rl..- f
> '
Mrs. A. A. Young is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ed Bruce, in
Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Robinson,
of Sharon, are guests at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. VV. A. Hafner.
Mr. Lee Armstrong, of Spen-1
cer, N. C., was a visitor Saturday
at the home of Mr. J. H.
Sutton, north of town.
Miss Carrie Culp left Monday
morning for Saluda, N. C., '
where, with a party of friends,
she will spend two weeks.
County Treasurer Harry Neil
and Auditor B. M. Love came
k- over from Yorkville Tuesday to
attend the Gold Hill picnic.
Rev. W. A. Hafner, pastor of
Fort Mill Presbyterian church, is
this week conducting a series of
meetings at Salem church, in |
Fairfield county.
The Gold Hill school will open
its fall session on Monday, next,
with Prof. J. A. Boyd as principal
and Miss Alda Therrell as,
assistant. The Gold Hill school
is one of the most successful
schools in this section and the
prospects for the approaching
session are very favorable.
Reports from different sections
of the township indicate that
there will be more quail this year
than for several seasons past. |
There have been no washing
rains to drown out the young
birds and the old birds are
now hatching out the second
crop. The bird hunters are very
enthusiastic over the outlook.
Something over $20 was realized
the past week from the
"Fairy Play," given in the auditorium
by a score of children
under direction of Mrs. J. N.
Atwater. The money is to be
used in home mission work, to
which Mrs. Atwater has been appointed.
The Fort Mill friends of Dr.
S. Eugene Massey and sister,
Miss Estelle Massey, will be interested
to know that they have
changed their place of residence
from McKenney, to Mt. Crawford,
Va. Dr. Massey's newhome
is only a short distance
from Mossy Creek, Va., where
his brother, Rev. J. B. Massey,
As a climax to the unprece
dented drought this section is
experiencing 152 cotton mills in
North and South Carolina, including
the two mills in Fort
Mill, were shut down Monday because
the water in Catawba river
is so low that the Southern Power
company can not supply the
plants with power.
The South Carolina rifle team
to participate in the national rifle
shoot at Camp Perry, Ohio, will
leave Columbia the afternoon of
Thursday, August 10, by the |
Southern railway, and will go by '
way of Washington. The team,
of which Corporal Geo. Potts of
Pleasant Valley is a member, will
consist of 15 men, who will spend
about two weeks at Camp Perry.
Mr. T. H. Barber, of the Harrison
neighborhood, telephones
The Times that the Barbersville
road from Fort Mill to Harrison
church has been worked up and
is in fine shape for automobiles
and other vehicles. Mr. Barber
also states that it is only six
miles from Fort Mill to Harrison
church by way of Barber's
bridge, while by way of Bailes' I
bridge the route is 10 miles long.
Announcement has been made |
from the State department of
agriculture that the agricultural
train to be operated by the
Southern railway through the
South will visit 37 towns and
cities of South Carolina between
September 4 and September 27.
The tentative itinerary has been
prepared subject to the approval
of the commissioner of agriculture.
The annual reunion of the Red
Shirt organization of South Carolina
will be held in Columbia on
September 27 and 28. The meeting
was to have been held on
August 9 and 10 at the same time
with the United Confederate
Veterans. The reunion of the
veterans was postponed to August
22 and 23. The announcement
that the reunion of the Red
Shirts had been postponed was
made Friday by John G. Mobley
of Winnsboro, the commander of
the organization.
A telegram received in Fort
Mill last Wednesday announced
the death in a hospital at Montgomery,
Ala., of Miss Margaret
Gannon, a sister of Mrs. S. A.
Eppsand Mrs. J. N. Atwater, of
this city. The telegram announcing
the death of Miss Gan
non was the first knowledge here
of her illness and the sad intelligence
was a great shock to her
relatives and friends. Miss Gannon
has frequently visited in
this place and was greatly admired
by the many Fort Mill
people who knew her.
The people of Charlotte are
experiencing one of the worst
water famines in the history of
the city. A few days ago it was
found necessary to drain the
pond from which the city received
its water supply and this necessitated
the cutting off of the
water from many of the city's
mains. Some relief, however,
has been found in the operation
of trains of tank cars from Catawba
river to Charlotte, but
this supply does not meet the demand
and many people are receiving
a meagre supply from the
de^ wehsjmd various mineral
^ j
Cotton Better Than Last Year.
While the low temperatures of
the past week were not favorable
to cotton, yet reports seem to
indicate that the plant was uninjured
by the cool weather. The
recent rains relieved the drouth
before it had done serious damage,
except possibly in scattering
sections, and the 1911 cotton g
crop in South Carolina promises 8
to be equally as good if not bet- I
ter than last year. ?
No section of the State, from r
reports, has suffered materially; |
but to the contrary, in a number 1
of counties larger yields are in- I
dicated than in a number of years t
Taking the State as a whole,
the condition up to the end of
last week indicates that the cotton
crop this year will not be off
on account of the drouth that for
a time was feared would materially
affect the yield. Conditions
may be said at this time
to indicate a 100 per cent, crop,
although in some scattering sec- I
tions where cotton was replanted |t
and did not get a good stand the I
- - J ?> ?~ tUn^ r
yieiu win HUl ue uiuic man mitv- g
fourths; but in other sections |
from 15 to 25 per cent, more cot- j
ton is expected than last year.
Heavy fertilization and the unusully
fine preparation of the
soil, deeper plowing and the application
of new methods is tell
ing this season, but for which it |
is safe to say that the drouth
would have proved of greater
damage; but compared with last
year at this time the crop is in
far better condition. The fields I
are clean, there is no grass, and B
indications are that a much lar- 1
ger per cent, of the cotton will Ij
be picked this year than last. H
Last year at this time the fields B
were full of grass, making the I
cost of production greater than B
this year, and, indeed last year K
the farmers had a hard fight to R
keep the grass from overrunning B
the cotton.
If the conditions at present H
can be compared with conditions fit
existing at this time last year, |
the two seasons being absolutely I
different, the one extremely dry I
and the other extremely wet, the U
farmers of the State are, from ?
reports received, in better shape I
now than then, and the indica- I
tions for a full crop are a great I
deal better than last year.
Rnhert FskriHge Recovering. >1
The Fort Mill friends of Mr. |
Robert Eskridge, who was se- j p
riously shot about three weeks I
ago on a negro excursion near I
Grattan, will be pleased to know f
that he is rapidly recovering from I
his wounds, which at first were I
feared would prove fatal. The I
Charlotte Observer of Saturday j
had this to say of the illness and I
recovery of Mr. Eskridge:
After languishing in the Presbyterian
Hospital for nearly three
weeks, with a bullet wound
through the right lung, Special
Policeman J. R. Eskridge is able
to be upon the streets again. It
will be remembered that Mr.
Eskridge was shot and it was
thought fatally injured, while
doing special police duty on a
negro excursion which was run
some time ago from this city to I Columbia,
S. C. Within a few
days after the unfortunate occurrence,
pneumonia developed
in the lung which had been d
pierced by the 38-caliber bullet, w
and for several nights it was p.
thought that the wounded man 1 ei
would not survive until morning. c<
While some 25 pounds the loser ci
in flesh, Mr. Eskridge says that S
he feels but little the worse for s(
his experience, and will again w
assume his duties upon the local pi
force as soon as his strength will d<
permit. Mr. Eskridge gives an 1:
interesting account of the pistol ci
* 1 1 * - 1. | llj
UU61 in wnicn ne was su senuusi^ >?
wounded, his colored assailant M
was killed, and Officer ,J. M. Wil- w
son was slightly injured.
Mrs. S. H. Blankenship Dead.
Mrs. S. H. Blankenship died B
Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. at her n
home in upper Fort Mill town- 0
ship, after an illness of pellagra h
of several months' duration. She c
had been confined to her room e
for seven weeks and hopes for
her recovery had been abandoned t'
some days ago. The burial was tl
made Wednesday morning at b
11 o'clock in the church yard at s
Flint Hill, of which the deceased tj
was a member.
Mrs. Blankenship is survived f
by a husband and five children, h
Mrs. Blankenship was a true ?
Christian woman and a kind, 1
loving wife and mother and her s
death has caused profound sor- 1
row among a wide circle of 0
Some Peculiar Accidents.
There have been a number 01 1
very peculiar accidents recently g
in South Carolina. At Rock Hill (
a few days ago the sexton of a tl
colored church was ringing the v
bell when without warning the J
bell clapper weighing about three s
pounds fell, striking him on the tl
head. He was not seriously hurt. S
In Lancaster, Mr. Seaborn Self a
fell into a well 52 feet deep and t
was not hurt. He had been down f
in the well and was being drawn h
up when he was overcome just 11
at the top by foul air. He fell
backwards and instead of being
crushed to death, it is said he
was revived by tiie fall and tied
himself to the rope and was ?
pulled out safe. b
At Greers, Will Heffner, a mill jj
operative was caught in the belt j,
of a machine in the cotton mill t
there and was being whirled ap- Jparently
to death when light- f)
ning struck near the building and }1
supposedly put the dynamo out fi
of commission as the machinery h
stopped. Heffner has a badly ^
crushed arm but will recover. j c
i in i mi n i
For G
We are still
ious to serve 1
and looking t
complete line
The good p
reason." We
and terms to
what you war
it. We do nc
the articles are
We thank ^
fully solicit yo
Mrs. Pursley Suicides.
A Yorkville despatch of Tuesav
said that Mrs. Ella Pursley,
'ife of Mr. S. L. Pursley, a
rominent farmer living about
ight miles north of Yorkville,
jmmitted suicide last night by
ltting her throat with a razor,
he had been in bad health for
iveral months, but had in no
ay intimated her desire or pur3se
to take her own lifo. The
eed was done between 11 and
-? ? 1. ?.U;io tV,c cni_
? O 'JlUCt\ at infill wuiic tuv DUI- |
de sat on the side of the bed in '
hich her husband was sleeping. '
Irs. Pursley before marriage
as Miss Ella Howell.
A Prophecy.
A day will come when a cannon
all will be exhibited in public
luseums, just as an instrument
f torture is now, and people will
e amazed that such a thing
ould ever have been, savs an
xchange. A day will come
hen these two immense groups,
lie United States of America and I
tie United States of Europe, will
e extending the hand of fellowhip
across the ocean, exchanging
heir produce, their industries
heir arts, their genius, clearing
he earth, peopling the desert,
11 proving creation under the eye
f the Creator, and uniting, for
he good of all, these two irreistible
and infinite powers, the
raternity of men and the power
f God.
South Carolina Leader for Clark.
Congressman David E. Finlev,
>ean of the South Carolina delation
in Congress, is for Champ
lark for President and reports
he sentiment for Clark as being
ery strong wherever he goes,
udge Finlev says: "The impresi<>n
is growing among public men
hat the country is turning to
poaker Clark as the most availble
Democrat t-> nominate for
he presidency in 11?12. His
riends are becoming active in
is support. If he is the norniee
his election will follow.?
Cews and Courier.
Ki Is More Than Wild Beasts.
The number of people killed yearly by
hid bests don't approach the vast num?-r
killed by disease germs. No life is
afe from their attacks. They're in
ir ?nti r dust, even food. But grand
rotection is afforded by Electric Biters,
which destroy and expel the deadi'
disease germs from the system,
'hat's why chills, fever and ague, all
nalarial and many blood diseases yield
romptly to this wonderful blood puriler.
Try them, and enjoy the glorious
ealth and new strength they'll give
ou. Money back, if not satisfied. Only
Oc at Ft Mill Drug Co., Parks Drug
kx, and Ardrey's Drug store.
se Fu
Of All Grade
ish or I
. here with the H
you. We will a]
hrough. In our
of household go
eople like to tra
i give you hones
suit yuu. vv 11 y
it and need and i
it mention article
; too numerous t(
^ou for your patre
ur future business
;& yoi
A Peek Into His Pocket.
would show the box of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve that E. S. Loper, a carsenter,
of Marilla, N. Y. always carries. "I
hav^ never had a cut, wound, bruise or
sore that it would not heal," he writes.
Greatest healer of bnrns, boils, scalds,
chapped hands and lips, fever sores,
skin eruptions, eczema, curns and piles.
25c at Ardrey's Drug store, Parks Drug
Co. and Fort Mill Drug Co.
Follow the
- - - mm
and Meet Me
at the
"Haile's on
the Corner,"
Phone 43.
Make the mistake
of many people who
come in and say,
"Wish I had seen
them before."
E-Z Seal
Fruii Jars.
Ardrey's Drug Store
Wood's and Ferry's Turnip
Seeds. All the popular
s and Prices
ouse Furnishings
ppreciate your c
place you will 1
ods ever shown
de with us, anc
>t goods at reas
not furnish you
jse it while you c
3S and special pi
) mention and 01
Dnage in the past
- - - S. C.
| MO]
^ Is a necessity of life b
serious question how to
^ needed.
One way to be preparec
to natronize THE FIRST ^
We are always ready to
^ mands of our customers.
? Painting, Ti
I am doing a lot of first-class pain
munity, but I am always ready and <
Besides painting your house inside
ing, staining, glazing, etc., in a man
I take especial care of carpets, mi
painting inside. Let me figure with
work is sure to please you. Reason
i'.y VVoni.i?2."?c Each Insertion.
FOR SALE Cheap, a good six-yearold
mule. Apply to J. J. BAILES.
TIMBER I have for sal?* 270 acres
of choi'-e Forest Oak and Pine Timber, I
estimated to saw 3.00O.U00 feet of lum-!
her. two miles from nearest railroad
station. Apply to Alexander Barber,
Fort Mill, S. <6-25-tf
FOR SALE?Seventy acres Land, located
in Belaireon Charlotte-Lancaster
road: 20 acres under cultivation, balance
in timber, at $25 per acre.
NOTICE- -The best place to have vour
clothes cleaned and pressed is the Fort
Mill Pressing Club, upstairs in Massey
Building. Phone 146.
RliPfl Pll'? Id THE only
~~~ I
: <
and are anxalling
around i
ind the most
in Fort Mill.
I "there is a
onable prices
r home with
ire paying for
rices because
* I
ur prices are
and respecti
<*> h
ut sometimes it is a most +
get it when it is most ?
I for such emergencies is t
i meet any legitimate de- ?
1AL BANK, r |
Cashier. !
? ? ? :
inting, Etc. ;
ting for the good people of this com- I
eager for more work.
and out, I can do the tinting, grain- ;
iner unsurpassed in taste and quality. 7
itting, floors and woodwork when ;
you on painting your home. My ?
able prices. Satisfactory work.
^ainter, Fort Mill, S. C.
A A. A. A " A ' A A " A * A * A f
We Are Headquarters
For the Following:
Hardware, Crockery and Stoves, !
Buck's Steel Ranges, Lime, Cement
and Plaster, Elwood Field and Hog
Fence, McCormick Mowers and Rakes,
International Gasoline Engines, Shred- i
ders, Corn Harvesters and Disc Harrows,
Sewer Pipe and Farm Drain Tile,
Grates and Tile, Chattanooga Turn and
Disc Plows, Cole's Hot Blast Heaters,
Wilson Heaters, Machinery, Fittings
and Supplies, Window Glass and Putty,
Roofing of all kinds, Farmers' Favorite
Grain Drills, Stalk Cutters, Spokes and
Rims, Guns and Ammunition.
Rock Hill Hardware Company,
Rock Hill, S. C.
Shirt W
We are closing out our entire
98c will buy our $1, $1.25 and
Boys' Waist and Blouse in lig
ind 50c.
Boys' Knee Pants in Worsted
Sheets and Pil
Sheets at 50c, 75c and 85c.
ind 15c. The largest and b
bought for 10c.?Seconds
Special for J
Another bale of that 36-inch
:uetomer. at 4c.
"Did it come from Epps'? If
Think of something other
time"?make up your mind
needed in your living expen
you think you will have
savings account at the banl
We Pay 4
And would like to h
on our bi
The Pineville Loan a
f????????0? 0?
Savings Bank
The Old R
Been in business
years; was once blov
0 passed through two
x every depositor his c
S without restriction.
0 We have always p
g time deposits,
g W. B. ME A
Buist's New (
Mammoth Red Top Globe.
Yellow Aberdeen.
Early White Flat Dutch.
Red or Purple Top.
Southern Seven Top
Amber Globe.
Large White G1
Improved Y<
Plant good seed if you want I
Parks Drug
Agents Nyal's Fai
??? "Have Stood the
They have no superior in point of DUE
for Saw Mills, Oil Mills, Cotton Gi
r????| required. Write for pri<
M?noi?c*jre BOILERS. We carr;
Towers, Tanks, Constructed Boilers, ra
ISfandpipes, _
SellSupporiiot Write today fc
Sleel Stack*,
j _ Branch Office, 307 W<
Ml rSk^ -T"'- *
b our J
;--i vj irt and'
* -? T ^ r'r-^ kj from
~ /<dfe*fe-havii
*.; 6'
cop ylCr^' - (Jjnjr]
?? sy
Call and get a souvenir.
21 South Tryon St.
Yorkville - S. C. ?
line of Waists and Blouse.
$1.50 Waist and Blouse.
ht and dark colors at 25c
and Serge, 50c to $1.50.
How Cases.
Pillow Cases at 12 l-2c
est Huck Towel you ever
Sea Island, 10 yards to a
so, don't worry."
having a "good
to save every cent not
ses. In less time than
a good nest egg for a
Per Cent
ave your name
rod Savings Bank,
- - - Iff. c.
1 j^y^yvyyyioncycyvy^y^y^yxy
of Fort Mill, I
eliable, X
for over twenty x
vn up and robbed; jgj
panics and paid 0
ash as called for x
- - $25,000.00 g
- $11,000.00 g
ERS - $25,000.00 8
I - - $61,000.00 ?
aid 4 per cent on 0
LCIIAM, Cashier. g
,roo Turnip
~ MT *
?llow Ruta Baga, purple top.
to get results.
nily Remedies.
Test of Time" i
1ABILITY and are Best Adapted |
ns; in fact, where Heavy Duty is
:es on Saw Mills, Shingle Mills,etc. /
/ for immediate shipment the Bext
nging from 12 H. P. to 150 H. P.
>r our illustrated catalog.
I., Works and Head Office, MACON, OA. :
:st Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C.
Pitcher That Went to the
Well Once Too Often
\nd was broken, may have come from
store, but we have more just like it,
when you buy a set of Dinner Ware
i us, you can always duplicate any
en pieces.
e are building up a reputation for
fig the best and most complete assortt
of Cooking Utensils in the citv in
ection with our China and Crockery
rtment, and you need not go out of
store to get a complete outfit for your
g room and kitchen.
jon Company,
Charlotte, N. G.
Ir. King's New Discovery
The phis met uo vure.
4 /