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Br HCT' SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. H The highest price paid for cotF ton on the Fort Mill market I ' yesterday was 14.28 cents. Cot ton seed. 45 cents per bushel. One of the officers of the W junior class of Clemson college F is C. B. Faris, of Fort Mill town\ ship. Mr. Faris is the poet of the class. R. Holt Ardrey has returned kV to Fort Mill from Charlotte. where he has made his home for I some time, and is now pmnlnvpH ri-. 83 a salesman for McElhaney & Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moorer, of Anderson, have moved to Fort Mill and are making their home PjL with Mr. J. M. Grier at the former residence of Capt. S. E. f White. Mr. C. H. Ritzel, of Newton, N. C., has accepted the position of time-keeper for the Charlotte Brick company, at Grattan, and assumed his new duties a few days ago. An error occurred in The Times last week in the reference to the abnormal yield of a pumpkin vine on the plantation of Mr. W. H. Windle. The vine produced 35 full grown pumpkins instead of 25. as the types had it. Of the two score and more applicants who stood the examination before the county board of education in Yorkville last Friday for license to teach in the schools of the county, not one of the number was from Fort Mill township. Mrs. L. J. Massey is p. patient at the Presbyterian hospital, in Charlotte, where she was taken for treatment several days ago. The last report from the hospital as to Mrs. Massey's condition did not indicate that she was improving as fast as it was hoped she would improve. A number of farmers in this section report a considerable monetary loss from the heavy rain and high winds of Friday night and Saturday. In many fields mnrh nnpn r?r?tl-nn woe beaten or blown to the ground and so stained that it will have to be sold at reduced prices. The only real estate transfer recorded for Fort Mill during the last week was that of Mr. C. H. Branson to Mrs. Elizabeth Ardrey, who is now the owner of the Branson home on south Booth street. Mrs. Ardrey and family will move from the Watson cot. tage on north Booth street intc their new home at once. Mrs. S. A. Eppsand Mrs. D. F. Lee will represent the missionary society of the Fort Mill Baptist church at the annual meeting of Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of South Carolina which will convene in Greenville ir November. The delegates from Flint Hill church to the meeting have not yet been elected. Postmaster B. H. Massey left Fort Mill Tuesday morning for Columbia to attend the annual meeting of the Postmasters' Association of South Carolina. Mr. Massey was to have read a paper at the meeting, on third * class postoffices, but did not find it convenient t.O nrentiro paper. The president of the association is Postmaster E. E. Poag, of Rock Hill. Anion# the scholarships given at Winthrop college by publicspirited citizens is the Grace White Springs scholarship, established by Col. Leroy Springs in memory of his wife, who was the daughter of Capt. S. E. White. The scholarship is awarded to the best student of the Lancaster public school and is held this year by Miss Mary Massey, daughter of S. F. Massey, Esq. The fall session of the Riverside school, in Fort Mill township, will begin about the 21st of November. It is the purpose of the board of trustees, of which Mr. W. H. Jones is chairman, to secure a male principal for the school. Quite a number of applications have been received by Mr. Jones for the position, but the principal will not be elected until within a few days of the opening of the school. The Rev. W. A. Hafner went to Chester Monday to attend a called meeting of Bethel presbytery which was held to consider a dissolution of the relations between the Rev. S. J. Cartledge, pastor of Purity Church, Chester, and the presbytery. The relations were dissolved and the Rev. Mr. Cartledge will leave at once for Athens, Ga., to take up the work as pastor of the Prince Avenue Presbyterian church. I Prepar I or whatever it tc need these thing Everything new I into our store, ci new Dress Good SHOES, S I Our shoe trade is GOOD, have a reputation. They I you pret another pair for th( a str< 1^^^^ ante< c.;.. j IOIA UlUlllild clliu ftUIIIU 111L* 11 \ months. It will pay you to fore buying. The prices quality of the shoes. 11 mill: mammmmmmmmmmmm ?????????????? . When Your Newspaper ;i or Magazine Subscription Expires We can give you just as good p rates as you can get anywhere. ' We will duplicate any bona fide i offer and save you the trouble 1 and danger of transmitting the ' money. All this business must ' be cash. Cosmopolitan with Success, ! Harper's Bazaar or Delineator. 11 $1.40. Cosmopolitan with Woman's Home Companion, McClure's, Everybody's, Hampi ton's, Metropolitan or World To1 day, $1.70. Cosmopolitan with Good Housekeeping or American, ; $1.75. The above sample bffers are especially tfood and expire Ocber 25th. ;l ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. ; "Haile's on the Corner" - Cigars. C1NCO, M1SKO, SABOROSA, CORTO PLAZO, SWEET BRIER, HAVANA RIBBON, TWO ORPHANS, SAINT JULIAN. Cigarettes. PIEDMONT, OLD MILL. 1 HASSAN, ' \ TURKISH TROPHIFS. When in need of above brands, "Make our store your store. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Prop. ' J"\-- 5" \ . '"*?? '~' * * ';"? k >v "' '." y% - J V ' mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmm e for Winter's to become interested in ycur new Suit, C ikes to dress you up and m^ke you comf s badly one of these days and now is the and up-to-date; no trouble to find here v owded from front to back and from flc s, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, etc. city stores. It will be a revelation to yoi HOES! MOTHERS! The Shoes we sell Haven't you got to buy for yourself and f give satisfaction or ly some of the following: Wool Dress G< 1 asking We have Flannels, Outings, Flannelettes. Homes mg showing of Dress Canton Flannels, Sheeting. Bleaching, I s for men women kets, Counterpanes, Curtains, Table Linen, ' children. But our 43ft els, and many Df heavy Work Shoes Jp e5 not 1 le best ever shown if \ YV & tioned here? "ort Mill. We have if \ % Can supp^' fenkins Bros', home- If. :! \ % wantf and i shoe, the Star Cal f, ft ! *vou e trouh Siant Calf, the Har- If iftUuV makl"g up r V. and Stronger than Hi \ \ articles as \\ c jaw Shoes. The last If f j \ V\\\ r* * hn mentioned is guar- ///.if.' Ladies Unt ed to last any man //fl;i ^10^? K vear them 12 and 15 fJlm. 'Y . I \ V VV nQS c;aC( ues 1ffft,h!se..8!loes ,l!?" Mil i IvvWydel-'skirts si see these goc S & YOUNG CO M'ELHANEY'S CLOTHING HP i r 1 o judge trom past \ performances and from the excellence of our Fall j C\ Suits,0 Overcoats, Fur- j I * j \ \ \ j jfj \ nishings and Hats, this I / Vi , \v} store will be more pop- | V . [ n ular than ever with the j \ j/v ' / men and boys who care ! h ,X V/W:w f , j , ? i <xJi for correct dress at reas- | r 7 i1 11 ' I r j onable cost. 'I, r# I IN FALL SUITS 1! 1 II j we show the new and j | j j ! . ' correct models, new ma- i ill !l terials and modern tail\f / i (1 ?ring' > $ S7.50 TO S22.50. When considering your winter outfit I we d advise that you inspect our line of; Underwear. i McElhaney & Company JUST ACROSS THE STREET. I \ %> "j* 4 \ wammwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm < Ritincy Rlactc I I ~""6 I Overcoat, Underwear, Shoes, Hat, i ortable for cold weather. You will 1 best time to make your selection. . I /hat you want. When you walk g >or to ceiling with great lines of , you will think you have entered 1 MEN and BOYS ami- Did you know that you can pet what you want )ods, here in a Suit, Overcoat, Odd Pants, Hat, Fan- V pun, cy Vest, Dress Shoes, Neckwear. Underwear or 31an- YH Overshoes, Rubber Coat. Coat I Tow- Wjr Sweater, Shirts, Gloves, Caps oth- and other fixtures at any price Tien- j^^rLT\ you want. Don't buy until . | ur? f I i #T ' t, 1 i I ai i you nave seen our offerings. your ill , fir J We are anxious save j 2 f?r y?u to visit us le of I,. I' fj>; W and see the large W nany fltyl j \i and well selected 1 ft ;car" BjiA (h 3 stock of Clothing I e of ant* Men's and yH $.! ler- TO Boys' Furnish7oat ings that we have nyf .imo- on hand for your careful inspection. s/nf V , Un- A visit to our store will convice J \| ft ;irts, you that our prices cannot be bet- ?J I lould tered, quality of goods considered, ti/ >ds. anywhere in this section. J I MP'Y, FORsT ?"LL: j 3 g5B5E5H55H5rEH5H5H5BSE5B5SH5H5E5TgSSSE5iL5H5H555rESB5 3 1 COME AND SEE ME 1 n - ' P m 0 Before you buy your Furniture or Sewing Machines. I fj jj will sell you for either CASH or CREDIT. {] ii I have also put in a fine line of Cutlery which I will. {] 3 sell very cheap. - 3 J The very best 5-string Broom for 45c. [} } A lot of light Underwear for ladies and gents at 18c. C u SwCwt-Orr Overalls at 90c. C ji I* y. Have a lot of Odd Pants at prices the cheapest ever t i i ' u ij known litre. U *1 I wish to disennHmiA mv TOrv rtMuto ~e ? "'j "i,i uwua uv|iaiuuciii anil Ul" J" fer the public some rich bargains in this line. Q| 3 Come in and let me fit your boy in a nice Suit. Will Cj jj sell it so cheap that you will buy two suits for him. jjj 3 M q ' a 1 G. B. MAGILL. I C ' H 3iB5asa5B5sa53ss5a5Bsa5Bsa{;B555B5B55a5BB5BsrBgs5B555lB THE ?V1SE MAN j LOOKS FORWARD He sees at a glance by commencing now and i each week depositing a part of his earnings in A SAVINGS BANK that it will be but a few years when he will reap his reward by having at Iris command a pile of money. This bank wants ycur account and the years before you will verify the tale. Start an account if with only one dollar. The Pineville Loan and Savings Bank, GEO. W. BUNCH, Cashier PI]U:BVIL.L.E:, - - - INT. C. I 4