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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. ~ There remains but nine more days to do your Xmas shopping. Mrs. E. R. Patterson and little son left Port Mill Wednesday evening for CHo, Laurens county, where tbey will visit the family of Dr. D. C. Barber. W. P. Cray ton left Port Mill Monday evening for Charleston, where he represents the local lodge of Masons .in the annual meeting of the State grand lodge which is now in session in liiijthe City by the Sea. According to the government's census ginning report, issued Friday, 12,* 814,832 bales of the 1911 crop were ginned to December 1, as compared with 10,139,712 bales on the same date w in 1910. In the published list of high schools ?f the State to receive State aid next ?ear is found the Fort Mill high school, which will again receive $500. The total amount of the State appropriation to high schools for 1912 iB $60,000. The first official estimate of the cotton crop of 1911, issued from Washington Monday, places the crop at 14,885,000 bales of 500 pounds each. Heretofore the record cottor ~rop was that of the year 1904, when 18,438,012 bales were grown. In a letter to his father in this city, a student of Clemson college writes that there at are present upwards of 150 cases of mumps in that institution and that from 10 to 15 new cases are developing daily. John Ferguson, a white farmer 79 years of age, was struck and instantly killed Sunday afternoon by a Seaboard passenger train near Catawba Junction in York county. Ferguson, who was very deaf, was walking along the railroad and did not hear the approach of the train. Contractor Hoke Smith has all but completed a nice six room cottage for J. J. Bailes on the latter's lot on White street. The house, when finished, will be occupied by Mr. Will * xl _ n xL Carothers, land overseer xor me ouuuiern Power company, who will move his family from the vicinity of the power dam. The Rev. S. P. Hair, together with the delegates from the Fort Mill and Flint Hill Baptist churches, returned Saturday morning from Greenwood, where they attended the annual meeting of the State Baptist convention. The 1912 meeting will be held at AbbeIville. The announcement is made that the ?unveiling of the State monument to the Women of the Confederacy, which was to have taken place today, the 14th, in Columbia, has been postponed for a short time, on account of a delay in the shipment from Europe of the bronze group which will cap the pedestal. John Neal, a mill man of Rock Hill, | was found helpleis and almost unconscious Thursday in a patch of woods near the Manchester rr ill. At the Rock ( Hill hospital it v.'as found that Neal's wounds were qui?e serious. It was be- 1 ** j **- kv twn lie veil uiai ik ww> owauivn. white men who got out of the community immediately afterward. Only 13 daya remain in which to se| care registration certificates entitling you to participate in the regular mut nicipal election in January or other elections which may be called in Fort Mill within the next two years. The j requirements to register are that you present a county certificate and poll tax receipt for 1910. The books are open at the First National bank. Word comes from Rock Hill that the last rail on the electric street car track ia that city has been laid, completing tbt lino from beyond Winthrop college through the city to the Highland Park mllL The cars have not yet reached , Sod HiH, but it is believed that they . wfH reach the city in time to give the peopio trolley service by Christmas. , R. E. Brown, a well known citizen of itocfc Hill, has been announced as a # candidate for the position of secretary so the State railroad commission, made vacant by the death last week of Tony 1. Lumpkin, who had held the place far about three years Mr. Brown is sad to have been strongly endorsed for tha place by the chamber of commerce influential citizens of Rock Hill. interact was lacking in the election T luraday upon the question of issuing \ htnda in the sum ot $4,0U0 for street I improvements, there oeing onlv 15 I | east. Of these, 13 were for the 1 todiaad two against the issue. It is | Bf likely, however, that work on the afreet paving will be commenced before tip early spring as winter weather is P not suited to the putting down of such i tr tie rial. Pisjeville Man an Inventor. L Mr. Haltom M. Stroup, of Pineville, I recently secured from the government j patent office in Washington official approval of his gin-saw cleaner, an invention which gives promise cf being s groat value to ginners throughout the country. Mr. Stroup has been in tho inning business for 12 years and r? "aginner of experience. He has always felt the need of a gin-saw cleaner and has been working on his present invention for the past three years. He ias a perfect working model at his 1 plan at Pineville. which will be of interest to all those concerned in the business. The invention is said to do in me minute what 30 men are required to do in the same length of time. It raj be used when wet cotton is being ginn^l when the throat of the saw te' th are clogged with the damp staple. J It doss the work effectively and at a /. - time when the service is most needed. ' Ibt the MtlWAto Are Doing. Atthe kite conferenee of the MethofW^torch ?t Bennettyvfl|(e the Rev. |UHl|K|lpM).secretar.v, I jflHs report, which contained Hk interesting information: ^HSpreachers, 70; members. 91.*WRga'n over I*81 y?ar> L670; in2.223; adults baptized. |V ttftBiworth leagues, 102 senior IB number of Sunday sch >ols, W uW^Bber of scholars. .\\020; W c\^0Ufer last year, 4,201; amount ^ jJ(#tannuated ministers, $10,600; M i m4||PiB|foreigii, $24,038.58; domestic, specials for missions, $7,H 73#i^il^urch extension, $8,873.67: Ar^vflHible society, $080.06; presidBg ingdP^K^$26.860.63; pastors. $213,worship, 764; number of soc,884; value of churches, $1.II 9S1,Signages, 200; value of parI educational properMMi^Mofford college, $356,800; 6> *2*8,450; Lander col Locations of Former Fort Mill Pastors. Believing that it will be of interest to Fort Mill people generally to know where the former pastors of the Fort j Mill Methodist church for the last few | years will be located next year, The ! Times below publishes the appointments of these along with a few others who are well known here, as announced by the recent conference at Bennettsville: J. C. Chandler, Lowndesville; F. G. Whitlock, Cokesbury; W. M. Owings, South Greer's; S. J. Bethea, Blenheim; J. I. Spinks, Bucksville, W. C. Owens, North Mullins, R. A. Yongue, East Chester. Governor Blease Visited Washington. Governor Cole L. Blease was in Washington last week attending the National Rivers and Harbors Congress. He visited the capitol and saw most of the members of the South Carolina delegation and was introduced to a number of prominent Democratic leaders, including House Leader Underwood. He told Mr. Underwood that he would be for him for president if he thought a man from the South could be elected. The senate was not in session, but the Governor took a look , at the senate chamber and remarked that he would have a seat in it. He went to Baltimore Thursday to attend the irrigation coniercnce. Four Governors in Seven Months. When J08. M. Brown is inaugurated governor of Georgia for the /second : time on January 24 or 25, 1912, Georgia will have had four separate gubernatorial administrations within the past sev-1 en months. Until July 1, 1911, Joe j Brown was governor. Then Hoke Smith"was inaugurated and served until he resigned on November 16. He was succeeded by John M. Slaton, the present governor, who will retire upon the inauguration of Joe Brown in January. That's some record for a single State. ?~? 1911 a Carious Year. Nineteen hundred and eleven will be remembered as one of the strangest | agricultural years ever known in this section of the South, says the Barn- : well People. Farmers of long experi- j ence have noted that it is an unusual , good fortune to make on Barnwell ' lands, as a whole, full crops of corn and cotton the same year. If the rainfall is all that corn requires it is too much for cotton, which is a sun plant ' that needs and rejoices in dry weather. I While the average corn crop of the , county has been disappointing some farmers have made the largest yields of their lives. The Williamson plan of crowding the stand and fertilizing with a lavish hand has been we are told, a general failure, while the old-fashioned -' ? if . )?ifii onrl iicincr I way uj ...... ? ! little commercial fertilizer has been as generally satisfying. These results have been manifest on the same farms, the pet, well fed acres having produced only nubbins, and not too many I of them, while the unfertilized fields will, their five feet rows have borne crops like they did in old times, or even better. Georgia Lad Broke Corn Record. ' Ben Leath, a Waiker county, Georgia, lad, has this year broke the corn record of that State by raising 226 bushels and 26 pounds on one acre of ground, and realizing therefrom the enormous profit of $197.57. How Leath managed to break the record is told as follows by the Atlanta Georgian of a few days ago: Leath used an acre of sandy loam ; three feet deep with a red clay subsoil. The land had been farmed continuously for 50 years and the average j production of corn in Walker coutjty is only 30 bushels to the acre. Wheat had been grown on the acre in 1910. He broke his acre of land eighteen , inches deep on Januarv 30, and planted " his corn on April 24. using the Hastings Prolific variety. His rows were three* feet four inches apart, the plant in < drills nine inches apart. He used as I fertilizer what is known as "104-2 , guano 600.'' A good stand resulted. The first 1 plowing was with a long "scooter," ] and afterwards he used a Junior culti- < vator five times during the season, j Only a small percentage of cut bud j worms were present and very little < damage resulted. ? > - ' i A Former Fort Millian Writes. Edgewold, S. C. Dec. 11.?Cold weath- j : er has begun to make itself known in t this section. Several heavy frosts and t 1 ice in our basins assure us that old j i - .. : UJ. f iatner wmier is Mil ma .vu..u. In some places the cotton has all been picked, in others scarcely any. I looked in vain for a good turnout from Fort Mill on Thursday of fair week, but was disappoint d. The fair , was a very good show. Some of the ; exhib'ts made one wish for a life on the farm, where good things to eat can i be raised in plenty and fresh from the | field to the kitchen. Cows and hogs made a fine appearance; and one Jersey Lull weighed I twenty-six hundred pounds, while a hog weighed about a thousand. /A very j large sow with seven pigs as big as i common shoats elevated the calling of a swineherd. I Some time ago, having heard of a | cow that was bought by a private ' family for one hundred and fifteen dollars, 1 paid her cowship a visit. When ' in flesh she weighed tleven hundred I and sixty pounds, but was not taller than the average cow because her one-eighth Creepy (or Guinea) blood showed itself prominently in shortness of limb. The balance (Jersey) was evidenced all about. I was curious to know why her owner sh juld pay such a price when as good m lkers could be had for half the money, or little more. He saw that this cow's reputation would sell her offspring at good prices where others ju3t as good, not having j the reputation, would not be so profit- j able. So there is an investment side I , to the cattle business as well as to real jestate. There has been a change at the Con! federate Infirmary brought about by the death ef Commandant Mixson, who died on 6th of last morth. His adjutant, Mr. Wise, is now carrying on the business for other parties. It is hoped that Mr. Wise will ao wen 111 imposition. Some veterans have died lately; but not many; the deaths, for six months, beginning in March last, occurred at the rate of twenty-five per cent, per annum. F: eumonia swept them off very fast jus-: on the change from winter to soring weather, when great care is needed iri regulating the temperature of the home. Some people, who raise three or four bales of cotton in these sandhills, are too rich, at least they and their families (numbering five or six in some cases)' have failed to gather the crop so far. Still no grain-sowing has occupied their time, nor is the corn housed. They live and breathe. Is not that sufficient. I wish I could meet some of my old ' friends ? Splinter among them ?and swap experiences. Maybe it will come some day. Very truly yours, I Sam F. Massey. .. y '' * The I The Here ( $15 Of D Etc., I Not since W SALE been CO nnr Bier CircuL Si And Cl< 4 \ The Mil THE PE Tax Returns For 1912. Dffice of the County Auditor of York County, South Caroline. Yorkville, S. C., December 1, 1911. As required by statute my books will je opened at my office in Yorkville on Vlonday, January 1, 1912, and kept jpen until February 20, 1912, for the aurpose of listing for taxation all Perlonal and Real Property held in York :ounty on January 1, 1912. All returns must be made in regular brm and it is preferable that they be nade by the property owner in person ,o me or my assistant, direct, on >lanks provided for the purpose. The eturns must be duly sworn to either >efore me or my assistant, or some >ther officer qualified to administer an >ath. All items of realty, whether farms, >r town lots, must be listed separately. Returns made on proper blanks, and sworn to before an officer qual.fied to administer an oath and forwarded to me by registered mail before February 20, 1912, will be accepted. All taxpayers aie particularly requested to inform themselves as to the number of their respective school districts, and where they have property in more than one school district, they will please make separate returns indicating the location of each piece of property. The school districts in which there are special levies are as follows: Nos. 22, 23 and 27, in Bethel township; Nos. 6, 13, 14, 29, 33 and 43 in Bethesda township; Nos. 9, 20, 38, 40 and 44 in Broad River township; Nos. 9, 15, 20, 38 and 48 in Bullock's Creek township; Nos. 12, 45 and 46 in Catawba townBhip; Nos. 7, 12, 32, 35, 3G and 43 in Ebenezer township; Nos. 26, 28 and 39, in Fort Mill township; Nos. 2,21, 22, 37. 41. 44 and 49 in King's Mountain township; Nos. 11, 20, 21. 33, 35, 42, 43, 47, 48 and 49 in York township. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns, and for the greater convenience of taxpayers, 1 will be at the following places on the dates named: At Bethany, (McGill's Store), Monday, January 1. At Clover, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 2 and 3. At Bethel (Ford, Harnett & Co's Store), Thursday, January 4. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store) on Friday, January 5. At Point, (at Harper's) on Saturday, January 6. At Smyrna, on Monday, January 8. At Hickory Grove, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 9 and 10. "" ? -i At Sharon, on inursnay anu rriuav, January 11 and 12. At Bullock's Creek, (Good's Store), on Saturday, January 13. At Tirzah, on Monday, January 1"). At Newport, on Tuesday, January 10. At Fort Mill, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January, IT. 18 and 19, At McConnellsville, on Monday, January 22. At Ogden, on Tuesday, January 23. At Coates's Tavern, (Roddey's) oi Wednesday, January 24. At'Rock Hill, from Thursday, Jan uary 25, to Wednesday, January 31. And at Yorkville from ThursdayFebruary 1, until Tuesday, Februan 20. All males between the ages of twen ty-one and sixty years, except Confed erate soldiers over the age of fift; years, are liable to a poll tax of $1, am all persons so liable are especially re quested to give the numbers of thei respective school districts in m&kinj J i 1 Jnexpected Hold-back ioes the Who .000! J ? ry Goods, ( Under the ] ashington crosse nducted in this c ir. ILE IS ases Satu 23rd at IV .LS & YO IOPLES STORE I The SAVIN | WHY Does S Roth ? .. . ~~t: ? Require BANK! 8 WHY? Simply ? f We fe f Besides our $25,0 i handle and will apj small, call and talk (The SAVIN LEROY SPRINGS President. 1 <* I their returns. ! It will be a matter of much accom-j : modation to me if as many taxpayers ' j as possible will meet me at the res-1 | pective appointments mention*d above, so as to avoid the rush at Vorkville ! during the closing davs. BROADUS M. LOVE. County Audit r. ,?>TW r <y , FEATHEK BE3S ANlTVl LLOWJ' PILLOWS FREE. , ! Mai! us $10. for 36-pound Feather li d f and receive 6-pound pair pillows Free, j Freight prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, satisfaction guaranteed. ~ AGENTS WANTED. I TURNER & CORN WELL, r Feather Dealers, l Charlotte, N. C. has Happ< Strops Br< ile Blooming' - ST( Clothing, SI Merciless K id the Delaware R rl p UUiiii y a wuvt v NOW 0 irday, De lidnight. UNG COP - - - FORT MIL] Ml GS BANK of The OLD RELIABLE ; the GOVEF State and Natio 3 to accumulate a SUF is a protection to their e $11,300.00 Si 100.00 Capital and a predate your business, it over with us. GS BANK of I, W.) Phone P frtfll fliir | Ail kinds o | and Builder j J. J. Bi OTmJi I. ' Hi H VB \ jned, )ken, riiind 11UU5. 3CK hoes, jiife. e has such a g very word of | N j cemb'r | (IPANY, | L, S. C. Fort Mill 11 INMENT, | nal, I ini T TC nT TMH ^ I \rLUJ ruivu.' i DEPOSITORS. J urplus, | I re in position to J Be it large or I Fort Mill, j B. MEACHAM, Cashier. 4o. 72. | I Wood if Lumber I s Supplies. I MLES. | MEACHAM & EPFS | 1 MEACHAM Suggest the following for your Druggets, $8.00 to Rugs, 75c to Blankets, per pair, $5.00 to Counterpanes, each, $1.00 to. Table Linen, per yard, 30c to Napkins, per dozen, 75c to Towels, each, 10c to Pictures, each, 10c to Statuary, per piece, $1.25 to. Suit Cases, $1.50 to Gloves, p?r pair, 25c to Umbrellas, $1.00 to House Slippers, pair, $1.00 to. Lone and Short Kimonos, 50c Sweaters, for men, women anc Shirt Waists, silk, net and cotl Silk Underskirts, $3.00 and Newport Shawls, 25c, 50c, 75c Aviation Caps, 50c and Marabout Neck Pieces, $3.00, ladies' Collars, 25c to Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 5c to. Men's Handkerchiefs, 5c to.. Men's Ties, 25c to JEWELRY. Solid Gold Cuff Lii Gold Front Sets, $3.50. Scarf Links, 50c to $1.50. Also a big line of Dolls, Doll C cy Baskets, Work Boxes. A Jardenieres. If you cannot decide we will help you out. Did it come from Eppt7 MEACHAM i | CUT p Are very stylish now. We have 1 0 but are more stylish than ever ji ! prices in half on all Hats, Suits, Goods, and give you 10 to 30 per< 5 $1.00 up. 1 Santa Claus is with us again foi ) line is more substantial than usu? J prices on Watches, Clocks, Brooc; J Lockets, Neck Chains, Vest Cha J Buttons, Tie Clasps, Baby Pins, S !Cut Glass. Rugs, Dolls, Handkerc forts, Lamps, Etc. We engrave Sbut positively crnnot engrave go until after Christmas, as we havi 5 own goods. See our stock and < n see how much you save by tradin L. J. MA! ?0???0?000?000 pi II I [==1F= Everything Rear Our store is now arrayed in Xmas Bazaar. Gifts of every d 10c counters are loaded with lc adapted to the holiday trade, an variety than we have been able Doll Depart Our doll deoartment with i dressed and undressed Dolls is children. Prices, 50c to $3.00. Picture J Magnificent display of Frai frames and pretty pictures. Pi cial lot of Framed Pictures at li Toys, Tc Our "TOYLAND" departmei ever before, in endless varietie gines, carts, horses, wagons, tops, horns, banks, velocipedes, boards, real china closets, chair chariots, and numerous other tf Xmas Gi i You will jiot be Idng in findin; want to give, for our Xmas Gi ming full of appropriate things prise you. Big lot of fancy chi 1 dishes, cups and saucers, vase.< cake sets, sugar and cream set ers, bread and butter plates, 1 celery dips, pickle dishes, not n towels, table linen, work bag: - ! n pi6CeS, Dureau SL'cUio, wquco, a bags of all kinds, barrettes, 1 blankets, umbrellas, etc., etc. In addition to the holiday st( Holiday prices a complete line c Flannel, Gingham, Underwear J Corsets, Hosiery, Shirts, Swea -i Skirts. Cloaks, Men's Clothing, fit all sizes of feet. I E. W. KIMB1 =11 31 IE==U= ? Painting, Tin I can Have you money and material proper selections and use of paints and your home. For all kinds of Brush Wo be Painted, Enameled, Stained or Varni in quality and taste. t I am doing a lot of first-class painting ? munity, but I am always ready and eag< I FRANK WHITE, The Pai IEACHAM & EPFS ^4 & EPPS ] Xmat Presents: 1 $20.00 flU 3.75 ^Hf 8.00 .... 2.50 IB l.oo B 3.00 ^ 50 ;l 400 y 5.00 I 1.50 / . I 3.50 1.50 to 1.00 1 children, 50c to.. 2.50 xm, $1.00 to 3.50 | 4.00 : and . 1.00 1.00 *4 00 anH 5 00 -i:....::;::::::; 50 : 50 25 50 , nks and Pin Sets, $5.00. r Pins, 25c to $2.50. Cuff arriages, Jap Goods, Fanbig line of White China, i what to give call on us, / * If to, don't worry. & EPPS. -i?* * '' ' t1 (ICES 1 t>een in style some time, ? ist now. We have cut ? Coats and some Dress ? :ent. off everything from OS g * r the 28th year, and our ? il. We offer special low ? hes, Bar Pins, Bracelets, ? .ins, Rings, Fobs, Cuff ? Silverware, Fancy China, ? ihiefs, Cravats, Silk Com- , free any goods we sell, ods bought other places 5 ? all we can do on our ? i iomDare our Drices. and ' sseyj i r v T ly tor Xmas Holiday attire? a real escription. Our 5c and >ts of things especially d contain a much larger to offer you before. jt tment. ts immense variety of j a real delight to the Some beauties. 58. med Pictures. Pretty ices, 10c to $1.50. Spe- , 5c. See picture counter. f= ys. it is more complete than s of train cars and endrums, doll carriages, baskets, bureaus, sides. tables, t^a sets, books, lings. ifts. g just the present you ft department is brimat prices that will surna and glassware, salad 5, plates, jewel boxes, s, celery dishes, pitchdowIs, individual salts, = ions and fancy goods, 3, handkerciefs, center iviator caps, ties, hand lat pins, belt buckles, = >ck we are offering at if Dress Goods, Outing U r, Warner's and Kabo fT iters, L-aps, vx>ai ouus, Rubbers, and Shoes to mm?m RELL GO, I 1 =11 =11 ll=jj ting, Etc. I and clearly explain to you the ^ finishes for all surfaces about ^ rk, or if you have a surface to ^ J shed, see me. I will satisfy you 2 < > 1 > > < l ; for the good people of this com- J > er for more work. ; | nter, Fort Mill, S. C