University of South Carolina Libraries
HONORS HEROES iaarens Canity Umils a Maiaacat to the Mercery ef Her i NOBLE, GALLANT SONS " A Beautiful Memorial Is Krected (o OomasfHi(>rn(<< the Deeds of Heroism of the Gallant Men of Lauren* County Who Willingly Laid Down Thidr I lives for Their State. In the preseuce of fully 3,000 peopie, including 200 veterans and o'JO school childreu the Confederate moouruent erected to the memory of Laurens Couuty soldiers, was Wed? uesdhy unveiled after being formally awesented to the county of Laurens Jby Governor Martin F. Ansel in behalf of J. B. Kershaw Chapter. United Daughters of the Confederacy, under whose auspices the exercises were he UL The speech of acceptance was delivered by the lion. R. A. * ooper, of Laurens, who in behalf fit the people of Laurens pledged the care and protection of the shaft, which flttingtje-comnieniorates the valor of Lauceus County heroes of the Southern Cojafederacy. The Hon. C. C. Featherstone ac'od s master of ceremonies and made the, address of welcome, dwelling sympathetically upon the auspicious-' - -ueaa -of--the occasion. The oration of thfc day wus delivered by Dr.' Lee' Oajrts Lodge, president of Limestone Coliece. and one of the most accompibsbed speakers of this State. The ?uvocation was offered by thy Rev. W. E. Thayer, of Laurens. Preceding the exercises the Veterans were given a ride about the cityla automobiles, there being over 20 machines in the procession, l'rompt*" ty at 10 o'clock the Daughters and Veterans assembled at the Opera House and there marched to the stand near the monument, headed by the Newberry Bund. The thirteen girls selected to unveil the monument were joiue<l in the line of march by toft school children and their teachers. It was a uiost Imposing and inspiring scene, one of the notable features of the day. The stand was decorated and from all the stores and other buildings on the square flags ?nd bunting were displayed in honor df the occasion. A11 stores banks and ofHeers were closed during the ceremonies. Upon concluding his speech Governor Ansel announced that the little .girls who were to poll the cords unveiling the monument would come' forward and he suggested that the war-time yell be given aa the e? fell, and -th esuggestion was carried out with a will. In connection with the children who unveiled the ?rnaft It Is interesting to note that Beaufort Ball Copeland, youngest of tne thirteen, is a granddaughter ?.f tl?d late Col. R. W. Ball and great-1 granddaughter of W. D. Watts, one of the signers of the Ordinance of Secession. She also participated In unveiling the monument nt Cross Hill, erected by B. W. Ball Chaptei. U. O. C.. some time ago. Dr. Ixtdge was presented with some hpttdsnme bouquets, including one togs Sarah Eliza Swygert, a little tot. who was held in the arms of Mr. F&alherstone as she gracefully presented the wreath. Governor Ansel also received flowers. Another hap<V Incident was the presentation of a beautiful wreath to the Laurens Chapter. U. D. C.. by Stephen D. Ei<lott. of Clinton. The monument is thirty-two feet fcitfh. The lower section is built of . ?.Wlnnst>oro granite of a light gray cslor. Crowniug the monument is the figure ?f a Southern soldier, a inUate. standing erect and almost in the attitude of "parade rest.' This H&urc is of delicate carved whit*'. Vermont ma ride and bears in its e^ ery curve the proud looks that the "Boys In Gray" rightly bear. The soldier is facing the South, snd on the main shaft below is carved the Confederate flag. The section underneath this bears the memorable dates lS61-186.ri. Below the dales is this inscription: In memory of The Boys in Gray Krected 1910 By the Citizens of ' Imurens County Under the Auspices of 'J. U. Kershaw Chapter U. D. C. On the top stone of the base, carved on the south and north sides, are the words: "Our Heroes." tTThe north side of the monument bears this inscription: ."On Fame's Kternal Camping Ground Their Silent Tents are Spread. And Glory Guards with Solemn Round fho Hivouac of the Dead." shall break the guards that I wait, Before the awful face of fate? Tfre tattered standards of the South {Were shrivelled at the cannoua And all her hopes were desolate. "Fold up the banners! Smelt tho Ix>vh Rules. Her gentler purpose FARMER IS ROBBED ON A LONELY ROAD BY AN UNKNOWN FOOTPAD. >Lr. James Bonnett is Relieved of th< Proceeds from the Sale of a Bale of Cotton. A bold robbery has just been mailt ouhlic. With the proceeds from a >?tle of cotton that he had sold, in his pocket, James Bonnett, a well known farmer living between White Pond and Windsor, in this state, was robbed Tuesday afternoon by an unknown negro, who made his escape The robbery was one of the boldest that has been reported in a long time, and was practically a hold up. IMr. Bonnett went Tuesday to Wllliston, and there sold a bale of cotton. He started to drive home lutt in the afternoon, and had in cash $56. When some distance out ol Willistou. and driving along a lonely stretch of road, he overtook a negro, who was walking. The negro asked for a ride and Mr. Bonnett stopped his team and took the negro in the wagon. SHe did not drive far until the negro, who was standing up behind Mr. Bonnett, caught him by the throat and l>ore him down to the floor of the wagon. Mr. Bonnett, who is between 60 and 65 years ol age, was easily overcome, and whi-n he was choaked into insensibility, the negro rifled his pockets, securing all the money he had. The negro then made his escape. Mr. Ftonnett was not Injured seriously and soon recovered. He stated that ho did not know the negro, but it is very likely that he could recognize him If he ever sees his assailant again. It is thought that the negro bad been In Wllllston Tuesday, and seeing Mr. Bonnett selling cotton, deliberately planned to rob him. K1L1.K1) FOB RKVUNGK. Negro Committed ltrutal Crime U> Avenge Himself. Robert L. Maguigan, Jr., 13-yearold son of Robert Maguigan, of Bev vi 1*7}. v?. j., w ho w as iouua nanmni; from the front stoop of his parenm residence on September 23. was murdered. it Is believed, by some enemy of his father, instead of having committed suicide, as was at first supposed. The facts came out at the inquest Wednesday night when the father took the witness stand. The father is foreman of a large factory. He has had numerous differences with the men under him. His most recent trouble was on September 23. "That day a colored man came to see me and demanded some money, said Maguigan. "I refused to she him uny. He told me he would get even, and before the day was over 1 would know how he was to take revenge." "I thought nothing of the threat until that night when I went home to find my boy dead. His little sister found him hanging to the front door steps, a strap around his neck. "1 am sure the man who made the threats did the deed. He killed my boy to revenge himself upon me. I have kept quiet to see if 1 could not run down the murderer and take the matter into my own hands." CAISK MANY TO FLKK. Fnrtltqiiuke Shocks Depopulate Pact of Arizona. A dispatch from Flagstaff, Ariz., says a territory fifty miles square, extending from there to the grand canon of the Colorado, stands practically depopulated because of earthquake and rumblings, which, beginning Saturday, are steadily'increasins in magnitude and violence. Indians, of whom there were many in the region, fled when the quakes began, terrified by sinister imports which they imagined to be contained in the cracking of ground. The whites remained until their homes fell about them. J. B. Shaves, the first of the refugees to reach Flagstaff, reported that his house was cracked. Others who came in later reported that volcanic stones had been torn from beds and sent down the mountain sides. They refused to go back. The whole district is of volcanic origin. The phenomena is attributed to a slip 'n the earth. Fewer Deaths. The mortality report of the census bureau shows a decrease in 15)09 compared with 1908 of Deaths in this country from tul>erculo8i8 and tyI phoid fever. The rate of the former fell from 174 to 107 1-2 per hundred thousand, the rate of the later from 25 to 22. 11 is Money Waa Safe. At Boston. Mass., upon being told his bootblack stand, in which he had $300, was a fire. Joseph Sesoneran Friday died of cerebral hemorrhage. The fire was extingushed before it reached the money. runs. The mighty Mother turns in tears The pages of her battle years. Lamenting all her fallen Sons! ' ^ " ^V:" ' A Few Reasi Why It Is Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone Aches and Pains more quick] t other remedy known. Its peculiar penetrating pro] most effective?NOAH'S LI Way be used with absolute confi purity for Internal and Extei , . It is Triple Strength. A powei and sure Fain Remedy, thei effective in producing resul i Not only contains the old-fashi dients, but also the latest date discoveries?NOAH'S I [ Recommended and sold under i for the following: Rheums forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, and Muscles, Sore Throat, Col Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Bruise Colic, Toothache, and all N and Muscle Aches and Pain Drug stores in cities and tow stores in the country, 25c, 50 I the bottle, and money back isfied. Isn't this fair? CLASSIFIED COLUMN Ship your calves, hogs, sheep, lambs, etc., to The Parlor Market. Augus> ta, Ga., 1018 Broad Street. Summer Hoarders Wanted?Rates $7.00 to $8.00 per week. No consumptives taken. Mrs. Wads Harrison, McAlpin House, Saluda, N. C. - Farms for Sale in North and South Carolina and Virginia. Ask for largo list. State your wants. R. E. Prince. Raleigh. N. C. ? South Georgia.?Illustrated bookley descriptive of this Quest farming section of the South sent free by addressing W. L. Glessner, Augusta. Ga. ; Wanted?Men to take fifteen da>a practical cotton course, accept good positions during the fall. Charlotte Cotton Company, Charlotte, N. C. i _ . fattest Fiction?Our little booklet, "Rooks of the Month" contains a brief synopsis of ail the latest books. It is free. Write for It. Sims Book Store. Orangeburg, S. C. For Sale?Up-to-date Georgia Peach Farm; thirty thousand crates this year. Also Improved Georgia farms and farm lands. Write for particulads. 11. F. Strohecker, Maeou. Ga. Wanted?to buy your hides, skins, tallow, wool, beeswax, etc., at highest market prices and settlement sent promptly. Telephone 1820. Wilse W. Martin, Columbia. S. C. Cut this out?It may not appear again. How gamblers win. at slot machines, cards, dice, etc., by secret systems. Get wise. Circular free. Ham. B. Co., Bo* 1617, Hammond, Ind. Wuuted?Men and ladies to take 3 months Practical course. Rxpert management. High salaried portions guaranteed. Write for catalogue now. Charlotte Telegraph School, Charlotte. N. C. Wanted.?Men to take thirty days practical course in our machine shops and learn automobile business. Positions secured graduates $25.00 per week and up. Charlotte Auto School. Charlotte, N. C. .Male Teachers Wanted for good village and rural schools. If open to offer write for special enrollment offer. Can place you at once. Bnoll...- f " ~ - uvui uci ii i citi'iiei 8 Agency, Columbia. S. C. Wanted Salesmen?A few more hustlers 011 our new Standard Atlas New census soon available. Splendid opportunities for money malting. Kxcellent line for ex-teachers. Write The Scarborough Company, Charlotte. N. C. Mi-slsnlppi Delta Laade.?'Why toll your life away on the poor farms your grandfather wore out? Come M J Best 1 and Muscle ly than any hmBSBB perties are I-P 7 AY axxlcub x. dence in its l???!?j*3r^ rnal Uses. B^PV1^^ ful, speedy Ik J refore most 15111] onedingre- ? ?? ?; and up-to- ?AAN Al JNIMENT. VMtlTIt* t auee .01 i guarantee phick. this itism in all **?,a' Stiff JoinU HSHTy " Ids, Strains, is, Cramps, erTe' Bone impor I. The genuine Noah's : above. Look for Noah* __ ? trade mark, registered ns, general your protection. Npah" . . red ink on the original C and 11.00 aide container. Accept It Is the only Pain Jtei if not sat. guarantee. If your de 25c in stampH and we v fund money if not pe fraud; accept no aubst to Mississippi Delta where one caa grow more than ten can gather I have what you waut at the right price and terms. Come or writ. W. T. Pitts. Indlanola, Mlas. t For sale?Milch cow*, Jerseys, and t grades of good breeding, register ed jersey male calves. White Col- i lie dogs, (registered). Also ser- J ice from a registered, beautiful wane Collie Ten ($10) dollar* 1 guaranteed. Bronze turkeys, and < Tammouth hogs- Add "ess M. R Sams, Jonesvllle, S. C. In Order *o lutro?lut*<* my high grade Succession Flat Dutch and Wake- y field Cabbage Plants to those who j have not used them before I will give with each first order for a thousand plants at a $1.25, a dollars worth of vegetable and flower seed absolutely free. W. 11. Hart, Plant Grower, Enterprise, P. O., S. C. i Live, energetic men can secure fin* paying contract with an old time life insurance company In the following countieB: Richland, Lexington. Fairfield, Chester, York. Cherokee, Union, Newberry, Saluda, Greenwood, Abbeville Anderson. Pickens, Oconee. L ureas. Spartanburg and Greenville. Address Thos. C. Walton. General Agent, P. O. Box 277. Anderson, S. C. Wanted?Every man, woman anc child in South Carolina to know that the "Alco" brand of Sash Doors and Rltnds are the beet and are made only by the Augusts , Lumber Company, who manufac- j ture every thine: in Lumlier and t Mlllwork and whose watchword la 'j "Quality." Write AngiiHta I,urn- c t?fr Company, Augusta, (rtiirpa for prices on any order, large or small. Georgia Farms For Sale nt lUrgain lVtoes.?South West Georgia Farms are veritable Cold mines and every man that has the money or the energy can own one. Decatur county offers more to the 1 progressive farmer, merchant or J manufacturer than any other southern county. Decitnr county has more tine roads than any couniy in Georgia. We have some of the finest and most productive land in America. We will sell you any size farm you want at terms to a suit any kind of pocket book. A " profitable crop of some kind can be grown in Decatur County every month in the year. Just think of a 600 acre tract of fine level land with pill- ail hortil I ! ?* j ??.raw" i.'iuk >?ii "lie o: our fine roads within seven niiies <J ol' one of the most progressive c towns in Georgia with 200 acres under cultivation and 400 in flue 0 Pine Timber with excellent lin- a provements, artesian well, etc., at $20.Oo per acre on terms that will almost pay for itself. Get busy and own a Decatur farm and you I will soon he rich. We will pay all expenses to and from Rainbridge to any one purchasing a farm from us. References, First National Rank or Ralnbridge State Hank. T. A. Ausley, Rainbridge, Gs. 2 K~i m c^Jfl a ? Iw el I Li I di k 11 1MB I ^ M-JMI* I dj If I M>MK >* KVUl? IU t< AM* fMM IK CI P MP BEAST 11 k M*. UIM. fll vv INBfM TM( f*Ok Ana UJ a r, juhk m, ? ? . M a I Size. 28 CENTS l|l X AM. AM* II.M ju IMCDY CO, HI " aBmaMmsCAAi U It tent Notice ? fc Liniment looks exactly like the T a Ark on every package. our in the U. S. Patent Ofltce, for a Liniment always appears In , botii on the label and on out- m nothing but Noah'a Liniment. at medy Bold under a positive tl aler will not supply you. send g rill mall you a bottle and re- I tl rfectly satisfied. Beware of | p< ltute. I T Bargains in Land. 900 acres, Sumter county, Ga.; 700 acres in high state of cultivaion; all level red land of best grade; 1 story 8-room residence, large >arns and outbuildings. Plenty ol enant houses. One of the best bargains in Georgia. Easy terms. 80 acres in limits of good town, 10 room modern residence, hard vood floors, steam heat, large >ams; 4 room tenant house. $6,000 1 -3 cash. Write for list. SOUTHERN LAND CO. Imericutf, G?., Cuthbert, Qa. or ThomaMtoa. Ga. Some Ills I'ish. One of the biggest catches of the ishing season at Long Branch. N. .!., s credited to Capt. Hiram I.ockwood ind the little crew of bis fishing imack Dinah. The boat Thursday >rought in four fish which tlpp Hi he scales at an average of 1.000 >ounds each. The catch included hree sharks and a horse mackerel. Took Him for Thief. Ash A rinclrnmr sit I"-?! *, u. mi ill lUKIluni, Uu., was shot to death by George facksou. a negro i>eddler. wlio misook his victim for a highwayman. !"he negro Is held on a charge of nurdor. Burduco Li (PRIC Mild and Genl No N Cleanses the Systei Liver Regi \s a regu'ator no rem-Jy ' as ever luco Liver Powder. A oarehil sti ?ie of this, then ir. addition the Nl >f sufferers benefitted further ass hove statement. Read this one ji Messrs. ItiirKfill & Dunn Co., Manu CHAKI.OTTK. N. C., Dear Sirs:? Ple-?so tin<l ent trie four cans Rardui'O l.iver INnvdor never found anything that is as ; friend. Please send at once. Bedford, Mass.. Sept. 1. 1910. V VV-'V ^ ' ' " ~T Proof Positive Cured of Boar KkrumatUm. "I had been suffering with bone rheuatlsm for three years. I have been ling Nouh's Liniment, and can say lat it cured mc completely. Can walk ^ter than 1 have in two years. Noah's Iniment will do all you claim. Rev. E. Cyrus, Donald, S. C." Pain In Side and Neuralgia. "For Ave years I suffered with neuLlgiu and pain in side. Could not eep. I tried Noah's Liniment, and le first application made me feel betir. Mrs. Martha A. See, Richmond, a." Couldn't Italar Bight Aru. I caught cold and had a severe stick of rheumatism In my right shoulsr and could not raise my arm wlthjt much pain. I tried Noah's Lintient, and in less than a week was enrely free from pain. A. Crooker, Dor?' jester, Mass." Stiff Joints and Backache. "I have used Noah's Liniment for leumatism, stiff Joints and backache, nd I can say it did me more good than t?y pain remedy. Rev. George W. mlth, Abbeville, S. C." Sprained Aaklf. "I have been benefited greatly by oah's Liniment, using it for a sprained nkle. Mrs. W. D. Robertson, West imervllie, Mass." Pains la the Back. "I suffered ten years with a dreadilly sore pain in my back, and tried J liferent remedies. Less than half a ^ ottle of Noah's Liniment made a per- Jj. set cure. Mrs. Rev. J. D. Bllllngsley, olnt Eastern, Va." : ,i Neuralgia and Tothaehe. "My wife suffered for several years 1th neuralgia and 'oothache. She used bout half a bottle of Noah's Liniment nd got immediate relief. J. S. Fisher, ellceman, Hodges, S. C." Rheumatism In the Neck. "I received the bottle of Noah's Linticnt, and thlr.k it has helped me greatf. 1 have rheumatism In my neck and relieved it right much. Mrs. Martha * Lambert, Beaver Lam, Va." For Horses. "We have never used a liniment we insider the etiuai to Noah's Liniment >r bruises, sprains, strained tendons nd to use on throat, sides and ciwst >r distemper, colds, etc. Richmond ranufer Co., Richmond, Va." Brtter Than f.VOU Remedies. "We cheerfully recommend all stable ten to give Noah's Liniment a trial nd be convinced of its wonderful curtve properties. We have obtained as ood if not better results from Its use tan we did from remedies costing fft.00 pr bottle. Norfolk and Portsmouth ransfer Co., Norfolk. Va." a FATALITIKS IN IMTTHBCKO. One Hay's Itcrorti in Police Courts of Thut City. This rather exceptional ?cord of > a day's tragedies was compiled by lithe nollee nf IMitthnri, o? ? , - vu iaob C Thursday: Mrs. Sarah Welsh, aged 32, was found fatally burned iu her apartment at 19 Penu street north side. She died after saying that her burns , were received in an explosion of a. gas range, hut the range was found iutact. The police scented mystery In the case and are investigating. George Stewart, aged bO, was * found dead on the steps of the Herron 11111 Methodist Episcopal church. He had taken carbolic alld. George Ogden fell from the window of a Carson street hotel and was instantly killed. W. S. Ilert8berger. aged 21, was killed by electricity while repairing light at the Pressed Steel Car company's plant in McKces Rocks. John Rosa, aged lft. of Homestead l fatally ahot himself through the lungs and will die. The police declare It suicide. Myrtle King, aged 21, attempted suicide by drinking poisou at a Second avenue rooming house. She ' expected to recover. Cut His Head Oft. Jacob Foreman, aged 37 years, was decapitated and two other men injured, one seriously, by the bursting of a steam pipe at the Orient coke plant, at Orient. Pa., Thursday. The three men were at work In tho engine, when, without warning a 6 mrn steani pipe burpt, fragments of the iron being hurled with terriflo force in all directions. One piece cut off Foreman's head. ver Powder ? 25c.) :le?No Griping, ausea. m and Teaches the liar Habits. been discovered that equals BurI r / lkIy ot its tornriula will convince any JiVHER of letters in our files telling ures us of the correctness of the 1st received. ufacturers, losed $1.00 for which pleaao send I utsB two c;ins a year und hava food. Ani ordering two cans for a Yours truly. H. H. Barr. 143 North 9C V