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> i' ALL SOLD OUT Tutes Auctioned Off at ibe Public Squat* to tbe Highest Bidder. - MAMY ARE CONVICTED c ivavurrnt i'unvuiiR| tiiirviiiinis, Fariiicro and All Other Kinds <? People Sold Their Votes?Om Whole Srhmil District is Left*With out n Voter Now. Adams county, Ohio, hereafte must hide its head in shame. Neve before in 'he history of the Unile< States has such shameless barter u voles been exhibited. Out of h voting population of 6,(Mm almost 1,071 already have been li> ? >< hundred 'jj\been tineil ^iiu disfranchised for i years. It is said that the entirnumber of fraud cases may reaci 2,000. or 33 1-3 per cent of the voi ers of the county. It may even e> ceed that figure. Already there are charges that a least nir? other counties in the sano part or the State are in like condi tion. f Columbus hears that there ar? "boodle" counties to the north a* well. Deesnt citizens fear the ex ten of the promised revelations. Traffic in votes in Adams count; baa not been confined to politica camp followers. People of ai classes have been indicted and foun. guilty. Deacons in the churches, business men, professional men and tli.i bulwark of American liberty, th Honest ranner, have one and a P. fin to the voting places and handed h their ballots to the highest nldder. In one school district not a sin&h oter will be left?that is In Jeffei son township, which Includes Wantsleyvllle. Every male citizen hi* been Indicted. Two more minister*both of Queen county, were indictee today. Ea"h received $."> for his vou One young man confessed that h? sold out to his own father for 511 j It Is said that the buyin? and sell Ing of vo'es hn3 been going on It Adams county for more than thlri: years. It started with the use o election funds in Gubernatorial cam paigns. "The 111 i 1 nillles," or rest dents of 'lie poorer districts it th? hills, itninediafcl, pounced on i- i as a tine method of turning an extrs penny. It was not long before can dldates for all offices found that at amazingly large number of hand* were out. The price of votes, wh'cl bad been small In the' beginning began to rise. Competition gr iv ao keen that men auctioned the<.- ha) ' lots front soap boxes in front of th? court house in West I'nion. Mtity ? county officer has been forced to paj campaign assessment of more thai $2,500 to obtain an office with a sai ary of $1,800. Running fo- oihri has meant the financial ruin of iuor? than one man. The price of \otei went up from $2 to $20. Mjro thai one-third <':e voting popuiiu ju < Adams county is declared to h.i been involvM in the traffic. So r.. pacious did the voters become fha the politicians found tlie situ t i.? fast setting beyond their control Finally the scandal grew so ba> that Judge Hlair started to cle.u things up. lie tried, hv agreement to do away with tlie buying and sei tnr of votes. "Itoodling started when the oh at thod of balloting was use!," salt JuJge It la I r. "When a party work or bought a man's vote he wouli hand the man a ballot and watch hin put it in the box. Under the now *yt ten the voter goes Into the boon and shows the judge his ballot. 1 it is right, the Judge signals to th? party worker outside, and, after tin ballot is cast, the party worker ban h ti e voter Ms pay. "I myself have seen men standint on the auc'Iin block. I saw ? farm or worth $40,000 stand on a soa, box In front of the court house it West Union and auction ofT his vote The mayor, the prosecuting attorney and the town marshal watched th? auction and did nothing. "It got so that men openly boast ed that they wouldn't vote unless they wvre paid. 1 have s?;cn twen ty-seven men in one precinct sold li a block by a leader. When I rat for ofl'-oe the first "me. six vears aer one hundred and twenty-seven met In Manchester orennized and told no I'd have to pay thotn or l?e defeated I woul !n't pay. 1 was elected In th? Judicial district, but I loet Adaim flsunty." Some two hundred confessed brib ers have "squealed" and have beet released under the informer's act However, they have furnished th? county officers and the Judge with at amazing mass of Information, ot which Indictments ore being returnet by the hundred. Adams county is In the grip o* old and ino* and the wind bl'et around the hills, but the vote-sell era are com'ng for miles by foot anr by horse to make their picas of gull and receive punishment. The penal _ ty Is the same In each case - a su> , fended prison sentence, ? fine of %b and disfranchisement for .five years A poverty-stricken preacher wat amony those who came recently anc admitted that he bad aold bis vot? when poverty pinched hard. Elders A HARD LUCK ROBBER! 0 i BURIED HIS LOOT, THEN FORGOT ITS HIDING PLACE. I '?" ; _ . I I Detectives Trailed Him for Six Tears in tlte Hope of Regaining Lost Gold, Ilut Failed. 1 Charles Beeler. who robbed the Wells-Fargo Express company, at ] San Antonio, lex., of $50,000 eleven years ago. Is running an engine on the St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico lallroud. lie Is apparently suffering no paugs of conscience over his crime. The penalty which he paid for taking the money was five years in tne penitentiary, the court givin? nlin that sentence on a plea of guilty. Beeler stole the money while he was hauling it from the express office to the railroad station. In San Antonio, lie buried it on a ranch a short distance from the city and then fled into Mexico. He was captured ' and taken bask to Texas for trial, and after he l.*d pleaded guilty made i a confession and led the detectives I to the place where he buried the money. But he could not find It, < either from mistaking the location 01 having somo one else dig It up, and i he was accordingly taken back anil i sentenced to five years In prison, < which he ?=erved. I When he stepped out of prison two detectives met him and accompanied him to Ran Antonio. Beeler worked at odd jobs for a time, ami i then obtained a place as fireman on a loeomoMve on the Trinity un i . Brazos railroad. A detective rode on every '.rain that his engine pulled. ] Beeler was watched day and night. . j He went to the St. Louis, Urownsvillo and Mexico railroad from the i Trinity and Hr.i7.os Valley In the hope i of getting rid of the detectives, but ( they followed him. It la now six years since he left the penitentiary, an 1 until a few i weeks ago there never was a moment < In all tkat period that he was not i beitiK s|)ied upon by detectives. It Is i said the express company Is at last < convinced that Heeler's atory 01 t some one finding the buried money t and vetting away with it is true. As < a locomotive engineer this former t express robber is performing good ( and faithful service. ? (miuimI to be (,'weful. Just as dirt lias been difined as "matter In the wrung place," so weeds may be considered as vegcta- ' Hon for which no use lias been 1 found. Let some value for It be dis- ( covered and it Is no lon:er regarded ' as a noxious weed but as a plant ser- 1 viceable to mankind. Gradually, as ( scientific research reveals the proper- ' ties of vegetation, much that was s considered a nuisance is now I cultivated for Its medicinal or com- 1 merclal value. Perhaps the latest ( discovery in that line, and one that ' promises to be of great Importance, J is the fact that the weed known as c Sudd which blocks the upper Nile for 1 lundieUs ot n.aes is now oeiug iuaertcd Into a cheap and<>i llf?l !?V *1 J?PA? nee ? ..v.. ??. JM'* rno i i| V I'll I t"(l I) V ;i inn. If Its use l?e 'OMit's general ' s III mean a twofold blessing in : 'iu t will 'clear navigation in the rive ind provide people with fenl. I'i ibly the time will come wlien a u? vill lie found for all Kin's of veceta ion at present regarded as b*?th vnste and a nuisance, and every sucl llscovery will minister to the neec f man and help solve the problem i s living. <?et* T\vel\e Vnir*. .Ins J. Oallatrher. who shot Mayoi lavnor last August, was sentence. r Wednesday to 12 years' Imprison nent. He wan convicted in .lerse* City on an indictment charging him not with shooting Mayor flaynor. nu with assaulting, with Intent to kill William II. Edwards, commission o' -treet cleaning of New York. ^ Young anil Old Confess. At Adams, Ohio, first voters and ^ men whose ages run as high as numbering HO. confessed before a fudge A. 7. Mlair Wednesday 'hat in n the last election they sold their rote* c Each was lined f.~?, given a suspended Wlirlf llftllUA coolrt".?" " ?1 41 ? .Huu nrniclll C HIIII IIVO yVUTS I inf ranchlaemem Chops OfT Finger*. p At Spa/tanhurg Robert Smith, * little l?o.v 5 years of age, while plsy- 0 ing with hit little cousin, Phepz.i 1 Lancaster. Thursday accidentally ^ chopped off the little girl's ringer* '' with an axe She lost all the nnger> ?f her left nand Many llorses Hum. 4 At Troy, N. Y., thlrty-eiKht horses s were burned to death, ten families ^ rendered homelese and seven buildinga destroyed by fire originating In (i the Keef livery stable. The loss is estimated at one hundred thousand dollars ? I Hanged In Ireland. a At Cork. Ireland, Wni. Scanlan, an ' American army pensioner, was 1 banged Wednesday for the alleged murder of his sister-in-law in litOy Scanlan was convicted on purely circumstantial evidence 1 ? . \ I and deacons have testified tbut the' t I bought votes extensively. I li HXTKND OVER FIFTH UN" YKAHH, Uwstoms Official Makes Statement About Now Orleans Sugar Fraud. I "When the grand Jury now Investigating the sampling of sugar at New Orleans finishes its work, it will )>e found that the frauds against the * Government there have beeu going on for at 'east fifteen years." This statement was made Friday by an official of the eustoms service, who declared all the suspected frauds would b? found In the samp- 1 ling of sugar and in the tests which s determine the saccharine contents f upon which the Importer pays duty. c An Investigation of allegi ' "draw- r !)ack"fruus at San Francisco is al- c so imminent. In fact. It is known ' that a preliminary investigation has s furnished evidence which leads j* ury officials to believe that thei8 frauds at S in Francisco will eclipse,8 those at New York, which the Anier- ' lean Sugar Refining Company recently ordered to settle for $700,000. ' Kvi.lence collected by the customs I service is said to show the Government has for years zertn paying ' "d-awback" c.n Phllllpine sugar, e winch came into the I'nlted States a duty free, was used in the preserva- r tion of California fruit and later ex- f ported as BUgar imported from .la a c in which duty had been paid. One of the officials of the treasury ^ department Friday said: "The ' [roubles of the sugar Importers have 8 only begun. The discoveries of the 8 frauds have only started." c , . , d Humanity Demands It. Strikes and lockouts are a barharsm which very rarely may be excus- j. ible but which should never be re- j ( sorted to until every other method of ( tdjustment has been tried. In the ^ long run most of these disputes are settled by arbitration, and the ,l iverage man wonders why this could lot have been done at the begin- ( ling Instead of the end and thereby considerable interruption to business tnd untold suffering prevented. The dispute between the garment j vorkers and their employe/a in Chicago is one of the worst in recent H rears. Public opinion and sympathy n the matter may to some exteut he " livided, but anyone who knows any- | hing about sweat shop conditions, j lie avarice of the men who are re- | sponsible for tnose conditions and j: he cruel advantages so often taken j >f immigrant women and girls lgnor- ( int of these conditions, may well lelieve that the workers have much ,, anse for complaint. Hut the saddest thtm? r?r ill io ??> uiffe-lng of Innocent members of the ^ 'amilies Involved. In the homes 01 he strikers impoverished by weeks if idleness five hundred children A lave been horn since the trouble be;an. The thought of those Infants 1 online into the world at such a time ind the wretchedness. Buffering and sorrow it till means arouses the syminthy and indignation of every lover ^ >f his kind. We rend with horror >f the slaughter of the Infants In the ittle town of Retblehem 1900 years igo. and yet In this Christmas season if pence and goodwill. Infants are >< ing slaughtered in the homes of !' Chicago because people will not ! -lie S Id u lull IS I.. 11' 111 S' iimnnlty and 1 istice orzht to fin iomewav of ending it without delay ' However progressive and pood *own may be it ran always be 1m roved. Therefore while its citizen* ? nav he ever so thankful for th pro " ress already made they should nevr rest content with past achieve- ? nent or present conditions but us. very wise effort to still further ad- * ance l?? interest Tumid In Swmnp. The partially decomposed body of 0 ohn Owens, of A r. ? " ** " ** " o ecently disappeared from hit, horn". ^ vas founo Mini lay afternoon In Muck (r ,ee Swamp, three miles from thai lace. It is believed he wandered rom home while temporarily out of ? ils mind and died from exposure. ti Takes I'iiIndm and Lr.ul. M. E. Reaver, aped 38. agent ol ?. he Raleigh ? Charleston railroad a" n larletie, N. C., committed suicide arly Wednesday by taking carbolic ft old and th?n shooting himself. Ols- ?.i ppointmnet in love affairs is as ?t rlbed as the oat's* it ?{ A Mean Thief. Sam Hiwklns, a negro, formerly orter for an Atlanta undertaking stabllshinent, is tinder arres: w harged with stealing the clothes oft ciiniiii' Ti.- u'"1?" 1 ~ . , . ..u ninvii nuoua ? ere i \ ntind in hla possession. Ilawkln- in onfessed. I -v * * ?l Titkiii<{ ller l>e?nl. ii Miss Almy Schmidt, aned ? ". after ' 0 years' residence In America. hn? taried liack to Germany by *?y or Cow Yo:k, accompanied by the od lea of all her relatives who ha?? h lied in this conntrv. ?i * * * < < Senator Ml kins Deed. d At Washington Senator Stephen It i Slkirs of West Virginia died at 12 ' 'clock Wednesday night after a I'm ' ;erltiR illness. Members of hie fain- a ly were present when the end came hound Kro/.eu. T. A. Hamatead. aged HA, who It Ived alone on a small farm near a Vheelervlllea Ala., was found froaen T o death this afternoon In a Arid ad- f< ntnln* his Home. ei MAN WANTED OATS JUT HE GOT FIVE THOUSAND HVS1IELS OF FUSSY CATS. ?ul>stitutlon of Wrong Letter In an Advertisement Causes Trouble not! Floods a Town. The substitution of a lower-case etter "c" for the letter "o" in an idvertlsement In the Sioux City, Imaha and local newapapers has auueu jonn v.. i roiaers, a graiu nerchan' of Nellgh, Neb., all klndB ?f trouble. Trothera. wishing to replenish his iupply of oats, concluded to advcrise. Writing his advertisement on i typewriter, he manifolded it and ent copies to the newspapers as foiows: "Wanted?Delivered on track at Ight 10,000 bushels of cats. Will iar highest market price." \Tr?t n-?""?ng the error he awaited e.SultS, which '-Huie mnnor *??^n no xpected. Within a ?ui<? .?* .11 kinds and descriptions comnenced to arrive consigned to Trothrs. Some were sent prepaid and thtrs colls't. They came from the last, the West, the North and South, "he sient of the Northwestern rrtuu ecatno alarmed. He was being wamped by cats and wired the uperintendent for Instructions. Thai ifliclal, not knowing what else to o. wired back: "Dclcase all entg not accepted." Still cats continued to arrive, and till Trothe-s refused to accept the elines, but his troubles did not end here. Dovs about town ha 1 framed hat he was in the market for cats, 'hev commenced to catch the strays nd take them to his place of 1 airless. Some days last week he reused as many as five hundred cats rought In by boys and three and our times is many coming bv rail. It Is estimated that fully live thouand cats have ben shipped into Neigh, and Mie end Is not yet. Thov I re becoming a nuisance anil the city ouncll is about to take action and r. er a slaughter of the animals. Why Not Turn Tills Tide? Under the nbovo caption the Alanta Journal says during the yoir est ended one hundred and fifty housand p -oplo of the United ?ta'.os, lany of whom are farmers and nearf all of whom come from hardy 'eutoo'.c. stock, moved across the orthwestern border and settle! in "ana'a. Tliry will become citizens f that country, developing Its wllerneas, enriching Its agriculture and ddlng to its national strength. One hundred and fifty thousand rodueers of wealth have left us flthln a single twelvemonth. The umber Is considerably greater than : was In 1909 and, according to tho >rccast of tho C nadlan immlgraion department, it will bo greator. till at the end of 1911. Such a -ecord Is of vital concern ' 5 every quarter of the union and artlcularly so to the south. Tor It ! i In this section that those thouimls of land-seekers should lo"?.i'lv settle. It would he a ronsorvave estimate to s iy that the emigrate to C") nada last year meant a loss f one hundred million dollars to our .. .? i? itii y . n mi i iimi una iiU Mb | *t iiio-ft valuable than the man who orks. Labor 5s of itself a source f community wealth and social wel"e. Rvp-v farmer that moves from country, not overcrowded, is a loss > that country. ,'n I he '? likewise a pain to land hither he roes. Mad the tide of mlrrat'on from the northwest be-n vuthward Instead of toward Canada ur whole union would be richer toay and our own section would be icalculahlv tro. The sc.uth nei ier desires nor eeda that sort of immigration which ows In from the muck piles of the id World, but ah? should welcome 'e men whose veins Kold the blood f her own forbears and whose hon?t industry would add to the wealth f her harvest.'.. The Immlpratlon department of ana la Is carrying on a vigorous, rstemafic campaign to secure altera from our northwestern states, ereln lies a truly golden Biiggi-atlon >r the south. Killril by Kvploslon. Huhert Schnlz, aped nineteen, as killed Monday at Yatkum. Tex., hile drlng anvils In celebration r' ew Year's day. An Iron ring whicn rt piHrrn neiween two anvils filled ith pow lei hurst when the explonn occurred. a piece of the rinti rikine: R'-hiilr In the atnmach ann aauinic entirely throuirh the body. Held to he hnsfiil. The hank rnarant-/ Inws of Oklaomn. Nehraske and ftanens were declared ronsl it uflonnl hy the supreme tiurt of the United States Wednesav and thus the fight over the esihlithment of the policy of guarnfeeln* the public and State depota In hanks was won hy advocates of ucta a poller Ham Illow Out. One man was killed and several 1 hired by the blowing out of lock nd dam No. 6 above Monroe. La., htiradar. Other* were forced to fly rr their liven. The accident waa tuned by a rise In the river. i < II Burduco Lr 4 4 > 4 4! A scientifically prepared re 4 stipation, Dyjpej s a, Ner Coakd Tongue, Bad Tas 4 > 4 > 4 i; Mild anc ;i No Griping | * NMKXv* jij Makes a S\ve< 11 Pretty Cc I j |? Si ld by all medic i 1BURWELL i LMANUFAl Charlott ! CLftSSIFIfD COLUMN Crushed Oyster st.i Us for Poultry.One huu.rea pnuua.s, siiry an'* | five hundred pound*. $2.50. Ur?*Inner. LicMcotts k Co., Waveri Mills. S. C. Uioc Flour, 100 tons frr Rlc* j Flour. Hay. Grain. Bran, Chops C. S. Meal and etc., Albert Ills choff and Co., 31 hlllzaoeih Street Charleston, S. C. Women, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent profit. Make $20 daily Full or part time. Reglnasrm Investigate. Strong Hosiery. Ro>. 4020. West Philadelphia, Pa. i ; CJIrl ur Woman, each locality. Gon' pay made. acting as representativo | 1 Address envelopes, fold, mail cir-' culars; material, stamps furnished I free. Rex Mailing Agency, Lore ; don. Ontario. I The High Point Detective Agency o Columbia does a general det?ct!r? business. White knit cnlnr<i(t ri? i tectlvea at your convenient Write us. W. 3. Taylor, Manage' Columbia, S. .C. 1>o!>I)h' Single Comb Rhode Isiaic j Reds and "'Crystal" White Orpini i tons win ami lay when other# fall, stoci and eggs for e?le, p?lo for mating list. Q. A. Dobhs, Box B. 24., Galnte-lllo, Ga. North State'e Insurance Co., of Kingston, X. C., operates only in the two Carolinas and has mire Carolina llvea insured taan any other Carolina cofpany. A^uts wanted where the company '* uoi now represented. Mrniuiotlt ttron/e Turkeys lor v.s Won first prizes at Piedrnon fait and extra prize of $18.00 lamp Hatched last of May. Young tom> weigh from 16 to IS pounds, nice hens, $7.00 per pair. Oliver .1 Conrad, R. F. L>. 2.. Wiuslou- Salem. N. C. oat* \\ mate<l Make big luuue) so. 'n<s pho'o pillow tops i'.>? Pr tnldee, 26c: portraits, 36c: oilettet 2Op. We produce wo its of ir Cusrsnteed, lowest p: Ices large* studio, prompt service, credit g1? en; samples; portrait and franr> catalogue free. Hitters Art 3* dlo. 111 S Madison. Ch'caro. T'l I iltNMl Live Agents wanted In ever fnorn t O O^ll reeeU#t?U.? 1 1 ~ medicine# attentively advartis* and usad by erary family and tt tb? itiM* Ap atcaptlonal onnnr tiinlty for the right perries t? make good money. Write at onw for proposition to L. B. Marti* Flo* 110. Richmond. Va. ' order to inti-twiur* mv high gram Succession Flat Dutch and Wak- , field Cabbage Plants to those era have not used them befnra I w!? ?1?? with each flra' orde*" far thousand plsnie st a $1.25. a da lar'w worth of *eretahl?i and flew* Sf d absolutely free W. R Har Plant Omw?r tfnt*rprl*<> P P a r> Wanted?Ftrrt man. woman an child In South Carolina to kno? that tha "Alco" brand of Ssal Doors and Blinds are the ha* >.i? am llioud OI1IJ IJJ I Ilfl Al)(l|ll Lnmhor Company, who matnifatura everything In Lumber an M 111 work aud whoa* watchword ! "Quality." Wrl'r Augusta l-un bar Company, Augusta. Oeorgl* 1 for prlear on any ordor, large small Hmitliwmt CJeqrgln'n Croat ent lanr Bargain.?f>50 Acroa finest farm In g land In tba state, 100 acre, tinder high state of cnltlvatlot with good buildings, deep eel. etc. 450 acres In fine long lea yellow Pino that will turn ou eoough turpentine In three years /er Powder. | A medy for Billiousness, Con- j ; f vous and Sick Ht ada I.e. V ite, and Slomach Diseases. 4 ' ^ Jj d! 1 Gentle. :: no Nausea. ) :: it Breath ar c! :: ? < ? mplexion. ine dta'ers at 25c. jf f & dunn no! Z7 URERS, ; ? J e, N. C. i I''\jA to y for . ntirs popoity. 1 1 - null's f: ( \ (J. L. flM II. R. witii fine schools an I mile act quick :is this ,s to>' In ~rty to ii a ir M| I cash .iit<i balance m three yea payments at ti p?-r cut interesL ^B; T A A >ia)?v llalnh'M h '5 4 ^B: i 9H l'k.vt m.m.vivi::: tmi: vktim. ^ Aslievillo Citi/.i'ii Deceives IVihnps Fatal Wounds. With a knife blade stuck in his right lung to a depth of four inches, and Btill protruding from tlie v. ound John Davis, a well-known citizen of West Ashevllle, daggered Into his home early Friday morning and informed his wile that he hud been cut. The Injur I man did not know the knife was still embedded in his 11111,1 until tl was pulled out by hU horrified wife. The stabbing resulted from an al'fray between the young son of Uavis nnd a young man uawed \!c.Mabon, in which the father wei endeavoring to act as peacemaker. After the cutting, which is n'.U god to have bet n done by McMnliun, the lat- m ler made his escape, but later wa? captured and returned to Asheville. Davis's condition is critical. Four Were Killed. In the Northern Pacific yards In Cheyer, Washington, the North Coast Limited No. 11, struck a car of lbs liurlingtoii passenger train No. *2. "As we parsed through the car." raid Hancock, "the short one ordered the passengers from their bertha. Thev were o 1 to drop wiial they had in the sack. "At one of the berths two young east bound. Three coaches ueie ? rerke :. Four traiiiiueii .?1 <* r*v oriel K.iled Several seriously h art No remedy will deaden tlio pain or take the soreness from Outs and Bruises . quicker than Noah's Liniment. J It is antiseptic and tiic best pain remedy. One trial will convinre you. X* i. i 1 numi ? i.iunncni pcnetratcsj requires but little rubbing. Here's the Proof Mr. E<lw?rd Ryan, who ha? born cmployed at the Old Dominion Iron and Kail Works In Richmond, Va? for about fifty yearn. makes the follow I nK atntomcnl: "While working at my trade (Iron work) 1 jjot briilm-d and out frequently, and 1 find that Noah's Liniment taken all the anrenesn out and heat* the w? .nd Immediately. Ilav* aino uaed yon.- remedy for rheumatism with the heat reaultM, nml t ecinnmerid It to anyone auflerltiK with aclica and palnv." Noah's Liniment tn the bent romertf for RheumatIhtn, Sclatlcu, Lnmo ltriol( fttirr Joints and Muxr-lea, Horn Throat* Co I da, Htralna, Hpraln*. Cute. BrillColic, Cramps, , ^ Nouralaia, Toothache antl all \T| 61^10, Hone and uacln Arltea and '?4A>Kj| I'm Inn. The K'-n- *trf> KT'^3A. I'.IH nine Nonh'a 'LfffU I mil Ark on avery f! TV p * pnekatre. IS eta. fYy^nTTVnl Hold by dealera In I t [|l 1 |Nd medicine. Kant- Ik I / 1 I M pie by mall lree. UJLdAUU>d| Eoah Remedy Co., I||rllullt II Ichnaond, Va. nikllMI IklM I