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w SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST 1 to TIMES READERS. , ! j Mrs. M. J. Harris, of Alber- 1 marie, N. C.. is the guest of her \ sister, Mrs. R. F. Grier. i Miss Juanita Erwin came home ' Friday from Chicora college, ( Greenville, for a short visit. j Mrs. Annie Lee Hoffman, of I Pineville, has taken a position < ^ with the firm of Meacham & Epps. i Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bradford, \ who have been residing at Ad- i ams, Ga., for several mon^ , , have returned to 7*.... Villi. The Fort Mill friends of Mrs. | Brevard D. Springs will learn j with regret that she is seriously ill at her home in Charlotte. ] Dawson Brown and Miss Eunice ' Collier, of High Point. N. C., 1 were married in the waiting room 1 of the Southern railway station I Sunday morning by the Rev. 1 W. A. Hafner. ( Mrs. T. E. Sharpe and children j arrived from Greenville Friday ( morning and are guests at the home of Mrs. Sharpe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Potts, on White street. t Practically all farm work is at i a standstill in this section as a ' ( result of the all-day rain Sunday, i There are many fields yet to be i] given the preliminary plowing 11 for the year's crops. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Graham , and infant daughter arrived Sat-1 urdav from Greenville and are j guests at the home of Mrs. ( Graham's parents, Dr. and Mrs. | T. S. Kirkpatrick, on Booth < street. I Police Officer V. D. Potts is.5 the owner of a game hen which j' doubtless holds the record as the ; * youngest layer. The hen, ac- 1 cording to Officer Potts, was I hatched last November and up ^ to this time has laid nine eggs. Among the visitors to Fort!' Mill Saturday was J. F. Muir, of 11 Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Muir, j who some years ago was super- < intendent of the Fort Mill Mfg. Co., is now the Southern repre-j ( sentative of a New England ma-1, chinery supply house. For stealing a quantity of clothing from a fellow-workman at ! the plant of the Charlotte Brick company a few days ago, Gar- ' field Porter, colored, is serving 1 30 days on the county chaingang, in compliance with the sentence .v-t ** ~ t iir uj ma^iaiittir /. *v. nicLiinancy. The local chapter D. A. R. has offered a medal for the best essay I on "South Carolina in the American Revolution." This medal will be presented at the commencement exercises of the Fort1 Mill graded school in May. A committee of judges from town j will decide the winner. "Paradise," a negro settle-, , ment in the eastern section of; the town, is to take on a decided : boom in the way of new build- j! ing. During the past week Miss ! ' Anna Barber has let to A. A. j Bradford the contract for the I , erection of eight 4-room houses j ; in the settlement, work on which will begin at once. As a member of the hospital corpsattached to the Seventeenth , ' Infantry, IT. S. A., Robt. B. White, son of Mr. A. S. White, < of Fort Mill township, left Fort < McPherson, Atlanta, a few days , e ago for the scene of the army i manoeuvers along the Mexican border. Mr. White's command 1 j is in camp near San Antonio, Tex. ! j Clarence Hoagland, 15-year-old | son of Mr. W. T. Hoagland. nar- j rowly escaped serious injury j Tuesday morning when a horse . ] he was riding on Main street 1 reared and fell to the ground on ' him. Fortunately the entire I weight of the horse's body did I not strike the boy and he was j only slightly injured in the right ; hip. The Fort Mill Light Infantry, i j Co. K., of the National Guard of South Carolina, is making ready ; for the annual inspection which ? UI. ?1 ,J E<_: J A - ! rr I I ?r? ui- iiciu uu r nuity, rtprn I. \ ; The inspecting officers this year j are Adjutant General W. W. j Moore on the part of the State i and Capt. Frohwitter, of the J coast artillery corps, for the ! Federal government. ! Dr. N. R. Hotehkiss, of New ; i Haven, Conn., and attractive i young daughter. Miss Eugenia Hotehkiss, will arrive Tuesday to t, be the guests of Dr. Hotehkiss' mother, Mrs. Hotehkiss, and1 Mrs. Mattie Stewart, on Mint street. Dr. Hotehkiss is one of the most noted surgeons in New i England. For a year he was in bad health, but has recovered entirely.?Charlotte News, Sunday. Fort Mill Man Charged With Burglary. Will Hammond, a 25-year-old white man who has been an ir- t regular employe of the Fort Mill v Mfg. Co. for several years, was t arrested by the police authorities t n Charlotte Thursday morning t and brought to Fort Mill Thurs- y lay afternoon by Constable J. J. v ^oltharp charged with burglariz- t ng the home jf J. B. Clawson, in f :he village c the Fort Mill Mfg. ~ Co., Wed* osday night. Ham- J nond w.-j given a preliminary hearing oefore Magistrate J. W. Vlr^.iianey Friday morning and it .1 default of $1,000 bond was committed to the county jail Frii A* * * * * ' jay aiternoon to await trial, ~A probably at the April term of e general sessions court. The evidence produced against 0 Hammond at the preliminary $ learing before Magistrate Mc- ? Elhaney was that Tuesday night ^ >vas spent by Hammond at the iome of J. B. Clawson. The b Following morning he was re- J' juested to repair the lock of a J ioor leading into the bedroom of Vlr. and Mrs. Clawson. It is c charged that he so arranged the * Ioor fastening as to be able to inter the room without the aid T )f a key, and that he slipped into he room Wednesday night and b ifled the trousers pockets of Mr. t( FJlawson, securing between $45 ind $50. Hammond had about >13 on his person when he was I irrested in Charlotte. j j Blease Eschews Politics. Calumet tribe. No. 30, Im-ij erovea uraer 01 Keel Men, held its eighth annual banquet in Friedleim's hall. Rock Hill, Thursday evening, and a large number was f present to partake, M. G. Bry- * int was toastmaster, and called jpon the Rev. C. P. Carter for die invocation. c The toasts were as follows: t "Calumet Tribe, No. 36," John Porter Hollis, Esq. "The City of Rock Hill," Mr. J. B. Johnson. r "The Daughters of Pocahon- f Las," Mrs. M. L. Bean. "The State of South Carolina," t Governor C. L. Blease. In replying to this toast Governor Blease did not inject any [X)litics. t "It Pays to Trade at Fite's - - ? - Special Sal Beginning Saturday, April will offer the people of Fort Lard at the following extrer 2 pound buckets for ; 3 .. 4 ? 5 10 44 44 20 25 44 pails Don't eat tou^h bread any lor of Lard. I have it in sizes to si . Thin ?:?!< ? will I Oct iliirlit 'In"" ^ - iv. ft ?vwv UOJ^O. ? C. M. Fite 1 - Treasury D< ()ftiee of ( \>nij>troll( Washingtc Whereas by satisfactory undersigned, it has been m< FIRST NATIONAL BANK," in the county of York, and th< 1 has complied with all the pre the United States required to I _ till t . association shall tie authorized of Banking, Now, therefore, I I horn Acting Comptroller of the Ci that " The hirst National Bank in the county of York, and in lina, is authorized to comment as provided in Section 5169 o the United States. In testimony whereof, wit office this 3rd day of March, I Deputy and Acting Coi Fort Mill Won, 9 to 3. The first game of baseball of he season on the local diamond /as pulled off Friday when a earn of young men drove through he country from Charlotte and 1 ried conclusions with a crowd of oung Fort Millians. The game ! /as more amusing than scienific. The score was 9 to 3 in avor of Fort Mill. SPECIAL NOTICES. mi vforu*??ac p,acn insertion. HOUSEKEEPERS Read Kite's ad i this paper. FOR SALE- House and lot now wned and occupied by Mr. D. F. Lee. Lpply to me for particulars. J. ! lAlLES, Broker. FOR SALE I have a limited amount f Cooke's Prolific Corn for sale at 1.50 per bushel on cob. Plant the best nd harvest 100 bushels per acre. J. i 1. HARRIS, R. P. D. '<. Fort Mill, S. C. F(.R SALE Few bushels of Mat', oro Prolific Seed Corn at $1.50 per ushel. Wateroak Farm. Osmond Rarer. 8-90-4t FOR SALE 200 bushels of pure , ulpeper Cotton Seed at 7">c per bush1. Apply to Edgar Jones. Old newspapers for sale at The ' office. FOR SALE 100,000 froet-proof Cab* age Plants, Early Jersey and Charles>n Wakefield varieties. 2-2-t# B. M. FAR IS. lobson's Eczema Ointment lobson's Itch Ointment luality Itch Ointment ling's Iich Ointment Seasonable hir Bedbug Exterminator A 25c bottle will remove ivery bug you have two or hree times. If "Acorn" Salve does not 1 emove the corns from your eet, you can get your money j >ack with asmile. Price. 15c vith pads. Ardrey's for He Sells It for Less." t le of Lard j l 1, at 9 o'clock a. m., we ^ Mill a large quantity of nely low prices: 22c + an#. * 40c 55c t 98c ? .. $1.85 4 $2.25 + iger. Come and j?et a bucket jit everyone. 7 Company. t ?' "1"' """ * apartment. ?r of the (1urmicy ; : . >n, D. C., March 3, 191 I. evidence presented to the rde to appear that "THF. in the town of f ort Mill, ; State of South Carolina, >visions of the Statutes of 1 ~>e complied with before an to commence the business ; 1 as P. Kane, Deputy and jrrency, do hereby certify in the town of f ort Mill, | the State of South Caro- ;! :e the business of Banking f the Revised Statutes of ness my hand and seal of 1 91 I. T. P. KANE. mptroller of the Currency. / JERSEY BULL j Eminent of Oakwood. whose dam 4 produced six hundred and forty-two m pounds of butter in 1910 under authen- a ticafed test and whose grandsire sold at i auction for $10,000 and was resold the ^ following day for $12,000 to Col. A. M. x Bowman of Salem, Va. No better bull t in the world for milk and butter pro- f duction. 4 Fee for breeding $2.00 in advance. d Do not bring or send your cow unless ^ you bring or send the money. If more a than one service is required there will 5 be no charge. , K. M. BRYANT. f It P n > ?? **:ti o r* a iv. i . w. run AYiiii, r>. i T Notice to Creditors. j In the Court of Common Pleas Z. T. J Hailes, as administrator, etc*., vs. 2 J. C. Glover et al. j Notice is hereby given to all of the J creditors of L. it. Glover, deceased, J that their claims must he established before me, on or before the seven- 4 teenth (17th) of April. 11111. or be for- 4 ever barred. d By order of court. m J. A. TATE. A c. c. c. Pis. 5 Yorkville, S. C., March IS, 1911. a We Are Headquarters For the Following: Hardware, Crockery Bin! Stoves, J Buck's Steel Ranges, Lime. Cement i and Plaster, Elwood Field and Hog j Fence, McCormiek Mowers and Rakes, International Gasoline Engines, Shredders. Corn Harvesters and Disc Harrows, Sewer Pipe and Farm Drain Tile, Grates and Tile, Chattanooga Turn and Disc Plows, Cole's Hot Blast Heaters, Wilson Heaters, Machinery, Fittings and Supplies. Window Glass and Putty, ' Rooting of all kinds. Farmers* Favorite i Grain Drills, Stalk Cutters, Spokes and ! Rims, Guns and Ammunition. Rock Hill Hardware Company, Rock Hill, S. C. J. HARRY FOSTER, . ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Yorkville - S. G. ' MCNEILL BUILDING. Old Reliable M Buggies, Surries, Harness, glad to have you call and see o B. D. SF Phone 28 ^ w (gj * The Orig Mr. Roystei Manufacturer o' above other cor idea Twenty-se to-day; the resi Factories to supj f. s. NORFOLK. VA. 1 MACON. OA. C< mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I We Are Proud j i Of the Fact? $ > That we have the best Hardware and the best ^ > Hardware Store in town. # > We use the chisel to shave down our prices when $ | we first mark our goods. S > We don't bore those who come in to look; we do * | not have to?because we only need to show our goods f to those who know. Our goods sell themselves. ? When you need Hardware, come look at ours? ? you'll find the "best you ever saw." ^ ? f McElhaney & Co. * "Just across the street." ? The Pitcher That Went to the Wfi"0nce To8 0ften 11 " was broken, may have come from "~~"j -J our store, but we Tiave more just like it. 3#^s\ V ant' when you buy a set of Dinner Ware ' ^ from us. you can always duplicate any Ifli We are building up a reputation for . having the best anil most complete assort* ment of Crooking Utensils in the city in connection with our China and Crockery ^ department, and you need not go out of our store to get a complete outfit for youi VS dining room and kitchen. Call and get a souvenir. Dixon-Witherspoon Company, 21 South Try on St. - - Charlotte, N. C. |l??ll 1 4 rp? flM T nu ? mi ti-ii K in i in1 i own iiirougn M"oc Times. itchell?Monarch of the Road | , Rubber Tires, Farming implements. Fertilizers. We will be er 3df>e. RINGS & COMPANY, 2? S. College S?. CHARLOTTE, N. C. A - i - ------ a REGISTERED. in of Roystcr Fertilizers. r believed that success awaited the f Fertilizers who would place quality isiderations. This was Mr. Rrkvst^r'c - ven years ago and this is his idea jit has been that it requires Eight 3ly the demand for Royster Fertilizers. ROYSTl-R (il ANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. rARBORO. N. C. COLUMBIA. 8. C. 8 R A R T A MB UR O. ?. C . OLUMBUB. OA. MONTOOMKRV. ALA. BALTIMORE. MD.