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?^ ? am^ M mm feffSj I ' I p?vpd or bM^>njr^U>??I mnftiTH sr*'?p* ft^*iicpjife ULJJlUjffTnjf I vtat to prov* that they poaiUreljr care IdWtod. for Constipation. To do tttolMwIIUoftoglnmiUiosiof free packmgm. 1 take all th? risk. Sold by AruayUt* wrS?lBUi?i?l For tree packer*address, ft* ftwpa. IM * Jrtsrson $U..FWtk<JslpU?, ft r miiiimi|x | CURED RHEUMATlsXi. | I K. WTMsn, p.p.. mm I Hill Howe, Miik., writs* I I I "Three rears ajroI had Rheumatismaad I was unable to walk. Was advised to ase Mastaag Liniment after doctors had faOnL It cared my disease and 1 am now sound aadweOaod haregaiaedsjlba. in weight." I 3Sc.l0c.$labettiaaiDra*&Gaa13tora* W Cftl IIIII A way to enter the r If 11IV if Seal Estate Bnalneae , and secure a Co-Ope ratire Agency with the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, which makes a specialty of cutting up and selling by auction suburban property and fan lands. Common sense and not experience necessary. Let ne pat YOU next. Address BOX. 106, RALEIGH, N. C. POfflCT HEAlTH. ? " Tstt's PUs keep ths systata In perfact order. Thar rscniata tha bowels and product A VIGOROUS BODY. Rtaaady for sick beadacba, rwifttpittaii Tiitt's Pills giaCiaujiaiWiiM. Oss IJJ^ N la tuns. Sold b7 Oruss>a. W VERDICT A FAVORABLE OKE Small Girl's Pretty Answer to Stupid Question of Inquisitive Busybody. She was a pretty little tot, and ev . erybody who knew her took pleasure in pausing to ask her some kind of a question, merely to show an interest and for the pleasure of bearing the musical cadence of her voice. Some of the questions were what might be termed leading, but for all she invariably bad some kind of an answer. Among these latter inquiries was one from an Intrusive busybody who was old enough to know better, but who I belonged to a class of persons who never learn. Knotting that the little ^rl had only recently become the possessor of a young and attractive stepmother, with a curiosity Inborn she asked her frankly: "Well, PollykiD8, how do you Uke . your stepmother?" The child raised her blue eyes grave ly. and with her face glowing with j happiness, replied: "Oh. very much, indeed. Mrs. Skil- I llngton. We fit very nicely, consider- 1 ing that she got us ready made."? Judge. WANTED HER TO SUFFER. 0* " Mr. Hen peck?Do you pull teeth without pain? Dentist?Oh! yes, sir. Mr. Henpeck?Then you won't do, My mother-in-law wants to get seven extracted, so I'll have to take hei elsewhere. Was Testing the Baby. Little Phil Warrlner, of Addison read, was detected in the act of pulling out the baby's hair despite ker frantic protest. "I Just wanted to see," he said in explanation, "whether she wa6 cold stoflige baby. Teacher told us that's the way you can tell a chicken. If the feathers come out easily the chicken has been in cold storage.' Needless to say, Phil is doing penance.?New York Times. i TAKEN TO I THE HOSPITAL B After Operation Failed to Help, Wk. Mrs. Kendrick Found that Cardui Made Her Well. Jonesvllle. S. C.?"I suffered wlti womanly trouble." writes Mrs. J. S Kendrick. in a letter from Jonesvllle "und at times,. J. could not bear tc atari cn my feet. The doctor said I never would b< any Letter, and tliat t would have t< have en operation, or I would have i cancer. ^ I went to the hospital, and the: operated ?on me, but I got no better. They arid medicines would do mi no food,, an J I thought I would hav to die. At last, 1 tried Cardui, and I begai to Improve, tc 1 continued using It Now, I am well, and can do my owi i. |rork. f'ddn't feel any pains. Cardu worked lik| a charm." T'aere rftist be merit in this purel eg^abie tonic remedy for women, Cardui?when ft* will help such an aj pare&tly hopeless case as this. Its li gradients are mild herbs, with a gei tie t>nic effect, on. the womanly coi stit u t on. . If <j-iu suffer /roai any symptoms t wonfaily trouble, take Cardui. It wl to get well. Caedil goes to the spot?reache double? relieves the symptom away the you tried just you t?i iJidlfK1 AdriiMr (auoogn Xfdldae Co- Choi HI TV BO- for Spfflut lutrsi M'pan.boik, mHom Tm?i WmMB.Wt Wphla wnq iB 4 T .fwiowao During the" last Tew years, conditions in all lines of business, even professional iile, have changed so completely that every roan is waking up to the tact that in order to win success he must specialize and learn to do some one thing and do it well. So it is with any article that is sold to the people. /It must have genuine merit or no amount of advertising will maintain the demand for the article. For many years we have, watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy. From the very beginning the proprietors had so much confidence In it that they invited every one to test it, free of cost, before purchasing. . It is a physician's prescription. They have on file thousands of letters received from former sufferers who are now enjoying good health as a result of Its use. However, if you wish first to try a sample bottle, address Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton, N. Y.( and mention this paper. They will gladly fprward you a sample bottle by mail, absolutely free. Regular sizes for sale at all druggists?fifty cents and one-dollar. A HOT ONE. Mrs. Justwed?I made this podding myself. Shall I put tho sauce on it for you? Mr. Justwed?Yes; and then telephone for the doctor. PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA ! "A few days after birth we noticed 1 an inflamed spot on our baby's hip < which soon began spreading until baby was completely covered even in j his eyes, ears and scalp. For eight weeks he was bandaged from head to foot. He could not have a stitch of clothing on. Our regular physician pronounced it chronic eczema. He is a very able physician and ranks with the best in this locality, nevertheless, j the disease began spreading until baby was completely covered. He , wa3 losing flesh so rapidly that we became alarmed and decided to try Cutl- j cura Soap and Ointment. ( "Not until I commenced using Cuticura Soap and Ointment could we, tell ^ what ho looked like, as "we dared not wasn mm, anu i uuu owu pumue uuo I ^ application after another on him. C.3 ( removing the scale from his head ihe hair came off, and left him entirely ( bald, but since we have been using Cuticura Soap and Ointment he has * as much hair as ever. Four weeks after we began to use the Cuticura ' Soap and Ointment be was entirely cured. I don't believe anyone could have eczema wopfce than our baby. "Before we used the Cuticura Remedies we could hardly look at him, he wa3 such a pitiful sight. Ho would fuss until I would treat him, they ' semed to relieve him so much. Cuticura Soap and Ointment stand by themselves and the result they quickly and surely bring is their own recommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. B. Rosscr. Mill Hall. Pa.. Feb. 20, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. 19 K, Boston. i ~ Cornered, i ,i tAiin a storv of a ; liUlU viumvi v* ? , young lady's resources at a bazaar. Business was in full swing when a young man strolled around the various stalls, with no intention of purchasing anything. As he pasted a large, beautifully decorated- stall the young lady sellers detained him. "Won't you buy a cigaic'te holder, sir?" Bhe asked. "No. than* you. 1 don't smoke." was the curt reply. "Or a pen wiper worked with my ow. hands?" "I don't write." "Then do i have this nice box of chocolates." "1 1 don't eat sweets." The young lady's patience was exhausted. "Sir," she j said grimly, "will you buy this bos of soap?" The young man paid up. Engineering in Montana. Henry I. McDaniel, ex-City Engineer of Atlanta, r.ow in charge cf Government engineering in Montana, says that he contracted a terrible cough which no physician could relieve, but j was cured by Taylor's Cherokee Rem- I edy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. For i all Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. At druggists, 25., 50c. and $1.00 8 bottle. Woman's Way. "A woman's convention, eh? What do women know about enthusiasm; j Now, at the last national convention t we men cheered our candidates for an hour." "That's all right," said his wife "We threw kisses at ours for sixty > seven minutes by the clock." ? When Your Eyes Need Care } Try Murine Eye Remedy. N<> Stnartlujr?Feelj Flue?Acts Qulckl.v. Try It for Red, Weak Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. JIIuh trated Book in each Package. Murine li , somponnded by onr Oculists?not a "Patent Med l Icine" ?but used in successful Physicians' Ptac ice for many years. Now dndlciocd to llio I'ub ic nnd sold by Pnipgists at lOc ?nd Hk per Bottle lurlDe Kyo Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c and 6cc 1 Curlne Eye Remedy Co., Chlcagc Their Limit. t "There is one queer thing about flsl k stories." n "What is that?" j ", in telling of theii catches, never seem able to draw th? line." y " TO DRIVK OCT MALARIA I AMI III lLli IT* THE SYNTO. Tuke the Old Standard OluiVkS TASThLKSl 1- Ulilii. 'lONlt. You know what yon are taking The turmula Is plainly printed on eery bottle 1- showing it Is simply Quinine and Iron in a tastelesi , form, and the most clTcitual form. For growl peoplo and children. 60 cents >f A silly man is easily convinced tha II he possesses more wisdom in one daj than the late Mr. Solomon did in al 8 his years. 8, For HKAIUl IIE-Hirkt' CAPI IUNT "Whether from Colds, Heat. Stomach o Krrvous Troubles, Cayndine will relieve yon It's liquid?pleasant ito take?acts immedl . ately Try it. 10c.. 25c . aud 50 cents at dro| f (stores. [ ? i [I A mar. knows more at twenty-oni ' har.'he may be able to forget at fifty '''' , *' ' * r ,/ * 1 HAVE YOU SI There are two ways to tell whether yon have weak kidney*. The first is through the pain* in the back and other outwara signs. The second is by examination of the kidney secretions. That is why physicians make such a careful examination when you apply for insurance, and if there is any sign of kidney trouble you are surely rejected. Kidney disease is to dangerous that it is a bad mistake to overlook or neglect it, and if pain in the back, recurring headeches, or a fretful, nervous, tired condition makes you suspect some kidnev trouble, take the trouble to watch the kidnev secretions. Look for any of the following signs: More or less than thrcs and one htlf pints passed daily. Too dark or too pale a color. Passages too frequent, profuse, or much reduced, or scalding and painful. 5indy, gritty or cloudy settlings Fat or olly-fooking layer which gathers on the surface when allowed to stand, or a jelly-like thickening. Staining of the linen or bad odor. Temporary changes may occur for a time from things eaten, but if the changed appearance continues, your kidneys are out of order and need help. Neglect may prove serious. Doan'a Kidney Pills correct and regulate the kidney secretions, stimulate and heal sick kidneys, and thereby dr,"e away backache, rheumatic pain, nervousness, diz"When1 bDOAN not so verF precocious Simple Explanation of Facta That Had Made Young Father Green With Jealousy. It was a wet day, and In consequence the guests had to stay indoors. The young couple started to talk of their baby. '"My baby has just cut his first | tooth," said the father, proudly. "Indeed?" said the other. "Well, j mine cut Ills long ago." "Our baby," said the first, "Is Just beginning to talk." "Ours," said the sec d, "cannot only talk, but read." "Knows his letters already, does he?" said the first, with a note cf jealousy In his voice. "Oh, yes, indeed!" said the other. "And can figure like an expert accountant." "Realty?" said the first. "Then he must be older than mine. How old is rour baby?" "Mother," said the second, addressing his wife, "how old is Willie?" "Nineteen," said mother.?Judge. THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE Most elderly people are more or less troubled with a chronic, persistent constipation, due largely to iack of sufficient exercise. They ex?erienoe difficulty in digesting even igbt food, with a consequent belching )f stomach gases, drowsiness after mating, headache and a feeling of lassi;ude and general discomfort. Doctors advise against cathartics and violent purgatives of every kind, rectmmenditig a mild, gentle laxative onic, like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, to effect relief without disturbing the jntire system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the perfect laxative, easy in action, certain in effect and. withal, pleasant to the taste. It possesses tonic properties that strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels and is a remedy that has been for years the great standby in thousands of families, and should be In every family medicine chest. It is equally as valuable for children as for older people. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried it send your name and address to Dr. W. j B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Montlcello, 111., and he will be very glad to 1 send a sample bottle for trial. SHE KNEW. 1 Vis or >xam nin^ in dining room)?Is hat picture one of the old masters? Hostess- Yes; that's a picture of our cook. Tetterine \ r Ring Worm and Skin Disease. Varnvllle. S. C,. July 17. 190$. **- ?four T..flprln.? for ltinn M) Wile uoco .? " ^ ? - worm, also uses (t lo l?er family for, all kind of skin diseases, and she thinks it a good medicine. There Is no substitute. L. R. Dowllng. Tetterlno cures Kcaema. Tetter. Ring Worm. Old Itching Sores. Dandruff, Itching Piles. Corns. Chilblains and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c: Tetterine Soap 25c. At druggists or by mull direct from The Sltuptrine Co.. Savannah. On. With every mail order for Tetterine we | give a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills I free. Simply Blushing. A Glllmon man. it is related, has a i very red nose, and recently a very inquisitive person said to him: "Please I don't take offense, but I'm curious to , know why your nose is always red?" j And this is the reply the inquisitive ; sot: "My nose is merely blushing with pride over the fact that it has never butted into any one's business." ?Fort Smith Times-Record. You will sneeze: perbaj|s feci chilly. You think you are catching cold. Don't wait until you know it. Take a dose < f Hatnltn-t Wizard Oil and you just can't catch cold. In School. "Spell 'prohibition.'" "I don't like dry 6pells." For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Cajmdisk is the best remedy?r* Metres the aching and feverishness?cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid?effects immediately. 10c.. 25c.. and 50c At drug stores"Lost?A golden hour, set to 60 di amond minutes. There is no reward for it is gone forever."?Beecher. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first pui up 40 years ago. They regulate and invig orate stomach, liver ana bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. The theory that misery loves com pany accounts for some marriags3. - f / S JSPECTED YO There are Two Ways to Find Out Whether the Kidneys are Weak or Sick j "Oh, what a fain!11 BBnEBnnBaBiir \four Back Is Lame?Remember the rs KIDNEY ] Price 50 cents. Foster* Mflbum Co, Buffalo, / mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMammammasm A COLD DINNER. I Mrs. Benham?I see that they have found the North Pole. Benham?That's no reason why you should do your cooking there. No Claim for Reciprocation. Jack Reeves tells this on Felix McCarthy, who used to drive a night hack before he retired to the presidency of a refectory, where the goods are sold from the wood: "I didn't see you at Murphy's funeral," said an acquaintance to McCarthy. "What's the reason you didn't go?" "Why should I?" returned McCarthy, somewhat touchily. "Sure, Murphy niver attended my funeral.' ? New York Telegraph. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use For Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Womanlike. Crawford?How did your wife come to buy you all those suspenders? Crabshaw?I think she wanted the pretty boxes they came in.?Judge. IMT.ES CCKEI) IX ? TO 1 I DAYS YonritruKtfiot will ri-lunJ money If I'a/.O HINT - ~ - ?,f itrrnii^. BiiihL MfcKl' Talis hi kui" ? _ Blti?l,ng or I'rutroulng I'ilcn In C u> U iluys. 50c. One way to discount a woman's argument is to agree with her Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething. aoftens the guma. reduces inflamro.iUou, allay a pain, curia wind colic, 25c a bottle. When truth gets busy, fiction is npt to feel ashamed of itself. What Ails Yo\ Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, 1 ochet, coated tongue, bitter or bad "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid ri - i?? u eating, stomach gnaw or nurn, iuui u i poor or variable appetite, nausea at cymptoms ? If you heve any considerable above symptoms you aro suffcrii ness, torpid liver with indigcstioi Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Di< up of tho most valuable medi kaown to medical science for cure of such abnormal conditio! efficient liver invigorator, stoma regulator and nerve strengthcnci The "Golden Medical Discovery" is i a full list of its ingredients being pr under oath. A glance at these will si ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluii glycerine, of proper strength, from I forest plants. World's Dispensary M You who a mmmmmmmatpm | Why Not Rebu A Reconstructive MILAM WILL D ft, tt? -jr?eri nth vary tani raaerty, UJ tr wUrtMr I IOOD. BONE caJ SO* | mmrnm | 55g2gj=5*=si j J (fjr:f> J f $1 a bottle if be P^Fi UR KIDNEYS? ziness, bloating and other results of kidney disease. > The following eaze is typical of the cure* effected by Doan'n Kidnev Pills. Grateful testimony is the best evidence. LOST 35 POUNDS. Made Well !*y Curing the Weakened Kidney*. Adelbert K. Perkins. No. ?2 Mechanic Street, Danielson, Conn., says: "l'he pain and weakness in my back was simply agonizing. I often thought I would break in two. Then I began to pass gravel, and only those who have had this trouble cm understand what I went through. Every time I passed a stone, it would tear its way through my kidneys until I thought I would die. For three years my kidneys were so tender I could not lie down without a pillow being placed beneath rnjr back. Coupled with what I have told you, I had terrible headaches and dizzy spells which almost drove me crazy. I ran down in weight until I wns only a shadow of my former self, having lost over thirty-five pounds. Rick. weak, and discouraged, I resolved to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. I improved from the first and at the end of seven weeks, I was cured?cured to stay cured, which is proven by my being free from the disease for nearly three years." PiLLS^glj Uncle Sam's Representative. Senator John Sharp Williams tells of a negro lad In a southern town wlic was not the least zealous of Uncle Sam's servants. One day when the mall bag for that town wns throwr from the train the pouch was caughi up by this diminutive courier, whe started off, as was his wont, on a briskY trot to the postofflce. As he was rounding a corne- of the station he encountered a larger boy, with the result that the little courier was upset. When the latter got up and readjusted himself he turned upon the other exclaiming: "Look heah! Yo' wants to be keerful 'bout dis chile! When yo' jars me yo' jars de gov'ment of de United States. I carries de mail!" Contrary Human Nature. People seem to find It easier to be j kind than to be genuinely appreciative ; of a kindness done them. And sometimes the girl's father for-! bids a young man the house, when j it wasn't the house he wanted. ajUjlil111?t Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color REMOTES DASDKCrr ASO MtKf Invl|?oratesand prevents thchalrfrom falllngofl j for Sal# bj Dr?gj1?U, or Baat Wrwt by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Crk* f 1 r.T Bottln Staple TsUk lie. S*s4 far Umlw. ' 15 SIC SO eopies Terr latent New Tori m U J I LI popular sheet music sent po?tpalc1 every month for thirty cents. U rttr fur extraordinary offer. ,S. Y. SIIFET MI'SIC C'I.EA Itl Ni. not SE,141\V.43tli.St..S.Y.lltj WANTED 100 yotiriR people to study Shorthand snd HoolLkeepins taught h- hperislitts. If uninterested. wnd namci soil addreew". of three that #r? ?nU ip-t our ten-written Csrt? Address OltEKNfcBORO COMMEWIAL SCIJOOL. Greeusboro. C.. for Literature. ^a^THOMPSON'S ISS.'-'S'TSS d?EYE WATER JOUN L.TlIOMI'.'ON SflNaiCO.. Tro?. N. V t?rAnras i I of this paper desiring to bu> anyI thing advertised in its columns should I insist upon having what they ask for, | refusing all substitutes or imitations. VV. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 2-1912. aave frequent head- \l JHjB taste in morning, MR sings in throat after xffla reath, dizzy spells, Si times and kindred umber of tho ig from bilious- ^f^v i, or dyspepsia. .1? ' icovcry is mado " hS^Sv** J cinal principles H j| ^ the permanent flj IJ 13. It is a most Jfej j ch tonic* bowel r. r,ot a patent medicine or secret nostrum, inted on its bottle-wrapper and attested iow that it contains r.o alcohol, or harmj extract made with pure, triple-refined \ rhe roots of native American medical, 'edicai Association, Props., Buffalo, N. V? ire not well ild Your Health? I ! Tonic Known as O IT-GUARANTEED !** ?. ?nirr tin ? ^ri uia cjlau ifloUl rioulto. lollcrtrf It U b* i r?la?M? |<<UV? Ut auUtfriilAt t4o f.t.!44llc ?r it. f ffrotT 4 Tr. V*itl;e/.b Ylcrater 0*. ,4 ifirmrf/ OoiMor Jc.-.* if toirilU. birUifi T?u?c? Co. - Cuitcr, CLarlitto 0. I *4 K^ff V?hUO< Ctiiaiu f?rooir RiriniU CrtraLU Co. litA fteflitor FuillotUfif Co. Wiff -agfcnjf^stixor. TtMM? 4 iMi liuti ftoolu ZjXSLU. * < .- - *7 Clirl. Cor^rotio* Ocwrt. JJctkL . ., r? ivory fentfir. To^ici Itc" LZ^fdi^_r. oe u: i o? .I**4 or Tr*fr?f >t T#% 0o *?**y ar4 Tr?oo Bcrotook bjg. 0c ,*~'r l|l^UI B!KT??. * V7 _ ' * iAl.lil ?*fUM. T.U*S . . : :?B1 is . ^ 1/./ ' '. .^1 Cn/tunu '(UUI> ?<r Sa?ll*S # ??, t. t. *?. immui axiit*. 8 nefHte^? 1 ?M r,TTlAM SMOKELESS t x 1 lUIN OIL HEATER 1 weather emergency you need a Perfection Heater. It your bedroom cold when you drew b you* water pipes freeze in the cellar > Is it wind whistles around the exposed comers of Smokeless Oil Heat f brings complete com:arried anywhere. Always reedy for use? no the minute :t is lighted. ' to show you a Per.'-cJion Smokeless OJ Heater; or e areolar to any est icy ci andard 03 Company (InecrjoniW) ,j| ; Flande Motor \ $175 f. o. b. Factory?Magi Has Them A] WHAT AN UPSETTING of prices the arrival of the Flanders "4" Motorcycle has occasioned. Why, the other makers seem to be in a panic. ? ? 11 .U. IT'S FUNNY, TUU, wnen you rccmi LJ iC Uliautu things they said*tbout the Flanders "4" when we first advertised it and stated the price. OF COURSE THEY SAID a first-class four horsepower motorcycle could not be made for $175, even with battery ignition. And a magneto included?utterly impossible. WE WISH WE COULD print all the things they said in their frantic efforts to discredit the Flanders "4" and justify their own prices? which at that time were $250 and $275 for machines of same power and less quality. YOU WILL REMEMBER they all said the only way it could be done was to make the machine out of poor materials and throw them together. They not only admitted, they protested, they could not duplicate the Flanders "4" ax. the price?or anywhere near it. THAT WAS BEFORE we had begun to ship Flanders "4's" to our dealers and customers. They felt .safe in making such statements?for though they knew in their hearts that this concern could not afford to turn out a second grade article?they had no idea what a sensation it was going to create. SO THEY LAID TRAPS for themselves?and now we are driving them right into them. THEY MUST EAT their own words?they said they would have to ura poor material and poorer work in the making io meet the price of Flanders "4." WELL. THEY HAVE ALMOST met the price -pand they will have to meet it and go lower before they can sell their antiquated machines in competition with this up-to-the-minute motorcycle. NOW IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER, but arc we to assume that what they said was true and that they are now making punk machines to meet Flanders "4" in competition?or that they told fibs about it? FRANKLY WE DON'T BELIEVE they are making them any worse?some things are impossible. And we do know that until Flanders "4" arrived on the scene, prices of motorcycles were high above all reason. WE SAID IN OUR AD that Flanders "4"? magneto included?selling for $175, left a mighty small profit to us on each machine. BUT WE ARE SATISFIED with a small profit on each machine so long as we can build 50,000 per year. And the price?$175, magneto included?has created a demand sufficient to justify us in building that many. HERE'S A POINT YOU HADN'T INUii'^u perhaps: Other makers did not drop their prices until we had actually begun to make deliveries. Do you know why? There were two reasons. FIRST: OUR AD CREATED a tremendous demand which we were as yet unable to supply. The other makers saw that and determined to ' supply some of it at high prices. And they did. Then they began to think it was going to continue. SECOND: THEY HOPED that when this machine did appear it would not be up to all our claims?and would give them a new lease of life. Flanders Manufa Pontiac, . Suspicious. ... _ When the four-and-tweuty black- ' birds which had been baked in the pie WW o boa began, immediately the latter was *2,25, '2.50, opened, to sing, the king grew stis- ( ^ Siylc* All I Plclous. 'for M< "How," demanded his majesty. the ct t "were you so remarkably preserved?" FOR ( The blackbirds, visibly disconcerted THE NEXT T offered no reply. vy I n0 "Was it by the use of fcenzoate of . soda?" thundered the king, thorough- ou^ aS nan? Ir aroused.?Puck. ?ntef? . tor the mone; Just the Thing. name and pri Howell?I'm very fond of travel. protects the V Powell?Come around some nigM and inferior a and I'll let you walk the floor with I the gent ; baby. f"""^Take n I tftVH0W 1 ONLY OXE "BKOMO OL'IXIXK." ! / ?/iXXJfW' That l? I.AXATIVB BUOMO ytriNINK. Look for \X the Ugnanjrr of It. W. (iKOVa. i;?e<l the World ,^\y over to Cure a Cold In One Pa/. iSc. Blessed is the season which en- ?mmm^mm gages the whole world In a conspiracy of love!?Hamilton Wright Mabie. ITCH. ITCH relieved In 30 minutes h TViie noner i WooIIord'8 Sanitary lotion. At Druggists A ILU> popCI 1 the SOUTHEI If yon would be a leader you must rvm?-H I set the pace j per puuiiU, I j IMKIBUKMHI .r *r-%*r -- f 'S :rs "4" cycle % neto Included of Course " :'|PS $ 1 on the Run ? NOT ONLY THAT: But in addition to hoping, M they set about picking it to pieces before they 0 had actually seen it themselves. IT IS A FACT that, before we had shipped one I motorcycle we heard stories told by competitors of how this part was weak and that part wrong, etc. The wish was father to the thought?that was all. H OH! WHAT A BUMP they got when we began gj to send them over the country. The effect was V electrical. PRICES BEGAN TO TUMBLE: First they chopped off $25.00?made theirs $250 and $225 instead of $275. But it didn't do. Dealers wired them?"You must meet Flanders prices. No use to damn the machine?it has Flanders' name on it and the public knows." OFF CAME ANOTHER $25?and another. Here and there they put on a magneto and tried to hold the old price. No go?Flanders had said, "No motorcycle is complete without a magneto." WELL, THEY HAVEN'T YET reached our price. Can't and stay in business, because most of them are not manufacturers?only assemblers. They buy motors and other parts and pay one or two extra profits on them. IT COSTS THEM MORE to build the same ' machine than we can sell it for. Get thai? WE HAVE THE FACILITIES?a $2,250,000 concern. We make every part. We buy right and pay cash and it costs us less to sell?because folks know a dollar's worth when they see it. and Flanders "4" is the biggest value ever offered. It sells itself. EVERY DEALER KNOWS. Didn't they all j "hot foot it" to Detroit to get the agency? Of . course we couldn't give it to them all?we A picked the best and of course those who didn't get it are sore. Naturally. And they are getting sorer everyj day. WHEN A DEALER KNOCKS the Flanders "4"?as, of course, he must, to sell other makes ffl ?just ask him why he was unable to get the 1? fnr it. You won't miss Wm agency wucu m. ucnvu ... cne in a hundred. MEANTIME what you want* to know is how soon can you get a Flanders "4." That is the ^ burning question with thousands. And we are T doing our best to answer it definitely. IT DEPENDS ENTIRELY on how soon your order is in our dealer's hands. We can't prom- ^ ise to deliver on the minute?for we have none in stock. Demand is away ahead of supply all the time. But get your order in?pay a deposit so the dealer will know you mean business and you won't have to wait more than a month? perhaps not more than two weeks. The dealer will tell you for he knows when we have promised to ship him. Or you may write direct to us and we will gladly tell you. THE INLANDERS GUARANTEE goes with every machine. That means that if the machine we ship you isn't right we will make it right. The name Flanders stands for quality?you know that. L'ZALERS: This ad is published in severalnewspapers that circulate widely?in other towns than the one in which they are published. If you live in a town where we haste <u yet no representative this is your chance to obtain the best seller?because the best value?in the entire mjio) cycle field. Better write the factory direct today. cturing Company Michigan DOUGLAS $3, *3.50,s4 & s5 SHOES k m Leathers, All Sizes and Width*, fejjgv" :n, Women and Boyi. [e&Jtm w/'* AVDARD OK QUALITY fw&t i&ar' 5VER 30 YEARS gf* IME YOU NEED SHOES W ug'as shoes a trial. W. L. /y e stamped on a shoe guar:>r quality and more value /than other makes. His ce stamped on the bottom yl vearer against high prices /&\ hoes. Insist upon having a^k' \0v"/ ly line W. L Douglas shoes. VeK 6/ $A;. ??]! o substitute. r22d?3"Jf&i'J* CO ORDEB BY MAIL. Shoes Sent E^eiywhero ? All Charge* Prepaid. l-D"Utfla? ?ho-*am not mM in Tour town. .end dirwt to fartcry. Takr mranremrnu of foot aa ahowo in inol-l. .int.* tjr>?le*.r-'1 : ?ij. wtdfh u*u;UIt w< rn; plain or raptor: hrarr. medium or light ?ole. / rlo thr larurxt $ho* mailorder htui nrjt In the world. 11 lus Catalog Krcc. W.L.DOUGLAS,lt38park8C.Brocktoii.lfa?S. fa/ Offer to Printers s printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by SN OIL & INK CO., Savannah, Ga. Price 6cents 7. 0. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited. ?????? in TwnroMfca?aH?aan? ... UMd'- . ...