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m HHP ;/ mm * mm Ho Kit mtil The matter ol Will for everybody. S + <<1 ? .* <<1 n I *; him of her. I tt$ ft store that will p tt* Hi ? III il 5c Japanese Doily Ring Lace Handkerchief Work Basket PnwHer Puff Purse Salt and Pepper Shaker Hat Pins Bottle Perfumery Xmas Cards ^ Tooth Pick Holders Individual Salt Dish m 1$$ FaceCloth |M <> Toilet Soap Hk III . ' Pin Tray 111 10c. Japanese Bon Bon Dish J ft Work Basket Purse * * ^^4 Linen Handkerchief f Hat Pin <9 v^> 1 fjoottie reriumery Box Stationery Xmas Book Tie Rack 4 > Match Holder 4* Tooth Pick Holder Hi 7 China Syrup Pitcher, 35( China Salad Bowl, 60c China Bon Bon Dish, 40c Silk Underskirt, $3.75 If ! ' THE F /cm W' - -. - 1 v I 5 PRESEN : Christmas giving We have plenty SANTA CLAL lease him and mak A FEW 15c Towels Hat Pin Holder . ? it w ?w is ? t Ladies Linen riandkercni Barrette Side Combs , Hat Pins Pearl Veil Pin Bootees Men's Handkerchief Ladies' Belt Work Basket 25c Linen Towel Men's Gold Plated Button Silver pnk Cuff Buttons Boy's Cap Work Basket* Men's Linen Handkerchief Jabot Barrette Phoenix Muffler Hand Bag Pearl Veil Pin Hand Mirror Side Combs Bottle Perfumery UWICCO Child's Sweater Apron Ladies' Belt Ladies' Handkerchief Salad Bowl Water Pitcher China Cake Plate China Sugar and Cream ! Picture, Cupid Asleep Picture, Cupid Awake Jewelry Box Mayonnaise Bowl Glove Box Handkerchief Box r n~ c?:a v^auuic ijiiliv Cup and Saucer Suspenders Men's Lisle Hose Ladies' Garters ETW. Ell FORT 4444 444444 44S4* 4 4 44444? '4-4'4 44444444 4 444444444444 444444 OBT inj.T. TIMES, DECEMBER 16 ilSTK rrs in pri / , is a problem easily s< of things that will p JS is sure to find a se e glad their hearts. ( gift^GG 50c ? Waiter Persian Scarf Gold Cuff Buttons Baby Cap Men's and Boys' Cap Men's Gloves Pocket Book Jardiniere Stand Hat Pin . Waste Paper Basket Cravats Child's Sweater Child's Knit Underskirt Ladies'* Belts Bureau Scarf Phoenix Mufflers, Ladies and Men Scissors Set Boys' Kid Gloves Ladies' Silk Gloves Berry Set Cake Set Water Pitcher Sugar and Cream Set Picture, The Young Mother Boys' Play Suit Linen Towels Men's Suspenders Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose Child's Bearskin Gloves ft "HP ^ MoKhiLiLi I MILL, SOUTH CA -< i i+i+i $> $ ?* ? < i, 1910. ?- <?> < ; vr > ?> <$ <$" <$< ; [AS^f nrnciniu \jt ujiun olved here. We >lease the father, n election for the little lome early while th ESTIONS 75c Baby Cap Pocket Book Men's Gloves Hat Pin Umbrella Stand Cradlfi Blnnk#>t. 3 Linen Handkerchiefs in Xmas Box Linen Centrepiece Gold Brooch $1.00 Battenberg Centrepiece Foot Ball Doilies, dozen Table Linen, yard Taffeta Silk, yard Jardiniere Hand Bag tt j tut: minor Ladies' Bed-room Slippers Men's Bed-room Slippers Bearskin Lcggins Men's Kid Gloves Child's Bracelet Gold Brooch Hand-painted China Pitchers Hand-painted Salad Bowl Smoking Set Japanese Sugar and Cream Set Nut Set Fruit Dish Boy's Indian Suit Ladies' Mission-handle Umbrella Men's Umbrella $1.25 Men's Bed-room Slippers Hand Bag Hat Pin Misses Sweater Japanese Waiter Rugs Collar and Cuff Box Smoking Set X)MPAN1 ROLINA. V 4 ^ jii - : *' ^HMBi"? <$?><$> ?$< -iBT-1 < * * jj j || |< I have everyth^ ^ III lother, boy, girl, ||| -I ones in our big ft t -1 1 Le picking is good. ^ . ::: . iff $1.50 ||t ... .. Linen Bureau Scarf Linen Sideboard Cover "R licr Shawl '$+% Hat Pin 4*4 Hand Bag Hand Mirror ? ++ + Ladies' Knit Underskirt 444 Gold Brooch Ladies' Bracelet Gold Watch Chain Japanese Waiter U40 Counterpane f Umbrella $?<> $2.25 ?! Bearskin Coats Ladies' Sweaters ftt Linen Doilies, dozen $2.50 / Gold Watch Chain , Rug HI / O AA 0>o.uu Persian Silk Waist Pattern Blanket ++ + Counterpane $3.50 || ::: Lap Spread ^ r . Rugs, $4.00 ? vt Blankets, $4.00 \ ||| < . / i 4 '