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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. The highest price paid for cotton on the Fort Mill market yesterday was 141-2 cents. Cotton seed. 45 cents per bushel. The corn exposition in Columbia last week was a great success, ; according to Mr. Osmond Barber, j the only farmer from this section who is known to have been pres ent. j The practice of a number of country papers in this section of suspending for the Christmas holidays will not be observed by The Times, which will be issued as usual Christmas week. Cotton-picking in this section is almost a thing of the past for the present season. Only in isolated instances is there sufficient cotton still in the fields to make the gathering of it profitable. Several important changes have taken place in the management of the Pineville cotton mills during the last few days. J. W. Jenkins has been succeeded as resident superintendent by J. C. Keller, of Concord, and a number of the old foremen of the different departments have given way to new men. Mr. Fred Nims has resigned the superintendency of the Charlotte Brick company, at Grattan, his resignation to take effect the first of the new year. Mr. Nims' services are said to have been entirely satisfactory to the brick company and pleasant for himself, but he will devote his attention next year to the conduct of his farm, near town. Ground was broken Monday morning for the building of the Merchants and Farmers bank, which is to occupy the site be- 1 twPPM hnilrlino-s of tho Parto , Drug company and Stewart & Culp. The building will be the i property of Capt. J. W. Ardrey and the work is being done by Contractor A. A. Bradford. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a meeting of the shareholders of | the bank at which the officers will be elected. The two Charlotte negroes who were arrested near Harrison church some weeks ago by Policeman Wagstaff, of Pineville, while they were en route to Fort Mill with two bales of cotton stolen from the Southern Cotton Oil company, in Charlotte, their purpose being to dispose of the 1 cotton here, will spend long terms | on the Mecklenburg county chaingang for the offense. One of the negroes was given 18 months and the other two years. The Fort Mill friends of the Rev. R. A. Yongue, who was pastor of the Fort Mill circuit several years ago, will be pleased - to learn that he has again been assigned to work in the Rock Hill district. In the list of appointments for the ensuing year, Mr. Yongue is assigned to the Chester circuit. He is one of the most poptilar Methodist ministers who Vinvp sppvpH thp lr?r?ul pVinrpUno for a number of years and is pleasantly remembered in this section by the members of all denominations. Saved Her Own Life Lebanon Jet.. Ky. ?Mrs. Minnie Lamb, of this place, says, "I believe I would have been dead by now, had it not been for Cardui. I haven't had one of those bad spells since I began to use your medicine." Cardui is a specific medicine for the ills that women suffer. Cardui is made from harmless vegetable ingredients. It is a safe, reliable medicine, successfully used by women for more than fifty years. Try it today. For sale at all druggists. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas it has pleased Him who do>eth all things well to remove from our school and society our friend and schoolmate, James Hoke, We bow in. humble submission to His will, knowing that He makes no mistakes; and yet we desire to place on record our grief and sorrow at his death. We feel that the Master must have nctu ui uniiK'^, uii tin- citnt-r milt*, rise He would not have taken from us, juRt now, such a young, happy life, and one who was a favorite among his friends. May we try to live so that when our summons comes we may meet him in that beautiful land. We, as members of the Literary Society of the Fort Mill Graded and High School, have adopted the following reslutions: First, That we, while resigning ourselves to the Providence of God, do miss our friend and feel the deepest sympathy for his sorrowing family. Second. That we dedicate a page of our minute book to his memory, have these resolutions printed in the paper, and a copy ?ent 10 the family. Lucy Merritte, Secretary. I mmmmmmmwmmmmmt j -* I !am] f J SANTA ( I the little or I please the have laid i I D< I are here in large city c I wonderful making yo j MILLS Santa Claus With headquarters at Massey's store is showing a more substantial line of Christmas presents than usual. The trashy toys that last only a few days are eliminated and instead you will find a lot of beautiful things that are good for a life time. In our Jewelry department you will find guaranteed goods, such as Watches, Clocks, Rings, Bracelets, Neck Chains, Lockets. Vest Chains, Fobs, Cliff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Brooches, Baby Pins, Scarf Pins, Waist Sets, Hat Pins TTmhrpllns Sff>rlinor QIK.-ov Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles and Silver Plated Ware, Cut Glass, Fancy China Salad Bowls, Cake Plates, Bread and Butter Plates, Chocolate Sets, Cups and Saucers, Sugar and Cream Sets, Bon Bons, Vases, Dolls, Go-Carts, Toy Telephones, Books, Horns, Pop Guns, Air Rifles, Steam Engines, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Lamps, Etc., all at lowest prices at L. J. MASSEY'S. "Haile's on the Corner" SMOKING TOBACCO. BULL DURHAM, CHERRY, PRIDE OF REIDSVILLE, DUKE'S MIXTURE, FREE DELIVERY. ANTE-BELLUM, PRINCE ALBERT, TUXEDO, TWIN OAKS, THREE FEATHERS, UNION LEADER, KAUiJAU, SENSATION, HOB WHITE, VICTORY. EVERYBODY'S. OLD DOMINION. DOUBLE E-M. REFINED R. J. R. HEADLEY'S CHOCOLATES Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. i THE FORT MILL TIMES ??mmmmm an n? 1V/IIT V Q - ERRTi OR ALL Tl "LAUS will hav les in our big To good old fellow, n a large assortm DLLS, TOYS i abundance. In 1 lepartment stores values. Don't ur selections. Xn & YOl mmmmmmmmmmasm DEAR OLI Never in all your life was th stantial gifts, things that will li have the following to suggest i Fur Sets Silk Parasols Silk Umbrellas Druggets and Rugs Suit Cases and Hand Grips Hand Bugs Laundry Bags Work Bags Card Cases Pocket Books Hair Brushes Combs Belt Buckles Belts Pin Cushions Hatpin Holders Hat Pins Bedroom Slippers Kid Gloves Collars Hosiery Table Linens XT~-1.:? 1 i_ najmins uiui luweis Bibles and Testaments Box Paper Pound Paper Lace Curtains Counterpanes Hall Curtains Newport Shawls Wishing all a happy and joyl is fast coming to a close has brouj and may the new year bring even Meacham UJ sfuU o our Mi rn/c u?< rr / s ' / Jn/ ////us? "C pa/fiA'f/f Ji .en mew / C, AI LO* *3 ? 4-Outfits *3?* ALL trtpecss CH??I, PC."' fct/>U4l/' 7'f? * I 'M ? ii.. . -. -*a"?l .'liftJfiktl ii&: ("laipraymill '.- ?? :~ ' -* , DECEMBER 15, 1910. IMIMHHIi & Your* rCHF HE LITTLI e an easy time y Department, e We have antic ent of the article i, GAMES, E fact, we have eve for Santa Claus. fail to visit our nas goods stored ung c< wammmmmmmmmmmm DSANTA ere such a demand ror subist and be of service. We for men, women and children: Men's Ties Children's Cloaks Children's Fur Sets Dressing Saoques * Handkerchiefs Silk Caps for infants and children Blankets White China Sets Hair Ribbons Whisk Brooms Silk Waist Patterns Cutf Buttons and Pins Scarf Holders Calendars Sweaters Long Cloaks Silk Petticoats Black Mercerized Petticoats Crepe De Chene Scarfs 0:11, ci 1 oui\ i^iaauc in cwurs Overcoats for men Hats for men Linen Sheeting Xmas Boxes Vanilla Extracts Florida Water Windsor Ties Talcum Powders Side and Back Combs Barrettes 'ul Xmas, we trust the year that fhtyou happiness and prosperity, greater. I L & Epps. I J 'tfu S0-//Us cir ttW; $rCLiul~ J? ' > > awcm/vf /&/ c 4 &AI, f/0?D 5 '% Outfit J ' $ J r/ I P/" f> ? ( #/<V?U/S <?/ t ft fi<t /C f O/Xi.a ' /7 } /?/,!* t<lfL V M. APdif <*V/ I \ (/ tf.y/L VjOn/texipfi; &S t i tPn rf /a. i *t ^Ct^c JIA. ? w St; ,' c&tiKOT >'- -' -It' ????? mammmmmmmmmmmm iGca asTJV E PEOPLE selecting his pre; ind all at prices ipated Santa's n< is which please 1 OOKS, ETC jrything to be foui Our dolls, espec Toy Departmen away if purchase] IMP'Y 1 mm v mm ajsarasasHszsBSBgasasB SHSH sa | Saw Many Nee "I called at W. F. Hai il 3 day and found more things ] i )j fore. There were Buggit |[ Robes, Whips, Blount's S B Joints and Bolts, Collars r jj and all kinds of Repairf K halters, and everything at s c gj "Harris' Livery is coi H and double teams, and Tw In gj quick and long distance sen jj yourself what he has or ph( S ,4PROF. GE( s 0tHS555B5HSH5u?5g5H SESH 555a 5i | New Meal g The steady gro\ g and our business h g to install a Meat M ^ tion with our gene ? store. 2) Our first shipme 5 hogs has arrived a ? prepared to fill all oi /I nr r\ * ? g I ry our Kork Sau I L. A. Harris 98000808600000 . i. , las! . I sents for that will |9 ;eds and | m his taste. 1 I \ nd in the 1 9 ially, are I 9 it before I \ 9 r desires. i 1 Fort Mill, | - s. c. - I N ~ dfal Things. 1 ? pj a a rris' Place the other 3 3 [ needed than ever be- {] 58, Wagons, Harness, jj teel Plows, and all (] , Pads, Lines, Bridles, 3 nl . j for harness, saddles, |{] uch reasonable prices. [jj mplete. He has single g o Automobiles for ? Cj rice. Call and see for g me 28. jj 3. M. SNODGRASS." C !5?5g5mgELSE5a5HSa55H5H ] t Market | vth of the town ?? - g as prompted us arket in connec- q >ral merchandise ^ nt of cattle and q| nd we are now @ rders. ^ isage. It s fine. jg|