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1 111 * I HBBHHU gj| W| OF HA On Thursday, Decembei Charlotte Avenues in Oak] with the single exception c that's saying a great deal, siderable amount when yoi THESE LOTS AR 111 fact, the town can't grov of all Hock Hill property, am 11 - -1 mat tney are bound to be w short time. Yes, we can In they are going to increase : I them for yourself?" We 1 years. This property was b cheap prices now, the ltock I pany can earn a fair profit. Buy now and forget about now and either build you a I TCDMC AC C A iJLiixrio ur m 18 and 24 Monti T1 n y_R< Hppgpr.. : [vi vn KLANI 1st, 1910, we will sell at publi land. You all know what choi )f some Oakland Avenue lots, tl The neighborhood is already u are looking for a home lot. E AS SURE TO INC AS ROCK HILL v without enhancing the value fi 1 these lots are so well located ( orth more in a comparatively 1 ?ar one man saying, "Well, if in value, why dont you keep 1 have been keeping* them for < ought years ago and even at r Iill Land and Town Site Com- < l it. Come over five years from t home near Winthron Colleire s L {-> LE?10 Per Cent. C hs, at 7 Per Cent. 1 be Hour is ' he day, Thur HILLL WN SIT )CK HILL, SOU ) PROPE ic auction, 60 building lots loca ce property this is and will agre< hese are the most desirable lots established, and good neighbor REASE IN VALUE IS TO GROW IN P ind educate your girls, or sell it at a lon't have to live in Rock Hill in or lock Hill Heal Estate. Our Company will not bid in any ots go to any white American citizei ui December 1st. The lots we shall narked with signs and staked off litlicultv in finding the ones you \> % c J eniember, the price is left entirely ioneer and each lot offered will trings to it. They are sold without 'ash, and the Balan nterest. 10:30 A. M. sday, Dec. 1. E COMP TH CAROLINA. * j i ^ ? * ^?? ? ? ;kty .ted on College and | e with us in saying, in all Oakland, and s are worth a con1 / UrULAilUN. | handsome profit. You tier to make money on way, hut will let the i who hids the highest I offer for sale will he so you will have no ant to invest in, and to you and the Aucl>e sold without any limit. I A <41 A ce m 6, iz, ] - I . 111111 WBBKUSB