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m 5^p^S^p6iBiiiiiiiSBS5B)BBBB5Bi5ii55 Handkerchiefs Suspenders ^3^ 3c 15c Gloves 39 lame I, ^ All Ready a | The Merry Holiday J ???~ grand land of ours. 01< ? r year and lie is welcome C full sway at the GltEA Mixed the moment he leaves < I Candy hearts of all Xmas slioj gc_ ltead carefully every you not only have the i *8 00 Clothing. Between now and Xmas Ladies we are going to sell ClothCoat Suits *ng anc* we wan* you to here and see what we are j $5.00 I doing in this department. It's a new idea. You'll like it. Don't think of buying a Suit y ^ or Overcoat without first getting the price at McEl? W FfUlt haney's. DislieS $12.50 to $15.00 Men's Suits at $ 9.98 a r* ~ - - - - - ? - - - $JLU.UU Men's Suits at 6.45 $16.50 to $20.00 Men's Suits at $13.98 One big lot of ftjen's Suits, o pi11fyQ * worth up to $10.00, at... $ 4.75 I lligS $10.00 and $12.50 Raincoats D and Overcoats at $ 7.45 brown i The best line of Children's lVlUle shoes in town at prices to please the mother. T obacco ? 2C Cheap Enough to Make You Think r Men's Heavy Work Shirts, worth 65c ah only . .. 45c $1.25 75c Negl gee Shirts _ _ 50c rw rigni s neaitn uncl'w r 83c M^tVq $1.00 Negligee Shirts .. 83c Men's Wool Hose 2 pairs. 25c 11 . Men's Fancy 25c f natS Men's Hunting Coats, $2.50 qj- value at $1.85 $2.50 Hunting Pants $1.65 Crockery. Don't fail to see the great j (J Xmas Crockery display. Some of the grandest barMen's I bain that you ever saw. Big lot Cups and Saucers at. Suits I per t 35c Big lot Plates at, per set . 35c 75 Standard size Gold band Plates, ^ $1 value at, per set ... 69c Cups & Saucers to match 69c Vfek _ ? - L |?| McEl 1 - ? * * l . V ' -i ? ' THE FORT HILL TIMES,%J 50c 50c Underwear Men's Tics 0 39c 35c I I !_ fhe PIERCINI )us XJ md Heavily Loade I Reason is with us-?the Chris 1 KRIS KRINGLE is the el (1 by all the people, both old T PIERCING ARROWS A )n his rounds he will shoot s >pers. 11' / V ft/ 1 it 11 / I 11/vt /\ v*wiu <11111 iiuit* cvur) puce <i most and the best but you In / > t It's All Over At Mid Men's Hats. John B. Stetson Hats will go during the sale AT COST. The celebrated Howard Hats e at $2.50. 1 Cheaper Hats at 95c, $1.25, $1.65 and $1.95. P Men's Pants. $5 and $6 Trousers at $4.48 $3.50 and $4 Trousers at $2.95 $2.50 Trousers at only $1.95 $2.00 Trousers at only $1.65 $1.50 and $1.75 Trous'rs $1.18 7 All Boys' Pants AT COST. This is Strictly tianey i I ' I" ''?a ' - f"i . *&. J": -\s Mr ? > DECEMBER 15, 1910. 50c I *9.50 i vergaiters Fancy Vests Me: 25c $1.95 ? S ARROW'S MAS d Willi Bristllni tmas spirit thrills the lief lief actor in the doings * and young and the bet\ LE plum till Xmas Eve izzling darts into high r intl remember when it coi ivc saved many nickels ar night Xmas Eve Can You Beat It ? 65c Lanterns at only 39c. Straight grind Flour, good nough for a king, at $2.50 per 00 pounds. Big Lot Mixed Feed at $1.35 >er sack. Best 20c Roasted Coffee, 15c Arbuckle's Coffee, 6 pounds or $1.00. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1. 7 bars Soap for 25c. One lot Champion Stoves, No. at $7.48; No. 8 at $9.89. Steel Ranges at $26 to $30. a Cash Sale. L * i5c ti's Sweaters Can Tomatoes ?9c I 10c $1.00 V 1 reer? B Bars jj| j Rflroftins I ?ctag?n ^ ? Soap V 25c 1 irts of millions in this I it this season of the 1 veens. He will hold I 3 I I i night, right up until Cans irices to gladden the Sugar nes from MeElhaney's Peas ul dimes. 25c Shoes, Shoes. The great big Christmas pjaJ^e I event will be the wonderful I values in this department. | \ Shoes for Christmas, nothing jj Lard finer, nothing will please any \ I better or give any better " ?\ v cause for thankfulness. The pound price will be cut to a dangerous level for these 13 days Celebrated Royal Blue Selz Full Shoes for men in all leathers and lasts, $4.(X) values, at $2.98 1 fwaom I ? Big lot Selz Shoes, $2.50 and $3.00 values at... _ $1.98 V Men's Heavy Work Shoes in v>llGCSG tan and black, $2.25 and $2.50 values, at ___ $1.75 jZxJC One lot Dean first quality Ties at $1.28 Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes at ! $2.95 Ladies' $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes Z JC at ft* Big lot Ladies'<$1.65 Shoes in Men's plain and cap toe at $1.28 1 ? 7~I ~ 771 \ I Ties A Parting Word i for All. IUc It's awfully hard to tell in a j ~ small space like this just what | items to select to tell you about. ? L/C With a store chock full of the JV /i ' k r i ? -. IVien s best ot merchandise it seems ( that we ought to devote page ; HcHloTkfs after page telling you of the \ reasons that you ought to do j OC your trading here during these last 13 days. We can't do this, ??? 1 however, but we bid you all welcome. Buyers or lookers, it 25c matters not which, we want you J * , ? all and we want you often. v The store will be in its holiday W (.)( 1 dress for this grand occasion ' and we assure you some of the CjiOVCS grandest bargains that have ever been iuiM ???> A li'C in this town. pany 1?f j A