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THE FOB F AUCl I OF MOUNT ( I Near Rock Hil I / V ty /Vo, \ *?<* h I / /I s7 / i* / I V- / 5, */ / ?m^>..k .>3 0^' "? ' ^lt*y ^ /7r *? I I I You will notice from the above m< I farms, ranging from 20 to 1 08 acres. I How can these farms keep from en I the valuable Winthrop farm, and the ] I Any interested parties will be show I given. Don't forget the date---Friday I 1 ERIV1S: One-fifth Cash; balance p r\0 X T"?~> U1 /-l lrillrr I^ol, pa^auic aniiuaiiy. REAL ES" I ffll PEOPLES TRl * -VV * * i, 7*' " * i v" s } ?* .< ' ' X T MILL TIMES, DECEMBER 1, 1910. TON SAL SALLANT I 1, S. C., Friday, / vj. I / ? V ' 7***5* / vv / * /^icul 7 y i I I |? */ / r ^ T t*' \ "--* . r e>, \f<"' ?\i* /S. \ * 4 < *-<#^.v i ? iS~3"'--' ' i V */ *> I ? ^ '''J^ " -t y 3 t-L lr ~ e// V/ J / O /V S | N/'<N^ g? Z.Z. as/t fa km ? /*T c zt r ??- ./ Roc A /////. 5. C. / A/o v. / 9/0. /ff' //6r& Irj/lite. jf 5 c o /o //'*r xjoo/e*'^ ' ip that this beautiful tract ha hancine in value, beincr sn rloc - 7 Q ^ ^ farms of Cherry, Biggers and C m this property on request and , Dec. 2, in front of the People ay able in Five Yearly Installme r a tf nrdadtiv/irmt m. a-a. a a-, l^Ljl A1V 1 IVlCil^l 1 JST CO., Rock > y FARMS, Dec. 2. This property speaks for itself; everybody I knows that it'is the most desirable piece of property that has been put on the market in many a day. I I s been cut into eleven ;e to Winthrop College, ^arhartt? I any information gladly :s National Bank, mts at 7 Per Cent. Inter Hill, S. C.