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{ The Fort Mill Times.! DEMOCRATIC. 1 Published Thursday Mornintrs. | b. #. & w. R. bradford publishers ' W. R. Bradford ...Editor 1 B. W. Bradford Manager | The Time* invites contributions on live subjects, bat does not atrree to publish more than 200 words ( on any subject. The right is reserved to edit i every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher. advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and Ions distance. No. 112. i Subscription Rater: One Year $1.26 Six Months .65 PORT MILL. S. O.. NOVEMBER 24. 1910. - - - . m The Chaingang. In a recent issue, The Southern Christian Advocate, official church paper of the South Carolina Methodists, makes a plea ior tne abolition oi tne chaingangs in this State. There is much in The Advocate's editorial reciting the need of reform in the punishment of criminals which should be given due consideration by the Legislature, but we fail to see how present conditions could be bettered by abolishing the chaingangs, particularly those of the counties. There must be a punishment for crime, otherwise there would be no protection for society from ! criminals. No one is pleased I at the sight of men at work on the public highways weighted down with ball and chain, but if this method of deterring dangerous and long-term prisoners from escaping were not in vogue few of.this class of prisoners would ever make reparation for their onenses. me most inhuman tea-1 ture of South Carolina's chaingang system is the practice of the guards inflicting corporal punishment upon unruly prison-1 ers. This practice, however, is not confined to the chaingangs, we are told. The statement is made, seemingly authoritatively, I that male prisoners are not infrequently flogged into insensibility at the State penitentiary for infractions of the rules of the institution. If the statement be true, and this paper believes it is true, that prisoners are unmercifully whipped at the penitentiary it is high time the lawmakers of the State were looking into the matter. Disappointment for Prioleau. There is apt to be one sadly disappointed negro in South Carolina when the Sixty-second Congress convenes. For years the chief occupation of Aaron Prioleau has been to contest the seat of Congressman George S. T - - 1 ijegare, anil ior each contest he has received $2, (XX) from Uncle Sam's treasury. He has made the race in the Charleston district as a Republican four or five i times whether he got the nomination or not. never perhaps with any hope of being awarded the seat, but with his eye on the $2,000 "expense money" allowed for defeated candidates who claim to have been unfairly beaten. But next year when Prioleau goes to Washington to file with the congressional committee notice of his contest he will see a different set of faces on the committee, and this will mean his undoing. The Republican committeemen who have so often allowed him the "expense | money" to work up the evidence, etc., against his successful op- I por.ent will be conspicuous by their absence. Their places will be filled by Democrats and Brio- | leau's claim to the seat will be laughed out of court on the first 1 hearing. An Insolent Letter. t* ?x - * - it is not, 01 course, incumbent upon The Times to say anything in behalf of the city council of | Rock Hill in regard to the straightforward proposition they I have made the owners of the water, light and power company ' of that city to take over the sys- j tem. These gentlemen doubtless are able to take care of them- j selves in the controversy with the owners of the franchise; but it is worth while to note in passing that a more insolent reply , to a courteously worded offer of purchase has perhaps never been received by any city council than that sent to the Rock Hill council by A. P. Moloney, president of the company. It is a notorious fact that Rock Hill has been illy j 1 l_ il:. useu uy uns company ana it is to be hoped that the citizens of the city will stand by the council j in the effort which is being made i to improve conditions. SPECIAL NOTICES. I 25c each insertion. STRAYED OR STOLEN-Six-weeksaid red Jersey male pig, with tail cut aff. Any information as to this pig will be appreciated. W. H. JONES. REWARD?I will pay 50c to any one who furnishes evidence sufficient to convict any person who has not paid the tax this year for keeping a dog in town. L. A. Harris, Mayor. "bREEdToUiT SOvTtoJ udge'WesTland, registered Berkshire. He is certainly siring some fine litters. Pigs from him and ordinary sows are selling 1 easily for $5. Terms, $4 in advance. ! Bob Bryant, R. F. D. No. 2, Fort Mill, S. C. 11-24-4t The Fort Mill Times finds it necessary ' to draw the line on the publication as news notices of public entertainments, recitals, church fairs, oyster suppers and other similar money-making enter- ' E rises. In the future such notices will ; e published in this paper as adver- ! tisements only. TWO FOR ONE ? A good Jersey cow and heifer, nine months old, for a cowfresh in milk. Cow has had three j calves. Or I will sell both for sufficient money to buy another cow. Apply to | James Spratt. 11-10-31 FOR SALE?Georgia Cane Syrup at ] 35c per gallon in 35 gallon barrels. Also Home-made Vinegar at 20c per gallon; fine Grape Cider at 35c per gallon in 16 gallon kegs. W. H. Davis. 1308 Taylor St., Colombia, S. C. 10-20-8t FOR SALE ? Elms property in Fort Mill. Two-story, 7-roorn dwelling, 1J acre lot, with good barn, orchard and well. For price and terms, write W. L. Plexico, Rock Hill, S. C. List your property with me. TAX NOTICE?191 O. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville. S. IV ?..nt ir. lain ? ?? ? r? *"i ?*??*? Notice is hereby Riven that the tax books for York county will be opened on Saturday, the lf?th day of October, 1910, and remain open until the :11st day of December, 1910, for the collection of State, county, school and local taxes for the fiscal year 1910, without penalty, after which day one per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1911, and two per cent, penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1911, and seven per cent, penalty will be added on all payments made from the 1st day of March to the 15th day of March, 1911, and after this date all unpaid taxes will ro into executions and all unpaid sinRle jk>11s will be turned over to the several maRistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 wiil be in Yorkville from Monday, November 14, until the Jlst day of December, 1910, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. HARRY E. NEIL. Treas. of York County. We Are Headquarters For the Following: Hardwire, Crockery and Stoves, Buck's Steel ltanRcs, Lime, Cement add Plaster, Elwood Field and Hor Fence, McC-ormick Mowers and Rakes, International Casoline EnRines, Shred uers, i^orn Harvesters and Disc Harrows, Sewer and Farm Drain Tile, Grates and Tile, Chattanooga Turn and Disc Plows. Cole's Hot lilast Heaters, Wilson Heaters, Machinery, Fittings and Supplies, Window Glass and Putty, Roofing of all kinds. Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills, Stalk Cutters, Spokes and Rims, Guns and Ammunition. Bock Hill Hardware Company, Rock Hill, - S. C. 9 BEACH IHRIE'S {j 9 Our Jewelry Store is simply 9 0 running over with the many new A things for fall and Xmas. We * n have never before been able to y jc offer the people such a large re- ^ D lection to choose from, .lust re- Q a ceived large shipment of ? 0 Libbey's 0 1 Cut Glass, J 9 the world's best. For a gift you could not give anything that V B would be appreciated more than Q a piece of the celebrated Libbey * R P..4 1 y \jUi Kiiitna. II fi Mail orders tilled same day re- J* U ceived. Q 8 Beach-lhrie Jewelry Co., 8 JK Reliable Jeweler*, J( j Rock Hill, - - - S. C. jj g?0? ???? ?? 0? 06 I New Meal @ The steady grcn g and our business V g to install a Meat M :? tion with our gen< *? store. ? Our first shipme <? hogs has arrived c @ prepared to fill all c ^ Try our Pork Sa\ I L. A. Harris I When Yoi Drink purr, clei OARAJAC Largest seller in WHITE HOU* is the worl (iood Grocers |=]l ZD I E3f=1F== \\r~ \r ah VV C 1\I1UVV /AH Kidney Safeguard your general health?do and allow them to pet the bettf Especially is this so in the case of k The kidneys have ar to perform see 1 watch for symptoms and be p much easier and less expensive Pills with the first appearance =i relief than to disregard the troi Nyal's K:dn~y F il's stand fir? that they are c omposed of known to he of value in kii the formula and knew they Prompt and effective in their action impurities and restore the kidnf not hesitate the next time you > or phone and we will send it to Kidney Pills. Worth much more hut only 50c tht ~| Parks Drug Co., ^=11 ii i[=ir= T. W. DIXON T. J. WITHERS th k i Utensils from the cheapest Tinware to th? We are expecting you to call to see us Dixon-W ithersp< 21 South Try on St. Home-made Molt er lot. It is deiicious; it is it. 60 cents the gallon. N ) t Market ? Arth of the town v $4 las prompted us g arket in connec- g pi. sral merchandise :? th X VQ int of cattle and ? ind we are now ? >rders. ? on jsage. It's fine. ? Sc Company, g _ \ u Drink | in Coffee like g 'OFF EE, | the Carolinas ? 3E COFFEE S d's best. 2 Everywhere. 51 1 =1F=1[= II S About These S Pilis y i K not neplect the minor ailments m r of yon and become chronic. u ;idney trouble. ' {] i important duty 3 that they do it :: 9 rompt in your treatment. It's ?] to buy a box of Nyal's Kidney In of kidney distress and secure [jJ ible until it becomes chronic. = fy \t for the simple reason ! ru standard dru<?s especially nl Jney ailments?we know = ru ' will do as represented. m , they cleanse the blood of all ni >ys to a normal condition. I)o JQ vant speedy relief?either call [n you in the shape of Nyal's nl box. m Fort Mill, S. C. I |i s r?ii===if==hJ 61 el 5P00N O. M. NORWOOD ? Going to China ? r Chinaware is not neccessary since * The New China Store | Fers such splendid values in all kinds " Domestic and Imported Dinner y rares. We have for your parlor, the pret-: * L'st Japanese Art Pieces; for your bed- Jjf om. Toilet Sets from the cheapest to jft ie beat; for your dining room, an ele- V int line of Table Glassware, Lamps, fl able Cutlery and Carvers; for your ? itchen, the beat there is in Cooking Q best Enamel and Aluminum Ware. w Don Company, 5 Charlotte, N. C. 5 O III- I i.?i * IqqqqI ne nans jusi y loouoi received anoth- 0! clean and wholesome. Try ? lills & Young Co. Se Meacham & Epps. MILLINERY SPECIALS. From this date on we offer a great reduction in the price of Hats. Miss Frank is making special Hats now at $3, $3.50 and . So do not delay, come on and talk hats with her. WOOL DRESS GOODS. We are starting a big cut-price sale on Dress Goods. Five eces all wool dress goods, former price 50c and 60c,. now 35c. ool goods that sold for 40c to 50c, now 25c. Part wool goods at sold for 25c, now 15c. All the 25c and 35c goods are a full ,rd wide. 56-inch broadcloth in all colors, cannot be matched for >s than 75c, our price 50c. REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. All rpmnontc nila/1 .? r? " " .... f/nv.u uii a tuuiiicr, ? i*u, *i and li \-? yard igths, plenty for waists and children's dresses, all go at about e-half price. PLAID SILKS, Just in by express, the very latest for waists. Nice assortment of Thanksgiving cards, lc each. Meacham & Epps. : I Fruit Cakes. | I In selecting the materials be sure to get win- yt J ter wheat flour, known to the trade as pastry X J flour, for while spring wheat flour is best for ' bread, it is impossible to have perfect success 1 with cakes when this is used. It is high time to begin baking Thanksgiv- ^ , ing and Xmas cakes, so use Dan Valley and J j Imperial Flour, made from pure winter wheat, 1 with the other ingredients. I Crystalized Cherries, Crystalized Ginger, y| J Seeded Raisins, Citron, Spices, Currants, Etc. S i JONES, The Grocer. g S5Z5E5a55asaE5H5Z5a5E5ciS^a5E5E5ra5a5H5H5aSE5a5H5a5tQ MAGILL'S i MAGILL'S MAGILL'S jj " 8 Seasonable Goods at Bargain Prices. $ S I have a lot of Men's and Boys' Fine Hats that must go 3 I at some price. I also have a line of Children's Cloaks and gj Ladies' Long Coats that must be closed out. gj My line of Ladies' Shoes, sizes 2. 3 and 4, is entirely too J large and must be reduced if sacrificing profit will do it. g Greatly reduced prices on a lot of Men's nice Work gj Shoes and Boys' Work Shirts. These must be sold, re- jjj gardless of profit. jjj Men's and Ladies' Underwear as cheap as ever. Just a gj few of those Heavy Drop Skirts left. gj Blankets and Counterpanes at lowest prices. gj I still have some Dry Goods which I offer at a great re- jjj duction in price. gj Overalls, for old and young, going cheap. jjj Nice line Four-in-hand Ties at half price. |gj C 11 l i A . "T * oman 101 Agate ware lelt that I am selling very cheap. I}{ | MAGILL'S MAGILL'S MAGILL'S S faSzsHsassaszsagaszsHSESH^EScLgHgassESHHSssasasiasaslD E3*?3**a**0H K?I*t*0H0H-H+tC?tC3?*0*g3tt0**Q**0*?0*g FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS \ s ft This is the season ot the year when the thoughts J 8 of the housewife turn to the ingredients of the ? Thanksgiving and Christmas Fruit Cakes. We car- Q x ry these things in stock. Cocoanuts, raisins, figs, g citron, nuts, almonds, currants, etc., are to be found Q in generous supply here, and of the best quality. Q We shall be pleased to fill your fruit cake order. Celery fresh every week. g Stewart & Culp, "t, 15. 0 C?OOOOI0(OO+?tOOOiQ)O0iOnx md Your Next Order tor Job Printing to The Fort Mill Times ' ! a A