheaper. Peach Butter. Take pound for pound of peachei ' j and sugar; cook peaches alone unt! ! they become soft, then put In one half the sugar, and stir for one-hat hour; then the remainder of sugar and stir an hour and a half. Seasot with cloves and cinnamon. I Keep Potatoes From Darkening. To prevent old potatoes from dark f ?nlng when cooked, let th?-m stand it water before peeling. Hit -jt then 1 on in i t Id water to cor ": urbai , Life. HE WAS SOMEWHAT PEEVED Attendant art Spiritualistic Seance Considered Himself Aggrieved and Said Sa. Charles ir. .Cross of Indianapol's thinks variety a?Jds spice to life, so he went to a spiritr*allstic sendee. It was a lively affair with sepulchral, voices sounding through trumpets, tambourines playitig mysteriously in mid air, and cold, clammy hands of partially materialized men and women making free in the dusky room with tbose who were'in the flesh. In the midst of it something djealt Mr. Cross a vicious whack on the nose and he called for lights in a tone mot to be disobeyed. With the light the circle as disclosed was all natural and human again. The most human member of it was Mr. Cross, with a bloody nose, spoiling for a light and all the 1 "madder" because lie did not know ' whom to fight. "Who did that?" he demanded of the medium. The medium said the g?iy spirit was that of St. Peter. Hut even this explanation did not satisfy Mr. Cross. "Well, all I ask of St. Peter." he said, "is to materialize for Jusc one minute and if I don't make a vacancy for a new gatekeeper ! won't .ask to get in."?Indianapolis News. TO KEEP THE SKIN CLEAR For more than a generation, Cut!cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment have done more for pimples, bla.ckheads and other unsightly conditions of the complexion, red, rough, chapped hands, dandruff, itching, scal;v scalps, and dry, thin and falling hair than any other method. They do wen more for skin-tortured and disfigured infants and children. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with. 32-page - J U.I. book on the care or toe bkiu auu ua.i will be sent post-free, on application to "Cuticura," .Dept. L, Boston. What the Copy Boy Wrote. Representative Dan Anthony of 1 Kansas, publisher of the leaven worth Timps, once had an ofllce boy who i yearned to know how to use a typewriter ? which accomplishment, the boy figured, would lUake him a regular ; reporter. ? \athonr turned an old brokrm-down machine over to him, eays the WaehI ington Herald, and bade him learn to j run It. "What'll I write?" the boy asked. "Oh, just fake some sentence, any sentence at all," Anthony told hiin, "and see how long It will take you to fill a page with it." The boy set to work. An hour or : two later Anthony chanced to notice the page on which the lad had been working. From top to bottom of the sheet, and from margin to margin, the boy had written one sentence over and : over again until there was scarcely a white spot visible on the paper. The sentence the boy had selected to prne. I tlce with was: "Who the invented school?" AFTER THE DOCTOR FAII,ED. Even the most stubborn cases of malaria yield to Elixir Ilikrk. "In the summer of J395. J contracted the disease known as Malaria. After a ; year's fruitless treatment by a prominent Washington physician, J was entirely cured by your Elixir Rabe-k."? Brasie O'Hsgan. Troop E. 6tb I'. 8. Cav. It Is equally good for bilious disorders. Cllxlr Rnhrk. 50 cents, all d.rugKisas. or ; Kloczewski & Co.. Washington, D. C. Kaiser as Writer. The German emperor, htul be been DOril a L'Uiiiuiuinri umi (.uuoi hutte,paper work as a profession, would without doubt have beoome one of the most famous journalists of the day. He has written a great deal which has never seen the ligiht. but ; which will doubtless be published In the future. Recently the emperor assisted In the preparation of an article 1 entitled "How the Kaiser Worfcs." for the Strand .Magazine, the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself. An Untimely Death. An untimely death so often follows neglect of slight cough or co3d. If Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein is taken in time it will prevent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds, consumption, Whooping Cough, etc. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Self-Sacrificing Essential. "You don't claim to he a party leader?" "No." replied the quiet citizen. ] "Everybody wants to be the loader of : the party. It strikes me that somebody ought to be willing to he the j party." I'or ( OLI)S and ft KIP Hlcka* Capcdine is the bent remedy ? relieves the nchinjr and feverlshneH*?eur? the Cold and restores norm n I conditions. It'* liquid?effects Immediately. 10c., 55c., arad 30e. At drug stores. The Rest of It. She?1 have a bill for you on hand. He?Well? She?Foot it. i TO CI RE A COLO IX ONE DAT Tale ' AX ATI V R BROMO Qilnlne Tablets. Jir-gg'.^srefis/i money tf It fal's to cure. n. w. GJIOVK'3 slgnatun :* ja eavb box. 5Sc. It's easier to look wise than it is ' j to deliver the goods. Mrs. Wtnilow's 6oothlng Syrup for Children te?thine. sof'en? the punt", reduces InTamin.-i tioo, allays pain, cures wind colic, 23c a bottle You can flatter silly girls by calling ' them flirts. * rtH. TTCH relieved ir, 30 minutes by tT'e'iford's Sanitary l.otion. At Druggists I Hp Is a poor chauffeur who doesn't , k70W what he is driving at. Welcome Words to Wi Women who suffer with disorders pe I sex should write to Dr. Fierce and ri i advice of a physician of over 40 yea ?a skilled and successful specialist i of women. Every letter of this sort careful consideration and is regarde confidential. Many sensitively modesl i fully to Dr. Pierce what they would r telling to their local physician. The I is pretty sure to say that he cannon without "an examination." Dr. Fiei these distasteful examinations are g less, and that no woman, except i j Dr. Pieroe'a treatment will c your own home. Hia " Fa bundrcda of thousands, iom f It is the only medicine of its kind tha physician. The only one good enougl j ingredient on its outside wrapper. T tion. No alcohol and no habit-formic ulous medicine dealers may offer you i with your health. Write to World's V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.,: PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster coiors than i dye any garment without ripping apart. Writs / / V V i "BETTER FOR KEN, WOMEN ANT SALTS,OR PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEAI IS FAR MORE PLE. IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATTN IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO A ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EF AND PERFECTLY SAFF. AT ALL CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP irt tfeo Circle, on ever^ Pacfea?e of the Ggi ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE OR1GI GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THE MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR TIONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. [ fT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD i CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINI DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPCJ THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING Note the M Name of the Gon PRINTED 5TRAICHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOI THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAC GENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALI DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER SOT SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF 5EWNA BECAUSE rr 13 THE ONE REMEDY WHICH Af AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM, WITHOUT Ul IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT II INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS 1 BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GEN CALIFORNIA F There Are Melons and # but the rich, sweet, juicy on those that had plenty of av; POTAS to insure normal ripening with ra] . I The right kind of fertilizer is a gon I to bear melons of first quality instead of then a / Want to Sand You a Comptefo 3 to prove to you that you ran cure yourself at homo e?* nothing to give too treatment a complete trial: and if eta. a writ, or leaa thaaZ eta. a day. It will not In'erf namo and address, tell ran how you suffer if toj wij) free. In plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send ADVItCR" with explanatory illustrations showng wli] at home. E*#ry woman ehould have it and loam to muat have an operation," you can decide for vour elf. home remedy. It cur-a all, old or young. To moths m-nt which .cpecdily and effectually eurea i-euccrhwa. Young Ladies. Plumpnesa and health always result fr Wherever you live. ' can tefer you to lode s in your that this Homo Treatment really cures all women'a dil Maat aaad mo your addroae, and the free ten days' tr scheme. All letters are kept confidential and are neve thia offer again. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, BOX 17 ! TnHidi | MLVU^ f is not only very distressi J results if neglected. J Nervousness, nausea r stomach, dizziness, sickfullness after citing, are su or sto" '< trouble, and i ? treatnu. , as your streng largelv upon your food an You want quick and J ailments, and you shouk J of known merit. Its 75 years of splenc of just such troubles, prov BLackI a Safe, pleasant, gentf I after-effects, it is sure to ! Mr. Chas. A. Raglan //i i i j| says: "i nave uucm utMiij for indigestion and oth colds, and find it to be th( ever used for these compk E After taking it for a few dc man; in fact, it makes an ol ,'E Be sure to get "T , genuine Black-Draught 1 J stores. Price 25 cents. iiK?:?u GOFi ON LIKE PHUT; LOOKS LIKE MALL PAPER: TOO CAN WASH II A beautiful i ixiok <>f.-"' re arid Pboto itniph't r.t frm. Send rournaun- and krtflresn t<> ih? ' KEVKTMM-: VAKNlsii < <?.. Hrooklyn. N.* a rare case*, should submit to them. :ure you right in the privacy of orite Prescription" has cured to of them the worst of cases. t is the product of a regularly graduated ft that its makers dare to print its every here's no secrecy. It will bear examinaig drugs are found in it. Some unscrup* a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle Dispensary Medical Association, Dr R. ?take the advice received and be well. ^TADELE utyotberdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. Thcj i for free booklet?How to Dye. E:.-ac:. ana Mix CfA ' | ,;|f > CHILDREN THAN CASTOR 0&? ISES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AW> " KSAJiT TO TAKE. 'EHXIR?fSENNA 'E. AS iTuCH i I ?. vn?. 4' C?NTUK*i!OTE g > AS YOUR gCtNT. or AlCOHOLyi . I; K +' NO upon | 7Z~ I'M I I ^ WTUAL C0P5TTPIT10P, W ijj J I 3 U 1 ; I ^ ^GAilRjSjW/sfRU'C? ! ^ JS R, AND IN I ? ?^ \ iE.OF THE i 2f^ . LEADING C ? .. MINIATURE PICTURE TLE.J OP PACKAGE IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, m IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY NPLEA3ANT AFTEREFFECTS AND WITHOUT THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY $ RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. /ALUE FROM PERSONAL USE TO GET ITS UINH MANUFACTURED BY THE IG SYRUP CO. I t m wv&a pid sugar formationS?-w, ? f d investment The vines will continue I yielding only one or two pickings and '' & lot of unmarketable culls. "i >lement the compost with iooo to 1500 H ) of 5-8-10 gixxls, the ammonia to be I 1 mainly from organic substances like I tankage, fish or cottonseed meal, t is equally good for cucumbers, pump, id squashes. ' us (or Potash prices *> . in s books with (ormu- rOtaSD "cIVS directions. J jERMAN KALI WORKS. Idc. 1: Csnt'nerrtal tul!dl?f Chlcajo: Manatfseck Blosk Ktv Ortsm: VfcltM) Csstrai link Buildirf e to You?My Sister FREE TO YOU and Every Sister Suffering from Woman's Ailments lam a woman. I know woman'a auWarlnga. I havo found Ms euro. I will mail, free of any charge, my homo treatment with I instructions to any sufferer from woman's ailmenta. I nt to tell ail women about this care?you, my reader, for iraeif, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I nt to tell you bow to cure yourselves at hone without I help of a doctor. Men cannot understand r. onsen's sufings. Whst we women know from experience vvo know ter than any doctor. I know that my homo treatment Is a safe and sore euro Leucorrtioea or WMtieh Discharge, Ulceration, Dl?K-ement or Vailing of tho Womb, Protuse, Scanty or Inful Periods, Uterine or "varlln Tumor* or Oroerthst A >0 pains In tho he/id, back and bowels, bearing down iQnge, nervousness. creeping fooling up tho spine, ifancholy, deelre to cry, hot flashes, weariness, kidney d bladder trouble# whore caused by weaknesses culler to our sex. Tan Day a' Traafmcnt Entirely r ram ilv. quirt:!? and sorely. Remember, that it will east yon vou should wish to continue, it mil coat you only about 12 ere with vour work or occupation. Juat end ma your i and I will see I you the treatment for your ease, entirely you free of coat, mv book "WOMAN't OWN NfOICAk I women suffer, and how they can eaailv cure themselves think for herself. Then when the doctor says?"You TlMXtneniii of women hove cured themselves with my ?ra of DAUGHTERS, f a I explain a simple home treat.(Iren Sickness and Painful or Irregular Meujlruation us om ita uae. own locality who know and wfll gladly tell any sufferer leases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust, eotment is yours, also the book. This is no <1. O. D. r acid to other persons. Write today, as you may not sea a . NOTRE DAME, IND., U. S. A. ?* estion : ng, but leads to dangerous J ., heartburn, pain in pit of ^ headache, and a feeling of rt svmDtoms of indigestion, J should be given the proper ;th and health depend very | id its digestion. d permanent relief from these J J, therefore, take a medicine | lid success, in the treatment J es the real merit of ' JORDyQ|^T e in action, and without bad j benefit both young and old. 5 id, of Madison Heights, Va., 5 j Thedford's Black-Draught 5 er stomach troubles, also 5 2 very best medicine I have 5 lints, and I have used much. 2 tys, I always feel like a new d man feel like ayoungone." 5 hedford's". It is the only j liver powder. At an drug m' CCA 7 ? loU!.ril.Ftft.l^VN| FURS W IS litebltihadlttA. 1 1W Vd WANTED 100 ynona people to study Shorthand and Bookkeeping Ift'ighi by Bpecialiat-r If uninterested, eond namea and addrr?ae?ofthreeth?' are nndgct our t?n-*ritt<'? Cards. Address GRIiKKSBOItO t'OMKF.RCIAL bCLIOOL. Oreenaboro. M. C.. f> r Literature. / JKf.AHOBIA?800 fo \'M Aeros In Woodward * 'Co., OVla. This traet is n Ideal body ol land for a small colony of market ^u.' 'rierj. Jawac-don now K. K. half way between Westward and Supply, station on the land: good location forbuildlnti ataxl ? town: It isHrullrs lnWnndwaid. about .auji-dltUnra to Kt. Supply. tther land forsale. Correspondence soliciled. Woodward Abstract Co., Woodward. Okla. /"'HOICK FARMS. famous Lose land ' ''strict. ^ Kew snaps for rash. Kasr term installment*. Unimproved also where adlo.nlna farms re.adr for cropping can bo rented. Write now. Crawford X Molitor, Luseland, Saskatchewan. an normcy TKKA'lKi). Give quick rwWw} Hnur?l lief, ti-ually remove awelT +L "n* an'' *bort breath In a few days and ly'J entire relief in lirtt days, trial treatment tr"B FttEE. UB. .sous, Box A, Atlanta,?*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 7-1912. ;ss DYES r dye in cold water better than any other d ye. You ca? gra. MONBOC DRUG COMPANY, G?iccy,JU.