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I Cold Facts PI Stated Backc the Goods. Statement by the "Wizai ^ In all my experience i ling stocks throughout t olinas, I have never c contact with a propositi appealed to me as has t I find this stock one cleanest and best that ever had to contend wi the quality of the mercl is far above the averag management of the sto co-operated with me ii way and have granted 1 cessions that have nev< granted me before. IV! instructions are to s< goods and to give the just what is advertised. It would be very hard to explain in cold type tl derful advantages duri great sale, but if you wi and see for yourself y quickly see that in no ii have any misrepresen been made. The feature of this s; be the unique arrange! the store and the facili handling great crowds ^ confusion. Your tradii be a pleasure as well as wonderful benefit. M'FT X'J. I Statement by Hfl'Ethaney & Co. Strenuous strivings lead on to' greater things. When one of our great men wrote, "The law of worthy life is fundamentally the 0 law of strife," lie laid dov/n a law j| for business as well. 1 It is only through labor and painful effort -by severe energy and resolute courage- that we ^ move on to do greater things. It is only through thedaib striving to do better in store service and value giving that this store has ] been able to maintain its present I j enviable position. And now it is we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of Fort Mill and vicinity < for the gratifying evidence of your good will and the magnificent demonstration of confidence !, I that has come to us in greatly, ( increased business each month , since we opened our doors. , l Hard as a rock and cold as mar- '< ble would be the heart that did not cheerfully respond to such a I ( convincing display of public con-1 ( fidence, and in showing our sin-1 cere appreciation of the favors ] we have received at your hands, ' it is not our desire to merely ex-; { press such throucrh the irlitterino- 1 7. ~ ? 11 generalities of cold and unfeeling , type, but to show this appre- j ciation in a material way in the 1 I Rememl wmL aiijy The \ ;d by AIIC 1 Sound* d." n hand- r| IA 4 he Car- |J1C I tMIlfc 111 ion that ITIVQi his one. of the K spre tiandise e. The re have ] ? every nHRf J ne conzr been ^3 SATUR for me tie wonng this VIM. 11 come ou will [lstance itations ale will The coi nent of ties for will be W6 without c ng win or econom A U1U31 | HAN FORT Mil offerings during the GREAT WIZARD SALE. We want you all to come?in- , vite your friends and neighbors, that they, too, may share in the wonderful bargains. Come expecting big things; you will not i be disappointed. Cordially yours, McELHANEY & CO. A Sale that is Different and the Reason Why. There have been sales in the past, but never before have the good people of Fort Mill and vicinity had just such an opportunity as this. This is not a sale that will continue for a few days and then go "dead," but, on the other hand, each day will grow better and bigger. You will be surprised at the i bargains, and it is very impor-! tant that you visit the store every day. After you have been here once or twice we will not have to urge you to corre again. Every article in every department will be rearranged for the coming of the "Wizard of the Bargain Counter," and it is up to you to, lome and see for yourself that what we advertise we deliver. kT. 1 - ? - - - lno wnisper 01 rAKt; has ever jeen connected with this store, everything will be just as we oromise. Plain marks all over the store will make it possible for >rou to see at a glance just what fou are saving on every purchase. When money talks people take t>er the Vizard of 5 a note of -\f 17Awi- iv/i:n J1 JH VI I IT 1.11 J tery is solv ad broadca HIGH PRICES DAY MORNI doors will oj Event in ming of the "Wis slcomed by thous lical buyers. EY 8 LL, SOUTI I time to listen, and here is where it raises a warning howl. Remember Saturday, November 12th. BUGGIES. i Now is the time to get that' Buggy. You've wanted it for a long time, and you want it right ( now, and we want to sell it to you. When you're in town drop in and let's talk BUGGY to you. We'll get you real interested. ( 51UVES AND RANGES. Gray & Dudley Steel Ranges, Evansville Stove Co., Cast Rang- ] es, and the Evansville Stove Co.'s Stoves are the leading makes < that we sell, and they mean the best that is put on the market in the different lines. Perhaps you ' have been thinking of a Stove or a Range, but for different reasons have been putting it off. { Right now is the time for you to make up your mind and come in | and buy when there is an opportunity for you to save money. GUNS AND AMMUNITION. We carry a full line of Guns t and Ammunition and during the f Wizard Sale we are going to offer a you some extraordinary induce- c ments. To the man who annrp- s ciates the best in firearms, the h display here will be doubly in- u teresting. We show Winchesters, v Remingtons, Ithaca, and several v other reliable Guns, and we want r to show you what the saving is s to you if you buy that gun during e this sale. 11 Date, Sc the Barga warning to t i i ana vicinir ed and the ist. DOOMED FOR A NG. NOV. 12, >en on the grea Fort Milll hist :ard" This grt .ancls cost of livin of reason. ? COM -I CAROLINA WHIRLWIND BARGAINS. One big lot Men's S10 Suits at only $4.75. / Men's $12.50 and SI5 Suits at only S 10.75. Overcoats from S4.50 to $16.50. Af 1?? ** 1 1 lTxcii ? m??vv liccce-iineo Underwear, 50c quality, >nly 39c. 25c kind, 20c 75c Negligee Shirts, 50c Coat Sweaters from 25c ;o $3.00. Men's Pants, 98c to SO. A LAST We have reached the bottom all t L: iL.i i - - mugs uiai we waniea to tell you abou trices, but this was impossible. We feel is the people know this store well enoug ial event that we always 'make good, ar ented. We have made ample preparat lave been getting ready, and instead of ip our stocks we are going to do it this ) rhen you need the goods and when we ery liberal inducements, and when the isk trading here, as everything that is uarantee and must be right or we will pening, SATURDAY, T OVEMBER 12 he crowds. iturday, Is II tin Lounier he good peoy. The great good news is lLL TIME AT 8 O'CLOCK I itest Bargain ory. iat sale brings the ig within the bounds \ PANY * Bit*- lot Jewelry at half pneo. Selz 84.50 Shoes, $2*98. Bitt lot of Ladies' Dress Shoes, $1. (>5 value, only $1.2S men s $2.nU and $2.25 work Shoes only $1.89. Howard $3.00 Hats are as usual the leaders of the season. Special price for this sale, $2.65. Men's $2.50 Hats at $1.95. Fancy Vests and Mufflers, 25c to $3.50. Terms of Sale Cash Money back if not satisfied. WORD. do soon. There are hundreds of good it. We wanted very much to quote more that this announcement will ba sufficient, :h to know that when we advertise a speid that things are always just as repreions for this great sale; for months we waiting until the season is over to clean rear during the regular season, at a time feel that the people will appreciate the assortments are complete. You run no sold is sold on its merits, with a positive make it right. Remember the date of !th. We want to see your fece among 1 Jo v. 12th. I . ' * ^ *