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I I SANK HER FOE Hew ike Hnnliy, a Coeftdtrate Sub maV Hie, Praved a Success. | WAS FIRST OF ITS KIND Oparnietl bjr the Confederates in and About Charleston Harbor, and Finally Went Out to Sea and Sank the 1'nlted States Sloop of War Bouttntonic. The submarine boat, according to tbe popular idea, is a moat modern device, falling into the flying machine. wireless telegraph age. As a natter of fact, the submarine of 'oday has yet to demonstrate its merits as a fighting craft, though theo> reticaily it could accomplish wonV, ders. Though boats of ttiis kind / were owned by the United State*. ! Russia and .'span, not one went in'o I action during either the Spanisa/ Ame'lcan or the Riispo-Japanese war. .;, ?i long ago as 18G4, a submarine torpedo boat did go into action. attacking and sinking a manof-war. This distinction, says Harpers Weekly, belongs trt the Confederate .< States submarine Hunley, and crude ami imperfect as was that strange craft, its general plan has been followed in the most modern submarines. The Hunley was constructed In the Iron wotks of I'arlts & Lyons, at Mobile, Ala. For iter hull the ouiiiM-is useci viiiai was must available? an ordinary cylinder boiler, forty-eight inches in diameter and twenty-five feet long. The limited interior space was Btill further restricted by partitioning off compa.vioentn for water ballaBt, the tanks being filled and emptied by valves. Heavy pieces of iron were bolted to the keel in such manner that tlioy could be detached by the crew from flie insldo in case it should become necessary to rise quickly to the suiface. The screw propeller was attached to a shaft running through the boat. On this shaft were set tight cranks at different ancles. These cranks were grasped and worked by the men, who s-t upon the port si le. the shaft being supported bv brackets on the starboard. 80 con lined was the spare that when the nien were In their places it was Impossible 10 move from one end of the boat to the other. The commanding officer's position b wac in the bo\v,#whence he controlled the rttdder and the two Iron fins which sent the boat up or down. The officer also attended tho torpedo, the total armament of tho boat. This wag a copper cylinder holding about ninety pounds of explosives, fastened npon the end of a boom twenty-one feet long, which extended from the nose of the craft. The only means 01 securing a fresh supply of air after the boat hid dived was to come to the surface and remove a hatch cov r. u|M'u i uu i uiii|mci k'ii ui irp munley At Mobile, it was decl led that Charleston harbor offered the best field for operations, and she was accordingly moved to *tiat rity by rail. Thnarrative of her subsequent eareei ts brief, hut thp story plows with heroism and devotion. Despite the strange .nature of the raft, it was not found difficult to secure r erew, and all was soon ln readiness for an expe'ltion against the blockading fleet. The crew took their places, the hatch covers were About to he bolted ln place, when, while still alongside the dock, the hoat was swamped by a heavy swell. And every man aboard was drowned. She v. as raised, and another crew ' volunteered. Again, and In almost the same manner. the boat was swooned at the dock, six men perfahlnp. thla occurrence the boat was tamed over to her builder, Capt. Munley. and a volunteer crew from Mobile, m?n who had assisted ln her fcullding. were more or less familiar with the craft, and who, hearing of the two disasters at Charleston, had hastened to offer their services. This time It seemed as though all khineu tvo r j? tn r.i.u -? ? v, w ww " v/i iw oai lot aciur11 v . The men took their places, the hatch cover* were bolted down, the lin*.-< were cast off, the boat moved away from the dock and dived gracefully mid the cheets of the spectators. Mlnut's pissed, then an hour, but the Submarine did not reappear. Ffpon Investigation It was found that the boat h i I driven her nose Into the soft nind of the bottom with such force as to render it Impossible for the crew to back of and rise to the nrfnco. All had died from suffocation. The llunley was raised and prepared for service again. Already she had claimed twenty-three victims, hut s fourth crew stepped forward Instantly wh"n a can for volunteers was made. No further trouble was experienced. and thla crew spent some time In getting thoroughly acquainted with the boat and her possibilities. practicing and rising. It was tonnd that In comparatively smooth water It was possible to make a peed of four miles an hou", but 11 the water was rough not nearly so good time could be made. As a test i, ' W \ ) SAFELY INVESTED WHEItK THIEVES CANNOT DREAR Til HOUGH AND STEAL. "Circuit Hiidcr's Wife'* State* That "Major Portion of Wealth of Lun> (ly Harris \V?* in Heavenly Securi ties. County Court Clerk Hunt, of Davidson county, Tenn., '.n calling upon Mrs. Cora Harris (author of "The Circuit Rider's Wife") to furnish an Inventory of ber husband's estate, of which she had been made executrix, received a most remarkable and unique reply from Mrs. Harris. After saying inat she did not know howto inako tho inventory and apologizing because shv. had not known it was her duty to do so, she says among other things: "It is not with the Intension of showing an egregious sentimentality that 1 say I find it impossible to give you a complete und sntlsfanorv ?nventory of the estato of Lutidy 11. Harris. The part that I *lv? is so small that It if Insignificant arm misleading. At the time of bis deatti tie had $2.35 in his purse, $116 in the Union Hank and Trust Company, of that city, about 400 books and the coffin in which he was buried, which cost about $S5. The majo* part of his estate was invested in heavenly securities, the value oi i which have been variously declared I in this world and highly taxed hv i the various churches, but nevei realized. "Ho invested every rear not leas (usually more) than $1,200 In charity, so secretly, so inoffenslvi ly and so honestly that lie was never suspected of being a philanthropist and never praised for his generosity. lie pensioned an old outcast woman in Harron county, nn old soldier In Nashville. He pent two little negro boys to school, and supported for three years a family of five who could not support themselves. He contributed anonymously to every charity to Nashville; every old maid interested In a benevolent object renolvnil hi, ..1.11.1 I- - uiu, CICI.> V-UI 1(1 UW KliCW exacted and received penny tolls from Ills tenderness. Ho supported tlie honrt of every man who confided in him with encouragement and affection. "lie literally did forgivo his pnomics and suffered martyrdom September IS, 1910, after enduring three years of persecution without complaint. He considered himself one of the chief survivors and was ever recognized as one of the largest bondholders in heaven. "Yon ean see how large his estate was and how difficult It would ho to compute Its value bo as to furnish ' you the Inventory you require for record on your hooks. I have given you faithfully such Items as have come within my knowledge. "Sincerely yours, "Corra Harris." Dr. I.undy Harris, her husband, was "The Circuit Iiider," William, n> j her remarkable siorv, which was published In the Saturday Fvev.lng Post. ?f the time It would he possible to ccep the hoat submerged, she was tllowed to lie upon the bottom unti< j he nien could endure the lack of in ' 10 longer?for two hours and tliir y-flve minutes. As the boat. when submerged, ould only be steered by dead reck >ning, it was necessary that an> ittack whi'.li sho mn ? .1.1 ? ...... v uo ut? IJvercd at night, when she could Mse. take a sight, dive and then steer In accordance with the observation. Ther?* was little probahll!t\ v?ot fhp anmll oiv??r S? only part necessary to bring above the surface for an observation, would he observed on a fairly dark night, whereas the officer of the submarine could readily distinguish a man-ofwar. Many attempts were made to reach the blockading vessels of the harbor. but as the nearest lay twelve miles away, it was found that only under the most propitious conditions would it be possible to go so far out and get back under the sholter of the forts before dawn. Conditions seemed favorable on the 17th of F?bruary, 1864. however. and late In the afternoon the flunley slipped silently toward the harbor mouth, never to return. It was noc until tne ciose of the war, when dners examined the 1 wreck of M.e United States man-ofi war Mousntonic that the fate of the ! submarine was surely known. Then j if was discovered that, when at last ; the Hunley had reached her foe, destroyed sod dest rover had irnno together. the little craft being dragged down bv the suction of the ah ip oHr? onH It has been rather an able-bodied winter thug far. even as the sign men predicted. Rut. savs the Charlotte Observer, since these prophets make the same predictions every fall, 'hey ar?* bound to be vindicated oc aslonallr Remorse Prompts Suicide. ( Stricken with remorse after he had shot nnd killed Henry Gilbreath, his neighbor near Prairie. Mlsa., Oacar i .Tones, a farmer, fired a bullet Into , his own heid today. He la not ex; | pec ted to recover. HOUSE FIRED By Police to Smoke Onl Anarchists and Sx of Tb?m Are Buried. BATTLE IN THE STREET The (Jreatent Excitement Spremln r?u? ? 1 ? m. iuuu^iiuui vii j ui liuuuwii i??i Hie Trapped Men Iteslst Arrwt and Fire on Soldiers and Police Front tlte Windows of n House. One of the most remarkable criminal outbreaks that has ever occurred In England took place in London in broad daylight Tuesday not far from the heart of the city. A band cf suspected anarchists directed its deadly fusilade front a building temporarily converted Into a fortresv against hundreds of arme! ,iol' :?* men, reinforeed bv troops an I guardsmen. mounted and on foot, who had besieged ?he criminals, finally S'Mting lire to their fortresses and demolishing it. Six of the desperadoes were burned to de-itli in the ruins of their improvised citadel. A London dispatch says the eas>t ?n 1 was thrown into great excitement by u pitched battlp between s vevil hundred police and a band of men suspected of being the murderers and the friends of the mur't *-i r?j of thre policemen w ho were killed recently by anarchistic burglars. The inspected ones, the nuiubers cf which it !s not known, occupied a house in Sidney street, a narrow thoroughfare. The police, discovering their headquarters, surrounded the place and were met with i volley of shots from within. A rapNd exchange of shots followed during which two detectives were shot, one seriously. The police after locating their men and anticipating trouble, had ordered the houses in the Immedinte neighborhood vacated before daylight and throwing a line of officers around the square, allowed no one to npproarh within a hundred yards of the scene of the expected battle. The police lines had been drawn sn tight that it was Dotieve.l tliat the in mites of trie house hud no chance to escape. The police were satisfied tint the place contained the two murderers wanted and they had also sitisfie I themselves that the assassins hid fortified their home and were supported by a number of friends. Whenever the officers approached the house a volley of bullets spattered the pavement. A detachment of 60 men with one officer and throe i non-commissioned officers of the : Scots Guard from the Tower arrived i later and were served with ball earj tridves. They fired a few rounds Into the building. There was a lull for five minutes and then the besieged replied. It was impossible to estimate the number of persons in the building as they were armed with magazine rifles, Mausers and Grown.ngs and fired with groat rapidity. Last week the authorities were in formed that men closely rescmblinc the burglirs ha 1 rented rooms in the Sidney street house. Preparing tor a raid on the house, the police Atised the tenants in the ne:ghb>J ng houses to quietly remove from *hilr honms durlnr the night. l>e ectlve Sergeant Lesson was exam ning the AMspecte I building front tho?ar when he was shot. HI* brother filcers helped him up a ladder an over a wall at the back of the yard adjoining, while the men In thu house contluued to fire upou th? party. As the situation became more ser ous the thousands of onlookers wer* 'driven back rnrt -? rledly cleared for a ra dins of half ? mile about the scene of action. The soldiers kept tip a fuailade directed at the windows or the house and the riien within reipon'ed continu ously. Meantime loads of straw wen hurried to the place for the purpose of starting a Are and smoking out the besieged men. Piles of straw were lighted near the buildings and the flames either spread to the house or the anarchist? themselves set to t^e building, The'fire brigade was then summoned and reached the scene at 1 o'clock that afternoon. The flre fighters divided their energies between trying to put out the blnze and trying to flood out the outlaws by streams o! water thrown through the windows. As tlio afternoon progressed the hnttle waged tr.ore fiercely. Another company of the Scots Guards was I >rder"d out and tork up a position ! in frnnt r*t tK. V. . . ~ ~ " ' " .. uir IIUIISC HI I : JU o'ciocll ; \t that hour so furious was the bat tie and fo determined the resistance of the criminals that machine Run? ! * ere called for These were hurried j to Sidney street under Qrders to boin| bard the building should other methods to dislo Ige the defenders fall. In the face of terrific odds the I trapped men continued * d^spcrs^e resistance and. every few minutes appeared at the windows and emptied their Runs at any one in tight. The flames, however, swept up through the building, driving the occupants to the top story. Hard fcreaaed, the terrorists kept up the grim fight. At 2 o'clock the whole building was tn flames and the desperadoes had been (driven to ?he roof. Here they fired SAVED FROM DEATH SKAMKN rLIN(il\fl Til OVRH. K TtKNKD l*OAT KE8CTKD. Jlmmie Deal ami Eugene Crow Arrive Just in Time to Sa\e the Live* of Seven Sailors. Clinging to the bottom oi their ^ boat, which had capsized and turned turtle, seven seamen of the British steamship Navarra were rescued in the harbor of Charleston Wednesda> afternoon, says The News and Courier, by Jlnimie Deal and Eugene Cross, two apprentices of the Charleston Pilot Association. The rescued sailors wero benumbedj with '' cold, having been exposed on the hot- I totn of their little craft to wind ami ? water for over an hour. It Is doubt- si fnl if they could have held out much ' longer in the perilous position in P which they were found when taken -* aboard the pilot launch and carrie. ' hack to their ship. t< Messrs. Deal and Cross were out in b the launch "Uncle Simeon,'' being i out on a special mission. While go- tl lng down the channel they heard four whistles, the distress si-'nai, blown by the steamship Navarra, which goi tl out of the channel Tuesday morning ti in a fog and groun 'ed near Ruov No '< 7. Young Deal, wlio was in charge " of the pilot launch, looked about to i> see what was the trouble. Nearb '< half n mile away froai the sliip h? spied a small object drifting with P the tide, which appeared to be a ? boat bottom-upwards with severa' ? men clinging to It. A second glam. showed plainly that the men won w waving a handkerchief and beckon- ' lug for aid. With all possible <lis 1' patch. Messrs. I). al and Cross made for the scene of trouble. When the pilot boat reached the <" upturned craft the men were found ' to be so benumbed with cold that ' f hflV horl La lit * ? ?? ..?? vv? UV Iiinau; |IHM''I <Jll it 11(1 s taken aboard. When the rescued ^ seamen thawed out sulllciently to " tell their story they told the pilot boys how while trying to run a cable r' from the Navarre their yawl boat was a , eau"ht'by a strong ebb tide and cap- s sized. They were all thrown ever- s board, but swam to the up-turned 0 , boat and clung to It for dear life. r With their clothing wet through and 1 in the exposed position In which they " were placed the cold northwest winds v' so chilled them that In a few minutes their limits became almost use- " With a white cloth one of the sev- " | <-n made frantic efforts to attract at- s I tention. The men aboard the Na- '* | vurra saw the trouble t 1 HAIRPIN DKFKAT8 Hl'UGI^AR. > ? I Attacks Young Lady In Her Home }, Itut Is Routed. A daring attempt at burglary p ( almost terminated In the more ter- e rible crime of murder was fru-t rated I at Greenwood Tuea lay a: I iiie residence of Mr. .loe Plnsou s \n a dispatch to The State. !i His daughter, Miss Ruth Pinson, a s Wint'arop stu tent, beard a noise in t the parlor about G o'clock. She a , pushed open the door and was seized t , by some one within, dragged Inside, e i cioth was tnrown o\er her head s ;nd an attempt was made to p 1 uimethlng In her mouth. She could sot scream but jerked out a hnlr |.'n ' 'I n rJ )?ACr o r? I ? k 1.! ~ ? -* * * juuiuiig ana scraicntng Her ? issd'ant. v He !n t'irn m?Je a savage cut di- i i rected at her head with soni 5 ho*" instrument and rut off almost half ' her hair, which was done up on her t 'end. Miss P'n^on then fainted fid ' he noise of her fall attra'-tel her v , father who ran Info the room. * The burglar lumped out of a window ajid escaped. It is believe! that I , he has on his fare marks of the hair 1 "in used by Miss P'nsin. The arti- i rles which he infen 'ed to take away * were found outside the win 'ow. c , They Included a !srg$ number of wed, ding presents belonging to a sister who was married la?t Thursday. Although every effort has been made to ^ . find a clue nothing h*ig as yet devel. oped as to who the burglar was or , in what direction he has fled. I upon the police and the soldiers be r low. As the fire envelope! the house heavy explosions occurred. These ap- ' , t>arentlr were of ammunition, witli which the terrorist seemed to have ' been well supplied. The fire Itn- ' i perilled the n?i< ). K/-.-V.j - _ ? uuuu> ? an me . besiege I hniif,f? In flames the besieg, ers temporarily suspended the bom- s hnrdment and set to work to rescue women and children from the adloinlnsr bullrings. The zone of rian, : per bad widened so rapidly tha' many ^ j ii?r?nn? ? >? within I't Mm its tTp to 'be time that the roof eare way the firemen had made no a*, tempfa to sujr the fiance. but when It was seen that cremation only awaited tha occupants of ?ho home, r Police Inspector McCarthy crept !i through the narrow atreet and forced I rho front door. There was no sign s i from within. The last shot of the t defenders had been flred. Flretnen d i brought up a hoee and presently s were enable to enter the ground n floor. The place was flooded and c search for !to occupants beeun. Soon s it was dlacoeered that atx bodies had n kmti (tlsenvsr* I d LIVE WIRE COIL " \v ills a Mat and His Two Dogs Which Try to Rescue Him From It. " (>i THF HFAniY H1RRFMT ii u 1/uiii/ui wviillbll 1 Crowd of On? Thousand People 01 Stand Around Powerless to Aid the h? I mi Unfortunate Victim, Whose Hod* ; Is ItecovercU hjr an Undertaker 'T| Dt Wearing Kiiliher Gloves. n. When Giovanni D'Anielio, a base n, ! all lasterer. of No. 1-7 Main street, j nlon Hill. N. J., finished his day's 1 tr ork on a house at Thirteenth al treet and West New York avenue, to It at township, at l! o'clock last nlgut. | th wo collies, his constunt companions. 1 nt campered down Thirteenth street ar head of him. lint D'Anielio. owinj. ?. > the rain, determined to walk home th y a short rente, which took him long Itergenllue avenue, and whis pi le:l to the dogs. th They obeyed reluctantly, and ar eemed to plead with him *o tak rn lie old way home. One of them vi tigged at It's trousers leg, as thouvn 0| a persuade the master to face i out ar lut D'Amelio spoke sharply -o h * at ets, who with hanging heads fo'- fo jwed at ills '.mels. tn As D'Amelio passed tinder an tiler Pi rir light at Ninth street and Her lw enline avenue, a secondary fe-ri I ire snapped and fell. When tn? j fit nd came in contact with ihe side- th alk, yellowish sparks shot out , F< I'Amelio turned at the sound and \ m lie do.s cowered, whimpering with j th i'ar. j A' A word of encouragement to the th rouchlng animals was on the man's j'0 ps w hen the wire swung toward |w I'Amelio, who raised hie arms 'o I uard himself. The next instant the i m envlly charged wire begun coiling |st elf around his body. j As the wire wound D'Amelio In lit ; l,( iitnl emhnce, the end whipping in n ever shortening circle, hissed and 01 pit forth sparks and a never ending j 01 tream of lire, whose colors were hanging continual'* from greenish,0' ed to blue, yellow to purple. Then " he wire become taut and flung t lie ' ;u tan to the ground, where he lay , ^ rithing. i C( All thin ha 1 taken about ten mln- " tea, and when t'e dogs saw their RI taster twisting and turning on the idewalk one of them, with a sharp ark, rushed toward him. The mi- | ntl seized one of the coils in its cr ceth as if to rend It. Then, wi'h n elp of pain, it dropped dead. De- 01 plte the fate of its mate the other og dashed to the rescue. It, too, rabbed one of the deadly rings in a fangs. Death cante instantly. I Meanwhile about one thousand | ersons, men and women, had gath- ni red. None dared to attempt to ieease D'Amelio. After he had been j ragged to the sidewalk tire coils lie I1 nine red hot. then turned to a white eat. Ail the time hissing flamet- s hot from the twisting end. When In* terror-stricken spectators re w lized they had seen a man and hi? 1 wo dogs electrocuted before theii ye? they became horritled. Women creamed, and mauy were led awa* hir tainting. Ti Some om> telephoned 'he poliri n<! Oapf. nuinn. with Rergttauer and Wallace and Putrolrnai Vail ace, soon appeared. The.v wen (, a powerless to lend aid as the ot n C! rs. Then an ambulance was calle?: jf roni Sharp's unilcrtsking chop an. he driver. Charles Itarke, wan tolt ^ o fetch rubtjer rloves and a pair oi ( vlre cutters. When he arrived h? till pitting Hparks. D'Arneilo was hurricd^o the Nortt ludson Hospital The doctors sao * ie had died within a few minute, f'er the wire coiled itself aronn. c ilm. He 'eaves a w'dow and tnre? t hildren. the oldest five years of ag? _ H K1I.ITP HIS fil'KST. ? Uatook Him for a Uiirglnr and Shot e Him llcnd. Fix-Sheriff E. T. Hicks Monday ir ii?ht shot and killed John Wyatt, is suest, mistaking him for a burg- -v' sr. The 'ragedy occurred at Hicks' arm, four miles from Dublin, t?a. e| Vvn't got up during the night an 1 n' eft the room while Flicks was sleep. The ex-sheriff aivoke a short line after and called several times r> the man whoso d!in outline he! di aw. T'pon r> "Celvlng no answer, he . *' hot the unknown. When IUcks j P< ought to ivnken Wyntt, vhom he Pi bought still n hed. he discovered he f*' ad killed his friend. The deal man 0 Ived on an adjoining plantation. Cl ticks Is prostrated over the affair. m o Crnshxl in Panic. h Fire nnd panic, while a New Year rt ollglous celebiatlon was In progress n a church on :t hacienda, near San iUls Potoso, Mexico, cost the lives of eventeen and srrlone Injury of more , It ban eighty, chiefly women and chll- ( F ren. The church, which was a T mall affair, was packed to Its ui-j aost capacity. In the course of the) " eremonles, a candle fell from Its j ocket and Ignited a quantity of dry t h toss, with which the building was ecorated. rl y KILLED BY BANDITS HO UK 1.1) TP TRAIN AND ItOIiiSKI) THE PASSENVEIW. no of the Colored Porter* on the Train Shot and Killed and ~ ounde<l Another. Southern Pacific train No. t, the rerland limited, westbound, wa? Id up by two masked bandits at i early hour Tuesday morning at pese, nine miles west of Ogden, ah. Ono ne?ro porter, William ivis, was shot and instantly killed <1 another porter, A. \V Dav:s, was onally wounded. A passenger was Ightly wounded. One hundred passengers on tho aln were relieved of their valuers. The robbers did not attempt enter the express ear but ievoted eii en'ire attention to the Pulians, where they made a rich haul none California-bound pasiiue.o. *.i the train for more an an ho'ir The train proceeded westward No issenger escaped the robbers and e trainmen also lost their money id Jewelry. At 12: .10 Tuesday orning Conductor Cunningham adsed the superintendent's office at glen of the holdup. The sheriff id police department were Inuuediely notified and posses left the city r tiie scene of the holdup in autoobiles and on a special train, asses from the nearby towns are orklng toward Reese. Two ma ked men stopped the train the lit Me watering station by irowing the red Ugnt on the signal and toward the approaching locootive. As it came to a standv'ifl 0 hanrii's covered the engineer and "emeu with their revolvers and held lent until the conductor rushed up 1 Investigate the delay. lie. too, as placed under guard. One of the robbers left the trainen In charge of his companion and nrted through the train from tho irward end. He encountered two irters on his way and when they Isreg.irded liis commands he shot to down and wounded another A irious passenger also was wounded. The shots aroused the occupants ' the car.; and when the holdup ap;ared with an open sack and a men Ing pistol, the passcir-'ers were per>rtly willing to contribute to bit? tiled ion. lie went through the enre train, stopping at every berth id making a deliberate search. Aft completing tlieir work the roble North, is widely practiced. "The strict bird laws of the North in never count for much if our lathered neighltora have to face an rdeal of shot and unmerciful cruel' 111 their winter abodes. In Georla and the Carolinas the wholeualo looting of songbirds, protected In ars drove away in a vehicle. About four miles from Reese they iet. two girls who were returning ome from a dance. of the rubers very politely requested them to and over tlnir purses and to "beat ." Although frightened the girls icceedcd in getting u good descrlp011 of the bandits, which tallied ith that furnished bv the passenger* ml train crew. IU.ACIy Itr.I/r OF ( 111 ti.iTY. Pithless Slaughter of llitdr, In th? South for Millinery. Certain sections of the Southern tateo are.called "the black belt of rueny in ilie magazine of rrti Amer nn Society for the Prevention of ruelty to Animals Issued from Ne# ork Monday. The bulletin takes ji the slaughter of birds for mllliery. It s-... s :n part: "It is an ordinary sight to see noro boys coining into the towns in lie early morning carrying long [rings of dead robinB. Some of our lierished son-birds aro netted at heir rooming grounds and the sands re sometimes secured In a night, nly the cf dee birds being used and he others thrown away. "Mourning doves which in Northrn State t. arc preserved hy com men rinsent by sportsmen and repay the ourtesy hy diligent work against lsects. are trapped by thousands in he South. Florida has been for ears the scene of the barbaric aughter of the snowy herons ar.d trrets, un'JI the beautiful birds are r>w on the vnjp of extinction." v Live Stock latst Yeur. There was shipped into Chicago, iiring 1010 14,820,200 head of ilvo ock, according to the annua] re>rt of the Union Stock Yards mm- * iny j it Ft. issued. The report shows n increase of 14 1,000 cattle, 90,10 c.ilvea, 702,000 she< p and a de-ease of 61 7.700 ho-s and 82,000 orses. as compared with the pr^viiih year. It took 2r>6,700 care to nul the live stock, which Is va'ued t $350,000.OnO.OOl). Light Men Killed. Kignt m"n, two Americans and ?ht aliens. w??ro killed Saturday In Iiirk ork mine, near Matewan, W. Va. he accident happened while the vleniB were aec<>n iing in an Indian line car. A cable far above the car lapped and five loaded cars phot own the plane, crashing Into the ir on which the eight men were ding. i