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LIFE IMPRISONMENT PICTURED MORE TERRIBLE THAN DEATH Judge Marcus Kavanaugh, of Chicago, considers life imprisonment more terrible punishment than hanging. Some days ago in sentencing a white murderer named Welcome to spend his remaining days in the Illinois penitentiary, Judge Kavanaugh contrasted death with the tortured soul of a life convict i?i his solitary cell, and told the prisoner that it is not correct to regard the death penalty as the most punishment that can be inflicted. "The instinctive unreasoning horror of mankind regards the death sentence as a severe punishment," said Judge Kavanaugh. "This idea is not trup You are now to receive p sterner punishment. Your victim died but once. You will die a hundred times; you will suffer more the day you put on your prison clothes than she did in her death. After that there will be only the hopeless, painful years from day to day, from month to month, stretching out forever and in agony. "In four oi* five years the eternal solitude and silence will begin to crush in upon you like an iron weight. You hear that street car bell ringing in the street as it passes now. You will remember it in after years as the mist exquisite music. It will mean hurrying crowds that go where they will and do as they please; it will mean the greatest of all pleasures ?freedom. You can only dream of it by day and by night, and your dream will be torture unspeakable." The Japanese Way. Formosa is an island off the cost of China, but now owned by Japan, which is applying there the Japanese way. The interesting thing about Formosa is not its peaceful, rice-growing tame lowlands, but a score of volcanic j mountains 4,000 feet high inhabited by dwarf aboriginees. TU/,,. ni.n 1- "A i uc,v <tic icw nut over ^U|UUU 1 but they have bought Mausers. They are just the color of the gray volcanic soil and they wholly refuse to accept the tax gatherer of Japanese rule. Fierce, active, able to climb anywhere, good shots, having no wants and few virtues but courage, they hold their mountain valleys against all comers. So Japan has begun the task of conquest. The Japanese forces have brought 300 miles of barbed wire fencing, fenced in the territory in a great loop from coast to coast, set up dynamos, worked them with water power from the streams and charged the whole 300 miles so it is death to the touch. Around this is the Japanese force, with mountain howitzers and Catlings. Each day a section of barbed wire is moved inward, the jungle well searched, the natives gathered in and a junction made with the dynamos. The next day the electric cage moves again. This is to go on week by week until these aboriginees are driven into the sea or surrender. It is the simple, efficient Japanese way. It is sixteen years since Japan acquired Formosa from China. TAX NOTICE? 1 9 1 O. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C'., Sept. 15, 1910. Notice is herehv iriven thai ?Kn books tor York county will bo opened on Saturday, the 15th day of October, 1910, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1910, for the collection of State, county, school and local taxes for the fiscal year 1910, without penalty, after which day one per cent, penalty will be added 10 all payments made in the month of January. 1911, and two per cent, penalty for ail payments made in the month of February, 1911, and seven per cent, penalty will be added on nil payments made from the 1st day of March to the 15th day of March, 1911, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid single polls will be turned over to the several magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend at the following places on the da^s named: At Smyrna, Thursday, October 20. At Hickory Grove, F* rid ay and Saturday, October 21 and 22. At Sharon, Monday. October 24. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 25. At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 2G. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 27 and 28. At Yorkville from Saturday, October ; 29, to Tuesday, November 1. At Coates's Tavern, from 12 o'clock, Wednesday, November 2, until 12 m., Thursday, November 3. At FY>rt Mill, Friday and Saturday, , November 4 and 5. At Rock Hill from Monday, Novem- | ber 7, to Saturday. November 12. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 14, until the 31st day of Decern- i her, 1910, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. HARRY E. NEIL, Treas. of York County. ' i " - - - CLERK'S SALE. State of South Carolina. County of Lancaster?In the Court of Common Pleas. T. H. Barber in his own right, and as administrator, et al., plaintiffs, vs. Hal Barber Bahnson, defendant. Pursuant tn tho Horro^nt akIoi- r\f Judge S. W. G. Shipp herein dated 20th of June, 1910, I will sell in front of the Savings bank, in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., within the legal hours of sale, on ; the second Monday in November next i (the same being the 14th day thereof), i at public sale, all that piece, parcel or lot of land, with the buildings thereon, situate in the town of Fort Mill, in the county of York, and State aforesaid, containing 1-2 acre, more or less, bounded on the north by Booth street, on the east and south by lot of Capt. S. E. White, and on the west by lot of W. P. Norman. Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to I pay for papers. PAUL MOORE, C. C. C. L. C. R. B. ALLISON, Plaintiffs' Atty. PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR 1910. Be it ordained by the Mayor and | Wardens of the Town of Fort Mill, S. I C., in regular council assembled: Section 1. That three (3) mills on the dollar is hereby levied on all property within the town of Fort Mill, S. C., I on Jnnuary 1st, for ordinary purposes. Sec. 2. That said tax shall become | due and payable on the 1st day of Ocj tober, 1910, at the office of J. L. | Spratt, Treasurer, and remain open j until the 1st day of November, 1910, ( for the collection of said tax. Sec. 3. That on and after November 1, 1910, executions shall be issued for 1 all delinquents for the full amount of taxes due, together with 15 per cent, penalty and all costs, including $1 cost | for each execution issued by the Treasurer. Done and ratified in regular council this 4th day of October, 1901. 0 ' L. A. HARRIS, Attest: Mayor. J. L. SPRATT, Treas. The Times does Job Printing of every description. Phone 1P2. |jj=iF==]i =][^=j[^= Ill We Know A1 Kidney Safeguard your general health?c J and allow them to pet the bei Especially is this so in the case o The kidneys have, =| to perform ? see ?watch for symptoms and bt much easier and less expensii Pills with the first appearanc relief than to disregard the ti Nyal's Kidney Pil!s stand fi that they are composed o krown to be of value in 1 the formula ard knew th Prompt and effective in their acti J impurities and restore the kid not hesitate the next time yo' or phone and we will send it Kidney Pills. Worth much more?but only .r?0c 1 Parks Drug Co., lL=ir=ii ~ir==i r= T. W. DIXON T. J. WITHE] Utensils from the cheapest Tinware to t We are expecting you to call to 9ee Dixon-W ithersj 2 1 South Tryon St. Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock at prices from $5.00 up. Call and see the line at our storeroom, Boulevard and Palmer streets. Phone 1618. Write and let us call and show designs. Queen City Marble & Granite Works, j Charlotte, N. C. ( Take Dilworth street cars to reach our plant. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS (The Old Reliable) YORKVILLE, S. C. ELECTRIC POWER PNEUMATIC TOOLS EXPERT WORKMEN REASONABLE PRICES It will pay you to see us before buying. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS, .JOHN E. CARROLL, Pres. and Treas. ? BEACHIHRIE'S $ | Attention, Ladies! jj 0 o w We want to can your attention ? g to our swell new line of the latest Q V in design of X| g Long Hat Pins g M Just what you want for that ft 5 largo hat. We have them in solid 5 Q gold for $2.00 up; highest grade JJ ft gold filled, beauties, at 65c, 75c, ft w $1.00, $1.25 up to $-1.00; sterling w Q silver at 25c, 25c, 50c, $1.00 to JJ ft $2.00. g Mail orders attended the same w JK day received. j)| ? Beach-lhrie Jewelry Co., s 1 9 Reliable Jeweler*, 9 g Rock Hill, - - - S. C. g 11^=11 E3i it=j I About These y Pills | lo not neglect the minor ailments tter of you and become chronic. L f kidney trouble. an imDortant riutv ' that they do it L ? prompt in your treatment. It's re to buy a box of Nyal's Kidney e of kidney distress and secure | rouble until it becomes chronic. = irst for the simple reason >f standard drugs especially kidney ailments?we know r ey will do ps represented. on, they cleanse the blood of all Ineys to a normal condition. Do u want speedy relief?either call to you in the shape of Nyal's :he box. L | Fort Mill, S. C. RSPOON O. M. NORWOOD 1 Going to China for Chinaware is not neceessary since Tl- ?> **" " ine New umna store offers such splendid values in all kinds of Domestic and ImjK)rted Dinner Wares. We have for your parlor, the prettiest Japanese Art Pieces; for your bedroom, Toilet Sets from the cheapest to the best; for your dining room, an elegant line of Table Glassware, Lamps, Table Cutlery and Carvers; for your kitchen, the best there is in Cooking he best Enamel and Aluminum Ware, us. joon Company, Charlotte, N. C. CHAN S is crowding our ers who are t< bargains we arc pulled the thro have said goo< worth of staple our store before vember is to lo here; no dull d ing their apprec found here by c the bargains. A Read Men's Dress Shoes. $5 00 Shoes for __ $3 89 3 50 " " 2 89 3 00 44 44 2 39 2 75 44 44 ? 19 2 50 44 44 1 99 2 25 44 44 1 89 Men's Heavy Work Shoes. $3 50 Shoes for ' $2 89 3 00 44 " 2 39 2 75 44 44 2 19 2 50 44 44 1 99 2 25 44 44 1 89 Boys' Vici and Pat. Leather Shoes. $3 00 Shoes for $2 39 2 50 44 44 1 99 2 00 44 44 1 49 Boys' Heavy Work Shoes. $2 75 Shoes for _ _ _ $2 19 2 5 0 44 " 199 1 50 44 44 1 19 1 25 44 44 .99 Ladies' Shoes. $4 00 Shoes for $3 29 3 50 44 " 2 89 3 00 44 44 2 39 2 75 44 44 2 19 2 50 " " 1 99 2 25 44 44 1 89 1 75 44 44 1 39 1 50 44 44 1 19 1 25 44 44 .99 1 00 44 44 .69 Stereoscope with 100 excellent views, for $1 19 This sale does not but is put on prepar. which, after Noveml stead of C. M. Fite. change, to throw all sale will mean a loss C.M.Fn 'HE Bl< GE OF AL ' store every da iking advantage ; offering. Las ttle wide open d-bye to hundi s merchandise. 2 the sale closes se money. Th< ays, and the p riation of the m; :oming early an .11 goods at mom i hese r Misses' Shoes. $175 Shoes for $139 1 50 1 19 1 25 " " .99 100 44 * .79 Babies' Shoes. $1 50 Shoes for $ 1 19 1 25 44 " .99 1 00 4 4 4 4 .79 75 44 44 .59 50 44 44 39 Big Lot of Overalls. $1 00 Overalls for $ .79 85 44 44 .69 50 44 44 .39 25 44 44 .19 Men's Shirts. $1 00 Dress Shirts for .79 75 44 44 44 .49 50 4 .39 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 .29 iir l. 0U.U11 O YY Ultt. O II1 i IS . 50 cent Work Shirts for $ .39 25 14 .19 Men's Heavy Underwear. Best $1.00 Suits for .78 Suspenders. 25 cent Suspenders for .21 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 .11 Belts. Men's 25c Belts for .19 Assortment of Ladies' colored Belts for .19 mean that we are g atory to a reorgani . i *11 I. _ r- iv/f jci i, win oe vx. lvi. We have conclud thought of profit 1 of hundreds of doll; fE,FortI ' V %'" "i ' 11 f'v^^ -FIRM | E y with purchas- i s of the many I it Thursday we a and since then \ *eds of dollars' I To miss visiting fl the first of No- 1 ere is no let-up 1 iople are show- IT any values to be 1 d late to pick up p sy-saving prices. I *rices: j Fine Lot of Hosiery. MI 25c Half Hose, asst. colors. .21 I JB 12 1-2c iO ^ 10 cent .08 Ht Neckties. . 50c Neckties for .39 - J ? 10c Bows .08 lr Biggest of All. l(io Shinto Easy Shoo Polish, best of all, for .05 Pocketbooks and Purses. H 25c Pocketbooks for .21 Drugs of All Kinds. f|P $1 bottles Pat. Medicine._ .67 ( 25c off on Pratt's Poultry Food. Groceries. Nice Patent Flour for $2 65 Fatback Meat for 12 1-2". Lard, in tubs, for .12? "10 lb. pails for. _12 l-2<#Sgf?|p " " 3 " V.13 l^c ffiUn I It St 5-string Broom for .4&Q Nice Broom for .40kkH.,/;v Coflfce, Coffee. V I Luzianne Coffee for .2pmm H Fronrh ()pera Coffee for .IflH I Jubilee Coffee for 29 . Boss urn Brand Coffee .2^H 15 (lold Modal Coffee for .jH m "Old 76" Coffee, 10 can, .< \ f& oing out of busipeslj^^^H zation of the tion, a uc vumpciny, ined, in view of this to the winds. The ars for us. A VIill,S.C. J