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i "' SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. w? Miss Lydia Wade, of Black ville, is visiting friends in For Mill. The Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack, o College Park, Ga., is in town fo a week's stay. The highest price paid for cot ton on the Fort Mill marke yesterday was 141-8 cents. Cot ton seed, 45 cents per bushel. Mra W T* A 1 K4.4.1 tutu. ?? . jj. muicj auu mil daughter Elizabeth left Tuesda; morning for a ten-days visit t Mrs. Ardrey's mother, Mrs. J. E Mack, at College Park, Ga. The Rev. S. P. Hair, pastor o the Fort Mill Baptist church, ex pects to leave Monday mornini for Laurens to attend the annua meeting of the State Baptis convention. The annual supper of the For Mill Light Infantry will be hel< in the town hall this evening an* practically the entire member ship of the company is expecte> to be in attendance. Mr. C. W. Eason has resigne the position of shipping clerl whicn he has held with the For Mil? Mfg. Co. for several year and is arranging to move t Union county, N. C., to engag in farming. The home of Thos. J. Thomas son, near Filbert, was destroye< by fire Friday morning, betweei 3 and 4 o'clock, as the result o a defective flue. Only a part o Mr. Thomasson's household of fects were saved. Rev. S. P. Hair returned t Fort. Mill Saturday, after spend ing two weeks at his forme home in Blackville and at Clover assisting in a series of service at Union Baptist church, nea the latter town, last week. For the first time in man; years, Thanksgiving services wi; be held at Flint Hill Baptis church today. At 10 o'clocl this morning, a sermon apprc priate to the occasion will be de livered by the pastor, the Rev Mr. Hair. Robert MeCrum, the Fort Mil negro who cut his wife, Bessi McCrum, with a pocket knif some weeks ago, has been con victed in the circuit court of as sault and battery, which proba bly means a short term for hin on the county chaingang. The exercises of the Fort Mil fraded school were suspendei uesday afternoon with the state merit that the work would be re sumed Friday morning. A num ber of the teachers left Wednes day morning for Columbia t attend the play, "Ben Hur." A serious cotton fire at th Southern depot Saturday morn ing was narrowly averted by th quick work of a number of col ored men. A spark from a pass ing locomotive fell on a bale o cotton in the midst of a hundrei or more bales and the blaze wa spreading rapidly when it wa seen by the colored workmei about the depot. They lost n time in smothering the fire. Among the visitors to For Mill this week were Mr. and Mrs A. M. Spong, of Charlotte, wh spent Monday in town. Thi was Mr. Spong's first visit her for more than four years and h was pleased to note many evi aences ot the town's growth ii that time. Mr. Spong is th general manager for -Severn States of the manufacturers o "Caraja" and "White House' coffee and his business in For Mill was gratifying. The proposition to have Lan caster and York counties replao the wooden bridge over Suga creek known as Barber's bridge with a steel structure and to im prove the approaches thereti seems to have been abandonee and instead an effort is on foo to influence the authorities of tlx two counties to open a new roac and build a bridge across Sugai creek opposite the home of Mr J. S. Kimbrell. Mr. Osmone Barber is actively interested ii the undertaking. Afraid To Stay Alone Cherry Valley, Ark. ?Mrs. Car rie Moore of this place says, " was afraid to stay by myself, had headache nearly all the time my heart would palpitate, anc my vitality was very low. Wher I would lie down, at night, I hac no hope of living until day. ] tried Cardui, and now I feel bet ter than I have for 5 years. ] /innt>/vf inn f n * <*! i?? ^ v/ouuut fjiuiac v/uiuui trnuugn iui what it did for me." Are you i woman? Do you need a tonic' Try Cardui, the woman's tonic, Your druggist sells it. i mmmmmmmmmmam | DO Y ;i k= I We are su I Shoec, Ciess f I buyer. We j I permanent ci :| a 1 ^ ? J Star Br I Every day since we I we've had evidence of of the value to them of You want shoes to fit \ good style in them, too (exceptional quality. V Shoes at $3.50, $4.00 styles and best leathers :j| I MILLS < Hi 1 11 Sheriff's Sale of Realty. d >_ State of South Carolina, County of York?In the Court of Common Pleas. Jane R. Wilkes, trailing under the name and style of Mecklenburg Iron Works, plaintiff, against Clawson 0 Mining Company, defendant. By virtue of an execution to me directed and lodged in my office I will ? sell at public auction before the court I- house uoor, at Yorkville, South Carog lina, within the legal hours of sale on _ the first Monday in December, the 5th, | salesday, all that tract or parcel of land situated in Fort Mill township, in the f county of York and State of South [J Carolina, known as the Clawson Gold s Mine tract, being on the waters of Steel creek, and bounded by lands now s or formerly of Smith, W. H. Windle n and kimbrel! and having the following q courses and distances: Beginning at a rock and pointers, corner Smith lands and running N. 9 t W. 9 to a stone on road and pointers; thence N. 46 W. 13.34 to a pine X S N; ' thence S. 62 W. 5 to a pine X 3 N; 0 thense S. 24 E. 3.34 to a pine X 3 N at S a road; thence S. 75 E. 4 to B. O. dead 0 X 30: thence S. 25 E. 8 to B. O. X 30; g thence to 1*. O. X 3 N; thence S. 81 E. 3.80 to rock and pointers, the beginning point of said lands, being known H 1 as the Clawson Gold Mine tract. 0 t Levied on and to be sold as the propL| j perty of the Clawson Mining Company. r I Terms of sale cash If nnrAoo... * i shall fail to promptly comply with the , terms of the sale within one hour after t ; the sale, the property will be immedi! ately resold at the risk of the defaulting purchaser. HUGH Cm. BROWN, p Sheriff of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Nov. 12, 1910. ("Haile's on the Corner" SMOKING TOBACCO. \ BULL DURHAM, i CHERRY. I PRIDE OF REIDSVILLE, i ; DUKE'S MIXTURE, ! i FREE DELIVERY, 1 ANTE-BELLUM, PRINCE ALBERT, TUXEDO. TWIN OAKS. . THREE FEATHERS, I UNION LEADER, BAGDAD, SENSATION, j BOB WHITE, 1 VICTORY, 1 EVERYBODY'S. [ OLD DOMINION, nATTDT tr? r* ** - ; i/wuuijri ri-m, [ REFINED R. J. R. r HEADLEY'S CHOCOLATES ' Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. / t / OU CARE TO S re ihat it will pay you to look at > Goods, Hats, Notions, Groceri are not in business to sell you on A ^ ? jstomer. Ask those who trade w that we live up to what ' rise, then we will have nol p1 to say. Every article in this resents in its way our idea c vice to the public. Every visitor to our stores is given a cordial greeti I and Shoes. opened the new fall Shoes the appreciation of customers i such fine Shoes as we offer. jpL^, .yf \ veil, of course; and you want WJ?" L 1 ; we add to these things some /V ' Ve can do unusually well in ,y and $5.00; all the leading ILy & YOUNG COMPAr I Noted Wizard Salel A Bargain Wonder. | Nover in the history of Fort Mill | have such good, old-fashioned bargains been offered to the people as is now their opportunity in the great Wizard Sale. To buy elsewhere is really extravagance. Big lot of Men's $10.00 Suits R I flfW UU Ull al LISTEN Men's $15.00 Suits at $10.75. Men's $20.00 and $22.50 Suits B HURRY at $16.50. li EXTRA Men's Heavy Work Shoes, | $2.25 value at $1.75. SPECIAL Men's $2.50 Fine Shoes in all I BARGAINS lealhersat$195 ______________ Selz' $4.00 Shoes at $2.98. Big lot Ladies' $1.50 to $2 fine Shoes, only $1.28. Ladies' High-grade $2 Pat. Leather Shoes at $1.45. Men's heavy Velvet-fleeced Underwear at 39c. 1 Men's Coat Sweaters, 75c value, at only 45c. Men's 25c and 35c Ties at only 19c. | McElhaney & Co. | AYE MONEY? | j our large stock of Clothing, g es, Etc., if you are a careful 1 ce only, but to make you a I rith US and if they don't agree we adver- * :hing more j ^^tl A I > store rep- L ?c\ I B >f best ser- j| ng and welcome. Men's Furnishings. Get acquainted with the Shirts we sell. You'll find them better in material, in make and finish, in richness of pattern, than anything you've had, even made to measure. The line includes many pretty patterns. Our stock of Hats for men and boys is complete. You would not fail to find here just the hat you want. B Of course our line includes Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc. JV FORT MILL, 1 " I > - - S. C. - - | I Fite's Store News, g gg A shipment of Wingo, Ellett & Crump's famous !??{ "Hunt Club" Shoes has just been received. |j Specials This Week. | jljj 100 pounds of Cabbage $1.50 ?ck 17 pounds of Granulated Sugar $1.00 19} 10 pounds Silver Leaf Lard $1.60 5 pounds Silver Leaf Lard 80 10 pounds Compound Lard $1.25 | ^ 5 pounds Compound Lard 65 : | Karo Corn Syrup, gallon 40 ^ gjg Cotton Seed Meal, per sack, $1.55 :0; Cottton Seed Hulls, hundred pound sack. . . .60 Best Shipped Stuff $1.30 ||j I C. M. Fite Comp y g mmmmmmmm m mmmmmwmmm I"" rao What We Offer You J Every facility for the prompt and careful transae- I tion of business accounts, every accommodation for making and developing business investments, and, indeed, every advantage that modern banking affords to further business interests, is offered by the I PINEVILLE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. | , 13 I The policy of this institution is as liberal as sound g banking will permit; every dollar deposited here is I carefully safeguarded, and every patron is accorded courteous treatment and careful :? ? wiik'iuvi anuil. ? We respectfully solicit your account. The Pineville Loan and Savings Bank, GEO. W BUNCH, Cashier PINEVILLE, - - N. C.