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' * SEE <'* - ^%S1S1P5 - ? '?* , ; ' ' \i?j?l*!?-*' i . -OEADACHE * * is just a symptom. It is Nature's way of bowing a derange- ' ment of the stomach, liver or bowels. Help Nature with the best system-cleaning tonic, OXIDINE ?a bottle proves. TleSvedSctor M/JarU, CWU and Fcm.aad reliable reoedy lor ail diseases due to disordered brer, stomach, bowels and kidney*. Us At Your Draggbtu f I ma B1IBIVI B?rt 00?9 Waco, Texas. Very Low Rates Sephaber 15 to October 15 via TbeWest Point Route (ilV.P.R. R.?The W. By. el Ale.) CALIFORNIA ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO and TEXAS Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to San Francisco,five days every week. Write to us for all information. JL p. MLLOPS. r. M. THOMPSON, MMnl Piss?tcr A seal ftstrkt Piuum A am llMk, OMTfii Allssla, Oeerila DROPSY TKKATHD. Give qolck reVfi "HOr# I uauaiiy remove ?welV 3L ling sod ibort breaib In a few days and a ~r ? -i~ ~n?f le li-jft dara trial treatment AMl FBEE. DK.6KXU8M>SS,B*iA,lUMU,ak I Him80,119HSIK BRRR ACAUBI FOI lUI ETK BUMfil AiUAPn treated without knife or plaster. If All ll Clf A.J.M1Her.M.D..StLouis.Mo. Thompson's Eyo Watsr MEAN MAN. B'J\ "Now, John, If I were to die you would weep over me and tell everybody what a good wife I was." "No, I wouldn't, believe me." "Well, I would for you, Just for decency's sake. And that shows I'm not half as mean as you are." When the Minister Scored. In a contribution to the Chrlstiar Register, Thomas R. Slicer tells this: "8ome men the other night, in con ersatlon with me, knowing I was i minister?and it is the spirit of thli time to put it up to a minister ii terms at least of gentle satire?said *We have been discussing conscience, and one of them 6ald, I have given i definition of conscience; it is the ver micular apendix of the soul,' and the: laughed. And I said, 'That is a goo< definition in your case; you neve: know you have it until it hurts you. Then they did not laugh." A Senate of Lawyers. In the senate of the United Statei there are 61 lawyers, five bankeri eight business men. four farmers three journalists, two mine operators two manufacturers, one sutbor, on< doctor and four members wh'-se call lngs are not given. Of the four farm * ?>? tko an ma Rtntp CIO, l?u aio UVIU 1UV . v.^v South Carolina. They are Tlllmat and Smith. The lawyers clearly out number all others. Megaphones In Oil. Robert Henri, the painter. was dIs cussinr in New York a very medlocri "old master" for v nich a Chicago pre moter had paid an exorbitant sum. "The man Is content with his bat gain," said Mr. Henri. "I'm sure o that. To a millionaire of that type you know, an 'old master* Is merely i megaphone for his money to tall through." The RecoM. Tobacconist?You learned long ag< how to pack a barrel of apples, dldn' you. Uncle John? Horticulturist?Sure thing. Hilly same as you packed that box of cigar I bought of you the other day?all th nice ones in the top row. Try For Breakfast? Scramble two eggs. When nearly cooKed, mfk in about a half a cup of Post Toasties I and serve at onceseasoning to taste. It's immense! "The Memory Lingers" Poatum Cereal Company, Ltd. Battle Creek. Midi. GIRL INJROUSERST Young Lady in New York Adopt? Men's Attire. Stenographer Who Believes In Being Comfortable When at Work In Her Office?Her Ideas of Present Fashions. .New York.?The newest slogan of reform In women's dress is: "Trousers for the business woman!" If 1 ever men and women are to be equal a radical reconstruction In woman's dress must take place. say the emancipatresses of the sex. Tbe reform has already begun and a brave little stenographer In a downtown New York office Is tbe first champion or tbe cause. She has Introduced trousers and shirtwaist as costume for her working hours. While she is enthusiastic to a degree, her courage fails her when it comes to going to and from work In man's attire. For this purpose she bar a dress which she slips on. This young woman Is not of the type that has worn trousers as a matter nf nrtncinle or convenience before. She Is dark, dashing, buoyant and vlg- > orous, and the picture of her herewith I establishes her undeniable claim to ! good looks. Hitherto the women who have worn men's attire have lacked <; both youth and good looks. Some, like Dr. Mary Walker, had the courage of their convictions and dressed like men because they found men's clothes much more comfortable than their own. Others have put on coat and trousers in order the better to ! earn their living and have wept when they were discovered and had to resume the conventional apparel of their sex. But this girl stenographer i is the youngest and prettiest of the women who have entertained advanced Ideas of dress reform and have dared to carry them out. She by no means wishes to attract attention or who is adopting trousers The Trousers Girl. for the sake of being bizarre or 1 ! jnlque. She Is acting purely for com fort and health r.nd is greatly opposed :o the present styles for women, holding that they are basely Immodest. She Is a young woman who has always been full of self-respect, and In adopting trousers In place of skirts she has done so with dignity and rea{ son. Speaking of her views on dress she says: "There Is hardly a girl who ha: not k dressed herself In man's clothes some , time or other just for a lark.' There j Is not one who ever has done so but ; has sighed for the freedom of move? ment which skirts have denied her. t I am not a dress emancipator who . dreams only of her bobby. But 1 bef lieve the present 6tyle of tight skirts 1 Is not only uncomfortable but !mr modest TrouserB are far more de cent for women than their narrow skirts and low cut waists. They are I more economical and hygienic. They do not gather dust and germs the g way skirts do. and if you wear troug sers there Is no necessity for weari, Ing corsets. I never saw a girl yet , who enjoyed the corset Every one of j us wears them for the same reason as skirts?long established custom." Doubtless the present fashions have , reached such a point of absurdity that i a greater reform In women's wear - than has ever been known before will result. In the hobble skirt, fashion i overreached Itself?even Its inventors laughed at the preposteronsness of It. i- It has furnished or.e of the strongest b ar.ti suffrage arguments: "A sex that e deliberately cripples Itself is not sufll clently Intelligent to bo allowed to vote." the antls say. f | ? LOVED ONE SPURNED BOOKS k Strange Tale Related by Young Woman Who Was Endeavoring to Educate Congenial Husband. -1 ? t1 Pittsburgh, Pa. ? Miss Cora B. Lynch, high-minded, well-manicured, formerly a school teacher, but now 8 wealthy and re'ired, told a strange e tale of shattered, romantic love when she appealed to the court for prot? < tion against James H Net Id here the \ \ other day. she was endeavoring to educate Neeld so that he would be a husband congenial to her. It was over Neeld's need of addi| tlonal schooling that the driam of love was shattered. Soon after Miss Lynch met him in New York last winter she became fascinated. Finally she tol 1 him she would pay for his education and then marry him. According to Miss Lynch, Neeld took umbrage at her plans. According to the testimony the young man threatened to pour vitrol in Miss Lynch's face. She then got out the peace warrant. The magistrate se verely lectured Neeld and made him promise that be would leave the city. Shark Hatched In Captivity. For some time a shark'B egg in the Glasgow (Scotland) Aquarium has been watched from day to day It batched a few days ago. an event unique In many respects. The tiny shark seems quite at home, and is not a bit shy of the numerous visitors ; who have crowded to see it Despair. Miss Budd?Whit do you think of the coming man? Miss Spinster?* think he must have met with en accl dast ?Harper's Bazar. # DEATH BEFORE ICO TEAMCIDE Prof. Munyon Says Ignorance of Laws of Health Explains Early End of Life. NOTED SCIENTIST HAS ENCOURAGING WORD FOR DESPONDENT MEN AND WOMEN "Death before 100 years of age has jeen reached Is nothing more or less than slow suicide. A man (or woman) ; who dies at an earlier age Is simply Ignorant of the laws of health." Such was tho original and rather startling statement made by Professor James Si. Munyon. the famous Philadelphia health uuthorlty, who Is establishing health headquarters In all the large j cities of the world for tho purpose of getting in direct touch with his thousands of converts. Professor Munyon Is a living emJ>odlment of the cheerful creed he preaches. Virile, well poised, active and energetic, he looks as though he would easily attain the century age limit which he declares is the normal one. He said: "I want the people of the world to know my opinions on the sublect of health, which are the fruit of a life-time devoted to healing the sick, people of America. There Isn't a building In this city big enough to house the people In this State alone who have found health through my methods. Before I get through there won't be a building big enough to house my cured patients In this city alone. "I want, most of all, to talk to the sick people?mo invanus, me uioiuuiu,vu ones, the victims of nerve-wearing, boayracking diseases and ailments?for these are the ones to whom the message of hope which I bear will bring the greatest blessing. "I want to talk to the rheumatics, the sufferers from stomach trouble, the ones afflicted with that noxious disease, catarrh. I want to tell my story to the women who have become chronic Invalids as a result of nervous troubles. I want to talk to the men who are 'all run down,' whose health has been broken by overwork, improper diet, late hours and other causes, and who feel the creeping clutch of serious, chronic illness. "To these people I bring a story of hope. I can give them a promise of better things. I want to astonish them by showing the record of cures performed through my new system of treatment. "I have taken the best of the Ideas from all schools and embodied them In a new system of treatments Individually adnpted to each particular case. I have no 'cure alls," but mv present method of attacking disease is the very best thought of modern science. The success which I have had with these treatments in tills city and all over America proves its efficacy. Old methods must give away to ne*- medical science moves. I know what my remedies are doing for humanity everywhere. I know what they will do for the people of this city. Let me prova my statements?that's all I asli." The continuous stream of callers and mall that comes to Professor James M. Munyon at his laboratories. Fifty-third and Jefferson streets, Philadelphia. Pa., keeps Dr. Munyon and his enormous corps of expert physicians busy. Professor Munyon makes no charge for consultation or medical advice; not a penny to pay. Address Prof. J. M. Munyon. Munyon's Laboratories, Fifty-third and Jefferson streets, Philadelphia, Pa. .Social Distinction. In some parts of the south the darkles are still addicted to the oldstyle country dance In a big hall, with the fiddlers, banjolsts and other mu alclans on the platform at one ena. At one euch dance held not long ago In an Alabama town, when the fiddlers had duly realned their bows and taken their places on the platform the floor manager rose. "Git yo' partners fo' de nex' dance!" he yelled. "All you ladles an' gennulmens dat wears shoes an' Btockln's, take yo' places In de middle of de room. All you fcidles an' gennulmens dat wears shoes an' no stockln's, take you' place lmmejltly bohln' dem. An' yo' barefooted crowd, you jes' jig It round In de corners."?Llpplncott's Magazine. Easy to Arrange. "Do you know what a fortunate little boy you are?" rather patronizingly Inquired a young lady of the laddie whose mother Is her dearest comrade. "Hero, 1 Invited mamma to go away for a lovely time with me, but she wouldn't because It waan't a place where we could take children, anu she thought she'd rather be at home with you. Hut I don't blame her," as the wide eyes grew wistful, "for I think I'd rather stay at homo also, If I had a nice little boy like you!" "Why don't you get one?" queried the child, briskly. "I'll tell Dr. Johnson to bring you the next one he finds, if you like!" His Part In the Proceedings. Clarence is a darky who la as proud of piloting Mr. Hillside's costly automobile as Mr. Hillside is of owning it. "Well, Clarence," said a neighbor, "I saw you in the Taft parade, but you didn't have the president in your car, I noticed.,' "No, sir," the chauffeur answered. "I didn't have the president, but I had a reporter, and I reckon Mr. Taft might have talked up there on the hill all night long and nobody in town would have knowed about it next day If it hadn't been for me and that reporter."?Exchange. Twice Convicted. Another lawyer's story arrives. Wc are told that a man was charged with picking a pocket the other day and that when arraigned he pleaded "guilty." The case went to the Jury however, and the verdict was "not guilty." And the court spake as fol lows: "You don't feave this court wlthoul a stain on your character. By youi own confession you nre a thief. Bj the verdict of the Jury, you are a liar."?Cleveland Plain Dealer. A LADY LECTURER Feeds Nerves and Brains Scientifically A lady lecturer w rites irom Phila lei phia concerning the use of right foot anil how she is enabled to withstam the strain and wear and tear of he arduous occupation. She says: "Through improper food, Imperfect ly digested, my health was complete ly wrecked, and I attribute my recov ery entirely to the regular use o Grape-Nuts food. It has, I assure you proven an Inestimable boon to me. "Almost immediately after beglnnlnj the use of Grape-N'.ts I found a grati fying change in my condition. The ter rible weakness that formerly pros trated me after a few hours of work was perceptibly lessened and is nov only a memory?it never returns. "Ten days after beginning on Grape Nuts 1 experienced a wonderful in crease in mental vigor and physica energy, and con.inued use has entire ly freed me from the miserable in somnla and nervousness from whlcl I used to suffer so much. "I find Crape-Nuts very palatabh and would not be without the crisp delicious food for even a day on an: consideration. Indeed. I always carri it with me on my lecture tours." Read the little book. "The Road t< Weliville," in pkgp. "There's a reason.' r\<T n-nil the nbove ictterf A nev one npprnn from time to time. The; nr? Erruine, true. ?n?i fnM Of huinut interest. m , a FELL TO THE GROUND. Stricken Helpless With Terrible Kidney Trouble. i F. Henry Thomson. 400 W. 40th St., < Savannah, Ga., says: "Something J seemed to snap in my back and I fell I to the ground helpless. I was carried ! to my bed all in a heap. Jgi \ At first I thought I was . j W' ,' FV paralyzed, but later ^ rJlU knew it was kidney \ troul>l?- An awful nau- ' sea came over me, and the dull ache through m>' back caused suffering such as I had never experienced. Dean's Kidney Pills strengthened my kidneys, rid me of the terrible pains, and in a few days I was a well man. Although past seventy, I am strong and vigorous." "When Your Back is Lame, Remember the Name?DOAN'S." For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 60c. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. THE BRUTE. Wife?John, I listened to you for half an hour last night, while you . wero talking in your sleep. John?Thanks, dear, for your selfrestraint. CHILLS AM) FEVER AM) AGUE Rapidly disappear on using Elixir Ilabek, a preventative for all Malarial Dlsea"es. "I recommend 'Ellilr Hnhck' to all sufferers of Malaria and Chills. Have suffered for several years, have tried : everything, hut failed, until I rarne across your wonderful medicine, c in truly say It has cured me."?Oeo.-ge In1 scoe, Company G. 4th Hatallion. Elixir Ilnhrk 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczewski & Co.. Washington D. C A Humane Man. Elderly Countess?Catch this big fly, Johann, but do It carefully, and put him outdoors without Injury. Footinan?It's raining outdoors, countess. Shall I give him an umbrella??Mergendorfer lUaetter. DISTEMPER In all Its forms : mong all ages of horses, ns well as dogs, cured and others In the same stahlo prevented from having the disease with Sl'OHNT DISTEMPER CURE Every bottle guaranteed. Over 750,<X?) bottles sold last y>ar. llegt remedy for chicken cholera. 50 cents and $1.(0 a bottle, $5 and $10 the dozen. Any good druggist, or send to manufaotup rs. Writ for free book. Spohn Medical Co., 8pet Contagious Diseases, Goshen, lnd., U.S.A. tl,. Clmlb rvuumiiy %IIW win..... "Life," Bald Jolin W. dates, val.ant lover of conflict, "Is a gamble." And death? Why, dentil Is the nazard of the die. TO OniVE CU T MALARIA A.NU Mi l LI) t V THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GKOVK'8 TASTKLK88 i C1IH.I. ToNlC. You know w hnt yon are taking. The formula la plainly printed on every bottle, showing It Is simply yti'.nine and Iron In a tasteless form, and the most eftertual form, Lor grown ! people and children, Hi cents. Never judge the strength of a man's character by the size of his muscle. Mrs. Winstow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the fiin*. reduces Inflnmmn | tlou. allays pain, cure* wind colic, C6c a hottle. Sincerity Is the saving merit now and always.?Carlyle. f J? j ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Jt I AVetfetabie Preparation for AsIJ511 similating the Food and RegulaItin^th^StomachsarK^ow^^^ !in| Promotes Digestion,Chcerful?: ness and Rest Con fains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic ^ , finyte/OMDrSAMVEl/m/rSR )|| * ||t Mix Stana - \ 1 ' finktUt fa/t} Jt? I ,4n it Sfd ' | J>i | /teptrini/U - \ , ?v? i ft i( nrioaa I* Sctln * / fvj | harm Stnt I lit ) (lor/ltd Sugar | j?0 Wtnkrfrttn Flavor ' 1 S^C A perfect Remedy for Constipalion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, : Worms .Convulsions .Fever ishvit5( ncss and LOSS OF SLilEF J 5< ?? . tti facsimile Signature of jjcjj 1 fej! The Centaur Company, jj;ji NEW YORK. N^iiur.-iTiU t it under thr to'idar-; Exact Copy of Wrapper. MBranHn W. L. DOUGI t *2.50, *3,00, *3.50 & *4.00 SH WOMEN wear W.LDouglas stylish, pe fitting, easy .walking boots, because they 3 long wear, same as W.L.Doug!as Men's s THE STANDARD OF QUALT FOR OVER 30 YEAF f The workmanship which has madcW Douglas shoes famous the world ove ' maintained in every pair. If I could take you into my large facflc at Brockton, Mass., and show you f carefully W.L-Douglas shoes ere made, i would then understand why they are w ranted to hold their shape, fit better ? wear longer than any other makefor the p '? PAIITI0N K'ntiln* have W. L. Iloui UHU IIUI1 Dltlue untj price stamped on bot If yon cannot obtain W. I. Dongla* sliof ^ Tonr town, write for catalog, Shoes sent <!i from factory to wearer, all charge* prepaid. X VOl'OLAS, 145 Spark St., ttrockton, M When Budding Ghuri r or reseating same, write for Catalog X9, m ? ! agency proposition. Everything in Black-t j AW ERIC 5 to bEATINQ COMPANY, S Tetterlne Cures Ringworm. Wysacklnc. N. C.. Juno 2. 1W. Enclosed you will find fl.00 for which pleas^ ?<md m? at once Tetterlne. Tt Is a dead shot on ringworms. W 8. Dudley. Tetterlne cures Eczema Tett?r. Ring Worm. Ttchlnc Plb-p. Rough Scaly Patches on the Pace. Old Itching Bores. Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. Runlons, Corns. Chilblains and every form of Scalp nnd Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Riuap 2."?. Your drugelst. or hy mall from The Shuptrlnn Co.. Savannah. Oa_ Wtth every mall order for Tetterlne we rive a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. New Idea In Judicial Lore. The suggestion of a French judge, who presided at a breach of promise suit, has aroused the- Interest of American men and women. The suggestion Is that when young people become engaged an agreement to marry Fhould be drawn up with a clause providing damages If It Is broken. New Dieappolntment. First Summer Girl?So you thought a man was coming? Second Summer Olrl?Yes; but as we got a closer view we saw It was only a bird.?Puck. For HEADACHE? Hicks' CAPI IHNF Whether rrom Colds, Heat, Stomivch or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will roller- you. It's Mnuld- pleasant to take acts Immediately. Try it. 10c., 25c., and SO cents at druf stores. Couldn't Help Him. "I haven't a place vo lay my head." ; "I'm sorry, but we're all out of head | rests." A cold on the chest weakens your lungs. 1 Tubercular Oerms attack the weak spots. ! Keen your lungs strong bv curing colds quickly with Hamlina Wizard Oil and you will not get Corisumption. And many a man makes a strenuous effort to recognize his duty so that he wl'l he In a position to dodge It. AFTER 7 YEARS SUFFERING I Was Cured by Lydia L Pinkbarn's Vegetable Compound rtlrln ?<T fnrnnlo troiT IT nuiina, vaia? x uuu Mv?rbles for seven years, was all rundown, ^ Jrv"|,|''TIBBland so nervous I j':,-^i|}j could not do anyy.iWEr VjgmWl?j:!i thing. The doctors ffijf _^gpl ||| treated mo for difWilli1 ferent things but -j $&$! did me no good. I J 1 .**. Mi got bo bad that I ! JjUj could not sleep day or night. While In V ?..i Wl'ii'- this condition I read V 0 Lydia E. Piuk J-ham's Vegetable Compound, and L__J I began its uso and wrote to Mrs. Plnkham for advice. In a short time I bad gained my average weight and am now strong and well." ?Mrs. Stevens, it. F. D., No. 8, Box 31, Waurika, Ok la. Another Grateful Woman. Huntington, Mass.?'"I was In a nervous, run down condition and for three years could find no help. "I owe my present good health to Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Com{>ound and Blood Purilier which I beieve saved my life. " My doctor knows what helped me and does not say one word against it." ? Mrs. Mari Janette Bates, Box 134, Huntington, Mass. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. l'inkhain's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, and nervous prostration. W. N. U.. CHARLOfTE, NO. 37-1911. cmoi For Infants and Children, FLa 1/inrl Vaii Uiua 1110 iviiiu iuu note Always Bought Bears the A, Signature W (l Jr (tr "s8 W For Over Thirtv Years "/ " Txc cifrraun ooupant. new toh? orrr. -AS, B?s? Jk hoes- l&a&x* rv W4 m 1 n ' rent ONE I'AIR of my BOYS' S2,?'i.JOor IM~ H3.00 SHOES will positively outwear a??. TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys'ehoee th, School or Theater entioning class of building. Dealers, writefoi >oards and School Supplies. Ask for Catalog 89 <18 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III ' 0 - I Daniel's Companions I I in the Fiery Furnace I I Sunday Schosl Leuos for S?pt. 17, 1911 1 Specially Arranged for This Paper a LESSON TEXT.-Dani.-1 3. MEMORY VERSES. 17. IS. GOLDEN TEXT.?"The Lord Is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."?Heb. 13:8. TIME.?The Septuaglnt account states that the occasion was "the organizing cities and countries, and all the Inhabitants of the earth from India to Ethiopia." and places the date In the ISth year of Nebuchadnezzar. This would put the event In the laBt part of B. C. 5S6, Immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem, on the king s return to Babylon. PLACE.?Babylon, the plain of Dura, somewhere In the vicinity of the city. PLACE IN THE HISTORY.-Jerusa'em destroyed. The Jews In captivity throughout the Babylonlc empire. Daniel In the service of the empire In some part. Jeremiah In Jerusalem. King Zed.-klah and Jeholachlm captives at Babylon. Ezeklel at Chebar In Babylonia. So far as we can learn, Nebuchadnezzar'n great assemblage of people from all over his empire had for Its object the consolidation of bis whole kingdom. He had Just returned from a triumphant campaign against his enemies In the west and south? against Egypt, Syria and Arabia?and he celebrated his return by the erection of a colossal image and a grand religious festival. The golden image 'might mark the close of a period of conquest and Inaugurate a period of peace. The victories of peace were to absorb the remaining half of bis reign. The empire was composed of various countries and races, diverse from one another in disposition, character and Interests. They were united by no natural affinity, but by conquest The whole empire might easily fall to pieces. Nebuchadnezzar would bind these diverse elements by the power of religious worship, at a common center, (ft one chief god over all the multitude Idols. As the Jews were bound together b^ a magnificent temple at their capital, Jerusalem, whither all went up to worship, so Nebuchadnezzar would place at his capital a lfuge and costly Imagfe, the glory and attraction of the nmnire. His making Habylon a magnificent city would aid this work. Great fortifications, towers, walls, fmples, gates of bronze, hanging gardens, palaces, public buildings of blue, red, yellow and white, the Tower of the Seven Spheres, the Wonder of Mankind palace?all these would attract people to the capital, as Mohammedans are drawn to Mecca. The multitudes were gathered on the plain around the golden image glittering and radiant in the sun. Besides the officers In their richly colored attire, there was a motley gathering of tribes from every direction. All diversities of speech and dress and manners were there; all varieties of complexion, from the pale bronze of the Persian to the black of the Ethiopian. National enemies stood side by side. Dwellers on plain and mountain, in walled towns and In tents of the desert, were In the throng. They spoke many languages, as if the confusion of tongues had been repeated in the same Dabel. Heradls cried aloud their proclamation In all languages, that when the bands struck their martial music all the people must fall down and worship the golden Image; "And whoso falleth not down and worshipt-Knll oanio hour be cast into the infest of a burning flery furnace." The bands played, and the whole multitude bowed their faces to the ground. Then a strange thing took place; three men stood up alone, and were conspicuous all over the plain, like a city set upon a hill, by their unbowed forms and their splendid robes of office. These three were, Shadrach, Meshach and Abcd-nego, the three young men who Joined with Daniel In refusing to defile themselves with the king's meat. They must have been at this t'me 30 to 35 years old, In the prime of young manhood and usefulness. They were rulers In the province of Babylon, and therefore prominent men. This conduct was quickly reported to the king. Then Nebuchadnezzar In his rage and fury said: "Now If ye be ready, to obey, the past will be forgiven. But If ye worship not, a burning fiery furnace! I>et the music sound. And who Is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands? The three, with truly magnificent and unflinching courage, appear to have answered promptly and without hesitation, showing that they had carefully considered the subject and that with them it was a matter of settled and Intelligent principle: "We have no need to answer thee," to explain how God could deliver them, or why they must obey him. Tfiere was nc time, nor would the king understand. "If It be so, we are cast Into the flery furnace. In spite of all you say, our God whom we serve Is able to deliver us." I Thev were put Into the furnace A writer thinks they were bound hand I nnd foot with their own clothes. The king sat watching the issue of the matter, looked through the door Intc the furnace, and saw a sight at which he was astonished and terrified. He was astonished that the three men were not consumed; that they were loose; that a fourth was with them The thought flashed upon him that he has come Into conflict with a new and unknown power. He rose up in haste expressing the strength of his astnn ishment nnd terror. The princes saw these men. The deliverance wai public, unmistakable, and proved by many witnesses. The king recognized the power of the Jews' God. The miracle would make such an Impression on the princes and peo pie that the king could more easily treat the Jews kindly. Men who were so faithful to their God that they would die rather than do wrone would be faithful to their king, and could be trusted in all matters. Henct j they were reinstated In their placet with more Influence and permanenci than ever. There are still fiery furnaces foi : those who refuse to worship the gold en Image?social ostracism, unpopular ity, losses of place and honor, failure In business. | The City and State. The true prophets of God have al ways been patriots and deal wit! problems pertaining to the welfare o city and state. A preacher said u Mr. Moody In one of the politica campaigns. "My citizenship is ir Heaven." The great evangelist re plied, "You had better get it down u earth for Ihe next 60 days."?Kev , Austin Hunter, Disciple, Chicago. Long life Is not a blessing un'e.i It Is made a blessing to those amoni whom It Is lived. GRABBED HIM. Wki She?Old Brown said If he were twenty-flve years younger he would marry me. He?Twenty-five years younger? Why, that's Just my age. She?Oh, Charlie, this Is so sudden! "WHY SHOULD I USE CUTICURA SOAP? "Thero Is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cutlcura Soap was only for skin troubles." True, It Is for skin troubles, but Its great mission Is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation Its delicate emollient and prophylactic properties " ?? * - S AkU j Have rendered u me sianuaru xur mm ; i purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to It all the I advantages of the best of toilet soaps, j It 1b also Invaluable In keeping the : hands Boft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and Irritation. While Its first cost Is a few cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with 6uch care and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making its ure. In practice, most economical. Cutlcura Soap Is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may bo demonstrated without cost by rending to "Cutlcura," Dept. 23 L, Boston, for a liberal sample cake, together with a thirty-two 1 pago book on the skin and hair. Coachrran Had to Earn Bequest. A quaint paragraph appears In the will of Mrs. Julie Mall, of Brighton, England. At the reading of the will i ,iov it u-!is found rhat she I had bequeathed ?100 to her coachI man, provided he is in her servlco at ; her death, and "If I do not die through or from the effects of a car| rlnge accident when re Is the driver." | Accept your limitations. Seize your opportunities. Enjoy the good of j the hour. Improve the had and if you fail, let it drop.?J. S. Hlackle. For fOLIlS nud GUIP Hleks' Capiimnk It the he tit remedy?re ! Ileves the aching and feverlshriess?cures the I Coli! anil restores normal conditions It's liquid?efforts immediately. |0e., 2So., andSOc. 1 At drug stores Time is the oldest and most infallible of all critics.? llousse. fla only ont of n dure through w< organs.^ | organs were was very wc /iiiTw,. A nervous ucai This was my advice. Afti tion' for abc health was n< Dr. Pierce's Fav< Is a positive cure for weakness and dis inflammation, heals ulceration and sootl Do not permit a dishonest dealer to s record of 40 years of cures. " No, th Dr. Plerce'M Pie-aunt Pellett Indue* m Mr Snowdrift Hogless ] ?$ first, the ORIGINA ga shortening. Then the market, that sh M fer, steak, or imit the same preference l$| "SNOWDRIFT." pensive, one-third i 5?? delicious cake. Srtowijfif * Ilogless I* Mft by nil lending grocers 1 WyA "substitution" busim tins only. U. S. Inspi ;1 The Southern Ci New Orlrin ' JP"????? i IIJosa't drug yoursel ; | symptoms of poor j nm down systems?, jlj ||* Rebuild aOifeSaag^ ^ Genuine Reconi ; ; MILAM , "After one and a hall f ?* Stalnaker, ^ M j Milam more than 3 o ? mcnt in appetite and B?g?S lotte C.H., Va. "M i only a few bottles bu i lood, BONE CM* IT> ?!>|e to stand up unde ) E3irwwiM*TtEyur-i 'J took n . I J. H. Williams, Dant I <Bc-"?.-=SJ5a',a,,,i I Milam, and after 26 \ liams, Huntington, V i ^ u, he. Buy 6 Bottles fot The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. | \ ?act surely and ^^HnPADTPD^ gently on the iiiViF? liver. Cure jfiwESW V J.TLE Biliousness, Head- kdl ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature 1 Clearance Sale at STIEFF'S CNTIRE stock of pianos . reduced 10 per cent, and 6 per cent additional for cash. Three outside Cabinet Piano Players to be given away with first three Stieff Pianos sold. Specials at $167-50 and $190.00. Many dealers call them S350.00 pianos. OUR PRICE AS ABOVE. CHAS. M. STIEFF J ^ Wr?t Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager tfH ???????i m REMEMBER WHEN YOUR TYPEWRITER Needs Repairing I that we have an expert repairman on all H makes of machines. We are prepared to I clean, adjust or rebuild your machine. ; Workmanship first class, prices reason; able. We also have a large stock of new, ; rebuilt and second hand Typewriters that we are offering at very low prices, let Et you, we can save you money, j >UND ?, MOORE CO. tte North Carolina BanBaaHj Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color Rraom CiMiRi rr axd m t hf Invlgoratesand prevents thehairfrom falllngoff Ker *?l? bj I'nrfitti, ?r S*?l Direr I bj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Prlt* II Per liottUi ftupli LotUe lir. *? ??! for firm I or* TEACHERS WANTED We need more teachers, men and women, for schools now open. Salaries f.T) to 1100. School* supplied with teachers. SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AGENCY, COLUMBIA, S. G. l/nnil/n *rd High Grade Cj RUBiHrlo finishing. Mall jffrryrf lmU? vj> veaav orders given Spe MUJg clal Attention. Prices reasonable. Jjrr^Wi Hervlce prompt. Send for Price List. lot sTOKK. llliltLLMOX. . C. DEFIANCE Cold WaterStarch makes laundry work a pleasure. 10 oz. pkg. 10c Backache iany symptoms which some women en akness or displacement of the womanly Jzzie White of Memphis, Tenn., wrote :e, as follows s was hardly able to bo on my feet, ad every pain and ache a woman Had a very bad case. Internal cry much diseased and my back ak. I suffered a great deal with laches, in fact, I suffered all over, condition when I wrote to you for sr taking your 'Favorite Prescrip>ut three months can say that my ever better." . orite Prescription ease of the feminine organism. It allays les pain. Tones and builds up the nerves, ubstitute for this medicine which has lank you, I want what I ask for." lid natural bowel movement once a day. Lard is positively the Lhogless, digestible 3 are imitations on ould be treated AS /hich would you preation steak? Apply One-third less exnore value. Makes jraH "EJ Don't Trifle rl With It! f for ills thai are buf blood, depleted and , Don't patch up? Your Health with LAM ifrucfive Tonic & Blood Rsnovafer I P bottles of Miiam I have gained lbs."? K larleston, W.Va. "I had not taken the r 4 days when I saw a decided improve- H I digestion."?Rev. R. L. McNair, Char- H ilam is a grand medicine. I have taken n t I feel stronger and better, more active and H r my work."?Rev. H. D. Guerrant, Dan- U ve bottles of Milam and gained 10 lbs."? K rille, Va. "Am finishing my 6th bottle of B rears of Eczema, am cured."?C. IE Wil- B r $5.00 of yowr tfruggisl and got I y BUCK IF NOT BENEFITED C J / --?in nr-f ^