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r*v * ROOSEVELT'S NEW NATIONALISM . IS NEITHER NEW NOR DESIRABLE Some surprise has been ex- j pressed that Mr. Roosevelt should have selected the name, "new nationalism," for the creed promulgated at Osawatomie, says W. J. Bryan in The Commoner. The parts that attracted most attention were those in which he indorsed doctrines for which the Democratic party has been fightincr fnr vnaro TJio 011 fInnl/ ever, makes the matter clear. It says that the essence of the new nationalism is to be found in a few sentences, among: which the following stand out most prominently: "The new nationalism is impatient of the utter confusion that results from local Legislatures attempting to treat national issues as local issues." "It is still more impatient of the impotence which springs from the over-division of government powers." , "This new nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare." , . It seems that the ex-president regards as minor matters the income tax, publicity as to cam- , paign contributions, the domina- j tion of politics by corporations, etc., while he lays great stress on the centralizing propositions which he sets forth. He raises an issue which most in time separate him from most of the Insurgents and alienate such sympathy as won from Demo- l crats by his indorsement of a part ' of the Democratic program. The Country will not take kindly to , his attempt to revive discarded Hamiltonian doctrines. lie can not popularize them. The trend is toward democracy and away from the aristocratic ideas of 411V AUllUCi ixaillll tl/ll. Mr. Roosevelt is mistaken when he thinks that there is "utter confusion" because the States insist upon dealing with questions that concern them. It remains to be seen what he had in mind when he made this indictment against State Legislatures. If he had reference to conservation, he ought to read the New York platform. He will find that even in New York the convention Over which he presided was careful to safeguard the interests of the States. Hut it is probable that he had in mind the national fncorporation of railroads which he has urged and the national incorporation of industrial enterprises which both he and Presi- . dent Taft favor. The purpose of national incorporation is not to 1 increase national supervision but 1 to leave incorporation. His second plank recalls the restiveness which he has ever " shown when confronted by < constitutional limitations. Here < again he discloses the Hamilto-, i nian bent of his mind. Hamil- [ ton was a believer in cen tralifcation. He viewed society < from an aristocratic standpoint, < while those who framed our con- < stitution justly recognized the i impossibility of securing justice except by a proper distribution j4 of power. Mr. Roosevelt will 4 have hard work convincing the 1 < public that it would be wise to 4 go backward and consolidate the departments of our government. The third plank is really a col- \' lary of the second. It is a sort ' of an apology as well as an ex- < Elanation. If the executive is to , e everything under the new na- , tionalism, Mr. Roosevelt wants it understood that he is to recog- ' nize himself as a steward of the 4 public welfare. Why single out! < the executive? Are not all pub- j, llic oflicials stewards of the public { welfare in the same sense? If the word steward is intended to, mean the same as the word rep- ! resentative, then the legislative and judicial departments should feel the same responsibility as the executive department. If, however, Mr. Roosevelt, uses the! word steward in a different sense and means that while other departments of government are to be representative, the executive department is to exercise a fatheuly interest and act independent-, ly of the wishes of the people- but for their good, of course? he is advancing a doctrine that is as dangerous as it is strange to our people. That is the doctrine of monarchies, not the doctrine of republics. Hut we shall see as time goes on just how far Mr. Roosevelt's creed is to be nationalistic and how far it is to be really new. If it means centralization, it ought not to be called new because cen-; tralization is the old system from which we have departed, not a new system toward which we are advancing. Mrs. Cook Tells Truth. Dexter, Ky. ? In a signed statement, Mrs. Cook tells the truth about how Cardui brought back her health and strength. She says, "I could not get any relief, until I tried Cardui, the woman's tonic. I suffered more or less for 10 years, and was so weak and nervous I could hardly do m> house work. Now I am in better health than ever before, air regular as clock work, do nol suffer at all, and gain strength every day.'' Thousands of womer have been helped back to health by Cardui. Try it. TAX NOTICE? 101O. Office of the County Treasure] of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 15, 1910. Notice is hereby given that the ta> books for York county will be ope net on Saturday, the 15th day of October 1910, and remain open until the 31s1 day of December. 1910. for the eolleo tion of State, county, school and loca taxes for the fiscal year 1910, withom penalty, after which day one per cent |>enalty will be added to all payment made in the month of January. 1911 and two per cent, penalty for all pay ments made in the month of February 1911, and seven per cent, penalty wil be added on all payments made fron the 1st day of March to the 15th day ol March, 1911, and after this date all un paid taxes will go into executions ant all unpaid single polls will be turnec over to the several magistrates foi prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 will attend at the following places or the days named: At tort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 4 and 5. At Rock Hill from Monday, November 7, to Saturday, November 12. And at Yorkvilie from Monday, November 14, until the 31st day of December, 1910, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. HARRY E. NEIL, Treas. of York County. Phone 16 for your needs or your accomodation. Visit Ardrey's Drugstore when in town for your needs or your rest. WANTED Several good milch cowt K'ith young: calves. We also buy all <inda of beef cattle and pork hop:s. L. \. Harris & Co. 10-27-tf [ GREAT SAC \ OF CHIh We wish to announce to the t count of our rapidly increasin decided to dispose of our imm China. When we say cost, we meai thing in that line for home i other kind of presents at pric h been offered. In our immens Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, all kin t Wind r?f Put nihcc nnrl Salad <5 v* *. V/?V wuvt u kept in a first class china stor M : ROCK HILL SUF ; T. 0. FLOW Forward or Which Way A Are you saving or are you r enough money to accept some tunities that are available, or your friends? It's to your best interest to ter. You surely cannot begin until you learn to save your business enterprise on promis aaa a nttie to it every pay ua take advantage of some of tl self in your own estimation, a nition of influential business 1 THE SAVINGS BANK W. B. Mea Free Xmas Fireworks! ! SKY ROCKETS, FIRECRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, > Free to my customers. Sec 5 me about them. ; Also Horse and Cattle Pow . ders at half price. Buy 50< i worth and get 50c worth free ; C. B. KIMBRELL, Randalesburg store. 1 -i-iooooeoiKxososcw ' Q BEACH-IHRIE'S j fi Our Jewelry Store is simply j Q running over with the many new i things for fall and Xmas. We J t Q have never before been able to r i ^ otter the people such a large se- C Q lection to choose from. Just re- jj a ceived large shipment of J | Libbey's | Cut Glass, | 1 A the world's best. For a gift you 1 f W could not give anything that Jl j jj wt>uld be appreciated more than f I j? a piece of the celebrated Libbey ? Q Cut Glass. 1 ? Mail orders filled same day re- | Q ceived. ? Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., \ 9 Reliable Jeweler*, X jj Rock Hill, - - - S. C. j . "Haile's on the Comer' Cigars. C1NCO, MISKO, SABOROSA, CORTO PLAZO, SWEET BRIER, HAVANA RIBBON, TWO ORPHANS, SAINT JULIAN. Cigarettes. PIEDMONT, OLD MILL, HASSAN, TURKISH TROPHIES. When in need of above brands, "Make our store youi store. i Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. RIFICE SALE I IAWARE. I i people of Fort Mill that on ac g hardware business we have + ense stock of ' at Cost. i it. China, Cut Glass or any- T ise, Wedding Presents or any es that you have never before e stock you will find beautiful + ds of Fancy Goods, the finest i k?ts?in fact, everything that is e. ? >PLY COMPANY, \ FRS Manatfor ? Backward? tre You Going? unning behind? I)o you have of the many business oppordo you have to borrow from sit down and consider the matto make any financial progress r*iAr\r*if V?% ? ,4 ?i luuncjr. i i?u crtii i, rsuirt any es. Start an account with us, y, and you will soon he able to tese opportunities, raise your- I ind win the respect and reco^nen. $1.00 starts an account. OF FORT MILL, S. C. I cham, Cashier WE THANK M | j We are gre h ort Mill ant for the libe us during the cent Change-c our endeavor ers the best ve received from Ilishment in tin are pleased to forts were sue were gratifying new customer and took adv gains aboundi We are duly c i r I mark ot conhc rity. Wheth( ; your purchase cents, we r t Our Chang closed, but th bargains off ere I direct att Boys' Suits ai -- i I Li icil are on sal just about co^v cloth. No pa dress his boy from Fite's. And the prices Trousers are so lo our ability to off reason is, we bou? are willing to give I of the stroke of foi HJ r= IJ !|C. M. FITE COMP OUR FRIENDS iteful to the people J surrounding counral patronage given f progress of our re- | )f-Firm Sale. It was to give our customvlues they had ever a mercantile establis section and we believe that our efcessful. Our sales *ly large and many I s visited our store antage of the barng on every hand, ippreciative of this lence in our integ^ iL - - f u le amount or was ten dollars or thank you for it. [e-of-Firm Sale is iere are yet many d here. This week ention to a line of id Mens Trousers i e at prices that will fer the cost of the rent is too poor to up in a new suit we are asking for the w that many marvel at er such bargains. The ^ht the goods cheap and our friends the benefit inn I ANY, Fort Mill, S. C. I