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- 1 oS Sr;' ; * ' ."'*' ffil ' ' ft'% ' ' ' ' c?2-?^ | Its 9rest success brought out nunj imitation*, bat I Snowdrift Hogless Lard I has snowed them all nnder! Snowdrift U made oi Highly rdiad cotton seed oil and bed hi. It U the most economical ihortcning you could acted, goca one-lhird iurtHer than lard, and in contra* with hog grease, ia absolutely healthiul in result and died. It produces the moat bcautilul pastries and delicacies, and is as j rich as butter lor frying. It is told by leading progressive dealers everywhere. Be | tare to call lor Snowdrift Hogless Lard, and emphasise the lad that you ? will net tolerate substitution. Made by Tee Southern Cotton Oil Co. b N?w York Now Oftrana 6 Savannah A-l Chicago ^ WHAT'S I Your Health Worth? > 8 You 6tart sickness by mistreating nature p and it generally shows first in the bowels ^ and liver. A ioc box (week'streatment) t of CASCARKTS will help nature help yon. They will do more?using thetn regularly as you need them?than any r medicine on Earth. Get a box today; take a CASCARET tonight. Better in t the morning. It's the result that makes f millions take them. 881 f CASCARItTS ioc a box for a week's 1 treatment, nil druggists. Biggest seller v ia the world. Million boxes a mouth. ^ ' BUY GEORGIA FA.RM 3 I ft 1*10 N ?w : J1U to f an 1 La_ii ?'h according t?? location. Two ^S^SSwSwww cropsayear; CO to 100 btisbela of corn or oats to acre. Fine fruit country. ' Mll?l wintcra; pleasant summers, llcst and p cheapest latuis In I*. IS. To locate In section with brightest future, write n Frank Weldon, Atlanta, Ga. ? ; Restores Cray Hair to Naturnl Color; RCMOVIS OtNDRUFP AND ICURF C Invigorate* and prevent* the hair from falling ot| 8 For III* by Druggists, or A?nt Direct *>y XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia , Price II Per lollla; temple lottle Jgc. tend for Clrcrlan n M. SABEL & SONS, f, *t. ft W ? &. n l>*?Urft la Kow, Hides, b? I* fj [Tt. w"^^I ll B?W2WS5l Thompson's Ey? Water J Time to Think Over Suicide. s lie took paris green to commit buI- n clde. Too big r dose to kill him. Eml- t nent specialist happened to be called t in, and started to Ox him up. "No t use," said paris green performer, "I'll t do it anyhow after you have done with n me." Doctor got nind. "If that's the i t way you feel about it, you fool," he p said, "I'll not waste my time on you." , * Paris green performer much aston- j * lshed and grieved. "Well," he said, s "give me 24 hours to think it over." ' Doctor gave him 24 hours and went j away. At the end of the time paris ( green performer telephoned: "I've ^ thought it over and want to get well; come and see me some more." i L An Unmistakable Hint. A "Young 8tay!ate got a delicate hint from the young lady he was calling ^ on the other evening." I ' "What was It?" "She found looking at the clock and j, other familiar devices useless, so she l t ordered some refreshments and her mother sent her a plate of breakfast food." ' c ' d Was All Right. r Howard-?Did you telephone Mrs Howard that I would be detained at f the office until midnight? v Office Hoy?Yes, Bir. ! ( "And what did she say?" r "Said she didn't blame you?she had t made an engagement to go to the the- r ater tonight herself."?Smart Set. i f I li Some women Jump at conclusions, i t I because thcv wnnt to see how the f story Is going to end. y S V t | Post Toasties i. I ' With Cream or With Milk r With Fruit. Savoury Wholesome Economical i ? ! "The Memory Lingers" Pottum Cereal Co., Ltd., j Battle Creek, Mich. V ' |? I SHOP-GIRL I an excellent abort ; I Jtory published not ; S 1 long ago. O. Henry JL I Kavo to hla shop-girl | 9 heroine a colossal char aA*A? j ?N???I , ClU|)U091Lt;U Ulttl In her were combined the notable attributes of Hercules. Joan of Arc- Una. an<* Uitfcl n|fa JH tie Red Riding Hood. An<* at 'his season of the year?"glad Christmas days"?it easily U might seem to a less s y m p a t h etlc person han the regretted O. Henry that the hop-girl most stands In need of the trength of Hercules, the heroism of oan of Arc, the truthfulness and othr singular excellencies of Una. the mtience of Job. Think what it must nean. from eight to six. or eight to en, as the case may be, to face and erve the rattled throngs that arc nowurging through the shops, think of he strain on endurance and nerve, on emper and manners. The wonder is lot that she often comes up to the denands on her. but that she ever does. Some of the veterans, survivors of nany hard-fought Christmas battleield8, are marvels; may be seen at ag-end of day still alert, though droopngly so; still clear-headed, though rith conscious effort; still with eoureous attitude in their serving, though hose they serve have lost the Inst ihred of any politeness with which hey may have started out. Compare the manners of some polled darling, some indulged, arro;nnt child of wealth, with the dignity ind patience and sweetness often hown by the girl behind the counter. The one self-centered, of most restrictsd vision, captious, petty; the other lelf-effacing, far-seeing. charitable, ?lg. Caleb in Bcaroh of a wife might veil pursue his quest along the aisles if the big stores, find womanly ideal landing there behind the counter. They are not all caricatures of fashon. with hair tortured into lntesl exiggeratlon, frocks cheap copies of howy splendors; not all more given o powddr and rouge than to soap and vater. And In the attainment of the o highly-desirable neatness and triniless heroism m?aln - unn u/ UUII1C lO Hie ore. It is no easy matter after long lonrs of labor to labor more, take ains for personal cleanliness, sew an<l arn when eyes are heavy, back is cliing. Heroines every one of them hat make a good show. I know a girl in a fashionable candy hop that every other night washes nd irons that she may bo presentable ho next day. Her moderate wage is he chief part of the family support, here is not enough money for enough douses to last the week, and so the nidniglit laundrylng is done ns a mater of course. But how pretty and weet and fresh the girl does manage o look in her snowy white and well trushed black; much better dressed, he seems to me. than the woman of uss and feathers What little mothers they are. a lot if them, simple affectionate, domestic ventures?though so often characterzed as vain, shallow, foolishly amiltlous, thinking only of dress and dates." I know one girl that worked n one of the department stores which :eep open evenings at Christmas time, rho the night before Christmas did lot leave the store until midnight, hen after traveling an hour on the treet cars to her home stayed up lours to trim a wonderful Christmas reo for the children of the family, the lunch of little ones the poor seem always to have with them. I know anither girl that at this season goes lown unusually early mor..lngs to ar >u6c ouick, conies iiomp unusually ate evenings; but after dinner cheer i ully dons kitchen apron and helps I vith giant plum pudding and other , Christmas preparation that yearly Is epeated In honor of old England nn<! I he home left behind when there was nade search for fortune in the rich and of America. These are just two nstances. the one qylte commonplace, inheroic, but you may pick up a few or yourself by eavesdropping a bit in j our shopping; observing among the tuyers the many shop girls purchasing oys and silver ' pusher," children's THE IDEAL WORKSHOP. jglgy l^^ySKrl MMMMianKAnm. *n f? And th*> Jo 11 lest and best old worktan In tho world i \ i Christmas Day f[ * * t t t To rule end reign <with gentle t i s*way, t I The King of Love <wes born J * ? todey. t w? m..rr. ? r t- ? - , Mtavv mm WA \ round, \ t cBut in a manger was he found; $ * That so the boastful 'world J ' might see \ 0 The greatness of humility. 0 \ He came. a. child, in lovely \ frace, so a child might seek his J 0 faze; 0 J So poor *was he, the humblest * 1 born - Might come, without a fear of * t scorn. 0 To all mankind he showed the 0 * way. * 0 And ushered in the dawn of t : "'y' : 0 And so, with grateful love 0 ' and praise. # We hail this blessed day of J ' 1 days. 0 j J The children's joy, the poor 0 1 ! ' man's feast. t The star of hope to great and 0 I ! < least; J ; j 1 When hely angels ccrne to J ! 0 earth, 0 ] | And sine) anew a Savior's * I'L"" M gloves and sweater, or gray dress for mammy, muffler for daddy. Of course there Is any number of ! pert. Incompetent girls that wait on j hapless customers, rather keep hap less customers waiting, but they have j been pictured with enough frequency, j this sort repeatedly held up as typical. ; ; thereby obscuring the virtues of the j many worlhy ones following the pro- I fession of "waiting on." For some time past I have been gathering data, ma- 1 king experiment; and have found it ! the rule rather than exception that I courtesy meets with courtesy. "Soft i and fair go far In a day," not only on highway but in the miles of space In a huge department store. A man said to me recently: "How little of church Is brought into the Christmas of today." And how sadly true this Is?"church" in this connec I ticn standing for whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are good, of full Import to all religions. And bullying and bullyragging a shop-girl at this season seems about as far from "lovely and good" as one may wander Put yourself In her place, remember lng previous failures of your own when bodily weariness snapped strained nerves, broke down poise. Ye gods and little flshos, In what condition Is the shop-girl to "enjoy" Christinas! 1 am sure If 1 were she f'PT! ii'fTI Bh I P-l WS j ?""s. I 1 Sew and Darn When Eyes Are Heavy i , all I would ask of good Saint Nlcholm would be a dark, airy room far, fa) i away from people (from man, and ea \ t peclally woman); a great, soft bee I where I could stretch out long ant wide; silence and sleep forever nni i forever. No dreams to disturb that sleep; no vision of past haggling, nt } i vision of wearisome "exchanges" t< j come. Hut the reality Is a long way froir this that I would ask. Do you suppose i such a proud wage earner as she would be content to let Christmas da> i i go by without displaying wealth anc 1 i power? No, every dependent in the i household must partake of her bounty ; every pensioner bo given good proo) i of what It means to have her dress ui | 1 and go down town every day. Noth Ing of niggard is the shop-girl nt j Ch.lstmns, she Is as much a Lad} Hountiful as any millionairess of them j all. What a creature! A "Hercules, e j Joan of Arc, a Una, a Job" and e Lady Bountiful on eight dollars and less u week! (Copyright. 1910.) Agnes' Prayer. Our little five-year-old Agnes, hav | lng been reprimanded by her inamme for some slight misdeed, went and , knelt by a chair and prayed as fol ! lows; "Oh. Lord, make me a good little | girl. I want to be n good little girl, ' but I don't know how. But, If I am j naughty, please send Santa Claus just i the same."' j Christmas Time. I have often thought of Christmas time, when It has come round, apart from the veneration due to Its snored namo and origin, If anything belonging to It can be apart from that?as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charlt- i able, pleasant time -Charles Dickens. ' ' , v " TV . \ ^ - * S . ' , ." ? RED CROSS SEAL IN HISTORY First Used During the American Civil War?Now an Aid In Fighting Tuberculosis. Red Cross Christmas seals date back iu their origin to "charity stamps," firsi used for the soldiers' relief funds In Boston in 1862, during the Civil war. After the war, this method of raising money was discon unueu in tins country for a generation, although It found vogue In Portugal, Switzerland, Australia, France, Spain. Denmark. Norway, Russia, Sweden and other European countries. There are now several hundred different types of charity Btamps used in all parts of the world. Stamps or seals were first used to get mouey for the anti-tuberculosis crusade in Norway and Sweden in 1904. After being used in these countries for three years, as a direct result of the Interest of Jacob Rils In this movement, the Delaware AntiTubercuiosls association, headed by Miss Emily P. Bissell, and the Red Cross society of Delaware combined in issuing a tuberculosis stamp. So successful was this campaign that nearly $3,000 was realized, and the next year, in l908, the American Red Cross was induced to issue a national Red Cross tuberculosis stamp. From this sale, $135,000 was realized, that amount being almost doubled In 1909. This year, for the first time, the sale is organized on a comprehensive basis, taking in all parts of the United States. A million for tuberculosis frork is confidently expected. THEIR FATE. Mrs. Crow?William, have you ever stopped to think what will become of us when we are old? Mr. Crow?Oh! I suppose wee'll wind up us quail on toast at some table d'hote restaurant. TUUH 5IUMAUH FtELS FINE, j Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas and All Stomach Misery Ended In Five Minutes. This harmless preparation will promptly digest anything you eat and overcome a sick, sour, gassy or out-oforder stomach within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, I or what you eat lies like a lump of lead In your stomach, or if you have heartburn.that is a sign of Indigestion. Get from any drug store here in j town a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, po stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain regulator for out-ot-order stomachs, and besides It takes hold of your food and digests It just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. These large 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly | cure any case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any other stomach disorder. Remember, if your stomach feels out of order and uncomfortable now, you can get relief in five minutes by taking a little Diapepgin. " I Some Consolation. Mrs. Gramercy?My husband is t) nnxious to get rid of me. n Mrs. Park?iJon't cry, dear. In that n case he won't haggle over the alimony.?Smart Set. Urs. tViijBlow'M Soothing Syrup for Children }' teething, softens the gums. minors InMnmiii.i- jj Uon, allays pain, euros wind colic, 25c a bottle. A It is no use sighing to be a sun if you are not burning the little lamp j if you have. I li Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre Is the best of ail medicines for the < disorders and weaknesses peculiar to w only preparation of its kind devised by n ted physician?an experienced and skil the diseases of women. It is a safe medicine in any condition THE ONE RKMEDY which contaii and no injurious habitrforming dru creates no craving for such stimulax THE ONE REMEDY so good the sue not afraid to print its every i eaoh outside bottle - wrapper and truthfulness of tho same under oatl It is sold by medicine dealers everywh< get it. Don't tnke a substitute of unkno enown composition. No counterfeit is as who says something else is "just as good or is trying to deceive you for his own sel trusted. He is trifling with your most may be your life itself. See that yarn get PUTNAM Coiae mare goods brloMsr tnd fasti r colors than ant othsi ictTSMW/id muhquI riepifto spstt Writo tsr has bsstlstA MUNI Eminent Doctors at FOR FULLEST MEDICAL If you are in doubt as to the e; of medical advice, address a letter t ists, and tliey will send you an exam and return to them. They will tl what to do, absolutely free of char any obligation to them, and they wi lioif nHvioo T * wv? ? AW* A.A. illVT 1'lCOV. i 1UU iUl take the treatment, it goes with a refunded. Address Munvon's Doctors, Mu Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. People W Indoors Witli quickly gives heat, and with one filling without smoke or smell. Has aatoma prevents thevick from being turned higl and drop back so the wick can be quick! !t lus . mpertopand cool hand of oil in the font. The P' *-cap does n like a cork in a bottle, anu is attached to The burner body or gallery cannot t in construction, and consequently, it < Instant for rewicking. The Perfection ii durable, well-made, built for service, an Dealers Everywhere. If not at yi to the nearest Jwpr Standard O EUREKA 1 HARNESS j mi Sold by D?, uil J Househo tl the all IN THE HANDY, 'guwaajS? Is specially sel home. Saves t< H3p| not break. Does Btilirs Evinrwbtn A man ougnt to know u great deal o acquire a knowledge of the im leusity of hia ignorance.?Lord Pal- i lerston. For roiiD? and mtli' Illcits' Capi-i>isb 1m the Ix-Ht remedy?reeves the aching and feverlshness cures the old :ind restores normal conditions. It's ?iul<t?effects lmtnedlatly. 10c., S-'.c., and 50o t drug stores. The humble man novor hoiiouo- ? - ? worthless or he would have nothlg worth being humble about. :ure of diseases, V' 1 omen. It it the ijfflt lSB regularly graduled specialist in Ml of the system. ns no alcohol Its and which t its makers ~ V1^ ingredient on [3 1 I f attest to the j| ' a. ;re, end any dealer who hasn't it can wn composition for this medicine o* good as the genuine and the druggist as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken fish benefit. Such a man is not to be priceless possession?your health? what you ask for. FADELE, r die. Ons lOe sacks as cotsrs all flbeis. Thar die is -Hen to Dae. Bleach sad Mu Colors. MOMHOi Your Service f^H|^^HH FXaMINflTION&MI^B iuso of your disease, or feel 0 Muny oil's stall of cmincnt^^^^^^^H ination blank, which you ten diagnoso your case and ge. You do not put yourself^^B^^^^H 11 not feel hurt if you do not^^^H^^H mvon's Kemedies and you guarantee of satisfaction or nvon's Laboratories, 53d & JeffS H /ho W ork 1 Their Hand* istresses, watch-makers, artSKH draughtsmen, and many othersflSS ot properly handle their tools wlj? cold, stiff hands. Many a lost Mil or two on cold winter mornresults from the delayed heat mm rnace or stove. VH le Perfection Oil Heater in Wf v minutes gives the tempera- WU that assures the worker warm H s and pliable muscles. The V ERFECTION 1 Smokeless l,nf> ^ 1 Ibsolatefy smokeless and odorless J of the font burns steadily for nine hours, ittc-locking flame spreader whico i enough to smoke, and is easy to remove y cleaned. le. Indicator always shows the amount IWI 1IVV.U \\j UU oticwcu UUWII , 11 12> pUl III the font by a chain, and cannot get lost, lecome wedged, because of a new device ran always be easily unscrewed in an i finished in japan or nickel, is strong, id yet light and ornamental. jurs. irritt for dtscript j* circular ^ j il Company Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal < >l*rt Everywhwr* STANDARD OIL COMPANY pi (XnoariMiratad) Id Lubricant! -ABOUND OIL EVER-READY TIN OILER ected for any need In the >ols from rusting. Can cani not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) [ AXLE GREASE A Keeps the spindle bright and A free from grit. Try a box. B Sold by dealers everywhere. B STANDARD OIL CO. 'Incorporated) ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES, By One Application of Dr. David's Sanative Wash Wo guarantee DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH to cure any on ho of Itch In 80 pnluutea, If u?ed according to directioua, or w? will refund your money. If your Dog 1}oh Scratches or Mange Dr. David'.Sanative Wa.h will cure him at once. Price, 50 Cents a Bottle It c.iunot bo mailed. Delivered at your nearent erpreaa office free, upon receipt of 75 ceuta. OWENS & MINOR DRUG CO. Richmond Virginia rTTT'l^TvITTTTrTl JUL I H OH ?V IVI ILL I frooa Lombard Iron Works, Augua- I (a, Ga. Make money tawing neigh- I bor'i timber when gin engine ia idle H after the crops are laid by. our ViiOU All AT EVERYPOSTOFTlOi I ill I nliMArt to furnish names of respotw una. slble people. tioodpayfoe regular correspondent. Write today sending names of six families. Oriental Art Calendar Free. J. B. OQDEN, 816 Mam St.. Lynchburg, Va. a rtfklTft wanted In orcry town. AnopporR I-LIU I \ tunltr to <utrn big money. BxolnstTe Mil 111 I .1 territory. No experience necessary, saw MI I v a.uitif <;fr-?uifcst.,ikiaaee DEFIANCE STARCH ajTESg W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1#1(h SS DYES i cold water hotter than any other dye. You can 4ft F MMtWQ OO*;, Ae/mty, ////note.' J _ A