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TOTAL WRECK" Cars h ike liliaeis Tractita System Crisk W'rtk Dire Resak THIRTY SEVEN KILLED Disregard of Orders Cause a OolliaIon.?Cbirs Are Completely Demolished, anil the Passengers, Vnabie to Mneape, Flung in Kvery Position and Mutilated Terribly. Thirty-seven persons were killed aud froui sixteen to twenty-five injured in a collision on the Illinois Traction system, two miles north of Staunton, Illinois, late Tuesday evening. Three of the injured will die and maybe more. The collision occurred between lo cal train No. 14. north-bound, and an excursion train, No. 73, headed toward St. Louis -and loaded with passengers on their way to view the parade of the Veiled Prophets at St. Lo-uie. The accident, it is said, wus due entirely to the disregard of orders by the crew of the local, which was in charge of M. A. Leonard, conductor, and John Lietmun, of Staunton, rnotorman. Train No. 14 had orders to pa~s train 73 at Staunton. The latter train was running in two sections a ad the orders given to No. 14 wore explicit that it should pass both sections of the south bound train at Staunton. The flrBt section of 73 pulled out on the main track and started north. At a sharp turn in the road at the bottom of a decline, the two tra'n came together in a splintering era.-,. Train No. 14 and the second sectim of 73 were both on the down gradand moving at a speed of ahou forty miles an hour when they met The crew of No. 14 and the cre\ of No. 73, which was composed o! W. V. Duncan, conductor, and E. 1. Young, rnotorman, both of Springfield, Illinois, leaped for their lives as soon as they saw the collision was inevitable, and all four escaped without serious injury. They were badly shaken up, but were able to lend assistance to the injured an instant later. u-sone or the passengers had any chance t* escape, as the crash between the care followed Immediately the criee of warning issued by the ? conductors and motor men as they jumped from the trains. The cars came together with a terrific crash. and both were demolished and piled in one huge mass of wreckage, through which the bodies of the dead and wounded were scattered. It is certain that by far the larger portion of the passengers on both cars were either killed outright or desperately injured. The two trains were no closely twisted together that it was a marvel that anybody escaped death or injury. As quickly as possible word of the accident was telephoned Springfield and Peoria, and a special car was immediately rushed from these points. Other cars were also sent north from Granite City, 111. These last took many of the injured and hurried them back to Uranite City, where they were placed in hospitals. As fast as the dead were extricated they were placed in one of the cars < sent from Springfield. In a short time a car was containing twentyeight bodies, and it was seut to CarHnsvllle, where they were placed in an undertaking establishment. Kate i T..oo/I? ? ?I?We . ...infill uuiy iuree oodles bad i been den tided. < Genera] manager Chubbuck. of the Traction Company, was in Peoria when the news of the wreck was received. Accompanied by minor officials. ho started at one? for the wreck. At Pprlngdeld all the available physicians were placed on Mr. Chubbuck's special car and hurried to Staunton. Within a few minutes after the collision occurred farmers from the surrounding country and nearly every man in Staunton was eh route { to the scene of the accident to render whatever assistance was poesi- , hie. The early comers were greeted with a spectacle such as was nev- j er before seen in that part of the , country. , The two oars had come together , with such awful force that they were | not only telescoped, but they were , actually battered out of all semblance of their original shape. They were simply a mass of splintered wood and twisted iron and steel eight ; feet high. In this pile of wreckage i in?; uvau and wounded were flung t In every conceivable position and ev- ( ery imaginable form of mutilation. i Some of the bodies of the dead " were torn apart, and streams of 1 blood flowed down the debris in a 1 dozen places. The farmers and the I citizens of Staunton worked with des- 1 perate haste, however, and In a short time had taken from the wreckage all of the living and most of the j dead. ( t Passengers Itohhed. ( Passengers on a Pullman car at- t tached to n Kork Island westbound < passenger train that arrived at Puob ' io, Cal., Wednesday were robbed of ? $8,000 In cash, drafts, checks and * jewels after leaving Chicago Why Not Thlo? Hkv? VOIl *V*r h??n HaIbvoH fnr hours In a railroad station and com pe'led to remain in the dreary place without a companion, with nothing but old papers and magazines for diversion? Few persons who travel nave not encountered this situation. Why can not a bulletin be printed to indicate places of interest in the city or town, with directions as to how to reach those places, and those signs be hung in plain view in the stations? This is work which could be done by the women's clubs In a city. Often one has a long, tedious wait, and it would, indeed, be pleasant ?o net out into the city and see one, if no more, of the important places, and of print ed instructions were right in view the timid would not hesitate to go out. Give us also tne names of respectable restaurants. One might get (hese places to advertise on the bulletin, which would pay for printing it. How many strange women alone or with children know where to go for a luncheon in a strange city? Some go into the nearest place arouiul the de pot, not always the most cleanly places, and often in not very respectable districts. A timid traveler will suffer in silence before asking questions, and it seems this bulletin could be made so very useful that it would be a good plan to have such a one printed and placed in every station where waits are possible. One of the dreariest days 1 ever spent in my life was at a station with nothing to read but u copy of the Johnstown flood, a backless book discovered in the operator's desk. Yet there was a library within ten minutes' car ride, and n??t an official at the station or any of the loungers kuew where it was lo cated. I doubt if some of them kuew the city bad a library at all. Orange Layer Cake. Cream four ounces of butler with four ounces of sugar, then add gradually four well beaten eggs, sift in lalf a pound of flour and one teapoonftil of baking ponder, then add be grated rind of one orange and so tablespoonfuls of milk. Mix ivell and divide Into buttered and loured layer tins, spread e\en!y and quickly and bake in a hot oven for about fifteen minutes. Turn out to tool. Now take the strained Juice of balf an orange and half a lemon, put them into a small saucepan, ad'V a level tablespoonful of eornstauh, cotstened with one gill of cold water, add the grated rind of half an orauge and four heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar. Stir over the fire till they thicken. When cool Bprcad between the two pieces of cake. Then Ice with orange icing. To nuke the orange frosting, pare the rind very thinly from one orange ann soak it in the juice for one nour and a half. Sift eigat ounces of confer tioners' sugar into a basin, add the ^trained juice. Beat for a few minutes and spread on the cake. Cut in u> neat Squares or triangles. To Clear Vinegar Cruets. To keep a vinegar cruet shining *nd clean is not easy, as many a housewife can testify. The neck of the cruet being narrow, usual bottle cleaning methods are futile. After washing the bottle with ho* oapsuds and rinsing tboroughl} a few bard beans can be inserted in th?* bottle, which is then almost filled with water, to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Shaking the beans around will remove incrustation from the sides. A long-handled paint brush with a f' 11, thick hut not broad brush, >8 ex > client to clean out cruets. It on a oe dipped in a solution of soda or borax. One housekeeper paves and dries ner egg shells and puts them in her cruets, which are half filled with soapy water. After shaking thoroughly. until the bottles are clean, the cruets are washed anil rinsed w ith cold water, followed by hot a a ler. Pictures for the Nursery. Pictures for the nursery should t>< bright, though not too much so. One can get pretty prints in pink, blue Drown and yellow. It is possible to get baby pictures of great beauty an.i they only need a passe-partout bind ing to make them suitable for dee. rating a room. It would be a gooc Idea to have a kodak and take th* children's pictures in everyday at tire, m their Sunday best, at play, at work, asleep and wide awake, pouting, laughing anil in every mood. tb?/? uBe these pictures as a frieze in the room. They ran all be done in koda? colors, or made into blue prints. Tht latter is not so lasting, yet look pretty on a white-papered wall. Cat Christening. Now what ilo von thi?i? v. ??? v?l im > tup i cat christening? You might think tnoie of it, especially when you hoar .hat the kitten Is valued nt $f.O. Well, .he day he was christened and was made to henceforth take the name of 'Tiptoes," the owner's various friends were invited in. Tip-toes was he center of attraction of course, and :he recipient of several ribbons, bells tnd a little milk howl. Pineapple Pie. Line a pie plate with pastry. Mil Ightly together the well beaten yolks )f four ^ggs, one cupful o' granulat?d sugar, one cupful of grated pine- j ipple and the stifly beaten whites of ,wo eggs. Hake till ready In a modirate oven. Cover with a meringue nade with the whites of ihree eggs Hlffly beaten and three 'ahlespoon uls of sugar added. Serve hot or cold | ATTENTION FARMERS | ? THK SOUTH ATLANTIC CORN EX-! POSITION WILL BE Held in Columbia, at Which Eight Thousand Dollar* in Prizes Wall Be Offered. Eight thousand dollars will be offered in prizes for the best corn at the South Atlantic Corn Exposition held in Columbia December 5?3. The South Carolina Corn Breeders Association, who have been promoting the exposition met in the State ? nwiiec i uursiiH) ana completed, plans for the exposition. The organization was perfected and prominent farmers will act as superintenents in tlie various deportments and promote the exhibition of corn from the in various districts of North Carolina. South Carolina and Georgia. Prizes were arranged for each county in South Carolina, for the congressional districts in South Carolina and for the three zones of each North Carolina and Georgia. Sweep-Stakes will be offered for the best 10 ears of yellow corn, prolific white corn, single ear variety white corn, single ear and bushel lots, from all the States. All these exhibits will come together iu Grand Sweep-Stake and Grand Champion Sweep-Stake classes. The largest prize has been offered for the best 10 ears of corn grown in any of the three States. The winner of the Grand Champion SweepStake prize for 10 ears of corn will receive as his reward prizes appr>?ximatlng $400. This is intened to bring out the best corn that can be produced in the South Atlantic Stales and $400 for the best 10 ears will cause the farmers to put for'h their very best efforts in making this exhibit the finest that can be secured. It is said this exhibit will carrygreat honor with it for an exhinit of 10 ears of corn that are the besi that can be grown by any one exhibitor in any of the three states jf South Carolina. North Carolina and Georgia, will within itself be a prize worthy of the highest consideration. A separate department will be set apart for the Hoys' Club and the bovs' exhibits. Thes?* will have special prizes and will be under the direct supervision of the officers of the Farm Demonstration Work iu Soul ft Carolina. An important feature of the exposition will be the individual displays, there being prizes ottered ft.the best individual display In eaoli of the three states and also for h? Grand Champion Individual display. The one who wins the individual display in either of these States will receive prizes to the value of $2 !o and the one making the best display at the exposition will receive an additional prize of $C>0 in cash, thus, rewarding the exhibitor who makot the best display. In order to mane this premium list as large as it is the South Carolina Legislature, last winter, enacted a bill providing ft $1000 In cash to be offered as prizoa to the exhibitors of South Carolina alone. At the same time $500 was appropriated for the use of the Co n Breeders' Association in furthering its cause. Various machinery houses, fertilizer concerns, newspapers, and business enterprises have contributed large prizes. The International Harvester Co., alone has cortrtbuted approximately $000 and the John Deere Plow Co., has made liberal Jonations. The South Carolina Cotton Seed Crushers' Association has also appro* priaieu ?.iuu in rash to bo used for the best corn exhibits made fro'\) South Carolina. In the beginning it wag intended to raise only $4,000 in prizes, together with the $1,000. tppropriated by the State Legislative would'make $f>.000, but the enthusiasm in the exposition has been so widespread, the interest in corn growing in the South Atlantic States so great and the liberality of the varied interests of the South Atlantic States so marked that larger prizes have been secured un'il Ihj total with aggregate $k,000 in machinery. fertilizer cash, etc. Work on the premium list has been completed. and It will come from the press In a few days and be ready for distribution. At a meeting of the Corn Breeders Association Thursday the following organization was completed: President and General Manager ? A. I). Hudson, Newberry, S. C. Secretary and Treasurer?II. K. Hayes, Pages Mill, S. C. Superintendent of Entries?Malcolm Miller, Columbia, S. C. * Superintendent of Judges?A. O. Smith Columbia. S. C. Superintendent of Exhibits A. 1> Hudson. Newberry, S. C. Superintendent of Boys' ExhiAl* L. L. Baker, Bishopville, R. C. Superintendent of Exhibits tir district. James Reeves, Turbe\ ih Second District V.\ T. Walker, ik vllle; Third District, W. C. Br *i Newberry; Fourth District, p. it Bailey, Laurens; Fifth District . l A. Brown, Camden; Sixth Distric. R. K. Hayes, Pages" Mill; Seven 1 District, W. McD. Orccn, O. >vi no. Superintendent of North Ct-^'n "xhiblts?W. J. McKinnon. Lykes SAILORS ARK DROWKKD. Well LoMlfU Tender Bound for .1 Jj Battleship. Several Bailors from the battleship New Hampshire were drowtided by the upeettinjc of a tender In Ihn Vnrth t> /-V ' -? ' tuv ?^vi%u <\MCI I'U uuf nuuuifu and Fifty-second street at New York Saturday night. Estimates of the dead vary from three to as higb as 12, but as no official count has been made of the number aboard n the tender and as many men have ' shore leave, it was i in possible accurately to fix the list of missing. The -sailors were returning to the P New Hampshire after shore leave and more than 100 of them, it i? estimated, had crowded aboard the tender, which was being towed to the battleship. About .100 yards oft" shore the craft either swamjted oi was upset and the entire load of sailors was precipitated into the water. m m ^ ei TYPHOON' SWEEPS l.SI,.\\l?S. ,B * " tl Thousand*, of l'e<>|?le Are Homcles* p, T Aud the Crops Much Damaged. At Manila. P. I., a typhoon of un P usual severity swept over the vallej of the Cavagan river in the prov- *' inces of Cavagan and Isabella, north- J" ern Luzon, on September 2 4, Foui towns, including llagan. the capital of Isabella province, were practical- " ly demolished. A thousand persons are still homeless and destitute, but the dispatches so far received in dleute that there were no casuaii- , ties. The tobacco crop was serious- ^ lv damaged. The government If making relief plans. tl Heats tkild lllncs. Two hundred millions of dollars is the value placed on the cotton ami m corn crop produced in Georgia dur- ? ing the past year, in the report of in the commissioner of agriculture just pi issued. The cotton crop was valued ft at nearly $ 1 r?0.000.000. which is ap- m proximately one-fifth of the value p< of the entire crop produced in the ei eleven states comprising the cotton It belt. a at Killed by Engine. oi At Charleston Albert L. Knick- 01 iucv n , rHiimnn on a fire crew, wa- ** knocked down and fatally Injured. dying two hours later, by the new automobile engine which had r?-sponded to an alarm of tire at an early hour Thursday morning. 81 land. S. C. ,r Superintendent of Georgia exhibits?\V. F. Cle\ eland, ltidgelaud, s. p< Superintendent of Machinery?L,. C. Chappell. I.?yke8lanilt S. C. p Mr. Hamby, Secretary of the M| Chamber of Commerce, was also n, present at the meeting to arrange for p, the work of the Columbia Chamber ni of Commerce in connection with the el exposition. Craven Ilall has been b< secured and the Chamber of Com- |m merce, through Mr. Hamby will look < after the securing of the railroad pi rates, the decoration of the hall, the m conducting of t'nc Information Hu- ?> reaii for the benefit of the visitors and will look after the printing of ' the tickets and the caring of the M' gate receipts. In connection with the exposition ^ there will be a 01 n judging < 011test and an institute program upon jn which there will be some of the best s|K?akers in the country upon agri- tr cultural subjects. These will be under the direction of the Extension b( Department of CI Vinson College. In So enthusiastic and so confident on were the members of the Corn Breed- j "1 tk Association and the exposition officials of the success of the exposition. plans are already set on foot or to make the exposition a permanent ?t affair. Messrs. A. D. Hudson, It. K. nt Hayes, L. I-. Llaker, E. J. Watson, at I>. N. Harrow. W. R. Perkins, Ira \V. t! Williams, A. G. Smith and J. N". liar- Is per were appointed as a committee re to draw up plans for forming a per- ct manent organization. This committee will report at the next meeting of the Corn Breeders' Association and provide for holding an exposition ?iu- '* nually. OI The committee was also Instructed Tj to confer with representatives from M all the Southern States looking to fu the organization of an Interstate w Corn Exposition thnt would serve as a climax for the various expositious. p) Plans were also made for carrying eti on of the work of the Corn Breeders pc Association this fall and next year. ' The Columbia State has oflferod $1,- m 000 In prizes for the best corn breed- p? ing done in South Carolina; >500 'o be become available In 1011, and >500 of in 1012. It was arranged so that *P anyone wishing to compete for this Wl prize could secure the assistance of the Farm Demonstration Agent in ins ct?ui;ty or tic adjoining county, and then to-x*. year carry on the work nder t:?- direction of the Sueciai < pprepentath e of the Corn Breeders ?o Association , tb Kvery member ?.is \ory en thus! ah- | Pf fc over tTsv imt'oo1 of the exposi- j Ion. : i)(! judy'n-; fu.a the premium er yt, the eo o.on f ih? farmers J v.>J infer* st mar. 1 Thursday, it will nnf only !?p th- first corn ex oaiilon ever h?>n in 'hp South, but ?ne of the ipealMl ado ational meet- * " ' ever boM '--I ;ae benefit of hit the Southern farmers. th IOARDS OF COIN IN POSTALBANKS lillions to Be Put Into Circulation Again. OSSIBLE EFFECTS NUMEROUS eople's Fund Under New Law May Become Financial Prop of National Treasury In Times of Necessity?Refunding of Current Bond Issues Is Discussed by Bankers. A went etrewlnr of a N"w York [ink In dlacuKKlni; the pot???M>le hone Is to the feileritl trenKtirr of the on Htion of the hew |k>s|]|) mivinijs hank iw sit v?: In lis bearings upon treasury affair* ip nrw |k?sihI savings hank law ia rnolleally a government finance bill, hi* law is one which will operate In Rrious directions if it h workings rove measurably Justifiable of the ipor.r on which it was constructed nd on which It was advocated by the resident and members of the admin tratlon It Is ei|>eoted that Its first effect ill !>e to call from Its hiding places insiderable money that is now hoard 1 by persons who have not yet learni to have confidence in the establish1 banking institutions of the commitItles In wliii h they live There is rery reason to believe that the ng regate of such sums reaches well Into ie millions Vast Sum to Appear. WhHieTi-r the sum. nearly all this touey will lie put promptly at work Oder the new law It will constitute new source of bunklug deposits. The w require* tliat 5 per cent of the >stsl savings funds shall lie held In >e Cnitetl States treasury as a re rve. permit* the Investment of SO rr cent In government Itouds or oth aecurltiea and s|?ec|f)cHlly declares s Intent to kiH'p the reniBinlng 6T? |>er rut on deposit in the national and ate banks of the comuiunUies of rigin. although there la a provision oder which ecru this may lie invest1 in government securities upon the wis Ion by the president that the gen al welfare or the Interesta of the uvernuteiit demand it. Itut t hero uw i --? utatlllVl Wh.TH i wbl<'b the it it'll UJUlHtioo i>f postal tvlngs may serve the United States easury at times w hen tinaticinK opinions are necessary. For some tenths the treasury hit* Itcett sailing r?rv elose to the wintl, with the prosi?ot of ha\ log to face ?? Issue of bonds r other securities at almost auy time. y careful work and with the assistnee of the or|K?raiion tax. tvhlch is aw reining In. It Is expected that any naming oiteratlons will he post)toned t least uniil fall, after the general eettona. With an Issue of canal i>nds projter ont of eonsiderntioii the sstnl savings hank law affords n Hires of relief which It now seems reliable will he utilized as soon as the pw system has provided a sufficient mount of funds The new law authorizes a special Is le of '2\-j per eeut bonds, wblcb by leclftr provision do not carry the elr tlation privilege. This rate of inter it would hardly give theiu an Investlent basis, but It Is provided that tb? tstnl savings funds may be Invented i thetn Under this provision the way f?s open for the reimbursement of the easury for tliese heavy eaual ex[>end ores as soon its the |?ostul banks jve attracted sufficient deftosits. This the most material and practical eans of relieving the treasury which le new inw affords Refunding Is Possible. Another |Kn*sihlHty Is that tbe $04. tO.ftMi of II t**r foul bonds now itstanding might bo refund)**] by the ?w 2l/j per cents The threes ure pay ?le. nnd the now law Rpts*1fi<*ally pro dos that whenever any outstanding ?nds ure subject to oall they may be placed by th?* new authorized 2lj pel in t a. A third possibility Is one which may t have a profound efTect on the n? I banks of the country. In ut ntpling to establish ? ventral bank iv of the tlrst nnd most ditfieult prob ins to la* solved would l>e that of pro ding for the national banknotes now Itstanding. In order to make satis ctory provision for fhent some means ust be found for taking rare of the l8r>.()O0.000 of 2 |ht cent ls?nds now edged by the national banks as se iritj for circulation and public do sit*. The now law authorizes the investent of postal savings funds in the 2 T cent bonds. By purchasing these nds from national banks for account the postal savings system corre ending national bank circulation DUid l?c retired and the way would i paved for the Issue of that amount uuun uy me now central bank. Windsor Canada's Front Door. Conaui Marry A. Conant calls Wind r the front chwir Info Cnnnda from e rn'.red State* Tlie number of ople entering there in the fl?oal ar ended Man h 31. HMO. was great than via any other port, and the ilumc of ahtpptng was proportional egreat. Moving Pioturas Aid Pastor. K mlnlater of Limn. O.. advertl"* i Sunday sermons In moving plefi eaters. _ I I ltOLL. WKKVll. ON ThK tike K\|H'rt? tlie Wt*>t. i'^H The following ittU 11 est j H weexil dispersion up to Sep^H^^. AflS 15. 1910. is made by w. a^H Fierce, bureau of enu>u>oingy^Ht|^& '. ...'>ofl^^HJjH BH Texas: SHH No work has been done upd9flBt^ ,. line Intection oi Ok iahoma.^^^^&3 sii <1 line in Arkansas has jfl back about fifteen miles off sliyhtly passefl^^^BB 1909 line the vicinity of |^Ho from omi")<1c9^^HhR M the 1909 line until it reathaBBBuf^ inonf. In The diuBEB | - flVJ w4p&flB II lleelake, in Holmes County, theifyffifil jgjMFI to Lexington through Sallis, in ^ /MWr'l ahrufltflH fl south at IMattsburg in Wins^b0k-;; ' 'ImW^B County, ami then pusses three rnHjg^&f'. <vWS| Newton. Cnh^^HjB. halt-way between Heidelburg ^PEr^Sl J^B Stringer, in Jasper County, into Wayne County > of j? ro l> W leaves the State of Mississippi at. 1 v ffl Stateline. In Alabama the infeetBEB I H tion crosses the Mobile and Ohio iSfc; Railrond at Fruitdale, .n Washing- '-J? ton County, turning south passing east of Citronelle to ?Lt bead of MoThe line is moving rapidly east- II ward that even at th? present writing it has probably r; < ved tweuty or VJ| more miles further. a statement % \ of this nature will be .ssued as soon jg as possible following the 15th of ijl each month until th< dispersion is I WAltNS Till: SOUTH. |l Pint lint Says Our Water I'owrrN Aie Already ( ?>oe. ^ | Oifford Pinehot. .at the Initial V 1 meeting of the Souther* Conscrvatlon congress at Atlanta, Friday, tie- |B| dared that the Soutl ?s as viunly Bn concerned with the movement for the censervation of the nation's naturni resources as any section of the vH country, and he warned the Southerners that the big corporations already were actively working to SB- II cure monopoly of the resources oT Bl "Your water newer reson re.-.* 'f here in the south are so completely 3 in the bands of the I>uho iutere?r m4 I and of the General Blectrte comp.t- I ny's interest.'' he said, "that It will jJ be almost impossible for indopeod- ' ents to break into the water power I market." "In the North we have not un- $ derstood how fully the spirit which ? governs the insurgent movement is 4 I the same as dominates the movement in the South. It is a fight for political independence on the part of Ig the vtoers. 1 am no' advocating u new political party. The llnee of cleavage, however, are not between Republican and Democrat. They are ^ l>etw??en the men who believe the lawshould he ad ministered for the good of special interests of humanity." * ' cr! ?;.T1 T km?C7L~t T} TTT k riTT DKATll I'KXAIiTV INFIdtTKl). Hunk Shmwl llniigs lor the MuHi r of a Constable. 1 For the murder of Special Con- I stable E. O. Waldrop at l'iedmon about two mouths ago, Frank Sberard Friday morning paid the death penalty on the gallows at the county jj jail in Greenville. This la tbe first Infliction of the death sentence ia that county in a number of years. The negro was convicted at tht fi last session of the Criminal Cour\ f ana sentenced by Judge (Jury to f, hang on the flint Friday in October. m: Only a few spectators saw the melancholy event besides the county ot- ' floors, as prescribed by the State laws. During his trial Shorard denied his guilt, but later made a full confession of the crime to tho attorneys appointed to defend him. "Wnldrop was killed while attempting to arrest Shernrd. A party of 1 the officers had run upon a group of crap shooters, and in tho mob e Shored 1 rod a shot gun into tho aid* j of the constable. A posse of citizens seachod for the ne?ro for two days, and it is probable that lynching was only averted by the capture of the negro by sheriff's party. Hud Case of Cholera Aboard. The steamship Snnt 'Anna, front French and Italian ports, now detained at quarantine, ofT New York, has a caso of cholera aboard. Tho victim. a man in the steerage, died on September 15, and was buried at 1 sea. Two other rases of intestinal tror.ble aro under observation. Meanwhile the Sunt Anna, carrying 221 tlrst-class cabin passengers, some of them prominent Americans, and 1,072 in the steerage, is held as a possible "cholera carrier," pending | further investigation. ^ Tliey Need Help. (lov. Rberhardt, of Minnesota. ** prosident of the State Red Cross society, Saturday issued a proclamation calling upon the citizens of the State for contributions of money, provisions and clothing, for sufferers from the forest fires in the northern part of the State. 4- 1