University of South Carolina Libraries
NOBLE WOMEN ' C?amitlee Selects loscriptitas That Will Gt On Their Monaaent. : ? WRITTEN BY GONZALES I ; I VMtior of Thf ttliow Wm Selortwl ?k llHiig Moot Worthy l?> j lift IMjwihI uu -SlemorUU C-outuK'ni' rutin# Virtue* and Deeds or Sue :il ..M ??r_. m * % # ? i nnixi in numcn in iiiui dlitw/. The inscription to grace the monument to be erected to the women of vpo Confederacy in Columbia wse Saturday afternoon furnished to the press. Oipt. William K. Gonzales, edito" of the Cniumlda State, prepared th? inscriptions that are to go on the monument. The selection of Capt Gonzales's composition was made foi lowing a competitive examination of a number of efforts submitted anooiiymously. Kifly inscriptions were submitted to the commission. The selection of the winning In scriptlun was by a committee, the memlsTs of which took, under consld oration thirty of the composition* submitted to the monument commissi oq. The committee was: Miss Kuphem fa McClintock. president of the College .for Women, of Columbia; Stan hope Sums. Lilt. I>.; the Rev. Dr William McPheeters, of the Columbia Theological Seminary; Prof. Yatef Snowden, of the University of South Carolina, ami Col. U. It. Brooks, olerk of tlie Supreme Court, who it a writer of history. The committee reported six com positions to the commission in the order of merit and the commission^l the report. Capt. Gonzales, himself a member of the comunia alon, absented himself from the rne-it ing, and the commission decided upon his compostion as worthy to be placed upon the monument to lue women of the Confederacy. The four next succeeding compositions were submitted, in the ordm reported t?y the committee, by Dr ttoorgu Armstrong Wauehope, heau of tiie Knglish department of tlu University of South Carolina; by l?r fO. h. joyiicm. professor emeritus of modern languages at the University f South Caronna; by the Hev. A M Kraser, 1). D.. of Staunton, Va.. who last summer was invited to bo come president of Columbia Theolo gical Seminary, and by W. Banks Dove, formerly .supcrintedei*. of eit> schools if Washington, N. C., and kiow assistant Secretary of State. Much thought was given to the preparation of the compositions Hubknitted It is said that Dr. Wauehopt rewrote his inscriptions t w^in y-elgti times and Dr Fruger corrected his composition several times t>> mal nfler lit! timi soul it iu. The following are the inscriptions to bo placed on the monument: , , (South aide.) )u this Monument KeiKtmiinOti unborn shall hear the voice of a grateful people testifying u> the sublime devotion of the Women of South Carolina in their country's need Their unconquerable spirit strengthened the thin Hues of pre/ Their tender care wan solace to the stricken. Uovereuce for Cod and unfaltering faith in a righteous Cause inspired Heroism that withstood the Mninnlalion of sons and courage that yore the agony of ~ s.WJlftlse -and the shock of disaster The tragedy of the Confederacy in?, tie forgotten, but the fruits ot the noble servles ol the I laughter* of the South are our perpetual heritage. (North side.) When reverses followed victories when want displaced plenty when mourning for tho llower of Southern Manhood darkened countless homes vrb?M? iJovttumeiil tottered and chaos tli realened ' the women wore steadfast and unafraid. They were unchanged 'n their dev-? Hon, unshaken in their Patriotism unwearied In Minietrations uncomplaining in aacriilcoH K4?Iendi(i in fortl'u le they strove while they wept in the rebuilding lifter the dosoiiition their virtues stood is the supreme clta.1 d vlth strong towers of Kaith an.-r Hope around whicb civilization rallied .imi triumphed ^ ^oliowinn Is the formal low-rip Of?i prepared by the commission: To fho South Carolina Women of th? Confederacy. I 8f? I -Gi>. It eared Ry the men of their state. % The ItegUdalure's pirt will in; con veved in a iino. "Knacted by the tftaieraJ Assembly of the State of South Carolina." legible on a scroll being bold up to the worn in by * bronco Cupid ? iHtY AKE RUN DOWN DIAMOND SWINDLERS ARE ARRESTED IN CHARLOTTE. They Operated in Rock Hill, Weatvtlle, Hranchville and Charlotte Before They Were Caught. A dispatch from Charlotte, N. C., says a unique swindling same, farreachlng in operation and involving prominent diamond importers was laid bare there on Wednesday, when J. W. Napier and W. P. Duke, from nobody knows where, were arrested on warrants sworn out by United States Postal Office Inspector Hulla of Washington, and bound over by United Slates Commissioner Cobb of the federal court. One of the swindlers. Duke, collapsed, following the arrest, turned state's evidence and unfolded the operations of the gang to the commissioner without restraint. Briefly, tho scheme was to order dla monds from a responsible concern c. o. d.. subject to examination, substitute imitations for the real diamond and return the shipments to the Importers with flimsy excuse as to flaws in the stones. The gang operated successfully in Rock Hill, Branchville, WVstvilu. Charlotte and other neighboring towns and cities, using James Parris, an unsophisticated couutry boy. as a decoy. Asking examination of the gems the importers were led to ship the precious stones to Parris. When they arrived at the express office, Duke, who professed to be a Jeweler, would show up, with professional care oxamlno them, and with some flimsy excuse turn then, back on the express company to be returned, tuklng cure during the examination to substitute the false gems for the originals. The imitation stones were supplied by a house in Terre Haute. Ind Harris, whom the swindlers used as a tool, is an Ignorant country bo>. who can neither read nor write. He was discharged by Com mission ar i Cobb, while Duke and Napier were hold in bonds of $2,500 each. Duke made a full confession of the affair. 1 The only victim of the pair disclosed during the preliminary examination was that of Daniel Lowe aau Co.. Salem, Mass. i m J Ml.I.10D Tlilt 1010 t'KltSONS. \\ 11i(? Muii and Xi^ro Killed Two >len and a Women. I News has just been received at Tampa, Kla.. of a trlpple murder, which took place sometime during the storm last Monday at Chatham Head, near Kort Myers, in which two white men and a white woman were murdered by Leslie Cox, a while man, and a negro. The dead are: Miss Klien Smith, a man named Walter and one known as "Duchy." The latter is said to bo an escaped convict from K iy Went. Details of the crime are meagre. Mlfts Smith was visiting at the residence of Walter, and it is believed she was kili"d when she attempted to interfere in a quarrei between Cox and Walker. The uogro Is under arrest, and claims that he was forced to kill the man known as "Dutchy." A posse is in pursuit of Cox. who is reputed to be a desperate charade*-. He was surrounded lu a swamp near tiie Caxambaa clam bars, hut made his escape. The negro has been carri?*<l to Key West for safe keeping ASI.HICT ON Til K TltACK Young LkI Killed on tJio ILuilt-oail Near Varnvllle. While lilting on the end oi a crosstie, asleep, Thursday morning. Kdtlle Hancock. of AuguRta. win hit jin the head by the engine of train No. II on the Charleston aud Wesj tern Carolina railroad, near Camp llraneh. He died a few hours later. Handcock and his partner had been put otf of a freight earlier and v.vre togcthi r .vheii Hancock *.?o hit. He was carried to Varnvllle on the train and his wound dressed, but died later. Ho never regained consciousness nuvr no w*:* NiruVK. M IB relatives were notified. His partner w;?s not hurt, he turning over to one side Just in time to be missed by the engine. Hih/) Woman's Work. At Keokuk. Iowa, emptying a two gallon tan of gasoline over hereeif. and her husband and eon, while they slept, Mrs. Ileus Stiitterinan then set tire to the trio The woman who, it is supposed was mentally unbalithoed died next day. and her son a few hours later. The husband ii It <i critical condition Fell to Ills lhuth. At Mmlgoburg, l*rusalft, Lieut. Monte fell with a Wright aeroplane Wednesday and was instuntly killed The air man wao planning to the earth when he started his motor, the st rain on using the machine to turn turtle. It crashed to the earth, carrying the lieutenant beneath it. The aaroplane was smashed to bl'o. THEY AliE SAFE *' THE CREW OF THK LAST BALLOON ARE FOUND AT LAST. I Both Haw ley and !'o<rt Report Unharmed, After Traveling Approximately l.BoO Miles in Balloon. Allan P. Hawley and Auguscus Post, The aeronauts of the balloon America II. for whom search had b?>en prosecuted la the Canadian wilderness. are safe uud have established a new world's record for sustained flight. They traveled approximately 1,350 miles and came to earth in Chl"outiml county, Quebec, on Wednesday. Oct. 19, but were not heard Tom until last Wednesday, when tel ;<rams sent from St. Auibrolse, Que., ;ache<l New York. The balloonlstS smarted from St. ouiu with nine other contentanL in 10 race MouJay, O*. ber 17. All the other ^jlicona ive been reported. Two messages from Hawley atic \>v. wc.< received In New Yoru ?rly Y.Vdnesd >* night. One was o .'illiaiu Hawley. brothel of the net" naut. the other to Samuel F. Piv ins, pilot of the balloon I) isseldor* HI. which until Wednesday nigh' iad been considered the winner. The message to Sir. Hawley read. "Lauded in wilderness week ago, f>0 miles north of Cbicoutimi. ltotti a ell. Allan. The "Perkins message reud: "Landed Parahonka river north Lake Chllogaa, lbth. ail well. Heturning. Hawley. "Post." With the reelpt of the news end d a search, regarded by uiunj a-* ilniost hopeless, in which the gov ernments of this country atid Canada wero indirectly participating. For, in addition to emissaries sent by the Aero Club of St. Louis, the cuttei urn-vice, me signal corps or sue arm> the Hudson Bay company and othei agents were conduct lug the search, scouring the lakes and making preparations for search. Lloyd Harmon, the wealthy amateur aeronaut and aviator of New York, had offered $1,000 to any oiu finding Hawley and Post, deud or alive, and this sum had been increased Wednesday night by subscription to more than $7,000. At the international aviation, meet at Belmont park the aviators Wednesday afternoon, headed by $f?0tt pledged by Glenn H. Curtlss. Young Perkins, who accompanied Lieut. Hans Gerlcke in the Dusseltiorf. conceded immediately after tutreceipt of the telegram that he and the German lost first place to the New Yorkers. Perkins had estlinat ad the distance traveled by the Busseldorf at 1,2 4 0 miles. He was overloyed at hearing from his long lost rivals and quickly dispatched a mesjage to St. Ambrolse with instructions to forward a message of congratulations to Messrs Hawley and Post. William Hawley shouted with elation when he heard of his brother's success and safety. For the last week be had been under a constant strain and had been in hourly com tuunicntion w ith points In Caua !' from which he hoped to receive news of the landing. Ah the outlook grew less hopeful day by day his anilely became greiter but through It ti.'l he <1 id not lose faith In his brother's ability to come through alive. He had sent J. H. Pope and Edmund Stratton to Ottawa to carry on the search but he notified them ol the happy ending. The America II was last reported passing over Maple City, Mich. 8ky gazers were able to read the name on the balloon but thereafter ail tract* of her was lost. HONOlt .11 IH.K >H?ss. I'or Hit. Fairness, Impartiality itn?l l.egul Acumen. At a meeting of the Dorchester Bar Association, held on Saturday, October 22, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted Resolved. Tha' the 'hanh? of *hitorenestei i?ar are due Honorable it. Hurl Mot*. Special Judge, for tht fairness, impartiality und legal acumen w'th which he has conducted the business of the Court, and for his uniform courtesy to the members of the profession, officials and uli others having business before the Court. Resolved. That the appointment of lawyers of such high standing ns Special Judges, Is commendable, and is i*n<lnr?c<i v... > ... mK|.iwi*iou uy Hit I>orcheetor Har Association. I Kesolved, That the Court be moved t?i spread those Resolution* on the minutes of this Court, sud that copies thereof be forwarded;by the Secretary of the Association to-The State, The News and Courier, The I Orangohnry Tiroes an-d l?ouiocrat and | The r>orchoHter Bugle with request to publish the sume Jitrk Johnson n lH-m?t)til. Jstck Johnson, champion heavyweight pugilist, actor and automobile racer, will appear In a new role next Wednesday when, as a l>erooIcrnt, he is to address the negro voters of the Thirteenth assembly ("San Juan HSU") district. Now York City CANNOT Kb FOUND i * i THOUSANDS OP I?EOI*LH SKKK FOK LOST llAI,IA>ON. ? I Ham Not Bec? Heard Prom Since it Ascended Last Monday Week from St. Loots. The most gigantic organized search . in the history of North America, Ik la the full awing throughout northeastern Canada for Allan Hawley and Augustus Post, occupants of the mlHBlng balloon. America II. which, . with eight other, ascended at St. IxjuIs, Mo., on Monday. October 17. in ar ace. All the others have been accounted for. America II Is supposed to have fallen In the wilds of northeastern Canada. A hundred wiousaml |H>rsons are engaged In the vast hunt lor the balloon Members of the Aero Club of America were still anxlomrly awaitiug word from the missing aeronauts 'vlyo uit bv loved to have landed feouewb'-re in the Algoma district nd are slowly making their way to .vlliaxntion 'hrough the foorges anil 'ire; ts. A. n?;ut balloon will be nt up ir th northern part of Mich. .an In hope that It may take the direct lea of the. America 11 and see distress siguals that may have "t rt'tor 'he aerounuis lauded. Preparations to send a balloon with suplios utter them were hasteuid Tuesday. I.ouis von Phul. who will pilot the relief Aerostat, left NYw York Tuesday uight for Cauada. !le plans to begin his aerial hunt from H'lult S:e Mario. That the search lor the balloou".-.ts is being made by two countries 's shown by the telegrams which ave been received by the Aero club of St. Louis with the lost 24 hours. Those have come from the hoads of he Canadian government and from he signal corps of the United Staies army and officials of the Canadian railway systems. Altogether sixty telegrams have been received from persons bunting for the America 11. iWhy suffer with distressing, nerve-racking Neuralgia when Noah's Liniment will relieve you. Quiets the nerves and scatters the congestion. One trial will convince you. Noah's Liniment penetrates; requires but little rubbing. Here's the Proof "I suffered about live yearn with neuralgia and pain In my side. The pain was so severe I could not sleep. I tried Noah's I.lnlment, and the flrtd application made me feel better than In many years. I would not be without a bottle of Noah's Liniment In the house. Mrs. Martha A. See. Richmond, Va_" "My wife suffered for several years With neuralgia and toothuchc. Hhe used about half a bottle of Noah's L.lnlment and got immediate relief. J. 8. Fisher, Policeman. Hodges. S. C." Noah'a Mnlmrnt in the best remedy for Kheumtttlsm. Sciatica. I-nine Hack, Stiff Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat. Colds, Strains, Sprains. Cuts, Bruises Colic, C r a m p s , .. ' Neuralgia, Tooth- ^ U. c"Mr^j. I ache and all *\ 1 \( I Nerve, Bone and t'/ Muscle Aches and \\\ . Pains. The gen- v iral ulne has Noah's <o?y 1U Ark on every ..-/v: Tfoft <- Uy-*V| package. 25 cts. fTW^U M I It V Sold by dealers In II Fay ? K medicine. Sam- Ik i V ] k 1 lb 1 pie by mull 1 reo. |JtiiphiiriijiT^wMli.. T Noah Remedy Co., |||i Hullli iii Richmond, Va. kZUJLJUMJLrULaJI Bargains in Land. 9(H) acres. Sumter county. Ga.; 700 acres in high state of cultivation; all level red land of best grade; 2 story 8-room residence, large i 1 .1 _*1 ? tM - t Dams anci ouiouucnngs. rienry oi tenant houses. One of the best bargains in Georgia. Easy terms. 80 acres in limits of good town, 10 room modern residence, hardwood floors, steam heat. Urge liams; 4 room tenant house $<>,(KX) 1-3 cadi Write for list. SOUTHERN I .AND CO .luMTtron, (<?.. Outbtmrt, (ia^ or TtiomiUa. j . ir^w>v7?rs'. blASSlHtiO COLUMN [ Foretell your future for 12c stamps and birtbdaie. K. Clark, 210 Vtf. 2let N. Y. Uhlp your calve*, bogs, sneep, lamix. etc., to The Parlor Market. Augusta. Gv, 101K Broad StreetFor Sale?Pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels. J. P. Wlmberly, Scotland Neck, N. C. For Sal??100 bushels county raisei Rye Seed for sale at $2.2t? pv bushel, C W. 'Freacott, P. O. U. Orangeburg, S C. Farms for Sale In North uud South ' Catolinu and Virginia. Ask for large list. Stale your wants. R. B. Prince. Raleigh. N. C. i Wanted Managers iu every loiilily.i u Rood pro;x)sitii>u for a hustler. I Miitah required. J. A. Pe?ers, t> 1 8 N. 8th Street. Richmond. Vu. If you want a intuition of any <tlua, let us secuie It for you. Results guaranteed. Southern Business Kxrhange, I*. C). Box 229. Gaines-, vllle. Ga. t\ aat'sl?Men to take tit teen day* ; pesotioal cotton course. a<. *e;?t HvoJ positions during the fall Charlotte Cotton Company, Charlotto. S. C Crushed Oysier Sliells for Poultry.? Due hundred pounds, sixty c-.-n's, Ave hundred pounds, $2.ot>. liroslauer, LuChicotte A: Co., Wuverly Mills. S. C. Aftout.s?4? daily and ear fare. Seu<l 10c. silver for 2f?c sample with instructions. No answer unless send money. V. Powder Co.. xiox ??C6. Scranton. Pa. Ia*dy or (icntlcnH'u of fair educ.iliou to travel lor old established house. Salary $12 i*?r week to start. Rx prunes udvanced Geo. G. Clowa. Philadelphia. Pa. $17.40.?Three days' work: agents stop canvassing; try demonsintlng permanent employment: experience unnecessary. Central Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Seeds and Hulls* for Sale.?Crimson clover bushel. Carollu.t rye, $1.2f> bushel. Aiso, vetehe. rape cow peas and bulb. Z. M L. Jeffreys, Goldsburo. N. C Wanted.?A first class bookkeeper, must be able to invest at least $">00, >*iVe references ami salary expected in first leller, Adders C. C. Laundry, Colunbia. S C Latest Kirtitm Our kittle txxiklet "Honks ?of the Month" contains a brief synopsis of alt the latest hooks It is free. Write tor it Situs Hook Store. OruuKcburK. S. t Kor mili<?I :p-to-date Georgia Peach Farm, thirty thousand orates this year. Also improved Georgia farms and farm lands. Write for par ttoulads H F Sfruhec*<er, Maoeu Ga. Wuuted?to buy your hides, nkius. tallow, wool, beeswax, etc.. a' highest market prices and settle ment sent promptly Telephone 1820. Wllse W* Vlartln. Columbia. S C Cut tins out?It may uot appear attain How gamblers win. at tint machines, curds, dice, etc., by secret systems Get wise. Circular free Ham. H. Co.. Bos 1617. Hammond. Ind Wanted?Men and ladies to take 8 months Practical course Kxpert management llirr.h aalarle.1 j,i-* tions guaranteed Wr'te for cafti loutie now. Charlotte ?m. j School, Charlotte N C A Househo \* hicW Works CHE< (Chest C Will Relieve Quickly Croup. C.oug tectums ol Che Its rfflclnncy hns b*??-o thorough by th* lnrRK' numl**r nf un* hove uw-l lhis rsmcdjr. Use Freely and F Now -told by ail medicine ileale 25c Eve Fop Sale.?Fil * class tnule. ? years. 1100 pounds, 16 hands. |27S. Maude, buggy. saddle and plowhoree. 14 hands, 900 pounds. J175. 1 wo horse carriage. |So. O. W. Wedel, DeutavUle. 3. C For Sale.?9 0 improved farms, large and small, better values than elsewhere. good water, health, school*, churches, railroads,' etc. '3e?ulwC?r particulars and list. Audy K. Brown, Lumpkin, Ga. dun ted.?Men to take thirty days practical course in our ntachln* shops and learn automobile business. Positions secured graduates 9^5.00 per wwk and up. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, S. C. Male Trwhm \V;uit?*d for good village and rural schools. It open to oiler write for special enrollment offer. Can place you at once. Southern Teachers' Agenuy. Columbia. S C. North State I.lfe Insurance Co., >f Kingston. N. p.. operates only in th<* two Carolina* and has ho;h v arouna lives insured than any other Carolina company. Agann wanted wlare the company is u-'t now represented. U isiiUal SHl?tiin?-n A ai j.h .1 U?tiers on our new Standard A Ik*. New crnsue noon avail, bis S; !en<lld opportunities for money making. Excellent line tor ex-teachers. Write The Scarborough Cosopany, Charlotte. N. C. Mlsslviippi IH-It* I .Mints.?Why toil your lite itw.iv on the |?e?r farm* your grandfather wore out? Com* to Mississippi Delta where one uaa Km* more than ten can gainer. I have what yon wart at the rlgh? pt ice and term a. Come or writ? W T. Pitts. Indtnnola, MIm. Wanted?Kverj mat. woman and child in South Carolina to know that the "Alto" brand of Saah. Doors and Minds are the bent and are made only by the Auguaia Dumber Company, who manufacture everything In Dumber and Miliwork and whose watchword ta "Quality." Write August* L?utntifr Company, Aiutusu. lirergi*, for prices on aa> order, large ?r stuall. In (lulcr to Introduce inv high grade Succession Flat Dutch and Wake Held ('.nonage Plants to those who bnvi not used them before I will give with each first order for * thousand plants at a $1.26, a dollars worth of vegetable and dower seed absolutely free W. R. Hart. Plant Grower, Enterprise, P. O . S C N'itiog.n IDuteiiu for alfalfa, clover, vetch, pens, beans will bring success when- you experienced failures More than one million acr w Hold in Germany during 1909 Plant a winter crop aud supply your tie ids with nitrogen and hum us at smalls costs for the follow ItiK cash r roll. lUiJlal ?.ilt I. r> i ? i* _ ?. - *'? ???h Information and g uarantee trial offer. (lem-rul agency . Carl Ter*rllng, Savannah. <I AgeuUi wanted. St-rd Wheat uud <?al> for Halu Pur? Purple Straw Seed Wheat reclean?m1 and graded f 1 71" per bushel. CneletTned, fl f?b Fine Appier Oats redeaued routs, unclean ed, 7f? Cel?t? Wheat 2 hush .'I sacks, flats J- bushel sacka F <>. It Marietta, cash with order 1 want to buy Whipporwllt peai (improved preferredl Order now or Bare this ad It will not appear again John P Cheney. Marietta, Oa Died From f all. At Dallas. T? * while riding '?* the rate of 7'> utiles an hour on a motorcycle at tin Mate fair grouuda Thursday, Wade Wylie, 20 yeara old. was thrown from 1?i*- machine and killed Id Remedy From Outside >TOL >intment) hs, Colds, Pneumonia and all al sl and I hroal ly and te*tln?'?nluls Ktv?-n by tho?? who tUB! RUB! RUB! ;r>. Sbouki be in every Hum*. rywhere. #