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r-'- ^ : ? ; ?<S;V / THE BOLL WEEVIL IN ABOUT FOUR YEARS IT WILL REACH THIS STATE. .. i Oar Farmers Should lkigin to Prepare to Fight and Throttle This Great Pest. The Augusta Herald says the boll weevil Is a tangible evil, a terrible pest. The farmers of Texas have realised this years ago. The farmers of Louisiana have learned it. since, and ithe farmers of' Mississippi are learning it now Thin I insect doesn't destroy all the cotton, but wherever it makes its appeal ance its ravages so groatly reduco the yield that cotton growing becomes unprofitable. Ever since Its first appearance in Texas a fight has been made on it. Individual farmers have done all they could <to check its spread. The state governments qf. the states affected aided in the work, and the federal government wen-J. to the limit of its resources aiding'in the flgh4. but all to no avail. No method has been discovered to exterminate these weevils where they have once appeared, nor even to check their advance. This has been steady. From the district* first Infested the boll weevil has moved eastward and northward steadily and almost regularly, so that It now only.appears now that the entire cotton belt" will be affected. but almost the time may be set for Its apearance in any county, or when there shall be no uninfested district left. * . ' Ab yet there are no bool weevils in Georgia, but unless a method is found for fighting the pest* more sue cessful than any so far discovered, the time is near when Georgia also will be the loser by its ravages. In anticipation of this coming calar.i- : ity a great convention is to bo held ! in the near future in Atlanta, which the situation will be fully discuseed and the best protective courte mapped out. On this same line the Southern railway, so greatly Interested Indirectly in the success of cotton growing, has issued a circular giving ad vice as to the best courso to pursue after the boll weevil shall have made its annMranro Thin 1. The destruction of the weevllB in the fall by burning all rubbish and material in aTtti about the field which might servo for' hiberna"ng quarters of the weevils. 2. Ttreaking (plowing) the soil as deep as conditions will allow. 2. The shallow winter cultivation of the soil if no cover crop is used. 4. Delaying the planting till the noil and temperature aro warm enough to make 5. The planting of early-matur ing varieties of cot/ton. 6. The use of fertilizers. 7. Leaving more space between the rows, and on ordinary uplands having a greater distance between plants in the row than is usually allowed. 8. The use of the section harrow before and after glinting and on the young cotton. 9. Intensive shallow cultivation. 10. Agitation of the stalks by means of brush attached to the cul tlvator. 11. Picking up and burning the squares that fall under the weevil conditions. especially during the first thirty or forty days of infestation. 12. Controlling the growth ol the plant if excessive by deep and close cultivation. 13. Selecting the seed. 14. T)he rotation of crops and the use of legumes. As soon as cotton can be gathered, if the stalks are still green an 1 growing, kill all unhatched weevi.s in squares and immature boils, and at the same time deprive the adult weevils of food and breeding grounds by Immediately cutting and burning all the cotton stalks. The earlier this can be done the better. Where a sufficient number of eatltle can be turned into the field to eat It clean in a few days <thls may be done, instead of cutting and burning the stalks. In heavy soils, where the winter rainfall is heavy, It may answer ?o cut the stalks and plow them under, but care must be taken to have the stalks completely covered and turned as deeply as possible. Thin section Is still remote from the Infested disttiet.'and it is to he hoped that some method will be discovered for exterminating this peat, before It shall reach here. Killed Herself. At Chicago, while her fiance, David Nathan, was in the county building gett'ng a marriage license for the wedding that was to have taken place Tuesday, Miss Annie Neyberg, the bride to-be, committed suicide, following a quarrel with her prospective mother-in-law, who on learning of the wedding plans objected. ('ruslied to Death. At Cleveland, Ohio, the wife of Simon Frutkin, a tailor, his two small children and a customer were crushed to doaih by the collapse or a new concrete building. An explosion of unknown origin is believed to have caused the disaster. WOKKED THE HOODOO GAME. Old Negro Woman Film Flammed 0 Out of Her Money. Ann Thompson, an old colored wo- | man, who lives a few miles fro?j j this city over In the Fork, claimB to have been film flammed out of * 75, which she had laid aside to r iy a debt, by a slick rascal of he own ! color, whom she entertain d one' night, and who claims to > j a hoo- ' doo doctor, with powers t , make all ; things come to pass. .tin believed j in him at first, b>'' ^ne doesn't any | more. I o inat the slick rascal came along about last Thursday and j knocked at the hospitable door of Ann Thompson, who occupied a cosy cabin with her husband, whom she had married only a few weeks before. The stranger was taken In, and somehow he fouud out that Ann had $75 saved up with which she was to pay a debt she owed a white gentleman of the neighborhood for supplies or rent, or both. He then let out by accident that he wns a hoodoo doctor, and If Ann would commit to his care a few minutes her $75 she would find when she went to pay her debt that her $75 had increased to $100, which would leave her $25 after her debt was paid. She gave him the $75, which, after many incantations and hoodoo mumblings, he pretended to wrap up in a bag, and told Ann to let it remain unopened for a day or -two. Ann agreed to do this and all went happy to bed. Next morning when Ann and her husband went out they found that their guest had departed during the night, and, ns the sequel proved had carried the $75 with him. As soon as the stranger was missed, they took down the box in which he had claimed to have put Ann's $75, and all they found was some old tobacco tago and pieces of bright tin. No trace of the film flam artist could bo found. Ho had gone with Ann's $75, .and she is now somewhat poorer, but wiser about hoodoo doctors. ?The Orangeburg Times and Dom-1 ocrat. AUGUSTA TAKKS CENSUS. Which Shows u Gain |Over United States Census Iteport. The population of the city of Augusta -s 41,2!)5, according to the count taken Sunday by 300 volunteer enumerators, composed of all classes of people, including many of the most wealthy and prominent | 1 business men. This compares 1 against the official count of 37,826 1 sent out by the census bureau last 1 week, and 39,4 41 as the official ceni sus 10 years ago. The city's count shows that the federal enumerators missed 3.460 people in the city, and, in substantiation of this a member of council, acting as a volunteer enumerator, reports an entire district, in the ward wherein he was working, which had never been visited by the federal enumerators. Every ward in the city shows an increase over the federal report. WOULD HI/OW UP THINGS. The Trunk of a Hlack Hand Filled ~ ?? mi nX|HU!tlVC8. Explosives enough to blow the city hall into fragments were found in a trunk in the police clerk's office at Cincinnati Wednesday afternoon. I The trunk has been kicked from corner to corner for the last two months with no regard to delicate handling. The trunk was found by local detectives last September while searching the room for several men who were suspected of being members of the , black hand. Wednesday afternoon, when it was decided to store the trunk, it was cleaned out thoroughly and in the bottom were found two packages of explosives marked "thirty per cent, nltro glycerine.' POUR I'KOIMiK DROWNED. Three Othera Are Rescued From Overloaded Boat. Four persons were drownded near Sault Sto Marie, Mich., early Sunday, when a rowl>oat capsized in the St. Mary's River. They were: Fred Farker, Cec'le Brown and Reginald Levi, all prominent young men of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., and John Sherward. night ferryman, who used | the rowboat. after the steam ferry hnd ceased for the day. Three passengers aboard the boat were rescued when the little craft capsized. Tho boat was overloaded. They Saw Him Hung. In the presence of the horrified passenger and crew of the train, Bob Matthews, a negro, charged with as mmiung Mrs. m. snowaen, n^ar "ensncola, Pla., several months ago, was ' taken from the train at Gull Point by forty masked men Wednesday morning and lynched by the side of the railroad tracks I'leud Guilty. At Mays landing. N. J., Charles Vaughn, Charles Qulnn and James Sears, leaders of a mob that tarred and feathered Frank Sichort, a farI mer at McKee City, pleaded guilty 1 to Indictments charging assault1 and , battery. For a married man Slch' ort waa too attentive to a widow. rpww i i Ma< I ifit i i im? A few Reasc Why It Is I Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone a Aches and Pains more quickly other remedy known. Its peculiar penetrating propi ? most effective?NOAH'S LIE May be used with absolute confld purity for Internal and Exterr It is Triple Strength. A powerf and sure Pain Remedy, there effective in producing resulti Not only contains the old-fashioi dients, but also the latest a date discoveries?NOAH'S LI # Recommended and sold under a for the following. Rheumat forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, S and Muscles, Sore Throat, Cold Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Colic, Toothache, and all Ne and Muscle Aches and Pains. Drug stores in cities and town stores in the country, 25c, 50c the bottle, and money back i ? isfled. Isn't this fair? CLASSIFIED COLUMN Ship your calves, nogs, sheep, iambs, etc., to The Parlor Market, Augus ! ta, Qa., 1018 Broad StreeL 810 For ii XAine. Send stamp for particulars and coupons. Address P. O. Box 9 8, Flushing, N. Y. For Sale?Pure bred Barred Plymouth Hock Cockerels. J. P. Wlmberly, Scotland Neck. N. C. j Xmus Post Cards?Send $1.00 for 100 and sell to your friends at 2 for 5 cents. SiniB Book Store, Orangeburg, S. C. Farms for Sale iu North and South Carolina and Virginia. Ask for large Mat. State your wants. R. E. Prince, Rulelgb. N. C. Wanted Managers in every locallt), a good proposition for a hustler, small required. .J. A. Peters, 618 N. 8lh Street. Richmond, Va. Wanted?Men to take fifteen daj? practical cotton course, accept good positions during the fall Charlotte Cotton Company, Charlotte. N. C. Crushed Oyster Shells for Poultry.? One hundred pounds, sixty ccn's. Ave hundred pounds, $2.50. Broslauer, Lachlcotte & Co., VVaverly Mills. S. C. . Agents?$3 dally and car fare. Send 10c. silver for 25c sample with instructions. No answer unless scnu money. V. Powder Co., Box 666, Scranton, Pa. Agent* to handle a propersition that sells: two to six, most evtry home. Particulars free. Kentland Novelty Co,, Box 24. Still Pond, Maryland. Are Your Children learning Geography and History thoroughly? Show the Rand-McNally advertlrement In this paper to your trus tees and teachers. Kice Flour, 100 tons fresh. Rice Flour, Ha/, Grain, Bran, Chops, C. S. Meal and etc., Albert BlschofT and Co.. 31 Elizabeth Street. Charleston, S. C. 910,000 Yearly.?No agency. Legit-| lmate. Small capital. We start you for 25c. Honest company. This Is your chance. Summerllu Co.. Nevada, Texas. Fngruved Visiting Cards.?Neatest and beat. Made on Ideal Xmas1 gift. 100 engraved in scrip, $1.50. All orders filled promptly. Sims Hook Store, Orangeburg. S. C. For Hale.? Fine lot of seedling Pec- j an Trees, from my beBt selected ' Paper Shell Nuts Prices from 12 1-2 to 25 cents per tree. Jude Robinson. Rowesville. 8. C. Women, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent, profit. Make $20 dally. { Full or part time. Beginners Investigate. Strong Hosiery. Hot 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. ' You ran mtke 2 bules per acre by mnun ins J M | nd Muscle At man. any irties are [IMENT. ence in its tal Uses. ul, speedy k L^J fore most MMW 1IK1 aed ingre- "IKS nd up-to- MAN A NIMENT. ^ m. v' DRUQI A( guarantee pmcr. thi ism in all I " tiff Joints J Is, Strains, , Cramps, Bone impo The genulno Noah's above. Look for Noal ? nin., * trade mark, registered S, general your protection. Noal nn rec' *n't on t',e Oflgina and SI.00 aide container. Acce; It Is the only Pain It f not Sat- guarantee. If your d 2Gc In atnmps and we fund money If not p fraud; accept no sub? planting my Hunch system Price $2 to land owners. $1 to renters. Write for particulars. Geo. M. Snodgrass, Hox 94, Houston. Tex. Wanted.?Names young people Inter csicu in im?iiies8 v,onegcs. aenn list to Southern Commercial School, Charleston, and receive as many visiting curds written by their expert penman. Alfalfa Lodge Yorkshires.? Best b.i- I con hog. hardy, prolific, speciul offering. 50 choice registered large Yorkshire boar pigs 8 to 1 2 weeks old $10 each. John 0 Curtis, Ilex 272, Rochester, N. Y. Cow Peas Wanted. ? All types. Amounts, Premiums given. All straight, unmixed. Get our new Cotton planting seed catalogue. "W11 let Seed Co., Augusta, Ga. For Sale?Limited amount of NewStandard 4 5 pound Arrow cotton ties at S4c per bundle, f. o. b Charleston. Terms cash. 1. M Pearlstien & Sons. Charleston, S C. Latest Fiction?Our little booklet "Books of the Month" contains a brief synopsis of all the latest books. It Is free. Write for It Sims Book Store. Orangeburg, 8. C For Sale?Up-to-date Georgia Pea^li Farm; thirty thousand crates thisyear. Also Improved Georgia farmsand farm lands. Write for partlculads. H. F. Strohec'ter, Macou. Vi?. Wanted?to buy your bides, skin* tallow, wool, beeswax, etc., at highest market prices and settlement sent promptly. Telephone 1820. Wllse W. Martin. Colum bia, S. C. Male Teachers Wanted for good Tillage and rural schools. If open to offer write for special enrollment offer. Can place you at one* Southern Teachers' Agency, Columbia. S. C. The High Point I>etectlve Agency of Columbia does a general detective business. White and colored de tectives at your convenience Write us. W. S. Taylor, Manager Columbia, 9. .C. Cut this oat?It may not appear again How gamblers win. at slot machines, cards, dice, etc., by s* cret systems. Get wise. Circular free. tlaro. B. Co., Bo* 1617 Hammond, Ind. Dohba' Single Comb Rhode Island Rods and "Crystal" White Orplng ton* win and lay when others fall, stock and eggs for sale, send for mating list. C. A. Dobbs, Box B 24.. flalncsrllle, Oa. Wanted?Men and ladles to take I months Practical course. Expert management. Blub salaried pos< tlons guaranteed. WrUe for eats l.'guo now Charlotte Telegrapt School, Charlotte. N. C. kVsntel.? Vfcu to 'ake thirty days practical course tn our machlo* shops and learn automobile bus' neat). Positions secured gradual#! I j;;. I MlMi I ki I 9 k I S : f'.il .LM^^l^^ll ; dir : boi ORK AND MUICIK f.>c ANO PAINS IN 2 I'O iND BEAST I AL NO. 14IBO. 1 Wl UNDER THE rooo ANO ab > , June ao. iroo. >' an ? 1'? S 8IZC, 26 CENTS V * C?. BOC. AND tl.OO tEMEDY CO. \ . * Boston, Mtaa>tU,^k a |t COI rtant Notice %! foi Liniment looks exactly like the Tr (i'a Ark on every pnekaKe, our i In the U. 8. Patent Office, for h'w Liniment always appears In il, both on the label anil <>n out- mt it nothing but Noah's Liniment. an emedy sold under a positive tlv ealer will not supply you. sen<l Ko will mall you a bottle and re- thi erfectly satisfied. ilewure of pc ititute. Tr manmBBOMHUHi j A Househo I Whichj Works CHE< (Chest C Will Relieve Quickly Croup. Coug fections o( Ch< Its efflclamcy bat been thorough by tbe large number of unsolicited bave used this remedy. Use Freely and F Now sold by alljmedicine dealc 25c Eve $J5.00 i>er week and up. Cha? uuie auio scnooi, unariotte, n. l North Sl?U> Life Insurance Co., v Kingston, N. C., operates only li the two Carolina* and hns mor? Carolina lives injured than another Carolina company. AgenT wanted where the company It ne. now repreaented. Wanted Snlennieii?A few more ho* tiers on our new Standard Atlai New cenius eoon available. Spies did opportunities for money mat lug. excellent line for ex-tea#fc era Write The Scarborough Oe.? pany, Charlotte. N. C. For Hole.?-Sunflower long t*ap:? cotton seed at $'2.50 per buthel Just sold part of present crop 2S? 1-2 cents per pound. Wtl make almost as much as ehorstaple. Limited amount of te^-d J. E. Mlnter, Sedalia, S. C. In Order to Introduce my high grad* Succession Flat Dutch and War* field Cabbage Plants to tbote wht have not used them before I wti give with each first order for ? thousand plants at a* $1.25, a do> lars worth of vegetable aid flowii Qo.t/i a I\a<t1 itlo) v f roo \X7 D U i?i Plant Grower, Enterprise, P. O I S. C. Mississippi Delta |jini!s.?Why tol) yonr life away on the poor fsnrn your grandfather wore out? Comto MlRafaeippI Delta where one cs? grow more than ten can gather T hare what you want at the rlgh price and terms. Come or writ* W. T. Pitts, Indlanola, Mlas. f Wanted?Every man, woman aa' child In South Camilla to kno* that the "Alco" hrahd of Bas* Doors and Blinds are the he* and are made only by the August* Proof Positive > J rnrnl of Ponr llhcumntlnm. \ i 'I had been suffering with bono rheu- \ tlsm for three years. J liuve bean t ng Noah's Liniment, and can say it It cured tne completely. Can walk tor than I havo In two years. Noah's ilnn-nt will do all you claim. IteY? K. Cyrus, Donald, S. C." I'hIii In side nntl Ncoritlcln. 'For live years I suffered with neuKla and pain In side. Could not ep. I tried Noah's l.lnlment, and first application made me feel betMrs. Mrrtha A. See, Richmond, Couldn't ItiiIhi- Itluht Arm. 'I caught eold and hud u severe at k of rheumatism In my right shoul and could not raise my arm witht much pain. I tried Noah's Lining and In less than a week was enply free from pain. A. Crooker, V?or>ster, Mass." Stiff Joints and Itarkarkr. ? 'I have used Noah's Liniment for >umnttsin, stiff Joints and backache, i t cun say it did me more Rood than y pain remedy. Kev. George W< :lth, Abbeville, 8. C." Sprnlnrd Ankle. ; 'I have been benefited greatly by all's Liniment, using It for n sprained kle. Mrs. W. D. Robertson, West niervllle, Mass." I'nltis In the Hark. ? 'I suffered ten years with a dread- w lly sore pnln In my back, and tried 1 ferent remedies. Less than half a N ttle of Noah's Liniment made u per- 5 It cure. Mrs. Rev. J. D. Billingaley, A lnt Kustern, Va." V Neuralgia nnd Tothache. Jl 'My 'Wife sufferetl for several years tli neuralgia and 'octhache. She uaed nut half a bottle of Noah's Liniment d got immediate relief. J. S. Fisher, Uccman, 1 lodges, S. C." Rheumatism In the Neck. 1 received the bottle of Noah's Llnl>nt, and think It has helped mo greatI have rheumatism in my neck and relieved It right much. Mrs. Martha Lumbert, Beaver Dam, Va." For Horses. 'We Viave never used a liniment we rudder equal to Noah's Liniment bruises, sprains, strained tendons d to use on throat, shies and chest - distemper, colds, ele. Richmond ansfcr Co., Richmond, Va." lletter Tlinn f.'.IMI Iteinedles. "Wo cheerfully recommend all stable n to give Noah's Liniment a trial d bo convinced of its wonderful curae properties. We have obtained as od If not better results from Its use in we did froin remedies costing $">.00 r bottle. Norfolk and Portsmouth ansfer Co., Norfolk, Va." * Id Remedy From Outside 5 T O L )intment) hs, Colds, Pneumonia and all afis' and Throat lj established and positively prove* leritlmonlHlH given by tbo?a vk? tUB! RUB! RUB! :rs. Should be in every Home rywhere. FOR SALE 1000 acres, 4 miles I homaston, C?a., Splendid land and good improvements. Good renting proj>erty; $25.00 per acre. Easy terms. 507 acres, 4 miles Cuthbert, Ga.; 6 tenant houses, I residence; high grade land. Rents I 5 bales, capable ol doing much better. Our price to Decern- ^ ber 1st, 1910, is $6500.00. Several fine, profit making farms in Sumter County, Ga. Write for list. Southern Land Co., Americas, (< ., Ontblwrt, or Thomsolnn, Ua I uiuher Company, who uianuta*ture everything la Lumiter au4 Mil!work and whose watchword ' "Quality." Write Augusta Line, bar Company, Augusta, (irsirgi*, for prices on any order, large ? small How visy It would have heen to make the recent anti-Anierlcan riot* in .nexico an excuse ior jingoism. I>oul?tless there was plenty of provocation, but the calm si'If-reBtraInt of the authorities and of the uatioa j has been admirable and make* f<>r A a aa t lafactoi III for- ^ ences. In thesi days Instead of m sounding the tocsin at every l.tle 9 trouble t hi re Is t be o\ ilnf ^ desire to keep peace, promote friendshi]) and foster International trade relations. Ajk MM.