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* . ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands suffer from sick or weakMod kidneys without knowing the cause. If you hare backache, headache, urinary disorders, look to your ?.kidneys?giro the help pU**T?hVSory- the kidneys need. Mrs. E. C. Tillman, Franklin Pike, Lewls\ burg, Tenn., says: y Mjjy kidneys were In ) terrible shape and I MMsuffered intensely. Mbj ) My back ached and I felt all worn out. I 8?eme^ t0 be running into dropsy an<l my weight dropped 35 pounds. For a year I was practically ah invalid. From the time I started * kfcinf Doan's Kidney Pills, I Improved | until completely cured. I believe I would be In my grave were It not for this wonderful medicine." Remember the name?Doan's. For sale by druggists and general Storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. IN ART CIRCLES. First Artist?How Is he as a sculptor? Second Artist?Oh! he cuts quite & figure. FREED FROM SKIN DISEASE "Our boy was born In Toronto on Oct 13, 1908, and when three months old. a slight rash appeared on his cheek. What appeared to be a wa- ; ter blister would form. When it broke, matter would run out, starting new blisters until his entire face, head and shoulders were a mass of scabs and you could not see a particle of clear skin. Other parts of his body were affected, but not to such an extent We tried about every advertised remeay witnoui nvtui, mdeed some of them only added to fcla buffering and one in particular, the Remedy, almost put the infant Into convulsions. The family doctor prescribed for him and told us to bathe the baby in buttermilk. This did not do any good, so we took hlra to a hospital. He was treated as an out-patient twice a week and he got worse. If anything. We then called in another doctor and inside of a week the boy was, to all appearances, cured and the doctor said his work waa done. But the very next day it broke out as bad as ever. "We decided that it could not be cured and must run its course and so we J"?t kept hit. arms bandaged to his side to prevent his tearing his flesh. We left Toronto and shortly after our arrival in Duluth, the Cutlcura Remedies were recommended. We started using them in May, 1909, and soon the cure was complete. You would not think he was the same child for Cuticura made his skin perfectly clear and he is entirely free from the skin disease. There has been no return this time. We still use only Cuticura Soap for baby's bath. Robert Mann, Proctor, Minn., May 3, 1910." A Use for the Recall. Knicker?What do you know about the recall? Bocker?I believe in it for umpires. For COLDS and CHIP Hicks' CArrniXE Is the best remedy?relieves the aching au<l feverlahness cures the Cold and restores uormat condition*. It's liquid?effects Immediately. 10c., 25c., and SOc. I At drug stores. < If it were not for tbelr long faces some people have an idea the world wouian i iuiuw uirj titic h'm^vuo. T)r. Pierce i Plea*a\it Pellets regulate aid invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Rutar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. T)o not expect a friend to ask el you; anticipate his need.?Socrates. The Herb laxative. Garfield Tea, overcomes constipation giving freedom from sick headache and bilious attacks. Keep your heart high; that Is tha sum ul philosophy.?Victor Cousin. HPREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Women Buffering from any form of Illness are Invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women. A woman can freely talk ffr of her private illIn/wlBkN !\V ness to a woman; i. I \ J thus has been esI I tabllshed this conII 1 v* 71 II fidence between j\ .jS JL Mrs. Pinkham and vu *?&2lL//}/ the women of America which has never been broken. Never has she published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to ?et_Aut-Ci their possession- as the ?-?^tvundreda of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. nnsnam Das to a raw from, it is in ire tban possible that she has gained the very knowledt. needed In your case. She asks nothing in return except your good will, and her adrlce has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lvdia F. Pinkham i# Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Every woman oupht to have I Ljdla E. Pinkham's 80-page , Text Book. It Is not a book for I ,| ^eaeral distribution, as it is too : expensive. Jt is free and only B' I by maiL Write for E I fttooay, I \ Hoods Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called 8a rs a tab 8. w J fr Trade Mark A LIQUID REMEDY for CHILDREN'S ILLS Makes Teething Easy KECOMMENDKO KOK Constipation, Diarrhoea, (onrnlslons, Colic. Hour Htotnach, etc. It rtestnirs Worms, allajs l>TerUhne?s and Colda It aids digestion. It makua Teething eaay, Rrotfu." Cbeerfulnraa and produce* atoisi h.,?p. for sale by all drugglste :?n 1 dealersa bottle. Manufactured Ng BABY EASE CO.. ATLANTA. GEORGIA DEMOLIINE The only remedy on th? market for RHEUMATISM Consisting of Internal and external treatment. One bottle to he taken internally and one bottla for external use, all In one box. IT'S THE COMBINATION THAT DOESTHEWORK Price TWO DOLLARS,express charges prepaid. . MONEY REFUNDEDIFYOU ARE NOT SATISFIED with the result, after using the full remedy. Write for booklet and testimonials. THR DK7IOLIN K COJIPA.Y 1028 Preibrterlan Building. New York. N. Y Charlotte Directory FEATHER BEDS SEND US TEN DOLLARS and we will ship you, freight paid a nice 36 pound FEATHER BED and 6 pound | Pair Pillows. TURNER A CORNWELL Feather Dealers Charlotte, N. C. Typewriter Supplies Largest stock of ribbons, carbon, oil and other accessories to be found in the South. Orders filled same day received. J. E. Crayion A Co., Charlotte, N. C. Be a Great Pianist Yourself even if you don't know one note from another. Educate yourself, your family and friends to the beautiful in music. Sflf PLAYER PIANOS $400.00 to $950.00 Convenient terms if desired. CHAS. M. STIEFF Southern Ware room: 5 Weil Trade Stree', Charlotte, N. C C. H. WILMOTH, Manager A Heartless Father. "I need some help with my household duties," announced a woman when her husband came home the other night. "What's the matter with our daughter?" the husband wanted to know. "Our daughter? The Idea! Why, Jim, you know she's awfully delicate, and she would die if she had to do any household work. She has her school, and?" "And what? Her teacher's report shows that she Isn't doing a bit of school work." "Hut she is the star member of her basketball team, and you know she Is eager to take the prize at the gum nasium contest. But that's just like a man?wanting a delicate girl to engage in rough, hard labor. Be asham- ] ed of yourself, Jim Jenkinsl You have no feeling." The Old Gag. Miss Lillian B. Howe, at an advertisement writers' dinner In Denver, said of the harem skirt: "It will soon be so widely worn that the old gag, perpetrated In the '40s on men, may profitably be revived for women victims. "Some sharper, you know, will revive the gag by advertising in the Ladies' Own? "'Send $1 and learn how to keep your harem skirt from becoming fringed at the bottom.' "Thousands of dollars will pour in, and to each victim the sharper will reply: " 'Wear knickers.'" WANTED TO SLEEP Curious That a Tired Preach? Should Have Such Desire. A minister speaks of tho curjous effect of Grape-Nuts food on him and It boo roHaoo/l Kim nun iv uno ivucivu umi, "You will doubtless understand how the suturing from Indigestion with which I used to be troubled made my work an almost unendurable burden; and why it was that after my Sabbath duties had been performed, sleep was a stranger to my pillow till nearly daylight. "I had to be very careful as to what I ate, and even with all my care I experienced poignant physical distress after meals, and my food never satisfied me. "Since 1 began the use of GrapeNuts the benefits I have derived from it are very definite, I no longer suffer from Indigestion, and I began to improve from the time Grape-Nuts appeared on our table. "I find that by eating a dish of this food after my Sabbath work is done, (and I always do 60 now) my nerves are quieted and rest and refreshing sleep are ensured me. "I feel that I could not possibly do without Grape-Nuts food, now that I know Its value. It Is Invariably on our table?we feel that we need It to make the meal complete and our children will eat Grape-Nuts when they cannot be persuaded to touch anything else." Name given by Postum Co.. llaMla Creek. Michigan. Read tho famous booklet, "The Road to Wellville," iii pkgs. "There's a Reason." Etpt ri-od the nbove Iftlrrt A ?m? one npprari from tine to tine. They are teanlnt, true, and fall of kuua Interest. * REVIEW Way School Ltstoa for Joe 25. 1911 Specially Arranged for Thu Paper i GOLDEN TEXT?"V, hat Doth the Lord Require of Thee.'biit fo Do'Justly. and"tr> J/Ove Merry, and to Walk Humbly With Thy God." MIc 6:8. r.'.erent forms of review are sultcJ to classes of different ages and different degrees of development, so that a variety of methods Is suggested below. Some of these plans may need to be united with others to fill out the session, and any other changes and adaptations of them may be made that seem best to the teacher. The quarter's lessons have fallen up six books of the Old Testament. There have been five lessons In Second Kings, two in Second Chronicles, two In Isaiah, and one each In Jonah, Micah and Hosea. Select six members of the class and have each write a three-minute essay on one of these books, telling about the general eourse of the lessons or lesson from that book, and the teachings brought out therein. Let the class listen care fully to each essay, and at the close dictate a set of questions, which you have written beforehand, on the quarter's lessons as a whole, having the class write answers to the questions as they are read. The teacher will write on slips of cardboard or heavy manila paper a series of questions on the lessons of the quarter, about five questions on each lesson. These questions will cover the principal facts of the lessons. and will be so framed that the answers can be very brief, yet adequate. Lay the slips of paper, face down, on the class table or on a large book held in the lap, mix them up. and have the class draw them one at a time, in turn. The scholar that draws a question will read it aloud, and then answer it if he can, retaining the slip. If he does not answer correctly, or at all. the next on his left will try to answer it, and so on around the class. The scholar that answers it will hold .the slip, and the scholar that holds the largest number at the end of the recitation is declared the victor in the little contest. Announce this plan a week in advance. that the class may study for it. Take a series of lesson pictures. Obliterate the titles of the pictures, and fasten a bit of ribbon to each. Place the pictures lq a box open at the end, and let the ribbons extend outside. The scholars will draw these pictures out one after the other, each Bcholar telling the class about the lesson to which his pictures belongs. holding up the picture as he does so. After the pictures have been used once, If Is time they may be returned to box and the exercise may be repeated. This form of review is especially adapted to the primary department The class will be divided, at least a week In advance. Into two sides, each side with a leader. The sides will meet by themselves and each prepare a series of questions on all the lessons of the quarter. The teacher will meet with each Bide and make sure that the questions are fair ones, and clearly expressed. On review day the two sides will Bit facing each other. One side, through Its leader, will propose a question to the other side, which will answer if It can, speaking always through its leader, but always after consultation with the rest of the side. Then the second side will propose a question to the first side, and so on, alternating. If the answer Is wrong, the side that proposed the question scores a point; if partly wrong, half a point. The side that Is defeated may be required to give a social, at the teacher's home, to the other side. This review, which Is especially suited to adult classes, consists of a series of essays or talk's on ine principal topics of the various lessons. As far as possible, the speakers will rhoose their topics or lessons, but the teacher will have a list ready for suggestion. The following list will be an aid: I.?The Healing Side of Religion. II.?Our Unseen Defenders. HI.? Starting the Young in Their Lives. IV.?Our Care for C.od's House. V.? The Universality of Christianity. VI.? The Perils of Pride. VII.?Our Work for Our Country. VIII.?Tcmjierance Work Needed Today. IX.? The Madness of Militarism. X.?God's Forgiveness, and How to Obtain It. XI.?Reform Methods That Succeed. XII.?The Final Results of Sin. The teacher will take a large sheet of heavy manlla paper, and wtth a broad-pointed shading-pen and very black ink. in large letters, he will copy as much of the following outline of the quarter's lessons as he can get on the sheet; then he will go on with other sheets till it is all copied. Fold ea< h sheet back along the central line, taking pains to keep each half of the outline on its side of the sheet. Place the sheets before the class one after the other, and have the scholars ropy them carefully. Before a sheet 1b copied the scholars will fold their sheets of paper backward down the center so as to divide them Into two columns for exactness In copying After a sheet has been copied, the teacher will fold the right hand side backward so that It Is out of sight, i and see If the class can complete each line of the leftband side from memory Then go on to 'he next sheet, but return to tb'* preceding sheets before each new one Is < opied In this way much may be fixed 1a mind during the hour. Development of Man. Man does not develop In the high est sense until he comes Into a eon srlous need of spiritual attainment until there Is a hungering and thirst lng after the fruits of the spirit?gen tleness, long suffering, goodness, tern perancc, love?Rev. Gay Arthur Jamie son, New York. ? Seed of the Church. The blood of the martyrs Is th< ! church, the giving up of life Is ai heart in all great movements, cxpla torv.?Rev. Allvn K. Foster. Baptist Brooklyn. Have a Purpose. Live for something. Do good ant leave behind you a monument of vir tue that the storm of time can nevei destroy. Write your name In kind ness, love and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contacl with year by year; you will never be t forgotten Trick of the Devil. The is putting the butter OI ' the right side of his bread when h< I gets a big sinner to count the hypo crltes In the church. # . ^?=3 solving' negro problem Under Conditions, the Matter Seemed 1 Comparatively Easy of Arrangement. The central police station was overcrowded one day last week. Officers were wondering what they would *(\o should another arrest be made, when the door opened and a sleepy-looking, blue eyed foreigner drifted in with a most dejected "Goot efnlng, mens." The officers nodded their greetings to the stranger, who then asked: "Can I did some sleepings here? I yust came from Chicago and am start to work tomorrow." "Well, the only space we have left Is a bunk which is already occupied by a colored man. You can share that if you want to," replied the officer. The man thought for a few minutes, scratched his head and said: "Well, I guess 1 no can see him in dark, and besides I am tired and want sleep."?Milwaukee Wisconsin. WISE BROKER. Jlggs?That marringo broker was to get 10 per cent, of the girl's estate for arranging a match with a French marquis, but he did better than that?lie took it all. Wlggs?How? Jiggs?Married the girl himself. "The Bard of Oden." The Kev. George F. Culnier, " he bard of Odon," celebrated his eighty[ sixth birthday recently. The Rev. Mr. Culmer was born May 22, 1825, in Kent, England. during the reign of George Frederick (George IV.), for whom he was named. At the time of his birth John Qulncy Adams was president of the United States. I>r. Culmer has been a minister for many years in the Methodist Episcopal church until his advanced age made it necessary for him to retire. ! | He is a scholar and poet. Many of 1 his poems hnve been published in magazines and newspapers. ? Washington Correspondence Indianapolis ! News. Historic Event Celebrated. Australia recently commemorated ! the one hundred and forty-first anni! versary of Captain Cook's first land! ing. It in 1770 that H. M. S. Endeavor. a barque of 370 tons, entered the inlet first called Sting Rays Harbor, but afterwards Botany Hay, from the beauty nnd variety of the plants i growing about its shore. The vessel ' remained eight days, and before she I left the British flag was hoisted. As Is the custom on each recurring annl: versary, the flag was again unfurled ; upon the spot where it was first dls' piayfd, and was saluted by the guns ? * 4*% t Kn horhnr oi me \nurt>iii|>b iub . Tea Time In Chile. Either tea or verba mate Is served In Chile at 4 p. ci., not only In the homes, but at clubs, restaurants and hotels, and many business houses. A cup of tea and a roll or small cake In the club or hotel cost from eight to twelve cents 1'nlted States gold, while the business houses serve It free rather than have the clerks leave their work to go out for It. Intricate Letter. When Kilklns was away from home i on a long business trip, lie got a letter from his wife that still puzzles him. It ended thus: "Haby Is well and lots brighter than she used to be. Hoping you are the same, I remain, your loving wife."? I Everybody's. Perhaps. "Why did Humpty Dumpty sit on the wall?" "He probably thought he could hold It down." To apprehend contempt is to have deserved it already.?Pierre Loti. (A short human-in ouiiie To tell you the curious story 01 affects the digestion of food. I refer to the condition the before, at the time, or just folio of food. i If he has been properly educ fty have) he w ill help you unders machinery of digestion. To start you thinking on subject, / will try to lay out the \ way and you can then follow it details. ' I Pawlow (pronounce Pavloff) a fai I siolan and Chemist, experimenting c j into the tube lending from the thro; They were first put under chlorofc * ! anaesthetic and the operation was pa t i kept for months in very good eonditk When quite hungry some un-app^ ? placed before them and, although hi to eat, it was shown by analysis of t stomach that little if any of the dig found. ' Then, in contrast. 89me raw meat couldn't reach It at once, and a litth r the minds of the dogs to "anticipate" petite. When the food was finally gi i voured it ravenously and with ever; isfaction. The food was passed out i j the opening before it reached the found to be mixed with "Ptyalin" th< . the mouth, which, is Important for tl gestion. Theu an analysis was made * "There's a Reason" ; i started with POST TO I HHlii ! ! ALCOHOL-3 PEil CENT i /Vegetable Preparation for As&3I similating the Food and Re^ulaling the Stomachs and Bowls of * ?? h I,1! IMTiff 1 h 11 1H MM i Mr Promotes Digestion,Cheerful?: ; ness and Rest Contains neither ' ;> Opium.Morphine nor Mineral s: Not Narcotic <* Reap* tfOlH DrSAHl'El PfTCRER Sttd {V, Alx Stfna \ i ' RotktUt S*Hs t" Atiie Seed I !< Pitytrmi*/ - \ BiCnritnnt* !*>{* I J H'or*i Set J - .,C I Winkrjrtrn Fltitor ' ? '* 1 v;: A perfect RemedyrorConsnpa- J Mr tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, f Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- I ^ ness and Loss OF SLEEP \ FacSimde Signature of j(-| C&Af/fZZSvTift Centaur Company. NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Couldn't See the Resemblance. 1 They have been joking Assistant Treasurer James A. Matthews of the Guardian bank, on his resemblance to 1 President Taft, and Mr. Mathews has l steadily refused to be annoyed there- | by. So the Jokers subsided and the | joke died a natural death. Until the other night, when Mr. and | . Mrs. Mathews dined together with | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harmon and their i 1 little daughter, when the Taft resemblance was revived. Turning to young \ttcc 111 rmnn M r Mathews asked whether she. too. thought lie looked like the president, l Dorothy studied long and earnestly. Then she answered: "Not in the face, TTnele Jim."? Cleveland Trader. CHII.I.S 4 Ml KKVI'.n A \D ACI'K i Rapidly disappear on using Kllxlr llnitrk. a preventative for all Malarial Diseases. "I recommend 'CllxIr llnbck' to all | sufferers of Malaria and Chills. Have suffered for several years, have tried i everything, but failed, until I came j across your wonderful medicine. Can , truly say It has cured me."?(leorge Ini scoe. Company <?. 4th Hatalllon. Kiltlr Italick f>0 cents, all druggists or Kloczcwskl & Co.. Washington D. C. Old Superstition. It was prescribed by an old superstition that If those who were affected , with ague would visit at dead of night the nearest crossroad five different times and then bury a new laid egg, the disease would be burled. If tho experiment failed, they attributed It to some unlucky accident that may have befallen them on the way. Two Varieties. Little While?Say, pa, what Is business courtesy. Pa?There are two kinds of business courtesy, my son. One Is tho kind extended to people who pay J cash, and the other is extended to peo! pie who don't. When Fate Mocks. "Too had about Joe." "What's the matter?" "He sprained his arm and they are nfratit he can i ever pitch again, so his folks are going to make a doctor or something of that sort out of him." Pretty Quick. lie Hut couldn't you learn to love me, Anna? She- I don't think I could, Harry. Ho (reaching tor his hat??It is as 1 feared you are too old to learn.? Harper's Itazar. Raw. More?On you believe oysters have brains? Hored?Certainly I do, since they know when to shut up. In this world one must be a little [ too kind to be kind enough.?Marl vaux. teres/ story written by C. Hr. Post for the Postum f how the mind the stnmnrli. in'c hi.own that the <11 freely, exaetly as mind Is In. fust . , ~~~ w7ng the inking V ( :iu:-' rl < >;"!< of the mind, frot ntcd (the majoran hour believinf tand the curious v her< i.- an < out through the post;vo jinrps in this interesting quickly digest foe plan in a genera! the mind. 7to more minute I"? you pick u| Unappetizing f< anticipation, doei nous Russian Phv- juices to flow. w 'n oni" does. cut sight, and hence I it to the stomach. . . . . machinery of the um or 'Onie other f(,r digestion. inless. They were >n. How natural, th 'tizing food was to a meal in a p. tnger forced them u, the breakfast he contents of the \>en 'ollow **th estlve Juices were bit* of corn ?ke and some good ye ing picture canno as put where they condition of min ? time allowed for nature has hidder end create an ap- and do their wo ^iSe'ofVat These digestive nto a dish through ?Jpresf,d v'iTb * stomach. It was agreeable appear; e alkaline juice of Solid facts tha ie first step in di- who esteems prii of the cont?-nts of valuable asset in for saying "The Memory l.i ASTIES. * issilifi For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the JL ^ Signature /Am # 111 Jr For Over Thirty Years CAST0R1A Y*? OfWTAUH 00?AAWY. RIV TORI OHT. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE ^ LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable ?act surely and ABWl^inTrn'p gently on the JSB&fW i..5iFr liver- Cure JlEBr l uFD Biliousness. El*.1:* Head- ArkS ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature *?555^15! Thompson's Eye Wafer ''DEAF" BEGGAR COULD HEAR Incident That Struck Householder aa Being Along Slightly Humorous L'nes. "Many funny things happen in a flat during the course of ft few months," said a Milwaukee flat dweller, "hut one of the best things I ever saw happened yesterday. "I was suddenly roused from my slumber by three loud knocks on the door. Jumping to my feet and into a bathrobe, I hastened to see what was wanted. I opened the door in timo to see a young fellow half way up the flight to the next floor. "'Hello, there!' I yelled at hlra. "He turned around, hastened back and handed out a small envelope, pointing to the inscription. I glnnced at it. It was an appeal for aid because the applicant was deaf and dumb. "Say, 1 was mad enough to kick him down stairs. Then the joke struck me and I slammed the door in his face and wan t arn m lieu luugiiuig. First Aid. George Ado. at a luncheon In Chi* rami, paid a gallant compliment to a well-known actress. The act re s wore a _.irem skirt of the new flame color and Mr. Ade said to her: "It is pretty. \nd what an odd rrdor it Is! Tell me the name of the color." "Flammo de Vestive? flame of Vesu- j vli:s," tlie actress answered. "Me jahers," said Mr. Ade, "ye make a vurry purty crater." The Exception. Most There are as pood fish In the sea as ever were caught. Marker Km! I guess you haven't heard Thompson's latest fish story.? Harper's Bazar. Cereal Co., I J. I.) a m i which no food had entered. It was u? stive fluids of stomach were flowing if the desirable food had entered. it it was not the pr? senee of food (li:; ~T i\ .? juice: tO flow, bill the flow ly and a < ne as a result of the action li "anticipation." 'I'll to eit tl food ho liked f r or or ; he was getting it in'o his stomach, Mince went there; every particle went opening and yet all this time the dlwed to the stomach, prepared to d, In response to the curious orders of i the lesson? iod. that which falls to create mental s not cause the necessary digestive hereas, food that Is pleasing to the ;o the mind, will cause the complicated bodv to prepare in a wonderful way ion, to reason that one should sit down ;aceful, happy state of mind and start , say witn some ripe delirious rruu, a bowl of crisp, lightly browned, thin Post Toasties, add a sprinkle of sugar How cream and the attractive, appetlz* t escape your eye and will produce the d which causes the digestive Juices i in mouth and stomach, to come forth rk. juices can be driven back by a mind orry, hate, anger or dislike of the dlsince of food placed before one. t are worthy the attention of anyone ne health and human happiness as a the game of life. ngers" when breakfast is HAD BEEN SILENT SUFFERER! Subordinate Officer the Recipient of Hints Intended for His Superior. A sea captain's wife tells (his story of a raaiden woman, sister of one of the owners of the ship on *lilch sjie once made a long voyage. She had ve*-y decided opinion on most matters, and she and the captain had many spirited arguments at the dinner table. The captain's wife, a meek, submissive 1 ttle soul, fearing that in the heat or argument her husband might say anything to offend his august passenger, was in the habit of kick- 1 ing him in the shins to hint at moderntion. Nevertheless, all these remind- j ers passed unheeded. One day she administered a more ' vigorous kick than usual, and noticed an expression of pain flit across the face c-f the mate, who sat opposite her. "Oh. Mr. Brown, was that your shin?" she asked. "Yes, Mrs. Blaikle," said the mate, meekly, "hit's been my shin hall the r>, n ' n r,, " Vmith'a f'nmMnlOIl , He Got the Pass. "I want a pass.' "Paea? You're not entitled to a pass. You are not an employe. Sorry." "No; but here the anti-pass law says free transportation can be granted to 'necetsary caretakers of live stock,' ! poultry and fruit.' Well, I'm going on this trip with an aunt that's a hen? there's your poultry; a girl that's a peach?there's your fruit; and a nephew that's a mule?there's your live stock. Gimme a pass."?The WayBill. Showed Tact of King. It was the order of the day at a late shoot at Sandrlngham that hen pheasants should not he shot, and one , of the guests brought down a hen which fell near King Edward's place In the line. Anxious not to hurt the offender's feelings by an over rebuke, the king pointed to the corpus delicti and said: "Ah. Gurney, what a man you are for the ladles!"?Life of Edward VII. Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Iteme<|y Co., Chicago, for 48-page lllustrati <1 Eye Honk I "roe. Write all about Your Ey Trouble and they will advise as to the prop r Application of the Murine Eye RetimdP s in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Ke||ov s Sore Eyes, Strengthens Wenk Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes I Eye Pain, and Hells for fi"e. Try It In Your Eyes and In Hahy's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Outdone. Willis?I'm raising 500 chickens on a five-foot lot. Oillls?That's nothing. You ought to see the relatives my wife is taking care of In our flat.?Puck. TO DRIVE OPT MALARIA AMI III ll.D I r TIIE SYSTEM Take tno Old Standard (iKOVH* TAHTBl?S <. III 1,1, TONIC. You know what yon are taking. The formula Is plainly printed on eterr bottle, allowing It Is simply yulnlnr and Iron I it a tasteless form. The yulntne drlrrs out the malaria and the Iron builds up the system. Hold by all lealers for 30 years. I'rlee U) cents. Love is the emblem of eternity; It confounds all notion of time; it effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.?Madame de Stac-1. For HRADACI1F.?Illcka' CAPI DINE Whether frnin Colds. Hent. Stomach or Nervous Troublea, Capudlne will relieve you. | It's llould-pleasant to take acts linmediately. Try It. 10c., 25c., and 50 rents at drug tores. Good maxims are germs of all good; firmly Impressed on the memory, they nourish the will.?Joubert. _ Garfield Tea will set the liver right, correct constipation, cleanse the system, 1 purify the blood and clear the complexion. A self made man? Yes. and worships his creator.?Henry Clapp. Mrs Wlnsfow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums. reduces Inllumin.t tlon. allays pain, cures wiml colic. Sic a Imtth . God pays, but not every Saturday.? Alphonse Karr. Take Garfield Tea to regulate the liver and overcome constipation. Love is selfishness in two persons. ?RoufTlers. Horn ! l\ \ -Housework is drudl / C-xl R^ll I \ dusts and scrubs I V' Y\ the many details of \ temples throbbing, 1 pain, possibly dizzj Uw I not refreshing, beca ny I I nut oi retresning t>i< I ' I nomca ' sutisfied I \|^H I I ' It Makes . '/j. J mat ion and (fppetitc an Dr. Pierce is pcrfi J, his " I uvorite Pre I -J wi ingredients on the h / / ulous druggist pcrsi / wl rftfzLJ-*-) composition is 4' ju J S 7 fySi p a higger profit. Ju X.41. J Ur. Pierce's PIch r" diste III'- L 3 A\ \ Fare rare and pout tire pre' iO i 1 Vi |il || l.i iuM cnen< I-"' I - I J.7 )HI j><>l?>ooi.*j<erii)?fr<)m tl.e bu.1 yn\ \ tWM J JO?I I'e'lltry. Ij?rife?t eelllr.if lire V i 7 A/ iuvI li? ? flue KMney retnirlr ^J_s^r / H"Plt -howtoyonrflriiirel Vv-' /Cir 1 . mtadi I SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. hodlPS 11 Sold b] J who at Snowdrift Ilogless Lard go< one-third less, is three-thirds some than hog lard, and pr results known to any sho Snowdrift, the original HOC tins only. Snowdrift is imit The Southern Cott | Vienna^! I Style I I Sausage | A 1 _! t C f(k/ ;|| j\ gooa aisn ror & ; ?3 a Luncheon 3^ v* ;lS or Supper, fp '/A Brown the con;H tents of a tin of M/ Libby's Vienna ;M Sausages in the Ifl; frying pan and serve with baked /H potatoes. /H Easy to serve yj/ -/ine to eat ;M Look for the Libby label which means 5^ quality. fjp ^ Libby, Libby ^ St. Augustine's School Collegiate, Normal, Industrial, under the Episcopal Church. For catalogue, address REV. A. B. HUNTER, Raleigh, N. C. ? Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color iikxom das dim r> amd mi icr InTigorat<>H.iij<l prevents tin-lialrfroot fatlinitoff For J'ilo hj OratrxUt*, or sf?t Direct !?f XANTHINE CO.. Richmond, Virginia Frlrt f 1 IVr Uoitlr; S Ml pit Motile 35c. l*ead for circular. tMOTHK SfiAY'l SWEET . POWDERS FOR CHlPmCii i Relieve Feverishncss. Constipation ,Col<l? and correct disorders of the stomach and towels. Used by Mothers for 22 years. At nil I >ru*ui*ts 2.V. Sample mailed PltHK. <*M>r. UAH*. A' A. S. Olir.mtod, L* Roy, N. Y. O if you lmve two hands Frof. O. O. Y I* ^ liranull)# will teach you. Only college In 1'. S. with shops connected ; fM for course, tool-] and )>< -It Ion at good wage*. Commission paid for bringing student*. Atlanlr Barber Collcfe, 13 C. Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. 0 > KODAKS Ffc-jy Attention. Price-, reus.'tintile. I- ' r^ | -"itii.r. S? ti'l f"r Price 1.1st. v'O l>vmi4i-s s?;t htttxt. muumntos, *. c. lift HTHffll him 1.1 !.;irn th" Harlter Trade III/ H Hi I L, I I II i ij i i s- ? < v. it Inn ren h ? f 11|S I rU ?r [ n.i-n N.igi . fr< m tl Hi! 1 WW ,.(1?4 , .... uitdet. 1 In few ?? ?- T-..Is gtv .Vanes while learning l: * -i : lt It If II MoM> !i.\ KHKU COI.I KCJ.. Jilt IIMOMt, \ IKI.IMA. OEFIAHCE STARCH STES W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 25-1911. rework Drudgery [ery for the tveak women. She brush, or is on her feet nil day attending to the household, Iter hack aching, her nerves quivering under the stress of r feelings. Sometimes rest in bed is use the poor tired nerves do not perecp. The rcul need of weak, nervous >y Dr. Picrcc's Pavorite Prescription. Weak Women Strong ick Women Well, icriptlon" removes the cause s weaknesses, heals Intlam' ' ulceration, and cures those i to peculiar to women. It i the nerves, encourages the d Induces restful sleep. ;cfly villing to let every one know whot icription '* contains, u complete list of oftlc-wropper. JJo not let any unscrupiade you that his substitute of unknown d us gouJ ' in order that he may muku st smile and shake your head ! sunt I'ellcts cures liver ills. P'"14 ?>< Fplxootlo i 1*1 H a a Is .Shipping Fever 41 tk sJutnrrbu! Fever rentl t e. no matter h?>? burner at any stajre are Infcrte4 n tb>' tontfui acte on the Mood and < In n>1s - rx|?5tall>a jr Carolnatemper In l><.,ra and Fhee|, ana Cholera la stork reuu-djr Cire* la (irl|>|i? amotiK human tielnpa Mo ami SI o lw,ttl? . t' ami 110 a itoxrn. t it this out. at. who will ?ret It for you. Kree Booklet, "Dlsteoiper. tfent* wintril. goshcn. mo., u. s. a. T*> S LARD y all Leading Dcalei's 'aid substitution trade cs one-third further, costs more healthful and w holeoduces the most beautiful rtening. Always call for }LESS shortening. Buy in a ted but never rivaled. : nn Oil Pn N?* York, Savinnth. Oil Oil OU., New Origins, Chicago