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H ... I Bidvjs, Colds, Indigestion, ^^^^^ Coostipation, Sour Stomach, If you are not, the most prompt and pleasant getting rid of them is to ^^^H9Bp||inea, a desertspoonK?i^?frYefreshing and truly ?aod E?xt of Senna. It is Inowa throughout the world belt of family laxative reme^^ a, becne it acts so gently and ^^^Benglbeia. naturally without irri- I ^^Hling the system in any way. B|fl| "Jo get its beneficial effects it is ^HBways necessary to buy the genumanufactured by the California I^Kg Syrup Co., bearing the name ^ TiL. r , Mt nlsinlw nnnlo^ nn Uic WUipailJi J/iOllIIJ uivvu vt? |k front of every package. I Improvements in Piano \ Construction - hav< been going on for years, and we've been in the business long enough, we think, to nake as good a piano for the price as it is possible to ^ produce? The Shaw i^SEJpp " Have you seen it? It's an accomplishment of which we are proud. The price is reasonable, and you get all the value you pay for. Manufactured by Chas. M. Stieff MANUFACTURER OF THE Aftfctte Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-slayer Pianos # Southern Wareroom ]|'i j > 5 Wett Trade Street ||p CHARLOTTE,VN. C. C. H. WIf MOTH, Manager (Mention this paper) |S I 1 Two40 bushel cidds last he planted 6 acres to corn. Ho got 240 bushels, which sold for ?i a bushel. The whole cost of raising came to $33, leaving a net profit of $207. June 1st he planted a SECOND crop and got 240 bushels. This crop cost $39. leaving him a net profit of $201. From the 2 crops he cleared $408?not bad for 6 acres; and he can grow . a crop of fall |>otatoes on the same land and market them before Christmas. This is not unusual in the B Gulf Coast Country H of Texas and Louisiana Hi Three crops a year is making money just Hk * times as fast as you are, and the Gulf Coast W fanner saves more of what he makes than * the northern farmer, because lie has none of the northern farmer's heavy winter expenses. Better Look into 1 nis: The pleasure of a trip to the Gulf Coast Country, via the Frisco Lines, is well worth the little cost of going. On the first ami 3rd Tuesdays of each month, round trip fares, via f risco Lines, are GREATLY RKPUCKD to any point in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas and Louisiana. The Frisco Lines operate splendid, electric lighted, all steel trains, daily from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Birmingham and New Orleans. Everyday these trains carry through cars and on excursion days also carry tourist sleepers through to the Gulf Coast Country. 3 Splendid Books Free! They describe this wonderful country from one end to the other; give examples and personal statements by men who have 1 gone there and made good. Scores of tine pictures. Write fv>r your free copies today, while you think of it. 1 will also send you information about fare from your home tow ? and give you complete schedule, etc , all fre? General Passenger Agent 1 MIJ! 1337 Frisco Bldg. I ACTS LIKE MAGIC I JL J. Pittenon, M.D., Mtrihtll, Ait., mji: I "In my practice I hare found that Mex k.m Mustang Liniment acts like magic. I In one case it cured an old lady of a t err I severe attack of Rheumatism in the mck H and shotildcrs." * a bottle at Drue iGeu'l Stores | j Tuff's Pills The dyspeptic, the debOitated, whet he froaj excess ol work of mind or body, drink or <x? I fn ? MALARIAL REGIONS, vtt find Tutt's PUis the most genial restore* tive ever offered the suffering Invalid. ISnOGSBBT F?tYCS { Hx K Esther Pleading For Her People Ssadaj School Lettoa for Not. 5, 1911 Specially Arranged for This Paper LESSON TEXT-Eother 4:1-5:3. . MEMORY VERSES?4:13, 14. OOLDEN TEXT?"The Lord preserveth all them that love, htm."?Psa. .145:20. TlSlE-^Accession of Xerxes, B. ,C. 480. Xer*>s conquers Egypt". 1st-and 9d years, B. C.; 485, 4. He prepares to Invade Greece. 2d to 5th years, B. C. 484-481. Vashtl deposed In his Sd year, B. C. 483. Invades Greece, B. C. 481. Defeated at Thermopylae and Salamls, B. C. B. 480. Esther becomes Queen, B. C. 479. Ha man's plot and defeat by Estner toccupylng nearly the whole year). B. C. 474. PLACE?Shusan (flusa) the winter capital of the Persian Empire, about 200 miles southeast from Babylon and 125 miles north of the Persian Qulf. There are two principal theories concerning the historical nature of the Book of Esther: one, that it is a veritable history; the other, that it is a historical romance founded on fact, like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Henry VIII., or like Scott's novels, or Homer's great epics. While there are a number of serious difficulties, yet there are few if any unanswerable arguments against its being a true history. Xerxes is the Greek shortened form of the Ahasuerus of Esther, as York, for instance, is a shortened form of the Latin Eboracum. He began to reign B. C. 485 and ruled for 20 years. We can best understand Esther by means of those parts of his history which reveal his character. Xerxes at the very beginning of his reign completed the conquest of Egypt which his father Darius had begun. On his return he Immediately began to prepare for the Invasion of Europe, and especially of Greece, which tnen stood, In culture, development, ability and Interest, at the head of the world. Thus Xerxes would bo master of the world. To arrange for this Invasion of Europe, Xerxes held a great assembly of the noblest Persians. It Is probable that this Is the banquet wltli which the story of Esther opens, & festive celebration that continued six months, while all matters pertaining to the expedition were being arrang ed. Xerxes sought a queen in place of the deposed Vashtl. The one selected from the mcst beautiful women of the empire wa3 Esther, a charming Jewess, a descendant of one of the exiles, her great-grandfather being among those carried caflMpre to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar In 598. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah. the i myrtle, a beautiful and favorite shrub f In the east. "Esther" means "a star," and many thiuk it the same as Ishtar the Babylonian equivalent of Venus. She must have been quite young at the time of her marriage, not over 15 years. Four or five years pass, and then begins the tragic story of Haman, his rise as a kind's favorite, his pride Incensed at the conduct of Esther's cousin Mordecai, his attempt to bring vengeance upon the whole Jewish race on Mordecal's account, his success In obtaining a decree from the king, throughout his empire, "to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish all Jews, both young and old, little children, and women, in one day." Great mourning and terrible distress came upo.i the Jews all over the empire as tley learned of the decree. Mordecai sent word to Esther, now about 20 years old, asking her to go to the king and request the deliverance of her people. Esther reniiort "Whosoever shall come unto 4 the king into the inner court, who is ' not called, there Is ono law of his to * put him to death. Except 6uch to ? whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter." There was, there- 1 fore, a possibility of Esther's reach- I ing the ears of the king, but with the greatest uncertainty as to how such a capricious king would act, especially as his love for her had { cooled. The m.ssion Moraecal com.mUted to Esther was one of great danger and difficulty. It required the utmost heroism. ( Esther put on her royal apparel. She was a sensible, practical woman, j , and used her beauty and charm of ] person and of dress to accomplish ! ( her object. , She waited for the fitting time, i The king held out the golden sceptre. ] The sign that he received her, and that the most dangerous part of her mission was over. Instead of asking her favor, where she would be surrounded by spies and possible ene- 1 mies, she invited the king to a ban- i quet in the seclusion of the Harem . gardens. She invited Haman her en- j emy to join with the king and thus ' ward off all suspicion, and at the same time have him where he could not escape. Esther presented her petition in 1 wise words and pointed out Haman as the enemy who was seeking her life and the life of her people. The king was very angry and immediately deposed Haman, and had him hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. 1 The result was a counteracting de- ] cree, permitting the Jews to stand ( up in their own defense, and large numbers of their enemies were slain. The Jews were saved from destruc tion, and exalted before the people. | Mordecai took Haman's place In the government. The feast of Purlm was Instituted with great feasting and , Joy, and has been celebrated annually ever since on the fourteenth of ] Adar. February-March, one month before Esther. , One of tho most interesting studles In the story of Esther is to trace the ways of divine providence, and see how God makes all things work to getlier for tho good of his people. God's sovereign grace and man's free will are here seen in perfect harmony. Heroism In Every Day Life Is the expression and cultivation of the he role spirit in our ordinary daily 11 v- ! Ing. We cannot all be heroes in great things, but the field of heroism is everywhere, in every home, in every town. There are great enemies to overcome in our own hearts, there are powers and principles of evil on every hand. Business. Men have often told nie that it It Impossible to be a business man and a Christian at the same time. Never a weaker excuse for a wrong doing than this, for the living evidence of It In the noble Christian men and business woman of my acquaintance emphatically denies the truth of the statement. ?Rev. E. V. Shayle, Episcopalian. Seattle. The preacher who doesn't get anything out of the Bible for himself, will fir.d ranch less for* his people. Chest Pains i and Sprains! Sloan's Liniment is an excellent remedy for chest and I throat affections. It quickly relieves congestion II ilamn.ation. A few drops - I in water as a gargler is I antiseptic and healing. Here's Proof " I have tiled "Sloan's Liniment for years and can testify to its wonderful efficiency. 1 have used it for sore throat, croup, lame back and rheumatism and in every case it gave instant relief." REBECCA JANE ISAACS, Lucy, Kentucky. SLOANS LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and [ bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swelling very quickly. 1 Sold by all dealers. D?lma Kfhrs.. $1 .HD I Come to Florida and I Work in aNurservJ The e!l mate U dellgbtfLl. the work Inter. cbUSj^iSp eftt-g. the aurr - :ndiug? all that could be WvjfatftJLM desired. We ofier regular Jole to food, ubcrmcn?young tarrnera preferred? .,zrjw\iigr?B with e*?ry chance foe adrancement. ;TnV7fj^Bpf8 Good quarter* and mrali. plenty of |^^flyfTg reading matter for odd h urt, - .-iv)rV' Bft!el fitr and square treatment all Id I ViW. Jr|Tffr 1 around. If you want to get jVy lr^i Y<V f art out in the world and make VrT^F-H/Nl.' a*/ jB a start tor yourself, here's \V \7JbayuOuvJwUP3l vur opportunity?away , V jfC /*- v.,- Via , B tromtheo.ive ?n Men pta- UXyrtF^^- Ythjjrt-'ll// Uona of the lig d tea. iyj^ffafgl WyJi w lenM Foe full particulars, Vrt|^P*?26e V vli Va write without delay to \ GLEN SAINT MARY ''ftli'gffTHr NURSERIES COMPANY <r-Z*JU tiT'i I WANTED TO KNOW. Insurance Solicitor?If you ive 20 years you pet the $10.000?but f you don't, then your widow wlii ;et it. Mr. Hutting HIntz?IIow will I ;ncw that she got it? Literary Criticism. They were discussing a certain au horess at dinner, and a well-known rrl:ic raised a laugn by remarking* '\\ ell, her hair's red, even if her books ir<- not." The mild young man in the cornei made a mental note fo tho sally for fu tuie use, and at another party short!) afterward he carefully guided the con re-sation into literary channels. Tit I3i 8 informs its readers. Fortunately so me one mentioned the desired name and he triumphantly cried out: "Well *1? ' ?' *"'1 fli'on if Vinr hnnkc out' ? gUt ICU l.Ul I , C1VU ?i uv? mvw... have'n't!" The Wrong Throat. A little hoy took an apple to sehoo the other day and was playing with It. When the teacher saw him h< took it from him and commenced t< eat It As the boy saw the last piece dis ?1 pear he commenced coughing, ant w ien the teacher asked him what h< was coughing for. he replied: "Please, sir, it's gone down the wrong way." THE TEA PENALTY. A Strong Man's Experience. Writing from a busy railroad town the wife of an employe ot one of the gieat roads says: "My husband is a railroad man who bas been so much lu nch - d by the use d! Post urn that he wishes me to express his thanks to you for the good It has done him. His waking hours are taken up with his work, and he has no time to write himself. "He has been a great tea drinker ail his life and has always liked it strong. "Tea has, of late ye?.r3, acted on b m like morphine does upon most people. At first it soothed him, but oily for an hour or so, then it began to affect his nerves to such an extent that he could not sleep at night and he would go to his work in the morn lug wretched and mi rr. bie from the lo s of re t. Tie ( cir rr.coil 6tnntlv worse, until 1:is fri?n<!-: rcr suaded him, some four i onths ago, tc quit tea ana use rostuin. "A* first he used Postum only fot breakfast, but as lie liked the taste ol It. and it somehow seemed to do bin good, be added it to hi-= evening meal Then, as he grew better, he begun t( drink it for his noon meal, and nott he will drink nothing else at table. "His condition is so wonderfully im proved that he could not be hired t( give up Pcstuin and go back to tea His nerves have become steady anc reliable once more, and his sleep h easy, natural and refreshing. He owes all this to Postum, for h< has taken no medicine and made n< other change in his diet "His brother, who was very nervotn from coffee-drinking, was persuader by us to give up the coT"? and us< Postum and he also has recovered hit health and strength.' Xaiae given bj Postum Co.. Cattle Creek. Mich. Read the little book. 'The ltoad t< WeUvIlle.' in pkgs. "There's a reason.' Ever rend (be atioir Ii-tlrrf A nen one apprarx from time to time. ThfJ arc K^nulne, tr;ie, Iiiti f\i ><uninr Interest. . - STRANDED. . ifr^v lll"JI'|ii# I Teacher of Dramatic Art?Tte very first thing is to give the scholar a ; graceful bearing?to teach him how { to walk. Student?Well, er?er?I don't expect to Join that kind or a company. The Bishop and the Boy. The late Bishop Williams of Connecticut was very fond of children, and it was always a joy to us youngsters when he came for his visit to my father's parish. His anecdotes and stories enlivened the whole household, j Once when he was staying v l:h us he i told the following story: J "One Sunday morning, just after t breakfast, 1 repaired to the rector's J study, where I was soon followed by hiB little four-year-old son, who | climbed up on my kuee and began to talk. Suddenly the little fellow looked [ up into my face and said: 'Bissop, do oo want to see my piggy book?' "'Yes, indeed,' said I. So the child slid down and started to get the book, i When half-way across the room a sud- | den idea seemed to strike him, and, 1 running back, and putting one hand on j my knee, he looked up in my face, and shook him little forefinger at me, whispering: 'Bissop, it's Sunday. We must do zis on ze sly!'"?Harper's Magazine. BABY'S TERRIBLE SUFFERING "When my baby was six months old, his body was completely covered with large sores that seemed to itch and " ? enffflHne Dlirn, ttliu tiiuau ICI11U1C ou?v??M0. The eruption began in pimples which would open and run, making large ( sores. His hair canto out and finger nails fell off, and the sores were over the entire body, causing little or no sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs would come off when 1 removed his Bhirt. "We tried a great many remedies, but nothing would help him, till a friend induced mo to try the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment but a short time before I could see that he was improving, and in six weeks' time he was entirely cured. He had suffered i about six weeks before we tried tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment, although we had tried several other things, and doctors, too. I think the Cuticura Remedies will do all that is claimed for them, and a great deal more." (Signed) Mrs. Noble Tubman, Dodson, Mont., Jan. 28, 1011. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 22-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. 18 K, Roston. Involuntary. Photographer?Say! Pardon me! Cut that's the third time you've covered your face with a handkerchief just as 1 was ready. Subject?I know, but I can't help it. I've been indicted a good deal lately, and I got the habit trying to dodge newspaper photographers.? ! Puck. For COLDS and GHIP Hicks' Caitimnk Is the best remedy?relieves ilie aching and feverisJiness? cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's | li<|Uld- effects immediately. 10c., 2Sc., annSOc j j At drug storesTramp Turned Down. "1 haven't a place to lay my head." "Well, you can't leave It here." Thousand-' of country people know the ralue of Hamlin* Wizard Oil, the best family medicine in case of accident or ! sudden illnc-s. For the safety of your family buy a bottle now. Too many homos have all the mod- | 1 em Inconveniences. | Why Not Rebuil A Reconstructive I MiLAM W1.LLD' rtUi ??7 kntfii r?c?ij( ? u* I %2!3Z2Rdk7 r,ir r'-,r,*let> jj , ^llLi^LwM J J|j! I j'jfcOOD. BONE c.^ 5TO1 ^ II I I a'-that-iv* tomc I ,'r,n *?'. *iy: ||l ? ? ; // !,(?% $1 a botile if bene (fejp perfe Smokeless I HSS?$| T he Perfection >n next to no time i. easily to any room 1 j A special auton j \l*- "? wiclc too high or t< iit^?!%"^ak Pcr'ecl'on be-at frcm the m ^rums ^'ue eiw | f ^ Ask your dealer o L if . Stai fllB I I I KJM?LVaMMM?MMM^fia 3 ????? Special Offei This paper is printed from in ; the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., 1 y per pound, F. O. B. Savanna NOT SYMPATHETIC. f ' v ?7Y&?6&YCV l*A<?0 /?l Ir* CPRING FAG, ^ Stretchy, Drowsy, stupid, tired, hcad-ac hy ?"not sick, but don't feel good.' Just a few signs that you need that mo3t effective tonic, liver-stirring Spring Remedy? OXIDINE ?a bottle proves. The Specific for Malaria, Chill* and Fever, and a reliable remedy for *11 diseases due to a torpid liver and sluggish bov/eli and kidneys. 50c. At Your Druggists Tun Binnvi bsco co., Waco, Texas. Is a PbwwbII "Mothers dont fall to get a box of MOTUKlt 8 JOY* ft ? p ii nn nnrniT UAan un uncuii ? Factory prices, no agenti' or retailers' profits. We allow 30 day's trial and gire a 10-year written guarantee with eatb machine. t Onr nricer tare tou one--^ hall on' ^ra.le ciiinea. We sell 130 m:.chinei $15.75; 140 machines 113 30; $50 machine! 130.65; CREDITTERMS MAKE Iff s9 PAYING EASY. Shipped promptly frcm Richmond, yi;SB? \ Va.,to Southern points; from Chi- ' c%co to Wertern points. VVrlle today lor Illustrated Sewing Machine Folder. THE Si'OTLESS CO., Inc., G5 Fhockoe Square, Richmond, Va., "The South'u Mall Order House." Live Stock and Miscellaneous Electrotypes In great variety for sale at the lowest prices by WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Ecii'iiiiiiciihm Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color R1XOYKS 1M3DIUIT A\D SCIRF InTijforatesaud.prcvents thehalrfrotn falllnpofT Pur bj DrvrxUt*. or Seat Direct bj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Price f 1 I>r Bottle; Siaplo Bottle Xic. Send for circular. I 1 of this paper deS 1\6&Q6TS ?iri"8i?.buy I anything adver- IB toed in its columns should insidt upon I having what they ask for, refusing all f substitutes or imitations. ' -r a t* cr a riroCF nr *| PJSO'S js4- the dest medicine .Tor COUCHS C. COLDS DEFIANCE STARCH W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 44-1911. re not well Id Your Health? I Tonic Known as ) IT-GUARANTEED I 4. bar a*; eartlfy Uiat at ha* a Ul? DUfl lal raauita. Cellaring It t? fca valutMg i iiaa.aM.-a In authorising u.a pull1 ratios a* jaotr 4 TT. attro&ka lltn'jf Ca. * (fsrsarl/ Caeaitr lark cf rx4>^ koA4as'rar. AarlcM TsUtct Ca. /i- v tmt f tartan IQmsiar, Q*xUtu C. I f| ft rrmatilof Caitou ii> an, <?-qw Rmrtlit Cranli Ca idbka liLh fagi a vex fukllsiuaf Ca. ^filfilbAufMtartf, Tobaoca 4 Mal^lauta Daaln f LfltJ r<a-aty Clark, Carttrauaa Caafl. st: _XUMT7 Har.{ll. 'J lew r??tr>c:?? L ff-f if Inntr on* M 0?. \ Trio IkritMl Itf|. C%. i * TrijAur ftait ihi;?J I'fllM. ^L?- I f - Hf iim ?ir.: 1'. ir. S Lj fitted?nolhinfjifno!. *'?Y')"r.Prn'!i!^l PTIHM SMOKELESS S I iUn OIL HEATER Odorless Clean Convenient Smokeless Oil Heater warms up a room . Always ready for use. Can be carried i where extra warmth is needed. i*iir device makes it impossible to turn the do low. Safe in the hands of a child, bums nine hours on one filling?glowing inute it is lighted. Handsomely finished; imel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings, r write for descriptive circular to any agency of ldard Oil Company (Incorporated) rrn ? to Printers k made in Savannah, Ga. by Savannah. Ga. Price 6 cents h. Your patronage solicited. The Hospital Doctor?What did the farmer say when you fell out of his barn and broke your arm? Tramp?Didn't say notbin'. He wuz too busy a-laughin'. Astonished the "Cop." Police Lieutenant "Barney" Keleher always has a new story to tell. "Two of our 'finest' were walking along Broadway not so long ago," began the lieutenant, unfolding his latest offering, "and their attention was attracted to the bronze figure of an ape standing upright in the window of a large jewelry store. " 'What kind of an animal is that supposed to be?" asked one of the other. " 'You surprise me with your thickness,' returned the second cop. 'That's a gorilla. Never heard of them before?' " 'Sure, and I read about them in the histories,' he answered. 'My, what a lot of damage they did during the Civil war! How did a general ever make those things mind him?'"?New York Sun. I IN A CRITICAL CONDITION. Arms, Limbs and Abdomen Swollen to Abnormal Size. James H. Pitts, 218 East avenue Cedartown, Ga., says: "My feet swelled ko I could uot wear my shoes. My ! arms and abdomen were badly bloated tand large, watery pouches hung beneath my eyes. I grew worse every day and it seemed I would be better dead than in my condition. I used three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and from a man that was slowly dying, I was restored to ! perfect health. I really feel that Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life.". "When Your Back Is Lame, ReI member the Name?DOAN'S." 60c. a box at all Btores. Foster-Milburn Co., j Buffalo, N. Y. The Facetious Farmer. "I am an actor out of work. Can you give me employment on your farm?" "I can. But a day on a farm is no i 20-minute Bketch." I "I understand that." "All right. Yonder is your room When you hear a horn toot about 4 a. m. that's your cue." FOR M.\I,ARIA, CHILLS. FEVER Colds and La Grippe take Elixir Dahrk, | a preventative against Miasmatic Fei vers and a remedy for all Malarial Fevers. "I have used 'Elixir Dahrk* for four years for Malaria, and found it all that is claimed for It. Without It I would ?-_ ..tinners mv residence, as lit U ilRCU i? v..???.. r* I can not tak? quinine In any of its forms ? T Mlddleton. Four-Mile Run. Va. ElUlr ISnbrk 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczewskl & Co., Washington, D. C. Unfortunate. Tyre Dout?I am unfortunate, mum. I had to quit my profession on account of my health. Lady?But you look rugged. What was your profession? Tyre Dout?Dat's juBt it, lady. I was too rugged. I was a ventriloquist, an' a good one, lady, an' my voice got so strong I couldn't throw it.?Harper's Magazine. Why Do We Die? Vital statistics classified show the respiratory organs to be the feeble point in man. Diseases of the lungs are out of all proportion in fatality, i Take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein for coughs, colds and consumption, and Whooping Cough. At druggists, 25c., 50c, and $1.00 a bottle. A Change of Opinion. "Talk is cheap," chuckled the poll tician with the telephone frank in his pocket. After talking $20 worth, he pulled out his frank and found it had expired. "By heck!" he muttered ruefully. "that guy was right when he said that 'Silence Is golden."'?Judge. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a Bafe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Luck. Braggs?Bah! Luck is but the product of care and diligence. Waggs?Yes. An old friend of mine had a swamp which he couldn't get rid of, and, by a great deal of care and diligence, a railroad was run right through the middle of It and now my friend is a rich man.?Life. TO DRIVE OCT MALARIA AND Bt'ILD II' THF SVSTFM Tako tho Old Standard UHoVK'S TASTKI.K-H 1 CllliX TONIC. Y<>u know what you arc taking Tho formula is plainly printed on every itt?*. .-howin# It Is Itnpl. yulnir.e and Iron In a tastoh-ss form, and the m< it effect ti?l form Kor grown ..pic and childrt-B. Uj ontv He that is taught to live upon little owes more to his father's wisdom than he that has a great deal left him does to his father's care.? I'enn. For HEADACHE?Hick*' CAPL'DINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you It's liquid-pleasant to take-acta immedi nteljr. Try it. 10c., 25c . aud 50 cents at drug store*. We always respect the opinions o( a man who keeps them to himself. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. Where there's a will there's a way for the lawyers to fool the heirs. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chlldrer teething. Boftens the gutns, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind coli \ 25c a boltic It's what a woman doesn't know that worries her. PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colore than a dye any garment without ripping apart. Write Ruskln Pities Americans. It Is not only the half million bricks of Tattershall that have been numbered for trans-shipment across the Atlantic. Kuskin, when he was a boy. pitied the Americans for being so unhappy as to live in a country that has no castles. They will have a castle now, and no nation likes to be pitied. But the other importation, made by Mrs. Gardner as an addition to her Italian villa near Boston, was that of an entire chapel as it stands, with all its interior furnishings, even to the half-burned candles in the altar. The monks who served the chapel had been scattered by the strong hand of the law, and the building was to be devoted to the pick ax. The courageous American lady had It packed up in a Venetian hill country, where it stood, and carried down piecemeal and embarked.? London Chronicle. Prudent men look up their motives. i -i?t 11??wn KrtfA n lrnv In tholr leillUK lUIUIIIUia linn; n nc; lu tuvn hearts as to their gardens.?Shen stone. " %JL% ^ Many people suffe A ence shortness of ? or dizzy feelings, H eyes become bluri to pump blood to l m and feet, or poor a| m^g to the stomach. A Z? which has no bad t ~~ ^ Medical Discover] or alcohol. The Ingredients, as attested under oat tit), Bloodroot (Sanrulaarla Canadeas, git), Queen's root (St III In rig SyIvatlea) Mandrake root (Podophyllum Peltatum In a scientific laboratory in a way that This tonic contains no alcohol to shrin the other hand, it increases their numl It helps the human system in the cons helps the stomach to assimilate or taki thereby helping digestion and curing < fortable symptoms, stops excessive tis for the run-down, nnatmic, thin-bloode and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sa medicines offered by the druggist who but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica*. Pis ~ PIN* E( ff *) Dm Currs the sick and i UJ>\ . J fit!/ the tongue. Kafe for br /O/ cents und 11.00 a bottle vjx'a?d horse goods bouse SPOHN MEDICAL < S T* ^ f or i ? ^ the doctor prescribes a ge ? liver cleanser, to free you ? cause the trouhle. He re, ? the body, is necessary f laxative the first thing. $ At the start of any f common cold to the mo; ? fevers, a safe and reli; Thedford's Black-Draug ? few diseases that would by the use of this great li Black] Mrs. G. Nussbaum, "In the winter, I had the 1, which left me in a bad g or night, and could not e ? it on my stomach. I thought I was going to di ? Black-Draught, and nov did before, and feel like a and simple to take. G 5 Try it' Sold everywher I W. L. DOUC 2,50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.001 Men and Women wear W.L.Dougla because they are the best shoes prod this country for the price. Insist upi ing them. Take no other make. THE STANDARD OF QUA1 FOR OVER 30 YEA The assurance that goes with an Kshed reputation is your assurance in I W. L Douglas shoes. If I could take you into my large fa< at Brockton, Mass., and show you carefully W.LDouglas shoes are mad would then understand why they are ranted to hold theii shape, fit bett< wear Ion ger than any other ma ke for th< CAUTION '^',e Kem,'n<' hare W. L. I>< UHU IIUI1 narae anj pr|c? stamped on I 1 If you cannot obtain W. L. Douglas s! our town, write for catalog Shoes sent from factory to wearer, ail charges prepaid UOl'tiLAS. 145 Spark St., itrockton. Direct from See your dealer now, before h< contracts for his goods, and urg< him to get good up-to-date brands, containing 6 to 10 per cent, potash, and to carry PO TASH SALTS in stock. There :5 profit in such good: both for you and your dealer. You get more plant food roi your money, your fertilizer i< GERMAN KA Continental Wulldln^, Baltimore Whitney Central l\ui Rayo lamps and 1 most light for tl The light is strong and steady. Materials and workmanship are 1 lanterns last. Ask your dealer to shoic you his line ' illustrated booklett Standard FADELE ny other dye. One 10c package colore all fibers. The for free booklet?How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Co Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and Is often a forerunner of prostrating disease. It is serious s*d especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for it is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla i Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SarsatabB. Charlotte Auto School,Charlotte, N, C. wants mi>n and boys to learn Automobile business In their Oarage and Machine shops. New Cars; New Machinery; good positions tor every graduate. CATALOGUE FKEE. Agents Wanted ies want yonr home eonnty, write us at once. " out imrAiTtkiMi co, tit k. lsu&t., KaaaaaCity, a*. DC I 11 I C Attenu to sell Silk Hosiery and NeckI11.LIHULL wear. We manufacture men's and i women's silk hosiery, neckwear, dn-sa silks. etc and * | sell direct. Agents making 110 to B5 weekly. Writs 1 today Ustrie CltyStlkCs., hyl 8. S Sola *? ., SeruUa.Ps. Weak Heart >r from weak hearts. They may experibreath on exertion, pain over the heart. oppressed breathing alter meals or tneir ed, their heart is not sufficiently strong the extremities, and they have cold hands ppetite because of weakened blood supply . heart tonic and alterative should be taken ifter-efFect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden r, which contains no dangerous narcotic* h, are Stone root (Colllatonla Canadeafj). Golden Seal root (Hydrastis Caaaden, Black Cherry bark (Pruaut Virginian*). ), with triple refined glycerine, prepared no druggist could imitate. k up the red blood corpuscles; but, on ber and they become round and healthy. >tant manufacture of rich, red blood. It s up the proper elements from the food, lyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncomsue waste in convalescence from fevers > d people, the " Discovery " is refreshing me remedy, and refuse all " just as good ' i is looking for a larger profit. Nothing covery will do you half as much good. f l^f tw distemper L VL catarrhal fever LP, V P. and all nose JLf R JLJ and throat diseases sets as a preventive lor others. Liquid given on ood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy ;60 ; f.YOO and {10.00 the dozen. Sold by all druggists s, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers. CO., Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA i Cold I ntle purgative, or bowel and ? r blood from fhe poisons that # alizes that cleanliness, inside or health, and prescribes a J m $ sort of an ailment, from a ? re dangerous diseases and ? able treatment, always, is # ;ht There are really very not be benefited or relieved 1 ver medicine? ? FORDS . a4i JraugHT? of New Orleans, La., says: measles and then the grip, j state. I could not rest, day J at much, as I could not keep ? was almost crazy. They 4 e. At last I took Thedford's \j I weigh more than I ever jj ! a new woman." Pleasant j entle but certain in action. ^ e. Price 25 cents. Cca < # I ? ? ho* la dtr?<?t K3.00 SIIOICS will j?>*ltl v?lv outwear W.I,. TWO l'AtRSof ordinarj buyi'iliixf Mom. Fast Calor Eyelets Used Exclusively. K E?&353^| the German Mines e? time to get it v' " ! ' Ill il : better balanced, your soil fertility * is conserved, and your crops are , larger and of better quality. , Potash Pays. > Wc will sell you or your dealer Potash in any amount from 200 lbs. > up. Write now for prices and for free pamphlets giving just the facts you arc looking for about improving ? crops and soils. XI WORKS, Inc. Monadnock Block, Chicago tk Building, Mew Orleans nntcrns le oil used. * \Kpc5-jg A Rayo never flickers. the best. Rayo lamps and of Rayo lampt and lanterns, or irritc far i direct to any agency of Oil Company :erporat?d1 iSS DYE.S y dye in cold water better than any other dyi. \ou can form. MONBOf DBliG COMPANY. c j'k*. H>. ? ' I / : lAVit' ii