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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. The closing exercises of the Belair > school, over in Lancaster county, will be held on Friday, May 12. Fort Mill friends of Mr. E. Guy Bradford will regret to know that he la ill of typhoid fever at Ridgeway. Mrs. C. L. Dye, of Kershaw, arid Mra. Lois M. Sistare, of Lancaster, are Tiaitora at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 2. It Haile, on Booth 3treet. A telephone message Tuesday everting from Concord, N. C., stated that tha Fort Mill ball clnb defeated the Concord team by a score of 6 to 2. Mr. and M rs. E. W. Russell on yestarday moved into the Sellers cottage q Forest street, bought recently by Mr. Russell from Mr. D. F. Lee. Tha Times would be pleased to have an occasional letter from the Pleasant Valley section. Can't some of our friends over in the Valley favor us in this respect. In the circuit court at Yorkville last week several verdicts were rendered in fetor of cotton buyers against parties who failed to deliver cotton contracted for last spring to be delivered in the fall. The annual examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop collage and for the admission of new students will be held at the court house in Yorkville Friday, July 7. The next aeasion of Winthrop will begin September 20. The Fort Mill baseball clu't left Tuesday morning for Concord, N. C.. to engage the team of that city for two games. It is probable that a return series of fcames between these teams will be pulled off on the Fort Mill diamond within the next ten days. Prof. Lueeo Gunter. of Columbia, has been elected superintendent of the graded schools of Rock Hill and he has accepted the election. He succeeds Prof. J. C. Cork. Professor Gunter for the the past year has been assistant superintendent of education in the office of Superintendent Swearingen. News reached Fort Mill Saturday of the death at the State penitentiary in Columbia April 26 of W. E. Deaton, vara j awrvinur u lif*M rt f a ! ip?? fur t fl? murder in Fort Mill seven years ago of J. Laurie Patterson. Deaton's death is said to have resulted from Bright's disease. At the Fort Mill Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening Dr. W. D. Reynolds, missionary of the Southern Presbyterian church to Korea, delivered two very instructive and entertaining lectures on his work among the Koreans. Large and appreciative audiences heard each of I)r. Reynolds' addresses. At a special meeting Saturday of the board of directors of the Savings Rank of Fort Mill Col. Leroy Springs of Lancaster was elected president. Col. Springs succeeds the late Capt. Samuel E. White, who was at the head of the Savings Bank from its organization more than 20 years ago until his death several months ago. The contract for the sewerage . ystern for the city of Rock Hill was let Monday to Sullivan, Long & Hagerty of Bessemer, Ala., the amount of the bid being $52,675.10. The contract for Rock Hill's new depot has also been let, -I. C Dickson & Co.. of Durham. X. ('.. being the successful bidders. The Times is requested to again call attention to the meetiug of the York Baptist Sunday School convention which meets with the Clover church on next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 9 and 10. The program of the convention, which promises to be one of much instruction and entertainment, was published recently in The Times. Leon Massev, son of Mr. B. F. Massey of Fort Mill, has been compelled to abandon his studies at Cletnson college on account of defective eyesight. The young man has suffered for several years with weak eyes and recently his affliction became so severe that he could no longer pursue his studies. He ' returned to his home here last Wednesday. On account of the York County Live Stock Association's cow show, the Southern railway an: "is very lowrates to Yorkville. and return from Blacksburg, O. si. Fa' Mil!. Lancaster and all int? n ate stations. Tickets will be on <n < M-u 9th. 10th and for morning rrai? iv:m - g YorkMay 11th, with th tit 11 vu to May 12th. Quite a hump e V '>! f; . went to Flint t i wit a the o|u niiig l : . < hai lotte and W i ,-t la Carolina asso;- iti.a. - i itinent was ex pi s .1 a: li wing which the t'iiar!?>lt i on ; I . allowing Winston to \ a\ -tr wi ii the game li to I. In the i'll* : ii eontest held at < i ht. in which .M l* . t Mill rep res i honors w* \ i ;i i. b stU'ii i Mil: ??rv I 11:. l!ni\ t , i Second In?l:<>1 Chariott.- (>i ? s Tin1 many friends of Mi-. I' nl 1>. Serines will !?? in to re- ;< i! to lea it she was taken from St. I'< t? i's I |> tai. where he has been undi r tr< utmcnt for the past six weeks. to Iwr homo in 1 tilworth yesterday morning ami that while ho is not \ot at I to !>< no she is much improved. Next Tuesday in^' :it s.'M o'clock the musie ? !; e -s \< < i. Link Will five a recital iri the in; . t riinn of tingraded .-cho I to which t ie pnl ic ; invited. Mis- I a . I. - arranged a very interesting pi gr.w-i ft.? ti. recital and ail v. I . : it. i : t!? ? \i s Tuesday nia\ expct an e\i nir.g" ? *.Certainnu'iit of the I : he t class. Mrs. J. .1. liail -s an 1 children, wh have been m-iding t> r s v. rai months with Mrs. Bailes' j-;iret!ts i:i then zv.\ are expected to arrive in l-'nrt M:1 today and, wi'.h Mr. Italics, will at once occupy the handsome new home on Clebourne street, which was recently purchased by Mr. Bailes from V. It. ftlankenship. A i??wvl fpiuml <?Vi?r in thi? -iUnl Ylil n ..v. . ley section asks The Times to extent! an invitation to the autoists of Fort Mill to come over in the Valiev on May 10 and lineup along the "Boulevard" to witness the passing of the large party of autoists who are to make a reliability run from Savannah to Charlotte. The Times accepts the invitation on the part of the local auto club and assures our /riend that Fort Mill g will "bathar." f \ - - . . * : " I " ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lytle, whose i marriage was performed by Rev. T. J. ! White at the Methodist parsonage the { evening of April 26, returned to Fort ! Mill Sunday evening, after a visit to: relatives in North Carolina. Mrs. Lytle is a daughter of W. D. Thrower and is a young woman who is popular with a I large circle of friends. Mr. Lytle is an employe of the mercantile firm of L. A. Harris & Co. The third detachment of militia officers from this State to take part in the manoeuvres along the Mexican 1 border have been announced by the adjutant general. The detachment will leave for the frontier on May 11. Those ordered to take part are: Miles J. 1 Walker, major medical corps, Yorkville; Richard F. Watson, Greenville, captain First infantry; James H. Hammond, Columbia, captain Second infantry. The State board of health has written to the local board of health and the city ' physician asking that they urge a!! the people in this city to make free use of lime and disinfectants on their premises. ! j i^ime is especially recommenaeu as 11 is as good a method of killing germs as is I known. You may think that vour premises are free of all germs but there ' may be another thought coming to you. ' Buy a barrel of lime today and use it freely all over the premises and especially in the out buildings. This will undoubtedly save some family from sickness this summer. A postoflice order effective last Monday and continuing until June 1 requires that postmasters- throughout the country count and weigh each piece of mail matter handled. The same rule ap-; plies to carriers on the rural routes. To comply with the order requires considerable extra work and time and for this reason Postmaster Massey of the local office request- patrons of his office to post mail matter as far ahead of the hours of closing the mails as convenient. Mr. Massey also asks the public to bear with him in the additional time required in opening the mails resulting from the counting and weighing of the matter. Memorial Day to be Observed. Wednesday, May 10, will be observed as Memorial Day by the people of Fort Mill. The exercises will be held under the auspices of the Florence Thnrnwell chapter* U. I>. C. The exercises will begin at 3 o'clock in trie arternoon ai ine rresnyientui church, i'rof. F. M. ('rum will deliver an address and there will probably he others to make talks appropriate to the occasion. The pnblic in general is invited to attend the exercises, and a special invitation is extendhd the pupils of the graded school. All are asked to bring flowers. 1 he merchants of the town are requested to close their places of business during the hour in which the exercises are held. For School Trustees. The following list of names of gentlemen suggested as a board of trustees of the Fort Mill Gradid school, to be elected on May 11, has been handed to The Times with the request that it be published: J. P. Crowder, A. O. Jones, R. P. Harris, W. J. Kimbrell, W. B. Meacham, J. T. Young, R. F. (drier, L. J. Massey, B. W. Bradford. r> j p,. j D 1 Darn ana 3ioctt ournea. B. M. Lee, a young farmer of lower Fort Mill township, had the misfortune Friday night about 10 o'clock to lose his barn And stock, two mules and a cow, by fire. The fire was supposed to have been of incendiary origin and when discovered had made such headway that it was impossible to check the flames or remove any of the contents of the building. The barn was practically new, having been built about-two years ago. On this there was $150 insurance, but it is understood there was no insurance on the mules. Up to the present time there is no clue as to who fired the barn. Mr. Lee only a short time ago returned to Fort Mill from the West, and this loss, coming as it did just after he had equipped himself for the year's work, fails very heavily upon him. Marching Shoes for Militia. ('apt. T. B. Spratt of the Fort Mill Light Infantry has received from Adjutant General \V. W. Moore tic following letter: "1 am herewith inclosing you order blanks that you may ascertain at once and report to me proinj tly, accurately described upon tin- u closed card, both size ami width of marching shoes desired to < quip your command, and only such members as are now actively engaged with your company. This order is only intended to cover the non-commissioned officers and privates. Should vou dime Mioi-ii n?r commissioned ?fficcrs. kindly inclose amount necessary to cover ci st, which will he S2.SU each. In order that there may he no unnecessary delay in petting this order through the factory, you m e n quested t<> gi\i tlii? matter your prompt atti ntion." The York County Cow Show. York county's first annual cow show and dairy products exhibit will he held in Yorkville, by directions and under the auspices of the York County Live . Stock association, on May ill and II. A very neat catalogue giving full information, list of prizes, etc., has been printe i and can be had by writing Hun Ilrydgi s. m cretary, or J. 11. Norris. The object of the cow show is to encourage the people of York and adjacent c.,untie, in raising belter cattle, and the dairy products exhibit has the sa.i.e aim. but wiil be rather more of an incentive to the women in huttcrmal.ii g and caring for n.ilk. The cow show wiil be in the large barn of (limn iV- Allison, and the daisy exhibit m the McNeel building. At 1D:.'M a. m. m May 10 all will ;i>in in Memorial I >a\ es? TCises connicier by thi- Winnie Davis chapter. I'. I >. ('. At 2:do p. in. Ira W. Williams v.,it known throughout the State, will be liver an a 1 Iress on "The lYssibiiith of the Cow ? r the Farm." At 11 a. in. May 1!. Fel.x Willams of Villa Kica, (?a., o ie of the most successful lairy men of D 'orgia, will deliver a:: a !dr? s ujH?n the same subject. Other speakers are expected, anions tliem one from Clemson college. The railroads w:il give reduced fares and freight rates on exhibits to Vorkville. (loed inti>:cwil! be furnished by the Vorkville cornet band. The board of trade, the city council and citizens generally have contributed liberally to the enterprise. Over $oOU is already subscribed. Parties wishing information as to entertainment should write to J. H. Witherspoon, chairman of the com| mittee on information, Vorkville. ;j= J Cj The choo! the fact that I advised sele< <1 Quality sf J tion. How ma; I yourself implicit always been bel p i liuv^ tAi v we have never < ? CONVEh to the satisfactic ??'2>?0??S'?v5?? ? Savings Ban I , The 01 X He en in busine @ years; was once 1" ? passed through t 5? every depositor hi 0 without restrietioi ? CAPITAL STOCK Q SURPLUS & LIABILITY OF STOCK* ^ SECURITY TO DEPOSE ^ We have ill way: g time deposits. ? W. B. } ???0 ?? ??S0?? ( J V c. -V;. -??* v7 Call and got a souvenir. Dixon-Wither: 21 South Try on St. Fly Pr< * i f The season is here \\ > tion should be taken aga t your screens will need n< 4 piete stock in all widths, ? doors exposed to the v/e > wire for inside use. ^ We also carry Scree * I McElhai ^ Everything 5 %% % *>. %"%. * * *. % "% % X % , "Have Stood 1 I They have no superior i.i point or | Sav/ fc'illo, Oil frills, Cctti 8 ? ?j required. Writ*.* f< 8 Mao'lac'urc BOILERS. We 8 To?er;-.raati- G>n.:'r irtl (l Huili i y btandpipci, I Sr!i Supporting \\ rite tOI 1 S'cel Slack*. 2 "ETAS'1 ' J s- SCHOFIFlO'S sc Branch Office, II I I I II [? I? Mill I iu. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned to ke i>tf tlu-pri-mi t . of tin ol>i XV'iite lion suad. Tlr- property inis r.f : tiy l>< set :<-'isK ;d<us? I. r 'li! anyone cauc t>n these pivmis,- will i>> i rt rented tie full extent ?>!' tin aw.>c rail wards wili i e paid for suilick-nt e deiuv to convict parties recently thro ine rocks at the windows, and othi wise defacing the property. No one allowed on this property except consent. Keep off. LEROY SPRINGS, Ex. W. B. MEACHAM. Agent. - 4 , ^ Abou sing of your Furnit it is to become a j Aion. lould be your first y you be sure of securir ly to some reliable hous :ter than his bond; whos few such houses. once, in our existence, v JIENT TERMS? m of our customers. C IILLS ? ? ? ? ? *?*. a?v 33 ?@??$3GJeSN8e9USNJ90 ik of Fort Mill, ? id Reliable, jjjj ss for over twenty x t down up and robbed; gj wo panics and paid ? s cash as called for <? | - - - $25,000.00 ? - - $11,000.00 g I0LDERS $25,000.00 ? TORS - - $61,000.00 ? , s paid 4 per cent on ? IKACII AM. Cashier. ? c^? ???????????? The Pitcher That Went to the Well Once Too Often And was broken, may have come from our store, but we have more just like it, and when you buy a set of Dinner Ware from us, you can always duplicate any broken pieces. Wo are building up a reputation for having the best and most complete assortment of Cooking Utensils in the city in connection with our China and Crocker;.' department, and you need not go out of our store to get a complete out'it for your dining room and kitchen. spoon Company, Charlotte, N. C. 0 election. \ _ ' * dien every possible precau- Z inst the house fly. No doubt ^ L'w wire and we have a com- $ in both the galvanized, for ^ ather, and the regular screen * n Door Hinges, Knobs, Etc. ^ * ney & Co. > ; in Hardware. Z $ iiills the Test -of Time*' l Dl'RAIIILITY and are lleyt Adapted \ sn Gins; in fact. w here 7/< <i/ // huty is ?r prices on Sa w Mills, Shingle Mills,etc. carry for immediate shipment the Best rs, ranging from 12 H. I\ to 150 H. I*. lay for our illustrated catalog. NS CO.. Works and Head Office. MACON. GA. 107 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. V fs fi 1? P V r'i> CT"' P U J n n 111> M i : l iHi ep R.. ATH 'IJMA -A i \\\ ehr; York v i 11 e - ?*. C? (ll M.Nil; 1. Bl'Ii.lM.Nu. t SPECIAL NOTICES.,1 if. 2"> Word*?25c Knch Insertion. by FOR SALE Few bushels of Mammoth Yellow Soja Beans at &l.on per bushel. Wateroak Farm. Osmord Barber. * : HOME FUF t Our < me should be ma Dart of your home thought?- perfect! lg these requisites? I ;e. Go to a merchant ;e goods have always 1 OURS IS ONE villingly breathed misr nc /^All VO O V71 LUUIOL. v v v. all and look over our ! i your MEACHAM Specials for Saiurd * EMBROII)ERV Nice quality Hai from 6 to 18 inches, very special, at .JAPANESE nn;s :l<;.\72 inches it 20c. 9x12 feet at $2.85. VVOMENS' OXFORDS All sizes, MEN'S OXFORDS- Nice nohhy I SEA ISLAND -.16-inch, only 10 y T-.T n 1 nriivrci f?..l i:.l O,? ;?u , bllalhiinu opienuiu ou-unn > HOYS' HATS -Peanut Braid Sun Colgate's Talcum Powder Yiolette. Cashm ?o at'15c. Colgate's Coleo Soap at 15c. Colgate's Floating Bath Soap at ? Colgate's Elder Flower Soap at 5< Colgate's Palm Soap at 5c. Colgate's Lemon and Vanilla Ext "Did it corr o from Epps'? If MEACHAM Treasury D< Office of ('oinptrollt \X ashingtc Whereas by satisfactory 1 undersigned, it has been m? FIRST NATIONAL BANK." in tlu* county of ^ ofk, and tlv 1 !> / /->! 11 r-iiw! With ill till Dl'C tin- L nited States required to i I association sha'! he authorized oi Banking, i Now, therefore, I 1 horn, i Acting Comptroller of the Ci that "The First National Bank, in the county of Vork. and in lina, is authorized to commenc as | rovided in Section 5169 o the L nited States, i In testimony whereof, wit office this 3rd day of March, I Deputy and Acting Co T erra j zrrr: Pipi i! ^ i! I have just recei u I ment of Terra C and Well T ubing < to supply you with j! need. j| Prices: Drain r, foot; Well l ube, i xy h tNISHERS = Furn ide with delibera j, doubtless for y seasoned wooc n no other way, of w with whom you hav :>een as good as his h It is a matter epresentation. Our are pleased to e line of magnificent H IG COI [ & EPFS. ay and Monday, iiiburtf. with Insertion to match. 10c. . worth aOc, at 38c. Size 27.\;;4 solid leather, at $1.2.'!. ast, all sizes, at $1.1)8. to customer, at 4e. roods, 10 yds to customer, 8c. Hats, 10c. < Coods. ere Bouquet and Dactylis all >c. ra:*ts 15c and 25c. so, it's O. K." I & EPPS. I apartment. t of I\w ('urmicv >n, I). C, March 3, 191 1. i j I evidence presented to the ide to appear that " I HE : in the town of f ort Mill, j State of South Carolina, visions <>! the Statutes of )< complied with before an to commence the business j as P. Kane, Deputy and nrency, do hereby certify i in the town of l ort Mill, 1 the State of South Caro- | e the business o! Banking f the Revised SfoLutes of ( ness mv hand and seal of 911. : T. P. KANE, mptroller of the Currency. i! Cotta | ( ' ived a big shipotta Drain Tils j ind am anxious j i what you may j I r'j -$ i o lie, Z 1-?C per iccording to size. , liture tion. Its very per: years, demands c is and good, sturd hich we are aware, the e traded for years; wh >ond and his word. of honest pride v\ Furniture is GOOD. irrange the matter ;ome Furnishings. , MPANY f M fimlK \ Jm) W '*3 ' . pri< VVfe would like to have the pleasure Men's and Boy's Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Etc., in the place. Men's H We have the nobbiest line of Men's "Interwoven," also in Silks, at 25c. who are interested in good hose to ca McElhaney & "Just across th< a mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mm m I Paint Youi I With Pleasing Colo I With our experience we cai suggesting tasteful color sch that will make your home ap | in its surroundings. I -IlNE HOUSE PA I gives greatest durability and I rain and shine. It costs less lasts longer. Come in and as! jj monizing color suggestions. I Parks Drug < Take an axe. if necessary and chop fall below your income. \Per Cent. Compounded > allow to depositors in our Sa^ solicit the small savings of mei taking pi asure in giving them * If you <! ? not give us your b; * fault, for we lose no opportun ...! . .. < late fully having yoi NO TIME LIKE T GIVS US YOUR ac t THE FIR T NAIIONA t> n i i ? ij c '1 * T. S. KIRKPATkhK V. ... i ;?A w. b. ardrey edgar JO a osmond barber J. m. HAR w. s. McClelland l. a. har o V 'TICK >1 KI.E< T[nN. ^ Notice ia hen by given that an election will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., on Thursday, May 11, 1911, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing nine trustees to serve Fort Mill School District No 28, in accordance with the new law. at D. A. Lee, Lee Armstrong and W. L. Hall are appointed managers of said election. By order of the board. R. F. GRIER, Chairman. I ' W. B. MEACHAM. Clerk. iTii - ' . O manency? ;areful and ly construein by trusting ose word has /ith us that 4 of payment r L ^ >4 . I, WHIM II ?Mi en's, Ladies' and Childrens' Oxford^ H V l;%: rring is close at hand and you ?"? .; I want the best low cut shoe \ J be found, style considered. # are "just across the street" h the shoes and with the ^ :e in.keeping with the quality. 9f showing yon thf 4k?!U mW* ? and Ladies' Gifqrds Gentfik' ' W ose. | i Hose going in the celebrated Will be pleased to have those II and inspect our line. Company, e street." MMiMnBiMHi* Home fe| r? I i be of service to you in nHfl lemes and combinations pear to best advantage WTY ,,nt * j mm beauty and best resists because ii takes less anc^Jfl H k us to show you = . | 1 company I ~! at your expenses until they ^ I A I i ^uarieny is what we <? < > zings Department. We < * ^ n, women and children, interest Four Times a Year. ? \ inking business it is your ^ j ity of soliciting it, and <? j as a patron. V HE PRESENT I GOUNT T0D1Y I L BANK, FOirij "ORG ]| W A WATSON NES .IACKSON HAMILTON | RIS J. L. SPRATT % RIS | A fHITE LEGHORN EGGS. I have for sale for hatchg purposes pure Wycoff rain White Leghorn Eggs one dollar for 15. D. A. LEE, Fort Mill. S. C. )id newspapers for sale at The ne* office.