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H*|Pf f BptiP % ^ GUIDE POSTS IN DEATH VALLEY New York Sun. 8 * I* Prospectors for gold are stjll e trying their luck in Death val- 8 ley, graveyard of unnumbered " victims. Emigrants moving from j Nevada brave its dangers to a make a short cut into Inyo county, t California, and often leave their j bones in the desert. For the t tenderfoot Death valley has an c irresistible fascination as seen in \ hr mirage from the lofty summits of t the Panamints or the Funeral v and Amargoza mountains. , xii ouiiic [jiacea 11 seems narrow ? enough for a day's hike across r if one does not reckon the dis- a tance from water in the eastern j ranges to a camp site beyond the a Panamints. In the mirage the h salt beds look like expanses of f refreshing waters and the wretched mesquite bushes have r the allurement of groves of living 4 green. The last enticement is t the fusion of brilliant colors in t that treacherous landscape. A t compass and a bottle of water t seem to be equipment enough to make the passage, even if one is , a tenderfoot. But in the furnace t heat and parching atmosphere , of this most forbidding of Amer- t ican deserts a full canteen is soon t empty, and it is a hopeless quest ( to look for a water hole. The sun's ^ rays dry up the brain in a man, f and staggering on in his delirium . he takes no reckoning with his compass. Yet the old guides know where to find water, such as it is. There are several well known holes?Saratoga springs in the south, Surveyor's springs in the north, Sweet Water spring near the mouth of Furnace creek, which flows down (in the spring) from the Funeral range, and Bennett Wells under the Panamints. But the romance of Death val ley is now to be a memory and the perils are to be so diminished that even the tenderfoot should feel secure in entering the old desert graveyard. The last California Legislature appropriated $5,000 for guide posts to be erected in the State deserts, which are often lumped together under the name of the California desert. As a place of many tragedies Death valley ought to have claimed the attention of the au thorities first, especially as the notion persists that there are rich gold bearing strata within its limits. State Marriage Law Needed. The bigamy case in the court of general sessions has attracted some local attention and the whole State will take an interest I in it before the supreme court decides the question involved, c says the Spartanburg Journal. Paul Taylor married Beaufort Cubic in UK)9. He quit her and J married Hattie Rlanchard. lie f was indicted for bigamy. Judge'*, Aldrich threw the case out of]< court because the last marriage < was not valid. The Blanchard i1 feirl knew Taylor was a married , man; therefore, it was no mar- > riage at all, and the crime of bigamy did not appear. The 1 solicitor proposes to appeal and 1 carry it to the supreme court. ( In this State there is no mar- < riage law. Any man or woman may perform a marriage cere- ( * mony, or two people may live < together as man and wife with- i out any ceremony, and if they ' publicly acknowledge this re- j lation and live as becomes married i people, the law acknowledges the : fact of their marriage. About three-quarters of a cen- ! tury ago, or perhaps longer, a 1 couple of old people in this county i < had raised a family of children. ' In their old.age they wished to join the church. Some very pious brother objected because they had been living out of the bonds of matrimony all these , years. The old people had to stand up and be married, after all their children were grown up to manhood, before their names could be entered on a church roll. | THE IS JEWE1 ST01 % m rafrA l*V < i ^ * ' v t * ' ? ? ?The Torrent System. The best explanation of the Torrens istern of land titles which has yet Iched The Times office came in the ditorial columns of the Charlotte Oberver last Sunday. The system is aid to be a decided improvement over he old lack of system in South Caroina and other States and it has- been idopted in a number of foreign counries and in seven States of the American Union. Under thfe system he State appoints for each county an fficer known as a registrar, and any I andowner wishing to avail himself of he Torrens title applies to the registrar, j vho looks up all the records from the 'iiKiiiui rum uownwaru, cnarging a ee therefor. When the landowner eceivoe from the registrar under his eal of office a certificate that the title s clear he holds indefeasibly against ill the world. Should a claimant appear it any time thereafter, the State deends the title, and if the claim is established the State ascertains the noney value of the claim and pays t in money while leaving the owner's itle absolutely unaffected. Money for his purpose comes from the fees which ill landowners availing themselves of he privilege have paid. Among the more obvious advantages ittending the Torrens system are avoidmce of the expensive necessity of havng the same titles repeatedly looked ip, with no conclusive assurance then hat the report as made will stand. )nce a piece of land goes through the Torrens system its status is definitely ixed. The many means whereby a PONCE I SYF Is a combination of Georgii put up in very handsomely cans. These cans have bot making them very conveni and come in three sizes, viz gallons. The syrup is A delicious flavor, contains r ANTS, and is consequent Try it. FOR SALE BY FOR :ali.ons put up ot>t/^c in jugs. rrilv/ej EXPRESS Pi CORN WHISKEY. 1 Gal slew Corn .. $2 10 S )ne-Year-Old Corn. 2 35 [\vo-Year-Old Corn 3 00 rhree-Year-Old Corn 3 25 )1<1 Mountain Corn 2 75 )!d Private Stock Corn 'oeahontas Corn - . . __ )ld Process Corn 'rimrose Corn, old and mellow 5vv( et Mash, white as spring water, 100 RYE WHISKEY. ribson 4 50 )ld Times 8 75 )ld Prentice (case goods) Cascade )ld Taylor 4 uo viciiwood (bottled in bond) . I) 75 )verholt lefferson Club _ 376 )ld Henry 360 Savage Mountain Rye . ... 3 50 )M Grand Dad 3 50 [. W. Harper.. Paul Jones Rye Rose Valley Rye Sherweed Rye Excelsior . ....... 225 Hoover's Private Stock Rye Mellwood 4 50 Wilson Rye Sreen River 4's Calvert MALT WHISKIES. Hoover's Old Malt . 3 25 Rooney's Malt .... 3 50 Duffy a Malt ('.INS. Booth's Old Tom Turkey (Jin 3 50 Swan (Jin 2 50 Holland Gin 3 00 NO CHARGE FOR J W. H. HOOVER & CO. IEW 1 ? I S?n, LRY RE R I H. E *. > . >; " .* ' ' t .*? title may become clouded are rendered negligible. Moreover, a Torrens title makes land as negotiable as a bond. Alike to buyer and seller, to borrower and lender, the various benefits are indisputably great. Mr. Blease Interested in New Paper. When Cole L. Blease, governor-elect of South Carolina, was asked what he knew about the proposed new morning paper for Columbia, he said the project was assured of success and that he understood there was considerable stock already subscribed. He also said South Carolina needed another morning paper in we capnai cny ana mat ti ne was worth a million dollars he would put half of it in the new organization. If the paper is started, it will not be hostile to the Blease administration as others are. The paper is to have the best mechanical equipment in the State with an excellent editorial staff. SOUTHERN RAILWAY NORTHBOUND. No. 30- 10:38 p. m. No. 36 8:50 a. m. No. 28 .. 5:15 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 29. 4:00 a. m. No. 35 6:47 a. m. No. 27 5:15 p. m< The Times does Job Printing of every description. Phone 112. )ELEON lUP c % i and Florida Cane Syrups, j lithographed square tin h screw and friction tops, Lent for the house-keeper, i quarts, half gallons and BSOLUTELY PURE, of a 10 DRUGS or ADULTER;ly the best FOR YOU. r MILL GROCERS. I OUR MOTTO A O 1 Pure Goods. Honest Dealing. REPAID. 2 Gal 3 Gal 4 Gal 4 Qts 6Qts HQts 12Qt S3 GO $5 33 $6 83 $2 33 $3 23 .$4 25 $7 00 4 10 5 75 7 35 5 00 7 00 9 00 3 00 4 50 5 50 9 00 5 25 7 25 9 25 4 90 0 90 8 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 3 00 4 25 5 00 9 00 3 00 4 25 5 50 9 00 3 25 4 60 6 00 9 25 3 50 4 90 6 25 9 50 proof . 2 75 3 75 4 75 7 00 8 00 12 75 16 00 5 50 7 50 13 50 7 10 10 50 13 00 4 00 6 00 12 00 12 (HI . 6 60 7 50 .. 13 00 6 00 6 75 12 75 7 60 11 25 14 00 6 00 6 76 13 25 7 10 10 50 13 00 4 76 6 75 13 26 4 50 6 86 12 50 7 10 10 50 13 00 4 00 5 80 10 00 6 60 9 50 12 00 4 (X) 5 75 10 00 6 60 9 60 1200 4 00 6 76 10 00 6 50 9 60 12 00 5 00 7 00 12 25 4 oo 6 76 7 60 10 (K) 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 | ^ ou t? h ;>U 12 00 1 25 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 1 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 | 5 00 7 50 12 75 1 5 00 0 75 13 25 | 4 50 6 85 12 50 5 IX) 8 50 11 <X) 3 75 5 50 7 50 9 50 | 0 60 9 50 12 (K) 4 (X) 5 75 10 (X) 1 (X) 5 75 11 00 1 5 00 7 10 13 00 6 60 9 50 12 00 4 (X) 5 75 .. 10 50 1 4 60 6 75 8 50 6 60 8 25 10 00 fUGS OR PACKING. Tnr 522 E BROAD STREET. , AHO., RICHMOND. VA???????????????? Ve wish to announce I :k of Jewelry and have i r rv le selection or Diamor Ve have one of the be air work. uff Jewelry Z. RUFF, President . " . * - . i' " . ' v The Smal Is W elcor Do not hesitate to because you cannot sum. The Peoples N; Hill especially welc< any amount from realizing that thes< substantial proportic itor is encouraged tc tions thereto, just ? bank pays 4 per ceri terly, thus providing your funds together The Peoples f I ROCK HILL, - SAFE, SUCCES: Ijgf % BTJTTXIT <3-. Is a very important item in the economy of most men. i :houghtful purchaser selects a buggy made of the best mat >uggies we are offering the public, the best buggy that can lardwood firmly glued, with the corners mitred and secured the height 42 to 4b inches. Axles are made with case-harde irnest quality oil-tempered steel and the gears are of the be and the tops are quarter leather in full three-bow stjle. Ci best seat springs with curled hair top finish. In the manuf and they are finished in five coats. The shaft couplings use used in the tires of these buggies, or where steel tires are | buggy is for rubber tired or steel tired, respectively, $100 HUTCHISON, SEHOR :o the people of Fort Mill that v 1 adrlpfl tn il a fine Kit nf IpwaK ids. st watchmakers in the business r Company, - " Our aim is to please. " A. F. RUFF, Vice President / * 11 * 1 Account ned Here. open a bank account : begin with a large itional Bank of Rock omes small deposits, one dollar upwards, 5 accounts grow to ?ns when the depos> make regular addiis he is able. This it. compounded quara liberal income for with absolute safety. National Bank, SOUTH CAROLINA. SFUL, SECURE. I : / - .'> '<>*&>!&&'. ? " " \V Li>c -A_ BTiaGY t is an easy matter to secure an ordinary vehicle, hut the i*rial and constructed by hi^h-class mechanics. In the special i be manufactured at the price, the bodies are made of select with corner irons. The size of the wheels is 7-8 inch and new ?>|nncii?v? ana oii-grounu noxes. All springs are of the st select second-growth hickory. The iron work is first class ushions and backs are made of extra fine leather with the acture of Idicse buggies only the best quality paint is used d are of the famous Bradley make. The very best rubber is ireferred. the steel is of the best quality. The price of this - $80, ?]WT O Tfipp 20 E. TRADE STREET, oc nirr, charlotte, n. c. ve have bought I. Blumberg's y and Cut Glass and a handi -it 1 ii 1 > and %vill be glad to do your Rock Hill, S. C. 9 I C. E. TUCKER, Secretary