University of South Carolina Libraries
SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Mr. A. A. Bradford, .Jr., of Columbia, spent Sunday in town with relatives. The highest price paid for cotton on the Fori Mill market yesterday was 14.75 cents. Mrs. ,J. T. McGregor and little son. of Forest City, N. C., are * spending a few days in town with Mrs. McGregor's mother, Mrs. Augusta Culp. Mr. P. M. Bailes. a theological student at Furman university, has been spending a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Bailes. returning to the university from a Y. M. C. A. convention in Raleigh, N. C. Dr. M. A. Connolly, who is pleasantly remembered by many Fort Mill people as a resident of the town a few years ago. spent a few hours here Monday afternoon on his way from Waxhaw, N. C., to Woodruff, where he is practicing his profession, dent istry. In Magistrate McElhaney's court Tuesday morning a ldyear-old white boy pleaded guilty to the theft of a pistol from Fred Kimbrell, a blacksmith shop worker, some days ago and was fined $10. The boy slipped into the shop where Kimbrell works and stole the pistol. Mr. J. L. Adkins and family have moved from the country to Fort Mill and Mr. Adkins is now in the employ of McElhaney & Co. Until recently Mr. Adkins was engaged in the sawmill business in Chesterfield county, but disposed of his interests in the mill, after finding the business unprofitable. The local R. F. 1). carriers are greatly interested in the bill which passed the national house of representatives some days ago making the minimum salary paid the carriers $1,000 per annum. If the bill passes the senate and is signed by the president it will mean a substantial increase in the compensation of the carriers. County Engineer ('. W. Requarth, of Lancaster county, and his brother, who were on the way from Lancaster to Charlotte in an automobile Monday afternoon, narrowly escaped what might have been a serious mishap when the car skidded and - -4- tan down a 9-foot embankment between Pineville and Charlotte. Fortunately neither of the occupants of the car was hurt. The car was slightly damaged. Postmaster lb II. Massev has received from the first assistant postmaster genera! notice of his reappointment as postmaster of Fort Mill for another four-year term, beginning .January 22, and Monday afternoon be forwarded to Washington bis bond of $4.POO. As soon as the bond is approved by the postofiice department Mr. Massey doubt less will receive his commisson. The bond was signed by four of the substantial citizens of the community. Sunday afternoon Magistrate .1. W. McElhaney added one more to the long list of North Carolina couples he has sent on their way rejoicing as husband and wife. Shortly iiftcr tKn nmt-ni of train No. 27 Sunday afternoon J. A. Moore and Miss Houston Womack, of Cooleernee, N. ('., applied to Magistrate McElhanoy to do his best to unite them for life. The?*e being no one present who objected to the marriage, they were duly accomodated. John W. McKlhaney, S. H. Kpps, Sr., W. B. Meacham. J. 1.. Spratt and J. 0. Hughes are the Fort Mill notaries public who will lose their commissions as a result of the proclamation of Governor HI ease revoking the commissions of all notaries in the State. Dr. rj. L. Spratt, one of the local notaries, will lose his commission after having been in nossession of it. less than a month. - Dr. Spratt states that to date he has received the inunilicent sum of 15 cents for his services as a notary in return for an investment of $(> for his commission and seal. Notwithstanding the fact that the open season for partridge shooting is still on and will not close until March 1. ven few I . * ? nuiiit i s are ' ? oo oDsen ed ill '!)?' fields in this section in quest of this the finest of all game birds. Whether the birds have been nearly all killed or whether there has been a sort of mutual understanding among the sportsmen to leave the remnant of last season's covies for breeding purposes the coming season is not known, but certain it is that little hunting is being done hereabouts nowadays. Coupon. VVhon itrownfoH at Ar drey's Drug store is good for 12 cents on one 25-cent bottle of "El Zora" Creme, or 2T> cents on one 50-cent bottle. To introduce this fragrant, non-greasy toilet creme we are authorized to sell a certain quantity at the above prices. If you do not say it is the best or as good all round complexion creme j we will gladly refund the purchase price. It is an elegant preparation and for massaging is unexelled. Ardrey's Drug Store. I Wnntvd Knur Polar & Daniels Beginner's Latin Books. ? wn. . v rgx?*?* MB U-'Mm Take Gare iOf Your Eyes. When your teeth wear out the dentist can make you a new set, i | but when your eyes wear out you ate in a "bad fix." So it will pay you to take care of your eyes. If they pain you while reading, something is wrong, and you should have them examined at once. With twenty-seuen years' experience and eye study we are prepared to correct any ordinary defect. We sell the best quality glasses only, at very low nrices - . I and make no charge for examination. We never advise you to' wear glasses unless you need them, and never fit glasses unless we thoroughly understand the defect. L. J. MASSEY, Jeweler and Optician. ' Hale's or the Comer" Pure Drugs and Medicines. Cigars and Tobacco. Garden Seeds. Headley's Chocolates are fresh and delicious. On .hand at all times. Come to see us. Fort Mill Drug Compy J. R. HAILE, Frop. L1NEBACK & ELAM (POi'ULAK .IKWKI.KKSi CHARLOTTE, N. C. Wc-5t Trade St., Near Square. "The Little Store wilh the Elg Stock." We ar tfrttinf? i:i tr< im-ndous stocks of tlx- most select lines of | J Jewelry, Watches, Silverware. t'at (Mass and Hol'ilav (loods. . J Our stock has the variety that ] y i \\a .1 a hen you select a W? I ,i . ... it ?11. i ^ v;i n<> i *ci v Mill, ('utii' tu lis and we v. ' .! : way - "Ivr you tho !>< ( ^ood? r I th?' least money. I J. HARRY FOSTER, ATTORNEY -AT-1. AW. YorlivilJe - 3. C. mcneill building. I Meacham New Gii Just received a shipment of plain and fancy colors, standard k per yard. Brown At 15c. 20c and 25 cents, froir line of Dress Linen with pure line Fere* Our Spring: Percales have just dium dark, solid and lijrht colors, punjab percale. Price. 12 1-2 cent Millir We have about a dozen trimm $3. to $5.50. Take your choice foi Mea. chair poods can be duplicated anyv m of the Shoes we sell is well ki ofTer are sure to appeal t< entire stock of Men's. Won S S Shoes. |jj ? Come her for Shoe Barpai | The C. M, File C H Fort Mill, S. 6. ri.: Here's Your Chance We have several thousand dollars: worth of finished marble and granite monuments on our yard. This is more ; than we consider necessary to carry i and w wish to re,luce it by one-half | between this time and the end of the year. In order to do this we are offering: any headstone or monument now in i stock at a lower price than other deal- I ers have to pay for the same work. No use to pay $100 f<>r a : onument win n you cm buy the . thing from us at $7f?. Tie agent ret the diff? rence. Cuffii' to our yuirl at d keep the $L'f> in your pocket. YOFtKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS, JOHN F. CAKUOI.L. Pres. and Treas. I I beg to an I Lumh< 1 cf Mr. V. B. 1 stock all gira< |j Terra Cotta. 3 i tp i will app f; tee ike lowej ^ o C'j^ e j & Epps. igham. Spring: Ginjjhnm, consisting: of oods and fast colors at 10 cents Linen i HO to oti inches wide. Also a' n filling:, all colors, at 15 cents. lies. heen received. These are nieThis is the famous piece-dyed I ts. lery. ed hats o?i hand, costing l'rom f r $1.98. i i & Epps. STOCK-REDUCING, |' INEY-SAVLNG SHOE 1 : is; 1 LE I prices that, are less than the Sp chore. The hi,i'h character nown, and tlio bargains we j ? all. The sale includes our ion's and Children's Hi IB I m m - We Are HeadquartersjFor the Following: i Hardware, Crockery anil Stoves, Buck's Steel Ranges, Lime, Cement and Plaster, HI wood Field and 11(>k Fence, McCormick Mowers and Rakes, International (lasoline Famines, Shred- dors. Corn Harvesters and Disc liar- ' rows, Sewer Pipe and 1 arm IV a n Tile. Crates and Tile, Chattanooga Turn and Disc Plows, Cole's Hot Blast Heat, Wilson Heaters. Machinery, Fittings and s, \\ indow Class and Putty, le.olini; ? !' a:, kit !-. Fane ?' Cav. ; it> | Grain Drills, St:dk Cutters, S| ..kes ai d | Rims, Gun- : -i Ammunition. Rock lliil Hardware Company,!" kock Hill. - S. C. 5 noirnce to the a A r* 51, V^Ucli (CiSK Blankenship. li des of Lumber a Piping, Roof Pai >reciate the pvi, o T? 3i. ZJiL r w A ? caai .v 2 ..v;. A V IT ,f':^ i b bb You Get the Rlgi 1 Wire Fe f J Here?the Kind t Our Wire Fenc !_ strong, horse-high a Come in and pric Wire, and we'll do 1 D you. You'll find < prices right. Whatever be yc Hardware, you7!! fi the place to supply We make a spe< plying the little art the farm and will I have you call on us of such. 3 T I McElhaney L _ L-?IbzJE? -iBi . B Bi= Jlank Liens, Mortgages, Etc,, for sale by The inuu uiuiTr o on Kst?bU8h~J 1 tlUllll wnilCftbUi LOUISVILLE send Yoiir Ksxt Order \a Jab Prist W.'itbk AHK2 "3SWC5 V>. VI! ' ? 0 p-v |> saram^aaanBHinp-y-^aiii ublic that I have 1 Wood Bws t is rnv rmrDose A Jk md other Bulkkni nt, Cement, Woe c "7 " i,& tf* T"* Civ v<< c. .Ti *r i J11 \ , ?.? Ct k. y * J j. > . \} .V C. i Or<-s r- v*r yfj" <r*ft y\ >'s - * - ry v \r^Lrr^\.. -z -.w.'i ? ? fort M I it Kind of L ncing ha! Lasts. [ ing is bull i * i i nu pig-ugni. e our Fencing business with ? i1 3ur wire and I >ur needs ir ? (b ncl this store those needs. :ialty of sup- ^ ! icles used oil i i 3e pleased to when in need ?; ji r & Co. [i Gi -11=11 r-ir=H: Notes, Bills of Sale, Times. IDES PRICE PAID UNO HIDES f:g to 11)6 Fori M :i Tiroes nt. I; f > i 1 f 4 jf S j I I bow!"*! tl:.;; i \ mess . to keep in ! ' y Mater*-1 j , Coal, Ev.c. ^ ' a 0"P*P}V ~ ~Z- 1. r *~ - ;; V ? :" \ * . ' 'Hi C* t lll? 5. v.... u >uukk? aammmmmkk