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PgHMp EE FOBT MILL TIMES, Democratic ? Puublished Thursdays. N. BRADFORD - Editor ud Proprietor. r | SowcnrnoM Rates: One Year 11.26 Six Month* 66 The Tim? inrit? espViMtioni on livesubjects, hot does not wrrw to publish more than 300 words en any subject. Tpe rirht is reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. & On application to the publisher, advertising r rat? are made known to those interested. Telsoboue. local and Ion* distance. No. 11S. Entered at the poetoffic* at Fort Mill. 3. C.. as mail matter ot the second class. ' FORT MILL. 8. C.. DECEMBER 21. 1811. Christmas. Christmas gets :*s name from the ?in the oarlv riavs of the Christian church in honor of the , birth of Christ, its first solemnizationhaving been ordered by Pope Telesphorus. This was in or before the year 138, for in that year Pope Teles phorus died. At first Christmas was what is * known as a movable feast, just as Easter is now, and owing to misunderstandings was celebrated as late as April or May. In the fourth century an ecclesiastical investigation* was ordered, and upon the authority of the tables of the censors in the Roman archieves December 25 was agreed upon as the date of the Savior's nativity. Tradition fixed the hour of byrth at about midnight, and this led to the celebration of a midnight mass in all the churches, a second at dawn and a third in the later morning. Holiday Hazard*. The holiday season will soon be with us vrth its accompaniment of fireworks that wall cost millions. After it is all over there will be discussions and agi - * * ^o w,;n tauon ior a snori wnne. own una ??? be dropped, nothing done about it and next year the program will be the same. It's just like the fellow who has remorse in the cold' gray dawn of the morning after. Soon the ill effects wear off and then comes another night of dissipation. And so it goes. Last year New York's celebration resulted in killing and burning such as mark the American style of recklessness? one conflagration after another, more than a score of firemen offered as a sacrifice and hundreds of working men thrown out of employment in the dead of winter, not to mention the homeless sufferers upon the altar of reckless celebration. The only time to prevent such catastrophes is before they happen.?Selected. The Sale of Fire Works. Every merchant should inspect his sUx^c of fireworks and take therefrom any bomb, cannon or firecracker which j does hot meet the provisions of the 1 State law governing the sale of such . articles. The law upon the subject is at follows: "It shall be unlawfal for any person, whether in his own right or a6 agent, to sell, barter or exchange, within the limits of this State, any fire-cracker, "cannon "-cracker, bomb or any kind of explosive cracker, exceeding three inches in length and not exceeding one-half inch in diameter, or any kind of explosive cracker containv ing dynamite. Any one violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not more than one hundred dollars, or irn- , prisonment for not more than thirty | days." The Latest Money Maker. W? t to get rich quick? If so, get in on|.he ground floor of a company out West that is going to supply the 1 world with cat fur. Orders for stock may be sent by telegraph. The com- j oany. according to an exchange, is to operate a large cat ranche near Oak- ! land, California. To start with the promoter will collect about 1,000,000 cats. Each cat will average twelve kittens a year. The skins will run from 10 cents each for the white ones to 75 cents for the pure black. This will give 12,000,000 skins a year to sell at an average of 30 cents apiece, making a -revenue of about $10,000 a day gross. A man can skin fifty cats per day for $2. It will take one hundred men to operate the ranch, and therefore the net profit will thus be $9,800 day. The cats will feed on rats and a rat ranch will be srarted next door. The rats multiply four times as fast as cats. One million rats will give four rats per day for each cat. The rats will feed from carcasses of the cats ' from which the skips have been taken, giving each rat a fourth of a cat. The business will be self-supporting and , automatic. The cats will eat the rats and the rats will eat the cats, and the , company will get the skins. Telegraph for stock today. The presence of numerous jugs in in the local express office calls attention to the fact that a very large number of people expect to "cele brate" Christmas in a manner en-; tirely foreign to the spirit of the time and in an altogether disorderly way. ; In so many cases those who have made purchases with this unwise intention can ill afford to do so. They haven't the money to spend to make the members of their fireside happy, yet they pour it out freely to get some vile mean popskull to pour down their throats. The man who keeps his money hidden under a stone in the fire place is becoming almost as rare as the woman who hides hers away in an old stocking. Most people have learned that banks are safer. But occasionally somebody takes the old chance and loses. J. J. Lee, of Ingleside, Ga.. kept money in an old tool chest on his back porch. There 0t was over $300 of it in gold The thief left the hammer and saw. Arizona's first State election resulted in a sweeping Democratic victory for senators and a representative in . Congress, and State officers. HgfA '<J>V ^ ry. .1 For the benefit of some individual who a few days ago sent to this office < a communication which bore no address ' and .the name to which was illegible, ' The Times will say that no communica- , tion is published in its columns unless the name and address of the writer is . attached. If the writer of this item will favor us with his name,, written in a readable manner, and address we shall be pleased to give it publicity. ( Press reports say that Tom Felder ! has finished and placed in the hands of the -printers the book in which he had ( promised to expose the governor of j this State. It is further stated that < the disclosures made known through : Felder's book will cause a big sensation. , What perhaps would cause a greater sensation youid be for Felder to make I a trip over in South Carolina to deliver ' bis book. Good morning! Have you registered. ^ ? ? I Wintnrop College From an Artistic Standpoint. For The Time* by Mim Willie Hoke. j Does the State appreciate the pricei less heritage she has in Winthrop? ; Has anyone ever fully realized the far | reaching influence of such an institution? Think of the countless hundreds i of homes radiating this influence to j1 countless hundreds of other homes, j j Then, think of the many-sidedness of < this influence. :, One phase of it has struck the writer ( very forcibly?the aesthetic side. Next ! ! to the love of God, the love of the | beautiful is the well-spring from which I the purest happiness of life flows antf the home should be the true source of I this love. It seems so fitting that thousands of the future home-makers ! should be ' surrounded on every hand : with so much that is beautiful and that , will inculcate this love. f From an artistic standpoint Winthrop ( college is a revelation. Exquisite taste Li prevails in all of its furnishings. The ! many beautiful pictures, reproductions j1 of the world's most famous master- j J .pieces, the fine pieces of statuary, and : firiezes are in themselves liberal education in art. The library is a poem of j beatiful colors, and the parlors give you a feeling of lovely fitness. , In the midst of such surroundings, the girl who does not respond to so i j much that is lovely must be possessed of a soul that is dead to all beauty. Consciously, or unconsciously, these girls, these future home-makers, will i learn to love good pictures and statu- 1 ary; will begin to see the beauty ot ; simplicity and the exquisite fitness of ! certain colors. Harmony in the fur- J nishings of a home will appeal to them ( as never before. And all-of this will influence the char- . acter of the girl. Beautiful surround- . ings call for fitness in the inmates. ( Beautiful thoughts and beautiful actions should be the natural offsprings of lovely surroundings, where there is good material to work upon. Even the , most indifferent will be influenced to j some extent. Environment is certainly ] the greatest factor in life, and Winthrop is building wisely ar.d well in this particdiar. , ' j With the Clubs of the Town. 1 , Conlribsted f On account of the bad weather, the t Good Times Glee club failed to meet i < with Miss Willie Hoke on Thursday night. This was a disappointment to " all, as this club is one of the pleasant est organizations in iown. n wen ueserves its name, for under the genial f directorship of Mr. C. S. Link, ably c assisted by Mrs. C. S. Link and Mrs. ' E. M. Belk, all formality vanishes, and ' N each one is assured of an evening full _ of fun and laughter. This club fills a long felt want in Fort Mill, ajid everything possible should be done to promote such an organization. The musi- I cal standard of the town is raised, the c members themselves, are given in- i c valuable musical training, and an { exceedingly pleasant atmosphere is created wherever such a club is successfully conducted. t The Embroidery club, which meets ' once a week, was last entertained by ^ Miss Frances Harris. These young ladies, it seems, are engaged in a!'?uda- ( ble work; for, besides exchangn./ . many auaint and beautiful Christmas ideas, it develops that they have found an entirely new field of endeavor. The j young men of the town, whose native > pride will not permit them to ^tand ] aloof when any feminine endeavor al- t lows a loop-hole of admittance, are i1 regular attendants at these meetings p and are becoming quite proficient in 15 embroidering, basting, hemming, frill-1 (| ing, etc. ^ - ? j" Captured York Fugitive. A Rock Hill despatch of Monday to The State says that Mi'as Partlow, a negro of this section, who is wanted in connection with an attempt to * wreck the C. & N. W. train some time L ago, last Friday night stole a mule and buggy from T. VV. Hope, north r of this city, and went to Charlotte, where he was arrested by the authori- 1 ties of that place upon *d 'phone message from officers here to be onvthe lookout for him. . When arrested he gave his name as John Black. Squire Glenn of Ebenezer township and J. K. Hope went . to Charlotte and identified the prop- j erty, and when they went to the lock- , up to see "John Black" they found j j that it was Milas Partlow. and so j a stated to the Oharlotte authorities, | who said at once that they would i take charge of him on the former I charge, as there v\ as a considerable > reward offered for him. So it is not; positively known yet which charge he ' will be tried for first, the attempted train wrecking or the stealing of the mule and buggy. Suppose it Had Been Blease. Supposing it had been Governor Blease, who, after having been requested by the attorney general and a numj ber of citizens of Columbia to stop the ' vambline at the fair ground race track, cued the promoters of the racing to appear before him and show cause on the 13th day of December why the gambling should not be stopped, then, alter the lawyers for the gamblers appeared j before him, he changed his mind and gave these race promoters or gamblers until the 8th of January (two days after the racing will be over in Columbia) to show cause why they should not be declared a nuisance and an injunction issued against them, what would the newspapers be saying about his procedure in the matter? Wouldn't they ' be saying that the governor was bought by these gamblers; was in league with them and other things equally as mean? >- |;ji . jl* ???-r ? Yet Judge Jones does this very thing and so far not a single newspaper has had a thing to say. I am not a defender of the governor, neither have I anything against Judge Jones, but I do like to see every man get a square ieal.^-J. W. Hili in Spartanburg Journal. Saved His Wife's Life. ' "My wife would have l>een in her ?rave today," writes 0. H. Brown, of Muscadine," Ala., "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Distovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. 1 STot her a bottle of Dr. 'King's New Discovery and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time." Infallible for cough3 and colds, its the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping cough. f<0c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. Guaranteed by Fort Mill Drug Co., W. B. Ardrey and Parks Drug Co. The penalty attaches to State and j county taxes after January 1. Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach tiouble is vastly greater, but not if Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave nm up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then completely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at Ardrey's Drug Store, Parks Drug Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co. The best price paid for cotton on the local market yesterday was 8J cents. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold-sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fl\ before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at Fort Mill Drug Co., Ardrey's Drug Store and Parks Drug Co. This year has fifty-three Sundays. This is the first time such has occurred since 1302 and it will be jast 109 years before it happens again. , A Terrible Blunder. to neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. King's New Life Piils on the first sign of constipation, biliousness or inactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bowale? txr\A hmlrl nr? v/?lir health Olllv 9..V cio nnu vuiiv* m j/ j vmi i at Parks Drug Co., Fort Mill Drug Co., j and Ardrey's Drug Store. ONE CENT A WORD I MINIMUM CHARGE, 25C. WANTED?You to know that we 5ell loose Cotton Seed Hulls. We are in a position to make you a very close price. See us before you buy Hulls. L. A. Harris & Co. WOOD FOR SAL?:-Oak and Pine Wood for sale at 50c per cordon the Jtump. Also some w'ood to be given iwav for cutting sprouts and piling urush. Apply to Osmond Barber, 14. F. D. No. 2, Fort Mill, S. C. Hunting, fishing, or pny form of ;respa.-sing, whatsoever, on the lands )f>ne undersigned is strictly forbidden. FRED NIMS. For Mayor. At the solicitation of a number of ritnds, I hereby announce myself as a undid ate for the office of Mayor of rort Mill, subject to the action of the j roters in the approaching city election. ROBT. P. HARRIS. For Mayor. The friends of Mr^D. A. Lee take Measure in nominating him for the iffice of Mayor of Fort Mill. His high haraeter and recognized ability is a guarantee that he will, if elected, nake a pood mayor. For Mayor. Believing that he would give the own a progressive and impartial adninistration, we hereby nominate Mr. Fred Harris as a candidate for Mayor >f Fort Mill, subject to the action of ;he voters in the approaching municipal , election. FRIENDS. For Mayor. At V solieitatit n o 1 several of my 'riends, have decided to offer for the jiace as M. -'or for the coming election. [ will appr -date your vote if you hink 1 am tl man, otherwise if you hink not, 1 dt not want the place, I hull make no p miise to anybody. If lected I will nh he place to the best nterest of Fort V 1, regardless of self fe any other int? -est. Respectfully ^mitted. . R. McElhanev. .Nottce of R gistration. Noticen^ereby g en that the books if registration of te town of Fort dill, S. C., for the ? ?ar 1912 are now >pen daily at the First National barik, md will close December 29, 1911. T. B. Spratt is the duly appointed egistrar. By order of council this 13th day of November, 1911. L. A. HARRIS, I. It test: Mayor. J. L. SPRATT. Clerk. J Notice to Trespassers. Notice is hereby given that all hunt ng or trespassing on the lands of the ate S. ?. White or the undersigned is ' trictly forbidden. Overseers have nstructions to see that this notiQe isob erved. LEROY SPRINGS Lancaster, S. C., Nov. 28. Note I ha\^? some mighty good stu! GOODS aLnd something suitable fo; and if you\lon't come and see it, I friend or relative and me. Now, a shipment V>f Ban's Saturday Can sold on Saturday at 29c per pound with no name. It is called Ban's, facturer of high priced candy w household. And at 29c we offer y say compare fkyorably with any o Ardrey's D I I YQU1R Do You Just Exa< + * If not, try us wit Our goods are n Our prices are a O, ir rlplivprv spr U1 VtV^AA f WAy WW* Our phone nun PARKS C A Men Haj Your Christinas t i . _i I trading nei e aui u ing Arrow Sale m | Nothing Si Ill's real?just plain bus cent. Cheap goods are < We wouldn't sell you me We've planned great tl and share in these barga Big Sale ends Saturdaj 40 Balloons, ta? able present, to There's a hearty welco McELHjA Clothing, Haile's On the Corner A handsome line of Headley's Chocolates, suitable for the Xmas trade, just received. We also carry a staple line of Fireworks. Don't forget us. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop, J. HARRY FOSTER,! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Yorkville - S., C. McNEILL BUILDING. This: I in the way of CHRISTMAS r everybody with fastidious taste, three of us will lose-you, your that would be too bad. We have dy in our window which will be ?cheaper than loose chocolates but is really made by a manuhose name is known in every ou high class chocolates you will f any name or price. 'rug Store. f. GROCI Get What Yc ctly When You h your next order. \ iew and choice, is low as the lowest, vice is perfect, iber is 116. GROCERY O E. S. PARKS, Manage VE WISH YOU ALI 4 ry Xmas >py New Y ; will be a merry one lg the last few days. i . r iaKes it easy roi you. optional About iness?making money for you < :heap at any price. They are rchandise unless we knew it w; Kings for you for the last few ins. r night. js attached entitling fir go up Saturday at 1 n;e here for you always. lNEY & ( Shoes, Hardware, Groc ; : i a ! * H?llWllllil1^?Wi Mil I* I We can s than receh -f | money. W ^ | money, dra g or need a drop in her arrange bus I THE'Fll T. S. KIRKPATRII < President. 6 .. _ . | Xmas Turkey fl = Many of our good hous< 6 their minds about whe Christmas Turkeys anc B their assistance and sa jj both the turkeys and h ? from our market hogs, 0for several weeks, and you will want, someth ? Phone or send us your Jj Apples, Banannas, Can Everything good to eai J JONES, 0 ! iOOOOOOfXXXOXK ' I : i; LORIES. j I j ?u Want Want It ? Ve\\ please you. . OMPANY ir. > and a | ear. j : if you do your *4 1 he Great Pierce- S I the Sale, j ;very time you spend a never to be found here, as good. days. Won't you come ider to a valut o'clock p. m. "OMP'Y eries, Etc. | i' t lerve you in other ways ring and paying out your + rhen you wish to ^transfer f w up papers of any kind, ^ ' NOTARY PUBLIC, just e." ItVill be"a pleasure to * iiness of this kind for you. ? RST NATIONAL BANK, I :k, t. b. spratt, t Cashier. ^ ,ti:, > .! IlOitOf XSOtOOOCXK s and Hams. I 0 = 0 ekeepers are worrying jj re they will find their I Hams, so we come to { y that we will have Q iams. The hams are jj have been salted down ? 1 are the very thing ing extra. * orders for Oranges, ? dies and Nuts. Q| J = ? The Grocer. 0 0 8CX? 0??OBOOK I With each 25c cash purcf count, we give one chance I Plymouth Rock Chickens given away Saturday evenii chickens were bought from Farm, Hendersonville, N. C. See our window. Parks Dru: i Exclusive Agents fo: k ?, Anderson's "Lone Has a record of 2,035 measured mi Absolutely dust and sand proof. ' any other axle without re-oiling ar out of box. Oiled "while you wai gies and does not cost a cent extra A Convincing lest? 031 "It being important to me to j, I made a thorough comparative tes the Ai derson 'Long Winded,' used other three 'ran dry' within ninety the day the 'Rock Hill' was runnin reoil. my odometer showing a reco "It's the best spindle made. "Rock Hill, S. C., January 6, MILLS & YOUh Fort Mill Agents for " GALLONS^PUT UP 3* SPLICE ' EXPRESS PRE CORN WHISKEY 1 Gal 2 Gi New Corn. $2 in $3 < Two-Year-Old Corn 3 00 51 Three-Year-Old Corn. 3 25 5 ! Old Mountain Corn 2 75 4 ! Old Process Corn 3 00 5 1 Happy Valley Corn 2 35 4 RYE WHISKIES Gibson 4 50 8 Libston L 3 25 5' Hoover 2 75 4 Old Prentice (case goods) Cascade Green River (bot. in bond) Mellwood (bot. in bond) Mellwood (our own bottling) 4 25 8 Overholt . Jefferson Club 3 75 0 Old Henry 3 50 0 Savage Mountain . 3 50 6 Rose Valley Sherwood Excelsior 2 25 4 Hoover's Private Stock .... Green River 4's BRANDIES Apple Brandy '2 10 3 Apple Brandy ... . 3 0!) > Peach Brandy 4 00 7 Sweet Mash Corn. It*> pr>. white and clear a sprint? water and made from pure main, 1 full quarts #2.75: > qts ?1.75: 8 qts. i t.7a; 12 qts #7.5". Primr".-*1 Corn, old ami mellow. TM- whiskey b mads f?<-tn iclect pain, i tgtd in irood. and ia i guaranteed yeaiold. I full quart- ? qi-. i $4.90;.? qu. $6.25: 12 qU. $?.&?. 5 NO CHARGE FOR Jl W. H. HOOVER, 522 E. Br nHBSf iijj Hit mcnConing II JOHN WHITE & CO, LOUISVI TAX NOTICE 1911. Office of the County Treas- y urer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 15, 1911. Notice is hereby given that the Tax j i Books ff.r York county will be opened ' or. Monday, the Kith day of October, ! 1911, and remain open until the .'list day oi" I)? ember, 1911, for the colloc- 1 j tion of > . t'oir ty, School and Local | Taxes fw f.i :i al y, ar !:M1, without penalty: after winch day o . . r cent. , penalty will he added to all payments made in the month of .January, 1912, , and two per cent, penalty for all pay- , ments made in the month of February, | 1912, and seven per cent, penalty will c be added on ail payments made from f the first day of March, to the loth day i s of March, 1912, and after this date ail, ; unpaid taxes will go into execution and ( ail unpaid S-ngle Polls will be turned 1 c over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. ; ^ For the convenience of taxpayers, , will attend at the following places o 1 s the days named: i a At Yorkville from Monday, Novem- 1 t ber 13, until the 31st day of Ue- ^ cember, 1911, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. r HARRY E. NEIL. | [ i c Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warned against hunting, fishing or trespassing in any ' manner upon the lands of the undersigned. J. B. MACK. c Try a Special Notice in The Times and A watch results. 25 words for 25c. E i FREE! iase, or 25c paid on ac REE at a pen of White (Fischers Strain) to be lg, December 23. These the North State Poultry , and are'valued at $25. g Comp'y, r Nyal's Remedies. iiiibi ug^ m parra^ ih^i ?**. ._ . r_ j j mgr? *-VH J* ; Distance" Axle les with one oiling. Patented. Will run twice as long as any id not half try. Oil cannot get t." Used on all Rock Hill Bug i Miles With One Oiling. ret the very best buggy spindle, ;t of four of the best, one being 1 on 'Rock Hill' Buggies. The r days. At the end of a year to ig smoothly without opening to rd of 2,035 miles. "W. G. STEVENS, M. D. 1911." IG COMPANY. Rock Hill" Buggies. r.Y^IT1 OUR MOTTOPure Good*, Honest Dealing PAID. i\ 3 Gal 4 Gal 4 Qta 6 Qta 8 Qts 12Qts V) $5 35 $6 85 $2 35 $3 25 $-1 25 $7 00 )0 7 GO 9 00 3 00 4 50 5 50 9 00 25 7 25 9 25 JO 6 90 8 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 50 8 00 10 00 3 25 4 60 6 00 9 25 10 5 75 7 35 2 50 3 50 4 50 6 50 60 12 75 16 00 5 50 7 50 10 00 13 50 75 8 25 75 6 75 5 50 7 50 "... 1300 5 50 8 25 10 75 13 00 5 50 8 25 10 75 13 00 5 50 8 25 10 75 13 00 00 10 75 ... 4 50 6 50 8 50 11 00 ... .... 4 50 6 85 11 00 12 50 75 10 (JO 13 00 4 00 5 80 7 70 10 00 60 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 7 70 10 00 60 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 .... 10 00 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 .... 4 50 6 85 8 50 12 00 25 6 25 8 25 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 - 5 00 6 "5 13 25 60 65 00 Oli! Private Stock Corn, an excellent old iroods with a reputation thmuirh the entire country. 4 full -its. $3.tsi;?; <|ts. 25; 8 qt*. $5.25: 12 qta. $8.50 Pocahontas Corn. Its lonir record proves its merit. Hon*. f fronds, honest prices, honest measure. and aired in vood. 4 full quarts. $3.04; t; qta 11.2;. - qts. $5.26:12 <|ts. I8..V). ;gs or packing, cad Street, Richmond, Va. > Talk About Your Chickens, Your White Dots, Partridge Dots, (lolden Dots, Silver Dots, Columbian ot?, ami other Dots, hut I). A. Lee says come around to his poultry yard and see two hundred or more White Leghorn "Dots" of the- famous Wycoff*strain?the laying kind. Book your orders now for eggs $ for early Spring settings. LEE'S POULTRY YARD, ? Fort Mill, S. C. ^HIDES RKET PRICE PAID URS AND HIDES sr "ZMW LLE,KY. ^ I County Commissioners. \nncal Meeting To Be Held On January 4, 1912. Yorkville S. C., December 1, 1911. Pursuant to the statute as set forth in section 970 of the Report of the Code Commissioner for 1910, notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that the Annual Meeting of the County Board of Commissioners of York Coui.ty. will be held in the office of the rvisor at Yorkville, on l lni:-day, January 4th, 1912, com- | T\< ncing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Under Section 974 of Report above j et erred to, all claims against the j lust J the 1 ;ierk of the Board <>n Jj J at iar> 1. 1912, an i holders m if claims will take notice that if the :ame are not presented and liled durng the year in which they are conracted or the year following, such laims will he forever barred. All claims against York county must >e itemized, and they must be accom)anied bv atiidavits of the claimants letting forth that the amounts claimed ire just, true, due and owing, and hat no part thereof has been paid by iiscount or otherwise. fl All persons authorized by law to adninister oaths, are required to pro- J||^| iate claims against the county free of fl Bv order of the Board. THOS. W. BOYD, Supervisor. Annie C. Wallace, Clerk. ||^^H NOTICE?The best place to have your lothes cleaned and pressed is the Fort lill Pressing Club, upstairs in Massey luilding. Phone 146.