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Vj or ^H^nat dru* ^^^^ HB>>m a j na I^^HK ^^^^^^^^^UHTObowplaining jl^^^HnSpF regulate ?md bowels. Easy to suffragotte9 J the un- I ltch)n?. UUod, of to t In 90 minutes b> At Druggist*. in the world to a ton lions of i ^esyrup ^ qt^seni HtND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION A AND FERMENTATION, CONSTTFA MOST SATISFACTORY Rt| II)RN!A FIG SYRl W IN THE CIRCLE LRY PACKAGE 0FTHE6 o XRFVl. POPULARITY Of THE GENUI HO ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LEO UNSCF TURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS. IN ( LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE IS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SOLI r MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU Rvr nl 13 ll him that you l _ by the caufc x druggists kmc ine and that it ornia fig syrup < : NAME straight across, near the bottc circle. near the top of every packa cmuine one size only. for sale by al ^h^^hrugcists regular price 50. per bo ^^^^hyrup OF fics and elixir of senna ^^^^hlaxmes and children. as it is mild and i^h^hmsolutely free from objectionable u i im women and for men. young and oli always buy t1 kaufornia f I Head Vg is but one of the many sigr I I in your blood, clogging up h ? constipation. Many other i m result of this condition. Z A lazy liver leaves in lingering poisons, which it K so ^ere IS no use frcat'ng t 2 relieve the condition of || is largely the result of a 1: | 2 backache, biliousness, indij I a laria, tired feeling, pimple: i?r?1avir\n ofo vni 1 ar/> nrcrph III.} JUU U1 V Ul J,(.U *. THEDF JLack-d Pure, reliable, strictly liver remedy has been in i than 70 years. | Mrs. Hannah Wieneke ^From the time I was 10 ; 1 sick headaches, quite often," ply blind. An old lady car duccd me to try Thedford' little while, I was all right. I and I can't praise it enough. ^ Ask for Thedford's. ^ \ Ian * A ' *' isfWIi tbi ?Kli 3 want to t J \ Sw ' aiourseif Ib'-: &Jjur?+- I wat so v . :^?P^?the.h?ip ***' : v?8F '* ir J Iknm \I l*b v r if piMcm '$&*&' f Painful $L?r / nil* pj * iMllngi -..^' U y malancl zi^ and bU ^ ? pecuUa Send You a Ccmploto Ton you can euro jwof at bom* earihr. <ji trthluwnt a erxn^iel* tn if you el Uwn?. )?). Interfere a tell ma l*>w y6a autfor if roa w,.n. ?*ic by return mail. I will tl.wernd you fi illustrations !- ovirxf why vtm "i should have it and Wra to tMai you out ikvide for vouraeif. Tin cores alt. *M or youna. To mother* * "' d olcccualiy crrr* UKM/rrhmw. Cn-e ' and hcsith always raeultftom in r, i cyt(stwyv%l<' laowa ir wjr o\.~ tyelir reresall wonvrp'e diitaer Bp- Swallowing Glory. Pljio Mtle daughter of a well-known Btitfcnore clergyman recently startled Re family while at breakfast by sudlenty exclaiming: r "I'm full or glory!" i "What on earth do you mean, child?" the father hastened to ask. "Why," exclaimed the youngster, "a sunbeam Just got on my spoon, and I've swallowed It." Most of life's so-called tragedies ire merely comedies. Hoods Sarsaparilla \cts directly and peculiarly ?n the blood; purifies, enriches md revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole system. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or chocolate coated ablets called Saraatabo. WMemmh 7 >Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY TIwt meet every requirement for cleaning and oUsbing shoot of all kinds and colors. GILT EDGE tbo only ladles tbo? dressing bat positively contains OIL. Blacks and Bolishoa j idles' and children* boot* and sbure. ahliiea | rithoat robbing, IBc. "French tiloMj' 10c. NT.\ l[ Coinouiiiium iur vicumu> ,? ? ? Ind* of russet or tan shoe*. Ilk. "Dandy" slie 26c. ! BAHV ELITK combination lor gentlemen who ike prtdolu baring their >buM look A I. Restore* olor tind lustre to all Mack shoes. l'ollsh with a msb or cloth, 10 cent*. **Eltie" *"tc 25 cent*. If your dealer doe* not keep the kind yon want, end nt bU address and the price In stumps for ?full size package. WHITTEMORF. BROS. & CO., tO>20 Albany St., Cambridge, Moss. [he Oldest ana Largest Manufacturers of , Shoe Polishes tit fAe H arid. 'AMIIIBSarT ^ncs *AfgM|| -Hi. hhhii ^ syrup ||| ^ j wish the* i j c e ? tT o'r% com o i j [j! i 'RN,A F,G : j ' I ls man'u- i ii ~v ~...i '"?n^. co?twmoni s } h co only * ! * '/ ill ? I jj |l| w. aw in 11-^rVM- 2 ge.of the ferttsvwj. leading MINIATURE picture itll 0 r package. especially adapted to the needs op pleasant gentle and effective, and sgredientsl rr is equally beneficial > for sale by all leading druggists. ie genuine. igSyrupCq ache : i $ is that tell of the poisons m j your system, because of m syniptoms are the direct m I i your system all sorts of ^ 1 tit ft % ?3f cnfMilH linto Tiltoron /-?nf Oiiuum i?civt iiawivu uui, he symptoms, unless you ? j constipation itself, which j ! izy liver. For headache, g *estion, rheumatism, ma- f i s, blotches, yellow com- a to try | 0rd'ught w vegetable, this popular ? j successful use for more J JL , of Otterville, 111., says: a fears old, I had very bad a and at times, I was sim- a ne to our house, and in- Jj s Black-Draught. In a ? It simply saved my life, J A i fou will never regret it. ? cents. toY&u-^Sisfgf ?E TO YOU and Every Sister fering from Woman's Aliments i a woman. tew woman 'a sutierlnza. tve found the cure. II mill, fret of cay charge, my ho me treatment with ructions to any sufferer from woman's silments. X tan all women about this curt?you, my reader, far . your daughter, your mother, or your titter. I tell you how to cure yourselves at homo without e* a doctor. Man cannot understand women'a suf\iurt we womaa know from experience we know tan any doctor. r that my homo treatment Is o aafo and ture cure corrhoaa or Whitish Olacharjo, Ulceration, Ota* tot or falling of the Womb, Proluse, Scanty or Ported*. Uterine or ~?arian Tumor* or Grow th*! loo In the bond, back nnd bowels, bearing down i? nrramnaw, creeping footing up the opine, Kly. desire to cry. hot Hashes, wearinaee, kidney odor trvubiou wliaro caused by weaknesses r to cur oca. Dmys' Treatment Entirety From liclrl 7 and surely. Remember. that it will cost you joukl with to continue, it will cost you only about 12 ith *our work or occupation, luut send mo your I'spll send \ 00 the treatment for your rase, entirely rooofcoex." my book "WOMAN'SOWN MEDICAL ion suffer, and how tbry can casT.* cure themselves i for narssH. Then when the dortor says- kou Mrareis of ipsapi have cured themselves With my I DAUOMTT Nr . I will explain a simple botac trsata Sickness a->J Painful or Irresular IdautroiiUon id IU9C. ? ocsUty siho knew and wffl gladly tell any idlerer i and makes women srell. strong. rlurop ana robust, nth your*.also the bosk. Tti? is no C. O. D. ito other persons. Write today, as yea may not sea o HOTftS DAME, 1*3., U. S. A. jnltenational SUMSOME Lesson ? "? "3SSS Srsriii?Ri2.'SSE^2."* LESSON FOR JANUARY 21 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. LESSON TEXT?Luk* 2:1-20. MEMORY VERSES?10. 11. GOLDEN TEXT?"For unto you Is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which Is Christ the Lord."?Luk? i I:1L | _ Almost twenty centuries ago, in an obscure village in Palestine, an event occurred which has had more influence upon the history of the human race than any other event since time began. A childd was born?not an unusual event surely. He was no Child of distinguished parents, nor a prospective ruler of a world's empire. He was born in a stable, and cradled in a manger. And yet around that lowly crib and humble birth, the life, | thoughts, and love of millions have from that day to this been centered. During these two thousand years many noble births have been registered, but none so great as this. Emperors, monarchs, and mighty men have lived and died, and are forgotten; natlonB-have risen and waned; but the biVth of the Christ child is more influential in this day than on the first birthday of our age twenty centuries ago. The announcement of Christ's birth was made by angels. What more fit- | ting accompaniment could there be to such an august event! How interested angels in the welfare of mankind! How gladly they told the Christmas story to a handful of poor shepherds! How free from pride they were! They were not content that one of their number should tell the \ cfnrv fhov all k?#.LA ?> * i? V> ? ? imv/ an uiunt? uui iu luai Bicai Christmas anthem. Do wo believe in angels any more? We used to. We used to sing "there are angels hovering round." If we believe the Bible, we still believe in the ministry of angels. Onward we go for still we hear them singing; Angels sing on, your faithful watches keeping. Sing us sweet fragments of the song ; above. The announcement was made to a small band of shepherds. No angelic host went to the Sanhedrin, or to the palace of Herod and broke the news of the birth of the Christ child. Is there not a lesson here? Does not God have special regard for the lowly a^id the humble? Hath not God chosen the weak things to confound the mighty? If angels were willing to preach to a few farmers, should the preacher be ashamed of ministering to a small and humble people, or the - Sunday school teacher to a small | class? I The scholars of the land were also | notified of Christ's birth. The Scrip- | ture does not say?"not any wise men i are called," but "not many." It Is a i mistake to say that religion Is good < enough for women, and children, but ! i notbrainy men. The | bralnest men of the ages have been Christian men: Gladstone, the great , statesman; Blackstone, the great law- ( yer; Herschel, the great scientist? ( these and many others, too numerous , to name, have been Christians So it ^ has come to pass that the wise men of the east have been followed by the ( wise men of the west, and they all ( have bowed at this manger. The rea- , son why every university must have . its chapel is because brainy men must have a place to worship. / That the birth of Christ was mysterious and miraculous need not disturb us. How Christ'B body was prepared. how the divine and human could become one?who can tell? We do not even understand our own birth, let alore His. If ever anything of a miraculous nature should take place, when should It be if not now when the King of all laws Is coming into the world? Let us be careful lest in denying tile virgin birth, we challenge the purity of the Virgin's life. The birth of Christ was the coming of God to and in man, not that God had never come to man before, for he had. But he had come only as a sojourner. In Christ he came to abide. His name is "Immanuel,?God with us." Whatever else the incarnation may mean, it certainly means that | God took our nature and became as i one of U3?he came unto his own. The birth of Christ brings to us good tidings of great Joy. If the an gels sang, should not we? He came to save not angels, but men. The first note of this angelic song Is a note of gladness, and song has characterized Christianity. This birth in Bethlehem shows God's j attitude toward men. God has good will toward men. He is not the hard, severe judge that men so often wrongly picture him to be. Sinner, you have cursed God, but he has not 1 cursed you back; you have lifted your : hands against him. but he has not destroyed you. He has thoughts of kindness, and of love toward you. If you have wrong thoughts of God. let | them die away in the music of that first Christian anthem, "good will toward men." The Christian story brings to us j also a Savior. Jesus Christ was born with reference to sin. lie was the only mau that ever was born with reference to that great fact. Other great men were teachers and reformers?he alone could cave men from their sins His name Ehall be called Jesus and he shall save his people from their sins. This is good tidings of great joy to a sin-stricken world. If Christ the Lord cannot save you from your sins, no one else can. He is a personal Savior?unto you | he was born; he is a mighty Saviorhe is Christ, the Anointed. The man who believes what God says can roll the mountains out of the water wherever he goes. China. The teaching of the Christian mis ionaries in China created a spirit cf unrest which led to tho overthrow of Manchu tyranny, and Bimllar conditions are at work in Turkey. India and even in the heart of Africa.?Re7. A. Pohlman. Lutheran, Philadelphia. It is not tho time wo spend in preying. but the faith we put Into our prayer that counta. Giving ua trials Is one of God's ways of showing his confidenco in us. . ' ; \ ' m - 1 ? 'THREE hours * after the first dose. That's all the time it If takes for Oxidine to "get busy" with a torpid liver, sluggish bowels and kidneys and a weak stomach. Tones and strengthens vital organs. Try just one bottle of OXIDBNE ?a bottle proves. The Specific for Malaria, Chilli end Fever and a reliable remedy for all diseases due to disorders of liver, stomach, bods and kidneys. BOe. At Your Druggists lis biissxi nana oo.t ????dmmammm ?? I SEVERE SICKNESS LEAVES THE KIDNEYS WEAK, After recovering from a severe ' spell of sickness some time ago, I was i ell run down and suffering from poor tlood. I would have pains In my back and hips and my kidneys bothered me all the time. I started taking SwampRcot upon the recommendation of a friend and found it was Just what 1 needed. My blood became all right and after taking a few bottles, I was surprised at the effect it had on my ' kidneys. They were entirely cured t.nd I have much to be thankful for that your great remedy did for me. Yours very truly, W. O. BLACKMON, Phenix City, Ala. Sworn to and subscribed before this the 14th day of Julv, 1D09. W. J. DIRS, Justice of the Peace. truer to IV. K.lnrr A Ok ? T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receivo a booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and ! bladder. When writing, be sure and ! mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar sire bottles for sale at all drug stores. LAW'S INJUSTICE MADE PLAIN Farmer's Grievance Was That Story Once Accepted Should Not Remain Good. A story Is being told at the expense if nn old English farmer who was recently called upon to explain why he had failed to take out a license for a favorite fox terrier dog. " 'E's nob- < huf a nunnv " fhn defendant remarked, i In response to a question as to the animal's age. "Yes, yea! So you sny. But how* old Is he?" "Oh, wcel, I couldn' tell to a bit," was the reply "I never was much good at remembering dates, but 'e's nobbut a puppy." On the other hand, it was maintained that the animal in question was a very, very old-fashioned puppy, and the magistrate inflicted the usual fine, i Shortly afterward the farmer was met ' by a friend who wanted to know how he bad fared at the police court. "Nobbut middlln'," was the reply. "Did tbqy fine you?" "Yes," responded the fictim; "on' 'ang me if I can understand it! Last year an' the year ] afore that I told the same tale about J the same dog, on' it wor alius good enough afore! Who's been tamperln' wi' the law sin' las: year?" IN AGONY WITH ITCHING "About four years ago I broke out > with sores on my arms like boils. After two months they were alb over my j body, some coming, and some going away. In about six months the boils quit, but my arms, neck and body j broke out with an itching, burning rash. It would burn and itch, and come out in pimples like grains of nbeat. I was In a terrlblo condition; , I could not sleep or rest. Parts of my Qesh were raw, and I could scarcely bear my clothes on. I could not lie in bed in any position and rest. In ibout a year the sores extended down lo my feet. Then I suffered agony with the burning, itching sores. I hardlv walk and for a lone time [ could cot put on socks. "All this time I was trying every- ! thing I could hear of, and had the skill of three doctors. They said It'was eczema. I got no benefit from all this. I was nearly worn out, and had given up in despair of ever being cured j when I was advised by a friend to try j Cutlcura Remedies. I purchased Cuticura Soap. Ohotraent, and Resolvent, and used exactly as directed. 1 used the Cutlcura Remedies constantly lor four months, and nothing else, and was perfectly cured. It is now a year, and i I have not had the least bit since. 1 am ready to praire the Cutlcura Remedies at any time. (Signed) E. L. Cate, Exile, Ky? Nov. 10. 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with :12 page book, will be maAd Tree on application to "Cuticura," Dept. L? Boston. BACK YARD COMMUNINGSV ''h 11 ' 4 I rtvt*? Jo- L- ' The Dog?Is this a tree concert? The Cat (pausing in his contentfj monologue)?No, I get so much pur. A Father's Protection. Father, it is as essential for you tc provide a saieguaru against mm m&mfiend to your children, croup, as tc their hunger. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will, cure cough, croup, colds. Whooping Cough, etc. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 s bottle. Wanted "Mill" Supplies. "1 rec that you deal In mill sup plies." "Y<s." "Well. I'd like to buy a pair ol ooxing gloves." Man and Meter Both Unique. A Kansas City man notified the gai | company that his meter was running j slow. Greatsr honesty hath no mar' than this. TO DRIVE Oi l MALARIA AND lit ILD If THE ST.STE* Talio the 01(1 Stardurd GIloVL'a 'a. .STCl-KSf UL11LL TUNIC, ton know what you are taking Ttiu formula Is plalnl prln'ed on eTcry bottle Showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron in :i tastclcsi form, und the mi st e/Iei-tnai tvttu. f or growl peoplo und children. W cents. Looking Upward. (In 1993)?"Marie, bring out tin aeroambulator, and take baby up fo' an airing."?Judge. For TOI.ns nnd GRIP Hicks* Capudink is the best remedy?re doses the ai'bliif; and fevrrlahnes?cures lbCold restores normal. conditions. It liquid?effects immediately, lot*., li'x-.. and oo A: drtifc' stores. The fe'low who is out for the dus dcean'i alwpys clean up a fortune. Lv f .'''' waco, rem. Chest Pains and Sprains i Sloan's Liniment is an ex- ? cellent remedy for chest and % throat affections. It quickly ^ I relieves congestion and in- j flammation. A few drops f in water used as a gargle is 2 antiseptic and healing. Here's Proof " I have uaed Sloan's Liniment (or years and can testify to its wonderful efficiency. I have used it for sore throat, croup, lame back and rheumatism and in every case it gave instant relief." ^ REBECCA JANE ISAACS, Lucy, Kentucky. SLOANS LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and h bruises. It stops the pain m at once and reduces swell- h ing very quickly. ^ Sold by all dealers. J Price, 25c*, 50c*, $1*00 B $<$3; BONE PAINS j#JT' fUlK; ULCERS, SCALY jrSHf SKIN, PIMPLES I! It. It. Cure above trouble*. Also Eczemi and ICheumatlsni. Test It. It. It. FREE! For twenty-flve years Iloianlc Blood Balm (B. E B.i, bus been curina yearly thousands of sufferer from Primary, Secondary or Tertlury Blood Poison and all forms of BUmk! and skin Insrasoa, Cancer Khcuuiatlstu and Kezema. We solicit the most ob Minute cases, because B. B. B. cures where all ols? j full*. If Ton have aches und pains In Bones. Bacl or Joints. Mucus Patches in mouth. Sore Thrunt. Pun &les. Copper-Colored Spots,Clcera on any purt of thi ady, llulr or Eye brows falllnjt out. Itching. water] blisters or open humors. Kisincs or pimples tr i;. /cnta. Bolls. Swelling*. Eating sores, take B. B. B It kills the poison, makes tho blood pure anf rich, completely changing the entire body Into I clean, healthy condition, healing every sore 01 pimple and stopping all ache*, pains and Itching curing the worse cose of Blood Poison, Hheamatisa or Ecieaia. Botanic Blood Balm (I?. 1$. B. ). 1* pionsan' a*.it safe to tuko: composed of pure H,tunic lcgrc diiats. It purines ana enriches the bloi 1. DUUGOIST& 11.00 PKB LARGE BOTTLE. Free Blood Cure Coupon This coupon is good foe one sample of B. B. B. mailed/ree in plain package. Simply mai* .a BI.OOD BALM COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. r L The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome * y CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. ^ ?act surely and a^^^PaDTCD<I gently on the Ipr liver. Cure 7.^ Biliousness, l3LY..Head 3 ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color b!aovk9 di.ii>ui ft aid mi i:r J . . U.U. :-< lliYif;oraie?)?iua proi-uin turuaii HUUI .a.t.?ib F#r S*lr bj UrftfgUu, or beat DIrt?i bj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Pr1c? 11 r?r D*ui?i Stapl* n?UJ* lie. M Ue tlrttUr. / > O J of this paper I Readers 1 advertised in its columns should j insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. Brown's Bronchial Trochef Effective for Concha end Sore Throat. Ko opiates Sain pie free. John I. iiitow.H & bos, i>Obtoa ihv RHEUMATISM ??W^bHLS IIIILUITlIni lOlfi (JKMI IXjLili. OKLAHOMA Z ~ R~E MEMBER ^ \PISO s\ f for COUCHS L COLPA < v. ' . . ' THERE IS UNREST ' IN NICARAGUA PRESIDENT DIAZ HAS LEFT COUNTRY FOR THREE MONTHS "FOR HIS HEALTH." DICTATOR MENA HAS REINS The Second President He Has Forced Out?The Financial Situation Is Very Serious?The American Firms Here Are Losing Heavily. New Orleans.?President Adol/o f)laz of Nicaragua has asked for a three months leave of absence, according to reliable newB advices received lere. It Is generally conceived that his step means bis abdication in favor f General Louis Mena, Minister of Wat*, who now is the virtual dictator jf the turbulent republic. Serious friction between President Diaz and General Mena has existed for some time and Diaz has been President in name only. General Mena, who, it is'stated, now occupies the presidential palace, has absolute control of the Nicaraguan army and Congress as well. He recently was elected President by the "constituent assembly" for the term beginning January 1, 1913, but the friction between Mena and Diaz became so intense that the latter's friends are said to have advised him lo resign and leave the country "for his health." General Mena forced President Juan Estrada out of office last year in much the same manner. Estrada now is in New York. The finances at Nicaragua are reported to be in worse condition today than ever before. As a result of this financiln situation American firms are reported to have lost heavily. THE DAIRIES IN THE SOUTH The Soutehrn Railway Will Run a Dairy Car Over Its Lines. Washington, D. C.?Realizing the need of the South for more and better dairies and the large profits which can be made in that favorable region by dairymen who will fill the great | demand of the cities for dairy products, President Finley of the Southern Railway Company, following the custom of that company in /urtherlng in every way the growth and development of its territory, has equipped a Special Dairy Car, which, beginning the 1st of February, 1012, will be run over the length and breadth of this great system, spreading the doctrine of more and better cows and, by means of lectures, demonstrptiens and exhibits. This Dairy Special will be under the direct supervision of Dr. C. M. Morgan, of Washington, D. C., the Southern Railway's Dairy Agent. Dr. Morgan will be assisted by two regular dairymen in conducting the work and from time to time the car will be j occupied by dairy experts from the United States Department of Agriculture, the State Boards of Agriculture 1 and from the Agricultural Stations of the various States along the Southern Railway. The Dairy Special Is fitted up with a complete farm dairy, every piece of machinery and apparatus necessary to the economical production of milk, cream, and butter having been in- | stalled under the direction of Dr. Mor- j Kan. There will be a separator, I chums, testers, sterilizer, Pasteurlzing apparatus and exhibits of various kinds of Improved machinery fcr | dairying. On the walls of the car will be charts and large views dealing with dairy subjects, showing the fundamental principles of breeding dairy types, feeding animals, the care cf dairy cattle and pictures of famous animals in the dairy world. The Special will also have steropticon lantern and slides, permitting illustrated lectures at the various stops by Dr. Morgan and the other ex perts who will accompany the car. Advance schedules of the stops will be prepared and full advertisement given the train in the towns at which lectures are to take place. Transport Logan Sails For China. Manila.?The United States transport Logan left with a battalion of the 15th infantry and other details on board en route to Chin Wang Tao, j northern China. The American troops after they have disembarked are to U ~ (? r*.. ? 1 n, rr rt rnntlnn *9 UU t'llipiutvu IU I.UI1IUI1I6 U Cl.llUil v?the Peking railroad front Tang Shan j to Lanchow against the possible attack of either imperialists or republican troops. Civilians and soldiers of other regiments witnessed the sailing. while women crowded the quay bidding farewells. Italian of Noble Birth A Suicide. San Francisco.?Luigi Donato Ventura. an Italian of noble birth and of ability as a writer and lecturer, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart in a fit of despon- i ency due to family troubles. His complete name was Ventura de Leecc Pari and his family lino traces as far back as 1299. Prof Ventura began his career as a page in the court of King Humbert, wnne a young man he came to this country anil gained notice through "1'eppina," a story of an Italian newsboy in New York. Destructive Fire Sweeps Halifax. Halifax. N. S.?Damage amounting to nearly a quarter c,f a million dollars was caused by a fire which destroyed the Hallf-,x Herald building, several stores and ofllces and threatened to wipe out a considerable per tion of the business section of this j city. Among the places burned was the office of the United States consul in the Herald building. The fire was fanned by a high wind which caused a rapid spread and it was only after 'cur hours of hard work that the lames * errt eithdiieH Ship Stopped by Fish. Halifax. N. S.?On the arrival hert of the Fumess liner Durango, fr<*r London. Captain Chambers reported i remarkable occurrence which tool place when the liner was in mid ocean The steamship was proceeding at i high rate of speed, when suddenly th? engines refused to work and the ves sel stopped. After some time it wai found that the "intake" of the circu lation feed pipe was tightly filled witl a numbar of flah, which had beet drawn into the passago by the suctloi of the pump3. : 9 ' ' \ m ^ ! alcohol?3 per cent IN 1 AVegetable Preparation for Assimilaling the Food and Regulars ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of *:h|| [ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful?j nessand Rest Contains neither jh Opium.Morphine nor Mineral sti Not Narcotic p*tpt cfoia DrSAWEirrrc/tEX J|| Pumpkin S**J i+l AtxStnnm ? \ i ? PkhtUt Salts Aniu SnJ > { jn Prppfrminl - \ Jo Bt CnrinnaliStdn? / Ft bmrm S?d - I |f* CfrrVWSu.*r ) J.C Wmkryrttn ftwr ' t^C A perfect Remedy for Constipatyfl tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, ?{C Worms .Convulsions .Fever i shness and LOSS OF SLEEP ^t) Fac Simile Signature of W o The Centaur Company, & NEW YORK. HMfrpBBOTBMVVnN| ^Guaranteed under the Foodar* Exact Copy of Wrapper. ^^ fer^Peaehes take m from the soil than an; It has been conclusively g shipping quality are not se t adequate supply of \ POT, The best probers use from ioo to ? annually on tbtir orchards In additio tion of mineral fertilizers should tx-gi fc to insure strong wooa ana carij Ik, longer bearing period. Most peach orchards starve t< be giving their very IkV !y?v 'V-"f anced ration and re: J| GERMAN H IHEAL1 I Don't drug yoursei I symptoms of poo? I run down systems, A Genuine Recom |j MILKM "After one and a hall T. B. Stal.iaker, CI I Milam more than 3 c *" CTlyASi "" I mcnt in appetite and BjJOPjS lotteC.H., Va. "M i only a fctv bottles bu I hood, bone -/ suv ; fcbjc to stand up undc gapnprgargta-rgS ' "Be, Va. 1 took fi |i | J. B. Williams, Dam " | Milam, and after 26 ' | liams, Huntington, V ^UtalTTkutrit I Buy 6 Bottles fo A Golf Story. There's another story of a man wht rang the bell at the gates of Paradist and asked Peter if he might gt through. "What were you cn earth?" askec the saint. "Well," was the response, "durin*. the latter part of my life i didn't dc much but play golf." "Got a golf ball on you?" "Yes; here's a 'Chancellor.'" St. Peter took it and threw It rvei nis sauuiuer, ?iinc u iumu For a minute or more lie lookec critically at the applicant, then shu1 the gate in his face and locked it. "What's the game?" said the man. "You are no real golfer," said St Peter. "You don't even know tin first rule of golf?co keep your eye or the ball and follow through." CI.A IMS BtnEK SAVED MIS I.IFE. Mr. Chas. W. Miller, of Washington D. C.. writes of Elixir Dabrki "I can heartily testify to th<- virtue ol yotir preparation known as r.abek as 1 consider that It was tlie means of my recovery from a bad < ase of intermittent fever and the saving of my life." What it did for hin It can do for you if you suffer from any form of malaria Elixir Ilnhek, "i0 cent . all druggists or Kloczcwskl A: Co.. Wusliin^ion, u. c No Doubt About It. And every gccd husband, no doubt Is sure that he is married to one o the twenty world s greatest women. TO Cir.E A ( OLD IN' ONi: DAT Tnk* I.AXATIVK MOMO Oulmrc Tablet' bru^lstsirflrrnl ujiini*/ it It fail* t<? turc. It. W Ui'.U v M 3 ure ! b on oath box. i?c. The only time some people worry ii when they worry other people. Mr*. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Cblldrei trrthinir. sofion* the ifum*. r^duc** intlamm.i tion, allay.- paia.curex wind colic, Sic a boiri? Even tho high flyer lias to conn down to earth sooner or later. Women s Secret There ii one man in the United State more women's secrets than any othc country. These 6ccrets arc not secre the secrets of suffering, and they ha R. V. Pierce in the hope and expect: That few of these women have been i pectalions is proved by the fact that el! women treated by Dr. Pierce h, altogether cured. Such a record woi cases treated were numbered by hui that record applies to the treatment c lion women, in a practice of over 40 and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitud specialists in tho treatment of women Every sick woman may consult i charge. All replies are mailed, sea any printing or advertising whatever, out fee, to World's Dispensary Medic Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S FAVC Mftltoa VCoctls. Worn T X T For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears tho L\ Signature f /ur '# . ft jjv In ha- Use \j For Over Thirty Years III!IllliViilN'iTrnil III IBIIIMff y other fruit crop. proven that flavor and ^t^fpggjHl [ j||^fl5 :cured unless there is an 1 ^HR 4SH 1 I i 200 pounds of Muriate of Fr'ash t ?f n to the phosphate. The anplica. m |wH in when the trees are pltnted, so as It I |HD bearing, continuous fruiting and 1^1 |3flH 3 death at a time when they should firL Sy best returns. Feed them a bah j ^ ip the profits. /f9? { Potash prices and free M \?i?5s rmulas and directions. M ;ALI WORKS. Inc. y I Building, Baltimore /Qa*AC|I lock Block. Chicago yfc rui/tdn Centra] Bank Sldg. .. U Don't Trifle ? With It! If for fits that are but ' blood, depleted!and . SSon't patch up? ^ Your Health with! sfrucfivo Tonic & Blood Renovator I f bottles of Milam I have gained 81 lbs."? I tarleston, W.Va. "I had not taken the I >r 4 days when I saw a decided improve- I I digestion."?Rev. R. L. McNair, Char- j ilam i3 a grand medicine. I have taken * II *eel strongerand better, more activeand ) ;r my work."?Rev. H. D. Guerrant, Dan- t ve botties of Milam and gained 10 lbs."? H rille, Va. ''Am finishing my 6th bottle of I rears of Eczema, am cured."?C. H. Wil- I r $5,00 of your druggist and get I y bach if not benefited c J I ForHORSES and COWS. : 5 Mr. F. Ulrich, Georgians, Flo., write*: I for horses and cows many years and there Sj H I.urs on horses. V. hen a horse *tar:.^n:b- I t ffl 25c. 50c. $1 abottJe at Drug 4: Gen'l Stora* TREE SALESMEN ; FROM $100.00 TO $300.00 PER MONTH SELLING OUR GUARANTEED PECAN TREE? Satsuma Orange, Figs and other frnlt nnd Ornamental trees au<l plants. Salesmen's outfits free to responsible jiarties. Special inducement* to deal, crs. hardest Nurseries and most complete stock in the south. Address ^ THE CRIFFING BROTHERS COMPANY t JACKSONVILLE, FLA. OR PORT ARTHUR, TEX, H CealersIs fun, Hides, Wssl P"5J RS $ LiWhliiLri 1-J4. 6 w L nQTiDCV Til BATED. Giro qnlck r*. ' i ffQ unuri! u,.J3llf remur, <iwei. ilni{ an<J short hrrai'i In a tow days and ! jT. >ntlre relief In li-iS'lajs, trial tn-aiment ^ C^V*?I I'KEIi DK? UUSKSS tOXS, Dasi, AiUjiU,0?. T WANTED n youn? p<<>pl? to ftudy Shorthand and Bo..kke?>pina li/ Hp?*ci?Ii?l?. If unintrrMtoJ. ?*ud name* au<i Mdrnwn<>!thmiIhtt arr?atdr:r' ourixia-writtea ai*'" A?. ICIK V-MOItO ( O.MMI IU IAL M UuOi.. iitcc'tuburo, >. C? for Liieratur*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 3-1912. s who has perhaps heard r man or woman in the ;tn of guilt or shame, but ve been confided to Dr. ition of advice and help. disappointed in their ex- flKSEnMk*W ninety-eight per cent, of iva been absolutely and ig&T jld be remarkable if tho Tff tftw. adreds only. But when r,J fS I'm >f more than half-n- mil- f ? years, it is phenomenal, Ic accorded him by women, as the first of 's disersc3. Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without led in perfectly plain envelopes, without upon them. Write without fear as with:al Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Preet., 1RITE PRESCRIPT': * .on StroiiGt Siolt Wom? rx mM