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HOLD THE HAND The Decncrats Hive Becoae the Cobservative Party it a NUMBER OF THE STATES And tl?f lllu lolerratu of the Coiiuti.v l<<htk (i> It for Justice?Tlu* I'suul i Order is Keu-rsrd and The iicimiivlimns Flud It linnl to Secure ('unipaisu Funds. The democrats in New York are ueguming io male a lit lie under ilie repeated assertions that all the corporations. the financial interests, the big money lenders with foreign ?iamea. the Wall street gamblers, the railroad magnates and ailk-h.itted habitues of nth avunue clubs are supporting the democratic ticket this year. These men are afraid of Roosevelt and his ticket and look lo the Democrats to give them justice. It is a novel position for 'lie democratic party to he placed in. This is the first campaign since Cleveland's time when the democrats have been able to get to the pie counter. Heretofore they have stood by anJ abused tlie republicans for trust affiliations. Republican leaders already are preparing to dessemiuate t'ae news that Audrew Carnegie concontribuled $:"?l).000 to the democrat campaign fund. Carnegie sa>s Roosevelt wants to become dictator and must be beaten. Not alone in New York state is the democratic party the "reactionary" party this year and the republican the "radical." In New Jersey, the democrats are being supported by the interests." It is openlvcharged lit financial circles that the New Jer*?ey democratic campaign is being financed by .1. P. Morgan's office. Prof. Wood row Wilson may not he cognizant or it. hut it is being declared with great positiveness to be the fact. The reason assigned for this support is that the financial interests are grooming Prof. Wilson to oppose Roosevelt in 15*1:1. In Ohio it is well known that Gov. Harmon, the democratic candidate lor re-election, is bucked by the moneyed and corporation interests, anil the campaign is receiving aid from New York, all with the object of attempting to check republican success for fear that Roosevelt will trol of that party in the nation aa he Las iu New York. j In Indiana Heverldge is fighting a toue hand with practically empty war bags, while the democrats are gcttiug substantial aid from sources that hitherto supplied the Republican party. It is pathetic to hear the Republicans whimper about their forlorn and de*erte<i coudition. It is as if the pampered son of the household had been turned out to eat his bread and cuoiasses on the back stoop, while ? Interloper sat at "the first table. ' And they are not exaggerating their woes, either. It is an absolute fact that the Republican campaign fund is as poor as a church mouse, t he collectors report that 'hey only "get the laugh" when they travel well-worn roads of the past in search of contributions. The head of one of the great financial institutions, which heretofore Las been generous to the Republicans. made this remark to the writer: "We don't care if a Democratic iu l* ? " * ?...... ... . ........ I. mining mean a deadlock on legislation, and the le?s legislation we gel the better wo will like it. We would enjoy a rest for two years. ilesides, it will do the It'-publicans good to get h licking and make us stronger in If lit." (The Republican managers groan when they hear statements such as tihtA. They realize they are 'up against it' tor fair. Tlte roseate Democratic prospects in New York and New Jersey are reflected in Connecticut, and the Democrats are working in the Nutmeg wtate as they haven't worked f ?r years. Not since 1881! hare I hi* Democrats elected a governor in Connecticut, but they feel that it is coming their way this time. They have a very strong candidate In Judge Simon K. Haldwin, of New Haven, a man or higli character and clean record. The Republican plurality of lf>.t?0t? which the late (lov. IJ1 ley received is rather staggering when they get down to ligures, but they comfort themselves with the thought, that all figures fall in landslides. and they believe this is the year of landslides. Kven if they don't carry the state they feel confident of winning one congressional district, the second, now represented by N. I). Sperry, bti< who declined lenomination. In New Vork state the campaign i getting under way somewhat slowly and the new campaign managers ar getting their hearings gradually and lining up their speakers. The Republicans are wailing after Roosevelt, "Father, O Father, Come Home With Me Now. ' and are absolutely up ? slump until he gets back and sia?-'a his promised whirlwind campaign. j*? SWEEP IN NEW YORK VHTOICY FOlt THK DKMOCRATS IS ( KltTAIN TIIKKK. TIinI In the Wiiy It liuoks to the 1'o.stniM.stor of Mobile, Who Is a Republican. A Washington dispatch says it is an unusual thing for a Republican leaerai omcenoider to admit that a Democratic victory is possible, even when it appears to be a certainty to the rest of mankind, hut there is one such in Washington. lie is Postmaster 1*. It. Barker, of Mobile, Ala., who is just back from New York State, where he had both eyes and ears open and learned a few things. "It seeius to be in the air all over New York state," observed this southern Republican, "that the Democratic ticket will make a clean sweep at. the coming election. Mind you, it will not be ?o much a Democratic party, as an anti-Roosevelt triumph. Of course, the Democrats will read the advantage?that is inevitable, but it is the conservative business men of both parties who are moving now to head Roosevelt off from the nomination for president in 1912. "People at a distance hardly realize the trentendus significance of the revolt against Roosevelt in the Union Dengue Club, which is composed of Republicans who are at the very top in New York financial circles." "Reports received from the east and west are most encouraging, and there is every indication that the next house will be controlled by the Democrats," said Representative Finley, of South Carolina, vice chairman of the Democratic congressional committee. who is in charge of the headquarters there. "That issue." he said, "is the cost of living, and the people are impressed with the fact that the in creased price of foodstuffs is caused by the Payne-Aldrieh tariff. Insurgency in the west has split the Republicans in that section as free silver did the Democrats in the east in 1S94. "While the Democrats now are most hopeful, they are not Idle, and in every debatable district they are waging a war on the high price of livinir Wlmi ) \ei.. he is doing good work for us." A<JK IM)i:s NOT 114>1.1* HACK. <'amliilnte Eighty-si* Years 4>l<l Is Very Aetlve. The oiliest candidate on any ticket this fall, is Cyrus M. Cruiu, of Nyack. Although Eighty-six years old. he will stump Rockland county lor reelection at* county clerk. He already enjoys the distinction of being the oldest county clerk in the United States. lie has held the office continually for flfty-four years. Mr. Crum is a Democrat, but on several occasions the younger element in his party has tried to shelve him. and has succeeded in defeating him for re-nomlnation. Each time, however, he has been nominated by the Republicans or has run independently and been elected by substantial majorities. MOVVIiKTT tirother of Atlanta's .Mayor Drives Into Swollen Stream. minded by darkness. I law let t ,loj uer. aged brother of Former Mayor .loyner. of Atlanta, drove a leain off a fen > landing into the Chattahoochee river, is miles west of A l lan ta. .a bout midnight Saturday night and was drownded in the swollen stream, .lark <). 'Mara, who v.ain the bttgg} with .loyner, had a narrow escape from death, swimming several hundred feet before I reaching land. He was asleep when) the team, which was also lost, fell | into the river. .)o>ner was a Confederate veteran and prominent members of several I secret orders. I 'la li lied llis IH'iltll. At St. Augustine. Kla., after ti?? tug crepe on the front door, donning burial clothes and writing a note to an undertaker, directing the disposition of his body, fliles Philip, a well known business man. committed suicide by inhaling gas. liespotuleney over his wife's death is bellev ed to have caused the aet. Put Sheriff in .lail. ' 'aKen unawares at the close of religious services in the jail at Santa Anna. Cal.. last Sunday Slierlg Lacy and Miss Christian Kerl, a missionary. were thrown into u cell by two prisoners, one an alleged murderer and the other held on a forgery charge, and held for nearly an hour \\ hile the captors escaped. Aeroplane exploded. At ItirmliiKham, Ala . while in the air the motor on the Wright aeroplane being used by Aviator I'arinlee at the state fair exploded The aviator succeeded in bringing the i machine safelv to the ground, although he was burned somewhat. OHIO IS LOST Ike Republicaa Elephant Bogs Very Deep in Tail's Own State. BIG BILL IS NOT LIKED ur- i |mt|vitii'11y oi im* \aiu>n;ii Republican I'ail) anil (lie IMsgiist at the State Organization .Makes (lie Outlook Cor Democratic Swcrw Verj Height. "What's the matter with Kansas?" has be come obsolete now. and has been supersed, as far as the Tuft administration and its friends are concerned, by query, "What's the matter with Ohio?" says tin Washington correspondent of tin State. And one of the strange things about It is that nobody can answer the question, though all are agreed that there is something wrong as between the Buckeye Republicans and their "favorite son" president. A few days ago. when Warren (1. Harding, the Republican candidate for governor of Ohio, against Gov. Harmon, was on the speech-making tour in the Northern portion of Ohio, the chairman of the Repuoliein county committees in some of the strongest Republican counties of the State sought him out and told hiiu that he had better not make any complimentary references to tbe national administration. t\lr. Harding is said to have asked why he should not make any such remarks, but only answer he could get was that the Republicans of those parts "wouldn't stand for it. It is freely stated that the G. O. l\ followers in the upper countries are at outs with Taft. but nobody knows just why. One Republican party manaeer, when asked why this state of mind toward the Taft administration exists in Ohio, said: "If you can analyze this state of mind of the body of the Republican voters in Ohio, and accurately chart the currents and cross-currents in the public mind that are affecting and cr.vstalizlng public opinion. you will do more than any of us have been able to do. We nil know that things are not as they should be. and Uhat the drift is i against us: but its like trying to solve a Chinese puzzle in the dark to know how to find our way out of the maze. "We know there is restlessness and uneasiness and dissatisfaction among the voters of the State. With some it is caused by the high cost of living and disapproval of the new tariff law. Others are disgusted with the personnel of the manager* and leaders of the party in this State. "With others. It is a feeling that the time has come for a general house cleaning and change. If tbe feeling of revolt is as strong on election day as it is now there will be a clean sweep. The same causes is that brought about the overturn in Maine are operating here. There ha* been Republican gratt in the State house at Columbus, which Gov. Harmon has opposed, so that, just as in Maine, State issues are co-mingied with national issues to brush the Republicans out of office." Ross Cox of Cincinnati -the same with whom Roosevelt dined thr-e days after he had declined to dine with f.orliner of Chicago ?is in im.liannt.wl In II- i, ,.m.< .. ........ ........ iic ip. urn- wi the worst types of political boss ?n the Tnitcs States, as is well known. The Genuine opposition to bossisiu has ?ot hold of a number of Unpeople of Ohio, instead of the manu- , faetttred enlist it ntes which was ma- 1 nipuluted in New York to Rive lloosevelt some more publicity. The people of the Huckeye State, I accord in s; to the |>olirieul observers I whose eyes have been strained upon that commonwealth for many days, j are Genuinely opposed to bossfton, and that means that they are op pot, ed to fox and his machine. Cox and his machine dominated llardinu. and Cox and his machine stand in | the Good Graces of the national adI ministration. Therefore, the people are lukewarm toward the Republican president and the Republican candidate for Governor. Ross Cox himself, two days before [the Republican convention met in I Ohio, declared that Hardinu cou.d I not t>e elected, evell if nnmiiiul/i/i i The trend of events now indicates J ihat the boss knew what he was talki inK about. The insurgents are sore j on their lenders in that State, Oarj field and tative (lowland. Th'ey declare that if these two leaders had not been quitters, the forI mer would not been nominated, and j ?rnve up the tight against Cox and his j hossism; and it is the purpose of the real Insurgents In Ohio to vote the J democratic tieket. rather than support Harding, the candidate of the! ! Wig Cincinnati boss. Fishermen Drowned, fl'lie fishing steamer Senator Holthufen collided with and sank the Swedish hark Diana Thursday. Sev -n of the Diana's crew were drowned. The survivors were carried to Cuzhaveu. (iertnany. SlICIDK OH AWIHKNT? Kicli Ilachelor Found With llullet Wound in Head. At Greensboro. N*. C.. Colouion X. Cone, ;f member of the millionaire family of that name, which controls vast Industrial interests throughout the South, and of the New York. Liverpool and New Orleans cotton exchanges, was found unconscious iu his bachelor apartments at eight o'clock Saturday morning with blood streaming from a bullet wound be hind his lel't ear and a revolver iu his right hand. From all indications the shooting was the result of an aatteinpt to commit suicide, although his Intimate friends are of the opinion that the pistol was discharged accidentally. 'Mr. Cone was discovered by his vallet, who went to his apartments at the Kaleigh House to watte him up. Entering he discovered Mr. Co ie fully dressed, lying on the floor and in an unconscious condition. He immediately summoned aid and physicians. and the wounded man was hurried to a hospital, where the bullet was later extracted. It is said that chances for his recovery are very favorable. Craves of t 'oiiferieratew. Former United States Senator Merry. of Arkansas, was Tuesdaf appointed by President Taft as commissioner taking charge of marking of the grave of Confederate soldiers and sailors, who died in uorthern prisons during the Civil War. lie will fill the vacancy caused by the death of General William C. Oa'es. of Alabama. Colonel Merry served in the Confederate army Took His Own l.ife. A special to the Savannah Press from Ouyton. Ca., says Jerome A. Shearous. cashier of the Citizens bank there, killed himself this morning. He shot himself with a revolver. His accounts with the nank at said to be correct. Senator K. D. Smith is quoted as saying that cotton this year will sell for a higher price than it has soid for since the war. We hope the Senator is right, and that the high pride will home at once, while the farmers have their cotton. Manager Prank J. Shaughnessy, of the Virginia League Champions, found Noah's Liniment best for Sore Muscles bruises, scratches, stiffness. One trial will convince you. Noah's Liniment penetrates. Requires but little rubbing. Here's the Proof "I have had occasion to use Noah's Liniment on two of my players' firms, snd the result was most gratifying. Roth were Immediately relieved of soreness and able to resume throwing with their former speed. Have, also used It myself, and consider It the best liniment I ever tried, ft Is line for bruises, scratches, stiffness, etc. Frank J. u.mui?iiin-f?v, jianaKcr, Knunoke Champions, Koanoke, Va." Xttalt'a l.iulnintl Is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Sciutii-u, I.ame Hack, Stiff Joints and Muscles, Sore. Throat, Colds, Strains. Sprains, Cuts. Bruises. Colic. Cramps. ... /kr. 1 Neuralgia. Tooth- '"'Oil ache and all \ T | Nerve. Bone ami Muscle Aches and K" ulne has Noah's package. cts. i^TF^^riTMTI'Tl Sold by dealers In I 1[|T 1 medleine Sam- Ik IW J * 1 lb 1 pie mall tree. LAJ^gCAULIigi Noah Remedy Co., 111 ? 11 u I 3j|l Richmond. Va. UUMmUmUI Bargains in Land. 900 acres. Sumter county, Ga.; 700 acres in high state of cultivation; all level red land of best grade; 2 story 8-room residence, large barns and outbuildings. Plenty of tenant houses. One of the best bargains in Georgia. Elasy terms. 80 acres in limits of good town, 10 room modern residence, hard wood floors, steam heat, largo barns; 4 room tenant house. $(>,000 I -3 cash. Write for list. SOUTHERN LAND CO. American, < ?.. CnthVrt, (i*. or niiimanUxi, Oi*. 1 CLASSIFIED COLUMS >?hi|i your calves, llu^a, sheep. muiut etc.. to The Parlor Market. Augusta. Q"?., 1018 Broad Street. Farms for Sale in North aiul South Carolina and Virginia. Ask for large list. Stale your wants. R. E. Prince. Raleigh. N. C. For Sale.?One tiO-horse and one 10horse boiler, almost new; also all kinds of laundry machinery. C. C. I "..I ?- - ? v uiiiiiuiiii, a. Wanted?Men to take fifteen da>? practical cotton course, accept Rood positions during the fill Charlotte Cotton Company, Charlotte. N. C. For Sal*-?Two farms with every convenience heart could wish. Healthy place, plenty labor, finest lauds in the country. Apply to Box .*>u, Itonneau. S. C. Agent*?$;>, jjiiiy an,! ear fare. Send 10c. silver for 2.ric sample with instructions. No answer unless send money. V. Powder Co., Box Scran ton. Pa. I,ad.v ? i- Gentlemen of fair educutiou to travel for old eRtahllshed Salary $12 per week to start. Expenses advanced. Ceo. <; Clows. Philadelphia. Pa. l.ate*t Fiction?Our little lw>oklet. "Books of the Month" contains a brief synopsis of all the latest books. It is free. Write for it. Sims Book Store. Orangeburg. S. C. For Sale?l'p-to-date Georgia Pe.ich Farm; thirty thousand crates this year. Also improved Georgia farms and farm lands. Write for particulads. 11. F. Strohec'tct, Macon. Ga. Wanted?to buy your bides, skins, tallow, wool, beeswax, etc.. at highest market prices and settlement sent promptly. Telephone 1820. Wilse W. Martin, Columbia. S C. Cut this out It niav not aonear again. How gamblers win, at slot machines, cards, dice, etc., by secret systems. Get wise. Circular free. Ham. H. Co., Hox 1617, Hammond, Ind. Wanted?Men and ladies '.o take :i months Practical course. Kxperl management. High salaried p?>s'tlons guaranteed. Wr'te for catalogue now. Charlotte Telegraph School. Charlotte. N. C. tY anted.?Men to take thirty dayi practical course In our machine shops and learn automobile business. Positions secured graduatei $25.00 per week and up. Charlotte Auto Sehooi. Charlotte. N. C, For Sale.?Pure breed. Parted PI" ! mouth Hocks. Hhode Island Heds, and White Sherwood*, price foi females $1.00 and males $1.50. each. Mrs. J. J. I.ittlejohn. .lonesvllle, S. C. Male Teacher* Wanted for good village and rural schools If open to offer write for special enrollment offer. Can place you at once. Southern Teachers' Agency, Columbia. S. C. For Sale?We- have for customer ono flve-passenRer 1C? o touring car, equipped with fop. gas lamps, Renerator. horn. etr. Add re .-si Columbia Overland Automobile Co.. \V. <1. Hopkins. Mgr., Columbia. S. C. Wanted Salesmen?\ few more bui> tiers on our new Standard Atlai New eensns soon available. Splendid opportunities for money making. Rxrellent line for ex-teach ers. Write The Scarborough Com pany. Charlotte, N. C. .Mississippi Delta l.ands.? Why toll your life away on the poor farmi A Househc Which Work I CHE! (Chest ( Will Relieve Quickly Croup. Cou fections of Ch Its eftir.iancy has bot-n thoroiul?v tho largo number of unsolicited have used this rem oily. Use Freely and 1 Now sold by all medicine deal 25c Eve * >.' . 3 your grandfather wore oat? Coma to Mississippi Delta where one caa grow more than ten can gather. i uuve wnat you want at the right price and terms. Come or write \V. T. Pitts. Indianola. Mies. For sale?Milch cows, Jerseys, and grades of good breeding, registered jersey male calves. White Collie dogs, (registered). Also service from a registered, beautiful white Collie Ten ($10) dollars guaranteed. Mronze turkeys, and Tarn mouth hogs. Add'ess M. R. j Sams. Jonesville. S. C. . ? ? lied Poll Cattle.? A hornless, dual purpose breed, adopted to conditions of the average farmer. The/ will eat what grows on your own farm. Hull calves tor sale, out of Tuberculin tested danes. Ail stork registered. Write for tacts and figures: \Y. H. Meares. Hre'der. Holvidere Farm. Linwood. N. C. Wanted?Kvery man. woman and child in South Carolina to know that the "Alco" brand of Sash. Doors and Rltnds are the h?*?t and are made only by the Augusta Dumber Company, who manufacture everything In Dumber and Mill work and whose watchword Is "Quality." Write Augusts Dumber Company, Augusts, Georgia, for prices on ariv order, lante ar a I In Order to Introduce my ||lgh gratio j Succession Flat. Dutch ;iffll'^'ii?s* field Cabbage Plants to thosiTwIl? have not used them before I wil^^^|B I give with each HFst order for a 1 thousand plants at a $l.2i>, a dol win in in vegetable and flowar seed absolutely free. W. K. Hart. Plant Grower, Kuv*>rpiite, P. O.. S. C. ' ' ? . (ieorciH Karma I'or Sale r( Bargaia Prices.?South West Georgia Karma are veritable Gold mines ? and every man that has the monev or the energy can own one. Decatur county offers more to the progressive farmer, merchant or manufacturer than any other southern county. Herat *ir county has more tine roads than any couniy in Georgia. We ha^e some of the finest and most productive land iu America We will sell you any size farm you want at terms to I suit any kind of pocket hook. A profitable crop oi some kind can he grown in Decatur County every mouth in the year .lust think of a tirtu acre tract of tine level land with clay subsoil lying on one of 1 our tine roads within seven miles of one of the nu>si progressive towns iu Georgia with 200 acres 1 under cultivation and 400 in line Pine Ti in tier with excellent Im \ provenients. artesian well, etc., at 1 $2 0.00 per acre on tct piji^iUifct almost pay fr>r will soon be riiftT,i all to bridge to any one purchasing a farm from us. References, First National Hank or Halnbrldg* State flank. T. A. Ausley, Ilalnbridge. Ga. I M :I7? Acre Farm in Marion Pountv on m? ? r> * i/ro I JiP] Ftiver 7 room house and 8 tenant I houses? $:>.7.r>0. ? :?40 Acre Imm in Florence County 1 1 miles of 1 Scran ton f?0 acres cleared renui _l H I' $:500 room house. . ..$[>,100. | T. >1. IIKIit. Ileal Kstutr Agent, \ I.ANCAHTKIt, S. C. \ I list and sell real estate no matter } where located. 1/MH I Mi ilea ii to lie Hanged. 11 ^ '1' At Charleston on Monday Daniel Duncan, colored, was sentenced to hung nt Charleston on December 2 tor the murder of Mas I.ubelaky, in his store at midday on .June 21, the crime being among the most shock- .-IQ ing in the criminal annals of that < J coitntv He was aaccused also of at- | tempting to murder the widow of i l.ubelsky. >ld Remedy s From Outside 1 1 T'.' ghs. Colds, Pneumonia and all afirst and I hroat r'?1 y stiililislied and positively prove* I testimonials given by those who RUB! RUB! RUB! / lers. Should be in every Home. / _ J