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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. After suffering severely from rheumatism at his home in Fort Mill for several days, Mr. S. A. Epps left Monday morning for Charlotte to receive the treatment of an osteopath. Two of the Fort Mill officers of j the First regiment, Capt. T. B. | Spratt and Lieut. J. L. Spratt, ! * attended the annual meeting of the officers' organization of the ! State National Guard held in | Columbia Tuesday evening. After spending several months with relatives and friends in the Providence section of Mecklenburg county and at Fort Lawn, Miss Johnsie Kell, daughter of the late Dr. S. A. Kell, returned Tuesday evening to Atlantic City, N. J., to resume her vocation of ; trained nurse. Mr. C. B. Magill is again superintendent of the plant of the | Charlotte Brick company at Grattan, two miles south of Fort Mill, j Mr. Magill left the service of the brick company some months ago to engage in the mercantile business, but did not find selling, goods to his liking and consequently has returned to his for-1 mer position. At the meeting next Tuesday evening of White Oak camp, W. O. W., of Fort Mill, two dele-| gates are to be elected to the annual convention of the Woodmen of the State to be held in Columbia March 14-15. The State organisation has a membership' of 2,500 and the expectation is that the convention will be large- j ly uttended. A number of the teachers of the Fort Mill graded school ex- j pect to attend the meeting of York county teachers which is to be held at Winthrop college ! Saturday for the purpose of or- ; ganizing a county teachers' association. An interesting program has been arranged for the meeting and those who attend will be entertained at dinner by the Winthrop authorities. Over at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta, where R. B. White, son of Mr. A. S. White, of Fort Mill townsnip, is serving a term 01 enlistment as one of Uncle Sam's soldiers, marriage has spread like measles among the privates durthe last ten days and in consequence the colonel of the regiment has found it necessary to issue an order that from now on no private shall marry without first getting his permission. A. B. Nivens, S. W. Parks and W. F. Boyd, of Fort Mill, have been drawn to serve on the jury the first week of the court of common pleas which convenes in Yorkville Monday, February 6, with Judge Robert Aldrich presiding. The Fort Mill men who will serve as jurymen at the second week of the court are V. B. Casey, B. S. Gordon, B. F. Parks, VV. L. Hall, J. M. Patterson and W. P. Epps. The heavy freight traffic on the line of the Southern railway between Columbia and Charlotte, to which reference was made in The Time's last week, was strik: i._ : J T7* .1 _ uiKiy evmceu r riuay anernoon by the arrival of train No. G4 just 24 hours overdue. The train should have arrived in Fort Mill Thursday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock, but lost an entire day between Columbia and this place on account of the inability of the crew to do the work on schedule time. There had been no accident to delay the train. Capt. T. B. Spratt has sent in his resignation, effective February 1, as station agent of the Southern railway in Fort Mill. Some weeks ago he was elected treasurer of the new Fort Mill bank which is to open for business February If). There is considerable speculation concerning Capt. Spratt's successor, but nothing has been given out locally by the railway to indicate who will be the agent after February 1. Two young Fort Mill men, Ernest White'sell and B. M. Lee, are active applicants for the place. A business transaction in which there was several thousand dollars involved occurred in Fort Mill Monday morning when Mr. J. .1. Bailes bought the lumber business and beautiful new home of Mr. V. B. Blankenship. Mr. Bailes took charge of the business f Wednesday morning, but will not get possession of the home, which he and his family will occupy, until Mr. Blankenship moves out several weeks hence. It is said that Mr. Blankenship disposed of his Fort Mill interests with the view of moving tc Raeford, N. C., where he has 2 farm. Coupon. When presented at Ardrey's Drug store is good for 12 cents on one 25-cent I bottle of "El Zora" Creme, or 25 cents on one 50-cent bottle. To introduce this fragrant, non-greasy toilet creme we are ; authorized to sell a certain quan-1 tity at the above prices. If you j do not say it is the best or as good all round complexion creme we will gladly refund the pur- i chase price. It is an elegant preparation and for massaging is unexelled. Ardrey's Drug Store. Wanted- -Four Colar & Daniels Beginner's Latin Books. Take Care Of Your Eyes. When your teeth wear out the dentist can make you a new set, but when your eyes wear out you are in a "bail fix." So it will pay you to take care of your eyes. If they pain you while reading, something is wrong, and you should have them examined at once. With twenty-seuen years' experience and eye study we are prepared to correct any ordinary defect. We sell the best quality : glasses only, at very low prices and make no charge for examination. We never advise you to wear glasses unless you need j them, and never fit glasses unless we thoroughly understand the defect. L. J. MASSEY, Jeweler and Optician. "Haile's on the Corner" Pure Drugs and Medicines. Cigars and Tobacco. Garden Seeds. Headley's Chocolates are fresh and delicious. On hand at all times. Come to see us. I Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. LINEBACK & ELAM ! (POPULAR JEWELERS) CHARLOTTE, N. C. West Trade St., Near Square. "The Little Store with the Big Stock." ? . Wo arc petting in tremendous stocks <>f the most select lines of Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cut Class and Holiday (loods. Our stock has the variety that you want when you select a W? dding or Holiday (lift. Come to see us and we will ali ways give you the best goods for the Irast monry. I I J. HARRY FOSTER j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; Yorkville - S. C McNEII.l. BUILDING. j Meachan _ New Gi Just received a shipment of plain ftnd fancy colors, standard per yard. Brown At 15c, 20c and 25 cents, fro line of Dress Linen with pure lin Fere Our Spring Percales have jui dium dark, solid and light colors, punjab percale. Price, 12 1-2 cei Milli We have about a dozen trimi $3. to $5.50. Take your choice f Meachan I The Cut F c> We are receiving car goods are as good as mor || are the best. : reft Just received a car Flour, also a car of Virgi we arc offering at a verj Cotton Seed Meal and Hi everything that you nee SPECIAL?We will ofl fjja cut of 20 per cent, on all :9. our spring and summer s | C. M. Fite Here's Your Chance We have several thousand dollar: worth of finished marble and graniti monuments on our yard. This is mori than we consider necessary to carr; and we wish to reduce it by one-hal between this time and the end of th< year. In order to do this we are offer inj? any headstone or monument now ii stock at a lower price than other deal ers have to pay for the same work. No use to pay $100 for a monumen when you can buy the same thiritf frori .... .. wu.* u.. UM ill 1 lit* ^l'ia lilt.* lilll f I f III f Come to our yard and keep the $25 ii your pocket. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS .JOHN E. CARROLL. Pres. and Treas. A. n. r ; I beg to ai Lumb r n m i r n I or ivir. v. k. stock all grs Terra Cotta 1 will app antee the lo J. J. B nMHnnmHraBOHi l i & Epps. ingham. Spring Gingham, consisting of goods and fast colors at 10 cents i Linen m 30 to 36 inches wide. Also a en filling, all colors, at 15 cents. :ales. st been received. These are meThis is the famous piece-dyed nts. nery. nea nats on nand, costing from or $1.98. (i & Epps. i V?'A ?:y y? ?93tWR&8&V. ? :?.-.; ? v 9; > Ci 'nee Store.; 1 i loads of stuff daily. Our ?c$ iey will buy and our prices *p of Stickell's Gem Patent scT nia White Rose Flour, that r low price. Shipped Stuff, |?jj| ills, Boveta, Corn, Oats and 6ja !er for the next 30 days a ?8' I Shoes to make room for 'q: itock. iOv ; Company. fk We Are Headquarters hor the Following: s Hardware, ('rockery and Stoves, L' Buck's Steel Ranges, Lime, Cement L> and Plaster, Elwood Field and Hog ? Fence, McCormick Mowers and Rakes, * International Gasoline Engines, ShredL* ders, Corn Harvesters and Disc Har" rows, Sewer Pipe and Farm Drain Tile, Grates and Tile, Chattanooga Turn and " Disc Plows, Cole's Hot Blast Heaters, Wilson Heaters, Machinery, Fittings I and Supplies, Window Glass and Putty, a Rooting of all kinds, Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills, Stalk Cutters, Spokes and II Rims, Guns and Ammunition. < Bock Hill Hardware Company, Rock Hill. - S. C. noun nMBBBBBm inounce to the ] er, Coal an , Blankenship. ides of Lumber Piping, Roof Pa reciate the the - '11 _ west possioie pr AILES j=K3r==l[31 1 13 I I You Get the I S Wire F | Here?the Kin Our Wire Ft 3 strong, horse-hig! Come in and p Wire, and we'll c you. You'li fin prices right. Whatever be Hardware, you'll the place to supp We make a s plying the little I the farm and wi have you call on of such. 3 = McEiharu r j ll==ir=iF==ir=ii? i r=i Blank Liens, Mongagf Etc., for sale by I PBino AND h WttW HIGHEST M U Bl for raw H B B WJK Wool on Conn 11*1 mentioning JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUIS! Send Your Next Order tor Job cemi public that 1 ha> d Wood B It is my purpos and other Builc Lint, Cement, W< public patrona: nr* anvthinc . . Fort Bt ?3Bt 5B[?j tight Kind of j encing j id that Lasts. j F^nrinrr is Kull. un VAI A K 10 krun ^ . ^ h and pig-tight. >rice our Fencing 10 business with E (I d our wire and your needs in | I find this store )ly those needs, pecvalty of sup- f artides used on 11 be pleased to = us when in need (I ey & Co. LU I=II =<F=ii =qp^ir=Jl is, Holes, Bills of Sale, he Times. HIDES^ffliw ARRET PRICE PAID FURS AND HIDES ilMlon. Writ# lo? price- iT ,h'* ,d' & 7^W ?bed 1887 ?(V^T " ?ILLE,KY. ?? \\ Printing 'a T!ie Fort Mill Times pn f I texf JLJR 0 | 7e bought the usiness I se to keep in I ling Material, I >od, Coal, Ktc. 11 ge and gu*:cj| ,. > 1 j i:\ my ) I Mai, s. c. ||