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aP:'> HmT> 1 V SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. The highest price paid for cotton on the Fort Mill market yesterday was 14.25 cents. Cotton seed. 42 cents per bushel. Mr. A. H. Merritt is one of the , most active Confederate veterans in this section. One day last week he picked 150 pounds of cotton, with only the one hand he k has had sipce the war. The 365-acre Burwell & Spri ngs plantation in lower Fort Mill fmrncViin nnur tKo tii-nnavtw r\f w n utjuip 1 *v IT tuv vjyv/i tj vL Mrs. Elizabeth M. Belk, having1 been transferred to Mrs Belk by purchase from Col. Eli B.Springs, of New York city, a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris McDonald and children, of Charlotte, were visitors at the home of Capt. I J. W. Ardrey Sunday. This was ' Mr. McDonald's first visit to Fort Mill since he resided here several years ago as a student at the Fort Mill academy. Mr. R. B. Johnston is again able to attend to his duties as superintendent of the Pineville , cjnnery of the North Carolina CoV&finQil company following the accident V>me days ago in which he had hiX right hand severely > " lacerated inJone of the company's gins. \ The Rev. I^r. J. B. Mack arrived Tuesday Viorning from College Park, Ga(. and will spend several days at Jihe home of his 1 daughter, Mrgr E. M. Belk, in Fprt, Mill* ' Contrary to recent ^' feport, Dr. Mack has not given ^ up his church work at College Park. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mills are contemplating the erection of a ten-room residence on their Booth street lot, near the corner of Main street. If the house is built on the plans which Mr. and Mrs. Mills have in mind it will add materially to the appearance of that part of Booth street. Mr. E. S. Parks has resigned me position wnicn ne nas neia in i the clothing: department of Mc- ( Elhaney & Go's store for several years and is now with the C. M. j Fite grocery. The Fite firm will be reorganized the first of November and Mr. Parks will then become a partner in the business. A few hours' work of a colored laborer in cleaning Main street I Saturday morning improved the ? appearance of the street to such an extent that it was the subject j 4Hf much favorable comment. The hope is generally expressed that the town authorities will have i the street cleaned once a week, n A number of people at the (v Southern station Monday after- a noon recognized State Superin- i tendent of Education J. E. Swear- } ingen as a passenger on train t No. 28. Mr. Swearingen passed through town on the way to Char- a lotte, where he delivered an ad- f dress before the Y. M. C. A. ! Tuesday evening. -j The Rev. W. A. Hafner left ' Fort Mill Tuesday morning for v Newberry, where he is attending , the sessions of the annual meet- r I ing of the Presbyterian Synod <>f \ South Carolina as the represen tative of Fort Mill Presbyterian . u church. There are about 150 ;j ministers and elders who constitute the synod and nearly all are attending the meeting. Mr. S. L. Meacham has little $ Jki confidence in the honesty of the 1 ^ rubber trust. Some days ago he ordered a new tire for his auto- ^ mobile and tire arrived in due ( course of time. Upon examinthe tire he discovered that it was a badly worn second-hand j tire which the manufacturers had attempted to palm off on him as i a new one by rev'ulcanizing. Fort Mill continues to maintain her reputation as the Gretna Green for runaway North Carolina couples. The latest couple to come from the Old North _ Gtate f? be married here were , riM^^bestefcfltook and Miss Lola SarIBBrfett. qjffT&avidson county, who arrived on train No. 27 Sunday afternoon-and at once went to the home of Magistrate John VV. McElhaney, where they were made husband and wife by the H magistrate. , The indications are that a number of Fort Mill people will attend the county fair to be held in Chester on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Two of the principal attractions of the fair are speeches to be delivered by Governor-elect Cole L. Blease and I United States Senator E. D. i \ Smith. Mr. Blease will speak on Wednesday and Senator Smith on 8 \ Thursday. The Southern rail- i \ way has granted reduced rates to J the fair from all its York county points. i - Prepa It is time no^ or whatever it need these thin Everything nev into our store, < new Dress Goo one of the larg< shoes, : Our shoe trade is G001 1 have a reputation. The} I you get another pair for t a n six months and some mer months. It will pay you fore buying. The price quality of the shoes. | MILL SPECIAL NOTICES^ 25c each insertion. FREE FOUNTAIN PEN Any live toy can earn a real fountain pen in an lour by selling 20 four-piece acid test ollar button sets. Send for 20 sets; vhen sold send me the $2 and I will end fountain pen to you iiostpaid. If lot pleased tell me. Will A. Darby, 1'he Novelty Man, Box 212, GafTney, 5. C. 10-20-2t FOR SALE?Georgia Cane Syrup at 5c per gallon in 35 gallon barrels. Alio Home-made Vinegar at 20c per galon; fine Grape Cider at 35c per gallor n 16 gallon kegs. W. II. Davis, 1301; Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. 10-20-8t NOTICE All persons nre hereby varned against hunting, fishihing, trap>ing or trespassing in any manner upor ny lands. J. D. O'Connell. FOR SALE "Georgia Buck" Potaoes from our Riverside farm. They ire the best for eating. ?1 per bushel. Try them. L. A. HARRIS & CO. FOR SALE?Two (2) acre lot with u ... ii J m- iwni HUU3I-, iimi garm'n, on tooth street, Port Mill, S. C. I'rice, 1,200. Apply to W. M. Kimbrell, 203, Richland St., Columbia, S. C. ATTENTION, WOODMEN All mentors of White Oak camp. No. 41, W. >. W., are requested to attend the rxlge meeting on the evening of Tueslay, October 2f>, at which business ol mportance will be transacted. A. R. .IcElhaney, Clerk. 'Haile's on the Corner" Cigars. CINCO, MISKO, SABOROSA, CORTO PLAZO, SWEET BRIER, HAVANA RIBBON, TWO ORPHANS, SAINT JULIAN. Cigarettes. PIEDMOinT, OLD MILL, HASSAN, TURKISH TROPHIES. When in need of above >rands, "Make our store youi itore. Port Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. V re for Winter's v to become inters'^d in ycur new Suit takes to dress you up and make you coi OTQ v nnp nf tVi rlavc anri nrktir ic I gv wm V*V*J U11U 11V/ ?V lO I f and up-to-date; no trouble to find here crowded from front to back and from ds, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, e e city stores. It will be a revelation to 3 SHOES! MOTHERS! 3. The Shoes \vc sell Haven't you pot to buy for yourself a r give satisfaction or l.V some oi the following: Wool Dress he asking. We have Flannels, Outings, Flannelettes, Ho tronsr showincr of Dress C anton I lannels, Sheeting, Bleachinj oes for men women kets- Counterpanes, Curtains. Table Lin d children. But our els, and rr e of heavy Work Shoes er things the best ever shown If \ \V tioned he Fort Mill. We have [ \ can SUPI i Jenkins Bros', home- f \ \\ wants a ide shoe, the Star Calf, /] you the t 3 Giant Calf, the Har- m Tf\\\\\ making i y W. and Stronger than 11 \ \ \\\\ articles a i Law Shoes. The last III I \ \\ yV. rv a )e mentioned is guar- . ill I lllVV^S. I-adies 1 teed to last any man jj\\ I I I \ \ wear; al i wear them 12 and 15 jljj I jl \ to see these shoes be- //Jl j [ 1 \ \ \ "T^oi-l v * are lower than the | iUAIVW see these .S & YOUNG CC mmaammmmammmmmmmamwMmmmmmmm M'ELHANEY'S CLOTHING j??3~> To judge from pas jv performances and fron exceWence ?f our Fa I (\ 7 i.. rr..? I * \ \? I J wvcicudib, i ur / l f W\V K\ nishings" and Hats, thi f v \\r r V .I, / %-/' . \\ i?,' store will be more pop ! ^ i'^i1 r 1 ; |j yijfey u'ar than ever with th \ i a UxJ/7 rnen and boys who car I v >; ; j j -M for correct dress at reas I onat>le cost. IN FALL SUITS 1 ill we show the new am | j IV J correct models, new me [ J \ i terials and modern tai w Vf OTi"8' C7 Rn m coo Rn y^, VW ' ^ ^ vp I i U U IU O L L; U U i When considering your winter outf we'd advise that you inspect our line c Underwear. McElhaney & Company JUST ACROSS THE STREET. Biting Blasts, j Overcoat, Underwea;*, Shoes, Hat, 1 mfortable for cold weather. You will ? he best time to make your selection. i what you want. When you walk J floor to ceiling with great lines of tc., you will think you have entered /ou. MEN and BOYS J nd fami- Did you know that you can get what you want ; Goods, here in a Suit, Overcoat. Odd Pants, Hat. Fanmespun, cv Vest. Dress Shoes, Neckwear, Underwear or A ?, Blan- fTl Overshoes, Rubber Coat, Coat en. Tow- iMfr Sweater. Shirts, Gloves, Caps lanyoth- AWWW anc* ot^er fixtures at any price I not men- /, you want. Don't buy until re? We 11 if Jul \ you have seen our offerings. V % yr: I Jilult1 ,..wiarf.i,nxr,s a ..v. xrrj. I I I 1UI ,VUU I" V1MI US K*J H rouble of [ 11 Si; |j and see the large I w ip many k': 1 11 a and well selected A s we car- Mjft iff jl stock of Clothing I line of Kf^vT and Men's and ? M\ ft Under- Boys' Furnish- i so Coat- ings that we have fyWf I .__Kimo- on hand for your careful inspection. J# a V lues.iUn- A visit to our store will convice It Mi ft s. Skirts, you that our prices cannot be bet- ft u should tered, quality of goods considered, dft~ ==EEE=jl )MP'Y, FOR^1LL: ; I IntPCTCTraccacaancacamr^r-HTii??? ? ? 1?1 ! 1 COME AND SEE ME 1 i i 3 Before you buy your Furniture or Sewing Machines. I i jj will sell you for either CASH or CREDIT. Gj I have also put in a fine line of Cutlery which I will jj ra sell ver\ cheap. g j jjj The very best 5-string Broom for 40c. jj fl Dj A lot of light Underwear for ladies and gents at 18c. G |1 8 Sweet-Orr Overalls at lK)c. jj [} Have a lot of Odd Pants at prices the cheapest ever H - D known here. q Cj I wish to discontinue my Dry Goods department and of- n q Ijl JJ jj fer the public some rich bargains in this line. y {3 Come in and let me fit your boy in a nice Suit. VYi'i G 11 ?4 1 " ? .... I J" sen 11 so cr.eap tnat you will buy two : uits for him. [nj 1 $ i ' | B. MAG1LL. I nl.H5a5H5a5mr^?.-aggFgsa5ES-a^gSH5H5?-55~c^5'tiH5Z5-5Sa5H5H5[Bi d Wlia* We Offer You j I Every facility for the prompt and careful transaction of business accounts, everv accommodation f?>r making" and developing business investments, and, indeed, every advantage that modern banking affords to further business interests, is offered by the PINEVILLE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. ' ! B it The t>olicy of this institution is as liberal ; s sound r banking will permit; every dollar deposited here is I ?r I e- i> - ? '?! careiuuy saiepfuarded, and every patron is accorded courteous treatment and careful consideration. We respectfully solicit your .account. The Pineville Loan and Savings Bank, GEO. W. BUNCH. Cashier PIlMISVILiLalZ, - - - Itf. G. Imhbbmm mmmmmmm m mmmm?mmmmmmmmamm?*