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VALUABLE FARM HINTS. | 4} Whitewashing the trunks of trees will not prevent wormy apples. The trees must be sprayed as well. Do not compel your horses to begin the season's work with poorly-fitting collars. Provide a collar that fits well and make no change. "A little farm well tilled, a little wife well willed, a little pocket well filled," is, according to one who knows, the quintescence of human haoniness. Green bone fed to growing chickens as well as to full grown fowls is a valuable creator of blood, muscle and strength, and it cannot be beaten as an egg producer. It is claimed that a few drops of camphor in the drinking water will prevent little chicks getting bowel trouble, which is the cause of so many of the deaths in the spring. Oregon has accomplished a , great deal during the past ten years, for in that time the State has placed its fruits on tb*- markets of the entire world. Much of this brings the very highest prices. An ideal place for the hens to run in connection with the hen house is the shed under the barn where the cows have been fed. They pick up many seeds and do well with such a range. The temperature of an incubator should be between 4f? and tit) degrees for successful hatching. It might stand a trifle wider variation, but best results are obtained between these figures. Shelling seed corn carefully by hand is profitable. The greater the acreage planted the greater the profit. Into a shallow pan or box each ear should be shelled separately, rejecting any wormeaten or blemished kernels. If the supply from the one ear appears good and contains no poor kernels, it is poured into the general supply and another ear shelled in the same way. [EfirtTs 1 Efir I An New Scotch Zej Dress Ging We have just opened up length 32-inch Scotch 7,e\ Ginghams in the small strip checks, etc. This is a reguk I you can find in the lot an; want, lengths up to 12 yar< at, per yard I Silk Iten Five pieces yard-wide ] I Taffeta Silk, $1 quality, at Silk Crepe do Chine in v pink. etc.. Suesene Silks, black, pink, etc.. Fancy figured Silks in w k ors 32-inch Peerless Pongee i colors I Lace Curl 31-2 yard length Lace ( and eerue. a regular $1.50 v 2 1-2 yard length curtain* 3 yard length Strip Curta window, a $1 value, 59c an 3 1-2 yard length Curtains $5 Curtains, a very soft r terns, ... EF Wholesale and Retai Value of Peanots. A man once made the munificent donation of 10 cents to Miss Martha Berry's school for mountain boys near Rome. Ga., says the Atlanta Journal. Miss Berry accepted the gift as graciously as though it had been $10,000 and resolved, as usual. to despise not the day of small things. She told the boys of the gentleman who had so generously aided them, held up the dime and then urged them one and all to strive valiantly to make ail they possibly could out of their coin. It was invested in peanuts. These were carefully planted, the whole school taking part. And how the boys worked fhonppfiirtli tn miil-p tliat tmh'll grow! The result was that at 4 the end of the season the dime's worth of groundpeas netted the * school $49. (JO. ( Of all the rich truths that lie within this story, none is more ^ practical than that the peanut is 4 one of the highly profitable, yet neglected, crops of our Southern 1 soil. The United States depart- j ment of agriculture lias recently issued a bulletin caliing attention < to tiie fact that the value of the ( country's peanut crop for 1908 . was $12,000,000. Fort Mill cotton, 14.60 cents. LINEBACK& ELAM ' (POPULAR JEWELERS) CHARLOTTE, N. C. West Trade St., Near Square. "The Little Store with the Big Stock." We are getting in tremendous stocks of the most select lines of Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, | Cut Glass and Holiday Goods. Our stock has the variety that you want when you select a Wedding or Holiday Gift. Come to see us and we will always give you the best goods for the least money. dpp u?j c other \A >hyrs and hams We have ji new Val Lace four cases short beautiful qua ahyrs and Dress One lot Va >es. plaids, fancy match, qualit ir lf>c quality and per dozen ' color you may Pure linen J pieces. Special sertions . . 10c Val Laces, Insertions to flS New lot b; and ecrue, p< guaranteed black Heavy qu? . 69c cream irhite, liprht blue. -T 39c Ne rhite, lipfht blue. 18c We have hite and all col- Lawns, and 25c New Side n all the popular . isc bpeci :ains Curtains in white 42-inch all ralue, at 98c weave in ere > . . 35c All wool B ins, one piece to 50-inch wo <1 69c colors, $2 value $1.48 Regular 5C let, beautiful pat- 50-inch Ch $3.98 all colors IRD'S 1 il ? ? Summer Sports. } j J^Cf PLAY \\ t r 1 BALL- \ W + I And get your Baseball Supplies from head- ^ J ^ quarters?Parks Drug Co. Reach's Balls, Bats, ^ I r Mitts, Gloves, Masks and Uniforms. Our stock ^ ( ^ is up-to-the-minute and we are prepared to fill ^ | p orders promptly. ^ I P Mail orders receive the same attention as if f ^ the customer was in the store. $ t * ? Parks Drug Comn'y * I , "TINE IS MONEY -There are no Gains without Pains." i I Loans are cheerfully made on approved collateral, The methods of this bank are liberal and progressive. j POUND banking principles are ^ rigidly adhered to. I he buisness is steadily GROWING. which means growth in facilities. ^ We allow you 4 0 0 Interest, compounded quarterly. The farmers of the community are cordially invited to ^ bring us their business of whatever nature - - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,T BCasSATr: jj ARTMENT ST CHARLOTTE - - N. C Jeek of Special: New Laces Birdeye Clo1 ist received a big shipment of Five new cases white lily L s, Edges and Insertions to match. best absorbent quality, all widt ilities, 5c per yard, 48c per dozen 19 inches wide * 1 Laces, Edges and Insertions to 27 :ies worth up to 5c per yard. 3-4-yard square Sanitary Ru 18c at m Torchon Laces, Edges, and In- 27-inch cream Wool Flannel. 5c 36-inch 50c cream Wool Flan Edges up to 5 inches wide, and Yard-wide Embroidered Woo match ? 10c _ 9 __ . aby Irish bands, white, cream Ladies W IlltC I C er yard 10c ility all-over Laces, white and 10 dozen ladies' white Pettie .. 98c embroidery and lace trimmings o* i n l UI> to at 5W bide Bands Ladies' 25-cent Corset Cover ;>uc uowns . just recvived a lot Side Band - . 1 1 i r* Batistes at ioc and 12 i-2c Heatherbloom re Band Foulards at 12 l-2c al Items in Wool a* C i 20 dozen ladies' genuine h Dress VjOOuS bloom Petticoats, the refills special, at wool French Serge, very fine ? - . 1 r am. black and navy. 75c New Mercerized I atiste. black, cream, etc 50c ol Batiste, cream, black, and all We have just received anoth . 50c fine quality Mercerized Cotton >c quality crearn Mohair 25c the new Spring patterns, dark ifTon Panama Cloth in black and light figures, also white grounc . . 50c figures, qualities worth up to 11 DEPARTMEN CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 1 . F990080 808908808008880? larket Talk! The average gain per clay of each g g steer in our barn is two pounds. q Sr.. ^ 5$ That is i?r<>\vin<? hoof stoak in a ? ? hurry. Our stoaks and roasts arc JS[ 8 nooossarily oompollod to ho <rood? 8 & A trial ordor will oonvinoo you. <? S L. A. Harris & Company. ? (??3?????????? ?? ???????????? < When You Drink Drink puro, oloan Cotfoo like ('AHA.IA COFFKK. Kar^esl seller in I lie ('aroliiiiis WI1ITK HOl'SK COFFKK is 1 lie world's best. (iood Oroeers Kvervwliere. ....... [ORE | Efird's|EWs| s at Efird's th A Shower of Good Values hrdeye Cloth, Jn Goods ggC 12-yard holts English Ixmg Cloth 98c 11 bi l.r>o very sheer quality Dimities in the very boei fcneeung small, also larger size, plaids... .. 10c 25 36-inch white Madras, suitable for shirts oq*! and shirt waists, etc., 10c .h/m, j /iq( Embroidered Dimities and Swiss in plaids riannei c an(j str^)(;s> qualities worth up to 25c 15c kA|.* __4._ 27-inch very thin sheer quality plaid Bat,ltlCOaiS iste at .... 15c nits with deen Mercerized stripe Batiste . 15c Wirtc u^wL 1,(XX) Ladies'Cloth, a cloth that looks like ' ^K,lts jqc Long Cloth, though firmer 10c 1An extra heavy quality best standard 2a Bleach Domestic 10c c 36-inch best quality Cannon Cloth 10c Lonsdale cambric .. 10c 40-inoh India Linon Lawns 10c 25c Mercerized Batiste, shorts 10c lack Heather- Snow Sample Oxfords ir $1.50 kind, 98c 1,000 pairs Snow Sample Oxfords for men. ? _ _ The name alone is enough description for us OUlaTClS to give of these shoes. We might add that they come in patent leather, tan, patent vici, er shipment of gun metal, etc., on all width lasts from A to Foulards in all E and every style toe that is made. Oxfords ground with made to retail up to $5 a pair, piled on one 1 with colored of our bargain counters, to start the season -to 12 l-2c off with, special per pair $2.50 IT STORE Stores also Concord and Gastonia