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Bp V*?. y * ..; 4 V . i = ASSOCIATE JUSTICE HUGHES Alfred Henry Lewis in The Cosmopolitan. As Mr. Hughes goes climbing to the supreme bench, issues of grave importance are pending Before it. It is there that the arch-rogue, Standard Oil. is fighting for its life. Nor do I think that when Mr. Taft pitched upon Mr. Hughes the Rockefeller hopes went into mourning or the heart of Standard Oil was in the least cast down. Permit me, as I see him, to draw a charcoal sketch of Mr. Hughes. In figure he is slight, slim, spare. He has nothing about him suggesting the athletic. His eye is as hollow as his record, his cheek as hollow as his heart. His head is shapely, his nose ill drawn, his mouth liberal, his jaw loose, his ear large and ready to hear aught to a Hughes advantage. Of hair and beard he has enough to make nests for twenty orioles. Mentally, Mr. Hughes is in no degree profound. Rather he is constructed intellectually on the plan of a canal. Narrow, currentless, safe between respectable banks, he is never so foolishly lucid as to show you how shallow he is. Gaze into his not-too-clear waters, and he seems as deep as the heavens above. And all the time a sixfoot question will find you the bottom of him. He isn't even a good lawyer, and a court of last resort has declared unconstif 11 f iAr*n 1 U ? uuuuuai ounui) ouauic^ vlidl lit; drew. As to peoples and publics, Mr. Hughes knows nothing at all. Mr. Hughes is patriotic and disinterested, but never to excess. As a mere man he is of a most tasteless variety. Neither bitter nor sweet, neither false nor fair, neither disloyal nor loyal, he is no Damocles to betray, no Damon to be true. He has no revenges, since vengeance invites peril to him who would wreak it. He has no gratitude, since as a "purist in politics he holds grati tude to be the sign of the demagogue. Most men are born radical, and grow conservative as they grow old. Mr. Hughes was born conservative, being old as he lay L in his cradle. He isn't a reaI soner; he's a feeler. For exI ample, he believes in despotism, m ^he despotism of money, and yet ^ in all simplicity would have that despotism white. Which is as sapiently sound as though he insisted upon white pitch or demanded limes that were not sour. Mr. Hughes, in moments un uuvuivu, 10 ?411 lliuuillllituic CUllversationist. He revels in talks where he does all the talking. He is not interesting, being hopelessly commonplace. As vain as a peacock, he would strut if he knew how. In a sketch of which he approved it was particularly set forth?as evincing what native dignities invest him like an atmosphere? that "no one ever had the courage to slap him on the back." Why "courage?" There be men who would braid the tail of a tornado, slap a mountain on the back. Yet these same lion-hearts wouldn't fondle a bull snake nor slap a horned toad on the back. Mr. Hughes helps you to nought new, whether of idea or argument. He thinks nothing that hasn't been thought, does nothing that hasn't been done, sees nothing that hasn't been seen, says nothing that hasn't been said. Moreover, he is exceedingly careful to do so. Betimes he attempts the humorous, J i i * ana succeeas only in peing flippantly dull. His merriment is as the merriment of a hilarious cow. Collected in all his parts, Mr. Hughes bears the same relation to the ordinary flesh-and-blood man that canned peaches bear to peaches on the tree. And this, I opine, is the work of the corporations. These latter, with a /thoughtful look ahead, seize upon folk >vho seem suited to their purposes. They peel them, quarJthep i JEWE STO 1 I. I ter them, stew them down in money-sweetness. After which they can them?heedfully sealing each against every breath of the popular. These canned ones they place in safety upon some high corporation shelf. They take them down as needed, blow the dust from the label to make sure of the kind, and then hand them to convention or president to be made governors or iudges. Mr. Hughes and a supreme judgeship! Mr. Taft ought never to have named him. The senate ought never to have confirmed him. He was no more meant for the position than was Boss Murphy for the rectorship of Trinity church. Oil, sugar, beef, tobacco, steel?every outlay trust is overjoyed. The popular interest has donned mourning or is making ready to do so. The whole is enough to jaundice the cheek of one's Americanism. Not that one blames Mr. Hughes. When the wagon breaks down one blames only the wheelwright. The entire business, however, helps one to understand what Walpole meant when he said, "I could love my country were it not for my countrymen." NOTICE OF ELECTION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. Notice iB hereby given that the General Election for State and county officers will be held at the voting precincts prescribed by law in said county on Tuesday, November 8, 1910, said day bein^ Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as prescribed by law. The qualifications for suffrage are as Residence in the State for two years, in the county one year, in the polling precinct in which tne elector offers to vote, four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable: Provided, That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the State, if otherwise qualified. Managers of election must require of each voter the production of a registration certificate and the proof of the payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. There shall be separate and distinct ballots and boxes at this election for the following officers, to wit: (1) Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, (2) Other State officers, (3) State Senator, (4) Members of the House of Representatives, (5) County officers. On which shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respectively, and the office for which they are voted. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls managers and clerks must take and subscribe the constitutional oath. The chairman of the board of managers can administer the oath to the other members and to the clerk; a notary public must administer the oath to the chairman. The managers elect their chairman and clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of Charleston, wheie they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. m. The managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none of the managers attend, the citizens can appoint from among the qualified voters, the manafers, who, after being sworn, can conuct the election. At the said election separate boxes I will be provided at which qualified electors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of amendments to the State constitution, as provided in the following Joint Resolutions: The uuestion of adopting each amendment shall be submitted at the next {general election to the electors as folows: Those in favor of the amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly printed or written thereon: "Constitutional Amendment of Section ?, of Article ?, of the Constitution, relating to , Yes." Those opposed to said amendment shall cast a ballot with the following words plainly printed or written thereon: "Constitutional Amendment of Section ?, of Article ?, relating to , No." No. 566. A Joint Resolution Proposing to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, of Article VIII, of the Constitution be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: "Provided, That the limitation proposed by this Section, and by Section 5, Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to bonded indebtedness incurred by the | town ot Darlington, where the proceeds 4EW | I son LRY ~ RE R / H. E THE FORT MILL TIMI of said bonds are applied solely for the purpose of drainage of said town and street improvements, and where the question of incurring such indebtedness is submitted to the freeholders and qualified voters of such municipality, as provided in the Constitution, upon the question of other bonded indebtedness." Approved the 4th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 580. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, b^' adding a Proviso Thereto as to Certain Towns. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election for Representatives, and if a majority of the electors Sualified to vote for members of the leneral Assembly, voting thereon shall vote in favor of such amendment, and a majority of each branch of the General Assembly shall, after such election, and before another, ratify said amendment by yeas and nays, that Section 7, Article VIII, relating to bonded indebtedness, be amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: Provided, That the limitations imposed by this Section and by Section 5, of Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to bonded indebtedness incurred by the towns of Aiken, in the County of Aiken; Camden, in the County of Kershaw; Cheraw, in the County of Chesterfield; Clinton, in the County of Laurens; Edgefield, in the County of Edgefield; ana St. Matthews, in the County of Calhoun, when the proceeds of said bonds are applied solely and exclusively for the building, erecting, establishing an(J maintenance of waterworks, electric light plants, sewerage system or streets, and where the question of incurring such indebtedness is submitted to the qualified electors of said municipality, as provided in the Constitution, upon tne question of bonded indebtedness. Approved the 28th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 581; A Joint Resolution Proposing to Amend Section 7, Article VIII. <>f the Constitution, Relating lo Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Corolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: Provided, further, That the limitations imrsed by this Section and by Section of Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to the bonded indebtedness in and by any municipal corporation when the proceeds of said borHa are applied solely and exclusively for the purchase, establishment and maintenance of a waterworks plant, or sewerage system, or lighting plant, and when the question of incurring such indebtedness is submitted to the freeholders and qualified voters of such municipality, as provided in the Constitution upon the question of other bonded indebtedness. Approved the 28th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 583. A Joint Resolution Purporting to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article VIlI, of the Constitution be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: "Provided, further. That the limitations imposed bv this Section, and by Section 5, Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to bonded indebtedness incurred by the city of Aiken, but said city of Aiken may increase its bonded indebtedness in the manner provided for in said Section of said Article to an amount not exceeding fifteen per cent, of the value of the taxable property therein for the purpose of establishing, extending, completing and repairing a system of waterworks, sewerage, electric lights and power." Approved the 28th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 580. A Joint Resolution Proposing to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: Provided, further, That the limitations imrsed by this Section and by Section Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to bonded indebtedness incurred by the town of St. Matthews, but said town of St. Matthews may increase its bonded indebtedness in the manner provided in said Section of said Article to an amount not exceeding fifteen per cent, of the value of the taxable property therein, where the proceeds of said bonds to the amount of twenty-thousand (20,000) dollars, shall be turned over by the town council of said town of St. Matthews to the duly appointed Commissioners of the County of Calhoun, for the jturpose of aiding in the construction of X/e wish to announce :k of Jewelry and hav fie selection of Diamo X^e have one of the b< air work. uff Jewelry L RUFF, President _ L *.... smdHM BHiV^ wkrw'H "FAUHUU* #! " ^ I I ;s, OCTOBER 20, 1910. Eublic buildings for the County of Caloun. Approved the 28th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 594. A Joint Resolution Proposing to Amend Section 12, of Article V, of the Constitution, Relating to Associate Justices. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendments to the Constitution of South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election for Representatives, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote in favor of such amendment and a maioritv nf each hraneh nf tho flpnpml Assembly shall after such election, and before another, ratify said amendment by yeas and nays, that Section 12, of Article V, of the Constitution, relating to Associate Justices, be amended by striking out in lines 3, 4 and 5, the words: "but if the four Justices equally divide in opinion, the judgment below shall be affirmed," and by striking out the word "two" in line 8, and inserting in lieu thereof word "three," so that when amended, the same shall read as follows: "Sec. 12. In all cases decideu by the Supreme Court, the concurrence of three of the Justices shall be necessary for a reversal of the judgment below, subject to the provisions hereinafter prescribed. Whenever, upon the hearing of any cause or question before the Supreme Court in tne exercise of its original or appellate jurisdiction, it shall appear to the Justices thereof, or any of them, that there is involved a question of constitutional law, or of conflict between the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States, or between the duties and obligations of her citizens under the same, upon the determination of which the entire Court is not agreed, or whenever the Justices of said Court, or any two of them, desire it on any cause oi question so before said Court, the Chief Justice, or, in his absence, the presiding Associate Justice, shall call to the assistance of the Supreme Court, all of the Judges of the Circuit Court: Provided, however. That when the matter to be submitted is involved in an appeal from the Circuit Court, the Circuit Judge who tried the cause shall not sit. A majority of the Justices of the Supreme Court and the Circuit Judges shall constitute a quorum. The decision of the Court so constituted, or a majority of the Justices and Judges sitting, shall be final and conclusive. In such case the Chief Justice, or, in his absence, the presiding Associate Justice, shall preside. Whenever the .IllffticPH nf SsMrvromo Pnnrf onH tKu Circuit Judges meet together for the purposes aforesaid, if the number thereof be qualified to sit constitute an even number, then one of the Circuit Judges must retire; and the Circuit Judges present shall determine by lot which of their number shall retire." Approved the 26th day of February, A. D. 1910. NO. 595. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 2, of Article V, of the Constitution, Relating to Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election for Representatives, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote in favor of such amendment and a majority of each branch of the General Assembly shall, after such election, and before another, ratify said amendment by yeas and nays, that Section 2, of Article V, of the Constition, relating to Associate Justices, be amended by striking out the word "three" in line 2, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "four," and striking out the word "eight" in line 6 and inserting the word "ten," so that when amended, the same shall read as follows: Sec. 2. The Supreme Court shall | consist of a Chiei Justice and four Associate Justices, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Chief Justice shall preside, and in his absence, the Senior Associate Justice. They shall I be elected for the term of ten years, apd shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified, and shall be so classified that one of them shall go out of office|every two years. Approved the 26th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 5%. A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article X, of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto Section 14, to Empower the Cities of Greenville, Spartanburg and Columbia, and the Town of Manning to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improvements. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Tbet the following amendment to Article X, of the State Consti tution, to be known as Section 14, of said Article X, be agreed to by twothirds of the members elected to each house, and entered on the journal respectively, with yeas and nays taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualito the people of Fort e added to it a fine lc nds. sst watchmakers in tf j Company " Our aim is to A. F. RUFF, Vice ] $ HI " . V* I _l * ' _J .1 ? ? iicu cicvvuro ui me dune ai tne next general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following Section to Article Xof the Constitution, to be, and be known as Section 14. Sec. 14. The General Assembly may authorize the corporate authorities of the cities of Greenville, Spartanburg, and Columbia, and the town of Manning, to levy an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paying for permanent improvements on streets and sidewalks immediately abutting such property: Provided, That said improvements be ordered only upon the written consent of two-thirds of the owners of the property abutting upon the street, sidewalk or part of eitner proposed to bs improved, and upon condition that said corporate authorities shall pay at least one-half of the costs of such improvements. Approved the 26th day of February, A. D. 1910. No. 603. A Joint Resolution Proposing to Amend Section 6, of Article X, of the Constitution of 1895, Relating to Bonded Debt of Counties and Townships. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 6, of Article X, of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election for Representatives, and if a majority of electors qualified tc vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote in fa[ vor of such amendment, and a majoritj ' of each branch of the General Assem; bly shall, after such election and befort another, ratify said amendment b} l yeas and nays, that Section 6, Article r X, relating to the bonded debt of an> | County or Township be amended by ad[ ding at the end thereof the following . words: "Provided, That the limitatior imposed bv this Section shall not applj to any Township in the County o1 Greenwood, nor to any Township in the i County of Saluda, through which, ir whole or in part, the line of railroad ol the Greenwood and Saluda Railroat snail ne located and constructed, nor t< i the County of Saluda, such said Town ships in Greenwood County and Saludi : County, and the County of Saluda be > inj hereby expressly authorized to voti i bonds in aid of the construction of th* > said proposed railroad, under such r? | strictions and limitatians as the Gen ' eral Assembly may prescribe herein after." "Provided, That the amount i of such bonds shall not exceed eighl per centum of the assessed valuatior i of the taxable property of such Town ships." i Approved the 26th day of February A. IX 1910. [ At the close of the election, the man agers and clerk must proceed publich to open the ballot boxes and count tht ballots therein, and continue withou adjournment until the same is com pleted, and make a statement of th< i result for each office and sign the same ' Within three days thereafter, the chair man of the board, or some one desig nated by the board, must deliver t< the commissioners of election the pol list, the boxes containing the ballot* and written statements of the result* of the election. Managers of Election?The following managers of election have been ap pointed to hold the election at the varl ous precints in the said county: i Bethel ?E. N. Miller, R. O. Clinton, T. E. Brandon. Bethany?W. J. Beamguard, Haskel Howell, H. M. Sherer. Blairsville?J. P. Blair, J. T. Burris J. C. Blair. Bullock's Creek W. R. Bell, Haskel Carroll, J. W. Feemster. Clover W. D. Moore, J. T. Currence W. E. Adams. Ebenezer?J. T. Williams, T. A. Bar ron, J. E. Bass. Forest Hill ?W. P. Boyd, L. B Brown, Jno. M. Craig. Fort Mill?C. P. Blankenship, W. H Windle, C. T. Crook. Hickory Grove?J. K. Allison, R. L Scoggins, S. W. Leech. McConnellsville?J. T. Crawford, J O. Moore, A. A. Burriss. Newport?J. Q. Howe, J. K. Hoke W. G. Lock. Ogden ?W. M. Newsom, W. D. Dun lap, J. H. Duncan. ? nr r*?11 * i icuiiiuni??? . m. rauiKner, J. w Wallace, B. T. Childers. Rock Hill?J. F. Wingate, Joe W Rawlinson, R. A. Morrison. Sharon?J. W. Quidn, R. M. P. Rob inson, J. L. Plexico. Smyrna?R. W. Whiteside, J. C Castle, J. M. Caldwell. Tirzah?J. B. Barron, C. C. Gates, J ' S. Sadler. ? Yorkville James L. Moss, Leroy Car roll, C. H. Sandifer. Coates' Tavern G. A. Gettys, J. W Roddey, John Funk. Aragon Mill ?J. A. Howe, J. T. De . vinney, M. B. Hoke. The managers at each precinc named above are requested to delegat one of their number to secure boxe , and blabks for the election, the same t , be had'of J. C. Comer, clerk of thi board, at the court house during Satur nay, November 5, 1910, between 10 a m. and & p. m. P. M. BURRIS, Chairman, 1 ... J. B. NEIL, ' . J. R. GETTYS, Commissioners of State and Count; Elections for York County, S. C. October 7th, 1910. i A "Special Notice" in The Time will bring results. Phone 112. Mill that we have b )t of Jewelry and Cut le business and will r, - - Rock ? please." President C K !TO8 NOTICE OF ELECTION. % STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. I Notice is hereby given that the General Election for Representative in Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law in the county pf York, on Tuesday, November 8, 1910, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by law. j The qualifications for suffrage are ?s follows; ? i Residence in the State for two years, in the county one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months, and the pavment s^x months before any election o? any poll i tax then due and payable: Provided, i That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the State, if otherwise qualified. ..C ?1? 4 j? - ui cirwuuii inui*i require ui ' the voter the production of a registraj tion certificate and proof of the pay' ment of all taxes, including poll tax, ' assessed and collectible during: the pre- 1 " vious year. The production 01 a certifi1 cate or the receipt of the officer authQr' ized to collect such taxes shall be con! elusive proof of the payment thereof, j Before the hour fixed for opening the 1 polls managers and clerks must take j and subscribe to the constitutional oath. 1 The chairman of the board of managers * can administer the oath to the other j managers and to the clerk; a notary public must administer the oath to the ' chairman. The managers elect th*ir chairman and clerk. ' Polls at each voting place must _be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at ; 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of 1 Charleston, where they shall be opened " at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. m. ? The managers have the power to fill 1 a vacancy; and if none of the managers ' attend, the citizens can appoint, from ^ among the qualified voters, the maha? gers, who, after being sworn, can ' conduct the election. At the close of the election, the managers and cl rk must proceed publicly ' to open the ballot boxes and count the " ballots tnerein, and continue without 1 adjournment until the same is completed , and make a statement of the <re; suit for each office, and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the chairman of the board, or some one designated by the board, must deliver to the " commissioners of election the pell l\st, ^ the boxes containing the ballots qnd r 1 written statements of the result of the 1 election. Managers of Election ?The following managers of election have been ap* pointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said county: Bethel?J. B. Ford, J. J. Nichols, W. [ N. Wallace. ; * Bethany?John A. Ratteree, Sr., J, J. j ^ Howe, Cleveland Goforth. . 1 Blairsville S. G. Carroll, J. R. DUn- ' 1 can, G. W. Good. 13..11 I. ?_ I. \XT 1? /I J if rv DUIIUl'K S l/ri'CK ?V . 13. VjOOU, V U. Howell, F. H. Horton. Clover?J. E. Jackson, A. J. Quinn, ; | F. H. Jackson. Ebenezer?S. W. Barron, T. A. Mat- 1 * thews, J. E. Barnett. ' Forest Hill J. D. B. Currence, A. S. Hand, J. E. Harper. > Fort Mill ?E. W. Kimbrell, D. A. Lee, Fred Nims. j Hickory Grove ?W. L. Slaughter, W. E. Scoggins, J. T. Smith. ' McConnellsville?J. F. Ashe, R. E. . McCleeve, L. B. Ashe. Newport J. A. Hayes, J. A. McFadden, A. T. Neely. ' Ogden ?K. L. Smith, M. B. Dunlap, , F. W. Herlong. Piedmont?A. C. White, W. C. Dickson, J. L. Martin. ' Rock Hill?J. H. McFadden, W. B. Byers, J. C. Witherspoon. Sharon?J. I). Quinn, J. C. Hope, J. H. Bigham. Smyrna J. N. Quinn, W. W. Whiteside, John McDamei. Tirzah W. M. Barron, R. C. Jackson, J. W. Youngblood. Yorkville?Joseph Hart, R. E. McFarland, E. M. Williams. Coates' Tavern?G. A. Gettys, W. S. Lesslie, Frank Shillingla v. * Aragon Mills A. C. Fennell, J. R. Comer, L. I). Pitts. The managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate * one of their number to secure the boxes and blanks for the election, the same to * be had of J. L. Sanders, clerk of this board, at the court house, during Saturday, November 5, 1910, between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. R. W. WHITESIDE, Chairman, H. M. DUNLAP. I). G. KIMBRELL, Commissioners of Federal Election for York County, S. C. October 7th, 1910. FINAL DISCHARGE. t Notice is hereby given that W. B. e Meacham, Administrator of the Estate a of Miss Lou Ormand, has this day made o application unto me for a final discharge s as such Administrator, and that the 29th - day of October, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. . m., at my office, has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. L. R. WILLIAMS, Judge of Probate. September 30, 1910. 4t y FOR SALE ?Several hundred cords of splendid four-foot pine wood and * " two-foot oak wood, at $3 per cord des livered or $2 at the woodyard, (wo ' miles from town. T. H. MERRITT. ? ought I. Blumberg's Glass and a handbe glad to do your i Hill, S. C. ~ E. TUCKER, Secretary