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11"after the first dose. " That's all the time it takes for Oxidine to "get busy" with a torpid liver, sluggish bowels and kidneys and a weak stomach. Tones and strength ens vital organs. Tryjust one bottle of OXIDINE ?a bottle proves. 11m Speci&c lor Malaria, OuDsand Fever antj a reliable remedy lor 0 diseeteedue to disorders of liver, stomach, bowels end kidneys. 60c. At Your Druggist* fiiiiiiiri tivt oo., ITaeo, Teres. i piwy f1 B"yk8Bu(Bmk"8K I ACTS LIKE MAGIC | fLf.PlMsnse.aP. Marshall, Ak, eayai I "In mr orsrtfc* t here found that Mrx-1 I Seam Mustang Liniment acts like magic. la one case it cared an old lady of a very I severe attack of Rheumatism in the acck I aid shoulders." B PfclOaW ah sells at Drag iGsalStaw | EVER TAKE A MUSIC BATH? Thay Are at Qood for the 8oul, Holmes Says, as Water for the Body. One must be educated, no doubt, to nnderstand the more complex and different kinds of musical composition. Qo to the concerts where you know that the music Is good, and that you ought to like It whether you do or not. Take a muBlc bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that It Is to the soul what the water bath Is to the body. I wouldn't trouble myself about the affectations of people who go to this or that series Of concerts chiefly because It is fashionable. Some of these people whom we think so silly will perhaps tlnd, sooner or later, that they have a dor. mant faculty which Is at last waking ** up, and that they who came because others came, and began b> staring at the audience, are listening with a newly found delight. Everyone of us has . a harp under the bodice or waistcoat, and If It can only once get properly strung and tuned It will respond to all outside harmonies.?Oliver Wendell Holmes. UNKIND. Barnes Stormo?Ah! me boy, but we bad the run of our life In Oskaloosa. v Friend?H'm. ain't it lucky they eouldn't catch you? Maine Blueberries. Washington county's blueberry crop has netted this year a revenue of more than $1,000,000, according to State Horticulturist Albert K. Gardner of Rockland. This industry .was started but a few years ago In that county and the yield ibis yea.* Is the largest yet Ih/ipo flno rrniror ronHzoii vuvaiucu iuv?v. v/??v p* v.. v. ? ?<? $75 from ft few bushels which he set out In his orchard as a "side Issue." A man near Cherrvfield is said to have raked blueberries from the vines Just as cranberries are gathered, it is stated that fabulous prices arc paid for rental of blueberry lands and blue berry factories and the canning fae tories are still running.?Kennebec Journal. FROM TEXA1 Some Coffee Facts From the Lone 8tar State. From a beautiful farm down In Tex* as, where gushing springs unite to form babbling brooks that wind their sparkling way through flowery meads, comes a note of gratitude for delivery from the coffee habit. "When my baby boy came to me five years ago, I began to drink Postuin, having a feeling that it would be better or him and me than the old kind of drug-iaden coffee. 1 was not disappointed 'n it, for it enabled me, e small, delicate woman, to nurse ? bouncing, healthy baby'14 months. "1 have since continued the use ol Po6tum for J have grown-fond of it and have discovered to my joy that 11 has entirely relieved me of a bilious habit which 'ttsed to prostrate me twe or three times a year, causing muct discomfort to my family and suffering to myself. "My brother-in-law was cured ol chronic constipation by leaving of coffee and U6lng Postum. He has be come even more fond of it than b< was of the old coffee. "In fact, the entire family, from th< latest arrival (a 2-year-old who always calls for his 'potie' first thing in the morning), up to the head of the house think there Is no drink so good or sc wholesome as Postum." Name gives by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book. "The Road tc Wellville," In pkgs. "There's a reason' Kvcr rend thr above letter? A ner one appear* front time to time. The] f are genuine, true, and full of buiuai totereat. CHURCHjSJIISTORIG Scene of First Protestant Settlement in America. j "iolony Wat Early Founded Near Port Royal on {he Shores of South Carolina and by the Hujdenote. ' I Port Royal. S. C.?The flrst Protestant settlement in America was made on the shores of South Carolina, not far from the present town of Port Royal, and by the Huguenots. This colony came out under the leadership of Jean Ribaut in the spring of 1562. This settlement of South Carolina by a Protestant colony antedates that of the English settlement of Virginia by 45 years, and was 58 years before (he arrival of the pilgrim fathers at Plymouth. Mass. But this settlement at Port Royal did not have the success that was hoped for it. and had to be abandoned?not before seed bad been planted, however, that bears its fruit to this day. On landing, one of the first things j the Huguenots did was to unite in a service of thanksgiving to God for their safe arrival. They erected a monument to commemorate the occasion. To quote from the Rev. Dr. Vedder, "Tbo stone pillar of John RIbaut was the corner stone of the temple of Protestantism In the Western hemisphere." It was not until after the edict of Nantes, October, 1685. that the great immigration of Hugnenots to South Carolina took place. Four prominent settlements were made?one on the Santee river, one on the Cooper river, one at St. Johns, Berkely. and the other In the city of Charleston. One of the first steps taken by each of these colonies was toward the establishment of a church wherein they might worship according to their faith. ' The Huguenots of Charleston make two distinct claims outside that of having the only Huguenot church In r I Where Huguenots Worshiped. America. One Is that theirs is the first church organization established In South Carolina; and the bther that they were the first to carry the gospel to the state outside the city of Charleston. The first Huguenot church organization was about 1681-2. In the cemetery surrounding It lies entombed the dust of many who have slept there for more than two centuries, the pioneers of the church. On the tombs are engraved names that have become historic in the annalB of South Carolina. The present building was erected In 1846. It Is stone, in Gothic style, with ornamental masonry extending In pointed columns above the roof. It suffered greatly, as did all of the churches of Charleston, from the terrible earthquake of 1886. The first church building was burned In 1740. The congregation took steps to erect snother, which shared the same fate; and still another, which was also burned. The present building stands today unique in history, the only Huguenot church in America. KEEPS GIANT SONS IN BED : Under Mother's Hypnotic Influence They Fear to Move?All In Good Health. Mono vine, M. i.?nypuuuzeu uj their mother into the belief that they are suilerlng fTom hereditary heart disease in an aggravated form, three grown men have been lying in bed for years in their home here. Physicians have examined the three men and declare tbey are in a8 sound physical trim as can be three sixfooters who have remained In bed such a length of time. The men are sons of John Bennett, a farmer. The mother is a robust woman, intelligent In appearance, about sixty years old. The sons are George, tbirty-two years old; Ward, twenty-nine, and Frank, twenty-seven years. Tbey are under the Impression that the slightest shock will re suit In sudden death. George has been In bed for eight years. Ward ten years and Frank six years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Insist the men are awful sufferers. They had trouble this summer with a firm of contractors putting through a state highway near their home because the blasting had a serious effect on tbelr urns' condition. Ear Trumpet for Dog. Denver, Colo.?Domlnlck, the handsome mastiff owned by United States District Attorney Thomas Ward Jr. and known throughout the city as an accomplished animal, has become the beneficiary of science. He i bcinc i fitted with an ear trumpet Some few idavs ago Domlnlck became melan choly and failed to perform his i ricks with customary alacrity. \ veterinary 1 was called in and It was found DomI lnlck was going deaf. Three Eggs in One. Lincoln, Neb.?A Plymouth Roch hen's egg. laid on the farm of J. A Buehler, in Johnson county, has beer found tc contain another compieit with shell and still a third egg in e skin exterior. The original egg wat ' nine and a quarter Inches In clrcum ference and the Inner egg was per fectly formed and larger than the or dinary specimen Dog Days. ? ? Dog days is a name given by the ancient astronomers to the twenty days after the rising of the Dog^Star, or Slrlus, at present reckoned from July 3 to August 11. it Is a. mere accident that the rising of Slrlus falls In the hottest season of the northern year; In time It will be In the dead of winter. But the ancients attribut ed the heat and the accompanying diseases directly to the influence of the star?as also In Egypt the highest rising of the Nile. ' . - :*' . . ' - . . , , ... * . mm. - ?iuuin^ " *= The Universal Franchise. A small num|)cr of men sympathlzj ers took part in the KufTragist parade in New York city, among them several members of the faculty of Teachers' college. Ono of these professors had the honor of leading the male contin- j gent and of carrying A banner. "Did you notice," he asked a friend afterward, "what.tho Inscription was on that banner they gave me to carry?" " / "No," replied hlk "friend, "jrou carried it aif if you'were afraid some onewould decipher it." "It read," chuckled the professor, " 'The men vote?why not we?' "?Success Magazine. ? Leading a Dog's Life. "Your husband says he leads a dog's life," said one woman. ."Yes, it's very similar," answered the other. "He comes in with muddy feet, makes himself comfortable by the fire arid waits to be fed."?Everyi body's Magazine. MAI.ARI A AND KINDRED DISEASES Cured by that wonderful remedy Elixir Habek. Once used, nothing else will be I even considered. It removes the strong- J est and most obstinate Fevers. "I have used 'Elixir Riifoek' for past eight years as n preventive and cure for Malaria. I take pleasure In recommending It to my friends.?P. A. Simpson. W. U. Tel. Qo.. Washington. D. C. Elixir Ilabek 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczcwski & Co., Washington D. C. Glad to Got Rid of Her. "Did she get her divorce?" "Oh vpr hut she was terribly als appointed in a way. You know he didn't contest it." TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA ANI> HL ILO UP THE RVSTEBI Tnk? th? Old Standard GKOVK S TASTKLKS9 Ciill.L TONIC. Von know what yon aro taking. Th? formula I* plainly printed on ?Tory txtlle, (bowing It ii limply yoininr nnd Imn In a toitcleM torn, and tho moil effort tiul form, i'or grow a people anil children. 6it cents. The Best. "What do you think would be a good motto for the motorists?" "Wrecks to the reckless!" for Hit APACHE?Hicks' CArUPIXK Whether from Colds, Beat. Stomach or Nervou* Trouble*, Capudlne will relieve yon. U'h llqnld?plenwant to take?act* Immediately Try It. 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drag j stores. Peculiar Industry. An Important Industry and one peculiar to Spain is the manufacture of jute and hemp sandals. Whenever you have a pain think of Hamlin* Wizard Oil. For Headache. Toothache, Earache, Stomach ache, and inanv other painful ailments there is nothing better. Many a man's deficiency In dollars 1? due to his deficiency In sense. Mr*. Wlnslnw's Booth! ig Syrup for Children teething, ?often* the Rutnw, reduce? Inflammation, allay? pain, cure? wind colic, 25c a bottle. A man can't kick If his monument is a put-up Job. Relieves Backache Instantly Sloan's Liniment is a great ; remedy for backache. It penetrates and relieves \ the pain instantly?no rub- u { bing nCcessjjfy?just lay | it on lightly.' ? Here's Proof. "I had my back hurt in the Boer War > f aad in San Franciico two years ago I i Ms hit by a street car in the same place. ' I tried all kinds ol dope without sue- '' cess. Two weeks ago 1 saw your linii meDt in a drug store and got a bottle to * I" try. The first application caused instant relief, and now except for a little stiffness, 1 am almost well." b> FLETCHER NORMAN, . Whlttier, Calif. SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for h rheumatism. neuralfia. M 7 . ? sore throat and sprains. Miss E. Rim of Brooklyn, N.Y., writes: "Sloan's Liniment Is the best i for rheumatism. I have used six bot- ? ties of It and it l;t grand." 1 .. Sold by all Dealers. Price, 25c., 50c., and $ 1.00. i WIS ^ jB^v ^ 10 rememiKi L _^^when you need a remedy ^>>*Tor COUGHS and COLDS A Real H "When I was a young gi || of Columbus, 0., "I contracte W\ entering womanhood. From tl H suffered untold pain. Soon ? ago, my husband bought me a || at once, and now, after takin J?P well. We have recommende bi. will do so as long as we liv B the world for relieving woma I * The Worn -*1 Have you, too, suffered fo l J Try Cardui. It may be you 1 pai/is. Relieve the trouble b fore you have endured years fk Cardui has been used || demand for it has increase ||j recognized everywhere, as the If you suffer from nervo head, side or back, or frc \ IP?) CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Granitevillo, Yt ? "I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered ^*2^. ifrom nervousness V;:-; and other annoying J& symptoms, and I gjr n can truly say that i: W Lydia E. Pinkham's W ^ tfiv-S? Vegetable Com<1/ pound has proved i! A ?y : worth mountahis of gold to me, as it lM v restored my health fl|K>5^^yRKkan(l strength. I JfWfffrtfc&nflffl never forget to tell I ffFlM my friends what L ' W 1 f ' f? iLydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for mo during this trying period. Completo restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffering women 1 am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter."?Mns. Ciias. Barclay, : B.F.D., Granitevillc, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un: qualified endorsement. No other medicine we know of has such a record ; of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's I Vegetable CompoundmAfn fk?n Qrt troffra H. hftq Kppn XU1 JUwio vunu UV ;v...u ~ I curing woman's ills such as inflammaj tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg- 1 ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through tho [ period of change of lire. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., | invites all sick women to writo , lier for advice. Her advice is free, and always helpful TilfTPills The tirst done often astonishes the invtlid, giving elasticity of mind, huoysncy of body, GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowel* end solid flesh. Price, 28 cts. Charlotte Directory TYPEWmTERS 2oomiscellaneous new, rebuilt, shop worn and second-hand typewriters 1 of all makes from $10.00 up. I Easy te rns if desired. J. E. Crayfor, & Co., Charloffc, N. C. This 1* Cvrus O. 'MB > Bates, the man who Is a (fx1"' Pnwnla "Mothers dont fa 11 to get a box c f MOTIl ER S JOY " I "What's in I i a Name?" I When you refer to pianos, there's a great deal in the name. The Stieff Piano has become a synonym for merit, and the name is a sufficient guarantee on which to purchase. I If you will get acquainted with the ! manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, note its quality, tone, workmanahip and durability,when you buy, yours , will be a Chas. M. Stieff Piano. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the ' Artistic Stieff. Shaw, and Stieff Self-player Plat os SOUTHERN WAREROOM 5 West Trade Street Charlotte N. C. i C. H. WILMOTH. Manager j (Mention this paper) 3 H 11 iii?iianwi?i?w mn 1 IVlllt* rl,". writes Mrs. Guy Simmons, fl d a bad cold when I was just | hat time on, I grew worse and r ifter my marriage, three years |jj bottle of Cardui. I got better g three bottles, I am entirely p^j d Cardui to our friends, and %|| e. It is the best medicine in ||3 tn's ills." an's Tonic | r years from womanly trouble ? ^ have just begun to suffer such ? efore it becomes chronic?beof pain. Try Cardui today, for nearly fifty years. The B d every year, until it is now | : standard medicine for women. I usness, weakness, pain in the I >m some other symptoms of L 2 of Cardui today. You'll be f Second Temple's Foundation Laid SuJijr School Lmmi for Oct 22, 1911 Specially Arranged lor pits Paper 1 LESSON TEXT?E*ra 4:1-4:5. MEMORY VERSES?J:1L OOLDEN TEXT?"Enter Into hie gates with thanksgiving, and 1/ito hla courts with praise."?P*a 100:4. TIME?'The arrival at Jerusalem. B. C. 537. Foundation of the Temple, B. C. 536. Delays, B. C. 535-520. Building of Temple begun, B. C. 620. Temple completed, B. C. 616. Period of the lesson, 30 years. PLACE?Jerusalem and vicinity. PROPHETS.?Haggal. B. C. 520. Zecharlah, B. C. 520-518. Daniel the aged (Dan. 10:1). RULERS?Cyrus king till B. C. 529. Cambyses king B. C. 530-322. Darius king B. C. 621-4SC. Zerubbabel governor ol Judca. The exiles found Jerusalem In ruins, together with the surrounding cities of residence and their orchards and farms, much as they had been left by Nebuchadnezzar's armies fifty years before. Trees were growing wild on the Mountain of the House, and the jackals prowled among heaps of shattered masonry. Crumbling stone-work and charred timbers marked the site of palaces and towers, and choked the streets. The city walls and gates were leveled with the ground. The first business of the returned exiles was, of course, to provide some kind of dwellings for themBelves and their families. They accordingly settled in the email cities surrounding Jerusalem, perhaps repairing the houses and walls that had been ruined by the besieging armies years before, or contenting themselves with huts or tents. The territory they controlled was of course small, and hemmed in on all sides, "Including only Bethlehem on the south, while on the north their territory measured no more than twentyflve miles in length by twenty in breadth," and even upon this encroached the heathen or mongrel population. As soon as the returned exiles had become settled in their homes, and hdd planned for the necessities of life, within three or four months of their arrival, they wisely arranged for the religious life which was the very heart of the nation's existence, and the central motive and Inspiration of the return. It would require years to build the temple. It was not wise to wait for that. It was essential that all needful helps to devotion and religion and righteousness should be provided immediately, to suf^ain them in the work to be done amid opposition and temptations which were to try their souls as gold is tried in the Are. When the builders laid the foundation of the temple, there was a great celebration. The chant of praise was responded to with a great burst of chorus, vocal and instrumental, the substance of which was some wellknown sacred refrain. There is a wonderful power in music and every atom of it should be used in God's service. The church has scarcely begun to use this power in its fulness. Some object to responsive singing; Home have opposed putting an orchestra in the Sunday school, as If these were modern novelties, Instead of 3,000 years old. These old Balnts used every kind of Instrument, every method of singing?solos, responses, choruses, marching songs, refrains, everything that would give wings and inspiration to the service of song. Those who had known only the exile conditions sang Hallelujahs, because it was an unspeakable Joy to have a temple nt all. It meant the saving of the nation; it meant the returning favor of God. It was no limit to the religious life and the blessings which could grow out of it. It made possible the greater glory, which fifteen years later the prophet Hnggal foretold, when it should be fulfilled in the Messiah. We learn from Haggal that the people were busy with building beautiful houses, and cultivating their farms. They planted vineyards and orchards, figs, pomegranates nnd olives. Hut all their efforts were failures. They | "looked for much, and lo it came to little." For they cared more for their own houses and farms than for the nouse of God. Then arose the wise, aged prophet. L _ J . . -i_ I preacner naggai, wno nau oeen wtuculng the course of affairs, and In the name of God, urged the people to arise and build the temple, for the time had come. He made four ad dresses in the autumn of 520, the sum niarles of which are recorded in his book. He began at the religious fes tlval of the new moon when crowds of people were assembled, probably In the temple area Itself, where the altar was smoking with sacrllices, and > the unfinished foundations and tnc desolation of the city wero in full view, while in the distance were the homes and fields of the leaders. While aged Haggai was urging the people to rise up and build, a youngei prophet-preacher was Inspired to en courage the people, and to remove : their difficulties and doubts, by a se , rlea 01 eraoiemancai visions, ur uu Ject lessons. He urged all high motives for re newing the work, and enforced then by their own experiences. They hat tried to gain prosperity, while relig ion was neglected. They had sough the fruits of obedience to God, whilt they neglected the tree that alont could bear the fruit. They wantet rich crops in their fields, while thej stopped up the springs that alom could mako them fertile. Haggal sah tc them, look at the results of you hr.d policy. Consider your ways Change your plan. Put God, nnd re liglon first. Seek first the klngdon of God and Its righteousness. Thei you will succeed in giving the natioi true prosperity, and its place of use fulness in the world. Christ. One reason why you should pu your belief in Jesus Christ is that al ! through the Bible axioms are seat tered which reflect on the wonderful ness of this man.?Rev. E. H. Jenks Presbyterian. Omaha, Neb. War and Christ. The heart of Christianity and th< ' noble side of war are identical.?Re* E. T. Root. Congregationalism Provl dence. R. I. J.ove is that Homer's golden chair which reacheth down from heaven t earth by which every creature is ar nexed and depends on his Creator.j Burton. Learn to laugh so that others wil have to laugh and you will be doin good missionary work, no matter wha church you belong to. The greatest of heroic deeds ar those which sre performed withi four wall- and in domestic privacy.Rrr' 7? I ~ , are your kidneys weak? There are two ways to tell If you r !iave weak kidneys. The first Is ' through pains In the back. The sec- <! ond by examining the kidney secre- 3 tions. If you bus- " fpcct your kidneys, n begin using Doan's v Kidney Pills at | <| C. J. Shumaker, s Church St.. Tupelo, back was so sore j and painful I [ could not work. , I slept poorly, was nervous and easily startled. After | doctoring without benefit, I began us1 Ing Doan's Kidney Pills and was soon I a well man. I cannot recommend Doan's Kidney Pills too highly." "When Your Back Is Lame, Re- < member the Name?DOAN'S." 50c. a box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. deservedly ejected. FVst Parrot?Willie Owl was put out of the theater last night Second Parrot?What for? First Parrot?Why, he commenced hooting at the villain. PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS "I was troubled with acne for three ' long years. My face was the only part | affected, but it caused great disfigurement, also suffering and loss of sleep. , At first there appeared red, hard pimples which later contained white matter. I suffered a great deal caused by the itching. I was in a state of perplexity when walking the streets or hnywhere before the public. "I used pills and other remedies but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help, but something told me to try the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I sent for a Cutlcura Booklet which I read care- j fully. Then I bought some Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and by following the directions I was relieved In a few days. I used Cutlcura Soap for washing my face, and applied the Cutlcura Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought marvelous results so I continued with It for a few weeks and was cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cutlcura Remedies are not only all, but more than they claim to be." (Signed) G. Baumel, 1015 W. 20th Place, Chicago, 111., May 28, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will bo mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. 28 K, Boston. Modern Morals. "William Dean Howells, at a tea at his apartment in Half Moon street," said a nirgazine editor who had just returned fiora I^ondon, "amused us all with reminiscences of New York celebrities. "Mr. Howells hit off rather neatly a notorious celebrity of Wall street. " 'When that man came to New York in *69,' he said, 'everything he possessed was tied up In a bandana handkerchief. Today?' "Mr. H. smiled and stroKed his close-clipped mustache. " "Today everything he possesses Is 1 tied up in his wife's name.' " Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of . I CASTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It :| i In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria > Entitled to It. "That young Mr. Illghfly seems to i have a very lofty air." ' "Why not? He has broken all the ? altitude records." [ l T>r. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, | easy to take as candy, regulate and invigor( ate stomach, liver and bowels. Do not gripe. It pays to be honest?at least It pays 1 your employer. T T ** t /V, j JSo Man is Than His Stc > A strong man is strong all over. No 1 | strong who is suffering from weak sto consequent indigestion, or from some ( of the stomach and its associated orgai pairs digestion and nutrition. Forwhei is weak or diseased there is a loss of } contained in food, which is the source < 1 strength. When a man "doesn't fee r | when he doesn't sleep well, has an i 2 I feeling in the stomach after eating, is I j > cot, he is losing the nutrition needed tc r Such a man should use L Discovery. It cures disease organs of digestion and nut invigorates the liver, strcni the nerves, and so GIVES Hi THE WHOLE BODY. l You can't afford to accept a secret alcoholic medicine op known composit may thereby make a little bigger profit. There's Healt | For Yoi Brief Extracts From Stro TESTIMONIALS 8 Mr.C T. Birkidile. P M.. it Dinyille for rainy 3 r_ j My sciec luffered for many yriri with uric ecid . . . She took us bottles of Milim with th< hi] I 1 regard her 11 being entirely relieved. Mr. R. L. Williee. of Chirleiton. Welt Vi., v I been 1 lufferer frora Citarrh for twenty yean wl I to tiki Milim. 1 bought three bottlee end ira I, S fourth. My citirrh ia entirely (on 1 end I hire no q M taviars. K C. H. Williatni. Saleeman for Cloett-Peibody tc g ragton. W. Vi.. eaya: You ein keep your money. . j J entirely well. Am finiihin( ray etxth bottle of is think iftcr 26 yein of eczema am eurcd. Re*. D. P. Tife. n Methodiit Minirter. of D I writer I took liz bottlee of your Milem which pro |) ; I culible benefit to me. 1 1st tout DRU66IS1 PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colors than a dye any garment without ripping apart. Write Aerial Scout Work. ' Ab en example of what German nflitary airmen are already able to do, he performance of Lieutenant Mack nthun recently is cited. In a space of :5 minutes Lieutenant Mackenthun, * tho was noting for the red force, rose jj >nd flew around the enemy's front and ( vas bock on the ground at his head- t luarters ready to report. To obtain j he same results would have taken a | itrong force of cavalry four hours. For COLDS n.iil GRIP nicks' Capitixe is the best rrtncl.r?re ' levea iho aching anil feverishnes*?cures the 'old iuhI restores normal conditions It's iqutd-effects immediately. 10c., 'Joe., and.'iOc. it drug stores. About the only proof a woman needs that she is In iove with a man Is to feel perfectly sure that she isn't. | Money makes the airship go?and |. come down for more gasoline. MILLIONS of I using $Y?(JP ELIXIRef SEN1 FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION STOMACH, CAS AND FERMENTATION, CONST1P BIUOUSNESS.WITH MOST SATISFACTORY R i a mi maiuiiw CALIFORNIA MO >YK IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE* a fHE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE CENT. OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UN5< MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS, IN MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE I INC TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOl CENUINE. MANUFACTURED BY THE CAU1 SYRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Kl THERE IS BUT ONE CENUINE AND THAT X FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUI NOTE THE NAME TOIIMiKIRUlcfiM PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOT1 THE CIRCLE,NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACK CENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY t DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE 50< PER B < SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA t! LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AN! ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJCCTIONABIX COR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND 0 ALWAYS BUY California ! w. l. doug! *2,50, '3.00, $3.50 & *4.00 SH Men and Women wear W.LDouglas because they are the best shoes produc this country for the price. Insist upon ing them. Take no other make. THE STANDARD OF QUALF FOR OVER 30 YEAF The assurance that goes with an jesl lishcd reputation is your assurance in ou] W. L. Dougl as shoes. If I could take you into my large fatfc at Brockton, Mass., and show you I carefully W.LDouglas shoes are made, would then understand why they are w ranted to hold their shape, fit better wear longer than any other make for the p PAHTinN Thn (tcmiln?< have W. L. t)ou Unu 11UH nnlUP !in,| price tnni|>cd on bot If you cannot obtain W. L. Douglas ?ln? four town, write for catalog. Shoes sent <1! rom factory to wearer, all charges prepaid. * DOUGLAS. 145 Spark St., >1 t Scientifically c most light for the c Easy to light, In numerous finish best of its kind. Ask your denier to show yoi Lanterns, or write for to any ag Standard O (Incor] CC Special Offei This paper is printed from ii the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO per pound, F. O. B. Savann; mcomfortable languid, nervous, irritable and despond* ? make strength. If. Pierce'a Golden Medical a ol the stomach and other rltlon. It enriches the blood, \thena the kidneys, nourishes 121LTH 21XD STREXUTH TO nostrum as a substitute for this non? ion, not even though the urgent dealer Ingredients printed on wrapper. TttTt. vrr-.tttl I Mr. Cr<( rhrumatum. MILJSM Dtoriile. A roulu. folia wnYalcidJa . p||| wkca ,r U . former Car Co.. naat- 100D. BONE vi 5Xi*, my cy*?i{b My face it L. . ? iata witn a< Milam sad ing els? coi . .? v ^3F??3' i aottbink i-l "j li*- V /arnwnvi toxic n"nt wn,e c4 of ".l.Tu b.' tV* newtpapen I . I in attCBUtn, ' 6 Bot) FADELE my other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. The} for free booklet?How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Col Terrible Suffering Eczema All Over Baby's Body. "When my baby was four months ord lis face broke out with eczema and atixtccn months of aye his face.fiends sndl irms were in a dreadful state. 'T\tf czema spread all over his body. We bad <> put a mask or cloth over his face an?f ie up his hands. Finally we gave him flood's Sarsnparilla and in a few months ie was entirely cured. Today he is a icalthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis, 1 taring, Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla eurcs blood disease# ?nd builds up the system. x CJet it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. DEFIANCE STARGH TZS W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 42-1911. 'amiiibs ar 9 o/figs ma tgg&sm aral am 5pur w at10n and ! j b jsw mm A senuine | i : OF THEIR [ j 11 j I : you wish i^-ua^ia^l j a". iimm* ! cl' camwitix?n ] wish the flCENJT. Of ALCOHOL j rORNIA HO V "Zccr ~ sow that rr^y^T-rii J r 13 MANU- j *HAHnu^CO<RTinnOII, 2 * CO ONLY " ' K* ""**nf *+ fl s i j jcaliwm^syrltc? j ^|i row. and in j-t^rr*asa" j 'MP i ace. of the gyv^'.-avw^^wlm pf \ m.l leading miniature picture ottli. of package. > i especially adapted to the needs OF d pleasant gentle and effective, and ingredients. it is equally beneficial ld for sale by all leading druggist* the genuine. Fig Syrup Ca tv hnfc. m M s' *'i. bo or Ire"t *3.<?o HIIOKS will po-ltlvol.vontwf-ar V I. TWO l*A I KS of ordinary * ?hoe? W,Z fast Color eyelets Used exclusively. ? r& Lamps and Lanterns fsC\ ~ onstructed to give . )il they burn. clean and rewick. ies and styles, each the JjrWL J his line of Rayo Lamps and I WlSWi ' illustrated booklets direct (if Company 4TU porated) . V rrt rvf^nr<r?n* nnr> UDiniTircK undlod very cosily. The sick arc cured. ami all other* In ,ljlc. no matter hoc "cxpokad," kept from having th? dla* UMnff hH)IIN"S I.IQL'ID DLSTIMHKK CUKE. OI?o on rue.or lu feed. Aclu on the Med and expel* (term* of , of distemper. Re: remedy erer known for maree In font, lie jriiarari teed to cure one case. COcandtl a bottle; 16 and i of dnig/ixs and Urnw dealers, or sent Cipro* paid hy turcrs. Out ?ho?? how to poultice throat*. Our froe plrierTerrthln^. I/>-al atrente wanted. Inrpeet selling mcdy In existence?twelve years. ,, {heniiijaadB*et*riuiy?i?ii, Cochen, Ind., Us S. An r to Printers lk made in Savannah, Ga. by Savannah, Ga. Price 6 cents ah. Your patronage solicited. ICotne to Florida and I IWork in a Nurseryl I Theclfmatetf delightful, the work fnte^ I ettlng. t?c surroundings ail that louid L*t >r*;% 16 ju Jl desired. We offer reg.Iar Jo!-s to good* jkB 1 tober nicn?y^ ng farmers preferred? * > j; yj. I with every clan e for adram er.ieut,' , JEStf* I Good quarters and m-als, plenty of . Ti,"' J' J* ^^'Ji J rea ling matter for od i hour*, . (S VtY; a Sfc iHfcM 5] fair an 1 flu arc treatment ail i|J /f V\$/1 J( flyfrtw I around. If you war.tto get x Ivy* < I out In the world and make \ tH^VIjj iml,3m u * start tor yourself, here's V|j I from the noise and ten; I 'U*thou* diu U *1' ** tCLEN SAINT MART NURSERIES COMPANY KjZaO~ Kaleey St Clta Saint Mary, Florida - r^mrmm Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color HK*OVES Di.MlKI ft iMJ M l llf IiiTii.''>rat?>Han>l jirwrnt-. thebalrfrom filiingol? for Stir ||? Unrtlilt, ?r !-ml Olrrrl by XAN THINE CO.. Richmond. Virginia frlrr # I l>r U..lllri -ample llellle Jif. >rn.| for rlrealast wrvaasms. IWMmill MI1W Hi IfHIl?^ [I LAM istimonials are From People of j elligence and High Standing en Williams. Manager Crystal Icc and Power Co., ; Ik.. Ex-Chief of Police. writes: For the past five wing an attack of crysip.lis my foot and ankla ineercral months at tbe (ami time every year. Lait ' tke lymptomi begin to appear. I took eome of your vn entirely relieved. No return of tbe trouble lincc. ! E. Griggs. Sec y 6f Treai. Weitbrooki Elevator Co . bier Bank of Danville, writer About ten yean ago t began to fail. ... 1 eonaulted several epeciaD > relief until about two yean ago. wis advi<ed nothlid be done. . . . consented to take Milam did : could hurt me. About six weeks noticed ir.proveh bas been steady ever since. . . . Now read at nigbt with ordinary glasses. . . . No trouble t to my dutiea aa executive of a large corporation. ^ lies $5?Results Guaranteed ,SS DYES ' dye in coM water better than any other dye. You can ors. MONBOE DRUG COMPANY, Qulocy, UL I * , I I , I . ' * V.