University of South Carolina Libraries
SPELLS REFORM That Is the Meaning ?f the Landslide and Not a Merc Slap at Teddy. ROOSEVELT A HUMBUG Of (be First Water Is the General Opinion ot Republicans and Democrats, Hut Many Democratic Ideas Which lie Stole and Frotended to Stand for Are Good. i'.acfa McCJhee, the accomplished Washington correspondent af The State, who made an extertalve tour of the country Just before the election and rhvo hla impression of things political in letters to The State, is back on Ills job at Washington. aud is now writing once more his interesting letters from the capital of the nation to The State. Ho says of course the one topic of discussion In Washington is the Democratic programme. But, coupled wr.;h this equally, of course, is ? a consideration of tho the meaning of the Democratic landslide. As already noted iu this correspondence, certain influences uro being brought to bear to persuade or to scare the Democratic house into making a fool of itsolf. This influence will be exerted with unremitting endeaxor from now on, and it will require no HtUe norve and strength of character on the part of therjoraocrata who have been elected. to the Slxty-secoud congress to resist it. No effort will be spared by the Now York proas to domiuate the situation. And tbo New York yapers are particularly influential In the South, whore, unfortunately, many people. Including not a few newspaper editors, take their cues from what those Now York papers say. These New York papers, it should be bourne In mind, really know lean about tbo real sentiment in '.he country as well as about the conditions west of the Hudson river than perhaps any other newspapers in the whole United States. Hut Just because Now York is big and the news papers thore are big. the people, espoclally. I say. In the- South, and more espeelallythoae in newspaper offices, read them and are Influenced by them. Furthermore, most of these New York newspapers get their own prevailing sentiment, honestly in most cares, 1 believe, but surely, front the financial districts of the great metropHls. rather than from the rank and tile, the ordinary, every-day citizen. These papers have set out now. and honestly again. I am willing to concede, but mlp.tHkenly, to make the whole country believe that the recent Democratic landslide is u triumph for what they term "conservatism." for the "safe and sane Democracy." which ought to be termed the "inane Democracy.". ' This means nothing, while the trusts, the flnanelal sharks and other marauders loot the people. This !*> the meaning ol ( hi> annl 1?* u. ? ? ? ? .... . u uitrpmg on squelching of Roosevelt. Now there lire those hereabouts and they are among the keenest observers of pontics In the country, who think that this Democratic victory moans nothing of the sort, moans not a repudiation of Roosevelt at all, hut a repudiation of the dominance of the Republican party by those who are supposed to be the enemlist of Roosevelt. Note, pleajo, fhe word "supposed". Roosevelt Is a humbuit of the first water, and that fact la practically admitted by everybody hereabouts, Democrats and Republicans of all shades. It baa been so recognized herea' outs Tor a Ions time. Rut at the same time the things which Roosevelt has been saying ho is in favor of are generally all right. The country wants theui. The leaders of the Democratic party wants them, so far n? they can he brought aliout within the constitution. Roosevelt has failed to get them. lie only keeps on blustering about them. Thus he is a humbug. The one towering Jeader. to whom the Democrats In these parts are turning now is VVoodfow Wilson, just elected governor of New Jersey by a tremendous majority after conducting a campaign of leadership which really led somewhere. Prominent Democrats here who are trying to influence the Democratic programme tuIlK - - - .v.. . iu tun measures wnich have boon l?ofor<; th country the past year, especially the tariff, are considering the desirability of calling Into thotr conferences the Now Jersey . governor-elect. Now I can say of my own knowl- j edge th tt l?f. Wilson, is, not In any -onso wont has beeu termed a "reactionary." He does not favor and does not have any tolerance for the methods of Roosevelt, having more respect for the law and the constitution and a tlrct regard for the truth. Itut at the same time he does favor n very decided and a very deflnlto programme of governmental reform including most of the measures that Roosevelt himself has pretended to l>e friendly to. Mention la made of the New Jer MANY TO BE TRIED FOB HIGHWAY ROBBKHY ANI> i MURDER C1LARGK. Men hnj>llc?tfd in Circu* Kiot Will ' Bo I'Uwod on Trial at Lexington November ZHUi. There ma/ bo a wholesale hanging over in Lexington County | before many mouths. The Jury com- ( tulssioncrs of that county have drswa the jury for the special term of court to commence on Nov. 28, to try tho i 18 men now confined In the Lexlng- I ton jnll charged with murder and highway robbery. In connection with the killing of l'aul A. Williams, the ] young Columbia freight clerk, on tho Hagenbeck-Wallace circus train on the night of October 2nd, last. There have been uo recent new , developments in the case so fnr as cau bo learned. ' Only oue of the , men In jail, and ho is a negro, has , been able to secure counsel. It fh i said, and he is represented by E. L. ; Asbill, of IoHJsville. his sis'.er having <rome all tho way front Chicago to look after his interest. A close wj tch has been kept on tho Jail ever since the men have i been here, so that there would be no possible means of escape. On ; different occasions, it is said, some of lite men on the outside who are lteing held as witnesses have become engaged in fights over disputes of some character, and more than ouco have the ofiicers reprimanded them. So far no arrangement has been made for a judge to try the ease, but it Is assumed that Judge Gage will preside. ANOTHER FOOTBALL TBAGELY. Causes Two Other Colleges to Withdraw From Game. At Wheeling, W. Va.. Lie coroner's Jury Monday n'ght returned a verdict of accidental death In the case of lludolph Munk, the West Virginia university player, who died of injuries received in a football game Saturday. This exonerates young McCoy, right end of the Beth any team who fell on Munk In the scrimmage and was charge dwlt'u m urder. As a result of the tragedy the university council of West Virginia university canceled the remaining football games scheduled because ot the death Saturday of Capt. Rudolph Munk. Charles K. Hogg, dean of the university law school, was directed to represent the university at the funeral of the young man. There will be no more football at Rethany either tliia year as a result of the tragedy at Wheeling Saturday af.ornoon when Capt. Munk, o! the West Virginia university was fatally lujurcd in the game with Rethany college. At a meeting of the faculty and the student body it was voted to abolish the remaining scheduled games. sey governor elect for the reason that he is looked upon hereabouts, as I have said above, as the most conspicious Democratic leader In the Hast, and I wanted to toll what 1 know at>out him, that if anybody puts Woodrow Wilson down as a tool of the so-called "Interests" or as a man who is going to act in accord with this programme, this socalled "safe and sane" Democracy, there will be some mightily disappointed folks round about New York and those places which take their ones or what is "safe and sane" from certain of the New York newspapers. He knows, by the way as every oneelse can seo, that as Roosevelt did oot come nto New Jersey or refer to the New Jersey campaign, the not l>?- ascribed to the activities ot Democratic victory in that 8tate can the dethroned Oyster Bay boss. Nevertheless etforts will be made to show that Wilson's triumph in New Jersey as well as the Democratic victory every where does mean a protest against Roosevelt and what M>osevo!t is "supposed" to staud for. And you may look out for St. The oMcHtt of th?>?? efforts is to pre vent the Democratic party from reducing the tariff duties. regulatluK the corporations and making primary election laws aud adopting o.tier so-called "radical" measuies. The result lu Ohio would have been the same had Roosevelt never gone there. And so It would have been in India. Roosevelt undoubtedly won rotes for the Democratic ticKct in .Now York, but the chances are li?? also lost a goodly number for the Democrats. He did this, too, by 'he most unscrupulous demagogy of which he 1b capable, and that Is pulling It pretty strong. Nevertheless, demagogy dees work in New Yo*k, and I know some very astute political observers there who think that If Roosevelt had not enterod the. C mpalgn the Democrats would have piled up a bigger majority than they did. Of course, there is rotten rejoicing herenlmut that T. R. was defeated In New York and that, in the language of the street, he has go? his. Rut then is no considerable deception as to the real meaning of the landslide, not at least among those who caa keep their heads In aplte of Mi* din uiade by money * tools. DEFENDS OUR RECORD 1 SOUTH CAROLINA HAS BECOME A CHEAT CORN STATE. , 5 " rho Groat Yields Per Acre in the State Is Beiug Questioned by Some a People. South Carolina It coming to be 5 known throughout the United States as a great corn producing state and , there are many who doubt the great yields per acre that have been made 1 in this state. 5 I Out In Memphis -the other day a ( well known minister who ouco lived ^ in this state was making an address t before a large gathering of farmers. , He told them the story of how Jerry ^ Moore had produced over 228 bush- ^ els of corn on one acre of land and as a result, the well known preacher jittH been placed In -the Ananias ^ dub. The people don't believe that , bo much corn can be grown ou one J acre. r This minister reaMlng that he had j ranch to do to prove his statment ( luinedlato'v addresses a latter to ( it 's state asking for the document- ( nvy evidence. The aOUlavlts have ^ been furnished to the minister with a statement from the United States government expert, substantiating the large yield of Jerry Moore. A .South Carolinian In Virginia also has placed himself apparently In the Ananias Club and he makes the following appeal to the South Carolina department of agriculture. "A Virginia gentleman was recently 'nitrating* over a yield ot 100 b'l. of corn per acre, which was mnde by a Virginia farmer. Under the im<pulse of the moment (and which I now realize consisted chiefly or indiscretion) I remarked that that yield had been exceeded in South Carolina, where a yield of two hundred and fifty bushels had been made several years ago. i "The Virginian?being a Virgin ian?was too polite to speak his i thoughts, hut the expression of his face, indicated clearly that I filled all the essential reijnireinents for ' eligibility in the Colonel's Ananias j club. I now appeal to you in the name of a badly mutilated reputation. to furnish me with proof to sustain my statement either in whole or In part. "I apprehend th*t nnthu. -,m "11' | suffice but affidavits of the governor, two members of the Senate and the members of the supreme court, properly certified by h notary for the commonwealth of Virginia, with the great seal of the commonwealth affix-1 ed. In at least two colors; but if you \ have not these on tap, I would be ' glad to have any secondary evidence which you may have at hand.* The yield referred to was that by Capt. Drake of 255 bushels on one arce of land. The information has , b?'en furnished. One day Senator Smith was discussing agruculture with tho members of the agricultural committee of the senate. He mentioned the j Drake yield and was promptly doubt- ! ed by the other members of the senate committee. They knowing Senator Smith accepted his statement finally when he had produced the evidence. Relieve in the (luirch The I'nlversity of Georgia h; Athens has an enrollment ;.f fit- h??i dents Of these 473 Indicated a church preference. 347 belev. members of seme church; 131 are Meih )' odists: 102 are nnptists: 4S are j 1 Prosbvtorinno ? ' ? " -i rj|iiacii|ia;inn8; : IS arc Catholics: 10 crc members of the Christian church: 1 f> are Jewish. 1 Congregational. and 2 Lutheran. Youthful Smoker Dond. Lighting bis pipe filled with "rih hit tobacco" .Ybaxel Sunders, aged five. was burned to death Thursday afternoon at Atlanta when his clothes ignited at the open grate. Several playmates wore with the lit tie fellow and all were learning to smoke. Another name for "rabbit tobacco is "life everlasting." Met* Him I'p. Near MiBsfield. Miss., Marvin Hudson, a fanner, placed a stick ot dyn amite in his pocket to take to his employee in the field. Hudson stumbled nnd fell. That he was not blown to piece* when the dynamite exploded ( is marvelous He will r]l?t ( l'iut Killed If int. On a wager that he could drink a pint of whiskey at one gulp Wil- j* iium Andrews, of Last Liverpool. O.. I won the 60 cent stah** but lout his| life. He collapsed lui mediately after h* ssallowed the lienor | ? ?? ? One More t.oes 1 it. Contrary to expectation California will <e ncl one Democrat to Conxresa. ' The completion of the official count * of the first district shows that Jml-V J. K. {taker, democrat, has a plurality of 124 votes over W. K. Kn^'ebriftiu, Itepublicau. incumhont. Enniebrl^l.t < received a plurality two years ago of 6.59S. ? If the auto displaces the hor.~>e, aft sonic people freely predict, there will he a dearth ot horse shoes to 1 unil upon the barn doors for luca. CLBMSON GKT8 BIG MONEY. rhe Fertilizer Tag Tax Buna Up Into ^ a Big Sum. During the past year there were ? 143.33 4 tons of fertilizer and 140, 05 tons of cotton seed meal used by he farmers of the State, according to _ i report submitted Saturday by Clem- f. ion College to the department of agiculture. This Is a total tonnage of 175,039 tons, which is valued at _ Lpproxiraately $20,000,000, taking ' x he avorage price por ton for last ( -ear as a oasis. Clemson College derives a tax of ] 15 cents on every ton of fertilizer _ old In the State and will roceive j. ipproxtmutely $250,000 this year. It s expected that there will be a mea^ ire Introduced In the general assetnily asking that the number of schol- ? irahlps be Increased for the lnv.'.*?:-' v .ion. The State farmera' unlnu plac- j d ltaelf on record as favoring .lie: ncreaso of w holarshlps. Inasmuch as the farmera piv this;;ntire tax. it does seem to us tart V heir sons should get more benefit rum damson College than they do. Che agricultural scholarships eau.D lel.ed by the Herbert bill should be loubVd In number, ' nrt 'f s-arvj., o enable lirigh* no r boys 4? : to , (' 'lercson, the money value of these icholarsblps should bo Inc.* as*?. ij Rheumatism!; Not one PA?5P in tun noniiinuD ? v vv.M gn internal treatment. |_ *. Where there is no swelling j k or fever Noah's Liniment will accomplish more than any internal remedy. One trial will convince yon. Noah's Liniment penetrates; ? requires but littlo rubbing. ** Here*8 the Proof Mr. W. R. Taylor, a resident of Richmond. V*.. writes: "For the pant four rears 1 have been traveling Kaatern ' ? >Jorth Carolina, where I contracted mu- , aria and rheumatism. Recently I liavo ? ?*ed Noah's Liniment with beneficial results. and take pleasure In recommendng same to anyone suffering with rheunatlsm." "1 caught cold and had a H?vere atack of rheumatism In my left shoulder ind could not raise my arm without _ nuch pain. I was persuaded to try i , ioah'u Liniment, and In less than a * reek was entirely free from pain. I i eel Justified In speaking of It In the | ilghest terms. A. Crooker. Dorchester, lass." Noah's Liniment Is the best remedy or Rheumatism. rtclatlca. I.amo Back. ? Itlff Joints and Muscles. 8oro Throat, i ?olds, Sttalne. Sprains. Cuts. Rruisea, 2o\lc. Cramps, 1 Neuralgia, Tooth- I iche and all v | 4erve, Bone and wTyV yPvvl 4uncle .U-hcs and uck age. 25 cts. |.' old by lealers In ' II T.l " Samonh Rrn.cdy Co. |/||.i|3i l lohinond. Va. FOR SALE ; 1000 acres, 4 miles rhomaston, Ga., Splendid land and good improvements. Good renting property; $25.00 per ? acre. E.asy terms. 507 acres. 4 miles Cuthbert, Ga.; 6 tenant houses, 1 resi dence; high grade land. Rents 1 5 bales, capable o! doing much better. Our price to December 1st, 1910, is $6300.00. Several fme, profit making farms in Sumter County. Ga. Write for list. Southern Land Co., Atnnirui, (> ? (>? or Tbomwlon, CM All Hill One ^ Sixteen students of Mississippi college. rnr?Ki' S from pallid-complexloned and frail bodied boys to plotures ot health. formed a volunteer hookworm jroison squad at Clinton. Miss., and have been tested lor tbe Uiftcuse. All but one showed signs f nf Infection. ICm i?? Torn Pponi Head. A of wire used to hold tho rrnnk of his automobile stationary when the car Is in motion, Frid ?y ro?! Robert Mcl'heraon, & merchant r?f Snllda, Col., his rlgrht ear. McPherson was cranklnt the machine when a "fly back" plunged the wire into his ear and tore It from his head * I classified column Lip your calvea, nogs, sheep, tamt>? tc., to The Parlor Market, Augu* ta. 0%., 101(t Broad Street. 10 For a Kaine. Bend stamp (or particulars and coupons. Address P. O. Box 98. Flushing, N. Y. 'or Halee?Pure brad Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels. J. P. Wlmberly. Scotland Neck. N. C. '.ma* Post Cards Send |1.00 (or 100 and sell to yonr friends at 2 tor 5 cents. Sims Book Store. Orangeburg, 8. C. 'arms (or Hale la North and South Carolina and Virginia. Ask (or large 1 !*t., State your wants. R F. Prince. Raleigh. N. C. k'?ute?l Managers lu every locality, a good proiKisition for a hustler, small required. J. A. P?*?ere. 61b N. 8th Street. Richmond, Va. I'antnl?Men to take fifteen day* practical cotton course, accept good petition* during the fal' Charlotte Cotton rompnuy, Char lotto. N. C. ru'-hoil Oyster NltHls for Poultry.? On* hundred you ado, sixty c?*n?a. five hundred pounds, $2.60. Br<_?siatior. Lachjcotte Ik Co.. Wsverlj Mills. 8. C [{onit,?$v daily and ear faro. .Send 10c. silver lor 26c sample wt:h Instructions. No answer unless aeitu money. V. Ponder Co., Bo* 666. Scranton Pa. re Your Children learning Geogra-; phy and History thoroughly? Show the Itand-McNally ndvert'isment In this paper to your trus teea and teachers. lice Flour, 100 tons Tresh. Rice Flour, Hay, Grain, Bran, Chops. C. 3. Meal and etc.. Albert Blschoff and Co.. 31 Elizabeth 3tre"t, Charleston, 8. C. 10,000 Y'eurly.?No agency. Legitimate. Small capital. We start you for 25c. Honest company. This is your chance. Suruuierlln Co.. Nevada, Texas. In graved Visiting Card*.?Neat<st ( and beet. Mado on Ideal Xmaa gift. 100 engraved in scrip, $1.60.' All orders filled promptly. 81ma Book Store. Orangeburg. S. C. j or Sale,?Fine lot of seedling Pecan Trees, from my best selected Paper Shell Nuts. Prices from 12 1-2 to 26 cents per tree. Judei Robinson. Uovresvllle, S. C. I'otnen, tell guaranteed how. 70 j per cent, profit. Make $20 dally. Full or part time. Beginners In-, icstlgate. Strong Hosiery. Box MOSS. West Philadelphia, Pa. ow I'fn* Wanted. ? All types, Amountit. Premiums ylven. All! stralRht, unmixed. Get our new Cotton planting wed cata!o?ue. tVillet Seed Co., Augusta, Ga. sites! Fiction?Our little booklet. j "Hooka of the Month" contains a { brief synopsis of all the latest hooka It is free. Write for It Si ma Hook Store. Orangeburg, H. C. or **?!??? Limited amount of New Standard 4;'? pound Arrow cotton ties at Sic per bundle, f. o. 1?. Charleston Terms cash. 1 M. Hearlsticn k Sons, Charleston. S. C or Sale?I'p-to-date Georgia Poa?-h Farm; thirty thousand crates this year. Also improved Georgia farina t?nd farm lands Write for partie ulad a. H F Mtrohec'tar, llaton Cla. A Househo Which Works CHE< C Vill Relieve Quiclcly Croup. Cou,? factions o( Chr Its K.?? been tliorouch > fht luric*- numlicr of un?oUrit??<l h*r* tht? r*m??dy. Use Freely and F Now sold^hy all^medicinr dealc 25c Evei \ \ ? 1 I Wanted?to buy your bide*, skin*, tallow, wool, beeswax. etc., at highest market prices and ssttlement eenl promptly. Telephone 18X0. Wilse W. Martin, Columbia. 8. C. Male Teacher* Wanted for pood village and rural school*. If open to offer write for special enrollment offer. Can plane you at once. Southern Teacbers' Agency. Ck4umbtu, S. C. The IU^i Point Petectfre Ageac? of Columbia dv>?n a general detective business. White and colored detectives at your conventostce. Wrtte us. W. S. Taylor. Manager. Columbia. 8. .C. Cut thi* out?It may not appear again. How camhUf. ?- -*?* ? > wui, M dVI machine?, card?, die*, etc.. bjr secret systems. Oet wilbs. Circular free Ham. 13. Co.. Box l?tT. Hammond. Ind. l>ot>l)t?'* Khudfc lb<a>\(1 Reds and "Crystal" White Orp4ng s tons win and lay when others tali, stock nod egga tor n tin. sen. I for matinu lis' C. A lK>bba, Box It. 24., Guincsvlllo, Ga. I it anted?Men unci Indies to take J I months Practical course. hapart manut.'urt-nt. High salaried j?oa;tlom gouruutisd. Wr'tc for catalogue now Charlotte Telegraph School. Charlotte, N. G. Wanted.?Men ?o "she thirty days i practical course In onr macolne shop* end learn automobile bualnesa Posit lone secured 925.00 ,rer week and up. Charj loll* Auto School. Charlotte. N. C. Xin tli SlMlr Lite Insurance (?,, of j Kingston, N. C.. operates only la the two Carollnaa uad has mors j Carolina lives insured than amy | other Caroline company. Agsata wanted whore the company >? ? < now r?-prt?c iit-'d. Wanted saUstiieri?A few inors hasi tlei* on our new dtand^rd Allan. New census roon available. Splendid opporttinlllna for money making. Excellent line for ex-tea*teer?. Write The Scarborough Oempnuy. Charlotte, N. C. For Kale. Sunflower long a tap La i cotton need at 92.50 per buak?l, just euid purl ot present crop at 2!) 1 2 cents per pound. Will make almost as much as abort I Nf UT1 if l imit.* ? ? - ... ...... . veil uuiouui OI MM. J. K. Minter, Seualla. 8 C. '? Delta toll your life away ou the poor farm* our grandfather wore out? Coma to MisalFelppl Helta where one caa grow more than ten ? gather. I have what you want at the right price end term*. Come or write i W T Pitta. Indtanola, Mlea. " 1 1 - -* ?i W?ni?N)?Every mat. wotnaa tad child in South Carolina to know that the "Alio" brand of Suk lH>or? Hint llltndM are the bM* a oil arc mad*- only by the Augusta I urn tier Company, who manufacture everything la 1.umber end Mill worh uiid whore watchword !e "Quality." Write Augunta Loei brr Company, Auku?U, (Iforgi*, | for prices ou a*y order, large er I una 11 I 1 n Oilier i?> luirvtliK-r my high grade Succession Flat Dutch and Wake h?!d Cnlihag* Plant* to those who I huve not need (hem itrfurt I will | give with each IIr-it order for a | thojbiiud plants at a 11.2a, a den1 id h worth of vegetMtMe and flower seed absolutely tree. VV. R. Hart. Plan' Grower. Enterprise, P. , 8 C I __ Teddy and hln friends may not think so, but hi* Is politically doad In this covin I rv Id Remedy From Outside )TOL hntment) lis, Colds, Pneumonia and ?Q *f$' and T Froat If e*u?blt?h*wl *nd potlUrei? *ro*MB ;*sMin?n!ali> (1v?n by thoM vlM ? 'UB! RUB! RUB! * rs. Should be in every Home. fywhere. 1