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El HELP CAME ! JUST IN TIME . Wy?? Pierce Relates An Expert ence of Interest to all Girls ^ and Women. Pierce, Neb.?Mrs. Dollie 3chlk>w- i I sky. of this place, says: "Cardui did | me so much good! I bad dreadful j backache and dizziness, and suffered from pains in my eyes and in the back of my head, as well as low down In my body. Sometimes, it seemed like I would die with the pain. I was compelled to see the doctor, but he did not help M>V* At last. I began to take Cardui, and I three bottles gave me great relief. ; My health is getting better every day. ! I can recommend Cardui to suffer- I log women, for it helped me wonderfully. It Is a wonderful medicine." Other women, who suffer as Mrs. Schllowsky did. should learn from her what to do, to be relieved. Take Car?MJ. For women's pains, for female troubles. for nervousness, for weakness. It is the best remedy you can use, ibe most reliable you can obtain. For over 50 years, Cardui has been helping weak and miserable women back to health and happiness. These many years of success prove Its x merit. Pure, strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, Cardui Is sure to help and will leave no disagreeable after-effects. Try It 5. m? Write toi Ladles* Advisory Oryt., CkattHMca Medicine Co.. Ckattaaoasa, Teaa.. for Special Inatrnctloaa, aad S4-page book, "Home Treataaeat for Women." aeat la plala wrapper. aa resveal. SURE NOT. Editor?That expression Is too hack- J aeyed. Reporter?What expression? Editor (reading copy)?"The jury acted as a body." Reporter?Gee whiz! You surely don't expect a jury to act as a brain. Esther Was Alarmed. Esther, a flve-year-old daughter of North side parents, heard much about : the dangers of diphtheria, and was eager to observe every precaution to keep from coming into contact with it, that she and her two brothers x might not "catch it." One day she insisted on going to the grocery on the corner to spend her penny, and was warned by her mother not to stop and play with any children she might meet on the way. After having been gone only a few minutes, she rushed Into the house much excited, exclaiming as she en- ; tered: "Mamma, you must keep 'ose boys way from Mr. A.'s house, 'cause they j have diphtheria and have a sign | up" Her mother said: "Is that so? What | does the sign say?'.' "It says f-o-r s-a-l-e," said Esther.? j Indianapolis News. : Her Bookkeeping. Husband (studying his wife's ac i counts)?There are several items you haven't entered here. Doing up the furniture, your, hairdresser, dentist, trip tp. tjje sea. for Instance. Wife? Oh; "those all come under "repalrs.'V-Fliegende Blaetter. Deep-Sea Version. Tommy Cod?What is It they call a Hiiaelmiet na 1 _ - Pa Cod?A pessimist, my son. .1s a fish who thinks there is a hook in every worm! ? Puck. Right in Her Line. OilJet?The people in the flat above ( us are constantly fighting. Perry?Doesn't your wife object? Gillet?No. She likes to have a fuss made over her. The man who is satisfied with himself never worries on account of his neighbor's estimate of him. When people begin to say to a j woman. "How young you are looking." It's a sign she Is getting old. Like a Pleasant TltAiinkf * IftVWglll. of An old friend? Post Toasties with cream. Sweet, crisp bits of white Indian corn, toasted to an 1 appetizing, golden brown. A delightful food for break- i fast, lunch or supper?always j ready to serve instantly from the package. "The Memory Lingers" j For a pleasing variation sprinkle some Grape-Nuts over a saucer of Post Toasties, then add cream The combined- flavour is tsome-. thing to remember. Iv?tum Cenal Compaut, Limited Michigan ^ intednational SUNMrSaiooL Lesson |t tUT.vr UikBo Rtisi. IX D_ IXrrctof Bible Ccojm HuoCj Bible Insulate, Chirnu. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 11. THE BOY JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. LESSON TEXT?Luke 2:-to-a:\ GOLDEN TEXT?"How is it that ye j ought tin-? Wist ye not that I must he j bout my Father's business."?Luke i'l'W. i MEMORY VERSES?46. 4T. This lesson is the one solitary instance recorded in the strangely sealed thirty years of the Master's life. Here is an illustration of what is meant by the inspiration of election ?only those things that were of vital aud redemptive importance In the life of Jesus are recorded. John says, I "Many other signs truly did Jesus ' which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the ChriBt, the son of God: and that believing ye might have life through his name." , For this reason, we should value every word that 14 written. The lesson furnishes a model in character building for the youth, lesus is the example, and the model aoy. Jesus was a real boy. He ate, lrank. played, grew, asked questions, iuot as other beys do. He was not a fnv np n (inll.imhi" h* una a OOntl lar boy (vs. 52): He had surplus en- j ergy the same as other boys, only It ; was directed In the right way. His' character, like all other char- , icter building, was a growth: "He in- j ireased in wisdom and stature." No | character is instantaneous; it is the ; work of growth and of years, indeed. ! Df a lifetime. An icicle is formed drop by drop. Character is formed by sin- j 5le words and acts. A mushroom may grow In a night, but surely not the character of a man. Just as words j and sentences are formed by means of the single letters Of the alphabet, 1 io words, thoughts, deeds, actions, 1 looks, motives?these arc the alphabet from which we spell character. Sow a thought, and reap a word; sow a word, and reap an act; 60w an act, and reap a habit; sow a habit, and reap a character; sow a character, and reap a destiny. Character may be developed In ob- ; icurlty. The question was asked. I "Can any good thing come out of Nazireth?" The greatest life that ever Ived came from this obscure village j Lincoln came from the log cabin. No environment is too narrow for charicter. Fill the little place to the full, 1 md the large will be provided. Christ's character was developed in he home. He had a Christian home? he greatest gift of God this side of teaven. What chance has many a ?n/lar n KuiM nhoroofar In Uliu ivunj l\/ UU1IU VUMi UVWV4 ? ? ? tome where the parents know not God, aever read the Bible, never pray, nev?r go to church! If for no other reaton, parents should become Christians 'or their children's sake. If our cbiliren arc lost, we pareuts are to blame, jnless we ha\e set before them the example of a Christian life. As a boy, Christ was obedient to his parents. This was a manly thing. Parents arc in the place of God to the :liild: God cannot be everywhere, so le made parents. The hist commandment on the second table is obedience to parents, aud it is the first commandment with a promise. The apron itrings of the mother may become tbe reins of government of the nation. We must obey before we can command. The character of Jesus was develop ed in the church also. His parents were churchgoers, and tbey had cul- j tlvated that habit In the child. In speaking of Jesus as a churchgoer. Luke says that "as his custom was. I he went into tbe synagogue." What great thoughts must have come to the mind pf Christ as he visited the temple! What dormant potentialities were aroused as he sat and listened to the exposition of God's word! Humanly* speaking. Christ owed a great deal in the development of his character to his attendance at the temple. Can a symmetrical character he produced outside of the church and religion? We think no'; certainly the best character cannot be produced in one who ignores these. In spite of all her failures, the church is the best institution in the world'today for the building of character. We do our children a great wrong when we deprive tbem of the privileges of the church. But Jesus was also a member of the Bible school?the teaching part of the church. Tljis is evident from the fact that the instruction received was in the form of catechization?he was answering and asking questions No doubt many of the scripture passages so often quoted by him in after years were learned in the Jewish Bible school. The boy Jesus was an Interested as well as an interesting scholar in tile school lie was no mere visitor. He came with a we!! prepared lesson, and that indicated that he had studied the lessou at home under the Instruc"? -r vi- U'hal n lecenn fnr I IUIJ U? .lis |IBI CIUO. .. ? parents today! Have you ever considered how many great aud noble men the Sunday school of our land have been instrumental In producing? I)ii' -on ever think how many of the most Influential men of the world today give their lime to Sunday school work, thereby recogniziug the power that their own early training in the Sunday school : had been in their lives? Consider the great characters that have played upon the stuge of Ameri'can history?or the history of the 1 world over for that matter?and you ' will find that a great part, if not the ' greatest part of the credit for the splendid characters possessed by these 1 noble men and women is to be giveu | to religion and the church. There can i be no true complete manhood or womanhood without a participatiou in reJ liglon j "Kor what ar?- men better tlian sheep or goats Thai nourish * blind life within the brain. tf knowing (Jod. they lift not hands of prayer Both fet themselves and those who call them friend''" The Sunday School. The whole method of teacliiryg in the Sunday schools iy wrong and children cannot b-? taught to understand the mystery of the Blessed Trinity? 1 three persons in one God.?Rev. Dr. Felix Adler. Scientist. New VorH j City. The Cross. One can either shoulder his crosf or trample It under foot it is the great deciding principle in the issues* fyf life?Rev W B puuean. JUetbcT dist. ( hurl* ton. S. C I SEVEN YEARS ! OF MISERY How Mrs. Bethune was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo. ? "For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed for .V't f?ur or five days at a - **6E2&M t*me every month, fojlHpaiSfcv# and so weak I could IT hardly walk. I had | ^- V^j cramps, backache - 1 /? jT headache, and W&M was 30 nervoUB 8nd weak that I dreaded to see anyone or ffijfhave anyone move in m^WnMsnWlX room- The docItors gave me medi'l mill! WWM cjne tQ ea.^ me those times, and 6aid that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband's told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it Now 1 look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do all my own housework, work in the garden and entertain company and enjoy them, and can walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the week. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl, and tell them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. "?Mrs. Dema Bethune, Sikeston, Mo. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has helped thou'ands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration,after all other means have failed. Why don't you try it? SAVE YOUR MONEY* One box of Tutt'* PUIs uvc many dollar* In doctor's bill*. A remedy for disease* of the liver. sl;k headache, dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness, million people endorse Tuft's Pills GET WILLErS SEED CATALOG Leaders In Cotton Planting Heed; Forage seeds ? cow pea*. Hoy beano. Velvet leans, Peanuts, Sorghums, Ohufss, Artichokes, Com, Millets. WILLETT HEED CO.. Al'UUSTA. OA. Brown's Bronchial Troches An old and reliable Cough Remedy. No opiate*. Sample free J on n I. Bsovrx A bos. Boston, Ma**. tnMnnBRHVB 100 YEARS CIS Bt/g{nCTIWlXnnyg quick mit# lUlUBUASBfillM tYt riNiin fpiso'S+ Ifo^CoucH^I^CouosI A DRAW. Old Grouch?So you had a fight with Clarence. He claims he licked you. Cholly?Ob! the boastah! It's twue he wumpled my cwavat dweadfully, but when it was ap ovah his collah was frightfully wilted. On a Main Road. I'ottle'on drew up at the side of the road and accosted a man sitting on ioji of a load of Hay. "I say. colonel," said lie. "are we on the right road to Claypool Junction?" "Ya-as," said the farmer. "How's the road, pretty good?" asked 1'ottleton. "Fine," said the farmer. "We've been 20 years wearin' them ru's through."? Harper's Weekly. A Possibility. "He's gone to that meeting, full of flie." "Then he had better be careful or ; they will put him out." THE CARELESS GROCER Blundered, and Great Good Came of It. | A careless grocer left the wrong package at a Michigan home one day and thereby brought a great blessing to the household. "Two years ago 1 was a sufferer from stomach troubles, so acute that the ' nn litiQPV ir\f\. \ trflVO nip rilUIl IU UigU^I Uiumai; IV/U'4 13 great jiain, and brought on a condition of such extreme nervousness that I could not be left alone. 1 thought I should certainly become insane. 1 was so reduced in flesh that I was little better than u living skeleton. The doctors failed to give me relief and 1 despaired of recovery. "One day our grucerynian left a package of Grape-Nuts food by mis. take, so 1 tried some for dinner. I was surprised to f.nd that it satisfied my appetite and gave me no distress whatever. The next mc-al I ate of it again, and to be brief. 1 have lived for the past year almost exclusively on GrapeNuts. It has proved to be a most ! healthful ai d appetizing food, peri fectly adapted to the requirements of my system. "Grape-Nuts is not only easily digested and assimilated, but I find that since I have been using it I am able to eat anything else my appetite fancies, without trouble from indigestion. The stomach trouble and nervousness have left me. I have regained my plumpness and my views of ; life are no longer despondent and gloomy. "Other members of my family, espej cially my husband, (whose old enemy. J the 'heart-burn.' has been vanquished) J have also derived great benefit from I the use of Grape-Nuts food and we think no morning meal complete without it." Name given by Pcstum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reasotand it is explained in the little book, "The Road "*to Wellville." in pkgs. Kvrr rrntl the nbmr letter? A nm one H|?pe??r? from lime to time. They ore irennine. true. Mi?il foil of oiiioai Interest, A ACCORD.NG TO HOYLE. Miss Pert?I believe in calling a spade a spade. Chappeigh?Sure. It would be wldiculous, you know, to call it a heart, a club or a diamond. PIMPLES COVERED HIS BACK "My troubles began along in the summer in the hottest v.eatber and i took the form of small eruptions and itching and a kind of smarting pain. It took rne mostly all over my back : and kept getting worse until finally my back was covered with a raaas of pimples which would burn and itch at night so that I could hardly stand it. This condition kept getting worse and l worse until my back was a solid mass of big Bores which would break open : and run. My underclothing would be a clot of blood. "I tried various remedies and salves | for nearly three years and I was not ti getting any benefit. It seemed I was in eternal misery ami cuuiu uji b;or|i * on my back or lean on a chair. I was fj } finally given a set of the Cuticura v ' Remedies and inside of two weeks I " could see and feel n great relief. I * kept on using Cuticura Soap. Oi^pient and also the Resolvent, and in about threo or four months' time my back 5 was nearly cured and I felt like a new * being. Now I am in good health and , no sign of any skin diseases and I | am fully satisfied that Cuticura Remedies are the best ever made for skin diseases. I would not be without j them." (Signed) W. A. Armstrong, Corbin. Kan.. May 26. 1911. Although j Cuticura S%ip and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-nage book, will be mailed free on application to i 'Cuticura," Dept. L, Boston. ? He Ougnt to Get It. "On what grounds do ypu seek a di vorce from vour wile?" asked the law! ier. , | "Simply because of a pun," replied the long suffering husband. "You see, she's a sculptress, and it gets on my t nerves to hear her remark twenty times a day, 'Will you love me when I mold ?'" 1 The Effect of Sleeping In Cars I Is the contracting of cold, which often results seriously to the lungs. Never f neglect a cold, but take in time Tay- f lor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum 'r and Mullein?nature's great cough t medicine. For all throat and lung J troubles. Whooping Cough, etc. t At druggists, 23c., 5ue. and $1.00 a < bottle. J On to Her Jcb. Mrs. Colin Gabble Do you ever |*?r- J mil youi husband to have his own I | way? i Mrs. Stronginind- Oli, yes, occasion- j ally. He is sure to rr.ake a fool of . ! nimsclf, and that makes him easier to ' menage next time. j mi \/ r. PnKA ! wnen iuui eyes wccu uaic ; Try Murine Eye Remcdr. No Smarting?Fc?-U Fine?Arte (julckly. Try it f??r Red, Weak, Waterjr Eyes and Granulated Eyelid*. IlluaI tratcd Book In rack Package. Murine Is compounded by <inr Oculists?not a "Patent Iclne" ?bu? n&cd In successful Physicians' Prscilea fur nnny years. Now dedicated to the Pnb' lie and sold by Ornitglst* at JSc and 60c per Mott la. Marina Kye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes. 2>c and 60c. I Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Nor a Brass Band. < Booth?What is the difference he- j twren charity and philanthropy? Rube?Charity doesn't hire a press agent. For COLDS and GICIP Hl"ks' ('Aft DINK Is the b*?t rrnirtly?re i dries the aching imd feverijdiitess- cures tlir | Cold and restore* norma! conditions. It s liquid?-effects immediately. 10c.. Sf>c.. and At drug stores. The mind has more room in it than most, people think, if von would but 1 furnish the apartments.?Gray. ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con ! atipation. (.on sit pa lien i.? t lie cau-e >t many disease*. Cure the cause and you : cure the disease. Kasy to take. It is the easiest thing In tit? world i for a man to believe as he hopes. ONt.A ONE "Hf.OMO i;l !NIM ." That is I. A A ATI V B MIloV > yt INI N' K. 'or lh?' ?.f K. VV t;K? \ h. I Wo.iJ orer to Luru <& (old 10 ud?* l>ajr. '~i*\ All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely kickers f : || IMHi ' i*: ? A\i?fe fable Preparation for As ; similafing the Food and Regula icU f,n? 'be Stomachs and Bowels of Ziri Promotes Digestion,Chcerful?: nessand Rest Contains neither l;> Opium.Morphine nor Mineral ijj Not Narcotic W jt Rt\tpt DrSA.Hl'ElfYTCJfSR Pumpktn Slid /4tx %!?*** \ .V PorMIt Sm/ts }* Uu >*tJ< I ?%{ Z+pprrmint - \ htrm Stfd ?* ^/#//W Suf HmbfyrTf* /'Atvtrr ' A perfect Remedy for Conshpa t >?f lion . Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. J x|c Worms,Convulsions .Feverish* 1 ncss and Loss of Sleep ^s> I ' V ' , .'m l FacSim.le Signature of ^5; >0 Thk Centaur Company. & NEW VORK TriT^l.!,! TIB?1 ^ rjiiM itiiif naium \[6uarante*d under the FoodarJ 1 Exawt Copy of Wrapper I . sir 5" .r.: FREE ' want evcrj oeroon (5? patod or has any alum 8 u?-h or liver ailment to H- |1 B send f or a free pucka ; ] I ' I fi"! ^ k Ik] "{ m-v J1-'1" P?w P"l Kf fnW?T,\. M \ cine In digestion. ^Sour MOID- ' lie an infallible cure forC-nnstipntinn. Toilo bin I am willing to give mtUimm of free packijrca. I take all the rinV. Sold by drtiggl.*!" oriS cents a vial. For free package addresa, ?rol. Munron, E3rd & Jefferson St*., Philadelphia. Pa. ft Free Color mjf Plans for any rooms you ^HD^^Av/ant to decorate H^HSrfTxl Vou ran luvr the pretgjjTOky ,-ti ? ticst walls in yottr town, ?-~J at the least cost. Our mfgCSSSTX expert designers will iS5jj"7> p? t , plan the work for you Get This Book v 20 Pretty Rooros $**4* ?w- will mail r?? 1 rop? Free. It relli ho* to hive he hen drcn- | color jrhenri Avfl cx : ' " *-amtine tints. I jftopij linoui for tfirir soft. refine^ AMmstigie The Beautiful Wall Tint i more in \ogut fn modern bnm? ^rffCGHS'-^j un mil paper or paiH *nd costs >'l!!^] ir les? All lcalH"nine f -lon ire C arih ind crude AUbasttne nt? Absolutely sanitary, foes fur. nzsszrrMm jot.dors ivi rbip. perl or rub off. i<? to ule? lust mix wnh cold l/vtVRj' ^ \ ii jrer ?nd put on niirctiimt on rWprtfc'jw .cb pa.-t:sre. rull f-'h parkije % :' VLuc Sue? Rrxular Tints 5 Sc. ttih Alabastine Company |l . 1 G'wdttlie lui. triad I;ids. Rl k r? fork City, fctk 1.13j liter Street Kaoaiag 7 Eye-Sighl Restored After Being Given Up by Soecialists ' A wonderful cure by MILAM Mr. W. E. Griggs, Secretary and Treasurer Westbrooks Elevator Jo. and formerly Cashier Bank of )anv*ie, says: "About ton year's ajo my eyesight began to .11 to such an extent that it became necessary or me to consult a specialist. My trouble inreasetl until I found it it eev.ary to consult sevral others. Mv case was diagnosed as Atrophy of iie Optic Nerve, caused by i mioverished blood upyiy. The progress of my tiouble was slow mt-i i iv. v. i.b nev.r a:. / n li.-f. until finally > [i!i i ad11 I ?!.? t:i:.t i chin r further >ul I i. d i." A'' til.1.1: i ./.nut two years bo.It l i not see to read, nd my raneec? n ?ion v :t i!i .t 11- ic" 11:. i anything it a greater di tat thai w eveuty-five eet- I often found it diffi to i ogntze ae itttlnUnt i when I root them, distinguishing hem rnor / !! ir vol; -i t!nn their n atures, n May. 1. a fiend a ci. < d . :e t.- .t if the ihysician s r- . osis v :< < ircxt. MM. \M u'.ll nre y i. b '.u it will pur:. d enrich the Jtood. lucr-aje lli.' V. l.l^buitd i:|i Ilio aya em: t> it ir win iai?e h uh^ BOtl . .jruveineiit will bo si y;:' "I did not believe oao word of and con- I tentH Intake MILAM Lectins' I did not think it :<?ul.t hurt toe. and tli ore tn.oht a bare possljility that it might help me. After six weeks' ise I began to notice a flight improvement in ny sight. which baa becB slow but steady and with no setback. Now I Can read nev.'spaperj with ordinary glasses. can distinguish la rue oblects two milea away, and have no difficulty row. as far as my sight i, concerned, in attending to my dutiei as the executive officer of j corporation. "I am still careful not to lax my eyes unreavinably. b.;cau.e I reoli,? th.t I am not cured; but hops, and am more and nor* encouraged at Ime passes, t o biliove that the continued u.?c of 'IIAM will cure nie. "I think it proper to state tiiat my general health and strength have al .0 i.upro ed in tfct same ratio as my ejesigat, uad I attribute Ibis to ; [he use of Milam. (Simedl W. E. GRIGGS." Danville, Vl., March 23. 1913. MILAM sSkS except that arising from impoverished oi Impure blocd or depleted system. Ask \3iif Druggist . ii i m 11 II? I For HORSES and MULES. I | Mr. J. T. Tribble, C*rler?vil!e, Ga., wri^ws I on h.iti'irsrv mule* or rattle, and I a-lrise ?j B 2Sc.5?# $1 a bottle at Drui JtGen'IStore* | For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the A v, Signature / '? Use {)i For Over Thirty Years HOUSEWOF The woman who "keeps house" h;?? ^ snough to do when she is in .good, sound health, but if she is weak, tired all the time, and suffering from morn to night .. with an aching back, house-wofk becomes i heavy burden. Many women who were afflicted in this nay say that Doan's Kidney Pills have made life easier f*r them. Women are subject to kidney disease. The clotliing they wear, the work they do, the worn- and strain of beating and rearing children, the lack of proper exercise; all tend to it. Packache, bearing-down pains, headache. dizzy spells, faintness. fits of "blues," and other troubles often thought to be peculiar to the sex. are found frequently fn kidney di-ease. When any one of these ills appears, together with a discolored condition of the kidney secretions, with passages too frequent, scanty or burning, just make tip your mind that your kidneys are weak, and be quick to help them. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped a great many weak women through the trying times when kidney disease means so much added misery. They do not disturb the stomach or bowels and contain no poisonous, dangerous nor habit-forming drugs. Doan's are harmless for children too. [J^doan Sold by all Deafen.. JUST A LITTLE TOO HASTY [ 1? Mr. Newlywed Resented What He Con- ; ^ sldered Impertinence, but the Joke Was on Him. They were on their wedding tour, j - ? -1 AtrArv rlvlltv trivrn I c JIJU Iliwifciiirtj dim ci?I; D..0 them related to their new condition ot i servitude. p Having stopped at a way station, y the bridegroom was approached by the station agent, who asked: a 1 "Are you going to take the next g train?" r "It's none of your business." re ; s torted the bridegroom, indignantly, as : p he guided the bride up the platform, j t where they condoled with each other over the impertinence of some of the natives. Onward came the train, its vapor curling from afar. It was the last to j their destination that day?an express. Nearer and nearer it came at full speed: then in a moment it whizzed i , past and was gone. v "Why in thunder didn't that train j stop!" yelled the bridegroom. s "Cos you said 'twant none of my t bizness. I has to signal if that train's to stop." 1 WOMEN AND HEALTH. Women are beginning to realize more fu'ly that good health is not to I be found in the use of cosmetics and face powders. The appearance of health may foilow facial treatment, hut health Itself lies much deeper than tne surface. Most important to the health of every woman is regularity of the bowels and digestive organ?. The weary eye?, bad brpath, frequent neaaacne?. pimples and general air of lassitude, Is in most every ease due to constipation or indigestion, or both. There arc various remedies prescribed for this condition, but the easiest, most pleasant and certainly effective, is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known to druggists r as Dr. Oa'dwell's Syrup Pepsin. This j simple remedy is far preferable to j harsh salts and cathartics and violent i purgative waters that disturb the I whole system without affording more ; than temporary relief. j Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a ( tonic laxative, mild in its actibn. , pleasant to the taste and positive in j its effect, strengthening the muscles of stomach and bowels so that after ! a short time these organs regain the i power to perform their natural func- ' tions without assistance. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold by druggists everywhere in 50c and >1.00 bottles. If you have never tried it. write for a sample to I>r. W. R. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Monticello, III.; he will gladly send a trial \bottle without any expense to you whatever. HER PLANS MADE. m ! I jBW Harry?Whore do you propose to go next summer? Helen?I Intend to propose to a man who is in a position to take me wherever I want to go. Alabama Man Says Tetterine Cures Eczema. Morvln. Ala.. August 1. IX*. I re<?iv<d your Tertet inr all o. K. T t.jve used it for Eczema und Tetter. Ringworm*. Old Sore* and Risings and ran glridlv rrcnmnicnd it as a surf '-lire. J. It D-HrldTrttarln" cures K-zema. Tet'er. B<'ll.s, Ring Worm. Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. Bunion?. It' hint Pile*. Chltbfilns and cvitv form of S alp and Skin Disease. Tet rr'.nf .W Tetterlne Soan \t druetrlMs or by mail direct from Tin* Shuntr'"f <*o . Savannah. 'Is With e*>TV mall order for Tetterine we ri\? a box of Shuptrinc's 10c Liver Pills 1 fr?e. If ft leap year girl has money to bum it isn t difTlcult for her to find a young man willing to furnish a match. j Riches do not make a man happy; it is what he gets out of them. or HEAD I' llh?Mirks' < \PI III.NR Whether mini Colde, Heat. Stomach or Xervnon Trouble*. I'apu<l|ne will reller you It's li'jiiM po-aeant to take acts inmieati ately. Trj it. lis-. ;?< . hiiU tel rents at Urug stores. What we think upon, what we love, we become. As we think great or noble thoughts we become great or noble.?Bradley. Mrs. WIesIow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, aoflens the gums, reduces I ti Annuls- | I uou, aliayu pais, cures wiud colic, Zic a botUe In the matrimonial game there are lots of kisses and many scratches. _____________ I ! ITCH ITCH relieved In ? minutes ?, .Voolford's Sanitary Lotion. At Druggist*. All women love a lover?but most | nurricd men feei sorry for him. '' ^ ' IK IS A HEAV ^Yhen Kidney'Troubles Keep You in; Misery Day ?: and-Night "I just can't get up!" yjr Back Is Lame?Remember the S KIDNEY I Price 50 cents. Foster-MiTbum Co? Buffalo, I hdnt think she was tired - - I..U..*Ai?N VA/k.n 1 r. j i nks mean ni>iiiuauun Young Lady Dispossessed Him of His Seat. "That was adding insult to injury," aid Representative Mann, the niinorly leader of the heotise. apropos of a lolifical squabble. "It reminds me of oung Jinks. "Late one night young Jinks sat in , crowded trolley car. and. when a ;irl he knew got aboard and stood dlectly In front of him. he made no Ign. His face hidden by his newspa- . ier. he pretended that he didn't knowhe girl would like to have his seat." "After awhile she spoke. " Good evening. Mr. Jinks.' " Why. good evening.' i "'I've been to the Piimrose social Jj lance.' " j " Indeed.' "Then, after s pause, she added: "'It's a wonder. Mr. Jinks, you couldn't offer me your seat!" "Jinks then got up. He was very ingry. He said, as he hooked himself 0 a strap: " I thought you wouldn't want it: ' or. as you said you'd been to a dance, 1 knew you must have been sitting all lie evening."* PECULIAR AFTER EFFECTS I OF GRIP THIS YEAR. Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epidemic ol grip which has visited so many homes. The symptoms of grip this year are very distressing and leave the system in a run down condition, t Ha L-litnu'hirh seem |'?l livunw to suffer most, as every victim complains ot lame hack and urinary troubles which should not bo neglected, as those danger signals often lead to more serious sickness, such as dreadful Hright's Disea e. Local druggists rej?ort a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root which so many people say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys alter an attack or grip. Swamp-Root is a great kidney, Uver snd bladder remedy, and, being an tierbal compound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost Immediately noticed by those who try It. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hlngbamton, N. Y.. offer to send a sample bottle or Swamp-Root, tree by mail, to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will ; convince any one who may be in need of it. Regular size bottles 50 cts. and $1.00. For sale at all druggists. De sure to mention this paper. Explained. "Heigho!" sighed Mrs. Stoutly. ' "You used to sit with your arm around my waist, John, but you ne\cr ! do it any more." "I'm sorry, dear." replied Stoutly, "but there are some things that are beyond my reach."?Harper's Weekly. Some cheerful givers make a suecialty of handing out lemons. ro 1)KI\ C Ot'T M \ LA RIA AMI lit I LI) IP THF ST ST KM I'ake the Old Stmidard UHOVK"S TASTKl.KSrt < 'itiNlC. lull Lnow whxt yuu ar?- t-ikin* Tho formula '? pla-'nh on i-vrrj Dome, showing i' ( > iimpl, yulnin.- und Ir? u in j tantek-s foraj. and t'l nio^t effectuej (orui ivr grsnu oeo ile ml .-.'illJren, So can* a It takfs a genius ro play the fool and make it pay. We Give Away Absolutely Free The People's Common Sense Medical English, or Medicine Simplified, by K. Chief Consulting Physician to the Invali gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 10 over 700 illustrations, in strong paper stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, Over 680,000 copies of this complete 1 binding at regular price of $1.50. Aft vrtre given away as above. A new, t for mailing. Better send NOW, befon fb.nsart Medical Association, R. V. 1 DR. PIERCK'S FAVOI THE ONE REMEDY for womar that its makers are not afraid to every ingredient. No Secrets?N THE ONE REMEDY for womci no habit-forming drugs. Made f of well established curative value W. L. DOUCI 2,25, *2.50, *3, *3.50,*4 & *! All Styles, All Leathers, All Sizes ai for Men, Women and Boys. THE STANDARD OF QUALE FOR OVER 30 YEAF THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED give W.L Douglas shoes a tria Douglas name stamped on a sh antees superior quality and mc for the money than other malt name and price stamped on th< protects the wearer against hij and inferior shoes. Insist upoi L4!o|the genuine W. L Dough pyTake no substitute. I T0 0EDEB BY MAIL, f / jjr tffhb<?. If W.I-D-nisIss slio^ars not soldi Kf Di if."D i. of fool u shown tn mo<l.I; v /W or '"'i'l0*' ><"**?, lu-dimn o ^*^*y i^r mou in the irorfef. I lias. C?J Special Offet This paper is printed from, ii the SOUTHERN OIL A INKT0 per pound. F. O. B. Savann * Y BURDEN 1 The following case is typical of the cures fl rffected In Damn's Kidney Pills. (Jrsuefui . testimony is the best evidence. fl SCREAMED WITH PAIN. ' * fl n ^ Connecticut Woman'* AvTuI Suffer- fl Ing. fl Mrs. Selina Jones. 2<>0 M;iin Rt.. An onia. Conn., myt: "I began to have kid- H ley trouble about 1893. An inflammation JH >f the bladder set in. I bad cutting, drag;ing backaches; pain through the loins and H sides and soon got into a state of weakless, languor and general depression. My Cflj imbs were so sore and tender I could lardly liear the pressure of the bed clothng. I bloated badly and my ankles swell- BB fed. I noticed a continual ringing in my ^B Mrs and .-pecks flitted before my eyes. The SB tidney secretions were unnatural and very rregular. At times I fairly scnamed with ^B lain. I became so weak and sick, that I vas put to bed and stayed there three nonths under doctor's treatments. I grew ivorse constantly, and my family was enirely discouraged. Beginning with Doanj*^, Kidney Pills. I was surprised at their of- ^B ect. In less than a week, kidnev weakless and inflammation of the bladder difippeared. In three weeks I was up and IH icon resymed mv housework. I think the MH lse of Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life." His Economy. "What is your Idea of economy?" fl| asked one statesman. ^Hj "Making everybody except my conBtituents get along with a* little fl B money as possible," replied the other. fl^^J A tough man's idea of being well dressed is to wear a loud necktie. PILES ('('RED IS fl TO 14 DATS ^fl Yonr ilnitfh'ut will ri-mnd money If I'a'jU) OINTMfc-NT fails to cure in; c?vi of Itching, Hllod. fljeed.ntf or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 60c. And many a man regards his wire a^Hj as a poor relation. Mothers, Hare You Erer Used Mother's Joy? Lf not. why not? If HUB you can get a thing if better than the other it paya to ^ESHRH use it. Try Mother's Hfflr loy just one time. Mother's Jo* Is a /f O ' ;^rHT Pneumonia fQUrt^rsm .... , , < \| " ' 'JOY." Manufactured ty THE GOOSE CREASE CO. GREENSBORO, I C. U ?rb??t rWal Wrtu 4 *1 r r ?n?? lial A/' y in! rofo/o&M*. I Oeilen I Furs, Hidu, Rati p" II D S . t.u,bll.W!??. 1 Vl 1 ^ IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SESSmi^^ About the size of your shorn, you can terr size smaller by tthnking Allen'a Foot-Haee ha anlltteptie powder. Into them. Juat the thiofur trancing fart lea and for Breaking in Near 81**. (Jives Instant relief to Corns and bunion a. Hm-t.L?nv? AAdraua 4 l!?>n M. OlmhtPfl. L?HoT. A*. Restores Gray Hair to Natural C4or atBOTKi uodri >r asd oci ar iDTigoratesand prevent* thehalr from fallit; off I f Stk ky Drtt||ltt?, ar bat IMraat kf XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Vtrgila frfta SI Far Battlai Jaaipta Battia J-?. Stmt Car rtrvW. WANTED young to atudy Shorthand i-nd RrnkkaplBi Uunht tiy Special irta. If onintcroated. a>-nrt j n.*a and liirMwa ofthree that ?r> and get our wn-at t.-a t'vd* Addrt-Mi liRKKNSBOBO COMMMU.IL, hCUOOL. <?rc<*na>xiro? I*. Cm fur Llturatut. PILLOWS FREE Mail us $1000 for 36-pound heather Jed and receive 6-pound pair of pillows. Fre^ht prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, sttslaction guaranteed AGENTS WANTiD. TURNER Cf CORNWELLa Feataer Dealers, Charlotte, North Caroiruu ??/ m 11 ruARI nTTP NO TT . I V . W Vi . . ?. - - ? . - Adviser, in Plain TPi-J'>,?>' V. Pierce, M. D., Ida' and Sur- JUMEMr 1)8 large pages and covers, to any one tending 21 one-c*nt in French Cloth binding for 31 stam>a. Family Doctor Rook were sold in chth crwards, one and a half million coftee ip-to-date revised edition is now fe?dy e all are gone. Address World's CisPierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. tITE PRESCRIPTION t'a peculiar ailments good enough print on its outside wrapper its fo Deception. i which contains no alcohol ant rom native medicinal foraat roots -AS 5 SHOES m id Widths, .. I, %! Mf/usirfl y.' Ihoes Sent Everywhere - All Chsrget P epaid nroor>>4 4>re?t to factory. Take c.eawentetue tare *tyle4eair~1 : > i> ami wi4iti nmaUIr w? n>: plain rllfhteole. / rf- th* ln<y**t >Avtmma <rrd-r h~*iuUot Free. W L.Di)08ljj!li#8parMt.Jn?ekt*aJ??ja. r to Printmm nk made in Savam^^ ah. Your patronage soli|fred.