The Fort Mill Times.
VOLUME 19?NO. 29. FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910, $~1~25 PER YEAR^
Correspondence Fort Mill Times.
Columbia. Oct. 11).?A criminal
assault, horrible and revolting in
detail, was committed upon a respectable
white woman at her
home near the governor's mansion
in this city at 3:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon by a 19-yearofficer
shortly after committing
the crime and was taken to the
police station, after being positively
identified by the woman.
He was held at the police station
only a few minutes and was
taken to the penitentiary for safekeeping.
The news of the assault snread
over the city about 8 o'clock and
several large crowds formed for
the ostensible purpose of lynching
the negro: but, there being
no concerted action, and knowing
that the State penitentiary is
practically impregnable, the project
was given up. W. J. ('.
The Thornwell Orphanage.
On Friday the Thornwell orphanage
celebrated its 85th anniversary.
The pupils were given
a holiday and various kinds of
pleasures were indulged in by
them, says the Anderson Mail.
The Thornwell orphanage was
founded by Rev. Dr. \V. P.
Jacobs, the incumbent president,
in 1875. It was opened the first
of October i 11 that year with
eight children and one building.
Dr. Jacobs has been indefatigable
in his efforts in building up
the orphanage and it has now
grown to be a big institution,
there being on the campus 275
pupils, 35 officers and 23 buildings.
The orphanage is owned and
controlled by the Presbyterian
synods of South Carolina, Georgia
and Florida. It takes children
from any church and from any
State in the Union. There were
about 295 pupils enrolled last
m .yvaur anu nit"n vaiue lrum nit'
" ethoo st, Presbyterian.
Catholic churches; from States'
between North Dakota and
Florida and between New York
and Texas.
Some improvements have been
- made since last October. The
principal building erected duringVhe
year was the Hoilingsworth
Home for Boys. A cottage
was erected for the president's
assistant. There were
minor improvements such as the
building and furnishings of a silo
1 and an ensilage house, with
electric driven ensilage cutter.
The board of trustees is planIt
ning to put in sewerage and water
mains for fire protection.
I The Thormvell orphanage was
the first institution of its kind
to be established in the South
that is, the first to depend en:>
, tirely on voluntary contributions
S for its support. It has done an
amount of good that is beyond
estimation, and its success has
V led to the establishment of many
V similar institutions.
Capt. Walter Brown Off Duty.
f For the last day or two passengers
on trains No. 36 and 27
have missed the familiar face of
r \Conductor \V alter Brown. Sunday
afternoon Capt. Brown received
a telegram stating that
Vis mother was critically^ ill at
Vbiy Capt. Clan ton, who left
since the
No. 30, turned over and
Senator Doliiver Dead.
United States Senator Jonathan
* rviliv^ I U1CU VIIICltlv
P| the heart* caused by an attack
of acute indigestion, at his resilience
in Fort Dodge, Iowa,
Saturday night.
Senator Dolliver's death was
unexpected by his relatives and
close friends, who thought that
he had recovered from the attack
of indigestions.
Pfer' j
i t" - ^ a
Destructive Storm in Florida.
What undoubtedly will prove
to be the most destructive storm
in the history of the southeastern
extremity of the United States
Monday night and Tuesday swept
the entire Florida peninsula,
doing damage estimated at several
million dollars. Forty thousand
square miles of territory
south of Jacksonville has been
without means of communication
with the outside world for more
than 24 hours. The last reports
from this section, embracing
territory south of a line from
Tampa to St. Augustine, told of
hurricane winds, hourly increasing
in intensity, and rapidly
falling barometers. The orange
crop and vast trucking industry
in that territory were reported
probably ruined.
It is believed that tin' South
Carolina rice crop was seriously
damaged by the high tides Tuesday.
resulting from the storm.
About half the crop is stacked in
the fields. It is probable also
that the sea island cotton crop
has suffered.
New Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill.
The congregation of the First
Presbyterian church of Rock Hill
has undertaken and accomplished
a feat in raising money to build
a new church in that city that is
possibly without a parallel in the
history of church work. Last
week was devoted to canvassing
for subscriptions for the new
church, which is to be in Oakland,
and the Ladies' Aid society
agreed to serve the members
of the canvassing commitees
with supper every evening in the
Sunday school room so that they
could meet there at 7 o'clock
each evening and make a report
of what they had done. This
program was carried out until
Friday night, when a general report
was made, which showed
that $19,787.10 had been pledged
and signed for and in addition to
this amount there were many
who agreed to donate, but would
not sign pledges for specified
amounts. The canvassing committee
did not solicit funds from
any one except members of the
Presbyterian church.
Congress Ignores Poverty of People.
Is there no way to force the
Congress of the United States to
see and to feel that the great
mass of the people of this country
are poor? To feel it so poignantly
that the fact will become the
controlling thought in every vote
it casts? asks a writer in The
American Magazine.
Congress year after year fixes
taxes on the food and clothing
and shelter of the people with no
apparent consciousness of their
condition. They are the "ultimate
consumers"- terms in a problem
-not suffering, struggling men
and women. Is there no way to
humanize the "ultimate consumer."
to make him as real a
person in the mind of a congressman
as the manufacturer who
employs him or the campaign
manager who milks the manufill't
! 1 ? ?-?? 1"| >? t ll?? lioln tUn .. ..
. wt? v* > W| HIV Otiuv, \'l IIIC IUII"
pressman? 11" tlu* congressman
could but once see all the "ultimate
consumers" whose daily
lives are made easier or harder
by the taxes he plays so carelessly
with, might he not continue
forever to see them as he legislates?
What a mighty procession they
would make! From the factories
of New Kngland and the middle
States, from the mines of Pennsylvania
and the Rockies, from
the cotton fields of the South and
the farms of the Mississippi valley,
from the tenements of NewYork
and the stockyards of Chicago,
from hundreds upon hundreds
of towns, from rivers and
lakes and seaside ports, they
would swarm millions of souls.
Six millions of women, many of
them with babies in their arms;
thousands upon thousands of
.U 21 .1........ I ?
cmiuruii iinuer is years 01 age,
pale, narrow-chested, old in face;
tens of thousands of young girls,
their eyes on the future; twelve
million fathers, wives and children
clinging to them, would be
j in line a mighty host of brave
and patient hearts, the host that
takes the earth's treasures into
its strong and willing hands and
from them makes the country's
~ i
With few exceptions, the basehall
enthusiasts of Fort Mill were
overjoyed when the news came
Monday afternoon that the Philadelphia
Americans had won the
first game in the series with the
Chicago Nationals for the world's i1
championship, by the score of I
4 to 1. Nearly everybody in
this section is anxious to see the
Philadelphia club win the championship
and the news that the
get-away game had come the
way of the Athletics was received
with a great deal of satisfaction,
especially since the baseball
writers on the metropolitan papers
had picked the Chicago club
to win and their choice had consequently
caused the supporters of
the Philadelphia team to feel
apprehensive of the result.
The Chippewa Indian pitcher.
Bender, of the Athletics was a
puzzle to the Chicago plavers all
. I,.. 4 1 L . I ? 1
inv; ? ti_\ inioil.UII lilt" gilllie ailU
the host they could do with his
delivery was to got three hits.
Overall, for the Chicago club,
showed up poorly and was relieved
by Mclntyre in the third
In the second game of the
series Tuesday afternoon the
Philadelphia team administered
a crushing defeat totlie National
league champions, running away
with the game by the score of
b to '?. Coombs was in the box
for Philadelphia and l?rown for
Chicago. Chicago got eight hits 1
and Philadelphia 1 1. The star
of the game was Collins, secondbaseman
for Philadelphia. In
live times at bat he reached first
every time by making three hits,
two of them doubles, receiving a
base on balls and making a force
play. He scored two runs and 1
sent two home; accepted ten
chances without an error; figured
in two sensational plays that
stopped Chicago from running
the bases and last, but not least,
the champion base runner stole
twice on the king of National
league backstops, Kling.
The third game of the series
will be played in Chicago today.
Clemson College Notes.
Fort Mill Time* Corrt*s|>on(lt>ncc.
Clemson College, Oct. 7. None
of the Fort Mill boys at Clemson
are distinguishing themselves except
Kenneth Nims. He has all
I .. I . i - ... I
nui maue uu- varsity toot ball
team this year. and. what is certain,
he has established himself
a "rep." as a man who hits the
line. The whole corps recognizes
him as a most valuable factor
in the future of Clemson's
h >ot ball.
The executive atfairs of the
college are being very wisely and
creditably carried on this year
by the new president, \V. M.
Kiggs. He is very highly esteemed
by all the students; and
the result of this long needed cooperation
and good feeling has
already become manifest. Th"
college is fuller than usual; the
students are doing more and better
work than ever before; and
the spirit and moral tone are
being lifted up.
The student body was officially ,
informed last Friday morning at
chapel exercises that they would
be granted their annual encampment
at Columbia again this
year, during fair week.
Jake Weathers Sent to Jail.
Jake Weathers, colored, was
committed to the county jail Friday
afternoon by Magistrate
John VV. McElhaney, the charge
against Weathers being assault
and battery with intent to kill.
Three weeks ago Weathers struck
a negro boy named Son Keid in
the head with a rock, because
Keid appeared to have bested
Weathers in a hot race they were
having for the attentions of a
colored girl. After striking Keid
with the rock. Weathers ran
away, but returned to Fort Mill
Friday morning and was at once
arrested by Constable Colt harp.
Cotton Pickers These.
On Tim^rUiv tu-ii vi.inwr f'lw.i./.
keeans performed the wonderful
feat of picking 1.o 1 <? pounds of
cotton, says the GatTney Ledger.
These young men started at sunrise
and picked until sunset,
taking one hour for dinner.
m - A.
A curiosity to many visitors to
Fort Mill is the old cannon which
is sunk in the ground at the corner
of Main and Confederate
streets to mark the geographical
centre of the town and not a few
of those who see the cannon are
curious to know whence it came.
The cannon has an interesting
history. It saw service in the
armies of tin1 Confeder:iev m
part of the artillery of Gen. Hood
in the battle of Atlanta and perhaps
in numerous previous engagements.
After the defeat of
the Southern arms at Atlanta,
President Davis transferred the
command of the army from Gen.
J. B. Hood to Gen. J. E. Johnston
and the cannon was brought to
this section by the latter in his
retreat before Gen. Sherman to
Greensboro, N. C\ The artillery
of < Ion. Johnston's army in crossing
the Catawba river bridge of
the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta
railroad, three miles south
of Fort Mill, in some way lost
control of the cannon and it fell
from the bridge to the river. No
effort seems to have been made
by the artillerymen to recover
possession of the cannon and it
remained in the bed of the river
from the spring of 1 <S(>."> to the
fall of 187t>, Id years, when it
was taken from the river and
brought to Fort Mill to be used
in celebrating the \ictoryof the
Democratic ticket, headed by
Gen. Wade Hampton for governor.
The cannon was placed on
an improvised carriage in the
grove near the residence of the
late T. H. Withers, now the
property of the Mill fort mill, and
was repeatedly fired as an evidence
of the great joy of the
community over the success of
the white party in defeating the
Radicals. But some of the more
enthusiast ic celebrants contended
that the discharge of the cannon
did not make as loud report as a
good Democratic cannon should
make and a double charge of powder
was put in. Then the cannon
burst, much to the regret of all,
but fortunately without injuring
anyone. For a long time the can
non lay in the Withers grove seldom
seen by any of the town's
citizens. About 20 years ago
someone suggested thnt it would
make a good marker for the centre
of the town. The idea was
adopted and the cannon was
planted at the corner of Main and
('on federate st reets.
Drinking Clubs Put Out of Business.
I'urrospoiulonco Fort Mill Times.
Columbia, Oct. IS. Columbia
is undergoing a wave of municipal
cleaning up. Within the
last week the police have raided
live of the so-called social clubs
here, seizing whiskey, beer, and
accessories to the amount of
several thousand dollars. Several
of the managers of these so-called
clubs have been lined from $."><)
to $10 each, while the trials of
others have not as yet been held.
The revival services which are
being held here under the auspices
of the Columbia Ministerial
union are being enthusiastically
attended and will be prolific of
much good.
The defunct Seminole Securii
; . : i
lies company is again ill uie limelight.
A. S. McFadden, master
of Richland county, is taking
testimony in the case of receivers
of the company against
its trustees, W. A, Clark, T. S.
Bryan and Willie Jones. This is
an action seeking to make the
trustees responsible for the securities
that they held intrust.
T. S." Bryan and W. A. Clark
have given testimony, which is
voluminous in scope. W. A.
Clark was on the stand w hen the
hearing was adjourned Friday
afternoon, to meet again after
the Christmas holidays, probably
in January.
The CDiversity of South Carolina
defeated the (ieorgia Medical
college at football in Augusta,
(la., Saturday afternoon bv a
score 01 11 to u. C arolina played
the new style game and made
several effective plays by the use
of the forward pass. Carolina
showed up especially well in this
name, as tlie Mods outweighed
the Gamecocks lb pounds to the
man. Carolina has a strong team,
which will shine brightly in the
constellation of Southern stars.
VV. J. C.
Dreamed of Hidden Gold to Find Snake. IV
Some days ago a number of i
Fort Mill citizens were sitting on
the bandstand in Confederate
park discussing the loss of an'
article which one of the number '
had reported. The conversation ; r
turned to a general consideration li
of the things each had lost and n
found, but not one of the citizens s
was able to say that he had >
ever found anything1 worth more ^
than a dollar. One man had ^
never lost anything worth considering.
because, as he said, he t
had never owned anything of j;
value to lose. Finally, one of the .
number spoke up to say that j
some time ago he had a novel
experience as the result of a',
dream he had had of a bag of
gold hidden on his place. In the |
dream tlie hiding place of the (
treasure was under a familiar
rock some distance from his
home. The first thing he did ^
after breakfast the morning fol- (
lowing the dream was to go to |
the rock, more or less confident
that under it he would find the 1
little fortune that had been so
clearly revealed t<> him the night x
before. But be did not find the |
bag of gold. There was no gold
under the rock. Instead there '
was a copperhead comfortably v
coiled up under one side of the
rock which came near biting |
him on the hand as he dislodged
the obstruction to his *
dreamed-of t rcasure.
* *
Senior CPss Elects Officers. i
The members of t he senior class
of the Fort Mill 1 ligh school, Miss-'
es Fli/.abeth Nims, Isabel Massey,
Ola Crowder. Aline Barber and
Esther Mc.Murray. met Wcdnes- '
day morning and elected the following
class oflicers: President, ?
Miss McMurray; vice president. '
Miss Crowder: secretary. Miss J
Nims; treasurer. Miss Massey ; j
corresponding secretary, MissC
Barber. IN
The motto of the class is a i ]
quotation from Horace, "Corpe \
diem." The colors for the class,'were
white and Th<> ttow- i
er chosen was sweet pea.
? , , , j >
The only cotton shipped awaj (
from Fort Mill this fall was the i t
100-hale lot which the Mills ?.<: t
Young Co. sold Saturday to Alex i
Sprunt Son for export. 1
We Are Headquarters
For lire Following:
Hardware, ('rockery and Stoves,
Buck's Sti el Uauges. I.iui . Cement
and Plaster, 1*11 wood Field and I log
Fence. Mc(.rnia k Mn'.vci- and Bakes.
International (lasoline I! <_ :11- -. Shred
der-. Corn Ilarve-te:.-' aid hi- liar
rows, Sewei Pipe and Farm I train Tile,
(irates and 'lih . Chattanooga Turn and
Disc Plows, < ole's Hot Heaters,
Wilson Heaters, Ma hii.ery. Fittings
owl .u U'iml..ii' /'1 1
.rr..? ?? ani?i>v? v i I? 4 <IIM1 I Nil),
Riiofiii;' <>t" sill kinds, i aim i ' Kavorito
( ruin Drills. Stalk t'utN r . Sj < k?-s a 1
Kims, (iuns and Ammunition.
Rock Hill Hardware Company.
Rock Hill. S. C.
We wish to announce to the i
. count of our rapidly increasinir
decided to dispose of our immei
China a
When we say cost, we mean
^ tiling in that line for homo us
other kind of presents at prict ?
been olfered. In our immense
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, all kind:
kind of Cut Class and Salad Se
0 kept in a first class china store.
York county's senator. Mr. \Y.
I. Stewart, is in favor of a mariage
license law for South Caroina
and in the (leneral Assembly
icxt winter will urge the pasage
of such a law. Last winter
.1 r. Stewart supported the bill
hat was introducted proposing
0 remedy the many evils that
crow out of easily contracted
5outh Carolina marriages and he
s confident that he did the right
hing. For some time Mr. Stewart
las been gathering statistics
vhieh he will use in a speech in
he senate advocating the passage
>f a license law. lie is of the
pinion that such a law probably
vill be enacted at the li)l 1 session
>f the (leneral Assembly. Much
lepends on the position taken
vith reference t?> the matter by
lovcrnor Mlease. but it isgeneraly
thought that he will favor such
1 law, though he has not said
vhat his nl t it ml?> w ill l?.>
Last winter only a few votes
vere lacking to place a marriage
icense law on the statute hooks
ind the impression became more
>r less general throughout the
>tate that such a law had been
>assed by the Oeneral Assembly.
I'he clerk of court of Cireenwood
:ounty under a misapprehension
vent so far as to issue a marriage
icense. flu; license was. of
nurse, supertluous. as there was
10 law requiring it.
Civil Verdict Against Manslayer.
Mrs. Mary \Y. Farmer, widow
>f the late C onstable .lames P.
"armer. who was killed three
ears ago by Wade Hampton
tellers, former notorious blind
iger, at Sellers' house in Colum>ia,
while the odicer was trying
o enter and search the dwelling,
vas given 1>\ a Richland common
>leas jur\ Saturday damages
igainst Sellers in the sum of
She surd for $25,000 under
laim that it was incumbent on
tellers to provide for her and her
'amily. Sellers having deprived
hem of their natural support,
tellers will probably contest the
ase further. One of Mrs. Farner's
lawyers was Solicitor J. K.
lenry, of Chester.
West Trade St., Near Square.
k,Tho I if tin uii?U fU/\
# kiailU OlUlt TY I I II lilt;
Big Stock."
We are j*cttini? in tremendous
storks of the most select lines of
Jewelry. Watches, Silverware,
Cut tilas- and Holiday <Io?k1s.
Our stock has the variety that
you want when you select a Wedding
or 1 loliday < lift.
Come to see us and we will always
^ive you the l>eSt tfoods for
tin- least money.
>eople of Kort Mill that on ac- o
hardware business we have +
use stock of
it Cost. *
it. China, Cut (llass or any- *
e. Wedding Presents or any
. that you have never before
stock you will find beautiful +
; of f-ancy (ioods. the finest
ts in fact, everything that is
RS, Manager.